Echo is a new third person science fiction adventure game developed by ‘Ultra Ultra’ coming out in March on the Xbox One, PC and PS4. This game was made using ‘Unreal 4 engine’. Echo is definitely one of those games that stand out from the others. This is simply because of a very unique and interesting game mechanic. You may be able to guess it from the title of the game.
The echo game mechanic is pretty much the main and most interesting thing about this game. It’s the thing that will make gamers want to try it out. We at X35 Earthwalker always love unique games or games with unique mechnics or anything really. Basically in this world you control a girl called ‘En’. She is in special legendary place so far just called the ‘Palace’. The palace studies you and uses you to defeat you. That sentence wasn’t a typo it’s exactly what we said. The palace creates ‘Echoes’. Basically exact copies of you in everyway which can only do what you do. They even move and behave like you. In this game, the only true enemy is yourself.
We will explain it. The palace sort of goes through a cycle. It ‘reboots’ every few minutes which causes a black out. During this black out, you can continue to move through the palace however you like and all is well but after the black out. it’s all light in the palace and it’s there where the palace watches you. That’s right, the palace is sort of alive. After watching you, the Echoes it creates gets updated with your latest movements and actions. They learn or unlearn. The whole game is about you facing the consequences of your actions.
So basically If you run, the Echoes will have the ability to run as well. If you sneak, then next time, the Echoes will sneak around meaning they get the jump on you. If you shoot, then they have the ability to shoot as well and since they are an exact copy of you they can kill you just as fast as you can kill them. The game constantly makes a move based on what you do. Sort of like chess. So how will you play? Will you only make moves during the black out to avoid being detected at all (like a wimp) or will you also move during the day but face the consequences of your actions with adjusted Echoes that will come for you.
We don’t know too much about the story besides information concerning the palace and the main character ‘En’ and that you take and place certain light objects but other from that it’s pretty much, you have to wait and see. The graphics are alright but the animations are very good. The environment looks like details and time went into making it. From what we have seen, the game looks cool but sounds extremely cool.
Overall this game is unique and definitely worth checking out. X35 Earthwalker himself really wants to see how the community of gamers react and receive this game. The developers, ‘Ultra Ultra’ came up with something interesting here and we say good job.
For more information check out the link below: