Gears 5 is a very popular third person shooter game developed by ‘The Coalition‘ and published by ‘Xbox Game Studios‘. Gears 5 is off course an Xbox exclusive that’s also on PC. So Xbox Series X and Xbox One. Right of the bat this game is overall very good but not excellent and we will be discussing the reasons why and what needs to change. The developers aren’t very good at listening. When they do listen it’s listening to the wrong people. Let’s take a look.

Let’s jump straight into the biggest problem that Gears 5 has. It has lost lots of players. So much that it’s a fraction of what it use to be. It’s improved a bit in recent times but still embarrassing compared to what they use to have. It was so bad that there were videos being made about Gears 5 dying and why it’s dying. So that’s clear proof of a problem right there. The biggest reason the player base has shrunk is because the game is a narrow corridor. There’s only one real way to play. Gnasher shotguns only + wall bounce like a maniac. If you can’t wall bounce really good and use the Gnasher shotgun then you are going to die, again and again. New players can’t do this, they just want to play the game but get abused and end up with final scores of 4 kills and 19 deaths. Gears 5 is suppose to be a third person shooter, not a beat em up game. That’s how close range this game is and has become. You even have youtubers like Landan2006 and others who even mock anyone using lancers and keeping back like they aren’t suppose to do that. Man, Landan and those youtubers use to cry about the retro lancer through the whole video. The remaining body of players are like Landan in this sense (we know from first hand experience and hate mail).  

Let’s explain some more. New players join a match maybe taking what they learnt from the campaign. They see enemies, take cover and fire with their lancer. Since the enemies are wall bouncing like crazy most bullets miss them, even when out in the open with certain tricky movements. They close the gap. The new players tries to get their shotgun out but are dead before they can get a shot off or danced around. That’s their experience for the whole match. Gears 5 isn’t new player friendly. Those players are just there to serve as fodder for others montage highlight videos for youtube. That’s not fun. Those players don’t return. Developers need to do something and fast. Yes, practicing is important but Gears 5 doesn’t offer much room for that. You just get bodied (killed) again and again. Other games have done a much better job. For example Star Wars battlefront 2. X35 literally did a livestream on that game yesterday. It was his first time EVER playing the game. No warm up matches or anything but in his first matches he got eliminations, double kills, did the objective and won his first match against players who have been around for a good while. Sure X35 Earthwalker has natural skill and is the greatest and smartest gamer of all time but he has never played a Star Wars game before. Freshly downloaded and jumped straight into multiplayer. You can watch the livestream here. We will turn those matches into a video and later edit them into this post. Star Wars is new player friendly and gamers of different skill can make a difference and even fight back against seasoned players. In Gears 5… new players will literally be everyone’s whore… and being a whore isn’t good.

Now new players also struggle because there isn’t any help for them. The Lancer got nerfed to the point where it is useless in many cases. Gnasher users can just ignore it a lot of the time if it’s just one person lancering. This nerf decision game from dumb developers who listened to Gnasher shotgun only users… only. So they did their terrible decisions from Gears of War 4. Back then they nerfed the lancer, removed the retro lancer, removed the hammerburst and made it into a power weapon, limited to some maps. Basically every option players has that can counter a Gnasher shotgun has been removed or limited. The Lancer in Gears 5 is garbage. There’s actually nothing you can do against those gnasher players who spend all day on Gears 5 with their wall bouncing trying so hard to be like those pro players like explosive, franchise and toy soldier or like those youtubers like Dan the man (the best) or zeus the moose. Causal or newer players don’t stand a chance. Who wants to keep playing a game where they die all the time, stand no chance and have no fun? So the players leave and go to Fortnite, Star Wars, or call of duty. We saw two players (one was the guest of another) and they got destroyed. Their scores at the end of the match were like 2 kills, 20 deaths and 3 kills, 19 deaths. We never saw their names again. Gnasher shotgun users don’t care and glad the rifles get nerfed because it’s in their interest ALONE, not the game or communities interest. Well keep listening to them The Coalition (the developers), your player base is getting smaller. Congratulations. Make your game new player friendly and give options for newer and casual players. No casual or new player is going to look up and watch those videos online of what settings to have for your controller, sensitivity and how to hold your controller in a reverse claw grip stupid motion. No. We just want to play the game and have fun.  

This leads to the next problem. There’s more to say about the last one but we have to move on (got things to do). There’s no options in Gears 5. Your options for starting load out in social matches is: Lancer, Gnasher, smoke grenade… that’s it. You select your lancer it only gives you the option to change skins. Gears of War 3 was so much better. You can pick between Lancer, Hammerburst, Retro Lancer, gnasher, sawed off. Gears of War Judgement was the best at this. There options was Lancer, hammerburst, retro lancer, Gnasher, markza, classic hammerburst, sawed off. For grenades it’s: frag, ink, stim, smoke and spot. Compare Gears of War: Judgment and even Gears of War 3 to Gears 5. There’s no options. Like we said before, Gears 5 is a narrow corridor, linear and boring. Lancer and gnasher only. Don’t you just love a restaurant that has a big fancy menu but when you open it, the only thing there is rice and chicken. That’s it. No lamb, pork, beef or duck. The rice is just white rice, no basmati, no brown and no jellof rice. Just white rice and chicken (no seasoning). That’s Gears 5. Gears of War 3 has the best multiplayer of all Gears of war games. Gears of War: Judgement is second. People still play Gears of War 3 now and at times it’s faster to find a match on 3 than 5 at specific times. Gears of War 3 is casual friendly but skill gap is very clear so the best players still come out on top but causal and newer players can fight back and get kills still. The retro Lancer countered the gnasher. The hammerburst countered retro lancer. Certan tactics with the sawed off countered hammerburst. The options allowed for different strategies, different tactics, different styles and different matches. Wake up developers… people like options. 

The next problem is that Gears 5 is lacking very popular and good game modes from previous Gears of War games. Many people liked Beast mode from Gears of War 3. Many liked Overrun from Gears of War: Judgement. Where are those two modes now? Beast Mode was good fun and allowed for serious destruction as the powerful locust horde. Overrun is basically beast mode and horde merged together but not perfectly. Players still come back to Judgement for the Overrun mode. X35 Earthwalker did a recent livestream on Gears of War: Judgement, playing Overrun and some players joined eventually. Gears 5 is missing out on those big modes. Why can’t they create their own perfect horde + beast mode. Human players fight to gain points and build fortifications while the locust horde players tries to tear it all down. Missed opportunities here developers. What’s also a bad move is that they changed king of the hill. It use to be three rounds in Gears of War 3 (first to win 2 though) but now in Gears 5 we only have one round. That’s a problem because now you get less time to fight with your opponents, less time to learn about them concerning how they fight and how to adjust, less time to get revenge on the player that killed you and also less killing time and action. In Gears of War 3 X35 had two matches that lasted a long time and he got over 121 kills in one and 105 in the other roundabout. You can’t get kills like that anymore. Don’t mess with the things that players loved. 

Another poor decision that The Coalition has made is making characters and skins mainly purchasable instead of earning them like in Gears of War 3. In Gears of War 3 you had to do stuff like get 2000 kills with the Lancer to unlock this skin and medal. Play 100 matches of horde to unlock this character or by levelling up. Get 1000 kills with each weapon to unlock chairman prescott. It was always play a certain amount of this, or get this medal or get this many kills or revive this many people etc. In Gears 5 it’s buy these coins with your money so you can buy this character. We at X35 Earthwalker have nothing against microtransactions. You can’t buy items that put an advantage over other players in Gears 5 which is good but when you had a certain character in Gears of War 3 it was also a statement to show you earned that character through that means. Like not everyone had Aaron Griffin. You had to play lots of horde to get him. So when people saw you had him, it was cool.

Gears 5 doesn’t even have the medals that appear next to your name. X35 Earthwalker completed the Gears of War 3 and Judgement campaign in the hardest difficulty and earned awesome rare medals as proof. They were displayed next to his name and hardly anyone had that medal. You felt special and elite. Gears 5 hasn’t got that. Bring it back The Coalition. Stop taking out good stuff! The medals also had certain titles and names that comes with them like ‘brutal Legend’ for the highest level of the MVP medal. There’s ‘god complex’ for the highest rank of revives. They appeared next to your name like ‘Gear deity’. You’d see some cool names and stuff you maybe haven’t got and would like. X35 Earthwalker had the ‘King of Cog’ title in Gears of War 3 which was fitting as he use to rule Gears of War 3. He was king. In Gears of War: Judgement his title was ‘Seriously judgemental’. Those were cool things. Nothing in Gears 5. Can’t even be done. Sad.


Gears of War: Judgement had many good things in it and one of those things that Gears 5 doesn’t have is character skins. In Gears of War: Judgement you could have a flaming skin, neon glowing skin. digital data effect skin and a whole lot more. In Gears 5 it’s just the character and that’s it. Gears 5 has weapon skins but not character skins which were cool and made you stand out. Imagine your Old man Marcus character but has a desert camouflage skin or golden marcus, or flaming marcus, even silly funny things like bunny suit Marcus or clown suit Marcus and he will have lines like “Hey stop clowning around” or when he gets shot but in the bunny suit says “that’s not very bunny… I mean funny, oh shut up!” That would be hilarious. You might say that doesn’t belong in gears of War but only the campaign needs to be all serious. There’s nothing wrong with a bit of fun in the multiplayer.

Since we are talking about Gears of War: Judgement, another thing that Gears 5 didn’t add that Judgment has is rewarding players for playing the campaign and other modes besides online multiplayer. Gears of War: Judgement had prize boxes that you aren’t for killing enemies, earning ribbons and levelling up. This applied to campaign as well. People who played the campaign weren’t wasting their time. In Gears 5 you get nothing for playing the campaign. The only way to get cards for your horde and escape character classes, or experience points to level up is to do multiplayer. Sort of recently The Coalition brought out a dlc that’s about the hive buster characters Mac, lahni and keegan. Only two days ago have we heard of just two people who started playing it. There’s no talk about the dlc at all. Everything is either multiplayer matches, horde or escape. Why? There’s no real reason to play it. You don’t get anything awesome, level up or anything. Hey developers! How about you reward players for playing the campaigns. Simple thing but yet they won’t do it.

Another problem is weapon balancing. We mention that the Lancer has been nerfed in Gears 5 and even worse they removed the increased damage buff you get from a perfect active reload. Anything that threatens the gnasher is nerfed or removed. The strongest weapon, most dominate weapon, most used weapon and what appears in the most montage videos is the gnasher shotgun. Always has been and looks like it always will. This is the problem. Imagine a shooting game where one gun is the dominant clear best gun and everyone uses that gun and only that gun. Image a call of duty match where everyone uses one gun only. Not fun or creative and it’s the same boring thing every time. Gears of War: judgement had the best weapon balancing of all the Gears of Wars. Gears 5 has terrible weapon balancing. They need to learn from previous games that have better multiplayer. In Gears of War: judgement almost all the starting load out weapons were strong and viable except the sawed off which was terrible. X35 Earthwalker got kill streaks and did serious damage with ALL the guns (except the sawed off). Lancer, retro lancer, hammerburst, classic hammerburst, markza and gnasher. The gnasher shotgun didn’t dominate anything except for code range co meat (as a shotgun should). Gears 5 it’s the gnasher all day every day.

Lastly the gnasher shotgun has certain, let’s call them trick shots, which shouldn’t be in the game. You have what’s referred to as a ‘back A’ and ‘forward A’. If someone comes in within range while you’re in cover you can do either one of those and consistently get one shot kills even though the shotgun isn’t facing the enemy! Last time we checked, bullets come out from the barrel of the gun, not the direction the camera is facing. I have seen pro players and try hards slide towards a cover, hit the cover then almost instantly pull back and fire at someone on the other side of the cover and instantly kill the person while their gun is facing 90 degrees in a different direction. That’s stupid. Sometimes it looks like their shot curves around a corner to fully one shot down you. Why is the gnasher shotgun capable of that dumb stuff?! Go online and see for yourself. It’s weird to describe but simply put, the gnasher shotgun is capable of trick shots where the bullets come out, from what looks like the camera, instead of the barrel of the gun. As if the gnasher needs anymore help. That’s almost like saying, Superman can move planets, destroy planets, hold a black hole, move in negative seconds, survive supernovas but that’s not enough… let’s give him more powers. How about as Superman breathes, his strength increases. You wonder why the player base has shrunk immensely and hardly anyone is talking about Gears 5 in a positive light. You wonder why Gears of War in it’s current state can’t compete with Call of Duty, Definitely not Halo (the best) and not even star wars battlefront 2 which we are currently having more fun with right now. Gears of War 3 had some of the most fun matches we have had in gaming EVER. Gears 5 can’t do that bro.

