Book of Demons is a hack and slash deck building game developed and published by ‘Thing Trunk‘. Book of Demons is said to come out the 30th of April on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PS4. It’s already out on PC. Games like this tend to gain the attention of less gamers. So it’s already tough for them. Let’s take a look.

Book of Demons is a strange world but understandable. It takes place in, Paperverse, a world that exists entirely inside a pop-up book. So if we destroy the book, does that world permanently die? 
It’s your popular good vs evil. About saving the world from the “ultimate devilry”. Book of Demons wants to stand out completely and you can tel with this game mechanic. Players can decide how long they want their quest to be. It’s called a flexiscope. This basically allows players to “divide the game into sessions of any size”. It goes further though as they claim “It even learns your pace of gaming and predicts the time to complete the next session.” Now that’s something different for sure.

Book of Demons is a hack and slash game so expect to move around and attack the enemies that come across your path or stand in your way. Instead pf regular weapons players must use magic cards to attack and do actions. This is where the deck building part comes into play. There are many cards and you need to make sure you have the right ones at your disposal. There are cards which are straight up attacks and some will strength your character and others have effects that help out. So in Book of Demons players will need: good understanding of the cards and what cards is in your deck, timing and execution for combos.

There are three classes: Warrior, Rouge and Mage. The typical line up if you ask us, which you did. The warrior is all about using his sword, strength and charging in. The rouge is all about the set up, poison and many arrows. The mage is clearly about magic, long range attacks and summoning. Wow, we wonder who sounds the best?  Each class obviously has their own fighting style and own cards. Matter of fact they each have signature cards. For example the Warrior has stink bomb and shadow sword. The Rouge has Viper cloak and epic arrows. The Mage has Glory Golem and hourglass. What they do is… actually find out for yourself.

We checked out some gameplay and it’s not exactly what we thought it would be. This clearly based on our gaming taste but we don’t like how the characters move. We know it fits the theme of story characters in a pop up book, so they hop and shuffle like pieces of a board game. Not our thing though. The gameplay is straightforward and players should get use to it real fast. The levels are randomly generated so don’t expect the same journey twice. What’s good is variety and Book of Demons has over 70 different enemies like: goatmen, scorpions, succubi, snakes, skeletons and much much more. It’s a game that looks small and simple but there’s quite a bit going on around here. Sort of deep and a good number of in game mechanics. We also like the combo potential with the cards.

Overall Book of Demons seems like an alright game with some good stand put points. It’s clear work has gone into this one. The developers ‘Thing Trunk’ have done an alright job here. We at X35 Earthwalker aren’t interested in Book of Demons at all but some gamers will be and that counts. Now Book of Demons may have a whole world that needs saving but it would have been saved already if it did… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Stranded Deep is a new open world survival crafting game developed and published by ‘Beam Team Games‘. Stranded Deep is said to have came out the 21st of April 2020 on consoles. It came out on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. It’s also out on PC. The really question is “how deep are we stranded here?” That’s what matters. Let’s take a look.

The story in Stranded Deep is your typical standard stranded story. You control a man who was on a plane. Something goes wrong and you end up stranded somewhere in the vast pacific ocean. You are alone. Yes, you are the lone survivor. Like the movie ‘Cast Away’. You start right from there. You get to a nearby emergency raft. The game then gives you control after some time has clearly passed due to it now being day. Then you can either raft away (if you think that’s wise) or head to the nearby island. Then the real game begins. Time to survive.

Yes, players have some options. You can set your difficulty, gender so male or female, whether to use the existing world of generate a new one, whether to have permadeath or not and even decide whether your world has sharks and snakes or just make them passive (which is for babies and gaming wusses). Like why would you not have the enemies in the game. This isn’t Minecraft. Or is it? It’s good that you got options and can make some changes to the game. Options is always good.

This game literally reminds us of Raft. If you think about it like that, then you know what to expect and what to do. You run around, explore the place, find supplies, gather resources, fend off against threats and off course crafting and building. At this point you know what to expect. Not much to say. Gather your wood build a hammer, build the foundation for your base of operations.

