Hellmut: The Badass from Hell is a bullet storm dungeon crawler game developed by ‘Volcani‘ and published by ‘Grindstone‘. It already came out on Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS4 and PC. Hellmut aims to throw players into the centre of fast paced action and danger. Let’s take a look.

Now the first thing we will say about Hellmut: The badass from hell is that the story isn’t clear. We honestly aren’t entirely sure what the story is. According to the intro cutscene we know there’s a mad scientist who somehow summons a demon and asked for eternal life (along those lines), not sure why anyone would trust demons of all things but whatever, the scientist is mad remember. The demon then summons more demons who then attack the lab, while the big main demon kills the scientist leaving him as just a skull and spine. A being called the ‘eye of ka-ra’ shows up and grants the skull life, giving the scientist a chance to fight for his body and probably get revenge. Now we see the green test tubes and know that monsters are in there but when the eye of ka-ra offers the mutation forms as rewards for challenges it sounds like those forms were never his and completely new. Whatever, simply put it’s about fighting to get back what’s yours.

The tutorial does introduce you to the basics of the game and does that well but that’s all it does. There’s actually a number of mechanics or items in the game that wasn’t explained or made clear. Also it doesn’t fully prepare you for what’s coming next or gives enough combat. So players will get a shock on their first run of the game in terms of how much you’ll get swarmed and the difficulty. That isn’t bad as tutorials don’t need to fully explain everything, it’s okay to have some things be figured out by the player. A tutorial should explain the basics and that’s all really but when an emphasised item in the game like those red soul stones aren’t explained clearly, as to what they do, it’s a problem.

You enter the game and from the start get to pick from two transformations: Rat king and Stitchmonster. These mutations are the main focus of the game. Players can transform into them at anytime. Rat king is a longer ranged fighter who fires exploding rats. He has 150 health and his secondary shot is like a shotgun spread shot of your primary weapon. Stitchmonster has lots of health with 250 and has a single hammer throw attack. It’s secondary attack is basically an explosive ram attack which can get you in trouble if used badly. There are many more mutations like Slimeball which fires single shot slime projectiles and while the secondary fire is a huge bean that does serious damage in the direction you selected. I call that beam the boss killer. There’s another one. Ragnar is basically a undead norse god which fires two machine guns at the same time and the secondary attack is odin calling down purple lighting around you to harming enemies who are too close to you. We like the different mutations and some are clearly better than others. The fairy orc is the worst in our opinion by far. We just use it as a shield. Now if you are using a mutation and you lose all your health, that mutation dies and you are forced back to your skull form. You can quickly transform into another mutation or fight on as the skull but you can’t use the dead form until you revive it using a resurrection orb which you can buy or receive as an additional award.

In the levels, you will walk around and traverse the place until you enter a room which shouldn’t take along at all. Once in the room monsters will spawn. Kill them all. That’s it. Go from room to room fighting monsters and demons. Some rooms may have a treasure chest which contains either a weapon, soulstone, or a permanent stat boost like movement speed, rate of fire or damage. Some rooms have a mini boss in them, while other rooms may have a tome for summoning the eye of ka-ra, some rooms have a shop and one always has the exit portal. So get in a room and fight for your life, literally as the enemies don’t play around. With a wide range of enemies with different attacks patterns and abilities, you need to recognise the enemies and what they do quickly and stay alive. Some like skeletons, go up to you and slash you, while others like the hovering robot fires projectiles. Some enemies chase you down while others move around with their own pattern and only attack when you enter their range. Some can borrow underground where they can’t be hit but can still hit you, just wait until they resurface. Some are fast while spree are slow. Some summon more demons while others can poison you. Lastly some rooms allow you to run back out once the enemies spawn so you can fight them in a single line through the path (cowards way0 while some rooms trap you in with a laser wall for a period of time. We honestly prefer it if every room prevents you from leaving once the enemies spawn. It’s easy to run out and fight. 

As we’ve mentioned there a shop in each level where you can… well… buy stuff. There are two types of merchants there. One big guy that sells weapons, armour and weapon buffs while the other sells, medkits, a resurrection orb and a red soul stone expansion bag. Make sure to visit the store every level. One, because you’ll need the medkits to stay alive and two, because you may find some useful weapons and upgrades. It’s a good variety. All the weapon descriptions are quite humorous. Humour and being silly is a theme throughout the whole game. The game isn’t serious and the advice given at the loading screens, to weapon descriptions to character interactions is all jokes, and taking everything lightly. Humour works well and and definitely in a game like this where everything is colourful and pixel graphic style. Will someone please explain the purpose of the red soul stones. We bought the expansion bag and still have no idea what it does. No we won’t look it up. We will figure it out ourselves as well always do but the game should tell us, or if it unlocks secrets, then a hint should be given. Inside the shop is also a arcade machine which let’s you play space invaders but a Hellmut: The badass from Hell version of it. Literally the same game, the enemies move left and right while discoing over time and you just have to shoot them. Instead of a mother ship, it’s the eye of ka-ra that occasional goes across the screen. Nice touch and a different pace to the game but here’s a another weakness of the game. What do we play that game? What do we get out of it? First time we played, we went to level 22 and then exited and received nothing. Our coins didn’t go up, neither did our red soul stones. Is there an end to this game? After some waves it gets boring real quick. Hellmut should have spiced up the space invaders with something different in it.

Now Hellmut: The Badass from Hell isn’t a big game at all. You can complete a run very quickly and that’s what the game seems to aim for. It’s all quick gaming for quick fun. If you have a couple of hours to spend then you can play this game doing multiple runs and unlocking different transformations. You won’t spend the whole day on this game. There are 8 levels and four bosses. This in a way reminds us off Spelunky. A quick game with a few levels but has good replayability. All the levels and the bosses are randomly generated. So you won’t be getting the same exact layouts at all. There is some form of pattern though. Hellmut however; does have a different function from the other games.  There’s a tournament mode where if you enable it, your runs will always have the same seed. This means you will have the same layout, same enemies, same items everything. This is good for competing against your friends. This way you and your friends can all face the same thing to see who does better. It’s great that they put in an option like this. 

 The bosses have quite the gap in terms of difficulty. Some bosses are very easy to beat and don’t put up much of a fight while others are very difficulty and take a long time to beat. For example there’s one that acts like a vampire and flies around and can’t be until it starts to do attacks of it’s own. Some bosses have high attack damage and they can hit you multiple times in a row   wiping out mutations within seconds. This brings us to one of the main points about Hellmut: The Badass from Hell. Game difficulty. Hellmut, for the average person is a difficult game. For X35 Earthwalker? It’s sort of easy and we will explain why later. Why the game is hard for the average person and gamer is because it’s a fast game and the enemies do high damage. Regular enemies can kill you within seconds if you aren’t careful. Especially those red dragons who are the strongest enemies in the game. If you get too close, they will breathe fire at you and it does a lot of damage. When at least two hit you with the flamethrower, it could literally be over just like that. The blue ogre looking monsters who charge right into you do a ton of damage as well. Your only healing is the medkits. Well there is a cure pill that you can get your hands on in a room but that’s rare. So primarily you rely on medkits which are limited since you can only get two in each store. You can acquire more by beating bosses too. So players really need to avoid getting hit as much as possible. Sounds obvious but it’s really important here.

Let’s wrap things up. There’s more to say but I don’t want to say anymore. The good things about Hellmut: The Badass from Hell is that it’s quick, lively and enjoyable. The humour, graphics style and colours help make it more appealing. The game concept is simple and easy to understand and get straight into. Wide variety of weapons and enemies which help mix things up. The tournament mode is an excellent idea and will have it’s uses. Gauntlet mode is basically endless waves of enemies coming for you and the test tube in the centre of the stage, which you need to protect. This mode also allows other players to join you in the combat which is a big deal. The amount of replayability is good for what this game is. You have to unlock all the mutations which requires you to beat the game multiple times and the random generated levels helps with keeping the gameplay exciting. We also like the music options. There is Modern crap, old school and mix it. Mix it is currently our favourite.

As for the negatives, the level designs are too simple. Traversing the levels doesn’t feel exciting at all. Once a rare glitch happened which caused some enemies that died to stay on the field and not do anything but stand there. This stopped us from getting to the next level. Story wasn’t clear, some items like the red soul stones weren’t clear as to why we collect them and what we use them for. The space invaders style arcade game in the shop gets boring real quick and still don’t know why we should play it or what we even gaining for playing it. Only a few levels has this problem but because of lighting a square wall in a room may blend in with the floor colour making it hard to see. Lastly games like this benefit from and need co-op campaign. Hellmut: The badass from Hell is the kind of game you play together with a friend or family. Leaving co-op only for gauntlet mode isn’t good enough.

