X35 Earthwalker Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem

Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem is an action role playing game developed and published by ‘Wolcen Studios‘. Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem is said to be coming out the 24th of March 2023 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PS5 and PS4. It was already out on pc but we never even heard of this game while on pc. X35 Earthwalker has the best written gaming content. Wonder what Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem has got. Let’s take a look.

Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem clearly plans to have a big and deep universe. In Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem you play as one of the three “Children of Hemlock”. When you was a child you got rescued by the grand inquisitor known as Heimlock. Through him you grow up and become a member of the Republican army of the Purifiers. They are basically the perfect soldiers and their main objective is to defeat and purge the “supernatural and profane”. So time for you and your adoptive siblings to head out on a journey or should we say mission.

X35 Earthwalker Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem

Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem is described as having fast paced combat. So expect that real action. Rush your foes or even dash into them. Swing at them, crush, slice and destroy. Dodge and get out of the way of attacks and danger while using your powers. The powers better be good. Like actually cool and interesting. Games like this tend to have similar abilities to each other and it’s nothing exciting. Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem has the space and universe to bring in some crazy things.

Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem also has a “great variety of weapons”. This is what we want to hear but these weapons need to get the job done and have good balancing. We don’t want the case where some guns are just useless. It’s hard to do but we want a variety of choice that’s actually valid. We explosives, homing, lasers, heat, repulse, drill, force, plasma, light etc. We won’t give away everything. Figure things out for yourself.

X35 Earthwalker Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem

We checked out some Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem gameplay and it’s what we expected. Especially from a game of this style. Combat is looking smooth though. The speed and action is there and the animations on movement and attacks are looking very good as well… maybe even excellent. The graphics and visuals are excellent and will look better on Xbox Series X. The details are top level from what we have seen. You will be moving somewhere and see a whole battle going on in the distance or below. That’s some excellent game design right now.

Overall. Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem is looking like an excellent game. There’s lots we like and it could be our thing. They better not mess this up. They can easily have something great here. How they deliver the lore and reveal the Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem universe will matter here. The developers ‘Wolcen Studios’ have done an excellent job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker like to see good work and to see it succeed. Now Wolcen: Lords of Mayhem may have a new deep universe but it’s far too small and shallow for…  the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Mato Anomalies

Mato Anomalies is a turn based RPG developed by ‘Arrowiz‘ and published by ‘Prime Matter‘. Mato Anomalies is said to be coming out the 10th of March 2023 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and pc. Things might get futuristic around here. X35 Earthwalker is confident concerning the future. Let’s take a look.

In Mato Anomalies all the action is taking place in what’s described as a “fantasized neo-futuristic version of Old Shanghai”. You control Doe and Gram who all about investigating strange anomalies around the city. Not just that but at times you’ll head into rifts to battle “demonic abominations”. So there are demons who want to take down the city. Typical demons. Hate them.

X35 Earthwalker Mato Anomalies

We do like that the two protagonists are different not just in character but also in role and skills. Doe is a detective and will gather knowledge and intel to figure out what’s going on concerning the city of Mato. While Gram is an exorcist and does the demonic battling, hopping into rifts. So players will have to use the both of them to get the jobs done. 

They won’t be alone as Doe and Gram may have to team up with what’s described as “unlikely companions”. This is telling us that there’s good potential for the story. According to the description, there will be hope, duty and justice. Things might get complicated here. So maybe gain the trust of some people you meet, even if they don’t like you.

X35 Earthwalker Mato Anomalies

We checked out some Mato Anomalies gameplay and it’s mostly what w expected. Move around the city and find clues concerning what’s going on. Talk to NPCs, handle missions and get the locations of rifts. Jump in and deal with those demons who are causing problems. Getting rewards for doing so. There’s also factions who are involved with what’s going on concerning Mato. You’ll be dealing with them as they are a factor. In combat, there’s a “shared health across all team members, gear matrix and dual-talent system.”  

Overall Mato Anomalies is looking like it’s going to be a very good game. The graphics are very good for its style. The story is going to be the strongest factor of Mato Anomalies. Meaning the game rises or falls quite a bit depending on how they do the story, its impact and what emotions it brings out of the player. The developers ‘Arrowiz’ have done a very good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to keep an ear open for this game. Now Mato Anomalies may have demon rifts but those things close automatically when they face… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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The Callisto Protocol vs Dead Space remake. Both are excellent games without question. X35 Earthwalker has conquered all three Dead Space games including the Hard core modes and extra challenges. People have their own takes on this subject and it’s interesting to see. Sadly, most of the views and opinions from others, especially youtubers have been dumb and illogical. Straight up false at times. Both games are made by some of the same developers, mainly Glen Schofield who is the co-creator of Dead Space; so both have a similar style and both get the job done. That’s for sure. X35 Earthwalker is the smartest and wisest gamer of all time, so his explanations and views actually mean something. [Quick notice: We will include videos that are reviews or opinions of Callisto Protocol that are actually good. Intelligent ones.] Let’s take a look.

The first issue we will address. We saw from a reviewer online in written form state that The Callisto Protocol “wants to be Dead Space so badly”. This is actually a retarded take. Maybe The Callisto Protocol is soo similar to Dead Space because the co creator of Dead Space himself are behind this game. The Callisto Protocol is suppose to be like their new direction. Their next big thing. If anyone has the right to make a game similar to Dead Space, it’s the dude who co-created Dead Space. This first take is just proof of the illogical takes and views that we mentioned earlier. Some counted the fact that The Callisto Protocol was not that new compared to Dead Space, as a negative. That’s not good reviewing, nor is it fair. The Callisto Protocol was design to be similar to Dead Space. Even the names of the main characters are related. Isaac Clarke and Jacob Lee. Isaac and Jacob. Fine we will spell it out for you. Historically recorded in the Bible there was Abraham, whose son is Isaac. Isaac’s son is Jacob. Jacob comes after Isaac just like how The Callisto Protocol comes after Dead Space. Yep, it’s all intentional.

Next point and here’s a big one. The combat. Muppets like angry joe and his lackies complained about it and saying it’s what ruined the game. We have covered this on the X35 Earthwalker podcast. Literally read what ‘girlstalkingsmack’ said in their review, “The fighting system is fundamentally incapable of dealing with more than one enemy. Even in one-on-one combat, The Callisto Protocol is prone to absolutely merciless battles that can seemingly inflict insta-death on you at will.” This is completely false and maybe they should never play a video game ever again if they are that bad at the game. X35 himself is playing Hardcore mode and has successfully fought three enemies at the same time and only got hit once. We have witnessed others fight two at once successfully as well. If the mechanics are easy and all you have to do is hold left and right to dodge, like angry joe said, then how is the combat merciless? It should also be easy. We have watched others like markiplier, coryxkenshin, fusionzgamer, PG and more stated that they liked the combat. 

So people have praised Dead Space’s combat but hate The Callisto Protocol. Here’s the problem. The Callisto Protocol’s combat is the same as Dead Space. If you ignore the melee dodge system then both games combat is literally the same. You see an enemy, you can shoot of it’s limbs or blast it apart. Once dead you stomp on the enemy to get goodies. Both are the same. So in The Callisto Protocol you can forget the melee dodge and instead take the hit just like you would in Dead Space. There’s no actual dodge in original Dead Space. There’s an action roll in Dead Space 3 though. If a necromorph gets close to you and lunges, you are getting hit. Rare for it to miss. The Callisto Protocol is the same except you can dodge in case something gets close. So you can’t say Dead Space remake has better combat than The Callisto Protocol when they are the same. It’s The Callisto Protocol has just as good combat or better as it’s the same plus more. You have more tools to deal with the situation. So yes, we say that The Callisto Protocol has better combat. You have more options.

Next. Combat options. In Dead Space your combat options are shoot, throw something at your enemies using the kinesis or stasis the enemy and then hit them to death or stomp. There’s more options in The Callisto Protocol. People have stated that The Callisto Protocol’s combat is shallow and just “dodge, dodge, hit, hit until the enemy is dead” (like Elden Ring). Wrong again. The Callisto Protocol actually has much deeper combat. People like angry joe just don’t know how to play the game. If you block the last hit of an enemies combo string you can counter with a low counter strike that knocks enemies to the ground. If you time your attacks you can sometimes get a three or four hit combo. You can get the heavy strike to knock an enemy or sometimes multiple enemies down and backwards. If you remove an enemies leg, they crawl and then can be one melee hit killed. If you get rid of an arm, the enemy can no longer do multiple hits. They can only swing once. You can use the GRP to throw enemies of the edge and they instantly die or drown. If you upgrade the GRP’s throw strength you can pick up an enemy and throw them into something hard to instantly kill them. After you do a melee combo you have the option most of the time to quickly shoot the enemy which staggers them and allows you to continue with another combo. Keep doing that and your enemy NEVER gets a turn to fight back. So angry joe and the many others are idiots who don’t know how to play the game and told lies about it. The Callisto Protocol has way more options. The Callisto Protocol wins this category as well.

Let’s compare the GRP and Kinesis. Both are powerful and useful. Kinesis is unlimited and you can grab regular objects or sharp objects to knock enemies down or straight up impale. You can beat entire areas of the game in Dead Space with just kinesis alone. Kinesis is strong and feels good to use but it’s also very easy. You have unlimited attempts to grab and throw things. Enemies can never get close. Carry whole items with you wherever you go with no consequences. The GRP in The Callisto Protocol has more limits but is more powerful. The GRP has charges and so isn’t unlimited. You cannot just grab and throw objects infinitely. You have to be more strategic and think more about how to use it. So more room for skill. So wait? How is the GRP more powerful than kinesis then since it’s not unlimited? Well the GRP can grab entire enemies. Something the kinesis doesn’t do. You can literally grab and restrain a whole enemy and throw them. This can lead to combos with environmental hazards even more so than you would in Dead Space. For example if Isaac was to fight Jacob, Jacob can easily win through GRP alone. He can just grab Isaac and throw him into a fan or bomb or spikes etc. Remember that the grabbed enemy can’t move or do anything. So the grabbed person is literally disabled like what Leon ferris did to Jacob in that cutscene. Jacob could grab Isaac and stab in in the throat. Now this isn’t a VS gaming blog post. Obviously the Kinesis is more favoured due to it being unlimited energy basically. So it’s a matter of ‘weaker but unlimited’ vs ‘stronger but limited’. Factor in that the GRP when fully upgraded becomes a brutal weapon. Just throwing an enemy against the wall can instantly kill it. It has more charges and self recharges. So you don’t need the batteries really. It will recharge by itself. We pick the GRP over the kinesis. You can rely on the GRP to crowd control and make space… not dead. See what we did there?

Next is how next gen they are. The Callisto Protocol made it their mission to be the new standard for survival horror. The next gen survival horror game. Almost everyone seems to agree that The Callisto Protocol is top tier graphics and visuals, including details. Some even said it is the best looking game of 2022. The graphics are next gen especially when played on Xbox Series X. The sounds are ridiculous levels of good. Others have agreed. X35 had headphones on and could hear enemies moving around in the ventilation systems accurately. The graphics in The Callisto Protocol is better than Dead Space remake. Sounds as well. Listen to the sound of the GRP. Something next gen about The Callisto Protocol is the death animations. Enemies that kill you have a chance to trigger a death animation. These animations are brutal. Get put in a headlock and then beat in the head to death, even after you are clearly dead, it is still beating you. This shows the brutality here. Dead space only has those animated kills if the enemy already triggered a grab sequence. Also the player can get animated kills on some enemies in the Callisto Protocol depending on where you are located like if there’s a wall nearby. If there is a wall nearby and you are fighting a humanoid enemy Jacob might push shove it into the wall and then part and bust its legs with the baton and then finish it off. If not near a wall he might do the overhead clean sink the baton into head and pull out or give them the clean two tap. We saw a super rare kill that we have never seen before where you move around the enemy quick and kill it with the shiv. We actually don’t know what triggers that kill sadly. It was cool.

Next which game is more scary? Have to say The Callisto Protocol. With Dead space you know what to expect. Every room you go in, you expect a necromorph to jump out. You see an intact necromorph body on the floor, you shoot it as players assume it’s getting back up to attack you. When a room locks down in quarantine, you know what time it is. X35 Earthwalker doesn’t get scared by Dead Space. We can be surprised but that’s it. The Callisto Protocol does things differently. There’s no quarantine sequence. You have enemy corpses that’s like fused into a wall. The blind enemies. Some are just corpses while others can be woken up and attack you. There’s even frozen, literally ice frozen bodies. Some are literally ice and brittle while others are living enemies who can pop out and attack you. In The Callisto Protocol you will multiple times hear enemies moving around you but out of sight and actually not come after you. Making you think you have to get ready for a fight but actually no, you are safe. Messing with your head. So at times you don’t know what’s going to happen. When that head enemy that lives in a hive like cone pops out and grabs you, it can scare you and catch you completely off guard or drag you into the centre of a room to get jumped by other enemies. Some say that foes is used too much. We disagree. There’s literally only one place in the game where you can’t avoid getting grabbed and it’s in a side path for extra goodies. All the others, if you are vigilant and aware enough you can spot, shoot and prevent. Plus you get so powerful in Dead Space that it isn’t scary. Run into a room and blow up everything with ease.

Which brings us to the next point. Which is more ‘Survival horror?’ That’s easily The Callisto Protocol. No one can argue with that. Here’s why. True Survival horror is about survival. You are suppose to be weak or weak-ish. Fighting may be a last resort as it could be too risky to fight. Managing resources is a big deal. You don’t have an abundance. Look at old resident evil games. Some enemies you skipped by running past. Others you shot a bullet to stun, so you can avoid. Also stealth is a factor in some. In Dead Space there isn’t any survival really. You soon become master chief or a powerful action hero. Seriously in all Dead Space games including Dead Space remake, we don’t fear the necromorph… the necromorph fears us! We walk around everywhere cocky because anything that shows up we know we can use and abuse. Literally enemies get molested by us. If we get hit, it doesn’t matter. Our armour is so strong and tough that… WE EAT THOSE! WE have seen players get swarmed, take many hits but live as they have instant heal as long as a medkit is n the inventory. Heal and tank to live. Can’t do that in The Callisto Protocol. We have so much ammo for our extremely powerful weapons that we can fire like a cheap American movie, spraying everywhere. There’s no survival really. By the way Dead space has the superior weapons without question. While in The Callisto Protocol, you have to sneak in some areas, assassinate some foes. You try to fight like in Dead Space you will run out of ammo guaranteed. Health items is limited. Some blind enemies you can skip. Rely on environmental hazards more, which means you need to use your head more. There’s far more survival in The Callisto Protocol than there is in Dead Space and we’d argue, there’s more horror in The Callisto Protocol as well. So yes, The Callisto Protocol is the better survival horror game.

Resource management. Let’s be real. There isn’t really any resource management in Dead Space, unless you are really bad at the game. At the start of the game you have to be aware of your supplies. Once you get started though… oooooooooo boy! It’s a different story. You will have so much ammo and the money those necromorphs drop, you can buy lots from the shops and since the upgrades for rigs and weapons are a different currency, aka the nodes, you don’t have to decide whether to get supplies or upgrade. In the Callisto Protocol is can get similar if you play in medium security difficulty or lower. In Maximum security difficulty you run out of ammo fast. The game has melee far more in mind. Other players have stated that you don’t have enough ammo for every foe. The Callisto credits are far inferior to the money from Dead Space, especially in quantity. The amount the enemies drop after killing them is laughable. It’s so little that you can’t afford supplies like how you can in Dead Space. Also upgrades and supplies share the same currency. So if you are aiming for the big upgrades, you kind of have to ignore the supplies. X35 Earthwalker has never… not once… bought a medkit or ammo as he was focused on the upgrades. What’s worse is the storage. Dead Space has a storage system at thee shop. You can store tons of ammo and stuff in there. Storage in Callisto Protocol… THERE IS NONE! Literally. Which makes sense as you aren’t an employee but an inmate. Everything you hold is all you have. You have very limited space. You truly have to manage what you have. We had to drop a medic for a rare item or drop ammo for something valuable etc. Not an issue in Dead Space. Another reason why Dead Space is the easier game. Callisto Protocol has harder resource management and requires more management as you certainly cannot carry everything. Start of game, super limited space.

Lastly story. Dead Space wins. Dead Space originally was built as a complete story game. No develop really knows if their game is going to be successful enough to get a sequel. What happened to ship? Aliens?! What’s a marker? Bring marker to planet and deal with it, the end. This was a whole story start to finish with no idea if there was going to be a continuation based on the design. The Callisto Protocol is a shorter game and ends in a way that’s clearly expecting a sequel or follow up DLC. The Callisto Protocol is clearly the start to something. We learn about the ‘Circle’ who the warden is a part off. Wearing masks saying “the greater good” and “the saviour”. You learn that these guys are bigger than what’s going on in black iron prison. This secret society is centuries old, you even find their secret rooms throughout the game if you have average level awareness. The warden reveals that humanities destiny is further than Callisto. There’s clearly lots to learn and discover. It’s design with a franchise and sequels in mind. This is literally just the beginning. Dead Space is a more complete and longer story. The Callisto Protocol isn’t. So it’s not up for debate. Story belongs to Dead Space. 

There’s a good comparison video done by… DSP. That’s right. Dark syde Phil himself. He did a good video and so we are leaving it here for you to see for yourself. His video is a vs between Dead Space and The Callisto Protocol.

Overall the results are in. The Callisto Protocol wins the majority of categories  We believe that The Callisto Protocol is better than the Dead Space remake. Matter of fact the Dead Space Remake felt more like a Dead Space remaster to be fair. Not a remake. Too much is the same. Look at the resident evil remakes, and off course the odd world: soul storm vs Abe’s exodus. Now those are remakes. Regardless The Callisto Protocol is the the better survival horror, it’s more next gen and it’s the more difficult game. Especially if you play hardcore mode. The Callisto Protocol hardcore mode is ridiculous. Unfair even. There’s more we can say like the characters for example which we talked about on the podcast but we will leave it here. X35 Earthwalker is the smartest, the wisest, most talented and the best in gaming. Remember that. Now The Callisto Protocol and Dead Space may be excellent games but both are weak compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker LEAP

LEAP is a fast-paced multiplayer first person shooter game developed and published by ‘Blue Isle studios‘. LEAP is said to be coming out the 1st of March 2023 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PS5, PS4 and pc. An early access came out in 2022 though. LEAP looking like it can be the game. X35 Earthwalker knows what games need to be successful in each genre. Let’s take a look.

LEAP ain’t hiding what it’s trying to accomplish. The initial description tells a lot. Read it: “fast-paced multiplayer first person shooter game”. So we know that mobility and speed is a big factor here and we hope LEAP gets it right. After all “It’s not what you, it’s how fast you do it.” To take the words of a certain someone. It’s simple, as an elite LEAP mercenary you either fight for the United Earth Defense Coalition or side with the rebel Exo-Terrans. It seems more like who pays you the most attitude. 

X35 Earthwalker LEAP

Next they state that there will be “epic battles with up to 60 players”. This means big multiplayer matches. So there has to be big maps with hopefully quite a bit going soon within them. Now at this point, especially if you have at least average intelligence, LEAP would have reminded you of Titanfall by now. That game was fast paced multiplayer shooting. LEAP is first person though. 

Leap is also gong for the more modern approach with flare and style. Players will enter the battle or lead the charge, as they say, with mounts or equipment otherwise called PV, Personal Vehicle. For example players can ride in on a rubber dingy, mechanical moose, hoverboard and even a rocket. Use your personal vehicle for traversal purposes.

X35 Earthwalker LEAP

We checked out some LEAP gameplay and it’s what we expected. LEAP really is fast paced. There’s thrusters, boosts, grapple hooks, launching pads and more. There’s loads of action going on as well. Shoot outs, explosions, beams, what looks like an orbital beam, artillery strike, blasts and of the sort. Due to there being up to 60 players there’s battles and interactions happening in various parts of the battlefield. We of course would like to know more about the game modes and the respawn times. The weapons have alright designs and the movement animations is looking quite basic.

Overall LEAP does look it’s going to be a good game. There are some concerns off course. Players are described as “armed to the teeth” but we do not see that. The LEAP mercenaries don’t seem so dangerous or that armed. We are liking the immense amounts of mobility though. The graphics look very good and we expect them to be better by now. The sounds are excellent, definitely liking what we are hearing. The developers ‘Blue Isle studios’ have done an excellent job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to keep an ear open concerning this game. Now LEAP may have loads of mobility but it’s nothing compared to the mobility of… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Rooftop Renegade

Rooftop Renegade is an action platformer game developed and published by ‘Melonhead games‘. Rooftop Renegade is said to be coming out the 17th of February 2023 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and pc. X35 Earthwalker has the best written gaming content. Rooftop Renegade looking like some casual fun. Let’s take a look.

Rooftop Renegade has a simple arcade story going on. Basically you are on the run. Evading capture from what looks like a police pursuit squad or whatever. They will even use weapons and their firepower to make escape difficult for you. Players must race through the “futuristic skyscrapers” all with the help of your hoverblades. Simply put they are roller blades but futuristic and you move sort of like shadow the hedgehog.

X35 Earthwalker Rooftop Renegade

Rooftop Renegade is more of a casual fun game. If you know about temple run or the subway run game then think of Rooftop Renegade like it but bigger. It’s all about speed and getting a flow going on. There’s multiple paths you can take and you have to decide quickly where you want to go. There’s boost rings like in sonic which zooms you forward. There’s a dash ability for that extra distance or air time. There’s rails for players to grind on and feel the wind in your hair… unless you are bald.

X35 Earthwalker Rooftop Renegade

We checked out some Rooftop Renegade gameplay and it’s what we expected. What we didn’t expect is that Rooftop Renegade has a multiplayer mode where your friends or family can try to gun you down and ruin your run. Yes you can race through the world while your friends or family take on the role of the pursuers and give you some trouble. We like the skyscraper locations and seeing the background in the distance. Really shows that you are up in the air. 

Overall Rooftop Renegade looks like a good game. Like we said. Arcade–ish style casual fun. Getting the best score you can is like the biggest goal here. There’s also a “seed-based generator mode” so players can get a different experience each time. The visuals are nice and quite colourful. The game is simple and players can get right into it. Hopefully the music is god enough and matches the situation. The developers ‘Melonhead games’ have done a good job. We at X35 Earthwalker have always been the fastest. Now Rooftop Renegade may have speed and a flow but it’s far too slow for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker. Blood Bowl 3

Blood Bowl 3 is a turn based sport fantasy game developed by ‘Cyanide Studio‘ and published by ‘Nacon‘. Blood Bowl 3 is said to be coming out the 23rd of February 2023 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and pc. Blood Bowl is one of those games that X35 Earthwalker has never played. We hope they got that heat. Let’s take a look.

Blood Bowl 3. What’s the story? Well a bunch of different races have come together (if you can call it that) to play some American football. These include: Humans, dwarfs, shaven, orcs, beastmen and elves. It’s all about the touchdowns ladies and gentlemen. So yeah these guys are going to have a civilised time… surely and play some honest games.

X35 Earthwalker. Blood Bowl 3

Don’t be fooled. Blood Bowl 3 is a tactical turn-based game. The most important things to remember are: Getting the ball to then scoring the touch down and smashing your opponents. Defeating the enemy players is essential. You take them out and they won’t be a problem. So yeah, throw the ball or throw some punches to even cripple enemies too. Try running with a damaged leg.

We checked out some Blood Bowl 3 gameplay. It’s very comical as well. There are coaches and even cheerleaders who are doing their best to motivate the team and get a game plan going. We like the comical approach as after all this is a silly game. It should be light and have some laughs. How you move, position yourself makes a difference. Pass the ball and get your people in position to deal with an annoying player. How deep the strategy is in Blood Bowl 3 has yet to be shown.

Overall Blood Bowl 3 looks like a good game. Does look fun too. The fans of these games should be happy. The graphics are looking good for the style of the game. We do like the levels of details on the units. Especially when you look into customisations. Hopefully there are a lot of customisations and skins/armour for the units. It’s still not our type of game but we are up for being persuaded. The developers ‘Cyanide Studio’ have done a very good job so far. X35 Earthwalker respects hard work and he sees it here. Blood Bowl 3 may have some wild matches but they are too tamed for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker. Seven Doors

Seven Doors is an atmospheric puzzle game developed by ‘Indigo studios‘ and published by ‘Soedesco‘. Seven Doors is said to be coming out the 21st of February 2023 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5 and PS4. It’s already out on pc though. Seven Doors moving to consoles. X35 Earthwalker has nothing against doors. Let’s take a look.

Seven Doors doesn’t have a story. It’s just a series of tests and puzzles. There’s seven doors and behind each door there is a different area with a different challenge. For example the first door is called ‘The empty library’ and it’s not an active room at all. You actually have to find something to progress but nothing holds your hand or tells you what to do really. While the second door has some riddles. See what we mean. No help for you. Just raise your IQ.

X35 Earthwalker. Seven Doors

That’s it really. Seven Doors has seven doors which have their own unique puzzle to solve or mystery to figure out. It’s all intelligence and good thinking abilities. The atmosphere is said be different for each room. since the game is simple it has to make the smaller factors matter a lot. There’s apparently “dangerous and spooky situations”. We wonder what these would even look like. We do know there are some creepy things in a room. So yeah, have fun with that. What’s also cool is that chess is involved at some point. So if you don’t know how to play chess, then you gone learn… or don’t. Up to you.

X35 Earthwalker. Seven Doors

We checked out somer Seven Doors gameplay and it’s what we expected. You go through each door and solve the puzzle. Maybe even decipher languages. By the way, remember when we said there is no story. That’s true but there is one thing. Read this quote, “We’re waiting for you behind the last door… If you arrive…”. They are speaking in the plural. So multiple people or beings waiting for you if you succeed. Think about that for a minute. They hopefully better build of that and put it to use. Do not leave that information in and then forget about it.

Overall Seven Doors is what you expect. Seems like a good game. It’s for gamers who like puzzles. It’s just the player and puzzles. So get to it. The variety is there and it’s just a space for you. You can relax and have a different experience from other games. The developers ‘Indigo studios’ have done a good job. X35 Earthwalker will have to hear how this game goes with the gamers. Now Seven Doors may have puzzles but there aren’t enough doors for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Clash: Artifacts of chaos X35 Earthwalker

Clash: Artifacts of Chaos is an action adventure game developed by ‘ACE Team‘ and published by ‘Nacon‘. Clash: Artifacts of Chaos is said to be coming out the 9th of March 2023. X35 Earthwalker has seen many weird games and it looks like we got another one. Let’s take a look.

Clash: Artifacts of Chaos is all about the action. Combat action. Straight hands in this game. So basically what’s going on is that players are a Pseudo. A Pseudo is a master of martial arts “who lives as a recluse in the strange land of Zenozoik.” You eventually come across a boy, who’s a small creature. He has powers, quite weird, and it bringing the attention Gemini. Gemini is “the mistress of the artifacts”. You choose to protect the boy. Off course this move comes with risks.

Clash: Artifacts of chaos X35 Earthwalker

Clash: Artifacts of Chaos is all, about the hands. Remember we said that. Battle is what’s happening. As you travel and explore you will face foes. It has been declared that your fists are your best weapons. Be fast as well. So fists plus speed is your top advantage. Dodge attacks that come your way. Blocking off course is a thing and sometimes it’s better to block. There’s parrying, so timing is everything. What’s strange is this line, “counter a parry to land a special attack”. Maybe it’s a typo but if you can counter a parry then that’s a bad mechanic. A parry takes timing anded skill and it should be rewarded. Being able to counter a parry makes parrying pointless. 

We checked out some Clash: Artifacts of Chaos gameplay and it’s mostly what we expected. We like the different martial arts that you can learn and put to use. Some of these martial arts moves are basically references to other popular things or show or maybe an anime. We won’t say though. As you continue to fight and win you can “improve your characteristics” and level up your moves. We like the mechanic that before fighting you can challenge your foe to a little game. Dice. The winner gets advantages. This includes shackles on the opponent to limit movement, fog covering the arena, summon in help and more. The combat might get crazy after all.

Overall Clash: Artifacts of Chaos looks like it’s going to be a fun game. A good game as well. Even those it’s about giving others the hands, don’t forget you are after the great artefacts. There’s also mercenaries after you for real. We hope there’s a lot going on in this weird world. hopefully elephant dude is chill. Doesn’t look like it. The developers ‘ACE Team’ have done a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker know about martial arts and will be the judge of it. Now Clash: Artifacts of Chaos may have rapid fire punches but it doesn’t have the quantity or speed to keep up with… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Wild Hearts

Wild Hearts is an action adventure game developed by ‘Koei Tecmo Games‘ and published by ‘electronic Arts‘. Wild Hearts is said to be coming out the 16th of February 2023 on Xbox Series X/S, PS5 and pc. A gaming concept like this is easy to get right. So much potential. X35 Earthwalker will see if it is being done right. Let’s take a look.

The story of Wild Hearts is like legend story. There’s these massive animals or beasts, whatever you want to call them, and they are called Kemono. Kemono, not kimono. Get it right. The kemono got angry or something. They went on a rampage such a long time ago that no one remembers why. We already know the twist for this game. You made it too obvious developers. Back to the story. The Kemono rampaged through Azuma, which we hear was doing really well before the rampage. That’s it.

X35 Earthwalker Wild Hearts

Well that isn’t exactly it. The kemono are unstoppable. No one could beat them. Then one day a hunter showed up. This hunter was clearly a whole cut above everyone else. This hunter had effective weapons and ancient technology. This technology is called Karakuri… not to be mistaken with the Yu-Gi-Oh! monster arch type called Karakuri. So we can see all the references here. This one hunter “could turn the tide of battle.” So yeah, here’s where the player comes into play. You will also use ancient tech to hunt and take down the kemono.   

X35 Earthwalker Wild Hearts

Now off course if you are developing a monster hunting game then the only real competitor is Monster under. So how is this different? Well Wild Hearts is more focused on the technology. We don’t see this was a huge difference yet but hopefully it will be more clear when we see more of Wild Hearts. In terms of the technology being a big deal, it has to be clear in the gameplay and mechanics. We like the vehicle method of transportation. That circular vehicle reminds us of Jack Atlas’ duel runner in Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds. We hope to see more big things and signs of technology being the dominant factor and in the hunting and fights against the kemono. They got to get this right.

We checked out some Wild Hearts gameplay and it’s mostly what we expected. The karakuri can take on multiple forms or should we say be shaped into those forms. Karakuri can be used to set traps. The karakuri is also for building, resource gathering and off course training. So yeah, use both the karakuri and your weapons (don’t forget about those) to face the kemono. Now we hope they do the battles with these creatures right. They can’t be a here’s their level, go in, beat them and cross it off your list. These beasts need to live up to their fame. Be powerful, massive and an actual challenge. 

Overall Wild Hearts seems like a good game but we want it to be much better. The potential is there. The graphics are looking good and the locations are looking nice with variety. The locations and environments matters in a hunt. We do hope to see improvements to the game as a whole. The kemono need to have variety and more kemono need to show up and bring variety instead of the predictable lot. The developers ‘Koei Tecmo Games’ have done an alright job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will hope the potential of Wild Hearts is maximised. Now Wild Hearts may be the next big monster hunting game but it’s scale is far too small for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker. Deliver us Mars

Deliver Us Mars is an atmospheric Sci-fi adventure game developed by ‘KeokeN Interactive‘ and published by ‘Frontier Foundry‘. Deliver Us Mars is said to be coming out 2nd of February 2023 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4 and PC. X35 Earthwalker sees loads of potential with this game. Deliver Us Mars better not ruin its chance. Let’s take a look.  

Deliver Us Mars is off course the sequel to Deliver Us the Moon (2019). So fans of that game should be smiling by now. Deliver Us Mars is set 10 years after the events of the last game. Basically what’s going on is that you are on what’s described as an high stakes mission. You must recover the ARK colony ships which were “stolen by the mysterious Outward.” There’s stuff going on with earth too. Earth’s resources are depleted… cue in Thanos. They should have listened to him. 

X35 Earthwalker. Deliver us Mars

Players who like the puzzles in their adventures can expect this in Deliver Us Mars. So, yeah use your brains for once in a game… maybe. There’s even climbing mechanics now. We actually like the look of this. It makes sense when it comes to planet exploration. We should be climbing walls and exploring canyons. Deliver Us Mars allows the traversing of Mars.

Like a sequel should, there are references and even picks up the story concerning points and characters from the first game. the developers diid say that they welcome any and all fan theories. We trust that Deliver Us Mars will be an impactful and strong gaming experience by itself. There are a number of ways to handle this game but let’s see if the developers go down one of those routes.

X35 Earthwalker. Deliver us Mars

We checked out some Deliver us Mars gameplay and it’s what we expected for the most part. Looks like the story is right in your face with the focus. How much emotions will players display? How much would we actually care. Driving across the terrain of Mars in a vehicle just looks like a good time. They need to pay attention to details concerning this. We want to see dust. We need either a rear mirror view or be able to see 1180 to see a a real storm kick up. There’s potential. X35 Earthwalker out here giving developers free points.

Overall Deliver us Mars is looking like a good game right now and can even be promoted to a great game. The focus in the story has to be right. Nothing cringy please. Some developers just don’t learn. The graphics are looking good but it needs to be cleaner especially when it comes to the environments. It’s easy to get away with sounds in a game like this. The main character is looking weak. Not impressed or rooting for her yet. The developers ‘KeokeN Interactive’ have done a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see how Mars is handled in this game. 

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