There are threats in this game though and so they should be. Players, if they aren’t complete wusses and babies, will have sharks and snakes in their game. These two are threats and can end your life. Sharks have aways been a famous enemies concerning island and water survival games. If you fall in the water or didn’t see a shark but went into the water then you will get a nasty surprise. Survival games like this need an actual threat. What numerous island and other survival games fail at is not creating fear. When you are stranded with no help, surrounded by danger and all alone, the average person would be scared. Pikmin created fear and did it well for it’s colourful friendly style. Players made sure to get all their pikmin back to the onions or stay close before it turns night. These survival games don’t have that feeling. You see something you easily know how to handle it and then you quickly reach a point where nothing can stand up to you and there’s nothing to be afraid of. We believe that Stranded Deep will have the same issue.

We checked out some Stranded Deep gameplay and it’s what we thought it would be. It’s a like Raft but more graphically realistic, deeper and has more going on. There’s krakens or giant squid creature in the sea which is cool. We need more threats like that. You can build machines that can fly, collect trophies like in Terraria. We feel like there’s more emphasis on survival in Stranded deep though. It definitely has more detail too. Raft is still a fun game but Stranded Deep wants to be the biggest most serious island, water survival game. We like that you have to go underwater to explore and even search sunken ships and find goods. There’s a day and night cycle. You can hunt animals for food and even use spears or a spear gun.

Overall Stranded Deep looks like a very good game. We just really hope the threat level is turned up. It needs to feel like a survival game. The water has to be scary. It should make you never want to go in. The crafting looks cool with what you can eventually make. It looks good too. Like Sea of Thieves, the water looks amazing. The developers ‘Beam Team Games’ have done a great job with this game from what we can see so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see more of what Stranded Deep has got. Now Stranded Deep may have creatures in the water but even those things know to obey… the ‘Earth Walk!’   

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Streets of Rage 4 is the new action beat em up game developed by ‘Lizardcube, Guard Crush Games, Dotemu‘ and published by ‘Dotemu and Yooreka Studios’. Streets of Rage 4 is said to be coming out the 30th April 2020 on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and PC. We are definitely looking forward to this game. Let’s take a look.

Streets of Rage is one of, if not the best beat em up game and now we are getting Streets of Rage 4. We knew about this game along time ago but didn’t write on it. There’s a lot to say but we keeping this one short. 

Firstly we have no information concerning the story. Mr X’s brain was destroyed in Streets of Rage 3 so you can assume he’s actually dead dead this time. So maybe a new face has taken over the area. You know how it is, when the boss it down, other gangs want to take their shot or maybe a relative or child of Mr X. Who knows? What we do know is that there’s lots of bad guy faces to punch in, combo and swing at with a pipe… just like the good ol days.

Firstly we like the Streets of Rage 4 art style as it’s clearly going for a more flowing modern look. The animations are definitely good. Each attack and move looks smoother and clearly than before. Unlike that one move Max had in Streets of Rage 3 where he’s suppose to be punching the head of a barbed enemy but looks and sounds like he’s breaking their necks. The special attacks and abilities have more special effects and flare making all the moves look powerful but off course we have no idea how strong or weak yet. The game is definitely colourful and we like colours. Who doesn’t like colours?… you grandpa.

We got straight into the visuals this time because it’s Streets of Rage, you know what to expect by now. It’s straight up beat em up. Move through the level and trash the enemies that come your way, find, pick up and use weapons to defeat your enemies and off course, work with a friend as it’s always been 2 player co-op. There’s even new characters, as there should be. Yes the main characters Axel, Adam and Blaze are all here (they better be) but we know have two new characters: Floyd Iraia (the big dude with mechanical arms) and Cherry Hunter (the cool black girl with an electric guitar). Both definitely stand out and got their own style and tricks. Something is different though.

There is now a Battlemode. It’s in the name but it’s against each other. Take on your friends and see who is the best fighter or who has the most rage in the streets. It’s four player co-op! Not only can you play as the main characters of Streets of Rage 4 but you can also play as past characters from previous Streets of Rage games and even better the past versions of them. For example you can take control of Axel from Streets of Rage 1 and fight with his moves from that game. You can play as an from Streets of Rage 3 or as Max or Skate from Streets of Rage 2, or Adam from the first game etc. So in a battle mode you can have four friends or family fight against each other but each player is a Blaze from each Streets of Rage game: 1,2,3 and 4 to see which Blaze is the queen of fighting. Now that’s an excellent idea. Smart move by the developers as they knew fans would want to see the past too.

There’s more! The developers of Streets of Rage 4 have not just brought the characters and designs from the past but also the music. Players can play levels and stages to the old music. Remember those banging tunes from Streets of Rage 1 and 2? You can hear them while you play now. We are sure there’s some cool ones from Streets of Rage 3 but we weren’t a big fan of the music from that one. This shows the developers are aware and paid attention to what has been said about the past games and applying that information to this new design. If they play it smart like this all the way through then Streets of Rage 4 will be one of the best games so far easily. 

We are so glad they brought Adam Hunter back into the battle. When he wasn’t there for Streets of Rage 2 we were annoyed but we understood as he was captured but there was no excuse for Streets of Rage 3. We missed that character and so did fans. Now he’s back and has real power. There are counters, explosive moves, ultimate like attacks, flashy acrobatic movement and more. Also in case you couldn’t tell from the names Adam Hunter is Cherry Hunter’s dad. Father and daughter fighting side by side and kicking butt. Nothing can make a dad more proud than seeing his little girl drop kick big dudes. That’s better than a graduation any day. 

We checked out some gameplay and it’s not what we thought it would be initially but it’s better this way for sure. The combat is looking real good, the levels have variety, the battle mode brings another layer of gameplay and fun, the variety of music including the music from past will get shoulders moving while fighting. The many many chapters you can unlock allowing you to play as the past game versions of these characters is an excellent idea. We haven’t seen anything concerning bosses but we know with all these moves, abilities, characters, help and combos with co-op partners we know the bosses have to be a big threat. They must match the hype. Lastly we aren’t a huge fan of Axel’s design. Why does he look so much older than the others and so out of shape. He’s really broad and looks like he sort of has a tummy. Does he still have his mobility? Wished he looked more in shape like the others. Blaze is looking beautiful and dangerous and she made the smart move to wear a jacket this time as she will need the extra protection from these dangerous thugs.

Overall Streets of Rage 4 is looking like an awesome game so far. We like the visuals, the gameplay, the characters and even the designs. Looks like there is content to last for a good time too. We hope there is no health bar or number of uses for pipes and bats like there was in Streets of Rage 3 (bad mechanic). The developers ‘Lizardcube, Guard Crush Games, Dotemu’ have done an amazing job so far. 

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‘Deliver Us the Moon’ is a sci-fi thriller game developed by ‘KeokeN Interactive‘ and published by ‘Wired Productions‘. Deliver us the moon is said to be coming out on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on the 24th of April 2020. It’s said to be coming to the Nintendo Switch also in 2020 but no exact date. It’s already on PC but we don’t count that. So for us, this game is new. So we are in space and there’s a moon that needs saving? What? Let’s take a look.

So Deliver us the moon is set in the future. Not too far but the “near future”. It’s an apocalyptic time. Earth’s natural resources are gone. They are depleted. So off course mankind decides to take their search to space to find the good stuff – we mean resources. They get to the moon. Things are going well. The “global powers” have worked together to make the ‘World Space Agency’. They also discovered and got their hands on a new energy source. Everything is literally going well… for once…. until (it never goes well forever) one day earth loses all contact and communication with the moon. Years later is when the player comes into play.

So, in Deliver us the moon, players take control of the so called Earth’s last astronaut. Your mission is simple, get up there and find out what happened. This kind of sounds like another regular person who gets called up into space to find out what happened and repair stuff… Isaac Clarke from Dead Space. Well it gets a bit different from here as you are not alone for this journey. In Deliver us the moon you have a small robot called ASE. So with ASE you will explore the moon, hopefully gathering information, get some clues as to what happened and off course solve the mystery of what happened here. 

So yes, it’s a space exploration game really. You along with your ASE robot will traverse the moon and even get to explore abandoned facilities. There is stuff, buildings and things left behind from previous “lunar missions”. This means you can hopefully learn from their mistakes and see what’s going on. Surely there is no danger out here on the moon… right? Rely on your robot to learn what took place in the lunar colonies. 

Off course being a sci-fi game, players will need to make full use of the technology available to them. There are useful tools like cutting lasers, robotic arms, some awesome space suits which come with their own effects. There’s even rockets! We know we will put those to good use. If we something we don’t like, we blow it up. Simple rule. We at X35 Earthwalker do not condone blowing things up in real life.