Overall Hellmut: The Badass from Hell is a good game, especially for the size of the development team. It’s great for when you have a couple of hours to spend and want quick quite chaotic action. Nothing serious though. We would say 7/10 right now. Hellmut: The badass from Hell may have multiple mutations but even those can’t do a thing against… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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We. The revolution is a new historical strategy game developed by ‘Polyslash‘ and published by ‘Klabater‘. It is said to be coming out the 25th of June 2019 on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PS4 but already out on the PC. This game looks like it’s going for the serious atmosphere. Let’s take a look.

In We. The Revolution players are dropped in France. Not the France we all know but France, in Paris during the French revolution. It’s the year 1794 (according to their website). Players control a judge. Well not exactly the honest type as he’s described as a gambler and alcoholic. As a judge, you will be overseeing, listening to and passing judgement concerning the cases brought to you. You will be dealing with regular people, revolutionaries, criminals and even your enemies. Decide their punishment or decide to let them go.

Sounds easy and fun doesn’t it? WRONG! The whole of Paris is watching your and your decisions in We. The Revolution. There are factions in France who are seeing whose side you are taking. They also want you on their side. Will you favour one faction over another? There are off course consequences for these decisions. Will you stay neutral and be a honest judge? Liar. Look at you trying to sound noble. Let’s if you stay honest when it’s your family on the line. That’s right. Your characters family is involved. What if your loved ones commit a crime, will you have them executed too? 

So yes there will be some serious decision making, but you will be fighting for the life of your family and your own life too. We. The Revolution in a way reminds us of ‘Papers please‘. Where you have a serious job, your life is on the line, must manage job and family at the same time and there can and will be serious consequences depending on what you do. You could get executed as an enemy of the revolution. The guillotine will be seeing a lot of action in this game. 

There will be multiple scenarios in We. The Revolution, many names and different characters in this game and they will hold certain positions, want certain things and have certain influence and impacts in the game, so players need to take all this into account. You could end up having certain people replaced in terms of position and job. You might end up removing someone from power who is actually loyal to you with someone who will try to ruin you, or better get you killed.

We checked out some We. The Revolution gameplay and it is deeper than we thought. In order to ask questions, you must unlock them which will require linking and some thinking from the players. You will have lots of information presented to you, from gossip, the expected results of different people and factions and more. You can even see the political hierarchy and where you rank in all of France. Your aim is to also take over France if you choose and increase you reputation. There’s a lot going on here.   

Overall We. The Revolution seems like a good game. Lots of cutscenes and quite the story to tell. Many decisions, many actions and thanks to a randomisation of events that take place in the game, players will not experience the same play through of We. The revolution. Graphics is the polygon style and it works quite well here. This game definitely seems well thought out. The developers ‘Polyslash’ have done a very good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will expect to see more of We. The Revolution. Now We. The Revolution may have an oppressive atmosphere but you get the best atmosphere when you do… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Cat Quest II – The Lupus Empire is a new open world action RPG developed by ‘The Gentlebros’ and published by ‘PQubed Limited‘. Cat Quest II – The Lupus Empire is said to be coming out in the second quarter of 2019 on the Xbox One, Android, Nintendo Switch, IOS, PS4 and PC. Now if you like cats, this game might be for you. Let’s take a look.

In Cat Quest II – The Lupus Empire the world os basically cats and dogs with off course more emphasis on the cats (not barking fair). There’re two kingdoms and they are at war with each other. They are: the cats of Felingard and the advancing dogs of the Lupus Empire. Why can’t cats and dogs get along? Cat Quest II – The Lupus Empire tells the “tail” of two kings who have to work together in order to reclaim their thrones. This is where the player comes in. Control the cat and dog and do your best to get your thrones back. Off course it won’t be an easy journey.

Those who played the previous Cat Quest game will somewhat know what they are getting into when they enter Cat Quest II – The Lupus Empire. Except this time there will be more battles, more explosions and more magic to make you into a fur-midable enemy. Cat Quest but basically bigger and expanded upon. There is a wider range of attacks and weapons too. Some of the new weapon types include staves and even master swords. Obviously master swords are better.  

Cat Quest II – The Lupus Empire allows two player co-op. Someone controls the dog while the other controls the cat. Readers should hopefully by now know how we feel about co-op in games. Players should have the option of playing with friends and others in local co-op. Good move developers. Even more good since there are dungeons to dive into explore. Your team mate can help watch your back as there are traps in there. Challenges and problems are easier to solve with others.

