X35 Earthwalker War Robots: Frontiers

War Robots: Frontiers is a online multiplayer mech shooter game developed and published by ‘My.Games‘. War Robots: Frontiers is said to be coming out the 4th of March 2025 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4 and PC. X35 Earthwalker loves a good mech battle. Looks like War Robots: Frontiers wants to show why their mech game is the best. Let’s take a look.

X35 Earthwalker War Robots: Frontiers

War Robots: Frontiers takes place in the “Wild Ten”. The Wild Ten is a “newly discovered planetary system lightyears from Earth”. This is where all the action takes place. No deep or crazy story or whatever. This is just multiplayer mech battles. So shut up and shoot already. Wait! Before you shut up and shoot, how about you finish reading this first.

Never forget your ultimate weapon. survive long enough and battle hard enough to build enough power for the big boom or game changer that you or your team needs. You can obviously see the progression of its build up. Will you be the player who saves it and wait for the right moment or will you use it as frequently as possible?

Online multiplayer like this off course needs multiple game modes. Team Deathmatch which is obvious… just fight and destroy your foes. Last Robot Standing is self explaining. Be the last one alive. Warp rush is all about control points. Straight objective.

X35 Earthwalker War Robots: Frontiers

We checked out some War Robots: Frontiers gameplay and it’s what we expected. Mechs aren’t all the same. Fire electricity, Fire missiles, heavy guns and rounds, strikes coming in from above. Mechs for pure speed. Mechs with high mobility. Mechs for all out battle. Or tanky-er mechs to eat all those shots… sort off. It’s obvious things can get crazy here.

Overall War Robots: Frontiers is looking excellent. Big mech battles are pretty much always cool and fun. It’s hard to mess those up. Definitely liking the customisation as some mech games suck at that or too restrictive. There’s obviously going to be a meta build for team compilations so hopefully the devs are good at balancing games to make sure there’s nothing overpowered or invincible. The action looks good and the effects of the weapons and explosions looking great too. The developers ‘My.Games’ have done an excellent job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker look will keep an ear open concerning this mech battle game. Now War Robots: Frontiers may have big mech battles but they are such little things when compared too… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist

ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist is a 2D Metroidvania RPG (Role Playing Game) developed by ‘Adglobe‘ and ‘Live Wire’ but published by ‘Binary Haze Interactive‘. ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist is said to be coming out the 23rd of January 2025 on the Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, PC, PS5 and PS4. X35 Earthwalker has a long history with Metroidvania style games. ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist is here with something to show.

ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist is set in what’s called the ‘Land of Fumes’. This place is special. It’s called a superpower. Like a powerful leading nation. Tons of magical resources are available here. Now to increase progression and advancement concerning the kingdom, the homunculi are here. They are “artificial life forms”. Of course something has to go wrong. Toxic fumes from underground has messed with the homunculi causing them to go mad. Now they are basically monsters. Watch out.

X35 Earthwalker ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist

Players control Lilac in ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist. Lilac is a Attuner. She has the power to save the homunculi. You wake up in what looks like a storage in a lab. You aren’t alone for long but encounter a homunculi who definitely has something to do with the ruin of the kingdom. Time to work together and recover lost memories… your memories and even find your friends. Assuming you have friends. Yes These events take place decades after the “Rain of Death”.

X35 Earthwalker ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist

Now certain fans who have been paying attention will recognise the style of this game. Remember Ender Lilies? Yeah. That’s right. The combat in ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist is said to be a step up from Ender Lilies in terms of both “gameplay and exploration”. Players will be fighting with the help of their companions… so make sure to get them. There’s also additional difficulty levels. This means more options for the players. The babies can play on easy difficulty while the real players play for real. Shots fired.

X35 Earthwalker ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist

We checked out some ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist gameplay and it’s what we expected. It;’s definitely a step up from Ender Lilies. There’s said to be 30 different skills that you can receive from your companions. So you already know there’s variety in the combat styles. There’s also lots of relics, items and equipment. Get them and also upgrade them as well. The combat is looking good too. The big boss enemies are bringing some intimidation. Also looking like a high risk fight too. Hopefully things match up… if you know what we mean.

Overall ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist is looking like an excellent game. You can acquire a mount which can just push its way through foes. Defeat powerful enemies and get companions. Time your dodges and rolls for evasion. Truly get into some serious scraps. A nice looking map but not great. The animations are nice as well. There’s quite the story here and they clearly want to make it deep and sort of dark too. The squad who worked on the music for Ender Lilies, Mili, is here as well to compose more music. The developers ‘Adglobe and Live Wire’ have done an excellent job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to hear what this game truly brings to the console. ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist may be trying to bring an upgraded experience but it’s still too low for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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MechWarrior 5: Clans X35 Earthwalker

Mechwarrior 5: Clans is a mechs simulation action game developed and published by ‘Piranha Games‘. Mechwarrior 5: Clans is excellent. Truly a level up from Mechwarrior 5: Mercenaries, which was also a fun game. X35 Earthwalker has dived in and a lot has happened. This just might be mech battles… at its finest. Let’s take a look.

Mechwarrior 5: Clans right off the gate does some things differently and even adds new things. First of all the game got these cinematics going on that previous Mechwarriors’s didn’t have. The story has more real characters with very different personalities. The chemistry is there and believable. Being good friends and better comrades, caring about each other, taking jabs at each other, laughing. They feel like a squad. To the point that when a previous member earlier in the game was having doubts and struggles but died in his exam, the group felt it and it still did hurt. There was some impact. This is a big deal for Mechwarrior 5: Clans as this whole character thing was never at this level with previous games.

MechWarrior 5: Clans X35 Earthwalker

For example some can understand the situation that Liam is in. Descendant of a super famous important figure in their nations history and so getting compared all the time, held to high standards all the time. Makes one mistake or does something different and gets called out by command ALL THE TIME. Told he’s disgracing his blood line… ALL THE TIME. He feels invisible. The only see the ancestor and not him, even though he is talented himself. That sucks. Reminds us of Sam Coe from Starfield in a way. Naomi has her own story with her previous squad and it does show in her behaviour with the team. She is new and doesn’t have that chemistry. She is also older than them and when you get into the game you can see why this does effect things top some extent.

There’s also pilot upgrades for the characters. For example there’s evasion which increases the chance of enemy incoming fire to miss. Powerful stuff. The command wheel has been improved and it’s way easier to access on console. This makes adjustments much quicker and adds to the whole simulation gameplay of Mechwarrior 5: Clans. Players can use Override in serious situations to prevent an overheat shutdown. Throttle Decay as well for players to decide based on how they want to move. Tell your entire squad to be passive and not attack enemies they see… maybe for some stealth. There is a stealth mission after all. 

MechWarrior 5: Clans X35 Earthwalker

Then there’s the map. Y’all should know by now that X35 Earthwalker loves a good in-game map. The map is very good in Mechwarrior 5: Clans. Updates real time, accurate information, Tracking of enemies and the map doubles up as another place to give instructions to your team. Direct whole team or specific members to certain locations. Get them to use a ammo or medical bay for the mechs or even to guard an area. It’s a lot but take the time to learn and don’t be hard on yourself. This map is very useful. Again adds to the whole mech simulation of Mechwarrior 5: Clans.

Mechwarrior 5: Clans has 5 player co-op. So you and the crew can all get in there and blow up some mechs together. Mechwarrior 5: Clans getting some work with the latest Unreal Engine. To add more tactics to the combat Mechwarrior 5: Clans has “dynamic destruction”. So shoot the buildings, structures, boxed and whatever to expose enemies, tear down cover and more. Use your head. To this day it’s still satisfying to target and take out a mechs legs for the whole things to come tumbling down.

Mechwarrior 5: Clans forces players to make wise decisions. You can select the missions in the order that you want but you must read them for the details. Maximum tonnage matters, location matters and the type of mission more so than before. For example in the opening missions after complete the first two available missions two more are available but one is too hard for players. Attempting it will lead to failure unless you play super safe and long range. There’s technically an actual order to the missions and players should figure it out. Make sure to do wise purchases and use your merit points to benefit your squad with the repairs. 

MechWarrior 5: Clans X35 Earthwalker

Getting your hands on new mechs feels satisfying. Different builds, different tons, different weapon locations etc. All lasers or more ballistic weapons? Then there’s the whole change your weapons, swap things around, replace etc. The problem seems to be the same as Mechwarrior 5: Mercenary. There isn’t enough room and freedom for mech customisation. You have to do so much sacrifice just to add certain weapons. Definitely need more freedom with these mechs.

The mech combat in Mechwarrior 5: Clans is quite punishing. If your weapon is on your right hand, be aware that your right arm can be destroyed in combat, therefore losing your ability to use that weapon. If a leg is destroyed then mobility will be affected. The HUD is loaded with mech information. You can keep track of the mech damage and which parts specifically. Protect yourself for real. Foes sometimes be targeting for real. Annoying but make sense. 

Mechwarrior 5: Clans is so far excellent. We aren’t in deep enough yet but there’s msg much more for us to discover and experience. The combat is gun. The variety in missions was interesting and allowed for different pacing. We don’t like how over the top some missions are though. They send so many mechs at you that it becomes an unfair endurance battle. Those aren’t fun. We definitely liking the diversity of characters in the game. People of different ethnicities, which is something that gaming needs. They also handled it right. No forced dumb lessons or anything. They are all people and that’s that. X35 Earthwalker is looking forward to experiencing more. Now Mechwarrior 5: Clan might have excellent mech gameplay but it’s not deep perfected enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker VED

VED is a Turn based Role Playing Game developed by ‘Karaclan Studio’ but published by ‘Fulqrum Publishing‘. VED came out the 14th of November 2024 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch, PS4 and PS5. VED arrived strong with a unique and demanding attention graphic style. X35 Earthwalker truly enjoys unique things in gaming. Let’s take a look.

VED is all about a young dude named Cyrus. Cyrus is a hero who showed up in Micropolis, an active city. Reason? A new line basically. Wouldn’t be a video game unless something wacky happens. Cyrus learns that he can teleport between two interconnected worlds. One is the regular human world while the other is a magical world full of floating islands (always cool), dangerous monsters and some strange creatures. This is already sounding like an adventure. Cyrus is the X factor here as both worlds destiny can be shaped by Cyrus. 

X35 Earthwalker VED

How can Cyrus shaped the destiny of the two world? Basically you must master very interesting and strong magic called VED (the name of the game!!!). Ancient magic and forces… and tings of dat nature (In my X35 voice). Now if it isn’t obvious already let’s talk about the graphic style here. This is the most unique aspect of the game but not the only. Hand drawn art and animation. It’s low key captivating. This alone is more than enough to build interesting in VED. Don’t forget that VED was in game development for 12 years. Talk about work put in to something.

VED does have the whole your choices shapes the story and stuff. Most games fail at that aspect but it can be done right. Hopefully VED learnt from other games. There are multiple endings. So the replayability is definitely there. What will the final decision be at the end of the adventure. The game VED claims that each decision has consequences which should make “the narrative deeply engaging and personal.” It’s not just combat and reading but there’s also the political landscape of both worlds. So how you interactive with and deal with certain key characters matter.

X35 Earthwalker VED

Now the combat is cool. It’s turn based combat. The combat “emphasises strategic positioning”. Now deep will the tactical might and opportunities be in VED. That’s the real question. Will it be an easy mode anyone can jump through or will the higher IQ players be the ones who ascend to greater glory? There’s going to be potential for set ups and big blows. This must be investigated.

We checked out some VED gameplay and it’s what we expected mostly. What’s cool is that there’s a whole build village system. Players can construct a village for themselves and their allies. This provides the means to unlock new abilities and skills. There’s also some unpredictability  in VED due to events which can either gift you with blessings for curses. So be ready for that. Lastly the music isn’t lacking. We hear there’s folk, hip hop and blends with symphonic. 

Overall VED looks like a great game. Of course the characters, the political landscapes, abilities, difficulties will need to be known more. So right now we can call it great. The developers ‘Karaclan Studio’ have done an excellent job. 12 years has to count for something. We hope VED gets the love it deserves. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye on this game. Now VED may have been developed for 12 years but it’s still way too short in the eyes of… the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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X35 Earthwalker RIN: The Last Child

RIN: The Last Child is action, adventure platformer game developed and published by ‘Space Fox Games‘. RIN: The Last Child is said to be coming to Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PS5 and PS4 this quarter of 2024. It’s already out on PC though. X35 Earthwalker chose to give this game a chance. RIN: The Last Child seems to go all in with the mystical world theme. Let’s take a look.

RIN: The Last Child is definitely all about exploring a mystical world. Metroidvania style of course. Game like this pretty much always have  this aspect. RIN: The Last Child is called this maybe because of the main character RIN, described as “the last child of the creator”. RIN’s mission is to restore balance to a mystical enchanting world that’s a step away from chaos. 

X35 Earthwalker RIN: The Last Child

Now on a deeper dive you could argue that RIN: The Last Child pulls in some inspiration from the myth of cronus. That old battle and struggle between the new gods and old gods. Free will, authority and how much impact and weight does one’s decision really have. So this clearly means that RIN: The Last Child will have multiple endings. So replayability is there. How many endings will players get?

RIN: The Last Child, like Ori and the Will of the Wisps, focused a lot on visuals and the graphics. Games like these have to be beautiful and a treat to look at. It’s compulsory at this point. RIN: The Last Child isn’t lacking in this department. Definitely makes us want to see more. We trust that the spells and abilities also have top tier effects. There’s crafting of spells. So gather those runes and aspects. There’s said to be over 7000 variants of spell. That’s because spells can be upgraded or even enchanted. So get ready.

X35 Earthwalker RIN: The Last Child

Now RIN: The Last Child does believe in variety. There’s off course quite the range of enemies and even transformed siblings. Yeah, much is happening around here. Different styles and approaches are encouraged. So don’t be a one minded bum. Switch up the tactics from time to time.

We checked out some RIN: The Last Child gameplay and it’s what we expected. Lots of platforming, multiple environments, lots of combat and lots of projectiles and spells. The foes don’t see so intimidating though. The animations looks good. Not top tier but definitely good. Also we don’t like the look of RIN. Run doesn’t look cute, intimidating or powerful. Wanted a bit more life in the environments though, mainly the background.

Overall RIN: The Last Child does look like a good game. There’s definitely an adventure here. the strongest point of RIN: The Last Child is clearly the spells. The sheer variety os the spells with variants is good enough. Got to see them in action. The developers ‘Space Fox Games’ have done a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see what RIN: The Last Child does on them consoles.

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X35 Earthwalker Slay the Princess: The Pristine Cut

Slay the Princess: The Pristine Cut is the new and improved version of the amazing game. It’s developed by ‘Black Tabby Games‘ and published by ‘Serenity Forge‘. Slay the Princess: The Pristine Cut is said to be coming out the 24th of October 2024 on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5 and PC. X35 Earthwalker knows all about this princess. Excited to see what’s new. Slay the Princess: The Pristine Cut has got some high expectations. Let’s take a look.

X35 Earthwalker Slay the Princess: The Pristine Cut

Now it should be clear that Slay the Princess: The Pristine Cut is the new and improved version of the original. The original won over many gamers and viewers thanks to the excellent writings, variety of words, feels like endless outcomes and numerous options. Of course the princess played a huge part in all this (the game is called slay the princess after all). Very memorable is the voice acting. Top tier voice acting. Fantastic. Now this game is getting bigger and better. Now it’s Slay the Princess: The Pristine Cut. More can jump into this exciting game.

X35 Earthwalker Slay the Princess: The Pristine Cut

Let’s get right into what matters there with Slay the Princess: The Pristine Cut. What’s new and different?  It’s been stated that there’s over 35% more content. That’s big!! That’s more than a third, especially with how big the original game was. So players can expect three new chapters and expansions to routes that were previously there. So don’t just seek the new stuff but go visit the old stuff as there’s new stuff to it.

X35 Earthwalker Slay the Princess: The Pristine Cut

That’s good but we want more… Slay the Princess: The Pristine Cut delivers. There’s also a new ending as well. So time to figure out how to obtain such an ending and what will it represent. We know the previous ones well but knows there’s another. On top of this there are new princesses also. One of the most exciting things was seeing how the princess changes and develops based on your choices and the chapters. Now there’s new ones. Things are going to get wild.

X35 Earthwalker Slay the Princess: The Pristine Cut

The Slay the Princess: The Pristine Cut expansion not just in some cases doubles the size of some routes but there’s also a new feature. There’s now a gallery feature so players can track their progress and makes the finding secrets thing a possibility for real. Yes, there are secrets.

Overall Slay the Princess: The Pristine Cut is looking like it’s going to be a fantastic game. New players are going to have a whole of a time while seasoned players will have a treasure hunt while nostalgic time. This is going to be a much bigger game and we are here for it. The developers ‘Black Tabby Games’ has done a fantastic job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to this game. Now Slay the Princess: The Pristine Cut may have all new content and features both both the princess and the protagonist are simple beings compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Sonic X Shadow Generations

Sonic X Shadow Generations is an action 3D/2D Platformer game developed by ‘Sonic Team‘ and published ‘SEGA‘. Sonic X Shadow Generations is said to be coming out the 25th of October 2024 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4 and PS5. X35 Earthwalker played Sonic Generations and had a good time. Sonic X Shadow Generations looking like it wants to bring the upgraded sauce. Let’s take a look.

Sonic X Shadow Generations isn’t playing around. The story is simple. It’s Sonic Generations but with Shadow and the shenanigans he brings. The so called ultimate life, who’s like 3 feet 3 inches tall, is here. So expect all the excellent action from Sonic Generations but add in the additional levels and whole new story side for Shadow on top of everything and that’s Sonic X Shadow Generations. Very simple to understand.

X35 Earthwalker Sonic X Shadow Generations

Shadow isn’t just dropped into the game but he also has his own thing going on. In Shadow’s campaign he faces off against an old foe… Black Doom. He’s trying to take over the world again… like they always do. Things are different this time. Shadow isn’t the same bummy hedgehog we all love. He’s going to become stronger… that’s right.

Shadow will get new Doom powers. These dark powers will shake things up for sure. So look out for the new stuff. Shadow may have to travel to the past, put together the timeline and even revisit some painful memories but on the lighter side shadow will get to surf on water, soar over those obstacles and you’ll like this one… stop time. That’s right! Chaos control is back. 

X35 Earthwalker Sonic X Shadow Generations

Sonic X Shadow Generations also has a “complete” remaster of Sonic Generations. There’s a system to let players go back to those levels, only now they have bee upgraded, especially visually. There’s also “new bonus content”. Fighting hordes of enemies as shadow is definitely a thing here and there’s suppose to be platforming challenges “like never before”. Definitely like to see what that’s about.

The white space has also been upgraded. This “all-new hub world” was inspired by the “open zone gameplay of Sonic Frontiers”. As you acquire new powers you will be able to go further, explore more and discover secrets and hidden stuff. So there’s clearly more to do. By the way, if gamers buy the Sonic X Shadow Generations Digital deluxe edition you’ll get a bunch of stuff but also get to play the game early.

X35 Earthwalker Sonic X Shadow Generations

We checked out some Sonic X Shadow Generations gameplay and it’s what we expected. It’s sonic. It’s Sonic Generations but with more. There’s a lot of speed. There’s combat. There’s Shadow. There’s also a chao to rescue in each level, there’s also the casino for players to rack up the score. There’s a museum for your viewing pleasure including behind the scenes type art. A lot of good stuff so far in Sonic X Shadow Generations.

Overall Sonic X Shadow Generations looks like an excellent game. Graphics are top tier for sonic style standards. The music is going to be crazy. There’s so much options thanks to time travelled remastered previous levels. There’s more to do and find. Shadow gets upgrades as well. Good stuff right here. The developers ‘Team Sonic’ have done an excellent job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye not his game. Now Sonic X Shadow Generations may have shadow in there but he’s not ultimate enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition

Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition is an open world simulation game developed by ‘Aesir Interactive‘ and published by ‘Astragon‘. Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition is said to be coming out the 18th of June 2024 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PC, PS4 and PS5. X35 Earthwalker is the only one who can make the best police force and system. Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition is bringing more. Let’s take a look.

X35 Earthwalker Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition

Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition is exactly what you think it is. Be a police officer and go about your daily duties. You are a police officer in the Brighton Police Department. If you’ve played Police Simulator: Patrol Officers before then you know the deal but to make it clear and simple. Gold edition basically adds “the brand-new Highway Patrol Expansion, and the Garage Bundle containing all previously published car DLCs”. So you get the main game plus everything else previously plus now more. Here’s a list below:

  • Police Simulator: Patrol Officers: Urban Terrain Vehicle DLC
  • Police Simulator: Patrol Officers: Interstate Police Vehicle – Pre-Order Bonus
  • Police Simulator: Patrol Officers – Guardian Police Vehicle DLC
  • Police Simulator: Patrol Officers: Highway Patrol Expansion
  • Police Simulator: Patrol Officers: Warden Police Vehicle DLC
  • Police Simulator: Patrol Officers: Multipurpose Police Vehicle DLC
  • Police Simulator: Patrol Officers: Surveillance Police Vehicle DLC
  • Police Simulator: Patrol Officers: Compact Police Vehicle DLC

X35 Earthwalker Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition

Now off course Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition has you in a fictitious city. An American one. Humble beginnings is a thing here. You will start out doing the smaller tasks like citing violations and of course giving parking tickets. As you prove yourself, you can get access to even more responsibilities. Unlike so many real life police officers who don’t do this, you can get to know your neighbourhoods and be a part of the community. Obviously there is crime to fight so be careful out there. Don’t want to get shanked on your first day.

Now do what some real life police officers don’t do and actually know the law. Too many videos of that. Do things by the law and you’ll be recognised. Eventually unlocking new districts and neighbourhoods. You get to pick the neighbourhoods you want to patrol. Word on the streets is that there are 3 districts. Each district has multiple neighbourhoods. They each have their own stand out factor and style. Brickston has those historical buildings while downtown got the real tall ones. High rise style.

X35 Earthwalker Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition

Now Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition has an active world. Things will be going on whether you are moving or not. There’s even a whole traffic system in place concerning the vehicles on the road. Heck, even car accidents can happen in this place. There will be other emergency situations too. A fight might break out and it’s up to you to deal with the matter. Who knows, you might get shot while handing out a ticket. Isn’t that fun?!

We checked out some Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition gameplay and it’s what we expected. Reminds us of games like Saints Row and Gran Theft Auto but except more calm, and you are actually the police. Events and things can be happening around you. You can chase down those pesky graffiti sprayers and teach them a lesson. Some one might be selling drugs on your streets or the local park. Go bust them. Maybe a fight breaks out or someone rams a barricade. Better hop in your car quick to drive them down.

Overall Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition looks like a great game. If things are done well enough it can even be excellent. Our concern is the level of the action and the frequency of things happening. Maybe there are settings to effect and change that. What measurements are in place to help keep the player in line for let’s say breaking the law themselves? Graphics are good and the animations are good too. The developers ‘Aesir Interactive have done a great job here so far. The gold edition updates just improve and adds more to his game, which fans will love to see. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to hear how real the action is in this game. Now Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition easy be a police simulation but it’s not real enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun - Forges Of Corruption

Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun – Forges of Corruption is an action First Person Shooter game developed by ‘Auroch Digital‘ and published by ‘Digital Foundry‘. Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun – Forges of Corruption is said to be coming out the 18th of June 2024 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, PS5 and PS4. X35 Earthwalker likes to see good games get expanded and supported. Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun – Forges of Corruption is out here bringing more action to the gamers.

X35 Earthwalker Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun - Forges Of Corruption

Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun is back and now there’s more bang for your boltgun… or was it buck? Whatever that saying is. Now coming up is the Forges of Corruption expansion. This means players will need to grab the boltgun they stashed under the kitchen sink and pick up the chainsword they left in the garage. It’s time to destroy more heresy and chew bubble gum… and most of us is all out gum.

X35 Earthwalker Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun - Forges Of Corruption

Word on the streets of the emperor is that Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun – Forges of Corruption has a whole brand new campaign. No not a Halo campaign… a Warhammer one. There’s going to be 5 levels and are suppose to be environments of a varied kind. So expect variety. The level designs are off course based on the grimdark lore of Warhammer 40000. For example, there’s a demon forge and you know those places be active. There’s Graia battlefields and a manufactorum. Additionally we should mention that there’s even a horde mode now. So fighting endless waves of enemies and filth is a thing. Fight and blast for as long as you want. Great unclean ones and lord of changes are waiting for you as well.

X35 Earthwalker Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun - Forges Of Corruption

Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun – Forges of Corruption wouldn’t be a real expansion if there wasn’t new enemies and weapons. Thank the emperor there is. Or is he the false emperor?.. Why is that inquisitor looking at me all of a sudden? Anyways. Players can expect to face the Black Havoc Legion who will be launching missiles at you. There’s even helbrutes and we know those boys are big body! Don’t let them baby shake you. There’s even terminators who have lighting claws. But fear not for you can fight back with the famous Multi-Melta and even a missile launcher. Fight back space marine.

X35 Earthwalker Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun - Forges Of Corruption

We checked out some Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun – Forges of Corruption gam play and it’s what we expected and should be what gamers expected as well. If you like Doom then you will like this. It’s as simple as that. Run around or zoom around while blowing up enemies, cutting them down, shooting them up, blasting them apart, big body some enemies or take your time and line up that shot. It’s just pure first person shooter action… but now with more stuff than before. Bring death to the heretics. There’s no shame, their souls are already lost!

Overall Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun – Forges of Corruption looks like it’s going to be excellent. It’s just more of what we liked. That’s good. Keep it simple. They gave more levels, more enemies, more guns. Tick all the boxes. There’s no need to comment on the graphics and sounds as it’s an expansion so you are getting the same basically. The developers Auroch Digital have done an excellent job with this expansion. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye open concerning this game. Now Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun – Forges of Corruption may have some new things but they don’t make a difference when it comes too… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Ghost Teen Escape from Limbo

Ghost Teen Escape from Limbo is a 2D puzzle game developed by ‘Derik D.F’ and published by ‘Eastasiasoft‘. Ghost Teen Escape from Limbo os said to be coming out the 5th of June 2024 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, PS4 and PS5. X35 Earthwalker has seen limbo theme games and will see what this one has got. Ghost Teen Escape from Limbo is looking to bring things real old school. Let’s take a look.

X35 Earthwalker Ghost Teen Escape from Limbo

Ghost Teen Escape from Limbo is about a young boy who is described as very adventurous but also reckless. He somehow gets stuck between life and death. Hopefully the game explains it or maybe true to old school gaming fashion, there is no explanation but is what it is. He has to get out of this situation but off course puzzles are in the way. 

X35 Earthwalker Ghost Teen Escape from Limbo

Ghost Teen Escape from Limbo has a cool twist. It’s not just the boy moving around but he also now has a ghost form… Somehow… when he dies? This is the game. 2D, retro, puzzles and ghost form. We hearing there’s “50 single-screen puzzles”. In case you didn’t notice by now but everything is black and white. Pixel art style too. The black and white colours must be to represent limbo.

X35 Earthwalker Ghost Teen Escape from Limbo

We checked out some Ghost Teen Escape from Limbo gameplay and it’s what we expected. The puzzles off course will start off very simple but become increasingly more difficult and complex. This is the simple but cool gameplay you will get. Classic bring it back to old school. Your aim? To return to the land of the living.

Overall Ghost Teen Escape from Limbo looks great. It’s definitely 100% old school retro style from the pixels and colours to the dimensions. It’s all puzzles and using your head. Does what it says on the front of the box. The developers ‘Derik D.F’ have done a great job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will just have to hear what’s the deal with this game in time to come. Now Ghost Teen Escape from Limbo may have a ghost form in limbo but all these realms are too low for… the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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