Now if you are a gamer that doesn’t like using their head for some reason then you’ll, have a tough time here as Deliver us the moon has a number of puzzles. It’s described as “intricate puzzles”. So make sure to use your head. There will be numerous obstacles and danger is confirmed. We don’t know if there’s an actual enemy around or whether it’s environmental danger etc. Judging from the overall design of the game, we believe it’s definitely environmental. 

We checked out some Deliver us the Moon gameplay and it’s what we expected except for the additional stuff. We liked that you get launch a rocket from space that you get to experience that. We like the level of freedom for exploration and that there is multiple means of exploration. You can drift through space with zero gravity and just chill really. You can explore the WSA space station on foot,

zoom across the surface of the moon in a rover. There’s even a monorail for you to get to the real far distance places much easier and faster. 

Overall Deliver us the Moon seems like a cool game. It’s definitely has emphasis on the atmosphere. We wonder if this game will have actual enemies as it’s not clear. The graphics are excellent and what you can see is very well done. The environment is definitely what you would expect and it looks great. It’s the moon, what else do you expect besides the same colour and rocks. The developers KeokeN Interactive’ have done a very good job from what we see so far. We at X35 Earthwalker are quite glad to see another space game. Now Deliver us the Moon may have an adventure and mystery in space but it’s very bland and obvious when compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Bears Can’t Drift!? is a fast paced kart racing game developed and published by ‘Strangely Named Studio‘. Bears Can’t Drift!? did come out on PS4 and PC but we don’t know anyone who knows about this game nor have we seen anyone play this game. Now that it is coming out on Xbox One on the 27th of March 2020, we actually heard about this game. Let’s take a look.

Bears Can’t Drift!? is literally a kart racing game. It’s what it says on the box. You are bears that race, drift and go fast in karts. Think of Crash Team Racing but replace all the characters with bears. That’s it. That explains the game. So already this is what many gamers want. So lets give some details. 

There is a hub world in Bears Can’t Drift!? where all the action begins. In the hub world you can change your bear, add players (we will get to that. bit later), select game mode, difficulty and settings concerning the race. If you just searched online ‘Bears Can’t Drift!?’ then you would notice that it’s multiplayer too. You can have four player split screen, which is awesome. This means you can add your friends and get competitive. 

In Bears Can’t Drift!? there’s straight up races, single races and time trial because all racing games seem to have one. What’s funny though is picnic mode. In Picnic, players drive around between picnic baskets and it’s a big fight for food. You must steal your opponents food by hitting them with pick ups. Sounds simple sounds fun.

Now racing games need to have cool and interesting pick ups. Pick ups and items make a big difference in racing games. There is 8 different weapons to choose from. For example there’s a bird that gives you a speed boost, a bee which you can use to attack behind you. There’s a hedgehog that provides a shield. There’s even a salmon (fish) that acts as your frontal attack. So aim well. Just look at them… oh and by the way, you can combine pick ups to make a powerful effect.

We check out some Bears Can’t Drift!? and it’s what we thought it would be. Doesn’t seem as smooth as Crash team racing Nitro-fueled but the drifting and turning style reminds us more of the older Mario kart games. You drift, drive fast, computer, grab pick ups and hit your opponents hard. Then off course get over the finish line first. Literally just check out some gameplay for yourself and you will see what we mean. t doesn’t require in-depth explanations. 

Overall Bears can’t drift!? just seems like a simple kart racing game. All about the colours and fun. It’s bears, fishes and animals are weapons and there’s split screen multiplayer, meaning you can play with your friends like with Mario Kart. It looks nice, very nice. It’s beginner friendly from what we can see. It’s nothing special but definitely good. The developers ‘Strangely named Studio’ have done a good. We at X35 Earthwalker will just have to hear how well this game does. Now Bears can’t drift!? maybe have fast bears but even they are too slow for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Deep Sky Derelicts: Definitive Edition is a turn-based strategy RPG developed by ‘Snowhound Games‘ and published by ‘1C Entertainment‘. Deep Sky Derelicts: Definitive Edition is said to be coming out the 24th of March 2020 on Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and PC. We have never heard of this game. We hope it’s good. Let’s take a look.

Deep Sky Derelicts: Definitive Edition is set in a dystopian future. Mankind has been scattered through the galaxy. Human society is also changed. There are two classes, basically the poor and those who are well off and cozy. Well players control someone who’s poor and a stateless outcast. So you live off scraps wherever you can find it. Now rumour has it, there is an alien derelict ship rumoured to be somewhere in the deep sky sector. Why do you care? It’s what’s going to help you get citizenship and a better life on a decent planet. Yep, simple story.

Simply put, Deep Sky Derelicts: Definitive Edition is all about recruiting others to join your team. You must build them up, train, get stronger and gather items, materials, weapons and more. Scavenging is the main thing here and you must travel from room to room, which is procedural generated by the way, to find stuff and fight of attackers. You can return to home base and that’s where you can upgrade your gear.

 We aren’t going to say much about this game as it’s really clear what to expect from this. What also stands out is the art style. It’s comic book art style and it’s good to see something different from time to time. The most interesting thing for us about Deep, Sky Derelicts: Definitive Edition has to be the monsters you can fight to get loot. How a game presents and design their monsters makes a big difference. Players can also explore alien ships, space stations and also planets which aren’t very safe. 

We checked out some Deep Sky Derelicts: Definitive Edition and it’s what we expected from a game like this. This definitive edition is the base game plus two downloadable content: “New Prospects” and “Station Life.” These off course add new gameplay features, enemies, character upgrades, missions other stuff. We just need to something bigger or more interesting to get us to want to play it. It has a very different style but art style isn’t enough. 

Overall, Deep Sky Derelicts: Definitive Edition does seem like a good game, not our kind of game but still good. It’s got some deep mechanics but we need more for us to get into it. The art style is done well and looks good. There are two modes, story and arena players will play it more than once because of the procedural generated rooms thing. The developers, ‘Snowhound Games’ have done a good job with this game. Now Deep Sky Derelicts: Definitive Edition may have comic style graphics but what will always look better is… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Element Space is a turn based strategy role playing game (RPG) developed by ‘Sixth Vowel‘ and produced by ‘Inca Games‘. Element Space is said to be coming out the 24th of March 2020 on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. It’s already out on PC. This game is suppose to be a futuristic battle, so let’s see what it’s got. Let’s take a look.

In the universe of Element Space, the year is 2199. That’s not as far future as Halo but still far. So basically earth somehow was close to being destroyed, so humanity had to expand into space. An organisation called the sixth vowel, the movement of light, made space travel and their missions possible. Suddenly though this same organisation turned on humanity. There was a big war which lasted years. Now the factions that worked together are now having tension amongst each other. There will be another war. The players job, is to bring the starship inspiration which is the symbol of the galactic war to the city of Truce so that the first galactic congress can be held to unite all the factions. 

Element Space all turn based combat so players need to take their time and think about what to do next with what options they have. An excellent example of turn based combat is XCOM 2: War of the Chosen. Information tells us that there is a variety of strategies and approaches because there are 32 ranged and melee weapons and character skills that can help mx things up. Games like this need vary and options in abundance. 

Another factor that’s important is the enemies. Element Space is said to have a range of enemies. Some have blasters, others have rifles, some have a great sword, others have two short blades, some have multi hits and fast, basically there’s stuff to be concerned about in this game. The factions have different uniforms and we hope that there co meat style and strategies are different and distinguishable too. So expect to see these guys across 24 different levels.

For more variety and flavour you can unlock and acquire new weapons and perks as you make a name for yourself with the galaxy’s factions. Get the best equipment for your squad. Speaking of squad, throughout the world of Element Space you will encounter and recruit new allies who will aid you in your mission and off course combat. Each companion has their own unique skills. The developers have also given them their own story and past so you can know it if you want.

This is tough but Element Space is trying the whole, your choices and actions effect the story or characters mechanic. Most games don’t pull this off well and fail at it. We hope this isn’t the case. Aid factions will make their leaders support you and unlock you those perks and weapons we talked about but if you fail them, they may turn against you when you need help.

Your companions have upgrade trees where you will decide what they would be best at. Also decide what roles to take with you into combat like: Duelist, flanker, tank, support, gunslinger or assault. The cover system is here too in Element Space. Full and half cover. Full is obviously better better but both are destructible. All cover is destructible so keep this in mind when on both the offence and defence.

We checked out some Element Space gameplay and it’s not exactly what we expected. It’s definitely more action packed than we thought. There’s some awesome hand to hand combat animations for moves, we mean proper fighting. It looks good. You can use grenades, rockets and abilities to really do damage and we like that. The bullet trajectory and hit detection is better than XCOM 2’s but the overall flow and quality isn’t on the same level but it’s still very good. We are only comparing it to XCOM as it’s the best and Element Space is doing very well. We hope it’s even better for the console releases.

Overall Element Space looks like a really good game. We actually like what we see. The graphics are good, the sounds are nice we wanted more but it’s nice. The environments make sense and a good amount of cover for options. We hope there are even more dramatic enemy designs so it isn’t just all people in armour. The developers Sixth Vowel have done a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an ear open for this game. Now Element Space may be a battle in the future but it’s still miles behind… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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7th Sector is a new adventure game developed by “Noskov Sergey” and published by “Sometimes You“.  7th Sector is said to be coming out the 5th of February 2020 on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 4. It already came out on PC the 5th of March 2019. 7th Sector’s style should remind you of something. Let’s take a look.

So yeah, not much information is given concerning this 7th Sector. Once again, we don’t go to the PC released from last year for information. What we do know is that players are in a world that’s described as cyberpunk. It’s also very mysterious. So don’t expect things to be normal. In this world players will need to discover the story of this place. This can be done by gathering scattered information, which means looking for them, so don’t get lazy.

This journey will be quite the unique experience. Players are basically a spark but clearly conscious and can take over mechanical beings like robots, or enter exposed wires to manipulate and control terminals etc. Like an alpha ghost in the machine or shell. There is going to be puzzles that require a bit of brain power to solve. Nothing crazy that we know of.

Now off course there is going to be some threats and dangers. There are some mechanical units that has what looks like a mounted rifle or machine gun. They will shoot you if they see you… well not at the spark but whatever body you possessed. There are other threats too in the form of the environment like large heavy machines slamming, moving, grinding, falling heavy objects etc. So you have to time when you pass through, when to do something and hide or even fight hostile machines.

We are sure that 7th Sector will remind some players of probably another game. Let’s say it together now… Inside. Yep, you have simple controls, in a mysterious world, environmental and living dangers, on a journey, lots of mystery. Now the style of the game and the mechanical world and beings does to some extent remind us of Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee. These are two games that many gamers enjoyed and did things very well, from the world to the gameplay its self. 

We checked out some 7th Sector gameplay and we like what we see so far but more than how we liked Inside. There’s more going on here, actual combat, a so far col looking world. We like that there’s multiple characters to control and they have their own abilities which will help you progress through the game. 7th Sector has the feature where your actions and choices will decide what ending you get.

Overall 7th Sector looks like it’s here to bring players a new experience. We hope that the combat is in decent supply as games like this tend not to work well with lots of combat. We hope the dangers in this game actually feel like real threats. The graphics and visuals are very nice, the sounds are good too. Let’s hope the translations are good though. Now the developers “Noskov Sergey” have done a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see what 7th Sector really brings to the consoles. Now 7th Sector may have machinery control but but that control is real weak when compared to the powerful mind of the… ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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Catherine: Full Body is the puzzle horror-ish remake developed by ‘Atlus: Studio zero’. Catherine: Full body came out the 3rd of September 2019 on PlayStation 4. It was released earlier in Japan though. We definitely liked the Catherine games and want to talk about a couple things concerning the remake. Let’s take a look.

Let’s just go through these points as quickly as possible. First of all we didn’t get to play the game ourselves but saw the entire game. Now this isn’t just a remake as in a sense of just better graphics. There is new paths to the story, some changed and new dialogue, new scenes, a new character and just additional stuff.  They definitely kept the same style of visuals for both the gameplay and cinematic parts and that’s a good thing as they worked well in the original game. Things do seem smoother though when it comes to the cinematic. The additional cinematic scenes are primarily about the new character Rin (Qatherine). There’s more interaction between Vincent and his friends. Something you will need to see for yourself and the developers did good in these areas.

Let’s get straight into the gameplay. There is a new block altogether and we believe it’s called the Laser block. This block you only see in the very last extra levels of the game if you take the Rin path. These blocks literally just fire a laser which will kill you. Just wait for it to stop firing and then move by or whatever. Sadly they are the only new block and they could have added more. The next is the difficulty and we have a problem with this one. First of all we hate the idea of a very easy mode is embarrassing. X35 Earthwalker himself beat the original Catherine game with gold price for each level and beat all the Babel levels, easy difficulty is actually a complete joke. Yet very easy is unacceptable. If someone can’t beat your game they need to practice and use their heads. it’s a puzzle game after all. Then it gets worse as there’s a ‘safety mode’. WHAT!? Anyone who plays with that feature needs to put down the controller and back away from the game. You should be ashamed. 

This is what Gematsu said concerning safety mode, “In Safety mode, you can use the ‘Skip Feature’ to skip stages you have not cleared with the press of a button, and solely enjoy the event scenes. For players who want to see the puzzles, both Safety and ‘Easy’ modes have an ‘Auto-Play’ feature where Vincent moves on his own during the action puzzle segments”. Well the best use of this would be to just see the cinematic scenes and get the different endings quickly AFTER you have already beaten the game. We don’t like the ides of a safety mode at all. Just take time and practice, you even have undo in normal mode so you could figure things out move by move if you need to. 

Catherine: Full Body also a Remix mode which basically has “new mechanics and gimmicks”. For example you will see blocks that are all joined together and look like precious stones. They can be two blocks next to each other or even form a big shape etc. You have to move the whole thing as one big block, not separately. It does overall make the whole game easier but in less parts can really mess you up. Pull out a whole shape and end up hanging over the edge with no where to go. It’s a cool concept and we like the addition of remix mode to shake things up. Just play through once with remix and then another in classic mode. Also Catherine: Full body has better lighting with some places receiving some small changes. The stray Sheep is more lit for example. Some of the nightmare stages have less fog too.

Now we think Rin is a great edition to the game as she’s a very different person from both Katherine and Catherine. Players really can’t help but like Rin, she’s the happy, bubbly, optimistic person many wish they had as a friend. We would gladly have her as a friend but how they handled Vincent’s decision to be with Rin and his thought process is very bad. It doesn’t make any sense. Think about it imagine you are in a serious relationship with your girlfriend for 5 years (ladies you can reverse the situation to make it applicable to yourself). The choice of marriage is now a present thing and in your mind, she even told you that she is pregnant, don’t forget that you actually like your girlfriend and had such a romantic beginning. Would you then break up with her for someone you just met and have known for 5 days? Worse, that person has amnesia and remembers nothing of themself (they could be a terrorist undercover for all you know). Even worse, you thought that person was a woman but instead learn by accident that they are a man. Off course you wouldn’t. You have to be the biggest scum to do that to someone. There’s so many problems with this. Would Vincent have developed any feelings like that for Rin if he knew from the start that Rin was a man like how his friends Orlando, Johnny are men? Nothing from the original game or this game suggests he would go down that path. This whole thing is just clearly forced. 

Next that we believe doesn’t make any sense is Katherine’s reaction to Vincent admitting cheating on her. In the original she was on the calm side (the nightmare doesn’t count) but made it clear she was not happy about it ad that she wanted Vincent to leave her alone by ignoring her messages and call. Yet in the original, taking everything we mentioned earlier from our example into account, was even more calm than ever and remained friends. We can’t think of a single girl who would react like that to being cheated on with a man (he knew you was pregnant), have 5 years wasted and had to confront them about it. We know it’s just a game but that isn’t realistic at all. We definitely love Johnny’s reaction to the news of Vincent leaving Katherine for Rin. He gave him a nasty punch that floored him. Which does make sense since Katherine is also his friend. Vincent’s reaction to the punch by not fighting back or even getting angry shows that they are like brothers in a sense and good friends. Vincent won’t fight back but understands why Johnny did that, knowing he deserved it. They brushed off, accepted each others decisions and went back to having drinks and talking together. They are bros for sure and in some ways can relate to that. So we give a thumbs up for that interaction.