Like with other RPGs players need to get tactical and quite creative. Players should make combos concerning their abilities, weapons and more. For example the attributes of the passive abilities allow for  quite a bit of options. There’s more to this game than just simply hitting attack all the time. Get the right timing for dodges and evade all damage, know what types of enemies you are facing and what’s the best way to put them down.

There are side quests too in Cat Quest II – The Lupus Empire. What RPG doesn’t have side quests? They aren’t suppose to be just missions to pass the time. Each one is said to have it’s own story which off course will help explain what’s going on in the Cat Quest II – The Lupus Empire universe. The lore will be expanded and probably hear some interesting stuff.  

We checked out some gameplay and it’s not what we thought. How you move around on the map is very cool. You are literally running from area to area, walking around ponds, seas and seeing all the world structures too. Also enemies will just run up to you too and try to “axe” you a question. Cat Quest II – The Lupus Empire has actually gave us a bit of a surprise. Not bad. From what we have seen, the graphics look very good and the sounds are good too. Clearly good work has went into this game. 

Overall Cat Quest II – The Lupus Empire seems like a very good game so far. From the smoothness of the gameplay to how expanded it is. There’s quite a bit going on in this game and we like what we see but the game does seem to easy in terms of combat and difficulty. It looks so easy to evade and handle enemies and we hope there are more enemies and greater difficulty. The developers ‘The Gentlebros’ have done a good job with this game. Now Cat Quest II – The Lupus Empire may have some serious cats and dogs but none are as serious as… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Darkwood is a survival horror adventure game developed by ‘Acid Wizard Studio‘ and published by ‘Crunching Koalas‘. Its is coming out May 17th on the Xbox One, May 16th on Nintendo Switch and May 14th on PS4. It’s already out on PC but we don’t care. Now Darkwood is said to be quite the serious experience. Let’s take a look.

In Darkwood, players will have to explore, travel and survive in the unforgiving world of Darkwood. There is danger everywhere and survival isn’t guaranteed. The game basically starts with a doctor. He keeps going on and on about how this forest (that we are in) has trapped everyone and that the exits are gone. He also mentions how he failed to get rid of a certain plague. This doctor will stop at nothing to escape this place. Even if it means kidnapping a person and torturing them for information concerning the exit. Things are quite dark as you can see already. Oh and no, you cannot  just simply chop down al the trees. They grow back faster than you can chop them all down. 


Players will primarily control a character known as the stranger. Now Darkwood should remind some players of a certain game because of a certain in game mechanic. Minecraft. Why? Simply because during the day is the best time to explore the world and off course scavenge and find supplies. At night time it isn’t safe to go outside. Players must stay in doors and defend themselves and their hideout. Also like Minecraft, players will need to find the resources, lots of crafting, upgrading through a workbench and combat. There are different biomes too for players to explore and each one will have different supplies too. Use a stove to cook certain things too and believe us when we say the cooking is important as players can also get different skills that way. 

So defending yourself is more than just a swinging a diamond sword. Players in Darkwood need to come up with strategies. You can lay traps and make sure they are good ones that can actually slow down or even stop whatever comes for you. Barricade those doors and the windows too because danger isn’t always just a dude with a knife you know. Some things in the woods are scarier and more dangerous than that. Ever seen a wolf standing on two feet with a long trench coat? Well we have and it’s not good at keep it’s saliva under control. No, we won’t explain more. It’s up to you if you want to trust a wolf man or not. 


Now the game doesn’t end if you fail to survive the night but do your best to survive because there is something to gain, just as there is something close for dying. What you gain for surviving is reputation with the trader. Allowing you to get more expensive and new items. Now if you die, then you wake up in the morning without any bonuses at all. Worse, if you die while out during the day then you lose half of your inventory. Don’t worry though as you have a chance to get it back. Your lost stuff will be marked on the map, so you can collect it later. That’s just the easy mode though. If you play in the harder difficulties then expect worse consequences like losing lives and even permanent death. 

It’s also one of those games where your decisions, actions and reactions shapes the storyline. It effects even the other characters in the game will get affected and their actions are different too. It’s all about progression though. There are multiple chapters to Darkwood and as you get further, the map changes too. The story here isn’t that simple at allemande players will need to think and take things into account during the whole duration of Darkwood. 


