Praey for the gods is a new action survival adventure game developed by ‘No Matter studios’. It’s coming out in December 2017 for the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. The concept behind this game is very interesting allowing for a story worth knowing about. Let’s take a look.
In Praey for the gods players are in a dying world. A desolate frozen wasteland. Apparently the weather there is eternal winter (which would suck so bad in real life). The seriously is never ending. Players control a lone hero who has nothing but the clothes on their back. We assume we will learn more about the hero as the story develops but keeping it a mystery would work well here as well.
Now the adventure here in Praey for the gods isn’t a pleasant one. certainly no winter wonder land. It’s brutal and the dangers and obstacles you face are huge and at times literally. You must save and restore balance to the land which is easier said than done as you will have to slay the very gods themselves. It doesn’t get harder than that. The concept of killing the very gods that the character believes in order to save the land and faced with questions that no one has the answers too just triggers thinking and mystery.
Now you must explore and progress through the lands, discovering some items like a bow and arrow and even a grappling hook which will allow you to take powerful enemies and make progress. This game sort of reminds us of tomb raider but definitely not the same. There is more of a dark souls feel in terms of timing your actions and dodges to succeed and avoid serious damage. We hope a game like this has high emphasis on difficulty.
We checked out some gameplay and we saw some of the so called gods in Praey for the gods. They were all big. Some extremely big like that bird creature while another is like a giant alive snow golem. another looked like a ing from Metroid 2 but more windy and flies like a spirit. Basically something from a horror game. We are already appreciating the variety and games need variety to keep things interesting and to keep players guessing. Definitely looks like some exploration is required. The controls also seem like what you’d expect. Nothing complex. There
Overall we at X35 Earethwalker think that Praey for the gods is going to be a very fun and interesting game. We wouldn’t call it special but definitely interesting. We can see some of the survival elements like avoiding lesser enemies like regular wolves and bigger elements like how it’s easier for the player to be killed and so actions like dodging must be for a reason and timed well. The graphics look very good indeed. The developers ‘No Matter studios’ did a excellent job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye out for Praey for the gods. This is worth checking out. Now the gods may get plain here but nothing can slay… the ‘Earth Walk!’
For more information check out the link below: