X35 Earthwalker Super Bomberman R 2

Super Bomberman R 2 is an action adventure game developed and published by ‘Konami’. Super Bomberman R 2 is said to be coming out the 13th of September 2023 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and pc. X35 Earthwalker‘s crew truly enjoyed the first game. Super Bomberman R 2 is clearly trying to make a blast… make a boom… explode on to the scene… we have more of these and can go on. Let’s take a look.

Super Bomberman R 2 is bringing back what we know. The Bomberman family is back. They are still silly, dysfunctional, funny and getting the job done. There’s another threat in the universe. The Bomberman brothers and their new friends, the ellons, have to save the universe… again. So that’s the story basically. It’s a Bomberman game after all. 

X35 Earthwalker Super Bomberman R 2

Super Bomberman R 2 is something that’s on our screens for sure. There’s lots to do in the previous game and now there’s even more. There’s even a whole new game mode too, that’s going to make players get tactical and think more. The story unlocks as you explore the planets which is a cool change. Makes exploration impactful and necessary. You go to do it. Use your bombs to blow things up, progress and defeat your foes. We hear there’s even a secret puzzle. Players may need to find hints for it.

Multiplayer in Super Bomberman R 2 is pretty much how we remember it. Use your bombs to blow up your enemies, outplay, outwit, or trap them. Whatever. It’s freaking Bomberman. You should know what to do. This also includes the 64 player mode. So yeah… the more the merrier… maybe. X35 Earthwalker won his very first 64 player battle Royale match… in his first match. That’s how good he is. Maybe he will do it again.

X35 Earthwalker Super Bomberman R 2

Now concerning the new mode, it’s called ‘Castle’. Here’s how it works. It’s a battle mode with a maximum of 16 players. Two teams. There’s an attack side and the castle side. Castle side is the defence side. It’s a battle over treasure chests and their keys off course. The castle side must defend the treasure chests and keys. There’s gimmicks available and even the Ellons. Use them well. Even better are these weapons the castle players can use. There’s three weapon types to take into battle but you must pick one. Each have conditions for players to meet, to charge the weapon. Use weapon when fully charged. Super Bomberman R 2 keeping it simple.

X35 Earthwalker Super Bomberman R 2

On top of this there’s an editor so you can custom build your own stages. Put in your gimmicks, set in some walls and finally test your stage yourself. Once it’s complete and works, then you can upload it. Add tags to it so it’s easier to find. You can easily find other players designed stages too and give them a run through.

We checked out some Super Bomberman R 2 gameplay and it’s what we expected. The animations, especially when it comes to the celebrations, seem to be a step up. The explosions are better too overall when it comes to details. After the flash of yellow/orange and red you then get the black smoke. Now hopefully this signifies whether it’s safe to proceed through their path or not is yet to be explored.  The new mode is welcome for sure as it’s just more options and more ways to play. There’s quite a bit more they can actually do here.

Overall Super Bomberman R 2 looks like it’s going to be a blast just like the previous game. The matter of how smooth the gameplay will be, especially when compared to the previous one, matters. It’s colourful and looks fun as always. There are few questions concerning the multiplayer modes but these things can be found. The developers ‘Konami’ have done a fantastic job so far. X35 Earthwalker is looking forward to using bombs. Super Bomberman R 2 may have more explosions and a castle but those two get nothing down in the presence of… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Back 4 Blood

Back 4 Blood is a cooperative First Person shooter zombie game developed by ‘Turtle Rock Studios‘ and published by ‘Warner Bros Games‘. Back 4 Blood is an excellent game but got unfairly bashed by the ignorant gaming community. Another victim of this like the Callisto Protocol. X35 Earthwalker did a whole podcast episode talking about Back 4 Blood. So check that out as well. Back 4 Blood is definitely better than Left 4 Dead 2. Let’s take a look.

Let’s not make this long as there’s a whole podcast on this as well. For starters Left 4 Dead 2 was released in 2009. An old game like that is not beating a new game like Back 4 Blood. The huge gap in time means a gap in technology and software. So it’s obvious that Back 4 Blood has superior graphics and visuals. The levels look much better as well. The character designs are more detailed. That’s the obvious stuff.

X35 Earthwalker Back 4 Blood

Left 4 Dead 2 has 4 characters and only one of them is actually memorable. Back 4 Blood has 8 characters right off the bat but an additional 4 as additional content. So a total of 12 characters. So Back 4 Blood has 3 times more characters. More options. What’s also better is that Back 4 Blood’s characters have abilities. Each character has an effect for themselves and then a buff for their team. So for example a character might have a maximum stamina boost for themself but then grants faster stamina regeneration for the whole team. So yeah, remember that there’s 12 of them.

Next off course is the ridden… the zombies/infected. There’s more threats and ridden variety than what you have in Left 4 Dead 2. Left 4 Dead 2 has regular zombies, jockey, smoker, spitter, boomer, charger, hunter, tank and witch. Each of course do their own thing. For example the tank is the biggest, strongest and most dangerous. Witch only attacks with lethal strikes when started or disturbed by players. Jockey likes to hop on players to incapacitate players and render them useless. Smoker tries to kidnap players with its long tongue. Charger believes in charging you down to pin you and do big damage.

X35 Earthwalker Back 4 Blood

In Back 4 Blood you have: regular ridden, snitcher, Tallboy, Reeker, Stinger, shredder, ripper, sentinel, urchin and these have variants too and ones that have armour too, making them even more. For example there’s three types of sentinels which each have different annoying attacks like an actual swarm and the other lobs like fire bombs. The Tank is like the boss enemy of Left 4 Dead 2 but not an actual boss. Back 4 Blood actually has bosses with health bars, so another step up over Left 4 Dead 2. There’s currently 3 bosses at least that you can encounter even in a level as a surprise guest. Ogre, Hag and Berserker. Each one is a major problem. Ogre is the largest thing ever and can hurl massive boulder like projectiles. Hag is basically the superior witch as when startled it chases the player down and proper chomps down on them. Than can escape by digging into the ground. The Berserker is armoured up and leaps great distances to slam and throw players around. Basically a discount Berserker from Gears of War. So way more threats and enemies in Back 4 Blood.

Next up are weapons. There’s way more weapons in Back 4 Blood. More ranged weapons, more melee weapons, more throwable weapons. M4, M16, MP5, UMP45, Ak-47, RPK and way more rifles and guns of different types too. Shotguns, snipers and rifles like the M1. So whatever is your style you can do it. Even a sawed off shotgun. There’s bow and arrows with the arrows being infinite. Melee weapons there’s spiked baseball bats, axe, machete and even wolverine claws. There’s Molotov, pipe bombs (of course), grenades, smoke grenade, flash bang and let’s just say green glow substance to attract ridden to it. There’s also support items too like a stun gun to free yourself from being incapacitated by a special ridden that grabs you. We will say that the pipe bomb in Left 4 Dead 2 has a much better explosion than Back 4 Blood.

X35 Earthwalker Back 4 Blood

Another big advantage Back 4 Blood has are the weapon attachments. Both have them but Back 4 Blood has much more and deeper mechanics concerning it. Nozzle, magazine/bullets, scope and stock. The one you equip will have different parts and there’s different grades to the parts from common all the way to legendary. Even the melee weapons have attachments. Giving damage resistance, increased damage, melee speed, movement speed and more. So clearly Back 4 Blood has more mechanics and deeper than Left 4 Dead 2. Back 4 Blood even has a full weapons range for basically every weapon you can find in the game. Pick em up, try em out. Every throwable and attachment is there too. So you can get a feel for them, see the difference the attachments make and see the exact damage with the targets. There’s even a flamethrower!!! And it’s mad strong. 

X35 Earthwalker Back 4 Blood

The last major factor that puts Back 4 Blood way above Left 4 Dead 2 is the card system. These cards completely change the game. Use these cards to create builds. Some builds increase your damage with a certain weapon. Some increase your health. Others gave increased damage resistance. Some are a trade like -5% health but gain 40% stamina. When you unlock the strongest cards you can make yourself ridiculously strong. X35 Earthwalker the one true Earthwalker, the legendary soldier himself has multiple builds and he is over powered. There’s a melee build where it’s basically impossible for him to die while fighting. He has a mighty shooting build where he never needs to reload and does massive damage with guns.  

Back 4 Blood has received additional content so more things have arrived. There’s lots happening and when done on some of the hardest difficulties, things can get insane and intense. Left 4 Dead 2 is very easy. Easy game. Your melee attack is over powered. Back 4 Blood is a much harder game and requires far more strategy and good gameplay to beat, instead of spamming melee. This isn’t everything that Back 4 Blood does better than Left 4 Dead 2 but it’s already really clear which game is better. X35 Earthwalker is never wrong. Back 4 Blood may be better than Left 4 Dead 2 but neither are own the level off… the ‘Earth Walk!

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X35 Earthwalker The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is a team based horror game developed by ‘Sumo Nottingham‘ and published by ‘Gun Interactive‘. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre came out already and it’s available on Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PS5, PS4 and pc. X35 Earthwalker has decided to look into this game and it’s got his attention. So here are some thoughts from X35 Earthwalker on The Texas Chain Saw Massacre. Let’s take a look.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre has the murderous Leather face family squaring up with the survivors. The survivors have to escape the house, facility or wherever they are held captive while the evil family tries to kill them. Simple. Now straight away players will make a comparison to ‘Dead by Daylight’. Similar but very clear differences for sure. Now straight up, X35 Earthwalker never cared for Dead by Daylight. We know about Dead by Daylight, the hunting villains, the traps and mechanics but never played and never wanted to. We can already confirm that The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is a better game than Dead by Daylight. Feed grandpa…

X35 Earthwalker The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

What’s sad is that when a new game comes in and even sort off steps on another established games territory, the fanbase of the established game at dumb and hate the new game. The left 4 dead 2 fans attacked Back 4 Blood. Back 4 Blood is better than Left 4 dead 2. So far it looks like The Texas Chain Saw Massacre is having a good time and bringing in lots of new players to this genre of gaming. The Texas Chain Saw Massacre has potential to do even more like locations and events. Feed grandpa?

From what we have seen so far it definitely looks like things are heavily in the favour of the killer family. They seem much stronger right now. We will say that we don’t know about the skill trees for each character. We know how it works, like increasing the savagery of leather face to do more damage for example but not the exact buffs it gives, unlocks and perks down the line and therefore the synergy and builds you can make. Who knows… maybe a focused powerful build can make Leland A survivor) bully the killers and tilt the whole favour to the victims. When you compare what these characters can do and the objective, it gets crazy. In Dead by daylight there’s one killer but in The Texas Chain Saw Massacre… there’s multiple. Feed grampa!

X35 Earthwalker The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

Just Sissy alone is a game changer. She can relentlessly chase down the victims and place the biggest amount of stress and pressure on survivors. She can go through gaps and crawl spaces too. Meaning the survivors are never safe. Then she’s poisoning people on top. You can hide by a gap, then blow poison in that area as a victim comes through and slash them up… easy kill. The hitch hiker is also chasing people down and going through certain spots too. He then set traps at crucial locations to slow you down. The cook is pad locking certain doors and locking things down. Less options for the survivors… and he has super hearing. Johnny is out here with powerful consecutive attacks and track players down to their almost exact location. Then big bad but stupid leather face who’s out here destroying obstacles and creating paths for his family. It’s good that his chainsaw alerts victims to where he is. Feed grandpa?!