We checked out some Darkwood gameplay and it’s not what we thought it would be. It’s not like Minecraft and certainly isn’t for children. The sounds are very well done. You can hear the footsteps, stepping on grass, the rain, noises in the woods, lightning strikes and more all for setting the atmosphere and getting players nervous. The visuals are good too. The woods, shadows are very well done but the characters themselves aren’t as good. The lighting is the best, especially when it comes to your flashlight, just don’t get scared of your own shadow. That’s right. Bet you forgot this is also a horror game. Things can be waiting in the dark for you… remember that. We like that you have to stay on guard and keep your eyes open pretty much always. The different characters and item management allows for multiple ways of doing things and getting different results. It’s top down so you may need to get closer to something to check it out and when you find a certain item, you have to decide if you’ll need it or not.. Check out gameplay for yourself to understand more. 

Overall Darkwood seems like something that gamers will try for themselves and many will get really scared from playing. We checked this out and it’s gameplay was quite different. Darkwood is a interesting game but once again it’s a limited game audience type. It doesn’t seem like many gamers would get into this but the ones who do will run a mile with it. The developers ‘Acid wizard Studio’ did good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will just have to see how this goes with others. Now Darkwood might have some dangers in the night but those cannot scare… the ‘earth Walk!’

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Colt Canyon

Colt Canyon is a new 2D action shooter game developed by ‘Retrific‘ and published by ‘Headup‘. It is said to be coming out in the third quarter of 2019 on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS4 and PC. The Wild West just got wilder. Let’s take a look.

Colt Canyon is a simple indie game with a simple storyline with quite simple controls. So players control a cowboy who must rescue his partner who was kidnapped by a group of armed and dangerous people. You see the whole screen so keep an eye on the corners especially as you never know when enemies might show up firing all guns. Since things can surprise you that’s why some describe it as atmospheric.

Colt Canyon

Colt Canyon is a western style Wild West kind of game so off course you will have guns. Players have a revolver and even TNT. Fire and blow up your enemies and march right through without a care in the world. Keep an sharp eye out as there are hidden treasures and weapons around. You might find a shotgun and we all know a shotgun packs more power than a revolver. Treasure is always good so why not take some with you. 

Two things to take into account is that Colt Canyon has rogue like elements concerning the rooms and levels and there is even permadeath so die once and it’s all over. So replayability is definitely there. Stealth is a optional feature in this game. You can sneak past enemies and off course sneak up to enemies too for that advantage. It’s the choice gamers must make. All out loud with guns blazing or more stealth for the clean kills. We think decide based on the the situation in the game.

Colt Canyon

We checked out some Colt Canyon gameplay and it looked how we imagine it would. Running around, open space, aiming your shots, avoiding danger and blowing stuff up. It’s also quite easy to die if players get careless. There are other people you can also save in Col Canyon and it’s up to you. There are many other unlock able characters that you can play as but best of all is that Colt Canyon has local co-op multiplayer. So grab your siblings, your mom, dad or friends and shoot some bandits and cowboys together. Also, when you rescue your partner, remember that you need to also make your way back.   

Overall Colt Canyon looks like a good fun game. Casual gaming and simple. We like that there are upgrades for you and your allies to improve combat effectiveness. This adds a bit more layers to the game. There isn’t that much to say about this game though as it’s simple. The developers ‘Retrific’ did a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an ear open for this game. Now Colt Canyon may have TNT and lots of guns but those weapons will have zero effect on… the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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Bloodstained - Ritual of the Night

Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is a new action side scrolling role playing game developed by ‘ArtPlay’ and published by ‘505 Games‘. Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is said to be coming out in the third quarter of 2019 on Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS4 and PC. Now this game will remind certain players of a past game. Let’s take a look.

The story in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is quite straight forward. Players control Miriam, an orphan girl who is afflicted by an alchemist curse. This curse causes her skin to slowly crystallise. She must fight fight her way through a castle that’s just loaded with demons and monsters. She must reach the castles master and stop him. This master is called Gebel and his flesh is also slowly crystallising but at this point, he’s more crystal than flesh. So defeat evil in a race against time type plot.

Bloodstained - Ritual of the Night

So certain gamers who look at Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night will be reminded of Castlevania. The action, side scrolling, many scary looking monsters and even the scenery all looks like it. That’s the point. People really enjoyed Castlevania and so a good idea is to go for a similar style but do it better. So yes, the jumping, attacking, exploring, creed environments and scary monsters are there but there’s more. Players will need to get their hands on good weapons. This can be done by unlocking, crafting and  collecting them. So yes, explore the area and see what you can find. 

Literally there isn’t that much to say about Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night because it is similar to Castlevania. The graphics are very good and the environments are very detailed as well. The movement animations are very good indeed. Each movement is done well. There are numerous and we mean numerous enemies of different types, behaviour and looks. There are many bosses too with the dragon boss grabbing probably the most attention right now. The gameplay looked good right now. 

Bloodstained - Ritual of the Night

We’ve seen many cool weapons too in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night. Blades and swords that have different ranges and effects. We’ve seen guns and other projectile weapons. Even what looks like magic. There’s a summoned dragon mouth that breathes special flames on enemies. Special abilities and effects in abundance too. Off course not everything is known and we hope there is a huge variety of options when it comes to weapons. This game has the setting and potential to do so. 

Overall Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night seems like a very good game so far. Gameplay is definitely good so far. The level design and environments are very good and detailed. The variety of enemies is good too and we hope there is more. The developers ‘ArtPlay’ have done a very good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker are looking forward to seeing what Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night has to offer gamers. It definitely looks bigger, and better than Castlevania. Now Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night may have demons and many weapons but all of them are useless when it comes against… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Ash of Gods

Ash of gods is a new turn based strategy and card role playing game developed by ‘AurumDust‘ and published by ‘WhisperGames‘. Ash of gods is coming out this year, 2019 on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PS4 but already out on PC. This game has a feature that definitely makes it stand out. Let’s take a look.

In Ash of gods the story has been described by the developers as “This is the story of “angels” who after being given free will turned the life of humans into hell in the absence of a god”. This doesn’t make sense but it’s a fictional video game set in a fictional world, so go with it. The game wants to centre it’s theme around moral choices and right and wrong. With people behaving like monsters and at times something that isn’t human behaves more human like than actual humans. That kind of stuff.

Ash of Gods

The style of the story telling is rouge-like but very serious. Ash of gods forces players to really and truly think things through. First things first, all of your characters can die. Yes, even the main character. If you truly mess up you can lose everyone and the game continues even when the main character dies. This is very good and already sets this game apart from others. Next is that every decision you make affects further plot development. It could either be immediate consequences or something much further down the line.

So like in life do not just focus on what’s right in front of you, or what you will gain immediately or you could start a war much later in the game or get someone killed. The developers gave examples, “A rude word may provoke a lethal conflict and a wound in battle may lead to death in a story mode”. That’s not all. Players will need to manage their resources carefully too. If you fail to do so the whole party of characters will die. Scared yet? Well don’t be, it’s a game after all.

Ash of Gods

You already know that Ash of gods is tactical as it’s turn based strategy. You think about what moves and options you have. What do you want to accomplish in the end? Also as a card game you will need to collect cards, have an effective build and use what you got wisely. Characters have classes which off course determines their moves and what you can do with each one. So turn based + characters classes + cards = quite a deep strategy game.

Concerning the combat with enemies, in Ash of gods, there is something players should know. The A.I has been described as smart. The developers have stated that there is no invincible team build. The A.I will constantly adapt to how you play so the challenges you face will always be different. Rushing in hard and fast won’t work multiple times in a row. This is good because many players like to be cheap and do things the super easy way. Good move developers.

Ash of Gods

Games like Ash of gods will off course have some risks. It’s up to players to decide if it’s worth it and whether to do it or not. You can save resources by taking the shorter but more dangerous route. Sacrifice some hit points for a all or nothing strike. Even take a smaller team into battle to acquire the better cards have rounds be quicker.  

We checked out some Ash of gods gameplay and we like the character animations. They are very good. There’s lots of options and lots to do in Ash of gods. There are shop keepers, a large adventure and even multiplayer modes: PvP and PvE. Communicate with your friends by selecting from text options to let them know if they good or suck. This game is definitely very big and has a lot of work put into it. We even saw powerful magical spell like attacks such as using electricity and fire to shock and devour enemies. Looking good so far.

Overall Ash of gods is looking very good. There is more to the story such as that the Reapers are here and they want to drown the world in blood in an attempt to wake up the sleeping gods (That always ends well). The graphics are very good for it’s style and there is a lot of work that went into the music, so listen up. The developers ‘AurumDust’ did a very good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye on this game. Now Ash of gods may have some real consequences for decisions but the events that take place are child’s play when compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Yaga is a new action roleplaying game developed by ‘Breadcrumbs Interactive‘. Yaga is said to be coming out in the fourth quarter of 2019  on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS4 and PC. This game plans to actually make the players decisions effect the game. Let’s take a look.

In Yaga players control Ivan. Ivan is a blacksmith. While everyone is out living ordinary lives, Ivan lives life differently. He’s working hard at his forge, crafting, building, hammering etc making cool weapons and items. He plans to go on another adventure. He is in a situation that’s effected by three people. The Tzar who is jealous of Ivan and keep giving him impossible quests which Ivan is unaware actually weaken and destroys the magical creatures and ancient spirits, a witch called Baba Yaga who plans to protect the spirits and use Ivan for her goals and last of all Ivan’s grandmother who simply wants him to find a wife. Ivan clearly has his hands full. Oh did we mention that Ivan only has one arm? Yep, just one.


The developers describe this story as one “about greed, manipulation and dealing with impossible odds.”  Don’t feel sorry for Ivan though as he knows how to work with his disability. A forged attachments that allow him to wield crossbows, shields and other weapons. So players must equip themselves to suit their style or the situation and head out on a strange adventure. One more thing. Yaga is set in slavic folklore. 14 century slavic folklore through the eyes of Eastern European peasants. So expect a lot of superstition, house spirits, magic (off course), unclean spirits (copying the Bible) and pagan beliefs. This will not be your simple adventure.

Now Yaga  is going to attempt to be the game that gets the players decisions to effect the game done right. How you play and what you do effects things. You can pick pocket people, steal, trick, lie, attack and be totally unfair. The peasants and other characters will remember that you did these things and they will act accordingly. An NPC might place a curse on you while another might place a charm on you for helping them out etc. We hope they actually make it so that decisions and behaviour does matter.

There are levels and it’s done by a level generator which produces a mix of combat and roleplaying all from a huge library of quests and special rooms like shrines, merchants and more. Each level is different and has it’s rules. The area or region of the level will effect things, the focus of the story will effect things. Think for a bit first before making your way through the level. So expect different action and levels of drama each time. 


While out on adventures make sure to gather all the materials and resources you can find. These are needed for all the crafting that Ivan does. Yaga gets quite detailed too as there are different types of Wood (like Minecraft), different types of ores and enhancements which you can find and even collect from fallen enemies. You can even get charms and curses which are long term effects for your character. They can seriously have big impacts concerning combat and even interacting with characters and things in the world. Some perks may grant different effects depending on your character and how you’ve played already. NPCs can charm or curse Ivan  and even witches and priests in exchange for donations. Remember this.

The combat is always one of the main questions. Combat in Yaga is mainly close range. Where the hammers and melee weapons are effective. Where you position Ivan during combat is very important. You have to be just outside of attack range from enemies and then run in at the right moment to do a couple of strikes. Timing is key. We did mention magic before so you know that’s a part of the combat. Talismans and magic items will add in completely new factors like shields, ranged attacks and more.  


We checked out some Yaga gameplay and it’s not exactly what we thought it would be. We liked how the folklore changes each time and Ivan has things differently each time. The talismans can be found throughout the world and they can add effects to your attacks and defences, mess with enemies and boost your stats. Magic items have supernatural powers and are rare. Do not use them too much or you will attract attention…

Overall Yaga seems like a good game. It’s quite deep in terms of crafting, materials, multiple play throughs, enemies, combat and in game mechanics. They better pull of the actions have consequences mechanic well. The developers ‘Breadcrumbs Interactive’ did a good job with this game so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an ear out for what Yaga will truly bring to the gaming community. Now Yaga may have folklores and different tales but stays awesome is.. the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Silver Chains

Silver Chains is a new first person horror game developed by ‘Cracked Heads Games‘ and published by ‘Headup‘. It is rumoured to be coming out in the second quarter of 2019 on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS4 and PC. We can expect some spooky atmosphere in this one.

The story in Silver Chains is a bit mysterious. Players control a guy called Peter. He was driving but somehow hit a tree (take away his license) during a stormy night. He then wakes up inside a mansion. No, not Luigi’s Mansion. An abandoned mansion. This all takes place in England… rural area. Peter doesn’t remember what happened and definitely doesn’t know how he got in here. Off course it wouldn’t be a horror game if there wasn’t something going on. Peter quickly learns that he’s not alone in this mansion.

Silver Chains

So off course the aim of Silver Chains is to get out of the mansion. While doing this you quickly start to learn that this mansion has some secrets… dark secrets. Some messed up things happened here. It gets worse. He also learns that this isn’t his first time in this place. So instead of being wise and escaping the place and forgetting he’s ever been there like CoryxKenshin. Peter instead acts like he’s Mystery inc and searches for clues and wants to figure out what happened here. 

Gamers can expect puzzles in Silver Chains. There will be multiple ones around the mansion. Remember that since it’s a mansion it’s going to be a large area, with many rooms, places and even hidden areas. It’s clear that Siulbver Chains has lots of emphasis on exploration and off course the story. Players will need to explore the whole mansion, find items, find clues, read notes and all that horror game stuff. Expect back tracking as well since not everything can be done when you see it. 

silver chains

Yes, like Visage, Silver Chains is all abut that atmospheric horror. A lot of work and effort has gone into the graphics. The developers wanted photorealistic details and graphics. So make sure to look around in the mansion (when you should have ran away a long time ago). A good horror game will also have the appropriate music. Expect Silver Chains to have some music that has been described as “eerie”.

Now what kind of horror game would Silver Chains be without some form of danger. There is danger and it’s not in plain site. The danger lurks in the shadows. This danger though isn’t something you can fight. Players must either have a good hiding spot or run (maybe you shouldn’t have skipped P.E in school). This monsters is will coming for you and won’t stop so solve puzzles, explore and hide while it’s on your trail.

We checked out some gameplay. So far it definitely gives a familiar vibe that other horror games have given. The question is whether Silver Chains does what it’s trying to do better than the others. The details are there, the setting is there, the mystery is quite typical but works. The main factors will be how the monster and dangers work. Will it get tiresome, will layers get use to it? The difficulty of the puzzles? Many factors but it’s still early and gamers will just have to wait and see.

Overall Silver Chains looks like a good game so far. You can tell work went into it. The graphics are alright so far, the sounds are good, no info on the dangers really. The developers ‘Cracked Heads Games’ did a good job with this so far. We at X35 Earthwalker are going to keep an eye on this game. Now Silver Chains may have some dark secrets but one thing that doesn’t have any is… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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please don't touch anything

Please, don’t touch anything is a puzzle game that got updated and was developed by ‘Four Quarters‘. It is coming out the 8th of February on the Xbox One but already on Nintendo Switch. The update has stepped up the quality of the game. Let’s take a look.

Please, don’t touch anything has a very simple story for a initially simple game. Basically the player is covering for a fellow colleague who went of to the bathroom. This room you are in has an interesting set up. There’s a monitor screen that’s constantly displaying a city. It’s live by the way, so what you see is actually happening there and then. Also in front of you is a big red button and you are given one simple instruction… do not touch anything! Yep, we can see it… you’ve already decided you are going to touch everything. 

please don't touch anything

So yes, Please, don’t touch anything sounds like a simple boring game and you aren’t suppose to wait until your colleague comes back. Remember, this is a puzzle game. The red button has a function. Pressing it once may not do anything but pressing multiple times might. Also around the console in front of you are hidden secrets like more buttons, switches, hidden compartments, tools and much more. Players will need to use their heads to figure all these secrets as activating and doing certain things will trigger certain events, known as the endings. For example in one ending a UFO comes down and destroyed the city. In another ending it’s a giant monster.

Thanks to the update that Please, don’t touch anything got, things have been changed and improved around here. For starters, everything is 3D now, meaning you can look around the room itself. Check out the corners and see if their are clues or something to take notice off. Oh and the endings… there are now more than 30 different endings. Think you can find them all? So yes, get Botton pushing crazy as players will need to press everywhere. 

please don't touch anything

The graphics in Please, don’t touch anything have been improved and the endings have better visual effects and look much better than before. Sounds are better as well, so listen out for them. Yes Please, don’t touch anything can be played with virtual reality. So if you have a Oculus rift then you  get into the game and push that Button yourself.

We checked out some gameplay and it’s how we remember it from the original Please, don’t touch anything and it’s basically the same but just improved. There isn’t really much to say about the gameplay as it is simple. Touch everything, find clues and discover the endings. No enemies, no timer or anything like that. It’s simply a test. So you are either a gamer who likes this kind of stuff or you don’t.

Overall, Please, don’t touch anything, is a clever game and definitely requires patience and very good puzzle solving skills. The update even added an introduction. The developers ‘Four Quarters’ did an alright job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker aren’t looking forward to this game but we know there are some fans who would want this. Now Please, don’t touch anything may have many puzzles but what’s not puzzling is… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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