X35 Earthwalker Astor: Blade of the Monolith

Astor: Blade of the Monolith is an action Role Playing Game developed by C2 Game Studio and published by Versus Evil and tinyBuild games. Astor: Blade of the Monolith is said to be coming out the 30th of May 2024 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, PS5 and PS4. X35 Earthwalker likes a nice big adventure set in a creative world. Astor: Blade of the Monolith is looking to bring a big mystery. Let’s take a look. 

Astor: Blade of the Monolith is set in the on the planet Gliese. Players control the character Astor. He is a Diokek. Let us explain a bit. The planet Gliese is a fully colourful and guess you can say vibrant place. An ancient race use to live there. They are gone… maybe.. but what’s certain is that their creations, the Diokek now inhabit the place. Then some time later mean creatures called the Hiltsik, were attacking and bringing destruction. Settlements destroyed. Now some clues point to something bigger at play here than just attacks. So our character Astor sets out to get to the bottom of this.

X35 Earthwalker Astor: Blade of the Monolith

Astor: Blade of the Monolith will have players on a journey across the planet Gliese. Main mission isn’t actually to fight the Hiltsik but actually to find out what happened to your creators. The ancient race that disappeared thousands of years ago. Maybe, just maybe you can find a solution to your current problem through them. Maybe the ancient race left behind weapons, technology or even an answer. One can hope. One can fight.

The main strengths of Astor: Blade of the Monolith right off the base is the visuals, the story/mystery and off course the combat. Visually is obvious and clear to see (SEE what we did there?). The combat is the main star in this action role playing game. There’s runic weapons for players to wield and use to destroy foes. You combine that combat with the abilities and mobility that Astor has and you got yourself some sweet combat. Expect to charge enemies, cause knockback, double jump, combo while in the air, bring down the hammer (literally), ground pound, summon giant fists to smash and more.

X35 Earthwalker Astor: Blade of the Monolith

Remember that this planet, Gliese, is alive and got quite a bit going on. Players may come across places where there’s others just going about their day and lives. Settlements were attacked but not all of them. Maybe say hi. Other locations include forests, ice lands, deserts, building structures, you get the point. 

X35 Earthwalker Astor: Blade of the Monolith

We checked out some Astor: Blade of the Monolith gameplay and it’s what we expected. There’s a lot going on and the combat is quite furious.  We are seeing multiple options and even semi-stylish ways to destroy foes. There’s even a creature to hop on to get a ride. Quick transportation you could say. We like the difference in combat style when you use the spear versus using the sword. Quite artistic and flowing, making it a small treat to watch. This ain’t no little project. Astor: Blade of the Monolith is looking quite serious.

Overall Astor: Blade of the Monolith is looking like an excellent game. We hearing there’s like 20+ hours worth of main story content but there’s also side missions/quests for players to get into as well. There’s bosses with health bars, special abilities, finishing moves, combos, a variety of areas and more. Will Aston be the one to save the world? What do you think? He is the main character after all. Don’t they like always win. The developers ‘C2 Game Studio’ have done an excellent job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker may keep an eye open for this game. Now Astor: Blade of the Monolith may have a whole planet and adventure but it’s far too small for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn

Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn is an Open world Action Role Playing Game develop by ‘A44 Games‘ and published by ‘Kepler Interactive’. Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn is said to be coming out in the summer of 2024 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4 and PC. This game will be in the Xbox Game pass as well. X35 Earthwalker is interested to see what this game delivers in full. Seems that Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn has a lot to prove already. Let’s talk a look.

Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn has a busy world. Humanity has been pushed to the brink of extinction (as always) due to evil on the loose. What evil? An army of the undead who belong to the old gods. What happened? The door to the afterlife was opened. How and why? We aren’t telling you. Now what’s called the coalition Army is taking the fight to them. It’s humanity vs gods… well more like budget discount gods. As always we are betting that these so called gods are actually going to be lame and disappointing. Maybe Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn can prove us wrong.

X35 Earthwalker Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn

Players control Nor Vanek. She is part of the Coalition Army. A dangerous member for sure. She has a pet/companion/friend called Enki. This little creature has magical powers. Nor is definitely going to need Enki and its powers for this fight. Enki basically looks like a small wolf with straight goat horns and pointy narrow elephant ears. A corrupted evolved Umbreon maybe. Enki would have been better if it was bigger in size. Nor Vanek looks cool and military. Definitely liking the hair too. Adding more variety to the gaming world. She has competent written almost all over her. What we don’t like is that the developers went for another safe play with the generic female body type. slim, default standard issue that you see of npc in like almost every game. Developers these days are too scare to add meat and curves (not fat) to female designs. We need more variety. We also don’t like her eye lashes. It’s the same big eye lashes that you see on the internet today and we hate them. They never look good. Otherwise we like the look of the two stars of the game.

X35 Earthwalker Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn

Now for the combat. This is the main things going on here. We see a main melee weapon mainly an axe. There’s a rifle for that long range action. Lastly of course there’s magic and that mystical business. There’s a whole combo system with special moves for different purposes. There’s a poised shot, a counter attack, charged pistol shots, sprint attacks, attacks you sync up with Enki and more. You even get a nice breakdown of the special things you do and their numbers on the HUD. Effective system by the looks of it. This does remind us of Fable 3 which had melee weapon, gun and magic. Hopefully Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn blends these things together well enough. There’s almost endless room for creativity. So no excuse here. Will there be magic infusion? What about area of effect abilities? We know that executions very cleanly utilises your weapons. We need to see that sort of blend in the game as well. Also each weapon needs to actually be effective. Lords of the Fallen made their ranged weapons very useful. Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn needs to get this right. combat does look clean though. We see smooth movement, turns and strikes.

X35 Earthwalker Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn

Next is the world. Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn is an open world game. So we expected a big world with multiple locations and variety. We see basically villages, walled cities, rocky and snowy places, canyon and dusty places, palm trees, coasts and bodies of water. We do like how this world looks. Not depressing and dead. There’s some life and colour in this world. Will collectibles be a thing in? There are chests for players to find. For example you might get Blast Grenade. Obvious what it does but what’s not obvious is that Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn seems to have a system where getting multiple of that item can upgrade it. Increasing its number of uses and stuff like that. Players will need to find other members of the Coalition Army like the weaponry and explosives experts to unlock new services and upgrades. There’s spots and checkpoints that you can get to restore health and take a little break. 

X35 Earthwalker Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn

We checked out some Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn gameplay and it’s what we expected for the most part. We aren’t impressed with the enemies. They seem to be mostly humanoid with some having auras and shields. We see some others like giant spiders. We hope to see a cool variety but right now the enemies list looking weak. We do like that enemies receiving killing blows can lose their limbs. nice, gory and adds some flavour to the combat. There’s also a mechanic for the sniper gamers. If you score a long range kill shot on an enemy (assuming it’s kill only), you get a bullet camera to see the journey of your shot. Nice touch to the rifle gameplay. Enemies can be interrupted with certain attacks, especially charged shots. Multi jumping for more mobility and aerial control. Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn has a lot of going on in the game. From combat, world, mechanics, options, mobility etc.  

Overall Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn looks like an excellent game. Graphics are very good and the animations are very good also. Let’s quickly address some of the drama. People telling others online to boycott and avoid this game because sweet baby inc had some part in it at some point. sweet baby inc sucks and ruin almost everything they touch BUT they are NOT the developers. The developers are A44 Games. A44 Games worked really hard on this game. They even delayed the game to make sure to get everything top and ready. Boycotting the game will only truly punish A44 Games. A bunch of people worked hard and did their best to deliver a game and people are going to attack them to attack sweet baby inc. That’s pathetic. At least now A44 games learnt the truth about sweet baby inc and avoid them from now on but maybe they didn’t know before as many people still don’t know anything about sweet baby inc. Judge the game based on the game itself and not outside drama. If Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn sucks to you then avoid it but if it’s good then give it a go. Very simple. A44 Games has done an excellent job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye out for this game. Now Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn may have a war with the gods.

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X35 Earthwalker Another Crabs Treasure

Another Crab’s Treasure is an action adventure game developed and published by ‘Aggro Crab‘. Another Crab’s Treasure is said to be coming out the 25th of April 2024 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. X35 Earthwalker can confirm that crabs are tasty.  Another Crab’s Treasure is making the crustacean the main star here. Let’s take a look.

Another Crab’s Treasure has an understandable story. Players control Kril the crab… a hermit crab. Basically someone took Kril’s shell and sold it most likely. Or he was behind on rent and it got repossessed. To a hermit crab, their shell is literally their home. It’s that important. So Kril can’t just get it back. He has to buy it back. Life’s a hoe like that sometimes. Buying back your repossessed shell isn’t cheap. So the only logical thing to do is embark on an epic quest to recover treasure which can be used to get the shell back.

X35 Earthwalker Another Crabs Treasure

So Kril arms himself and gets to work. You must battle and fight your way through. dodge attacks, time your strikes and survive. Keil isn’t the only one looking for treasure. The ocean is a dangerous place. Predators exist after all. Besides, there’s bigger things happening in the ocean. The ocean is polluted. Kril may be the one to learn the dark secret behind the pollution of the ocean… no, we won’t assume it’s the works of man. After all it could be ocean denizens with a crab in a bucket mentality.

A hermit crab isn’t strong so Kril will need protection, especially since he has no shell anymore. Players must find trash which can be used as a shell instead to help tank blows from enemies. So crab a food tin, box or whatever… then stick it on you. You Ian;’t done now. Trash in the ocean can be used for more things including weapons… maybe a firearm. Don’t forget about the solution though. Trash ain’t clean. Gunk is here and we aren’t talking about that great game called The Gunk.

X35 Earthwalker Another Crabs Treasure

We checked out some Another Crab’s Treasure gameplay and it’s not really what we expected. There’s more to the combat. You’ll get the chance to learn what’s called umami techniques from the other ocean dwellers. These are strong attacks that can change the battle. For example using a bobbit worm to trap enemies or even a mantis shrimp punch. Now if you didn’t tell from the gameplay, Another Crab’s Treasure is described similar to a soulslike. So expect some difficulty. There’s assist options for players if they want to make the game easier but the same options can be used to make the game harder.

Overall Another Crab’s Treasure looks like a good game. The graphic style works for a game like this which has some comedy to it. It’s a more casual and fun atmosphere instead of everything being dead and dark. There’s jokes and some stuff to keep things light but beware… the game is said to be a challenge for sure. We doubt it though. We liking the different characters, their accents and the different foes. This just might be a fun game. The seaweed looking sort of suspicious though. The developers ‘Aggro Crab’ have done a very good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to keep an eye open for this game. Now Another Crab’s Treasure may have a whole ocean but it’s still too small for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Stasis: Bone Totem

Stasis: Bone Totem is a point & click puzzle horror game developed and published by ‘The Brotherhood’. Stasis: Bone Totem is said to be coming out the 28th of March 2024 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5 and PS4. It’s already out on PC. X35 Earthwalker has never heard of Stasis before. Stasis: Bone Totem is trying to make this a serious adventure. Let’s take a look.

Stasis: Bone Totem is the latest game in the Stasis anthology. Stasis: Bone Totem is playing a different game here. New characters, new story and an underwater location to check out. Stasis: Bone Totem focuses on a husband and wife team. Mac and Charlie. They are ocean salvagers. That’s how they make a living. They discover an abandoned oil rig… it’s always an oil rig. They are totally safe.

X35 Earthwalker Stasis: Bone Totem

Discovering the oil rig is start of the horrors. Now if the protagonists were black, there would be no game as they would ignore the oil rig and move on… but the protagonists want to be like mystery inc and look for clues or whatever. They end up uncovering a secret, a horrific secret that a certain corporation… not umbrella, wants to keep a secret. The cayne corporation will do whatever it takes to keep this a secret.

Now Stasis: Bone Totem doesn’t have Charlie Mac working alone. They have their “trusty Super-Toy” called Moses. Listen to this description of the game. “you’ll encounter an immersive narrative filled with spine-tingling horror and unexpected twists.” Now we definitely doubt this but hopefully they can make this happen.

X35 Earthwalker Stasis: Bone Totem

Stasis: Bone Totem has got good focus on puzzles. This underwater base has a good number of them. As a point & click players will need to keep their eyes open and pay attention to all the details. How much noter making do you readers think is required. 

We checked out some Stasis: Bone Totem gameplay and it’s what we expected. Read this, “With stunning visuals, a music score by Mark Morgan, a screenplay written by a Hollywood ace, voice acting by veteran actors, and a gripping storyline that will keep you on the edge of your seat.” We always respect hard work and effort put into games. We want to see all of this pay off. 


Overall Stasis: Bone Totem looks like a very good game. There’s definitely something going on. You can’t trust oil rigs… especially abandoned ones. The animations are very good overall. The graphics are what’s expected and very good, most of the time. The developers ‘The Brotherhood’ have done a very good job. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to hear what happens with this game. Now Stasis: Bone totem may have underwater environments but they are too dry for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Sker Rituals

Sker Ritual is a round based survival game developed and published by ‘Wales Interactive‘. Sker Ritual is said to be coming out the 18th of April 2024 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, PS5 and PC. X35 Earthwalker will give this game a chance and examine it for a moment. Sker Ritual is looking to bring that monstrous, dark horror feeling to the action. Let’s take a look.

Sker Ritual is all about stopping that mean lady Elisabeth. She’s going to use the siren’s song. So what’s the solution? Fight, blast and shoot many things in rounds to victory. That’s how. You’re helping Elisabeth’s daughter Arianwen to stop her. Mother daughter drama possibly. At its core, Sker Ritual is just about that action. It’s a zombie horror shooter really and that’s good stage as there are players to just want to fight zombies… no story, just fight.

X35 Earthwalker Sker Rituals

So the main threat of course are the hordes of ‘Quiet Ones’. These guys are continuous and will not stop, unless you stop them… for them. While the relentless hordes are after you, you’ve got to solve mysteries as those are your main true missions. Off course players will need to upgrade their weapons to match the dangerous threat of the quiet ones. There’s even what’s called miracles. These miracles are Celtic god powers. We hear there’s a whole load of them. What miracles do is “offers a choice of three random upgradable powers that buff or alter your shooting, melee, grenade and healing”. They have different attributes, rarity and power off course.

X35 Earthwalker Sker Rituals

Now off course the main stars here are thews hordes of enemies. The quiet ones are here and ready to play… a bit rough. Sker Island has got some buffed up guys. The elites who each have their own abilities. They will hopefully force players to shake things up, like change location and combat approach to deal with them. No one strat carries through game. So you know about the quiet ones but we hear that there’s more threats… new ones too. Some reportedly do not even have a face!!! Regardless, kill themn you must, especially if you want to grab miracles. 

X35 Earthwalker Sker Rituals

We checked out some Sker Ritual gameplay and it’s what we expected. Players with experience in call of duty zombies and arena battles will do well here. Gamers who played Maid of Sker will notice that Sker Ritual follows the evil ending. Miracles can be enhanced to make things truly supernatural. There’s elites and then there’s supercharged elites who will bring the pain. Those who are here to play can grind through the ‘sker pass’ and even dread levels. Strangest of all maybe… there’s Easter eggs (bunny not included). So maybe look for them. Almost best of all is that Sker Ritual is multiplayer. You can play with three friends or family online to face the hordes together… as friends and family should. No local co-op sadly & shamefully.

Overall Sker Ritual looks like it’s going to be a great game. There’s depth to it and multiple ways to play. It’s all about action and gets players right to it. Don’t worry about fighting solo as it’s been said that “the intensity of Sker Island’s hordes scale to the number of players.” Also there’s interchangeable masks for players to collect and use to “induce fear on “Sker’s inhabitants”. Look into that yourself. It’s good to see games that just focus on the action sometimes. Graphics do look good enough too. The developers ‘Wales Interactive’ have done a great job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an ear open concerning this. Now Sker Ritual may have quiet ones but they are too loud for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Teared

Teared is an action platformer arcade style game developed by ‘Juanmod‘ and published by ‘Jandusoft‘. Teared is said to be coming out in the first quarter of 2024 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and pc. X35 Earthwalker has played so many games and recognises many factors. Teared wants to bring some familiar arcade action. Let’s take a look.

Teared is all about the action and less of the story… just like old school games. Players control a hero apparently who is on a journey and will face all kinds of threats and foes. The trailer makes it clear that players must get the knife. Seriously, Teared reminds us of Ghost ‘N Goblins. Using the daggers. Games like this can go in real hard when done right.

X35 Earthwalker Teared

In basic arcade style, Teared has 9 levels and we hear there are 2 bonus stages as well. There’s also bosses. Said to be colossal. There’s also supposed to be a range of enemies to face like spiders, even dragons, cyclops, skeletons and more. Teared has room for precision with your attacks. Players might have to aim for some spots.

Apparently there’s 3 weapons that you have to find. Teared states that these three weapons are distinct, providing their own advantages. We can easily see how to make multiple distinct weapons in a game like this. Based on the visual style and the animations, we don’t expect much from the bosses… hopefully this games proves us wrong.

X35 Earthwalker Teared

We checked out some Teared gameplay and it’s what we expected. Teared is all about the action. You jump in and start throwing daggers at foes while progressing to the right. As a platformer there’s jumps, gaps, water, magma, elevation, bridges and more. There’s things or should we say monsters active in the background. 

Overall Teared seems like an alright game. At the base and core this is a straight up arcade style get your score for your actions. It’s combat and killing foes. See a variety of levels and beat the game. Visually and animation wise Teared doesn’t look that good. So what matters here is how good the core is. The developers ‘Juanmod’ have done an alright job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker like to see honest games do well. Now Teared may have arcade action but it’s not on the level of… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Predecessor

Predecessor is a new Multiplayer Online Battle Arena game developed and published by ‘Omeda Studios‘. Predecessor is said to be coming out the 28th of March 2024 on the Xbox Series X, PS5, PS4 and PC. X35 Earthwalker is the leading expert in game design and knows what MOBA need to get right. Predecessor is not messing around when it comes to the action. Let’s take a look.

Predecessor isn’t just a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA). It’s called a Next Generation MOBA. Just one look at Predecessor and you can see that it is. Predecessor will obviously remind players of other famous games in the same genre. The two are clearly Paladins and Overwatch. Both are great games. X35 Earthwalker prefers Paladins. Predecessor so far looks like it’s easily going to better and bigger than both of these. Next Generation doesn’t just mean visually better but also can mean mechanics and depth. Predecessor isn’t playing around here.

X35 Earthwalker Predecessor

Predecessor has numerous characters. We mean over 30 characters and these lads and ladies have loads of variety and distinct from each other. We love that. Just taking a look at the cast and you can probably see them being in different games and universes. We got Narbash who looks like a tribal nature loving ork. Gadget who is all about tech with a tech suit and gadgets. Zarus looks like a reptile tribe warrior who while old school living but powerful weapons. Sparrow is the ranger, so all about bows and arrows… let those arrows fly. Iggy & Scorch are the heroic pair. One is the small mini goblins looking thing while the other is almost like a discount two legged dragon who love fire. Riktor looks like a monster that got infused with technology like an experiment gone wrong. Sevarog looks like a dark reaper of souls from Destiny or something like that. A monster for sure. There’s much more and they look from cool to straight awesome. Also the female characters look strong and beautiful. Honestly the ladies look cool and range from friendly humble looking to, ascended dangerous or evil to rocking and cool. All character design overall is fantastic.

X35 Earthwalker Predecessor

There’s tons of abilities in Predecessor. Each character has passive, basic, alternate, primary, secondary and ultimate ability. This alone is bigger than other MOBA games. 6 abilities per character opens up variety, mechanics, combos and different situations. For example let’s look at Sevarog. Passive is ‘Reaper of Souls’ which means you gain a soul when killing with an ability. Souls grant more health and siphon damage. Basic is ‘Crush’ which is a simple melee hit. Alternate is ‘Phantom Rush’ which makes you dash forwards and through enemies. Primary is ‘siphon’ which harms all enemies in front of you with a hand and then heals Sevarog. Secondary is ‘Subjugate’ which calls down a dark energy attack which roots and later slows foes. Ultimate is ‘Colossal Blow’ which is a big swing on enemies and sending them flying. So the goal with Sevarog is to get in close and smash enemies, fish off with preferably siphon to gain health, reap souls and get more health. If team weakens a group then Colossal Blow will get a big multi kill and lots of sounds. Become super tanky and trap foes with Subjugate. Remember this is just one character with 6 abilities. There’s over 30 characters in Predecessor.

X35 Earthwalker Predecessor

The main goal here in Predecessor is to complete objectives which gets you gold. So killing minions, enemy heroes and off course towers. Use gold to buy items that affect what your heroes can do. This includes going invisible, teleport and even freeze time. Items also can improve hero attributes like health, power and speed. So players are rewarded for playing well and being active. Even minion hunting matters and allows for upgrades. This reminds us of the system in Paladins. Thee upgrades truly matter and make a difference. This off course ends to more synergies with characters and items ands then the whole team for what might lead to broken stuff.  

We checked out some Predecessor gameplay and it’s what we expected. We like how the game looks graphically. Obviously more maps will been the way and all the characters will be up and ready. Over time you know more characters will be introduced. We like how some of these attacks really look. A few attacks do look lack luster though like Line Temp for Shinbi. Games like this are incredibly hard to do right, specially when int come to balancing. they can’t be quick to do patches yet. Nergs are better to do than buffs and this needs to be done carefully and with proper data. 30+ characters doing their own thing and effects is going to be tough. Especially when counters are a factor too. We look forward to seeing how all this is handled. The 1v1s on Offlanes, the chaos open the Midlanes and the fights for camps in the Jungle.  

Overall Predecessor looks fantastic. Definitely looking Next Gen and has the mechanics expected of something Next Generation. The graphics and visuals are top tier and it shows that serious work went into this game. The special effects and the attacks are worth having a viewing gallery off. The amount of abilities and mechanics, with the combinations of match factors allows for a lot to happen and variety in the game. The developers ‘Omeda studios’ have done a fantastic job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker are excited to see what this game truly brings. Now Predecessor may be Next Gen but it’s still many leagues behind… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Mech Armada

Mech Armada is a tactical turn based rougelite game developed and published by ‘Lioncode Games‘. Mech Armada came out in 2022 on the Xbox Series X/S, XboxOne, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and pc. X35 Earthwalker likes deep tactical games with options. Mech Armada looks to have a lot going on. Haven’t heard anyone talk about this. Let’s take a look.

Mech Armada is far more deep than you would initially see. We wrote about this game before. X35 Earthwalker definitely loves strategy games where things get seriously tactical. Mech Armada definitely brings the strategy. Players will learn from experience on the heavy. Energy, credits and meta energy. Energy is for building mechs and transforming them. Credits is for buying new mech parts and upgrading parts. Marta energy is for permanent upgrades. So each one matters.

X35 Earthwalker Mech Armada

Now let’s focus on the main factors here. With Mech Armada you can build your own mechs and decide the transport, the body and the weapons. You decide the entire combination as long as you have the amount of energy. Each part has a different cost and function off course. For example you can get a mini walker which has legs meaning you can go over rough terrain. A actual walker is more expensive travels the same distance but can still move after taking an action. The mini tracks and tank can’t go over rough terrain but they move extra further on roads. Some bodies allow a mech to hold 2 weapons while others allow 1. There is a body though that allows mechs to hold 3 weapons though. 

The weapons are the main meat though. There’s machine guns, heavy double gun called double double, missile launchers, sniper rifle, satellite air strike and other weapons that buff your allies instead. The double double fires twice, sniper has a longer range, missile launcher has area of effect etc. The sniper is crazy as it has a range of 3 which is the highest standard range. The satellite air strike also has a range of 3 but it has a one turn delay to deliver a mad powerful attack. This sets up some little traps for those nasty enemies.

X35 Earthwalker Mech Armada

Each mech part can be upgraded with credits. For example a tank can be upgrade to a mega tank which has an additional armour and gains the ability to push a unit adjacent to it. The walker when upgraded gains more health points and the passive ability of gaining an extra movement after taking an action. That’s very powerful. There’s a body called bodyguard part that grants adjacent allies extra armour. When upgraded the amount of armour given is increased. So do not underestimate those upgrades.

The game in a way plays like chess. Some enemies can move 1 space, some 2 and some 3. Some can move diagonally. Some enemies have melee attacks whole some have range attacks. Some have special abilities like firing a laser the entire row or stunning mechs. The rhino enemy for example moves 1 space but has a charge ability which has a range of 3 spaces. So almost like a knight piece in chess, it can move in an L shape pattern.

X35 Earthwalker Mech Armada

The enemies in this game are very annoying. Annoying as in they are smart. the rhino enemy actively tries to get a position where you are trapped and someone is getting hit. The slug looking one with the long piecer also tries to restrict your movement with the eye laser.  The enemy always prioritise a kill over everything else, including its survival. This could also be exploited though. Get tactical players.

You basically need a mech for every occasion. Getting the weapon that lets you release drones. There’s a combat drone and a healing drone. Does what it says on the box. These drones can help out and can even take the fall or a be bait for your main team. enemies always prioritise the kill. So they won’t resist an easy to kill drone. You can even use the satellite air strike to get easy damage on an enemy. Learn their movements and predict where they will go.   

There’s bosses at the end of every path you take and they are a big problem. They so slow though and move one space. The bosses come with allies and that makes things a problem. A boss with two rhinos is just unfair but doable. Mech Armada allows players to create and fight their own way. You can even play cheap and spawn in a super cheap mech to take a hit for a main one. You can even stall in a level just so you can absorb more energy. Energy makes all the difference here. There’s lots of strategy. Using your mechs carefully, single or diagonal movements, using multiple weapons in a turn, upgrading certain parts.

Mech Armada is underrated. It’s so far excellent. There’s so much to say about this game and we still have more to discover. Mech Armada is so far excellent. X35 Earthwalker is the smartest man in the world and so this game is good for him. X35 is playing this without cheap tactics though. Now Mech Armada may have deep strategy but it’s far too shallow for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker MLB The Show 24

MLB The Show 24 is a sports baseball game developed by ‘San Diego Studio’ and published by ‘MLB’. MLB The Show 24 is said to be coming out the 19th of March 2024 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. X35 Earthwalker can swing a bat harder than anyone in history. MLB The Show 24 is really trying to come out swinging. Let’s take a look.

MLB The Show 24 is baseball season. You know what the MLB is all about. Throw the ball and the dude swings at it and then starts running. Baseball ladies and gentlemen.

X35 Earthwalker MLB The Show 24

MLB The Show 24 is multiplatform and is also available on Xbox, Nintendo and PC. This means more players are possible. There could be a whole new league now… or maybe more trouble makers. Stick to the rules people.

There’s a storyline mode which takes players to the past. Maybe get to see some lesser known baseball legends/heroes. Education included.

X35 Earthwalker MLB The Show 24

MLB The Show 24 gives players that good ol baseball story. Start of a minor, a low level scrub, probably living in your mothers basement. You play ball and aim for the big leagues and hopefully the world series champions. Maybe then you’ll finally be able to afford your rent.

There’s also franchise which gives you the team manager experience. Lead your team to victory and all the way to the world series. Rumour has it that there are new features.

X35 Earthwalker MLB The Show 24

Diamond dynasty is back. MLB The Show 24 is out here letting players build their own ideal or should we say fantasy team. Pick from different times in baseball’s history. Grab those player cards and take your skills online to face other baseball bums just like yourself. Team against team. 

We checked out some MLB The Show 24 gameplay and it’s what we expected. We like the option to customise your team’s look. There’s more competition with MLB The Show 24 being cross-platform concerning all platforms. Listen to this, “cross-progression, continue your progress and earn and use content on other console platforms”.

Overall MLB The Show 24 looks like a good baseball game. The finer details will obviously be revealed later. It’s just baseball but giving more options and things for players to do by the looks of it. We aren’t happy with the graphics though. Does look weak for the year 2024. Visuals need to be upgraded but as long as the core is great. The developers ‘San Diego Studio’ have done a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see how far the ball can be launched. Now MLB The Show 24 may have the big leagues but it’s all little in the eyes of… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Sonzai Gaming Blog

Sonzai is a 2D action brawler platformer Role Playing game developed by ‘2 Odd Diodes’ and published by ‘Top Hate studios‘. Sonzai is said to be coming out the 29th of March 2024 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Mac, Linux, PS5, PS4 and PC. X35 Earthwalker has to be in the mood for mysteries.  Sonzai apparently has some mysteries going on. Let’s take a look. 

X35 Earthwalker Sonzai Gaming Blog

Keeping things simple here. Sonzai takes place in Kumotoshi. Kumotoshi is a magical town. A place that numerous young mages go to. Other for a big adventure, to learn, opportunities, whatever. It’s nice too but the outsides are not so nice. Dangerous even. We hear there those places are infused with magical energy. Players control a new student who just showed up in town.

Sonzai is going to be a magical brawling adventure. There will be new people to meet and friends to make… hopefully. What’s more certain though is that Kumotoshi has mysteries and secrets confirmed. What’s not so secret is that there’s a bunch of people and Sonzai has placed good emphasis and focus on the relationships you build with characters. Each character is said to have their own lives and stories. Hopefully that will be clear and strong in the game.

X35 Earthwalker Sonzai Gaming Blog

Basically Sonzai has made it so that your relationships affect both “the scope of the player’s skill” and even the story itself. So yeah, get more powerful through those relationships. Some characters like to see a new person in town while others don’t. Keep that in mind. All this is happening while you still got to handle your high school life here at Kumotoshi. We trust that the ,ore of this magical place is deep enough. 

The biggest factor has to be the combat. It’s combo based. Really about the combos. We hear there’s lots of customisation when it comes to the combat. There’s runes and modules. Active runes are the big magical attacks to use against foes. Passive runes grant sweet buffs if you meet the conditions. Modules are what causes the modifiers. Get creative with them to adjust your loadout. We see some crazy combo potential from staying airborne, to dashing around to pulling enemies in, to melee and to ranged. Things looking real nice.

X35 Earthwalker Sonzai Gaming Blog

We checked out some Sonzai gameplay and it’s not what we expected. Let’s start with the visuals. The graphics style we don’t like at all but we see the work that goes into it. This style take a lot of effort to pull off. It’s described as inky minimalist with “precisely choreographed animations”. All hand drawn. Respect the work that went into it. We do, even though we don’t like it. It’s apparently quite a big world with different locations that have their own main stand out. Like an underground civilisation, what looks like a  mystical forest. There’s even a burning town.

Overall Sonzai is looking like an excellent game. Most likely top tier. X35 Earthwalker always respects the hard work that goes into these things. So the developers has to prove us right concerning this respect. Don’t fail us. From the art style, to the mechanics, to the combat. This does look real deep for sure. The developers ‘2 Odd Diodes’ have done an excellent job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep our eyes open for this game. Now Sonzai may have deep customisable combat but it’s far too basic in the eyes of… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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