Fade to Silence

Fade to Silence is a new survival RPG developed by ‘Black Forest Games‘ but published by ‘THQ Nordic‘. It has already come out as early access on the pc but it’s coming to Xbox One and PS4 2019. If you thought survival was harsh in the last game we wrote about (The Wild Eight) then wait until you see this. Let’s take a look.

In Fade to Silence players control Ash. He’s got his own issues but now has way more ever. Ash is tormented. We don’t know by what though. He’s a natural leader and is able to get very different groups of people to come together. Ash plans to build a sustainable base for I’m and the other survivors. Protection against the harsh environments. This will mean that players need management skills as there are others survivors who need to be found and watched over in a sense.

Fade to Silence

The Other survivors in Fade to Silence have strengths and skills of their own. No one is useless. For example Ryme known as ‘the sneak’ is as her name suggests very sneaky. Able to move silently, unnoticed and avoid detection. This should alert players that stealth will be needed at some points. Ezra (name from the Bible) is known as ‘the alchemist’. again you can guess why. it has been said that he’s spent decades working on his potions and perfecting them. Expect a wide range of effects incoming. Gani is called ‘the survivor’. She is calm, a thinker and has huge determination to reverse the planets current state. Offers wise advice and will open your eyes to your faults. So basically listen to her. Rhys, known as ‘the investigator’ is an interesting one. Always studying the corruption and learning for a way to use it as an advantage. His studies have caused some strange side effects. He’s either got special insight into the eclipse’s power or it’s damaged him. There are more characters so keep that in mind.

Now onto the danger in Fade to Silence. Since this is a post-apocalyptic frozen wasteland, expect a lack of food, resources, light and expect the freezing cold. Players must venture out into this dangerous area in search of resources, materials and more. Each venture is risky and can be your last. You can upgrade your equipment and weapons but that requires, more materials and items. Upgrading is quite important here. Now there is a bigger threat… a certain unexpected but constant event… a blizzard! if this blizzard catches you when you aren’t ready then it could end you. Everything is worse during a blizzard.

Fade to Silence

If you though all of that was bad, then wait until you hear about the monsters. Games like this need to compete with the creativity and action of other games to gain interest so off course they will add dangerous natural monsters to spice things up. In Fade to Silence players will face different kinds of monsters. For example the Ripper is a melee enemy who always gets close to you to slash you up with it’s claws. It’s attacks are slow but deadly enough to kill you quick. Hellvines spawn from corrupted grounds and attack whatever comes within range. The Feeder strikes fear in survivors as it’s very durable and resilient. It has a long range tongue that can drag you in, right in front of it’s jaws. This enemy is powerful. The Stalker will follow players, waiting for the moment to strike. It’s attack is very fast and you must get close for the best chance to finish it off. There are many more monsters and they are a serious problem. We like that the developers have displayed a good amount of information concerning the game, characters and monsters. They are one of the few who did this right.

We checked out some gameplay. There is a lot of stuff to do in Fade to Silence. You can hunt animals and skin them, collect raw meat, which has to be cooked, even use their bones as material. Use a bow and arrow, blade or even branches to attack enemies. You can even travel around on a sleigh pulled by dogs which does look cool; however your dogs fear the corruption as well. They will not move into a corrupted area. They will actually just stop in their tracks. Survivors can assist you in defending a camp from a monster attack. Players must watch out for one monsters that may be a problem. It’s called the Inner voice. It will speak to you, give you ideas. Do not let it corrupt you.     

Overall Fade to Silence seems like a good game. The graphics are very good and the sounds are good too. The environment looks quite realistic in many ways. The snow is done well too. The areas are clearly distinct from each other it’s clear what area you are in. The monsters look cool but we hope they are strong for the sake of difficulty. The developers ‘Black Forest Games’ have done a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to seeing what this game has to offer. Now Fade to Silence may be a serious survival game but it’s all calm when compared to the seriousness of… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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assassins creed odyssey

Assassins Creed Odyssey is the newest Assassins Creed game developed by ‘Ubisoft‘. It is coming out the 5th of October on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. This time it looks like the action is taking place in Greece, 431 BC. Let’s take a look.

Players control the oldest son of a general. Not just any general but, a Spartan general. You was sentenced to die but off course you didn’t (plot armour). Now you must embark on an adventure, surviving and learning about the secrets of your bloodline. Basically you moving from a outcast to a hopefully a legend. Doesn’t sound that hard right?

assassins creed odyssey

Now Assassins Creed Odyssey is looking like a serious game has it claims to allow players to explore the entire country. So we can go from city to city, take up tasks, challenges, do what we need to do and move on. Beware though as there is said to be reactions to our action and decisions. Multiple games have said that there are consequences to our actions but they all pretty much have failed in making consequences that actually matter. Will Assassins Creed Odyssey get it right?

Within Greece players can even go up to the snowy mountain peaks where it’s… well… quite cold. Is there a penalty for being in the cold? Do we need a jacket or not? If that was cool then check this out. Another area for players to explore is the Aegean Sea. So there are some nice looking places underwater so make sure to have a look. Off course there are more areas in this game with some being uncharted and there fore must be discovered. We hope to see some greek mythology in the game in terms of monsters.

assassins creed odyssey

What’s the point in having a large sea and ships if we can’t use them? Good thing that’s not the case here. It’s Greece after all, sailing and fighting with ships is sort of like their thing back then. Players can get access to large ships and explore the sea themselves. It gets better. You can customise how your ship looks and off course upgrade your ship weapons. Things get a bit deeper though. You can recruit and add crew members who can have perks that could really make a difference in a fight. 

We checked out some gameplay and it’s basically what we expected. You can sneak, run. fight, attack, use a bow, wield a sword, charge into battle, watch large armies fight etc. It’s still assassins creed. There are executions. You can call and use Ikaros, who is a bird that just like in a previous title (Egypt) allows you to scout out the area, see your target etc. The Spartans are against the Athens, a lot of stuff is going on in this world. You can even find some ship wrecks and rubble.  

Overall Assassins Creed Odyssey looks like a normal Assassins Creed game. We are not impressed. Off course a lot of work has gone into this game but we haven’t seen anything that makes us say, we should buy this. Graphics look very good. Sounds are good. The developers ‘Ubisoft’ did a good job with their game. We at X35 Earthwalker hope we see something game changing in Assassins Creed Odyssey. Now Assassins Creed Odyssey may take place in Greece this time but what’s bigger than Greece is… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Anthem is a new action RPG developed by ‘BioWare‘ but published by ‘Electronic Arts‘. Anthem is coming out the 22nd of February on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. From what we know, this ain’t an anthem you want to sing. Let’s take a look.

In Anthem, players take control of a freelancer. Freelancers are people (pilots) that use javelins for traversing the world and combat off course. A javelin isn’t something that you throw here but instead a powerful exosuit. So players must pick their exosuit from their wardrobe – we mean collection and get right into the action. Anthem is a large world and these javelins are essential so take care of them.


With these javelin exosuits players can soar through the air at great speeds, dodge, slide, dash around faster than enemies can keep up (hopefully) and even explore submerged areas. That’s right, underwater areas are here too. Javelins can have equipment, gear and weapons which the players can customise and decide. Anthem seems to have good emphasis on the customising of the javelins. Since it’s an RPG we all know things can be unlocked as progression is made.

So ranking up is crucial. There are also dangerous and powerful enemies that once defeated you will pass milestones and even get loot which off course can get you even more gear and personalisation options for your javelin. Eventually like Halo 5 Guardians, it will be incredibly rare to find someone with the exact same looking javelin as you. 


Now off course there are different types of javelins. There is the: Storm, Colossus, Interceptor and Ranger. Storm is like a mage, lots of longer range attacks and all electrifying. Storms can even hover and teleport to keep a distance from enemies. The Colossus is all about lots of weapons, heavy damage, explosions, flamethrowers and shields. So it’s basically the big tank that fights hordes by itself. The interceptor is all about getting in the enemies face, landing some blows and then getting out of there just as fast. Even weakening enemies and crippling them with it’s many abilities. The Ranger is basically the strong all rounder. It has different weapon types can get physical with enemies (melee), has grenades to deal with grouped enemies, can buff allies and even grant ability cool down reduction.  

Anthem is an open world game which means expect expansions. That’s a good thing as it also means players will always over time have new things fight, explore and look into like stories and events. This is multiple ways reminds us of Destiny 2. What else can you expect from Anthem? This open world will have different hazards and conditions popping up. So the developers clearly want an alive world with things going on. We like that.


Off course Anthem is also very much cooperative. Anthem is focusing quite a bit on the social side. Gamers can play in teams with up to three other players to take on missions. These missions will reward both the teamwork and the individual ability. Players can still go solo and accomplish things by themselves. This is serious and some big games have failed in this area. Making sure that solo players have lots to do is important. Developers shouldn’t create exciting content that only groups and teams can do. Not everyone has or wants to play with strangers or friends. 

Each freelancer has a team. This team provide vital information to freelancers and do everything in the ability to make sure everyone mission is a success. They are the support. Players must also remember that you can progress your javelin and your pilot. Pilot upgrades can include improvements in combat like mobility and even allow you to use javelin functions for longer before overheating like flying. Pilot skills and aspects are carried over to each javelin and not restricted so keep that in mind.

We checked out some gameplay and it definitely looks good. The world is very big indeed. The biggest factor that separates Anthem from others is the huge mobility. Players can fly to wherever they want, investigate and leave. Graphics and the environments look very good. It’s generated using the frost bite game engine. Sounds are very good too. The enemies are wildlife, monsters and other humans with guns, all can be dangerous. The multiplayer works very well but we hope the game has high difficulty, especially since you can play with friends. The action seems great so far and it will only get better as it get closer to release date.

Overall Anthem is going to get a lot of activity and excitement from gamers. There’s variety, good visuals, lots of action, mobility, creativity and multiplayer. Off course there is much more we can write about and mention but we will leave it as this. The developers ‘BioWare’ have done a very good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to seeing everything Anthem has to offer as it’s potential is very high. Now Anthem may have a massive world but it’s so tiny when compared to the size of… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Valkryia Chronicles 4

Valkryia Chronicles 4 is a new action strategy RPG developed and published by ‘Sega‘. Valkryia Chronicles 4 is coming out the 25th of September on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS4 and PC. This is suppose to be a somewhat of a deep game with a grave truth to be discovered. Let’s take a look.

The story in Valkryia Chronicles 4 is that the continent of Europa is split between two groups which happen to be at war with each other. The Atlantic Federation vs the Autocratic Eastern Imperial Alliance. The empire (the Autocratic Eastern Imperial Alliance) have the upper hand and currently dominating the Federation. The Federation are not giving up but realising that they will eventually will be destroyed they launch a last resort operation to help tilt things in their favour. This is were the players come in.

Valkryia Chronicles 4

The players take control of the leader commander Claude Wallace and his team squad E which is made up of his loyal childhood friends. It’s them who will be carrying out operation Northern cross which basically is to capture the imperial capital. This off course won’t be easy as numerous imperial soldiers, brutal elements and even a Valkyria! Last of all players and squad E will discover and face the grave truth that we mentioned earlier. Not an easy operation it seems.

Now Valkryia Chronicles 4 is single player and the game does feature permanent death so players can end up losing their characters for good. So think, get tactical and be careful with your decisions. Valkryia Chronicles 4 has gotten deeper though in game mechanics and as characters have personality traits, with likes and dislikes which can effect how they perform on the battle field. For example a sniper who hates being alone could have their accuracy and defense reduced because they are alone on the field. We know… it sounds petty.

Valkryia Chronicles 4

But wait… there’s more! In between missions players have the opportunity to head back to camp and can choose specifically which soldiers they want for the mission ahead, like XCOM 2: War of the Chosen. Off course all gamers by now would know that it’s important to have a balance concerning the character classes. You will always have commander Claude who comes with his tank (called Hafen). The classes are: Lancers, Engineers, Scouts, Snipers and Shocktroopers. There is a new class called Grenadier who can even bring the artillery. Pretty cool and very much needed.

Now how does combat work in Valkyria Chronicles 4? Well it’s actually unique. Like a turn based strategy game, you have a limited amount of moves each turn. When you use an action point, you get all third person and take control of that unit… in real time. Now enemies can fire at you but when you stand still and aim at them, or stop controlling the character, the enemy stops firing. So basically the enemy takes action when you take action.

Valkryia Chronicles 4

Lastly even the weather is a factor in Valkyria Chronicles 4. So when selecting sliders for your mission you have to not only take the shape and obstacles of the battle into mind but also the weather. For example if it’s all snowy then line of sight get impacted heavily, which means that snipers aren’t that useful at all because they can’t see anything. Weather doesn’t just effect line of sight but other elements as well like possibly the terrain. This sounds like a strategy game for sure.

We checked out some gameplay and Valkyria Chronicles 4 looks very good. It has the same art style and it looks great. They use the Canvas engine for this. The watercolour style is hand drawn. The environments look nice. It doesn’t look complicated at all.

Overall Valkyria Chronicles 4 seems like it’s going to be a very good game indeed. Others had good things to say about it and so do we. The developers ‘Sega’ did a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to seeing what Valkyria Chronicles 4 has to offer gamers. Now the war fought between the Atlantic Federation and the Autocratic Eastern Imperial Alliance is serious but no where near as serious as… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Immortal: Unchained

Immortal: Unchained is a new action RPG third person shooter game developed by ‘Toadman Interactive‘. It will be ‘unchained’ and released the 7th of September on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. Apparently the world is running out of time. Let’s take a look.

The story in Immortal: Unchained is quite weird but basically players control a character who was unwillingly unchained and released by a being called the Warden. All you are told is that the world is running out of time and that your skills are needed. Wonder what those skills are… So the player must set off on their mission but with no memory of who you are or what you do. So the other task is that players must find information regarding who you etc through stuff in the game and other characters.

Immortal: Unchained

Immortal: Unchained is developed to be a serious, hardcore game, so expect lots and lots of action. Expect bullets to fly and enemies to resist with all their might. What we do know is that the character we control is a living weapon. You have be locked away for a millennia. Apparently by those who thought we were too much of a threat. This mission or should we say journey is filled with dangerous and murderous foes. There are some who aren’t trying to kill you but they will use you to fulfil their own goals. So keep that in mind. 

It’s all about guns and melee combat in Immortal: Unchained. Get up close and smash some foes in or stay back and take them out with accurate shots. There is lots of options regarding weapon builds and choices. So having creativity helps out. Create your own play style and roll with it. There are different armours to acquire and choose from to use in your battles. If you are a fan of the story and style of The Witcher, Killzone:Shadow Fall and Battlefield 1 then you might like the story of Immortal: Unchained because the story has been written by a team that includes both Anne Toole and Adrian Vershinin.  

Immortal: Unchained

We checked out some gameplay and this does seems cool but currently too slow paced. We know it’s also an RPG but it comes off as too slow. Especially if enemies come at you one at a time. There are loads of weapons, over 100 we were told, there are 6 different disciplines to pick from also. As we say, gamers like options. The undead who have been freed from the underworld seem annoying but not a major threat. We do know that there are legendary bosses that are suppose to bring epic massive clashes. we wonder how those are done though. 

Overall Immortal: Unchained looks like a cool good game but definitely cones off as too slow. We hope there are difficulty settings too because we saw a developer playing it and he had some high-is difficulty as in he died quite a few times. At least we know the game isn’t easy. The graphics are very good indeed. Excellent we do say. We do hope they make the right adjustments to the gameplay. the developers ‘Toadman Interactive’ did a great job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will need toes more action though. Now Immortal Unchained may have a living weapon but it’s lame compared to the weapons of… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Shadows: Awakening

Shadows: Awakening is a new RPG adventure game developed by ‘Games Farm‘. It is coming out the 31st of August on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. Shadows: Awakening requires that decisions be made. Who is actually in charge though? let’s take a look.

Shadows: Awakening is part of the heretics kingdom saga. The Penta Nera are secret council members. So big league dudes basically. They were assassinated. It gets worse. Devourers are demons that have the ability to consume souls. The Penta Nera’s souls were consumed by Devourers. Devourers also absorb the personalities and memories of the souls they snack on. Those consumed ones became the devourers puppets. Pretty interesting but absorbing their personalities is clearly a down side.

Shadows: Awakening

The devourers that well… devoured the Penta Nera’s souls are back in the mortal realm once again. The drive and goals of the Penta Nera are still there and strong. Continuing their quest for power and off course immortality. We wouldn’t want to be immortal as a demon though. This then begs the question. Who is really in control? The demon or the souls that it devoured?

Shadows: Awakening is isometric. Players must expect real-time tactical combat. Build and gather your party and then expect lots of challenges. From what it sounds like, players can expect nothing handed to them. It all comes down to the final decision though. Will players save the world or go for a complete messed up situation?

Shadows: Awakening

This game is single player and there isn’t that much information given on this game. We know that players can control different shaped heroes and beings. Switch between them to the one who is best for the situation to keep the advantage at all times. The combat is quite simple to understand. As in, if you get swarmed back off and use a being that has projectile attacks. When melee is needed get a bigger stronger form etc. Just adjustments.

We checked out some gameplay and it does look how we expected. The graphics are very good definitely and the sounds are nice too. The visuals and level designs are very good too. We enjoyed looking at the background and what’s happening. The different forms are very distinct and their advantages are very clear. 

Overall Shadows: Awakening looks like a very good game for what it is. The story is suppose to be deep but we don’t have that much information on that. The developers ‘Games Farm’ did a great job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker need to see more of this game before we can be looking forward to it. So far it isn’t enough to convince us. Now the devourer may be a major threat but it would easily be crushed by… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Hero Defense

Hero Defense is a new action RPG strategy game developed by ‘Happy Tuesday‘. It is coming out the 15th of August on the Xbox One and the 16th of August for the PS4 but already out on PC. This game is meant to be quite the blender of genres. Let’s take a look.

In Hero Defense the story is quite traditional in a way. Basically a team of slayers have one mission and that’s to stop the most powerful vampire in the world, Count Necrosis. Count Necrosis has quite the army with him, a whole legion of undead. and their mission is world domination. Off course it is, what else would it be.

Players have 5 characters to choose from: Jack, Barrows, Sam, Jane and Wylde. Each are clearly different, even from how they look. Literally from how they look, you can pretty much figure out what their play style is. Each character also has their own skill tree and upgradable weapons. So there’s a strong present of RPG elements and layers here.

Hero Defense

You can further modify your weapons by equipping runes that you can find and collect. Your rune builds can be customised to emphasise what you want to focus on concerning your characters and play style. If that’s not enough and you need more of a boost then players have the opportunity to build hero shrines which empowers your characters further. Lots of boosting in Hero Defense.

Like an RPG players will gain experience points to level up their character and level up skills in their skill tree. According to the story, your island also has been messed up because of this undead army. You must save your island and rebuild your town. New buildings can be unlocked. What kind of an action strategic RPG game does’t have loot that you can equip? Not Hero Defense as there are some spells that you can equip to do some serious damage like poisoning and burning.

Hero Defense

We checked out some gameplay and it’s not impressive but simple enough for everyone to understand. You can see the attack range of your characters, see what effects they have, how Barrow can buff other hero characters. It’s quite clear. Plays like a tower defense, except the tower is your character. Sort of like World of Van Helsing Deathtrap. The interaction between these characters is very well done. The graphics are good but during combat it’s not that great. There are boost areas for certain characters to stand in to get a huge boost to power and ability. Lots to take into consideration for a simple presentation.

Overall Hero defense looks like a cool game. It’s fun, simple and funny at times. It’s quite deep but not complicated. The sounds are good and the level designs are good too. The developers ‘Happy tuesday’ did a good job with this game. Now Count Necrosis may be a big problem but he’s only small fry when compared too… The ‘Earth Walk!’

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Divinity original sin 2 definitive edition

Divinity: Original sin 2 definitive edition is a strategy RPG developed by ‘Larian Studios‘ and now published by ‘Bandai Namco‘. It’s coming out the 31st of August on the Xbox One and PS4. Many highly rate this series. Let’s take a look.

The events in Divinity: Original sin 2 definitive edition is basically the improved version of of Divinity: Original sin 2 with feedback from 2017. It takes place generations after Divinity: Original Sin. Sourcerers are now criminals. Also those who have source powers are being captured, hunted and then forcibly have their powers removed but leaving behind only an empty body which can’t make decisions for it’s self and has no emotions. How horrible. 

Divinity original sin 2 definitive edition

Gamers can choose to play from six origin characters. each has their own interesting story and motives. Beast, is having his second attempt at defeating and stopping the tyrannical dwarf queen. Ifan Ben-Mezd has turned against the divine order and sees to kill Lucian’s son. Sebille was a slave that broke free from a villainous master who used her to hunt her own kind, now she seeks revenge. The Red prince was exiled and started getting hunted by assassins but stays determined to reclaim his rightful throne. Lohse is battling against a darker unknown voice that’s trying to take over body and soul… she must find a way to control this entity in time.

Divinity original sin 2 definitive edition

Divinity: Original sin 2 definitive edition is definitely multiplayer allowing 4 player co-op. Split screen as well. You can either work with your friends to try and accomplish your own goals or fight against each other. There is even PvP match making too, arena mode where up to four players can battle it out in intricately built stages. It’s all turn based action so think carefully about each move you want to take.

The definitive edition is said have thousands of changes. So expect things like the fact that the elves can eat the flesh of the fallen to remember distant memories. Quest lines that push the boundaries between peace and problems. character disagreements and romances. Tutorials, map markers, group inventory management, tool tips and a new journal.

We checked out some gameplay and it looks excellent. The graphics are very excellent indeed. Even the environment and stuff in the background look so good. The sounds are very good too. We like the wide range of abilities and the different strategies you can create from them all, like swapping the positions of allies and enemies, going invisible, moving explosive barrels etc. Lots of options indeed. Elevation grant advantages to units too which is always a wise idea.

Overall we can see that Divinity: Original sin 2 definitive edition is a very good game and has a lot to offer, especially with the definitive edition which is clearly superior to the first. Although we wouldn’t say it’s the best role playing strategy game like others say. We still think XCOM 2: War of the Chosen is better. The developers ‘Larian Studios’ did an excellent job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker aren’t looking forward to this game but know it will have a big impact. Now Divinity: Original sin 2 definitive edition may be liked by many but one thing that has way more likes is… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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NeiR: Automata is an action RPG developed by ‘Square Enix‘. It is coming out on the Xbox One the 26th of June but already out on PC and PS4. NeiR: Automata has already gotten loads of positive feedback and reviews. Let’s take a look.

NeiR: Automata is very futuristic. Basically humanity has been forced from earth by robots, from another planet, who have invaded. These mechanical beings struck without warning. So the humans fell back to the moon for refuge. Humanities response is to send android soldiers to fight and destroy these invaders and get earth back. These android soldiers are: android 2B. 9S and A2.


NeiR: Automata boasts of having no are loading. So players can just go from area to area with no delay which is really cool. All the environments have sub-events giving players more to do and it’s all in 60frames per second. once again NeiR: Automata reminds us of a Final Fantasy XV which is another excellent game.

As NeiR: Automata is an RPG expect those players can customise a loadout for different play styles, level up in combat, collect and use a variety of weapon types and off course learn new combat abilities. So players should be aware of what to expect on their play through.


We can confirm that the combat is really where this game shines as it’s deep but not too complex. You can execute high-speed battle actions by combining light and heavy attacks, plus swapping through your increasing arsenal of weaponry all while evading enemy attacks. Players will face bosses and hordes of enemies so style has to change from time time, like switching between melee and ranged attacks. Expect fluid action combat.

When it comes on the Xbox One, players can get the ‘Become as gods edition’ which supports 4K resolution (2160P) and HDR on Xbox One X. It also includes the 3C3C1D119440927 DLC which contains the Young man’s outfit for 9S, Destroyer outfit for A2 and the Revealing outfit for 2B. Special music video “Deserving of life”. Sub quests which are three different battle challenges at three different colosseums.

We checked out some gameplay and we can confirm that it looks awesome. The mechanical beings that invaded earth have a good variety of designs. The combat is fast and fluid indeed. Loads of abilities, ranged attacks and moves to extend combos like sliding into enemies to send them into the air. Massive and powerful bosses. The environments are designed very well and look excellent. Strange and questionable in-game philosophy though. The android soldiers do not look all that interesting but they are powerful.

Overall NeiR: Automata looks very good indeed and it’s a start for us to see why it got such high praises and reviews from many. When it does come to the Xbox, we at X35 Earthwalker will see what it truly has to offer. The developers ‘Square Enix’ did a fantastic job with this game. Now Earth is off course in trouble but one thing that’s never in trouble is… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Edge of eternity

Edge of Eternity is a new action J-RPG developed by ‘Midgar Studio‘. It’s coming out later this year (2018) on the Xbox One, PS4, PC, Mac and Linux. Edge of eternity was funded through Kickstarter by many supporters. Let’s take a look.

Edge of Eternity takes place in Heryon. Heryon was, as with every other place in video games and anime, a peaceful world. There are also three realms: Dehostra, Astrya and Junor. Each of these realms have the same access to magic powers through crystals. So it’s clear that this world is about balance. Then off course trouble comes along. Invaders in a massive spaceship appeared above Junor and destroyed everything and took possession of the realm.

edge of eternity

Reynan who is the grand General of Dehostra’s armies was in command of the defence of Heryon. He formed the consortium and led the counter attack. The consortium got the upper hand and was pushing the invaders back. All the way to their spaceship. Their ship transformed into an invincible fortress. The general and his forces couldn’t break through. The invaders then cheated by releasing a deadly biological weapon, called the metal disease. The war continues still. Players control Daryon who is wanted and hunted by the consortium. 

Edge of Eternity has character progression and is all about exploration. There are a lot of large open areas and many locations on the world map for players to dive into. Edge of Eternity gives players two choices concerning the combat system. You can either have active time battle or turn base. The fact that Edge of Eternity is giving players a choice is awesome. We at X35 Earthwalker already node in agreement of this decision. Nice one! The combat in this game has an event system which even takes into account factors like the time of day and the weather. Depending on the time and weather, either your team or enemies will gain advantages or suffer from it. Your team can have up to four characters allowing room for experimenting with combinations and strategies.

Edge of Eternity

So as a J-RPG, best there is character progression with experience points and increasing sats but Edge of Eternity takes it further by adding another layer. There  is a weapon customisation system too. It’s based on two things: crystals and levelling up. As you fight with your weapon, you it will eventually level up thus getting more powerful and even evolving. The crystal side of things is different as it’s here where players can choose which branch to go along and the different crystals grant different effects like stats, skills and powers. When you take a look at the crystal system, the first thing that may come to your mind is the levelling up system from final fantasy XIII and XIII-2. It’s practically identical.

Edge of Eternity is said to have an adventure that responds to your choices. Your characters effect have a direct impact on each area they visit so keep that in mind. The story is said to be non-linear and that players and choose and their own paths. There are many quests, people to talk, different options and even random events that will take place.   

Edge of Eternity

We checked out some gameplay and Edge of Eternity looks amazing. The graphics, size of the whole and environments remind us heavily of Final Fantasy, which is a good thing as those are great games. Lots of work clearly went into this and their is potential for more too. Some of the enemies look too large and powerful while others are clearly fodder. The running animation for the characters does look silly though. The lighting and different spells and abilities look very cool. The music is very well done and at times epic. This team has been putting in work.

Overall, Edge of Eternity looks like an awesome game. They have so much going for it right and there is a good amount of well deserved hype. We hope this game takes a different direction in terms of story from other games concerning certain characters and enemies. The developers ‘Midgar Studio’ did a fantastic job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker are looking forward to seeing what Edge of Eternity has to fully offer. Now Heryon is in trouble but the perfect solution would be… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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