X35 Earthwalker Ravenous Devils

Ravenous Devils is a horror simulation game developed and published by ‘Bad Vices Games‘. Ravenous Devils is said to be coming out April 29th 2022 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. Ravenous Devils is definitely getting real raw with the concept. This game isn’t for squeamish people. X35 Earthwalker has warned you. Let’s take a look.

Ravenous Devils is unique right of the goat. Here’s the story basically. Players control two characters: Percival and Hildred. They are business partners who set up a tailor shop and restaurant like joint. It’s in a horrible city. It’s described as “city where crime, corruption and poverty are commonplace”. So many here are scum… just like Percival and Hildred. You see this business isn’t normal.

X35 Earthwalker Ravenous Devils

The tailor shop is a front. You don’t care about the customers. They come, you get them clothes but then kill them. Then take their clothes, then dump their bodies in the shoot leading to the kitchen. From there, you use the bodies as ingredients make meals for hungry customers. Yep. That’s the business. You are killing customers to make food to feed other customers. It’s all about money. What a messed up world this game has created. Ravenous Devils is doing something different here. They are trying to stand out completely. The ones we know who surpass these evil lot are the companies and businessmen and women in Oddworld. Abe’s oddysee. Look at Rupture farms. The soul storm brewery, the bonewerks etc etc. This tailor/kitchen/restaurant business in Ravenous Devils is close. 

X35 Earthwalker Ravenous Devils

We checked out some Ravenous Devils gameplay and it’s sort of what we expected. You switch control between the two characters: Percival and Hildred. There is some tactics to this game off course. You can run out of ingredients for your meals, so players need to manage their resources. Also murdering your customers isn’t as easy as it seems. We might be wrong here but players will need to actually be strategic about it. You must choose when to kill them. Can you fail and get harmed yourself. This game isn’t trying to be family friendly. You literally throw a body into a grinder and start turning the handle to make some prepared meat. So yeah, if you are squirmish, then prepare yourself. 

Overall Ravenous Devils seems like an alright game. It’s like it’s set in The Sims universe but a bad part of the world where it’s basically lawless and crime is the hobby. Ravenous Devils has a nice, but evil, atmosphere and you don’t feel too bad as many people in that city is bad anyways. The voice acting is excellent. There is an upgrade system for your shop. There’s quite a mission here. The developers ‘Bad Vices Games’ have done an alright job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to listen out for news concerning this game. If you want to support X35 Earthwalker then just head to our ‘support us‘ page. Now Ravenous Devils may have ruthless evil business but it’s something easily cleansed by… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Bugsnax

Bugsnax is an adventure game developed and published by ‘young Horses‘. Bugsnax is said to be coming to Xbox and also on the Nintendo Switch on the 28th of April 2022. Bugsnax doesn’t really need an introduction really. It was talked about, quite a bit and wrongly made fun of. X35 Earthwalker knew this game wasn’t lame. Let’s take a look.

This will be a quick G-blog. Bugsnax is coming to Xbox and with a big update but more on that later. Here’s a quick story intro. The adventure of bugsnax takes place on Snaktooth island. The beings that live here are basically half bug and half snack… for some reason. Yes, you can eat them. We wouldn’t though. Basically Elizabert Megafig who’s an explorer, showed up at the island and is now gone missing. So yeah, go find her and watch out for the food creatures.

X35 Earthwalker Bugsnax

So expect weird characters, silly characters and funny moments. Use your wits and equipment to capture certain Bugsnaxs. You need to solve the mysteries of Snaktooth Island. There’s exploration required. People have spoken well about this game… only after people gave it a try. 

X35 Earthwalker Bugsnax

This isn’t just Bugsnax. It’s coming with a big update bringing new things. The update brings “around three hours of new story and quest content.” This island came up from the sea. So what’s that about? Also, this island for some reason has Bugsnaxs but they are “giant-sized”. They are much bigger than normal and can even bully you. We saw one bounce a person away. So watch out for burger Bugsnax

All Bugsnax players will also get a free new update: The Isle of Bigsnax! adds around three hours of new story and quest content where you explore a strange island that has risen from the sea, crawling with giant-sized Bugsnax.

X35 Earthwalker Bugsnax

We checked out some Bugsnax gameplay and it’s what we though it is. There’s definitely a lot going on in this world and the character interactions have a a lot of the highlights of this game. So don’t rush through anything. 

Overall Bugsnax seems like a good game. Not it’s not explosions and battle Royale but it has it’s own whimsical silly style. Now that it’s coming to the most powerful console, the Xbox Series X, you can now have the best Bugsnax experience. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to keep an eye on this game. Now Bugsnax may have tasty creatures but they aren’t as tasty as… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker souldier

Souldiers is an action adventure platformer game developed by ‘Retro Forge‘ and published by ‘Dear villagers‘. Souldiers is said to be coming out the 19th of May 2022 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. This game looks like it’s bringing some battles. X35 Earthwalker is the master of battles. Let’s take a look.

X35 Earthwalker souldier

Souldiers has a bit of a strange universe. Not too strange though. Basically here’s what happened. You and your fellow soldiers re out fighting… for glory reasons. You all get sent to Terragaya. Terragaya is a mystical land that’s on the edges of the afterlife. Caught between the living and the fallen. So expect mythological creatures, expect death, expect enemies. Expect exploration and totally not natural stuff.  Your mission? To find the Guardian and therefore more on to the next world. 

X35 Earthwalker souldier

There’s three characters classes to pick from in Souldiers. Scout, Archer and Caster. Each one off course is different. Different weapons and therefore different ways of fighting. There’s magic, there’s archery and there’s shield and sword. the stats are health, attack, defence and agility. We are sure anyone can figure out what those represent. Right out the jump we are looking at the archer class right now. We hope the scout class (shield and sword) doesn’t become the plain basic one. Hopefully all classes become actually cool and fun to use. Powerful in their own ways. Oh and one more thing… the soldiers can’t die. How trippy is that?

X35 Earthwalker souldier

We checked out some Souldiers gameplay and it’s what we expected from a game like this. Souldiers has very nice animations. there’s multiple mechanics going on here in the combat. The Archer for example can fire different types of arrows. The arrows are on a cool down, so no spamming around here. You can upgrade your character and make your abilities and attacks more powerful. Enemies have the chance to dodge your attacks. So manage your mana, arrows and use your potions right. There’s masteries which is like an upgrade tree with mostly passive abilities to make you better.

Overall souldiers looks like a very good game. We like the environments and levels. Lots of colours around here. The enemies are aggressive and some have their own special abilities. A bat might yell at you… that’s scary. You can interact with the environment and some objects like turn a wind mill to produce wind to clear away poisonous gas. There’s lots of platforming and exploration required here so look around. The developers ‘Retro forge’ have done a very good job. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye open for this game. Souldiers may have undying soldiers but they will stay dead if they faced… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Road 96

Road 96 is an action adventure game developed by ‘Digixart‘ and published by ‘Ravenscourt‘. Road 96 is said to be coming out April 14th 2022 on the Xbox Series X and Xbox One. It’s already out on Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. We haven’t seen or heard anything about this game on those platforms. Now Road 96 is said to be a wild and unpredictable road trip. X35 Earthwalker will be the judge of that. Let’s take a look.

X35 Earthwalker Road 96

Road 96 is one big road trip. We mean that. Car, travelling, people, far away destination and everything. The year is 1996. The season is summer. The location is Petria. An authoritarian nation. You’ve gots to get out of there. Escape the regime. Travel by vehicle, meet people along the way, make many decisions and choose which roads to take… which is a problem since there are thousands of roads across Petria and each decision you make, changes your adventure.

X35 Earthwalker Road 96

Road 96 is said to make sure that everyone’s road trip isn’t the same. That’s because the road trip is procedurally generated. So yeah… have fun with that. Now like with real people, everyone has a story and even secrets. So talk to these people you meet and be careful. It has been stated though that your decisions “will change your adventure, change the people you meet, maybe even change the world.” This sounds more promising than other games with this mechanic. Many games fail at implementing the whole choices have consequences mechanic. 

X35 Earthwalker Road 96

We checked out some Road 96 gameplay and it’s not exactly what we expected. Players can expect 90s music, weird almost cartoony, wacky situations, encounters with the police, straight up unfair treatment, danger and more. Matter of fact, there can even be a robbery taking place and they want your money. That’s something to think about. So yeah, wacky stuff. This is wild adventure. There’s even corrupt cops and also good cops, so knowing who to trust and what to do is also part of things. 

Overall Road 96 seems like a good game so far. Like we said earlier we heard nothing about this game when it was on pc, playstation and Nintendo. Maybe things will change when it comes to Xbox. Procedurally generated games tend to be a lot of fun. There’s many things to check and see in Road 96. The developers ‘Digixart’ have done a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see what this game has on the road for us. Now Road 96 may have random adventures but it’s easy to plan for… the Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Shattered: Tale of the Forgotten King

Shattered: Tale of the Forgotten King is an action platformer adventure game developed and published by ‘Redlock studios‘. Shattered: Tale of the Forgotten King is said to be coming out in the first quarter of 2022 on the Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch and PS5. It has come out on PC on the 27th of February though. We see a big world and it looks cool. X35 Earthwalker has the best eyes. Let’s take a look.

Shattered: Tale of the Forgotten King is set in a big world The world of Hynos. Definitely big. Basically the king disappeared and the world is gone as in it’s messed up and not what it used to be. What happened? Well go find out. That’s the whole point. You are a wanderer in in this place. You must “piece together the fragments of reality”. You will retrace the fall of civilisation. Even get testimonies from survivors. Off course some survivor are more reliable and accurate than others. So figure it out.

X35 Earthwalker Shattered: Tale of the Forgotten King

Now we know you see that big ol sword. Yes there’s more than just a mystery going on in Shattered: Tale of the Forgotten King. There’s combat. This world, this continent has foes, “mighty foes”. So as you are finding the secrets know that you will be engaged in what’s described as “experienced precision based combat”. It gets better. Think of the combat in Sekiro: shadows die twice, mortal shell. Shattered: Tale of the Forgotten King is like that. Study your opponent, take your time, study their moves and get your attacks in. 

X35 Earthwalker Shattered: Tale of the Forgotten King

These battles aren’t close range weapons only. There’s also spells. Long range spells. So there’s options but on top of all this there’s transitions  between full 3D and 2.5D. We definitely want to see this 3D 2.5D transition concerning battle in action. This can easily be very effective for epicness in a fight. Angles and views makes a big difference and impact if done right. This transition can be awesome. Shattered: Tale of the Forgotten King better do it well.§ Look at the scale and size of the fight against the leviathan in Final Fantasy XV. Nothing comes close.

X35 Earthwalker Shattered: Tale of the Forgotten King

Exploration is encouraged to some extent. Shattered: Tale of the Forgotten King has described their world as semi open world. There’s branching paths and many beings to encounter. This is what Shattered: Tale of the Forgotten King said about their world, “Each new zone tells a story through stunning art direction and finely crafted design.” We do like how different the zones look and you know we love variety around here at X35 Earthwalker.

X35 Earthwalker Shattered: Tale of the Forgotten King

We checked out some Shattered: Tale of the Forgotten King gameplay and it’s what we thought it was. The combat is at a good speed. You definitely can’t trust every survivor you come across. There’s the whole consequences of your decisions and actions mechanic but we have no faith in those in games for a while now. Hopefully Shattered: Tale of the Forgotten King can do it right. We doubt it though. Your character the wanderer will progress and get stronger in more than one way. Through combat off course but also through exploration. So make sure to do both. Your resources aren’t unlimited.

Overall Shattered: Tale of the Forgotten King looks real cool and like it’s a good game. The art style is cool and actually works here. The bosses though are a question mark. Game like this needs the bosses to be interesting and lately developers have failed at that. We will end this here. The developers ‘Redrock studios’ have done a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an ear open for what noise this game makes. Now Shattered: Tale of the Forgotten King may have a semi open world but that’s not open enough for… the Earth walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Aztech: Forgotten Gods

Aztech: Forgotten gods is an action adventure game developed and published by ‘Lienzo. Aztech: Forgotten gods is said to be coming out the 10th of March 2022 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. Aztech: Forgotten Gods has that look and style that brings back some memories for X35 Earthwalker. Let’s take a look.

The story of Aztech: Forgotten gods is very simple. You control a young lady called Achtli, who will battle the forgotten gods. the game is set in an alternate reality. A what if scenario. Basically America wasn’t conquered but instead the aztec empire grew and really prospered. Aztech: Forgotten gods is described as a cyber-stone game. This “mesoamerican” place has really cool technology. Advanced technology, stone cities, ancient tradition and off course… forgotten gods. This is a big adventure with lots of action and big battles.

X35 Earthwalker Aztech: Forgotten Gods

Aztech: Forgotten gods instantly interested us because it’s style and graphics reminds us of a serious game from the past. That came is also set in a strange but special world. That game is Vexx. Old game on the gamecube. Big adventure, young main character, got their hands literally on special devices/technology and relies on that to beat the big bad bosses. 

So how did this happen? Here’s the description on the website, “Achtli joins her archeologist mother Nantsin on an unsanctioned dig. Inadvertently, they forcefully discharge an ancient energy cell that awakens stone colossi hellbent on destroying the city.” There you go. Like Vexx, Achtli finds her powerful stone artefacts in a dig. This stone artefact changes everything.

X35 Earthwalker Aztech: Forgotten Gods

The big bad bosses are the main attraction here in Aztech: Forgotten gods. These forgotten gods resemble the beings from the aztec pantheon. They are massive beings with huge strength and power. Achtli doesn’t stand a chance. With her new weapon she does. With it Achtli can soar through the air, gain massive airtime, dash around with speed and deliver a punch like no other. Some say Achtli can punch with immeasurable strength. These are the battles you will live for in Aztech: Forgotten gods.  

We checked out some Aztech: Forgotten gods gameplay and it’s what we expected. Achtli is an intense person. She really goes in with her attacks. There’s also more to this game than just boss fighting. There’s a whole story going on. There’s twists and events that take place. It has been described as an emotional journey. So expect something deep to happen or some type of struggle. Expect aztec lore like no other that we can think of right now. The city is a big place that you definitely need to explore.

Overall Aztech: Forgotten gods seems like a good game with a more old style but off course with modern factors. Good to see something like this. The graphics aren’t great but it’s going for that more cartoony graphic style, not a serious near real style. It’s intentional. We like that it’s a straight up action game. We like Achtli herself and the what if factor of the mesoamerican setting. We hope the artefact weapon brings multiple abilities to the battles. The developers ‘Lienzo’ have done a good job with this game so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an ear open for this game. Now Aztech: Forgotten gods may have powerful giant beings but those things are just insects compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Infernax

Infernax is a action adventure platformer game developed by ‘Berserk Studio‘ and published by ‘The Arcade Crew‘. Infernax is said to be coming out the 14th of February 2022 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS4 and PC. Infernax is clearly going for that old school look and design. X35 Earthwalker is here. Let’s take a look.

The story of Infernax is very simple. You control a “great knight”. You finally return home. The city or town, whatever but things have changed. Your home is now “plagued with unholy magic”. So the town is cursed basically and there’s monsters, demons, horrible creatures and more. So all you got to do is find out what happened here and why. Uncover the mysteries of the curse. Oh and slay a bunch of enemies along the way. Told you it’s simple. Like an old school game.

X35 Earthwalker Infernax

So let’s keep this simple, like the game. Infernax is pixel graphics and old school style. If you liked the old castlevania games then you should like Infernax too. You go up stairs, jump up or down, strike enemies, find items, get stronger and talk to living people. Now there are a few modern touches though like a levelling up system. Gain experience points and get stronger. 

X35 Earthwalker Infernax

There’s said to be loads of treasures to collect. These treasures off course have their own effects. So find what works for you or works for the situation. Like Castelvania and Metroid there’s loads of secrets to be found, so start attacking walls and exploring every hole you find. There’s a day and night cycle as well. We would like to know more about the effects off day and night. Do enemies get stronger. do civilians come out only at day? We know there are people you can talk too. 

X35 Earthwalker Infernax

Remember those experience points? Yeah levelling up your character is essential. Why? There’s big bosses. Big bad monsters. Bosses wielding weapons. Monsters wielding magic and special abilities. These Boses have visible health bars and clearly going to take a real fight to put down.  there’s shops as well where you can get useful items and upgrades. Just don’t forget too talk to the towns people, survivors and stuff.  

We checked out some Infernax gameplay and it’s exactly what we thought it would be. Old school, pixels and smashing monsters. We do like that there’s multiple endings and they are based on your choices. Like whether letting that fat guy in the cloak stay or expelling them. We vote for getting rid of the evil. They might seek revenge though, so can we get the option to kill them please? 

Overall Infernax looks like it’s going to be a good game. Simple old school with some modern touches. The bosses do look quite low grade to us. We aren’t scared or impressed. We also think the special effects are not exciting enough. The developers ‘Berserk Studio’ have done an alright job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker aren’t impressed with this game but we know there’s gamers who like this style. Now Infernax may have unholy magic plague but that’s not a problem for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker FAR: Changing Tides

FAR: Changing Tides is a vehicle led adventure game developed by ‘Okomotive‘ and published by ‘Frontier Foundry‘. FAR: Changing Tides is said to be coming out the 1st of March 2022 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. FAR: Changing Tides is looking cool and quite familiar at the same time. Let’s take a look.

FAR: Changing Tides is all about a boy named Toe. No not Toe from Happy’s Humble Burger Farm. this boy finds himself in a flooded world. things are destroyed, abandoned and in some parts, not safe. It’s just Toe and his ship. You are the captain of the ship off course. Your objective? Finding a new home. This off course won’t be a simple or straight forward journey. 

X35 Earthwalker FAR: Changing Tides

Now FAR: Changing Tides does look familiar to X35 Earthwalker. That’s because FAR: Changing Tides is part of the FAR world. The first game X35 Earthwalker already wrote about in the G-Blogs. It’s FAR: Lone Sails. Where you was also a captain of a ship but you was in a desert world. Your ship went through the sands and you had some dangerous weather hazards and conditions to deal with while doing maintenance on your ship. FAR: Changing Tides is the same world but different area. Instead of sand, it’s water this time… for a bigger deeper challenge.

So expect a similar formula. There’s some water hazards like stormy seas. Your ship also has the ability to dive and go under water. This opens up a whole world of exploration. This world isn’t dead either. Ocean life exists and you can come across jelly fish and other creatures. We like the transition of being on the water surface to being under the water. Looks awesome. 

X35 Earthwalker FAR: Changing Tides

FAR: Changing Tides is an adventure of Toe and his ship. Maintenance of the ship is still a real thing. As your journey, you must find and unlock parts for your ship. fix your ship and make repairs where needed. As you progress you’ll learn a whole lot more about your ship and it’s abilities. So go light the furnace, raise the the mast and even hoist and angle the sails. Players are very much involved with what’s going on. 

X35 Earthwalker FAR: Changing Tides

It doesn’t end there. In FAR: Changing Tides you have to go out of your ship and explore the waters by yourself too. Players will have to search the depths of the waters to find salvage and hopefully fuel. You put on some equipment and head on out. Even down there you see sea life too. We loved that the whale was there and it does look intimidating but it’s a cool moment and we hope to see more of that in FAR: Changing Tides.

We checked out some FAR: Changing Tides gameplay and it’s what we expected. It does look cool. We naturally prefer the water world over the desert as there’s more going on in FAR: Changing Tides. FAR: Lonely Sails had no life really, there’s no creatures or exciting dangers from like a giant creature or something. So it’s unfair but that’s what’s happening. There’s definitely puzzles for the players to overcome, along with the environmental hazards which we hope are real dangers and exciting.

Overall FAR: Changing Tides looks like a good game. Here’s what they said concerning the sounds and music, “A dynamic soundtrack reacts to player and environmental actions, amplifying key moments in the game and heightening the atmosphere”. We don’t see this being impactful but let’s see. We like the visuals and water. The jellyfish looked awesome, the whale was cool and the waters look fantastic. The animations are  excellent for the creatures too. The developers ‘Okomotive’ have done a very good job. X35 Earthwalker will have to see what FAR: Changing Tides, surfaces. Now FAR: Changing Tides may have a flooded world but it’s way too shallow for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Unbound: Worlds Apart

Unbound: Worlds Apart is a Puzzle Platformer game developed and published by ‘Alien Pixel studios‘. Unbound: Worlds Apart is said to be coming out the 9th of February 2022 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PS5 and PS4 but it’s already out on Nintendo Switch and PC. Unbound: Worlds Apart huh? Not for long. Let’s take a look. By the way we are trying a new thing concerning the X35 Earthwalker G-Blogs. See for yourself. 

X35 Earthwalker Unbound: Worlds Apart

Unbound: Worlds Apart is all about Soli, the main character. Some catastrophe has ravaged his world. He seeks to learn more about this event. The origin of it, what happened, why, etc?. Now platformer games need to stand out from each other and do something cool like a whole new or unique mechanic. Unbound: Worlds Apart has their own thing. Soli can create portals. Magic portals. He uses these to travel between different dimensions. 

X35 Earthwalker Unbound: Worlds Apart

Focus on the portals as that’s what Unbound: Worlds Apart is all about. So basically inside these portals, that look more like circle area space you open up, physical properties of the world elements and even characters can change. Look again at the images we put up above. So a nice green forest area but when you open a portal you see more like a fiery volcano area. Where there was grass, you now see deadly spikes etc. We do like this mechanic. Nice move Unbound: Worlds Apart. 

X35 Earthwalker Unbound: Worlds Apart

Yes, there are dangers off course in Unbound: Worlds Apart. Besides the natural environment as a platformer has. there are enemies. Dangerous creatures that you can mess with, using your portals. Remember in the portals even the physical properties of creatures and more can change. Their behaviour can change too. So you have to deal with these creatures and it requires using a bit of your brain to do it. What’s strange is that the developers left gamers a serious warning. This has built our interest. Here’s what the warning says, “Beware of the lady bugs!” now that has to make you wonder, what kind of lady bug are we dealing with here? 

Overall Unbound: Worlds Apart looks like a good game right now. We like the mechanic. We like the graphics and graphic style as it works here. We like the animations. They are good. Particle effects and glowing lights are very good too. We like how the portals are not just a cool mechanic but also brings about some new ideas and ways to handle or play certain parts. The developers ‘Alien Pixel Studios’ have done a very good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker, the best game designers of all time, will keep an eye out for Unbound: Worlds Apart. Now Unbound: Worlds Apart may have different reality portals but those have no impact on… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Evil Dead: The Game

Evil Dead: The Game is an action adventure game developed by ‘Boss Team Games‘ and published by ‘Saber Interactive‘. Evil Dead: The Game said to be coming out in February 2022 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. Evil Dead: the game is looking kind of interesting right now. Looking like another zombie game so we hope to see something special. Let’s take a look.

Evil Dead: The Game is off course based on the Evil Dead… the characters and the franchise. It’s a multiplayer focused game. A team of four characters must work together to battle against evil forces. These evil forces came from the necronomicon ex-mortis. So you know these are bad dudes. There’s quite the range of characters to choose from. You can play as lord arthur, pablo simon bolivar, Ash, scotty, “and more”. You know they have their own voice lines, dialogue, brought to you by people like Bruce Campbell. Work has gone into this game. 

X35 Earthwalker Evil Dead: The Game

Now Evil Dead: The Game this can be treated as a multiplayer zombie game. After all X35 Earthwalker are the gaming experts. So you therefore know what to expect. The enemies are called deadites. The four characters must work together to survive. Exploration is needed, so don’t be a coward and sprint through to avoid stuff. Looting is a mechanic, so that means crafting is a thing. So go make the weapons you need and the weapons you want. There’s a “managing your fear” mechanic too. We would like to know more about this. The players main objective really is to find key artifacts which are needed to seal the breach between worlds.

X35 Earthwalker Evil Dead: The Game

Now working together is all good and stuff… but you can be the player to control the Kandarian demon in Evil Dead: The Game. That’s right. Someone can be that thing. It’s job is to hunt down the characters and swallow their souls. The kandarian demon can possess deadites, the environment and even the survivors themselves. This creature is clearly a problem. So watch out.

We checked out some Evil Dead: The Game gameplay and it’s what we expected. Besides the chainsaw hand, it looks like another zombie game. You swing, slash, bow and arrow, smash, shoot and fight your way through the enemies. Covering each others backs, surviving and now off course watching out for the kandarian demon who is exclusive to Evil Dead: The Game. We see clean animations and the visuals of the characters are nice. Still we see basic character design but they are based on already existing characters. Things look good. The graphics are very good.

Overall Evil Dead: The Game looks like it’s going to be good but we haven’t seen enough to make it stand out as it’s own thing from the many zombie games. Back 4 Blood is out, so you see what we mean. Off course the kandarian demon, especially being controlled by a player does shakes things up. So we will have to see how it all plays out. The developers ‘Boss Team Games’ have done a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker like to see new mechanics and ideas. Now Evil Dead: The Game may have a kandarian demon but that thing gets wrecked by… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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