X35 Earthwalker Asteroid: Recharged

Asteroids: Recharged is a action arcade shooter game developed by Sneakybox and Adamvision studios but published by Atari. Asteroids: Recharged is said to be coming out the the 14th of December 2021 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. Asteroids is back and it’s coming new stuff. Let’s take a look.

Let’s keep this simple with Asteroid: Recharged. It’s Asteroid. Like come on. If you don’t know what this game is then we don’t want to help you. Just open up another page on your search engine and type in ‘asteroid game’. You’re welcome. Now concerning the rest of y’all who aren’t uncultured swine, read the rest of this G-blog post. Asteroid is back and modernised. This includes new, better controls and off course superior graphics.

X35 Earthwalker Asteroid: Recharged

Asteroid: Recharged is not just controls and visuals. There’s new gameplay mechanics and features too. There’s new power ups and weapons to help you. There’s rail guns, spread shots and even reflector shields and more. There’s not just asteroids. There’s these annoying  UFOs that have some anger issues. They are after you. So take them down… if you can.

X35 Earthwalker Asteroid: Recharged

We checked out some Asteroid: Recharged gameplay and it’s what we expected. You are the computer cursor arrow thing. You move around, dodge, stay alive and blast everything really. The UFOs look stupid but they don’t care. They want to kill you. The best thing about Asteroid: Recharged is that there’s local co-op… unlike Halo Infinite. Every mode gives the option for local co-op. Excellent decision.

Overall Asteroid: Recharged looks like an excellent game. Simple game but seems to work well. The action can get serious when asteroids start closing in from all around. We like the visuals of a destroyed large asteroid. Looks excellent. Modernising old retro games is an easy job and are mostly done good. The developers ‘Sneakybox’ and ‘Adamvision studios’ have done an excellent job. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to just wait and see what Asteroid: Recharged will do. Now Asteroid: Recharged may have been modernised but what’s always modern is… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker The Anacrusis

The Anacrusis is a first person shooter 4 player co-op game developed and published by ‘Stray Bombay‘. The Anacrusis is said to be coming out this year 2021 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One and PC. It’s another xbox exclusive. No PlayStation or Nintendo. We like facing alien hordes. Let’s take a look.

The world of The Anacrusis is simple so far. All the action is taking place on a massive starship. The starship is stranded… at the edge of an explored space. There’s four characters. They must work together to survive and face off against the alien horde. It’s survival. Now it’s not clear if you are trying to wipe out all the aliens or if you are trying to escape. 

X35 Earthwalker The Anacrusis

The Anacrusis has a claim for the players. They say you will “Never fight the same battle twice”. Let us explain. The Anacrusis has what they call a “AI Driver” which controls everything. It places each weapon, health kit, spawns every enemy, handles the bosses, places the gadgets. They claim that players of all skill levels will find the “perfect level of challenge”. So we will have to see how this works. 

The Anacrusis has good character designs. Check this out. Dude with the afro looks cool. Not many artists know how to do good afro design brown characters. Japan with their anime are the worst at it. The dude in the suit looks real clean with it. Good design also. Already like the dudes here. The ladies have cute design. Good ones too. The details are there. The lipgloss is noticeable too. One’s rocking the teddy bear hair style. Just look at the characters for yourselves. There’s so much to say about these guys but that would be a long block of texts. We just really like what we see here. Hopefully they sound cool and appropriate. The character of the characters matter, especially in team work games. 

X35 Earthwalker The Anacrusis

Let’s talk a bit about the aliens. They are the only real let down of The anacrusis so far. The aliens move more like dummies in a way. They look silly because of that. There seems to be no variety amongst the aliens. There’s the small floating spore looking ones. The generic humanoid alien head ones with glowy visors. Lastly there’s the big one which rushes and jumps at you. We need more variety than this. We like the gadgets and the weapons and stuff at work. It seems like the main aliens form of defeating you is by swarming you and trading you with their numbers. We hope they make big improvements concerning the aliens.  

We checked out some The Anacrusis gameplay and it’s what we expected for a game of this type. One mechanic that we definitely like is that you can share the perks, weapons and other things with your team. So you don’t need to decide on the spot who gets the item. It can be given later. We like the design of the characters very much. We haven’t seen any team interactions. We want to know how they are with each other as character to character dialogue and banter makes a difference. We saw some of the gadgets in action and they do look useful. From get off me to a liar bait for the aliens. Making them ready for an explosive attack. We hope the plot goes deeper and that the difficulty is adjustable. 

Overall. The Anacrusis looks like it would be fun. It’s a game you can’t take seriously. Just expect silly fun and that you can play with others. Hopefully it will have split screen. The developers welcome and want modders to do their thing concerning the game with creating mods for it. PC players will go crazy with that. Visually the game looks good and the colours stand out. The developers ‘Stray Bombay’ have a done a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to keep an eye open for The Anacrusis. Now The Anacrusis may have alien hordes but those aliens are a joke compared too… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Feeding Frenzy 2

Feeding Frenzy 2 is a simple game with a. simple concept and does it well. X35 Earthwalker has recently been playing Feeding Frenzy 2 again and it’s been so much fun. After of fact this game has given us an idea for another G-blog. In case you didn’t know, Feeding Frenzy 2 is all about you eating the smaller fishes while avoiding the bigger fishes. Let’s take a look.

Feeding Frenzy 2 is underestimated heavily. X35 Earthwalker has been playing this game quite frequently lately with others like Diamonds L45, N63 Prodigy and X7 Earthenvessel. They have been having a blast. Feeding Frenzy 2 has multiplayer and it’s split screen. This arcade style game let’s you play through the whole story mode as a team. You all must eat and everyones eating contributes to a shared feeding meter. So you can get big real fast but the opposite is also there. If one of you get eaten then the meter gets reset to the last size checkpoint. So everyone has to be carefully.

X35 Earthwalker Feeding Frenzy 2

You also have a pool of lives. No separate lives business. So having someone on your team who isn’t as good can easily hold back the whole team but it adds to the fun. Even if you have a weaker player it actually makes the game fun. If you run out of lives and people get eaten permanently, you have that one player who has to try and win the whole thing by themselves and things get tense. You have to clutch it or have everyone watch you get eaten by a shark or barracuda… or leopard shark. Feeding Frenzy 2 doing a lot of things right. 

One of the best things about Feeding Frenzy 2 multiplayer is the scores at the end of each successful mission. It shows exactly the number of each fish each player ate. Shows the number of star bubbles too. So you can see who dominated in the little fish, medium fish, big fish, bonus stars and who got the highest number of fish overall. That’s one of the fun parts for sure. 

X35 Earthwalker Feeding Frenzy 2

Things get crazier as we progress and the difficulty spikes up. When the poison fishes show up, combined with mines and those annoying jellyfishes. Things get chaotic. You have to dodge and move around and not accidentally mistake yourself for another fish or player since you have set colours and Feeding Frenzy 2 is a colourful game. Even your sucking in ability can screw you or a teammate. It pulls in fish so eating entire schools of fish is easy but it also pulls in other things too. It can suck in mines, jelly fish and poison fish. So if you are competing with a friend to eat fishes and you suck in, you might pull a mine to you both killing you both. You only laugh at those things and blame each other.

Overall just wanted to say that Feeding Frenzy 2 is underrated. t’s crazy fun and perfect for playing with family and friends. Something simple, fun, can be difficult but easy to understand. Not competitive, something light. try out Feeding Frenzy 2 today. It’s even in the brilliant Xbox Game pass. So try it out. Now Feeding Frenzy 2 may have excellent multiplayer fun but it’s high levels of fun doesn’t match the fun of… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Fast & Furious: Spy Racers Rise of SH1FT3R

Fast & Furious: Spy Racers Rise of SH1FT3R is a racing game developed by ‘3D Clouds‘ and published by ‘Outright Games‘. Fast & Furious: Spy Racers Rise of SH1FT3R is said to be coming out in November 2021 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. This game is looking to be all about that racing action.

Fast & Furious: Spy Racers Rise of SH1FT3R is pretty simple to put together and understand. You know that series called Fast & Furious? Done by Dreamworks and universal pictures. Yeah that series. This game, Fast & Furious: Spy Racers Rise of SH1FT3R was inspired by it. Couldn’t you tell? So yeah, this is what this game is all about. Pick from a range of characters, jump in the vehicle and go real fast with a few twists though.

X35 Earthwalker Fast & Furious: Spy Racers Rise of SH1FT3R

We know that Fast & Furious: Spy Racers Rise of SH1FT3R is basically a big tournament but just listen to the description given by the developers themselves. “The elite criminal racing gang, SH1FT3R, returns in the game and it’s up to the Spy Racers team to stop them from winning the ultimate cutting-edge vehicle that will cause chaos in the wrong hands. Players will go undercover and race as their favorite characters, including Tony Toretto, Echo, Cisco, Layla Gray, or even race as the notorious SH1FT3R gang including Shashi Dar, Moray, Rafaela Moreno, and more. Fans can use spy weapons to speed through secret shortcuts and personalize customizable cars with a range of skins”.

This says quite a bit but over sells it in our opinion. The weapons make it more action based like crash team racing and Mario kart. The tracks are set in 5 different locations. The developers call them incredible but only a few are. Los Angeles isn’t incredible but the sahara desert is. There’s off course online play and features. The best feature of Fast & Furious: Spy Racers Rise of SH1FT3R is that there is split screen. Split screen races up to 6 players. We welcome another racing game but so far Fast & Furious: Spy Racers Rise of SH1FT3R hasn’t shown enough to be taken real serious by us yet.

X35 Earthwalker Fast & Furious: Spy Racers Rise of SH1FT3R

We checked out some Fast & Furious: Spy Racers Rise of SH1FT3R gameplay and it’s not what we expected at all from the start. From the title of the game, what we expected. A very different result indeed. We currently are not a complete fan of this game. It’s like a blend of realistic and cartoony and it doesn’t work too well here. We need to see much more of Fast & Furious: Spy Racers Rise of SH1FT3R. Graphically, especially concerning the environments and tracks, are good. 

Overall Fast & Furious: Spy Racers Rise of SH1FT3R does not look like it’s going to be good so far. We hope to see things turn around soon. This game can easily be good and more for friends to get together and drive. The connection to fast and furious is weak. The developers need to step it up. We at X35 Earthwalker will have t hear what Fast & Furious: Spy Racers Rise of SH1FT3R gets done. Now Fast & Furious: Spy Racers Rise of SH1FT3R may have gone inspiration from a popular series but that series isn’t even enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Black Widow: Recharged

Black widow: Recharged is an action retro twin stick shooter game developed by ‘Adamvision Studios‘ and ‘SneakyBox‘ and published by ‘Atari‘. Black Widow: Recharged is said to be coming out the 28th of October 2021 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. We have never heard of this game before. Let’s take a look.

Black widow: Recharged, like other old retro arcade style games is very simple to understand. You are the big spider, let nothing touch you while you blast everything out of existence. All the action takes place on a web and many different threats enter and roam around. We thought insects and critters get stuck in web… oh well. In case you couldn’t tell, Black ‘widow: Recharged is a modernised classic game. Old classic from the past but upgraded. The old school fans should love this.

X35 Earthwalker Black Widow: Recharged

So let’s quickly go over what’s different. The obvious is that the controls have been updated making them smooth and definitely the the visuals. There’s loads of power ups like the spread shots, fear which traps all enemies in your web and there’s even explosive shots for that firepower. The cash you can pick up to spend on power ups can also be used to charge up a powerful web blast attack. It’s a big cone shaped blast. Very useful. Couple of stuff going on here.

X35 Earthwalker Black Widow: Recharged

Black Widow: Recharged a series of challenges. 30 challenges to be precise. Said top be very difficult. We don’t believe them though. There’s leaderboards too, for competitive reasons. there’s country global leaderboards too. So you can see which nation is doing the best or sucks at black widow: Recharged. 

We checked out some Black widow: Recharged gameplay and it’s what we expected. Keep your eyes out for enemies coming in from the edges, kill enemies as fast as possible and collect the cash. There’s music done by megan mcduffee. The game isn’t anything crazy at all. Just another arcade style game with fast paced action, colours, flashy stuff and everything modern. Looks cool.

Overall Black Widow: Recharged looks like a cool game.m It’s simple and gets straight into the action. Don’t forget about the score. These arcade games are all about the score. There isn’t much else to say but that it does look like a good game. The developers Adamvision Studios and SneakyBox have done a good job from what we have seen. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see what Black Widow: Recharged do. Now Black widow: Recharged may have been modernised but it’s still too outdated for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker. Gears 5 Lancer is terrible


Gears 5 is an excellent game overall but due to decisions made by the developers ‘The Coalition’ concerning versus mode, they have damaged the game a lot which has resulted in bad statistics. Horde is fun, escape is fun, campaign is fun but versus sucks. One big change to verses that has ruined things in matches is what they did to the Lancer. Let’s take a look.

The Lancer is the signature weapon of Gears of war. Gnasher only fans will say otherwise but just look over all the Gears of War games. The main gun is always the Lancer. We have said this before and will say it again. The iconic things of Gears of War is the Lancer, The crimson omen and Marcus Fenix. Not the Gnasher. So when we see the developers make the Lancer incredibly weak, you know they already messed up. The Lancer is the workhorse gun of the COG army. It’s their main gun. So automatically this defeats the lame argument Gnasher fans make that the Lancer is a support weapon. Rifles aren’t support weapons, they are main weapons. Ask any Marine or person in the army if the assault rifle is a support weapon. Your support weapon would be the snub pistol. The Lancer is too weak.

Look at our X35 Earthwalker video above. You see how weak it is. You get away with running out in the open for that long and survive the lancer. That wouldn’t happen. The accuracy was good as we landed our shots and he still didn’t go down. We have seen people run through lancer fire, reach the shooter and one shot them with the gnasher, which is stupid. Gears of War is a cover shooter game. Therefore players should get punished for running out in the open carelessly. Yes we know the game’s multiplayer meta became the gnasher shotgun but that means the game is cover shooter while the versus is not. That’s a fail. We have seen multiple layers surviving a hail of bullets. Not good. What’s far more frustrating is when you finally down someone with the lancer or whatever and then you fire at them with the Lancer to finish them of as they try to crawl away. Sad thing is that the Lancer takes forever to kill downed enemies in versus. We have seen this many times. down someone trying to run, you down them finally and then you try to finish them off and they don’t die. You have to reload and by the time you finish reloading, they already crawled behind cover. That’s so stupid and the developers haven’t corrected that. How are you almost as tough as a healthy character, while crawling.

X35 Earthwalker. Gears 5 Lancer is terrible

The polite people in the comment section informed us that they also removed the damage buff you get from a perfect active reload. This was in every Gears of War game. Just Gears 5 that doesn’t have it semi-lately. Yet the Gnasher keeps it’s buffs from the reloads. This means that Lancer is even weaker than before. In Gears of War 3, the Lancer is a strong weapon. When you get that sweet reload it became stronger than the powerful retro lancer. Compare Gears of War 3 Lamnncer to Gears 5 Lancer. Heck, compare Gears 5 Lancer to Gears of War Judgement’s Lancer. In Judgement the Lancer is very good and very fair. Not the strongest rifle as well. We even saw a reduction to the stopping power of the Lancer in Gears 5. Once again, another nerf. This allows shotgun users to rush you, push through the bullets and still kill you. Low damage, no bonus from the perfect active reloads  and weak stopping power. This is a terrible combination. Multiple time we have seen where the Lancer fails and it’s frustrating. Even during an X35 Earthwalker Gears 5 livestream everyone saw that the Lancer once again was useless. People stated that they don’t bother with it anymore. 

There are a few people, conveniently they are the Gnasher only user players, who say the Lancer is how it should be. Well congratulations! You guys got what you wanted and guess what? Gears 5 has the lowest numbers of players. Gears 5 is getting smaller and smaller. Their numbers are terrible. New players try, hate it, get killed by Gnasher losers who want montage clips for their youtube channel over and over again and then leave and never come back. Old players are leaving and even veterans of the series like X35 Earthwalker don’t bother with versus as much at all anymore. Gears 5 sadly isn’t doing well. Many forum pages of people complaining about the game and the developers aren’t listening. Making the icon weapon of the game trash is a terrible idea. There’s more to say but we won’t bother. So instead watch something really cool like the video below. 

Overall… the Lancer sucks. The Lancer is garbage. The developers ‘The coalition’ has made some very bad decisions. We will definitely be avoiding versus mode a whole lot more. Versus mode isn’t fun. Let’s hope things change but we stopped caring some time ago. There’s tons of other good games to play. Now the Lancer in Gears 5 is garbage and it’s not good enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker The Ascent

The Ascent is an excellent game. Straight out the gate let’s just say this. We at X35 Earthwalker enjoyed The Ascent. This game was a lot of fun. We recommend this game to multiple people but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t have any flaws. It does. Let’s jump in this quick review by X35 Earthwalker.

The Ascent is an action role playing game where you control an indent. What’s an indent? Basically a slave. Indents are owned by either a person or company or organisation. If you want to know more, then read our first gaming blog post about The Ascent. Simply put you are at the bottom in this world with many others but aim to make it to the top. Players should be prepared for a lot of fire fights, explosives and chaos wherever you go.

As you can see from our first The Ascent gameplay video you get a good idea of what’s going on. Very futuristic, very sad and dark though in terms of the universe you are in. There’s machines, robotic enemies and beings, human enemies and even what looks like wild creatures. We like the different enemy types but are disappointed by the lack of variety amongst the enemies. For example when it comes to the wild creatures like the feral, that’s all we have. Just the ferals and maybe the papa ferals who are just bigger ferals who have additional abilities. There’s no other wild creatures. When it comes to the human enemies they are basically all the same but with different weapons and act differently based on those weapons. The humanoid beings have some sort of variety. Even the robotic enemies are basically the same. That was lame. We needed more variety. This game had the room and environment for such a thing.

What The Ascent did very well though was that the enemies put up a fight. Some enemies will always run to cover to fight. They fire over the top and can’t be hit unless you flank them. There’s melee equipped enemies who rush you and try to get some swings in. There’s a bigger dude who fires semi homing missiles but that’s it though. The most variety goes to the humanoid, the aliens of different races. There’s a massive creature with a hammer reminding us of brutes from with gravity hammers from Halo. Their heavy big swing doesn’t make sense because you could be far away and you still get hurt. Seems a bit glitchy to us. There’s a small annoying enemy that acts like the support. Will run in and set p either a stationary artillery or healing zone. Another one acts is a serious hacker that can mess with your systems, disable you, send a drone after you and even shield its allies (your enemies) from all forms of harm and more. You have to disable them with your hacking ICE abilities. The robotic enemies behave exactly like the human enemies, either ranged or melee but they tend to have more energy weapons. So yeah, throw more exciting enemy variety in.

There are quite a number of characters here is some good flavour. Noghead is a cool dude. He is basically one off those super hackers who can listen in on conversations, extract information from basically anything, bug and plant anything, hack through things and more. He got a hideout, secret set up defence turrets. He got jokes too. Very good character. Then there’s the trash the game… kira. We hate her so much. She thinks she superior to everyone because of the species that she is. she talks heavily down to humans and makes it clear she believes humans are stupid. What’s worse is that we end up having no choice but to work for her. She is so obnoxious, annoying and ugly that we couldn’t wait to kill her. She isn’t a good person either. She steals property, killed a lot, caused destruction and all for her personal goals. Bit more on this later. Characters like Poon make sense, we get his motivation and why he is the way that he is. Simply put, most characters are cool and fit in this world well and make sense. There’s only like two characters that suck… one of them being kira.

The best and coolest thing about The Ascent is definitely the weapons. This is the best part about the game easily. There’s so many weapons. There’s sooooo many weapons. Not as much as Earth Defence Force 2025… nothing has that much! There’s rifles, automatic weapons, heavy and light pistols, sub machine guns, rocket launchers, sniper rifles, shotguns and more, including special weapons like a flamethrower, a buzzsaw launcher, constant energy beam and other crazy stuff. The weapons are serious. They aren’t trash either. X35 Earthwalker has multiple times, no actually constantly been switching weapons to fight enemies. Mainly not because it was more effective against enemy types but because it was fun. Again the weapons aren’t trash. All of them are useable. Some off course are better than others… much better, but all especially when upgraded become effective. WE literally swapped for fun and variety. Many games need to learn from The Ascent when it comes to weapons. Make a bunch of weapons, multiple of each type but make them all good with clear advantages to some over others. It can be done. There was a strong hitting rifle that had explosive rounds. There was even Diamondz L45’s dream weapon, a mini shotgun. No, not a small shotgun. A mini gun + a shotgun. It has a very low rate of fire at first but then fires fast like a minigun but each shot is a shotgun with very tight spread though. The Ascent went all out with weapons and we love that.

The augmentations shake things up a lot in The Ascent. They are basically abilities you install in yourself. You could do an energy punch which has some area of effect. You can summon a bunch of mechanical spiders that chase down, pounce on enemies to explode. You can create a life link with enemies and when you damage them, you heal. Call in razor bat like mechs that surround you damaging any who get near you. Do a stomp that freezes and launches enemies in the air with stasis. Jump at enemies with an explosive fiery landing. Even summon mechs who follow you around and fire at enemies, or if it’s the melee mechs then get they get physical with enemies. You can even summon a huge mech armour that you get into. It has a huge mini gun and tons of armour. It’s better than the power armour in Fallout. X35 Earthwalker obtained every augmentation in the game and most except two are good. Some like the one that resets your health to the point of activation are clearly the best. You can truly mix things up and when combined with passive boosters and certain weapons. We created our own combos to handle whatever the game throws at us. For example if robotic enemies show up, we have a build for them since ballistic rounds do way less damage to them so you need energy weapons. We use the augmentation that converts all damage into data damage which robotic enemies are vulnerable too. We won’t give away our whole combos.

X35 Earthwalker The Ascent

Now for the worst part of the game. The ending. It sucked. We don’t believe the good guys should always win and there’s peace in the land. Spoilers in case you haven’t beaten the game yet. The character we hate the most wins in the end. Yeah Kira gets what she wanted, all that power, money and control. All the time while we were under her command we wanted and desired to kill her. She is evil and we hate her, yet she lives and wins. We know she’s powerful as we saw her one shot that large mechanical spider enemy, so she isn’t a wuss and got powerful technology but we were ready to face her. We got powerful augmentations, crazy weapons and maxed out stats, ready to fight her but that never happens. Noghead came in clutch which was perfect as it make sense for a master hacking technology guy like him to do what he did but other from that, the ending sucks. We weren’t happen. We need to kill kira but the game said no. It feels like we got no where in The Ascent which was seriously disappointing.

Overall The Ascent is an excellent game with a few problems. Facing tons of enemies and multiple encounters while travelling is annoying but killing enemies helps you level up, so it’s needed. The trains allow for fast travel and they do their job well and heal you as a bonus. We wish the maps where easier to read when it comes to upper and lower areas as it’s not clear, especially in the Corp zone. The locations and environments work well for a sad depressing futuristic place. We like how the pinnacle isa above the clouds, natural light and beautiful while the deep stink is all death, grime, stink and death. Almost a whole heaven and hell thing going on. Truly shows the difference class makes in the world. It’s free on xbox game pass and it’s worth playing for sure. This is a more quick review so don’t expect us to dive into all the details as there is more to say. Now The Ascent may have numerous crazy weapons but those weapons are nothing compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Hell Let Loose

Hell Let Loose is a World War 2 first person shooter multiplayer game developed by ‘Black Matter‘ and published by ‘Team17‘. Hell Let Loose is said to be coming out Xbox Series X, PS5 and PC on the 5th of October 2021. Hell Let Loose has to offer a lot to get our interest. There’s a lot of war games. Let’s take a look.

Hell Let Loose is suppose to be the World War 2 style. So expect old sandbags, expect old guns, expect old tanks, cheap helmets and stuff like that. Hell Let Loose is big 100 player battles. 50 vs 50. So these are big battles for sure. Players will be everywhere. Seems like Hell Let Loose wants to truly represent World War 2. They did say “You’ve never played World War 2 the way it was meant to be played”. So already gave themselves something to be measured by.

X35 Earthwalker Hell Let Loose

We know that Infantry, artillery and tanks are the main forces here in Hell Let Loose. These matter greatly. We also know that Hell Let Loose is also about strategic resource management too. This hasn’t been explained much but we can imagine that players will have limited resources to spend on tanks, types of troops and off course artillery. So there must be the ability to earn resources too or maybe it’s handed out in time. We have our own questions and need to learn some stuff before the interest can build.  

We checked out some Hell Let Loose gameplay and it’s what we expected from a World War 2 multiplayer game. Old style, straight up fights gameplay. We like how the explosions look from bombing runs and artillery. Those look good. It seems like players die real fast in this game which would make sense. Like the old ghost recon game where you died from a bullet or two. Soldiers charging in, tanks on tank violence, using rocket launchers and covering fire. Just looks like another war game so far.

Overall Hell Let Loose just looks like another war game. There are multiple big war games with big battles like battle royal and big open battlefields. We definitely need to see more and get more information concerning Hell Let Loose. We want huge battles with tactical might. Tanks need be legit game changers and multiple troop types to handle different situations like vehicles. Will there be call in abilities? The developers ‘Black Matter’ have done an alright job so far. Now Hell Let Loose may have 50 vs 50 gameplay but those numbers aren’t enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Centipede: Recharged

Centipede: Recharged is an arcade retro game developed by ‘Adamvision Studios‘ and ‘SneakyBox‘ and published by ‘Atari‘. Centipede: Recharged is said to be coming out the 29th of September 2021 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. Those horrible insects are back. We got to blast them. Let’s take a look.

Centipede: Recharged is an old school game brought back basically. Remember those fast moving long centipedes that tried to make its way towards you? Well it’s happening again. Seriously? Who likes centipede? They are horrible creatures with a nasty and dangerous bite. They are fast and have harmed people. So we should blast them. So yeah, that’s what Centipede: Recharged is about. Dangerous centipedes are coming your way and you need to blast them but in modern fashion.

X35 Earthwalker Centipede: Recharged

As you can obviously see, Centipede: Recharged is modernised. There’s new visuals, new animations and off course some special effects and particle effects. Just think about what they did with Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 and some space invader games. It’s basically a remastering of the old classic games. Same thing basically but everything looks better and hopefully controls better. So those who are a fan of the original Centipede should automatically like Centipede: Recharged.

Yes we are aware that there are other bugs too like spiders and a scorpion but clearly the main enemies are centipedes and plus it’s the name of the game so give us a break here. We like the fact that local co-op play is here too. More games need these options. Good job Centipede: Recharged. So work together with a friend or family and crush those horrible bugs together. Two blasters are better than one… unless you are the one getting blasted. So remember that.

X35 Earthwalker Centipede: Recharged

We checked out some Centipede: Recharged gameplay and it’s mostly what we expected. There’s challenges too. Well 30 of them. There’s an endless arcade mode too. So there is some replayability in there. We also spotted some power ups. That’s right, this isn’t the same Centipede you use to know. There’s power ups effects like bombing in a row, side shots and even scaring enemies away. There’s more too so it will be interesting to see what others do.

Overall Centipede looks like another nice modernised classic game. A simple job that so far looks done right. Again, if you liked centipede then you will most likely like Centipede: Recharged. It looks good but we expect more though. The developers ‘Adamvision Studios‘ and ‘SneakyBox‘ have done an alright job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker like what we see but expect more though. Now Centipede: Recharged might have dangerous bugs but those get easily crushed by.. the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Hot Wheels Unleashed

Hot Wheels Unleashed is a racing arcade game developed and published by ‘Milestone s.r.l‘. Hot Wheels Unleashed is said top be coming out the 30th of September 2021 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. Hot Wheels Unleashed is here to bring the heat. Let’s take a look.

Hot Wheels Unleashed doesn’t need any explanation really. We all should know what Hot Wheels is. The racing car toy brand. They have many cars, released many tracks and the like. Many children were excited for Hot Wheels. Having the cars jump across tracks, go down big hills, go too fast around a corner and fly off the tracks and more. Basically it’s a video game now. Players can control the actually toy designed cars and race in Hot Wheel designed looking tracks. So yeah, you should know what to expect now.

X35 Earthwalker Hot Wheels Unleashed

What’s really good about Hot Wheels Unleashed is that players can build their own tracks. If this feature wasn’t in the game, we would not pay any mind to this game. Building your own tracks had to be in Hot Wheels Unleashed. The tracks can even have Hot Wheels styled features and props. You can have mechanical beings like giant spiders and even a dragon head that can hinder the other racers by either trapping them in sticky web or crushing them in their jaws. So these tracks can get real crazy. 

We checked out some Hot Wheels Unleashed gameplay and it’s what we expected. When building  your tracks, everything in the environment can be a part of the track. Stage objects mixed with track modules brings new possibilities. There’s split screen multiplayer. Two player split screen is a thing but you can also face up to 12 players in line races. So the action is definitely available here. We like that there’s drifting to handle those corners. The overall speed of the game seems to slow though. Maybe their target audience is primarily children and youngsters so they don’t want the game too difficult but the speed looked lame to us. There does look like there’s drift speed boosts and a lot of speed pads to make you go faster but it doesn’t look like much of a speed boost. We will have to wait and see. Yes we are aware it was pre-alpha footage so it can change. We hope it changes.

Overall Hot Wheels Unleashed seems like a good game so far but nothing special or great at all. We need to see more. This could be a real cool racing game. We need loads of environments like race tracks over the ocean and have the backgrounds and environments alive with creatures and nature etc. They might be going for the racing at home feel like with the actual toys but we need that creativity. The developers ‘Milestone s.r.l‘ have done an alright job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to hear what Hot Wheels Unleashed can do. Now Hot Wheels Unleashed may have actual toy cars but it has no effect on… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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