We didn’t like the great reveal that Rin is an alien. It feels completely out of place and makes no sense concerning other matters. For starters we initially though that Rin was an angel since Catherine is the demon and Katherine is the human but Rin could also appear in the nightmares, which Astaroth and Dumuzid couldn’t really do anything about it, until much later which made no sense, why didn’t they attack her, unless she was something powerful too on level or above demons like an angel. Astaroth knew Rin wasn’t normal at all and hiding a big secret. If Rin is not an angel then why is a god like Dumuzid who is a demon basically scared of her and her brothers? I can understand demons being scared of angels but not an alien. Aliens aren’t supernatural. Wouldn’t aliens go to alien hell and therefore demons can torment them? At night wouldn’t Dumuzid have the advantage? Or is he only useful in dreams (if so then what kind of lame god is he)? It just doesn’t go. Also the bunch of alien brothers look so out of place reminding us of the minions from Despicable Me. We thought they could have made the end game of Rin much better. 

There are additional stuff in Catherine: Full Body like how some items have new effects. The white block now creates white blocks in a 3×3 shape around the block you are standing on. The energy drink allows you to jump up two blocks but up to three times, when you decide to use it, giving players more control over it. The Rapunzel game has been renamed Super Rapunzel and has more levels with both a remix and classic mode. Rin’s piano can slow down the rate that the blocks fall away and how fast the boss moves after you. The undo system has been reworked, can view the back of the stage more easily, unlimited retries if you die, Babel and Colosseum have new stages (happy about this). O

Online has some new stuff going for it as well. If you play the story while online, you can see the spots where other players have died, which is quite useful so you know which parts can be tough. You get to see the number of deaths in that level nationwide and how they died, like by falling, crushed etc. Catherine: Full Body has gotten quite competitive as you can face and climb off against other players online. There’s even a ranking system too.

The last thing we hate about Catherine: Full Body is definitely the undo system. It’s basically impossible to die unless you are that bad at the game. If you step on a trap block and get spiked, you ‘undo’ and you’re right back where the block is, cancelling your death basically. If you fall off, same thing. Deaths don’t matter as much anymore. In the originally if you died, you died and had to go back to checkpoint or start of level. These changes make the game too easy. Even players who aren’t good at the game like Jay from the kubz scouts can beat Catherine: Full Body. No, beating the game doesn’t make you good at it. Eventually DSP beat the original too. Literally the second boss the immoral beast was the easiest level we have ever seen. It was a joke. Overall the game is easier than the original. We haven’t seen how difficult it is on hard mode though. We can only go by what we know.

Overall Catherine: Full Body is a very good game. We had more to say but it’s long enough as it is. The original Catherine had a better story. Catherine: Full Body is bigger with more features but the main thing that stands out about Catherine is the story so we say the original was the better game from the main part (story) but Catherine: Full Body is better overall with the cool additions, more options, better graphics, more scenes, longer gameplay, more endings, new character etc. It doesn’t have the same Catherine feel but a great game still.  

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It Came from Space and Ate Our Brains is an arcade top down shooter game developed and published by ‘Triangle Studios‘ but also published by ‘All in! Games‘. It Came from Space and Ate Our Brains is said to be coming out the 28th of January 2020 on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PS4. It’s already out on PC though. Aliens wanting brains is strange. Let’s take a look.

It Came from Space and Ate Our Brains at first look will give players an exact idea of what this game has to offer. Pretty much everyone knows what arcade top down shooters are about. Run around, get items, survive while firing like crazy at the hordes of enemies that are coming after you. This is what’s going on mostly in It Came from Space and Ate Our Brains. 

Basically the story of It Came from Space and Ate Our Brains is that a dangerous alien race has shown up. They invaded earth and mercilessly feed on brains. Human brains. Players control a guy who is described as no-nonsense. This guy has two things in life: a weapon and a flashlight. For some reason the military is not doing well at all and everywhere you look, there’s chaos. You have to save the world again.

We checked out some It Came from Space and Ate Our Brains gameplay. There’s a campaign which has 6 missions, this whole game is local co-op and there’s suppose to be a whole range of weapons. There’s even special abilities too called powers. There are different modes like setting a highscore and survive for as long as possible. Just expect a whole bunch of enemies all coming for you as you make your way, so be prepared to fire… a lot.

Overall, It Came from Space and Ate Our Brains is just another arcade top down shooter game. The graphics are okay for what it is and the levels don’t seem all that interesting but there are some mechanics that does add some elements to the fights. So far there isn’t anything that makes us want to play the game or interests us. Definitely isn’t the best looking game of it’s type but it’s still a whole game that got developed through work. It’s something you must check for yourself. The developers have done an alright job with

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