The survivors have sound detection, faster unlocks, a shoulder bash, pain tolerance basically and a big second wind for sprinting. Of course the skill tree will change things for sure but it’s definitely one sided by the looks of it. Now off course there are factors like communication skills and team work, the obstacles in the map themselves and that there’s multiple escape routes. We even saw players who escaped the map  in a. matter of minutes. Like an insanely fast escape. Obviously since players will now be aware of this and the fuses, skilful family members will be aware and ready to stop that from happening. We definitely need to see more amazing gameplay from the survivors instead of cheap tactics that only work temporarily of the ignorance of murderer players. Feed grandpa()

X35 Earthwalker The Texas Chain Saw Massacre

This will lead to mind games between both sides and we already have advanced tactics in mind that we haven’t seen players do. Makes sense as X35 Earthwalker is the smartest person on the planet. Some youtubers say foolish things, when asked which side is stronger, like “it depends on the team”. That a response for the lazy and ignorant. No one wants such a lame answer. Currently the family is clearly stronger. The only time they have a hard time or lose is when they mess up or have a new player who doesn’t know much about the game. Feed grandpa-

Fine we will address grandpa. You guys keep bringing it up. Grandpa is the strongest member of the murder family. He makes things even more in the families favour. Get him activated as soon as possible! He will automatically slow down the victims as they have to stay still or spend time trying to take grandpa out. At max level which isn’t that hard to do, he completely destroys the victims by revealing them completely whether they are staying still for not. If the victims want to take too long and play hide and seek, then work on grandpa and they will regret it. Grandpa probably use to be the beast titan back in the day. Just listen to that howl/scream/roar. People sissy be collecting blood real easy. Too man players and youtubers forget to top grandpa up. Humph… amateurs.

The Texas Chain Saw Massacre does have very graphic stuff happening which is needed. We like the different executions of the murder family. From the sadistic and laughing while killing, to the carefully placed slices and just straight up brutal kills with chainsaw. Many people like this game for a reason. The dumbest player we’ve ever seen with the worst gameplay ever was a dude named ltg. He was the worst victim player we ever saw. Now actually good players make the game fun and interesting to watch. Giving more of an adventure feel. We definitely look forward to seeing more of this game. X35 Earthwalker definitely expects more to come. Now The Texas Chain Saw Massacre may have a killer family but they wouldn’t stand a chance against… the ‘Earth walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Hello Engineer

Hello Engineer: Scrap Machines Constructor is a multiplayer construction game developed and published by ‘tinyBuild‘. Hello Engineer is said to be coming out the 17th of August 2023 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and pc. It’s already on Stadia. Hello Engineer is out here trying to build something big. X35 Earthwalker is greatest inventor ever. Let’s take a look.

Hello Engineer: Scrap Machines Constructor is all about players doing lots of construction and building of vehicles and other machinery. All this to overcome obstacles and challenges in an amusement park. Your neighbor, who is described as “creepy” is the antagonist. He also has evil bots. So even the neighbour wants to be Doctor Eggman. That’s the story basically.

X35 Earthwalker Hello Engineer

So this is what Hello Engineer: Scrap Machines Constructor brings to the table. You still have the neighbour, he’s still being creepy and there’s aspects of puzzles. You got to understand what’s going on, come up with a solution and it has to be done through your construction. We do like the change of genre and direction as it’s good to try new things and add more flavours to the meal.

X35 Earthwalker Hello Engineer

We checked out some Hello Engineer: Scrap Machines Constructor gameplay and it’s what we expected. Hello Neighbor style for sure and graphics. There’s gaps and jumps to make. There’s ramps and even what looks like a full race course section. You can build a lot of things. The size, the Fram, the shape, the tire types and size of course. You can even construct things that fly. Yeah, as in you got flames coming out to propel something into the air sort of like a rocket.

Overall Hello Engineer: Scrap Machines Constructor looks like a good game. If you like the Hello neighbor universe or maybe the neighbor himself then you shouldn’t have much of a problem. If you are creative and like Minecraft then you should be good too. The graphics are good for the style. Seems to be a good amount of creativity. The developers ‘tinyBuild’ have done a good job by the looks of it. We at X35 Earthwalker are not interested in this game but will have to hear what happens. Now Hello Engineer: Scrap Machines Constructor may have rocket vehicles but those can’t reach the heights of… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Space Hulk: Tactics

Space Hulk: Tactics is a very tactical game. Can get on your nerves though as off course it’s based on chance. Space Hulk: Tactics was developed by ‘Cyanide Studio‘ and published by ‘Focus Entertainment‘. Space Hulk: Tactics is a very good game. X35 Earthwalker, the greatest gamer himself’ has been playing this game and it’s been a good experience. Let’s take a look.

Space Hulk Tactics is a Warhammer 40000 game. So you know numbers and chance is a big factor. So be prepared to get screwed over by numbers. Basically there are two forces battling each other are space marines and genestealers. Which space marines? The blood angels. Those red dudes. There’s two campaigns. The two sides. Pick the one you want and get right into it. We started with the Space Marine terminators.

As you can see from our Space Hulk: Tactics gameplay video this is a slow paced game but as you get better you play faster. We recommend that you take your time. Every move matters, especially as the terminators. Even rotating costs an action point. So you can’t afford to make mistakes. So no undo. Deciding when to overwatch, split top the group, who to leave behind to hold a corridor, when to take a shot is a big thing at all times. As the Genestealers you are the real hunters. Constantly messing with the terminators head using fake blimps with your real ones to get terminators to be on guard, look a certain way or even prevent them from opening and going through a door. You come from different angles to try and get a terminator’s back or side for the guaranteed kill. The two sides play completely different with their own strengths and weaknesses.

X35 Earthwalker Space Hulk: Tactics

As you progress you unlock new modifications and weapons for your terminator units. In Space Hulk: Tactics, each weapon matters and have different effects too. For example the sergeant unit has a power sword which has the parry ability, where if you would lose the frontal melee, you preroll the highest genestealer die; however but you can unlock the thunder hammer which has a +1 for all frontal melee attacks. The hammer comes with a storm shield that gives a -1 to the genestealer in frontal melee. A heavy weapon bearer can eventually get heavy flamer weapon which has the ability to seal off a path by covering the floor in flames. Any Genestealer who attempts to cross will most likely be destroyed. So yeah, keep progressing through the story and get more options.

There’s more to Space Hulk: Tactics than just shooting and weapons. There’s cards that you can use if you have enough points (CP). You gain CP every turn. These cards can really bring there buffs or turn things in your favour. Or you can convert them for extra action points. There’s options and ways to really mix things up in Space Hulk: Tactics. Don’t forget, the Generstealers get upgrades too. So don’t be sleeping on them. For example the Bulwark Biomorph has less action points but is tougher… as in you need to hit it TWICE. So pay attention to what Generstealers are on the field and what weapons terminators are holding. It matters.

X35 Earthwalker Space Hulk: Tactics

Space Hulk: Tactics has been good fun so far. We have tried both the Space Marines and the Generstealers and both play very differently. We think it’s harder for the terminators for sure but with certain weapons things can almost seem unfair. We have to got deeper to see more. There’s a vs mode against other players but we haven’t tried that yet and don’t have any interest to try it. The campaign looks big and navigating the map is actually fun. Those genestealers can be almost anywhere. We will dive in more. X35 Earthwalker is the most intelligent gamer of all time and the universes’ ultimate strategist. So we can declare he is the best Space Hulk: Tactics player. Now Space Hulk: Tactics may have the emperors support but he’s a joke compared too… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Quantum recharged

Quantum: Recharged is an arcade, retro style game developed by ‘SneakyBox‘ and published by ‘Atari‘. Quantum: Recharged is said to be coming out the 17th of August 2023 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Atari VCS, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and pc. It’s good to see a re-release of an old game and modernised. X35 Earthwalker will see how interesting this is. Let’s take a look.

Quantum: Recharged has a very simple premise. Players must encircle and trap the enemies with your ship to create zones that destroys them. Pretty cool and different from the straight up bullet hell or arcade shooter. So the aim is to avoid damage at all costs. Be quick and stay mobile. Players will need to get sort of tactical.

X35 Earthwalker Quantum recharged

So those who play the original will know what to do in Quantum: Recharged. Quantum: Recharged has the improved sounds, graphics, visuals, animations, scenery etc… But wait, there’s more! arcade mode off course as you got to play the game first. There’s leaderboards which means things get competitive. All those with no life will score high. Power ups, as new flavours need to be added. Power ups include things like an extra life, unlimited dodges and even freezing your enemies.

X35 Earthwalker Quantum recharged

Challenge mode is a thing. Quantum: Recharged challenge mode has 25 so called, “hand-crafted” levels which have their own challenges. For example, defeat a certain number of enemies within a time limit. Not very challenging if you ask us. Step it up Quantum: Recharged. The best thing they got going for them though is the fact that Quantum: Recharged has local co-op. So grab a family member or fiend, hand them a controller and have some fun.

X35 Earthwalker Quantum recharged

We checked out some Quantum: Recharged gameplay and it’s what we expected. Quantum: Recharged is definitely fast paced. Very fast. So make sure to get use to the speed. Dash around, avoid damage and danger, encircle foes and beat them. It’s so arcade and classic looking. Flashy, lights and action. 

Overall Quantum: Recharged looks like a fun game. A good fun game. Classic fun and simple formula. The developers ‘SneakyBox’ have done a very good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to hear how this game does. Quantum: Recharged may have a rerelease but it’s still hasn’t got the same quality level as… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker The Expanse: A Telltale Series

The Expanse: A Telltale Series is a narrative adventure game developed by ‘TellTale games‘ and ‘Deck Nine games‘. The Expanse: A Telltale Series episode 1 is said to be coming out the 27th of July 2023 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and pc. X35 Earthwalker is very aware of the Telltale series games. Time for a new adventure. The Expanse: A Telltale Series might be up to something here. Let’s take a look.

The Expanse: A Telltale Series episode 1 is all the way up in space. So yeah, there’s no jumping ship this time. You basically follow a lady called Camina Drummer on a ship called the Artemis. Her choices of course will determine everything. You know the drill by now… it’s a Telltale game. There’s a mutiny… a bloody one. So yeah, not everything is as it seems, think about things clearly, get ready for quick time events and pay attention to clues.

X35 Earthwalker The Expanse: A Telltale Series

Now comparisons will always be made. Previous Telltale titles either had illusions, human threats or monsters. It’s looking like human threats again. The mutiny will probably be the most in your face threat but there’s also going to be space pirates… no, not Metroid space pirates. Actual raid, attack and probably board type pirates.

X35 Earthwalker The Expanse: A Telltale Series

We checked out some The Expanse: A Telltale Series gameplay and it’s what we expected for sure. Exploration is the key thing in the game. This time you are exploring in space, on the outskirts of an asteroid belt. You will even get the chance to scavenge wrecked ships… in zero g. Hint to players: Camina Drummer’s resolve matters here. Those who know the story already through certain media will haver an advantage here. We prefer jumping in blind and getting the new experience. 

Overall The Expanse: A Telltale Series looks like an alright game. We have sort of low expectations for this game. We know exactly what we want from this game as well. Visually it looks very good. The voice acting is very good too. There’s a lot of character interaction as well. Wonder if betrayal gets thrown into the mix. The developers ‘TellTale games‘ and ‘Deck Nine games‘ have done a veery good job so far. Looks like a lot of work went into it. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye open for this game. Now The Expanse: A Telltale Series may have dangers in space but those are simple stuff compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Redfall

Redfall is a great game. Had lots of fun with this game. Redfall is an Xbox exclusive and was developed by ‘Arkane studios‘ and published by ‘Bethesda‘. X35 Earthwalker wanted to do a simple review/talk about Redfall. Show why it’s very good… especially since many ignorant and foolish people have bashed and attacked this game. Mainly pc and PlayStation players. So instead hear from X35 Earthwalker who is the smartest and wisest gamer of all time. Let’s take a look.

X35 Earthwalker Redfall

Redfall is quite simple to understand. You was in Redfall, which is a very lively town. Then suddenly things go very wrong. Vampires show up, they form cults who will attack and shoot anyone. You encounter a powerful vampire who is called black Sun. The sun gets blocked out making things free season for vampires. The survivors are being hunted down. so why not leave? Well somehow the vampires have raised up the sea… copying what God did with Moses, but a discounted not as good version of it. It’s solid stuff you can’t swim through and traps boats. So yeah, you can’t leave. Help the survivors and defeat the vampire so called gods.

X35 Earthwalker Redfall

Redfall is an open world game and it shows. Not the largest world at all but it’s split into two maps. The image above is the first map and where you start off. It’s also the smaller map. What’s weak though is that you can’t go back and forth between them. It’s a progression thing. Part 1 and part 2 of the game. Aside from that, the open world is probably the best thing about Redfall. The world is so excellently designed. Redfall town clearly looks like life was big here. You see the churches, the shops, markets, cinema, trailers, lighthouses and more. The ferris wheel and hotels. Our favourite thing about Redfall is after clearing out thew enemies, go for a tour and stroll around the town. You see everything. You can clearly see how life was like in this town. X35 Earthwalker will do a podcast talking about this soon-ish. It’s fun and detailed.

Speaking of detailed. Redfall has if not probably the most detailed open world in gaming. Watch the video above. The developers didn’t need to do all that. The posters on the wall are detailed and have actual information. There are job advertisements with contact information and terms. The food and items aren’t just generic brands, blank or copy and paste. Redfall has actual brands and names. From the tomato and fish tins to milk and beverages. Sweets and chocolates have names as well and eventually you’ll get to know them as you explore more corner shops and stores. It’s not just shops either but important buildings as well. The documents, writings, prints and more. Walk around ton and see for yourself.

The issues we hear from pc and playStation players. All seem to be performance issues. All of these issues were mainly on the pc. So much for pc master race… more like pc inferior race. pc has been having launch issues with new games recently. Not good but it happens. On the Xbox Series X, X35 hasn’t encountered any of those issues. So our experience has been excellent. Some say it’s 30 frames per second. Hard never been a problem. Sure it’s not as smooth as 60 obviously but it didn’t effect the gameplay for us. pc players claimed the world was empty concerning enemies. Wrong again. On the Xbox we had many enemies. We saw cultists, bellwether, vampires and vampire variants. We even witnessed cultists with vampires fighting against bellwether, multiple times. So yeah, pc and playstation players aren’t correct.

X35 Earthwalker Redfall

There’s a decent set of weapons in Redfall. Pistols, shotguns, rifles, sniper rifles, UV beams and stake launchers. There are some variety to each weapon class and you can carry 3 at a time. There’s also a blood remnant and a vampire god remnant. Both remnants need more options and have stronger effects. The weapons are all very effective. There are what’s called ‘unrivaled’ weapons. Basically legendary weapons which have the best effects and much stronger than other weapons of the same level. What they should have added is the means to level up your weapons sop they stay powerful with you.

We don’t want this to be too long. There’s many things to say about Redfall. Combat is good, there’s lots of action, many things to do like quests, lots to explore and do not underestimate the lore in Redfall. There’s loads to read and loads to learn. From authors and their pieces, to news and reports. Bill, from Bill… and bob over the radio. Documents, grave locks, recreations of the past and more. There’s lots going on, lots of tragic stuff too. So yeah, be patient and do some reading (for once in your life). Those vampire bosses, those so called gods… they suck (vampire joke). They are string and capable of killing you real quick. Each boss is very different. VERY different. Learn quickly. By the way, best character is Devinder.

Overall Redfall is a great game and worth playing. It’s not perfect and needs some more tuning up like being 60 frames per second and additional attack or ability for vampires and off course make climbing those darn rocks easier. Redfall is currently available on Xbox game pass. X35 Earthwalker finished the game. It was some good times.

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X35 Earthwalker Exoprimal

Exoprimal is an action shooter game developed and published by ‘Capcom‘. Exoprimal is said to be coming out the 14th of July 2023 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PS5, PS4 and pc. Exoprimal is trying to be the game that stands out. X35 Earthwalker likes to see games like this… but is it done right?

Exoprimal is set in the year 2040. the planet is in danger. Basically dinosaurs are showing up “from thin air” and they are doing all kinds of damage to the cities… across the world. so everyone basically looks to ‘Aibius Corporation’ for help. They are described as powerful and have AI technology. They got one called Leviathan which lets them know where the dinosaurs will roll up on the scene. They then send out fighters to take them down. Exofighters. 

X35 Earthwalker Exoprimal

Exoprimal gets players right into the action. As an exofighter you are armed with the Exosuits which are the so called “state-of-the-art” mechanise combat suits. So yeah, if you fail, then humanity is doomed. So go fight dinosaurs… or maybe not… try to take a selfie with them… or not.

Now Exoprimal does want to make things tactical so there are classes. Assault, Tank and Support. It’s obvious what these roles do. What’s not so obvious are the loadouts. Pick these to fit the situation or your style. There’s also rigs, which are additional equipment adding abilities. Here’s an example. The zephyr exosuit is excellent at close range but off course struggles with long distance threats. The cannon rig will give you a long range laser. Problem solved.

X35 Earthwalker Exoprimal

We checked out some Exoprimal gameplay and it’s what we expected. There’s different dinosaur types, with some being big and require attention while there’s the raptors swarming like zombies. Players have good mobility, certain classes have more. The tank classes got big weapons and stand against the horde. Speed in attacks and strikes. Hovering, thrusting, sword strikes, transformation and more. It’s heavy action and looks like things can get intense. The difficulty is in question though. This is a team focused game but is it balanced for solo players?

Overall Exoprimal looks like a great game. We like the graphics. The animations are very good. The details are weak though. As in the armour design and details on it. The focus was clearly all on the combat. Cutscenes are good. Good dinosaur games are rare. The developers ‘Capcom’ have done a very good job so far. X35 Earthwalker will have to see in full what this game brings. Now Exoprimal may have dangerous dinosaurs but they are just baby lizards if they ever faced… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Warhammer 40,000- Inquisitor - Martyr - Season 5

Warhammer 40000: Inquisitor – Martyr is an action role playing game developed by ‘Neocore games‘ and published by ‘Bigben interactive‘. Warhammer 40000: Inquisitor – Martyr isn’t new at all but what is new is Season 5. Season of judgement. This is what’s coming to consoles. Xbox Series X and PS5. So expect next gen season, said to come out on the 6th of July 2023. X35 Earthwalker doesn’t take orders from Inquisitors. Let’s take a look.

Warhammer 40000: Inquisitor – Martyr – Season of judgement Season 5 on Xbox Series X/S and PS5 brings about what you’d expect. Higher resolution textures, cross-gel multiplayer modes, native 4k support, enhanced shadows, and improved physics. Even the dual sense PS5 controller gets “fully utilised.” So it’s direct upgrade for sure.  

X35 Earthwalker Warhammer 40,000- Inquisitor - Martyr - Season 5

So the people already playing Warhammer 40000: Inquisitor should automatically be happy. For those of you who are new listen up. The inquisitor is considered the imperium’s most powerful agent. Key word is agent. You have access to some crazy weapons. Your investigation will carry over multiple planets in the caligari sector.

We checked out some Warhammer 40000: Inquisitor – Martyr – Season of judgement Season 5 gameplay and it’s what we expected. There’s destructible environments, vehicles and towers that you can use. For some reason there’s also a cover system. An action RPG like this definitely has a skill tree. A very big skill tree. There’s 3 character classes as well. So more layers to the flavour.

Overall Warhammer 40000: Inquisitor – Martyr – Season of judgement Season 5 looks like a very good game. Fun too. There’s crafting and rightfully so, multiple weapons. Warhammer 40000: Inquisitor – Martyr – Season of judgement Season 5 has also been described as a “persistent open world”. Last and best of all this game is multiplayer. 2 players locally and 4 player online. The developers Neocore games’ have done a very good job the season 5 of this game. X35 Earthwalker will now take this game somewhat seriously and look at it again. Now Warhammer 40000: Inquisitor – Martyr – Season of judgement Season 5 may have a whole upgrade but it’s still too basic for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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