Chivalry 2 is a new multiplayer first person slasher game developed by ‘Torn Banner Studios‘ and published by ‘Tripwire‘. Chivalry 2 is said to be coming out June 8 2021 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PS4, PS5 and PC. Chivalry 2 has got some big battles and it eventually got our attention. Let’s take a look.
Chivalry 2 doesn’t have a story really. It’s basically that you, the player, are a knight and you are thrust into battles and wars. It’s just sword shining, spear throwing action. The game just gets straight to the point here. So there’s no story from what we have seen. Like a battle royale you just jump straight into the action and battle it out.
The concept of Chivalry 2 is simple. Just get in there. Chivalry 2 is a multiplayer game with up to 64 players. There are what’s described as ‘massive maps’. There’s castle sieges and even rain of flaming arrows coming down on you. Expect large groups of armour clad enemies coming straight for you. Since it’s multiplayer, know that enemy players are coming for your head. This is where things get really interesting.
The combat isn’t just simply slash and swing your sword around like an idiot. You have to time your swings because enemies can block your strikes leaving you wide open for a counter strike. There are thrusts and swings and off course other weapons like spears and axes. This means match ups is important so there is some strategy to this game… hopefully. We hope the developers took that route. What we do see and like is that limbs can be cut off. You can make your enemies useless in battle and do clean executions.
We checked out some Chivalry 2 gameplay and it’s what we expected. We do expect more though. Chivalry 2 reminds us in some ways of ‘For Honour’. Interestingly, For honour seems to have the better combat mechanics so Chivalry 2 needs to step it up. There’s potential here. They have done good stuff like cutting the arm of an enemy which is holding the weapon is a good start but there’s more that can be done. Do your best developers.
Overall Chivalry 2 seems like another multiplayer game that’s designed to provide simple fun and jump straight in action. Visually it looks good. We do like some of the environments we have seen. We need to see more and possibly an expansion on combat styles. The developers ‘Torn Banner Studios’ have done an alright job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker need to see more if this isn’t going to be a simple game. Now Chivalry 2 may have big medieval battles but those are all wimpy compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’
For more information check out the link below: