X35 Earthwalker Oddworld Soulstorm Enhanced Edition

Oddworld Soulstorm Enhanced Edition is a action adventure game developed and published by ‘Oddworld Inhabitants’. Oddworld Soulstorm Enhanced Edition is said to be coming out late November 2021 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PS5, PS4 and PC. The new and tasty version of Oddworld soulstorm? Let’s take a look.

Oddworld Soulstorm Enhanced Edition is on it’s way. Once again, X35 Earthwalker the one true Earthwalker, the legendary and eternal soldier himself, was right. Oddworld Soulstorm Enhanced Edition was a timed exclusive. It’s not just on Playstation anymore. It’s coming to the most powerful gaming console, the Xbox Series X… and Xbox One too. The timing is very good for Xbox players though and we will explain.

X35 Earthwalker Oddworld Soulstorm Enhanced Edition

Oddworld Soulstorm Enhanced Edition is basically the same as Oddworld Soulstorm but… enhanced. Okay fine. Basically there’s “improved gameplay mechanics and motion code”. Not only that but all the patches that’s been added since the original release. There has been multiple patches and some changes. Actually a lot. If you go to their official Oddworld Inhabitants website. There’s patches 1.05 – 1.13. There’s patches to Abe himself, npcs, levels and more. So yeah, it’s improved and better performance but it’s the same game. No new content. So t’s a good time for Xbox players to jump in if they want to.

X35 Earthwalker Oddworld Soulstorm Enhanced Edition

We like Oddworld Soulstorm. We couldn’t play it because it was a timed exclusive for Playstation only. Abe has many games and they are all good. We are disappointed to find out there is no new content. With all these new games coming out and big names like Call of Duty Vanguard and the even better Halo Infinite which is on the way. If Oddworld Soulstorm wants to keep up the fight and stay relevant. There’s fans of Oddworld but developers want to exceed those numbers. So we need new things. We need something big.

Overall Oddworld Soulstorm Enhanced Edition looks like just an improved version the same game and that it’s now available for Xbox players on Xbox Series X and Xbox One. So yep, if you’ve never played it before then this enhanced edition sounds like the time. We hope the developers do something about new content though. Now Oddworld Soulstorm Enhanced Edition maybe have enhanced the original but it’s not enhanced enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Aeterna Noctis

Aeterna Noctis is a 2D action adventure platformer game developed and published by ‘Aeternum Game Studios‘. Aeterna Noctis is said to be coming out there 15th of December 2021 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. This game looks cool and seems to have a lot to it. Let’s take a look.

Aeterna Noctis is another cool looking 2D described also as a metroidvania style game. This might remind players of Castlevania Symphony of the Night. It’s a dark world, castle looking areas, crazy laboratory area, monsters, swords, multiple routes and rooms etc. So many players should like Aeterna noctis. Oh and for the last time, when we say Noctis we don’t mean Noctis Lucis Caelum from Final Fantasy XV. There’s quite a thing going on here with Aeterna Noctis.

X35 Earthwalker Aeterna Noctis

Many gamers should know what to expect when it comes to games like Aeterna Noctis. Listen to this,”Taking the role of the ‘King of Darkness’ you must help him regain his power. So basically start of not powerful, be careful in each fight as things can go wrong, semi easily. Find upgrades, find weapons, eventually face bosses and become a real power house. We hope there are areas that you don’t have the ability to access until you get further, gather new powers and then have the means to enter. There needs to be short cuts. and something mystical but flashy mystical. 

We checked out some Aeterna Noctis gameplay. Aeterna Noctis has what looks like a lot of enemies. We are seeing the standard simple enemies as in they just stroll left and right. Some are aggressive and attack, some weird weapons like swords. Some are like creatures while others are humanoid. There’s even trap like enemies as in cannons that activate when you’re near it. They are stationary on the ground then rise up with levitation to attack. We even saw ghost based enemies. A ghostly knight. We love variety of enemies and Aeterna Noctis definitely seems to have that.

Overall Aeterna Noctis looks like another god game. We like the animations here. Very good animations. The standard for games have risen overall. We definitely liking that there’s multiple;tiple areas. 16 different but connected areas. We have seen a bit of the described “skill-based platform section”. Difficult platforming does belong in game types like Aeterna Noctis. The developers ‘Aeternum Game studios’ have done a very good job so far. Light vs darkness. We at X35 Earthwalker are going to keep an ear open for Aeterna Noctis. Now Aetrena Noctis may have an eternal battle going on but there battle is too little for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Feeding Frenzy 2

Feeding Frenzy 2 is a simple game with a. simple concept and does it well. X35 Earthwalker has recently been playing Feeding Frenzy 2 again and it’s been so much fun. After of fact this game has given us an idea for another G-blog. In case you didn’t know, Feeding Frenzy 2 is all about you eating the smaller fishes while avoiding the bigger fishes. Let’s take a look.

Feeding Frenzy 2 is underestimated heavily. X35 Earthwalker has been playing this game quite frequently lately with others like Diamonds L45, N63 Prodigy and X7 Earthenvessel. They have been having a blast. Feeding Frenzy 2 has multiplayer and it’s split screen. This arcade style game let’s you play through the whole story mode as a team. You all must eat and everyones eating contributes to a shared feeding meter. So you can get big real fast but the opposite is also there. If one of you get eaten then the meter gets reset to the last size checkpoint. So everyone has to be carefully.

X35 Earthwalker Feeding Frenzy 2

You also have a pool of lives. No separate lives business. So having someone on your team who isn’t as good can easily hold back the whole team but it adds to the fun. Even if you have a weaker player it actually makes the game fun. If you run out of lives and people get eaten permanently, you have that one player who has to try and win the whole thing by themselves and things get tense. You have to clutch it or have everyone watch you get eaten by a shark or barracuda… or leopard shark. Feeding Frenzy 2 doing a lot of things right. 

One of the best things about Feeding Frenzy 2 multiplayer is the scores at the end of each successful mission. It shows exactly the number of each fish each player ate. Shows the number of star bubbles too. So you can see who dominated in the little fish, medium fish, big fish, bonus stars and who got the highest number of fish overall. That’s one of the fun parts for sure. 

X35 Earthwalker Feeding Frenzy 2

Things get crazier as we progress and the difficulty spikes up. When the poison fishes show up, combined with mines and those annoying jellyfishes. Things get chaotic. You have to dodge and move around and not accidentally mistake yourself for another fish or player since you have set colours and Feeding Frenzy 2 is a colourful game. Even your sucking in ability can screw you or a teammate. It pulls in fish so eating entire schools of fish is easy but it also pulls in other things too. It can suck in mines, jelly fish and poison fish. So if you are competing with a friend to eat fishes and you suck in, you might pull a mine to you both killing you both. You only laugh at those things and blame each other.

Overall just wanted to say that Feeding Frenzy 2 is underrated. t’s crazy fun and perfect for playing with family and friends. Something simple, fun, can be difficult but easy to understand. Not competitive, something light. try out Feeding Frenzy 2 today. It’s even in the brilliant Xbox Game pass. So try it out. Now Feeding Frenzy 2 may have excellent multiplayer fun but it’s high levels of fun doesn’t match the fun of… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Fast & Furious: Spy Racers Rise of SH1FT3R

Fast & Furious: Spy Racers Rise of SH1FT3R is a racing game developed by ‘3D Clouds‘ and published by ‘Outright Games‘. Fast & Furious: Spy Racers Rise of SH1FT3R is said to be coming out in November 2021 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. This game is looking to be all about that racing action.

Fast & Furious: Spy Racers Rise of SH1FT3R is pretty simple to put together and understand. You know that series called Fast & Furious? Done by Dreamworks and universal pictures. Yeah that series. This game, Fast & Furious: Spy Racers Rise of SH1FT3R was inspired by it. Couldn’t you tell? So yeah, this is what this game is all about. Pick from a range of characters, jump in the vehicle and go real fast with a few twists though.

X35 Earthwalker Fast & Furious: Spy Racers Rise of SH1FT3R

We know that Fast & Furious: Spy Racers Rise of SH1FT3R is basically a big tournament but just listen to the description given by the developers themselves. “The elite criminal racing gang, SH1FT3R, returns in the game and it’s up to the Spy Racers team to stop them from winning the ultimate cutting-edge vehicle that will cause chaos in the wrong hands. Players will go undercover and race as their favorite characters, including Tony Toretto, Echo, Cisco, Layla Gray, or even race as the notorious SH1FT3R gang including Shashi Dar, Moray, Rafaela Moreno, and more. Fans can use spy weapons to speed through secret shortcuts and personalize customizable cars with a range of skins”.

This says quite a bit but over sells it in our opinion. The weapons make it more action based like crash team racing and Mario kart. The tracks are set in 5 different locations. The developers call them incredible but only a few are. Los Angeles isn’t incredible but the sahara desert is. There’s off course online play and features. The best feature of Fast & Furious: Spy Racers Rise of SH1FT3R is that there is split screen. Split screen races up to 6 players. We welcome another racing game but so far Fast & Furious: Spy Racers Rise of SH1FT3R hasn’t shown enough to be taken real serious by us yet.

X35 Earthwalker Fast & Furious: Spy Racers Rise of SH1FT3R

We checked out some Fast & Furious: Spy Racers Rise of SH1FT3R gameplay and it’s not what we expected at all from the start. From the title of the game, what we expected. A very different result indeed. We currently are not a complete fan of this game. It’s like a blend of realistic and cartoony and it doesn’t work too well here. We need to see much more of Fast & Furious: Spy Racers Rise of SH1FT3R. Graphically, especially concerning the environments and tracks, are good. 

Overall Fast & Furious: Spy Racers Rise of SH1FT3R does not look like it’s going to be good so far. We hope to see things turn around soon. This game can easily be good and more for friends to get together and drive. The connection to fast and furious is weak. The developers need to step it up. We at X35 Earthwalker will have t hear what Fast & Furious: Spy Racers Rise of SH1FT3R gets done. Now Fast & Furious: Spy Racers Rise of SH1FT3R may have gone inspiration from a popular series but that series isn’t even enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Black Widow: Recharged

Black widow: Recharged is an action retro twin stick shooter game developed by ‘Adamvision Studios‘ and ‘SneakyBox‘ and published by ‘Atari‘. Black Widow: Recharged is said to be coming out the 28th of October 2021 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. We have never heard of this game before. Let’s take a look.

Black widow: Recharged, like other old retro arcade style games is very simple to understand. You are the big spider, let nothing touch you while you blast everything out of existence. All the action takes place on a web and many different threats enter and roam around. We thought insects and critters get stuck in web… oh well. In case you couldn’t tell, Black ‘widow: Recharged is a modernised classic game. Old classic from the past but upgraded. The old school fans should love this.

X35 Earthwalker Black Widow: Recharged

So let’s quickly go over what’s different. The obvious is that the controls have been updated making them smooth and definitely the the visuals. There’s loads of power ups like the spread shots, fear which traps all enemies in your web and there’s even explosive shots for that firepower. The cash you can pick up to spend on power ups can also be used to charge up a powerful web blast attack. It’s a big cone shaped blast. Very useful. Couple of stuff going on here.

X35 Earthwalker Black Widow: Recharged

Black Widow: Recharged a series of challenges. 30 challenges to be precise. Said top be very difficult. We don’t believe them though. There’s leaderboards too, for competitive reasons. there’s country global leaderboards too. So you can see which nation is doing the best or sucks at black widow: Recharged. 

We checked out some Black widow: Recharged gameplay and it’s what we expected. Keep your eyes out for enemies coming in from the edges, kill enemies as fast as possible and collect the cash. There’s music done by megan mcduffee. The game isn’t anything crazy at all. Just another arcade style game with fast paced action, colours, flashy stuff and everything modern. Looks cool.

Overall Black Widow: Recharged looks like a cool game.m It’s simple and gets straight into the action. Don’t forget about the score. These arcade games are all about the score. There isn’t much else to say but that it does look like a good game. The developers Adamvision Studios and SneakyBox have done a good job from what we have seen. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see what Black Widow: Recharged do. Now Black widow: Recharged may have been modernised but it’s still too outdated for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Energy Cycle


Energy Cycle is a puzzle game developed and published by ‘Sometimes You‘. Energy Cycle is said to be coming out on the 20th of October 2021 on Xbox Series X. Energy Cycle is already out on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation and PC. The real question is how efficient are these puzzles. Let’s take a look.

Energy cycle is a very simple puzzle game. There’s nothing wrong with that. Some people just need a simple puzzle game. For chilling and enjoying the time and music, or maybe taking a break from high action more difficult games or that’s just their type of game. Bejewelled is a very simple puzzle game, bit more complex that Energy Cycle and it’s doing well. Energy cycle do0es need to make sure it stands out though. Simple puzzle games don’t get noticed easily and are more effective as mobile games but hey, we will have to see.

X35 Earthwalker Energy Cycle

Here’s how simple Energy Cycle is. There’s a bunch of energy cells and players must click them to turn them all the same colour. Each cell you click changes colour and not only that but all other cells adjacent to it both horizontally and vertically. So it’s not as easy as you’d think. Players will still need to use a portion of their brain. We wonder how difficult Energy Cycle will get. A game as simple as Energy Cycle should have the means to divide the simple gamers from the more better thinking smarter ones.

X35 Earthwalker Energy Cycle

Like we said. Energy cycle is very simple. there’s nothing much to say here. There’s some tunes which range from annoying to a bit bumping. A game like this should have calming music too. hopefully there’s a way to decide what music you can pick or filter. The visuals are very nice. The background is almost ambient like, nice for relaxing. We hope there’s a chill mode. The cells look cool and the special effects are real cool too. Good details. Imagine how good it will look on Xbox Series X. It will not be on PS5. 

Overall Energy Cycle looks like a good simple puzzle game. Doesn’t look too difficult either. It’s definitely not our type of game but we can see the appeal from others. It does what it says on the box. The developers ‘Sometimes you’ have done a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker hope that this game does well on Xbox Series X. A good game to add to the library of games you can play on Xbox. Now Energy Cycle might have simple puzzles but it definitely isn’t energy efficient enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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X35 Earthwalker Lemnis Gate

Welcome to another X35 Earthwalker quick review. Lemnis Gate is an excellent game. We will say that right away. Lemnis Gate was developed by ‘Ratloop games’. This game is available on Xbox Series X (off course), PS5 and PC. X35 Earthwalker has played this game for a quite a bit and even did a livestream on it. Here’s what we think of Lemnis Gate so far. Take a look.

In case you don’t know what Lemnis Gate is, most likely because you don’t operate in the best gaming circles like we do, then read our first blog post on the game. Regardless we will break it down simply. It’s a first person shooter game but heavy on the tactical side. The main mode is turn based first person shooting. There’s a small map with objectives like collect the orbs and bring it back to your spawn. You move first and run out to get an orb and bring it back. Then your opponent on their turn will try to get an orb too. The one with the most wins. Except it’s way deeper than that.

X35 Earthwalker Lemnis Gate

You play with the past, present and future. This game can get mind bending real fast. With Halo, you just need to know the map well and have good aim. that’s it. For Gears of War you need to wallbonce and aim well with the Gnasher shotgun. Those games are fun but straight forward. Lemnis Gate forces players to use far more of their brain. They tried something unique and made it work. So remember the example we gave earlier? Well on your opponents turn they will try to kill your operative who goes to grab the orb and instead take it for themselves, preventing you from getting it. You can’t go back to undo that, as it’s now in the past but you could instead use another operative to go in fast and kill the operative your opponent used to kill your first one. With the opponents one gone, your first one doesn’t die and continues to grab the orb and get back to the spawn to score. Do you get it now? Don’t worry, we know it’s easier to see than read to understand. We will put our gameplay video down below.

You get it now. That’s why Lemnis Gate certainly isn’t for everyone. It’s for higher IQ players due to how much thinking and problem identifying and solving it takes to be real good at this game. This doesn’t mean your average player can’t play. They can but they must know what they are getting themselves into. The typical learn as you play and face better opponents os real and applies here. some are going to play and loose for a while before really getting the hang of it which is okay. While others will do good almost straight away while only X35 Earthwalker himself is super intelligent and naturally talented that he dominates and wins already. Seriously though, X35 Earthwalker right now is undefeated. Now about getting good at the game, you can literally play against yourself for practice. Control both player one and two like how a real match would go. You can see if you can beat yourself and try things to see what actually works or not. Very smart move of the developers to allow you a training session against yourself. Use it players, and learn some tricks.

The game looks excellent. The levels are off a good variety in design from a jungle like area to a moon base like place to a waste land with funky rocks and more. We like the different operatives. Really like them. Let’s talk about them. There’s seven in total: Vendetta, Deathblow, Toxin, Rush, Karl, Kapitan and Striker. Each has their own Gun and special ability. Vendetta has a shotgun and her ability is to set up automatic turrets to fire at enemies in range. Deathblow has a rocket launcher and can set mines. Toxin fires toxic balls which hit and covers surfaces in damaging poison puddles, her ability is a teleport. Rush dual wields sub machine guns and can dash fast on both land and air. Karl has a continuous laser beam and can place defensive shields. Kapitan has a machine gun and can throw a grenade. Striker has a sniper rifle and can slow down time. We already have our favourites based on design alone.

X35 Earthwalker Lemnis Gate

Let’s talk about the design of these characters. We really like the designs here. Deathblow sounds awesome. He sounds like a serious veteran bounty hunter or that one dude who you don’t want to mess with. Toxin is a woman but at first look she looks like a man thanks to her big hazmat like suit which makes her immune to toxics. Her voice is amazing. Loved it instantly. Kapitan looks like a hardened woman. someone who has gone through either rough training or moved into this no nonsense attitude. She won’t be playing Halo Infinite with the others. Karl reminds us of Pathfinder from Apex Legends. A high tech talking robot with some whitty puns. Makes sense for a robot. Rush stands out the most. This guy definitely has a mighty accent. Strong Caribbean accent which works well with him. Jamaicans are the fastest people (just ask the Olympics especially in 100m sprint) and yet Rush is the fastest character with an ability based on speed. He has jokes and super confident. Reminds us of a certain Jamaican friend we know. Cool dude, just like Rush. Striker has the least going on. A confident use with a mask who likes a clean kill. Nothing much stand out with him. Lastly Vendetta who might be our favourite. We like Vendetta’s design and her attitude She is an example of finally game developer are putting women in their games with different body types. It’s about time! Bless Unleashed did it and we praised them for it. So many female characters have the shape of Kapitan. Vendetta is heavier in her lower half while top talk was more standard. She stands out instantly and for good reason. We want more variety in character body designs. The Lemnis Gate cast is excellent.

Lemnis Gate gets real deep when it come to tactics. Think about it. When you know someone is sprinting straight for an objective like the orbs. You don’t even need to kill their operative, all you have to do is just grab the orb before they do and run with it. The best players always try to find the simplest way of handling a problem. For example, if you know an operative will get sniped by striker then all you have to do is place a shield on your operative with Karl. The shield will save their life. Just use the shield, you don’t need to always kill the enemy. Always be careful of events that take place in the past like flying rockets from Deathblow. Your next operative who runs out there might get struck by a random rocket and waste your turn. You also need to know which operative might be a good counter for the other. Advanced stuff. We might make a G-blog post on that one time. Advanced tricks and some tips. Just remember to focus and pay attention to what’s going on. Especially in the later rounds where you have 6 operatives running around doing their thing at the same time.

X35 Earthwalker Lemnis Gate

Overall we can proudly say that Lemnis Gate is awesome. It’s very difficult as you have seen and read. Take a ton of thinking, especially to outplay and outsmart your opponent who is also clever. X35 Earthwalker has faced some experienced players already and still won every match. It’s on the Xbox GamePass so try it out for yourself. Now Lemnis Gate may operate in the past, present and future but that’s still many abilities below… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Pumpkin Jack

Pumpkin Jack is a 3D platformer game developed by ‘Nicolas Meyssonnier’ and published by ‘Headup‘. Pumpkin Jack is not a new game. It’s already out but it’s coming to the next gen consoles: Xbox Series X and PS5 on the 27th of October 2021. We have never heard of this game before. Let’s take a look.

X35 Earthwalker Pumpkin Jack

Pumpkin Jack, not to be confused with Samurai Jack, is set in a spooky world. Halloween style world with spooky scary skeletons (see what we did there?), gargoyles scarecrows and more. Players control Pumpkin Jack, the mythical pumpkin lord. This guy is evil. We know this because he’s following the will of the devil. Yep. If X35 Earthwalker saw Pumpkin Jack, he would kill hat evil pumpkin. It’s a battle go evil vs good in this game. 

If you are reading this, you most likely know what’s up concerning this game. FFriends and characters to meet on your adventure including a crow with an attitude and a owl who has behaviour issues. There’s multiple levels, each having “its own eerie atmosphere”. How many halloween spooky environments can they come up with.  

X35 Earthwalker Pumpkin Jack

We checked out some pumpkin Jack gameplay and it’s what we expected. Clearly has an old school style design layout and concept. it’s a 3D platformer where you run, jump and light enemies to progress. There’s bosses to overcome but players will need to get good (git gud) with the movements of Pumpkin Jack. This means the evading and when to evade to dodge serious attacks and move quickly to deliver the pain. We saw magical abilities, weapons like a shovel and even firearms.

Overall Pumpkin Jack looks like a nice game. got the colours and definitely got the visuals, especially on the Xbox Series X. We even saw a horse for Pumpkin Jack to ride. It’s a platformer adventure with a spooky theme. This explains the next gen console release timing. Halloween is nearby. The developer ‘Nicolas Meyssonnier’ have done a nice job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see what happens with Pumpkin Jack. Now Pumpkin Jack has spooky business going on but none of that scares… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Spellforce 3

Spellforce 3 is a real time strategy role playing game developed by ‘Grimlore games‘ and published by ‘THQ Nordic‘. Spellforce 3 is said to be coming out the 7th of December 2021 on the Xbox Series X and PS5. It’s already out on PC. Games like this need to do a lot to get us interested at all. Let’s take a look.

The world of Spellbreak 3 is set in the year 518 before what’s called “the convocation”. “The rebellion of the four royal houses has been quashed.” So that battle is over but the war off course damaged the country. Also the queen took heavy damage and is currently in a coma. Sounds like bad news all around. So some dude known as the lord marshall is ruling but he’s a rough person or something like that. Players most decide if they will remain loyal to the queen or be rebellious. Remember, we have never played a Spellbreak game. We don’t know about them either.

X35 Earthwalker Spellforce 3

Now Spellforce 3 is definitely one of those fantasy mythological games with spells, wars, clashes, swords and the sort. It’s controlling multiple units at once and targeting what you want, using specific tracks, maybe use something that’s damage over time or knock back type of game. Games like this off course has some big name competitors. So standing out here is going to be a problem. There’s certain things that we need to see.

There’s characters customisation for your hero and off course there’s skill trees. You must raise and build an army to fight big battles. Find companions who’s equipment and skills you can manage and decide. The companions also are said to have an impact on the narrative. That sounds cool for sure. There’s three factions: orcs, elves and humans off course. Choose one of the three factions and lead them to glory. There’s multiplayer as well which a game like this needs. Compete against other players in pvp or do co-operative to fight against forces.

X35 Earthwalker Spellforce 3

We checked out some Spellforce 3 gameplay it’s what we expected. We like those nasty spiders. We like the precise targeting you can do when it comes to picking specific enemies and selecting what attack. Off course games like this gives all the advantages to PC players. The locations are looking good but not enough detail in our opinion concerning the environment, trees, rocks etc. Take into account though that the initial PC release is old while the console release will have improved graphics, visuals and more. Concerning the trailer below, we wanted to use one that had gameplay but they were all age restricted by stupid youtube. They age restrict small figures fighting but some real violent and even sexual stuff is all good in their books. Idiots. 

Overall Spellforce 3 looks like a alright game but not our thing. We haven’t seen anything that brings us in. It obviously has it’s fan base and players who enjoy it and that’s good. The developers ‘Grimlore games’ has done an alright job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will just have to hear what happens with Spellforce 3. Now Spellforce 3 might have three factions but those factions are nothing special in the eyes of… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Iron Harvest

Iron Harvest is a real time strategy game developed by ‘King art‘ and published by ‘Prime matter‘. Iron Harvest is said to be coming out the 26th of October 2021 on the PS5, confirmed for Xbox Series X in 2021 also but no clear date. It’s already out on PC from 1st of September 2021. This looks interesting. Let’s take a look.

Iron Harvest is set in 1920 but in an alternate timeline. Basically instead of traditional weapons and old uniforms it’s advanced machines. There’s complete war machines with mortars, artillery and more. Those who have such machines obviously have immense advantages. There’s three main nations being named here are: Saxony, Polonia and Rusviet. By the way all this is happening in Europe. Also there’s a new that in europe. The website states “In the midst of this chaos, a new threat appears that will put Europe’s very existence at risk”. Sounds like things are about to go down.

X35 Earthwalker Iron Harvest

So let’s keep all of this Iron Harvest stuff simple. It’s a big war going on in europe in an alternate timeline with powerful war machines and we don’t mean tanks. We are talking about walkers carrying rifles with giant lances. There’s a machine that moves like a crawling beetle that launches explosives and covers entire areas. We talking real war machines. We talking almost Supreme Commander 2 levels types of war machines… off course not at that level though. There’s cover based mechanics too. So put your units in cover or suffer the consequences. By the way, there’s like 30 different mobile machines and exo-skeletons.   

The biggest factor about Iron Harvest is the machines clearly. Otherwise it’s a military war game. So let’s talk more about the machines. Like Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries there is different size and weight machines. There’s giant real huge machines that bring the pain all the way to light and smaller machines that are very versatile. There’s what’s classed as weapon systems. These are powerful but slow “armaments”. Examples would be like real heavy machine guns, mortars and even anti-mech cannons. So there’s a lot of variety going on here which means multiple strategies.

X35 Earthwalker Iron Harvest

We checked out some Iron Harvest gameplay and it’s what we expected. We see a whole bunch of units moving across the field, some getting into cover, some charging in. We se different walking machines with different functions and the risks. We like that all weapon systems are have a big weakness. They have a cone of fire and slow which means placement is everything. If careless they will get destroyed easily, accomplishing nothing. So more rooms for tactics. There’s also cooperative and competitive multiplayer in Iron Harvest. There’s challenge maps, skirmish maps, ranked matches, ranked ladders and leagues. So there’s room for competitive action right here in Iron Harvest.    

Overall Iron Harvest looks like a cool game so far. We like the variety of units. We don’t care about the alternate timeline. We hope the nations and goals are made more clear. So far we are losing interest. We have many thoughts and some concerns. Real time strategy games like this are tough to do right and even harder to balance. The developers ‘King art’ have done a nice job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to keep an ear open for this game. Now Iron Harvest may have war machines but even those are too weak and ineffective against… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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