To summarise. There’s a lot of things that the developers, The Coalition, need to improve on and fix. There’s stuff from previous games that wasn’t put in Gears 5 which was a bad job. This isn’t us being mean and making fun of them. We are harsh because we truly care about this game. We can’t help it that we are better developers than all these current day game developers and if they had our input and leadership all these games would be better. That’s just facts. We have played Gears of war since Gears of War 1 and completed the campaigns in the hardest difficulties and played each multiplayer. We have done many game reviews and have shown to know what we are talking about. Check this out. We have asked many Gears of war players and most agree that Gears of War 3 had the best multiplayer. X35 Earthwalker’s mother plays video games and one of the games she plays is Gears of War. She loved and was serious about Gears of War 3. She wasn’t a big fan of Gears of War 4. Gave Gears 5 a try and soon went back to Gears of War 3. When most of the players, even a gaming mother and off course the greatest and smartest video gamer of all time (X35 Earthwalker) agrees that Gears of War 3 is better, then that clearly means Gears of war 3 is better! This means The Coalition is doing a worse job than what they did in Gears of War 4 and currently not as good as Epic Games with their Gears of War 3. It’s not hard. Take note of what was good and bring that into your game and if possible make it better. Add… not subtract. You’ve lost many players. Chased away new players and making some of the current players bored or annoyed. Fix this! Stoo making dumb decisions like making hammerburst a power weapon. Forum pages were full of players hating that decision with a few gnasher only users happy about it. Stop pleasing the few and sacrificing the many.

Overall Gears 5 is still a very good game and well made but clearly there are some areas that need improvement and some things that need to change and others that need to be added in. We lobe Gears of War. Our favourite multiplayer is Gears of War 3. It was the best. We had many great matches and we want more of that. Hopefully developers like The Coalition will learn from this and reach out to us. We can test games for you and look at your ideas. We want to help. Now we could say more but typing takes a lot of time. Now Gears 5 needs to change and Gears of War 6 must not make these mistakes but what doesn’t make mistakes is… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Among Us is that online multiplayer deception lying game developed and published by ‘Innersloth‘. Among Us is said to be coming out on the Xbox Series X and Xbox One in 2021. It’s off course already out on Nintendo Switch and PC. This game was incredibly popular and left many people salty, even angry and betrayed. Let’s take a look.

Now how do we feel about Among Us? We feel it’s fun to watch at times with specific people only and less fun to play. We aren’t fans to play it as it’s all about encouraging lying and deception which are both wrong but as a game it’s made very well. We like that it is simple on the surface but can get much deeper. Pretty much anyone can jump straight into this game regardless of skill or intelligence. You get the hang of things real quick and the more technical stuff are simple to learn.

Let’s quickly go over this. When you are the imposter you want to kill as fast as possible because if the crew mates finish all their tasks, they win, which is only a matter of time. You don’t want to get caught killing someone as you will get caught in a 50/50 situation and get voted out. So kill quick, kill with stealth and generally make others look suspicious. We have seen all the tactics and they aren’t secret. Our strategy is actually something we haven’t seen anyone try yet and that again makes sense as X35 Earthwalker is the universes ultimate strategist. He’s smarter and wiser than the others. 

Being on the Xbox just means that more people will be able to play. So expect Xbox minds to join the game as there are some people who wanted to join but not a lot but who knows, Among Us may surprise us. Now there will be updates and quite big ones. For example, players will be operating on the airship from Henry Stickman. That place had many functions, very large and a cool location and change of scenery. Plus it’s super high in the sky, so getting ejected leads to certain death. There’s a number of things the developers can get creative with on the ship from the items and rooms shown in the Henry Stickman episode.   

We have checked out some Among Us gameplay and it’s what we expected. It definitely has been hyped up more than it deserves but it’s still a fun game. The best parts is clearly the death animations. The multiple stabs in the back and the crawl away but get shot one are the best and funniest. You will have loads of fun with this game but it’s only for mature people though as Among Us can ruin friendships and relationships since you need to call people liars, blame others and be a scum bag. The worst feeling is be telling the truth and know you are telling the truth but someone is lying on you and everyone believes the liar instead of you then get voted out. You start to see your wife, best friend or relatives differently. Then you aren’t talking anymore. Only the mature who knows it’s just a game and keep it as a game should play. Big cry babies like the twitch streamers shouldn’t play this. 

Overall there isn’t anything new to say about this game. Sure there’s going to be some quite big updates but it’s Among Us. Prepare to be lied too, followed and stabbed in the back LITERALLY. Just please remember it’s just a game goes. Off course X35 Earthwalker is far above these little childish things but you aren’t him, so be you instead. Now Among Us may have been very popular but it’s popularity is nothing compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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Back 4 Blood is a new cooperative first person shooter game developed by ‘Turtle Rock Studios‘ and published by ‘Warner Bros Games‘. Back 4 Blood is said to be coming out 22nd of June 2021 on the Xbox Series X, PS5 and PC. You can describe this as a zombie game. This game looks like it has potential. Let’s take a look.

The creators of Left 4 Dead are behind Back 4 Blood. Also Turtle Rock Studios are the guys who made the awesome game ‘Evolved‘. So Back 4 Blood has a lot of minds and behind this one and the expectations are high. So the story here is basically the typical that there’s a serious infected horde of creatures out here and humanity is near extinction but conveniently a small group of humans are fighting back and out here trying to save humanity. Yet whole armies lose and get folded but four people and a guy with a sloppy mid section (his belly) can win but whatever.

Let’s go over Back 4 Blood this quickly. For starters most of the characters look like they could survive. Some look like complete losers but it makes sense that it’s random survivors as in they would look different to each other. There’s 8 characters to choose from, referred to as ‘Cleaners’. They are immune to the virus (off course they are). The missions are overall a simple format in a sense that it’s all about fighting off against a horde of enemies. Does reminds us of world war z in this regards. You must work together, stick together and cover each others backs as there are some mechanics that will mix things up and even ruin an entire mission. Many of you by now have seen some gameplay and so you know what to expect. 

Your primary weapons in Back 4 Blood are guns and something for melee like a baseball bat, knife etc. Expect the typical arsenal of weapons like pistols, assault rifles and off course shotguns. Head shots are the key and best way to take down regular infected called ‘Sprinters’. They just run at you and try to swing and beat you to death. That’s right, there’s some variety to these infected creatures. Retches are the fat ones who create acid pools on the ground so common sense says don’t step in them. Bruisers are the big tall ones with a clearly mutated arm which they use to smash you around and crush you. Keep your distance. The Ogre is the big bad boss one. It’s huge, towers over you and has wide range sweeping melee attacks and can even throw a large projectile at you. Hockers are the annoying ones who likes to trap you and your allies leaving you vulnerable. 

Here’s where some of the problems show up in Back 4 Blood. The bruisers also come straight for you and they become top priorities as they will destroy you if you get too close. Like with other infected Bruisers have weak points of their bodies which you need to hit to take them down efficiently. So accuracy is needed and not mad man spraying of bullets. You can easily run out of ammo. The Hockers are the worst as they fire ensnaring web like stuff that incapacitates you. They see to hit you from nowhere at times but oh boy the infected can sure hit you while you are trapped. You need an ally to come along and free you by melee-ing you. So make your shots count, aim for weak points, keep an eye on your team mates, stay away from bruisers and don’t step in pools of acid. Our main probably is the lack of variety of infected though. We hope there’s more that they haven’t shown yet. Games like this could easily benefit from a large variety of infected like ones but let’s see how they pull this off with their current cast. 

There is some competitive stuff to Back 4 Blood as you can go against players. Either be human or the ridden and off course both sides have their own abilities and weapons. So it’s like Overrun in Gears of War Judgement where one side is human while the other is the Locust. Off course modes like this have a tough time balancing everything but they will learn as they go along. Do your best developers. The other thing is that. There’s also a card system for your characters that definitely mix things up. Get different builds all the time and work with what you got. We definitely like this mechanic as it adds more layers of strategy, options and tactical approaches to the different situations. Card builds are game changers and when done right definitely adds to the game. 

We checked out some back 4 Blood gameplay and it’s exactly what we thought it would be. It’s the Left 4 Dead formula which many gamers enjoyed. Group of four, working together, shooting and fighting through a horde of infected creatures who are all out here ready to destroy all humans. If someone in your squad dies, you can bring them back. They show up glued to a wall and cannot get out. You must approach them and save them. Reminds us of the bring back system in Gears 5 in Escape mode for a dead teammate. Being careful with your ammo, finding awesome weapons during the mission. There was a powerful machine gun that literally was like the answer to these infected creatures. It was rapid fire, heavy destroying rounds and left nothing alive. Oh and rightfully so, friendly fire is a thing so don’t go unloading shotgun shells in the backs of your friends. It hurts. X35 Earthwalker once took a shotgun shot and it had no effect whatsoever. He actually didn’t know he was shot until he turned around. 

Overall Back 4 Blood looks like it’s going to be a fun game for sure. We really enjoy multiplayer games, especially cooperative games. This looks like a casual shooter and survival against a horde. The popular fictional survival scenario. Causal on the surface but on the harder difficulties we know this game gets really hard to beat. We had hoped this game is very difficult and glad to hear that it is. It’s been positive reports s far and that’s good. The developers ‘Turtle Rock Studios’ have a done a very good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye out for this game. Now Back 4 Blood may have dangerous infected but they are all fodder against… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Tetris Effect: Connected is described as a tile matching puzzle game. Simply put… it’s Tetris. You know what it is. This game is fantastic! Sure it’s Tetris, but it’e not Tetris and we will get into that later. We are so glad we played this game and it surprised us severely. Don’t let the fact that it’s a tetris game throw you off. Let’s take a look.

Let’s get this out of the way. We don’t like Tetris. We don’t care about Tetris. We never cared about Tetris. Never owned a Tetris game. We care about Tetris Effect: Connected though. Like for real, Tetris is boring… but Tetris Effect: Connected isn’t. We have spent lots of time in Tetris Effect: Connected and had lots of fun in this game. It’s the best Tetris game by far. Do not underestimate this game. We have seen gamers who never cared about Tetris now enjoying Tetris Effect: Connected. That speaks for itself. By the way Tetris Effect: Connected is currently an Xbox exclusive. Best experienced on Xbox Series X though. 

The main mode which is the campaign called ‘Journey Mode’. Here you go through a series of levels where you play Tetris but the main goal is to clear lines. There are three difficulties really as the fourth is practice mode which doesn’t even include all the levels, has no game over and is the slowest speed. In Normal difficulty you must clear 36 lines, beginner is 30 while hard is 48. Also the higher difficulties are overall have faster Tetriminos (the falling blocks) falling speed. For example the first level ‘The Deep’ ca rise up to a fall speed of 3 while in Hard it goes up to 8. The problem we have with Tetris Effect: Connected is that the jump from normal to hard is too big but if you reach the later levels in normal difficulty you would be use to higher speeds than the early hard mode levels anyway but still…. too big of a gap.

The levels in the journey mode are beautiful and vary heavily from each other. You have sea level types but they vary for example ‘The Deep’ has manta rays but concludes with a massive whale. This level is one of the best ways to start of the game. It’s a beautiful display and you see the movement around as you progress through the Level. Mermaid cove has mermaids. Turtle dreams has turtles. There’s also Jelly fish Cgorus and Dolphin Surf which has a immensely bright moment in the level where you come to the surface with the dolphins. Epic stuff. Some levels come with a song with lyrics while others is just music but for the most part the music is very good and we like the songs. The song in balloon high is the best though. It’s relaxing or gets you hyped with the action, making things intense. The big boss level is metamorphosis which has 90 lines to clear on Normal difficulty. It’s a huge battle where the Tetriminos will fall at high speeds which are impossible to work with if you are new to the game. More on that later. Journey mode is awesome, very challenging and you’ll spend good time here training.

The next big mode is off course Multiplayer which what makes Tetris Effect: Connected a different game from Tetris Effect. Some idiot online wanted to spend his day arguing with X35 Earthwalker about that. What a loser. Hopefully he gets a life. Multiplayer is where the action is at after training through Journey mode. Here you can find all the true new stuff. We do recommend players go through the tutorial for helpful tips as there are tricks and certain aspects of the modes you need to be aware of in order to do good. Once you enter multiplayer you see a massive pyramid but at it’s base is the top reflected to make a full shape. Just imagine a pyramid on top of a pyramid but connected at the base. It’s in the center of this galaxy and players names are floating around this massive structure and in the Milky Way looking galaxy. You can select your guardian avatar which is the different images and shapes you unlock through playing all through Tetris Effect Connected. For example if you level up you can unlock the Moon, Nabla and Sun through playing online matches and you get a bonus if you win off course. You can unlock others through playing specific modes or a certain number of matches etc. They are cool and the one you select becomes like your symbol. Cosmetic stuff. There’s 84 in total. There’s orbit mode which allows the player to fly around the galaxy and view players avatars, their names and see the pyramid from different angles. There are three types of multiplayer: Ranked, Friend and Local. Ranked is for points and against random Tetris Effect: Connected players around the world. Friend is a private match where you can invite friends. Local is local couch play. Bring a friend over, family or beat your spouse at Tetris and damage your marriage. 

The multiplayer modes are: Connected, zone battle, Score attack and Classic score attack. Classic score attack is where you face an opponent 1v1 to see who gets the highest score. Old school classic Tetris. Score attack is the same but it’s all modern Tetris though. Now here’s the good stuff. zone battle is about crushing your foe. Not score. It’s whoever loses first. First to two. Cause your opponent’s side to fill up to the top. As you clear lines in fancy ways you send trash to your opponents side which builds up forcing them higher to the top of their screen. So clearing doubles, triples, quads, clearing in combos, T-spin or whatever it is called all contributes. Single line clears don’t contribute at all. Your best tool is the zone mechanic. This mechanic is new to Tetris Effect: Connected (It was also in the inferior Tetris Effect). Basically you stop time and have limited time to clear lines and each cleared line goes straight to the bottom of your screen. Can save your life but the best way to score points. This zone if done right can completely destroy your opponents one shot. There’s ways to win but you need to know what you should and shouldn’t be doing. More experienced players than X35 Earthwalker has lost to him because X35 knew what to do while they didn’t.

The last mode is Connected and this is truly awesome. You and two others face actual bosses who are playing Tetris just like you. It’s 3v1. The bosses are the stupid zodiac signs. They are in groups of three and you face each one one right after the other. For example on normal difficulty you face: cancer, libra and scorpio. Each boss has their own abilities which are designed to mess up the players. For example they might make your next two falling blocks super large taking up so much space. Cause your Tetriminos to fall extremely fast. Rise up your screen, drop in explosive blocks, rotate your field etc. Some abilities are more dangerous than others clearly. The three need to keep clearing lines like in zone battle to contribute to the meter. When it’s filled all three of your fields combine into one big one and you need to create as many lines as possible. The more you do the stronger your combined attack against the boss to force them to the top of the screen. Once defeated the next comes after a quick statistics break. There’s more after hard difficulty. They won’t go down easy.

Lastly is Effect mode where you can try out what looks like community made challenges. They are set though and mx things up. Some have conditions, others are about scoring in a time limit. It’s different from journey and multiplayer and brings in some adventurous stuff. There’s even one where you have to clear 40 lines as fast as possible. Simply put there’s lots to do here. Another thing we wanted to talk about tis that Tetris Effect: Connected trains you. It actually forces you to think faster and be faster. When you first start playing Journey mode you really struggle when the speed reaches 4. Higher speeds like 6 becomes too much and you complain at how fast it is.As you play a bit more and get use to the shapes you find yourself naturally able to handle speed 6 and up to 8. When you first encounter a level with a ruthless speed of 10 you get shocked and fail, again complaining that it’s too fast, which it is. Then over time you find yourself easily handling speed 10. We can now do speed 14 and 16 if we have enough space and actually plan and decide where that piece should go within the practically ‘no time’ that we have to think. This game forces you to be fast. You stop complaining ad say bring it on. You take on those speeds and find yourself handling it. We got faster and better. Since X35 Earthwalker is the best, smartest and wisest gamer of all time he grew in skill way faster than other players and these speeds are very doable for him. Off course we aren’t dedicating our lives to be the Tetris pro players as we have a bigger life and much more going on but for how much we do p[lay it, we are easily masters who are getting better. 

There isn’t really a negative to Tetris Effect: Connected except for the big gap in difficulty between Normal and hard. Other from that, there’s no problems. It’s Tetris and stays as Tetris. Thus game has lots to do. If you want to get serious you can with effect mode. If you want a challenge you can do journey mode on normal difficulty and higher. If you want to get competitive with others you can with multiplayer like zone battle. If you want to relax there’s relaxed modes in effect mode and there’s theatre mode where you can just watch the stages you play in journey mode, control the transition and listen to the music. Literally use Tetris Effect: Connected as your music player. Talk about a versatile game. Unpopular opinion and PlayStation fanboys get mad when wee say this but Tetris Effect: Connected is a better game than Demon’s souls remastered and spider man: Miles Morales. We aren’t joking. If you judged them for what they are, Tetris Effect: Connected is a better game. Don’t make the mistakes simple minded people make by assuming that this games boring because it’s Tetris and there’s no guns, giant axes, huge monsters and death. This game is fantastic. Very hard and unforgiving but fantastic.

Overall Tetris Effect: Connected is an awesome game. One of the best games of 2020 easily and worth playing even now. The graphics are amazing, the particle effects are the second best we have ever seen so far. It would all look better on an Xbox Series X (we currently don’t have the next gen console). So many colours, great music with variety, excellent effects, multiple game modes, boss battles which ascends Tetris as something complete new. There’s local play up to three players. Tetris Effect: Connected is a multiplayer game with many things available. We are glad we gave this game a chance. We would give Tetris Effect: Connected a 10/10. A perfect game. There’s isn’t really anything bad about it except one level where the fireworks effect you get as you do a big move, it causes a lag that does mess you up but that’s the only real negative. Everything else is great. It’s available on the Xbox game pass so you can even get this game for free and play the whole thing. There isn’t much to say as it’s Tetris at the end of the day. It’s kind of hard to mess up Tetris. Now Tetris Effect: Connected may be considered a perfect game but it’s filled with flaws when compared too… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes is a new interactive drama, survival horror game developed by ‘Supermassive Games‘ and published by ‘Bandai Namco‘. The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes is said to be coming out in the year 2021 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PS5, PS4 and PC. This is the third game and the one we have the highest hopes for. Let’s take a look.

The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes is set in Iraq in the year 2003. A war or should we say conflict is coming right to it’s end. Rachel King is a CIA operative and she’s been ordered to work with a military squad. Their orders is to check out, what they have been told is, an underground chemical weapons facility. Already we know this is a whole lot of bull crap. As if the Iraqi would have an underground chemical weapons facility. The location is the Zagros Mountains.

Once they reach the coordinates, Rachel and the squad are attacked by a local patrol being led by Sergeant Salim othman. Already we know this is an important character as he has a name and significance. In the middle of this battle between squads, sinkholes open up caused by earth tremors. Both squads fall in. Turns out underground is a buried Sumerian temple. Something bad, very bad, evil has awakened down there and these two squads are in danger. It’s a labyrinth down here to make things worse. So now the two squads have to make a decision: Either put aside their differences and work together to survive or will they instead go alone and prioritise their own survival? 

Now let’s go over a few things. It’s the The Dark Pictures Anthology so we know what to expect but we want some significant changes to make this game better. The last two games were fake threats as in their was no real monsters, demons or supernatural aspects at all. First game had gas that caused hallucinations while the second was demons that was all in someone head. None of it was real. House of sand needs to have actual supernatural threats and aspects otherwise we will straight away write off the game as trash. We don’t want the same thing or factors. Mix it up for the big finale.

Next they need to make The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes real good is to make the game brutally hard. The other games were too easy. The heartbeat time your button press segments were too easy and not intense at all. They should make the room for success smaller to increase difficulty. The time you have to press a button needs to be shorter. Creation riskier decisions need to have multiple swapping button presses to increase a greater chance of fail. The moments where you have two decisions to choose from and a bar appears to show you that your time to choose is running out needs to have pausing the game disabled. If you can pause it defeats the whole point of the timed decisions. Lastly create a form of punishment or negative for players who because of one bad decision start the game from the beginning. Either give them different paths or a harder play through or something as it’s pathetic for gamers to back out because they failed. 

Overall The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes looks like it’s going to be the real deal and hopefully what we want. If the developers make changes to please big babies like markiplier and 8-bit Ryan then we are ready to be disappointed. If they listen to us who has real wisdom they would make their best game in the series by far but let’s see. Big developers tend to not be very smart. We don’t know how well the developers ‘Supermassive Games’ have done so far. We at X35 Earthwalker are looking forward to this game. Now The Dark Pictures Anthology: House of Ashes may have some hype but that’s not enough alone to move… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Morkredd is a new action adventure puzzle game developed by ‘Hyper Games‘ and published by ‘Aspyr‘. Morkredd is said to be coming out in December 2020 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One and PC. Morkredd has a heavy concept as in the whole game is centred around it. It’s about an orb. Fine, there’s more to it though. Let’s take a look.

Morkredd is all about an Orb. This is what’s being said: “The orb is your fate”, “The orb calls for two”, “Gaze into the orb”, “Your path is the orb”, “The orb is your only friend”, “you are the orb’s protector” and “the orb’s light is your”. This is all very weird. This even sounds creepy. They really want to drive home that this orb is something pretty special. So what is the orb? Most don’t know. Do we know? Maybe…

Now Morkredd is primarily a co-op game. Remember that the orb always calls for two. Morkredd I best played with a friend but if you want to go solo then you will have to control both characters with dual character controls. Players will need to solve puzzles using the orb and keep the orb with you. After all, you are it’s protector. The main threat is darkness and this includes shadows. This includes shadows caused by your partner. This is really cool. this means you need to communicate with each other to prevent either of you from ruining the other. 

The darkness is a real problem here. You are surrounded by huge amount of darkness. It’s described as “an endless abyss of deadly shadows”. There are dangers in the dark. It can be pits, traps but we don’t know if there are any enemies in the darkness though. It doesn’t look like that kind of game but that would be really good. So stay near the orb if you want to live. There’s over 60 puzzles in Morkredd so that’s something to look forward to. Remember that this game is an Xbox exclusive. It will be available on   PC (not a console) but not PS5.  

We checked out some Morkredd gameplay and it wasn’t what we expected. We didn’t really know what to expect. You roll around the orb like it’s a giant hamster ball. You stand on buttons, trigger mechanisms, open gates, light the way, use a boat and more. It’s simple gameplay and concept but a funky twist. This looks like a good game. We would want it to be more dynamic but it seems more casual right now. Rightfully so, players can discover the ancient secrets of the orb and know what it’s about.

Overall Morkredd looks like a good game so far. Bit of trivia. Morkredd is Norwegian. It means “fear of the dark”. How fitting for a title of this game. This game was also inspired by nordic culture obviously and ‘long winters’. There’s quite bit going on. The developers ‘Hyper Games’ have done a good job so far. Now Morkredd may have darkness and a fear of darkness but one thing that’s not scared of the dark is… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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War Thunder is a massive multilayer online (MMO) military game developed by ‘Gaijin Entertainment‘ and published by ‘Gaijin Distribution‘. War Thunder already came out on Xbox One, PS4 and PC. What’s important though is that War thunder is now coming to the next gen consoles… Xbox Series X and PS5 in November 2020. This game is all about war. Let’s take a look.

War Thunder is very simple and easy to understand. It’s war based on world war 2 and cold war vehicles. So since it’s a massive multiplayer online you will be in a tank or aircraft and fighting other players. It’s all vehicles, no infantry. So you know what to expect. Just watch the trailer we put down below and you’ll understand completely. 

It’s not only tanks and aircraft in War Thunder. There are naval crafts too. So players will be fighting in land, air and sea. Now there are over 1700 tanks, helicopters, warships and aircrafts. That’s a lot! They have been described as highly detailed and made from “historical documents and surviving sources”. So gamers should expect different controls, movements and functions from the different vehicles even if in the same type. Speaking of historical, there is 100 maps which is said to represent the main historical battle theatres. 

War Thunder is cross platform and this includes players on Mac, Linux, Windows, Xbox One and PS4. So everyone is invited on the same server. In terms of what happens in War Thunder, there is PvP (off course) where it’s full scale combat. There’s difficulty settings too which maybe adjusts the types of battles or vehicles included. There’s PvE so you don’t have to face human armies but you can face historical wars, solo missions and campaigns.  

Now the biggest reason we caught attention of this game is simply because this massive multiplayer online war game is coming to the next gen consoles. War Thunder is going to be on the Xbox Series X and PS5. So greater graphics, better visuals and smoother frames. This means a whole better gaming experience. War Thunder is free to play. So don’t worry about costs. When it comes out, you can jump straight in, enter a tank or whatever and blast away.

We checked out some War Thunder gameplay and it’s what we expected. You could be the one protecting you team from air raids with anti-aircraft guns. You may be the one in a fast boat who uses torpedoes to destroy warships. Destroy multiple air vehicles with a firestorm from multiple rocket launchers. Simply you could be the one who takes control of a tank and start blasting up enemies on the field. So working together and strategy is key… unless you want to destroy everything solo. What’s good is that War Thunder is said to have regular content updates which includes new vehicles, nations, maps and missions. So there’s stuff to do.

Overall War Thunder looks like a simple game that off course has layers to it concerning strategy and combat. Like what vehicle counters what, what environments are best for what vehicle. Who knows, we might get involved… might. We like that you can target certain parts of vehicles. Anyway. The developers ‘Gaijin Entertainment’ have done a good job. We at X35 Earthwalker may keep an eye open for this game when it comes to the next gen consoles. Now War Thunder may have 1700 vehicles but not one of those machines are high tech enough to face… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Black Desert is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed and published by Pearl Abyss. Black Desert came out on Xbox One, PS4 and PC. This is just a first impression G-blog post. We saw this game time ago but didn’t really feel like it. We decided to try this game for the first time and so here’s a quick view on some stuff. Let’s take a look.

So Black Desert didn’t get off to a good start. Choosing our name was a task in of itself. It gives us set of rules concerning our names. Examples would be 3-15 characters, A-Z, 0-9. They mentioned how to use underscores etc. We tried to do ‘X35 Earthwalker’ at first but off course that has a space. So fine. We added an underscore but it still wouldn’t allow it. We sat there and tried to get the name to work from capital letter to common letter. We had to change the name to ‘X35’ only. At one point we didn’t know why we couldn’t use our name. We were ready to uninstall the game right there. The game’s mantra or slogan or whatever is “Be your true self”. Yet we can’t have the exact name we want. Our name isn’t a swear word, curse or racial slur. Very lame. 

Now character creation is very loaded and we would say the most detailed character customisation of any game. You can literally adjust (slight) both butt cheeks, individually. Not joking. Most games especially if you have a female character forces you to have a pancake flat butt when in real life that’s mostly not the case. Body parts are split into smaller sections which you can just individually to be more precise. They need an undo option for each action you take though as if you restore to default it resets everything in that category. Now why are we a female? The game forced us! Let us explain. We wanted the Dark Knight class. It’s only available for female characters. This is the same stupid thing that Tera did concerning the Gunner class. Only women can be Gunners even though the gun itself is BIGGER than the woman herself. BFG 9000 from DOOM is nothing compared to the gun in Tera. Now we know it’s a fantasy game where anything can happen, logical or not but the dark knight is literally all about wielding a big tall two handed blade. It would be heavy. It’s naturally a style more fit for men. Don’t give us that sexist feminist nonsense. It’s a fact that some combat styles are more suited men or women. We can say from experience as X35 Earthwalker has many years of martial arts training and worked with weapons. Can you imagine a regular lady outside a supermarket swinging the blade of Siegfreid from soul calibur? Exactly. It’s north same size but you get what we mean. Even so we couldn’t have a male character as the Dark Knight class which was stupid design and Black Desert’s one huge flaw in character customisation. Again the slogan is “be your true self” yet we can’t pick the character we want. Fail.

Black Desert isn’t clear from the start. It’s actually the most confusing of all the MMORPGs we have played. Especially after the trouble with choosing our name, not getting the character we want we are already fed up at this point. You eventually get use to the controls and how interacting with characters work. Understanding where to go and finding your quests wasn’t easy but even that eventually makes sense. Now the best thing about Black Desert hands down is the combat. The game nailed this. So let’s break this down. You have full control of your character, everything is real time and you can run and sprint real fast making travelling easy. Everything is fast paced, very fast paced. You run up to an enemy, they get alerted if they notice you, they try to attack you can move fast and dodge and get into your preferred range. Definitely feels good for sure. The combat can get exciting.

The Dark Knight class in Black Desert is what we imagined it would be. We are so happy with it’s designed from a combat perspective. You have like maximum mobility. You can dash and zoom bot forwards and left/right at fast response. The attacks are strong, deliver bleed states effect and even launch enemies into there air. Dark Knights can also use magic as well, even a projectile that stuns enemies. We haven’t even unlocked everything yet but already we found our style. It’s fast, strong, melee and range with high mobility. We don’t even care what the other classes have to offer right now. We even faced our first boss, a big red nose monster and we successfully dodged and returned attacks of our own. We dominated that boss. We loved the Dark Knight at sight because it reminded us of Caius from Final Fantasy 13-2 (The story so far). He used like dark chaos energy for attacks and buffing himself. He was fast, deadly blows and had great mobility. Caius was incredibly powerful. We feel like him, an inferior him but we will only get stronger. The combat is the best part of Black Desert right now by far without question.

Overall Black Desert looks like a very good game. Yes we bashed it pretty hard at the start of this G-blog but those are things at the start and once you get past them and start to understand how the game works you then don’t have as much problems at all. We are only level 16 and have only recently played so there’s way more for us to discover, learn and do. So far we are having fun. 

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Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is a new action First Person Shooter game developed by ‘Treyarch‘ supported by ‘Raven Software‘ but published by ‘Activision‘. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is said to be coming out November 13th 2020 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PS5, PS4 and PC. It’s another Call of Duty game. We know what to expect but let’s hope this one has something going on for us. Let’s take a look.

Let’s get this out of the way first. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is another call of duty game. Most gamers should know what to expect. We have literally zero excitement for this game. From what we have heard and seen from most call of duty fans is that they don’t really care about the story (campaign). Multiplayer is where it’s at and then secondary it’s zombies. We expect people trying to drop shot, camp with snipers, spam the meta gun and hop/ jump around corners. We just hope Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War has something that actually interests us.

Now concerning the campaign this is all the whole website had to say about. “players will come face-to-face with historical figures and hard truths, as they battle around the globe through iconic locales like East Berlin, Vietnam, Turkey, Soviet KGB headquarters, and more.” This is literally all what the ENTIRE WEBSITE said concerning the campaign. So it’s taking a bit of a historical turn and players can expect to hear some maybe famous names. We have checked out some campaign gameplay and it definitely looks good and actioned packed. We don’t believe all the levels will be like that one but it definitely makes you want to see more. Since players will be in different parts of the world, we can expect a variety of environments and therefore hopefully different combat styles of the enemies. After all the countries do not fight the same way. Ask Vietnam (reference, if you know it you know it. if not then shame on you).

The multiplayer is where it’s at. The multiplayer in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is similar to previous Call of Duty games which isn’t a bad thing at all. It works doesn’t it? Pick your weapon. The maps have loads of spots for hiding and cover. So the return of the campers. Sniper rifles are dangerous and off course can one shot you. The aiming feels easy right now. The beach level looks very cool. It has multiple levels, water, sand, boats, lights and it’s night time. Nice design from a visual perspective right now. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War is sticking to it’s fast paced gameplay. Quick respawns and sadly even quicker to die. We’ve seen people spray someone and kill them within a second, not including headshots. If someone sees you and aims well, then expect death almost instantly. Not our style. You literally die so fast. So you can kill someone, then they know where you killed them from because of the death cam then you respawn so fast and could even respawn behind that person and get instant revenge. S far it’s standard Call of duty multiplayer. Nothing standing out. You can call in abilities and support, so make sure to earn those.

Zombies is back and that’s a good thing for Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War. If you don’t know what zombies is then basically you and a team (or alone) must try to survive against a horde of zombies. To overly simplify it. Zombies has some new stuff. For starters squads can be created across platforms and console generations. Not only that, you are awarded for playing as the battle pass is advanced through time spent in Zombies. Concerning the upgrades and perks, there is crafting of items and even field upgrades. Old one like speed cola and juggernog are here too. Now about those weapons. All weapons have a rarity system like Apex legends and Fortnite as in the more rare it is, the better the damage. Fan favourite weapons are here too so be proud of that fans. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War will also have what’s described as “Cold Ear-era weapons”. We’ve seen some futuristic and wacky weapons in there. It’s cool and gives of a more relaxed less serious image to this mode. Be chill and have a good time.

We checked out some Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War gameplay and it’s what we expected. The multiplayer will be what all the videos and streams be about mostly. Zombies will be second and campaign last. It’s fast paced, looks great, lots of action and does what it says on the box. The only real problem is meta weapons in multiplayer. There’s one gun (we won’t say which) which is dominating the matches. We even saw a match where everyone except one person was using that gun on the opposing team. That says a lot. So glancing needs to be improved for sure.

Overall Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War looks like a very good game. We never said the game wasn’t good. Just doesn’t interest us at all and it’s multiplayer isn’t our style. There’s cool modes like VIP where you must kill the enemy teams VIP while guiding yours safely to extraction. Gets tactical. Graphics and sounds are great. The maps are very good and there’s some variety in this game. The developers ‘Treyarch’ with ‘Raven Software’ have done a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see what Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War really got. Now Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War may have more action and speed but none of that matters in the presence of… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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R-Type Final 2 is a new side scrolling shooter game developed by ‘Granzella‘. R-Type Final 2 is said to be coming out in 2021 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS4 and PC. R-Type Final 2 definitely has something going for it. Side scrolling shooter games have a tough time standing out and a number of them are just too similar. Let’s take a look. 

Now we didn’t know anything about R-Type Final 2. We never heard of it. Even the story we aren’t sure of what’s going on. We do know that the main enemies in the R-Type are the Bydo. Humans are in a serious battle with the Bydo… for years. Simply put it’s man vs aliens with space battles and machines. Now that’s not the focus here. The focus is that you control big ships with mad firepower to destroy pretty much everything. So focus on that.

One of the main focuses on the R-Type Final 2 gameplay is to make players feel real good about destroying the enemies. There’s multiple weapons for clearly different purposes. There’s a charged up weapon that has piercing effect that flies through multiple enemies. Good for a line up. There are bombs for when extra damage is needed or just to clear out a group of them. Laser beams which have obvious purposes. There’s spiral based flaming attacks. There’s loads of weapons in R-Type Final 2 from what we have seen. 

Your weapons can be frontal or backwards which is a good feature. Games like this need loads of weapons, there needs to be a form of upgrade system. Some games do have this but something more is needed. R-Type Final 2 does try something that’s actually different. It seems like some levels have special conditions. There’s one stage that has decaying organisms. So new enemies are formed from the destroyed remains of other enemies. So basically as you play R-Type Final 2 you will face new and stronger enemies. Stage factors like this a good spin. 

Now the stages evolve as well. Off course players will be making changes to their fighters over time with different weapons and features. So the stage, enemies and fighters will be going through changes over time. What stands out to us more than any of that stuff in R-Type Final 2 is the ship designs. Like seriously look at them. There’s all sorts and types with some looking like living creatures. Technology has come a long way hasn’t it. 

We checked out some R-Type Final 2 gameplay and it’s what we expected for the most part. R-Type Final 2 brings a sense of progression as players will unlocked and develop new fighters of different types as they go through the game. Some ships (fighters) are clearly better for some levels than others because of their features. So it’s up to players to know what’s the best options for the situations ahead. We like the level of flashiness and explosives and special effects. Thos look amazing and the design of the aliens. We always respect creativity and we hope to see more unique and cool looking alien enemies. 

Overall R-Type Final 2 looks like a real good game for sure. There’s loads of action, unique and cool looking enemies, customisation, multiplayer is going to make R-Type Final 2 a serious game. Just being able to play with others is a big deal. The graphics of the ships, enemies and the visuals of the firing and attacks are very good. The developers have done a very good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to seeing what R-Type Final 2 will do. R-Type Final 2 may have loads of action but that action is real boring when compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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