Shadow Warrior 2 is a first person shooter game developed by ‘Flying Wild Hog’. It is the sequel to Shadow warrior 1 (We are sure you guessed that). It’s coming out May 19th for Xbox One and PS4 but already out on PC. Now this looks like a game that we want to play and try for ourselves.
Shadow Warrior 2 takes place 5 years after the prequel. Lo Wang’s actions has stopped one problem but created another. There is now a new order where demons and humans live side by side. Lo Wang is currently a hired sword, like an assassin. There is this one mission that goes wrong and now he has new enemies: A cult leader, a new drug called ‘Shade’ and a brilliant scientist. This forces him to do what he does best. Grab some powerful guns, wield some magic and use some swords. The battles have gotten crazier.
X35 Earthwalker instantly liked this game simply because it was action packed, fighting demons, and fast flowing. It’s brutal. For some games this works very well. There are over 70 firearms and blades for you to wield and use against the enemies. There are hand claws, katanas, crescent blades and short swords. Find your favourite and put it to work. We have seen firearms that function like rifles, shotguns and even dual wield smgs. This game so far does not lack variety. Also if you pre-order the Shadow Warrior 2 you get the ‘Razor back katana’. Basically a katana but lined with chainsaws around the edge.
Shadow warriors have a lot of features and details for gamers to use. First of all, the environments are procedural generated. Meaning that missions will always have different action and looks keeping everything fresh and new to some extent. When in combat there is a system which allows you to use blades to cut of the enemies heads, or limbs. This allows you to fight strategically and have more control over your actions. There is a upgrade system as well. You can do this by equipping them with stones which can grant your weapons elemental effects and improve their performance. So things like damage and having fire damage on blades and guns we believe. Find and equip armour and karma amulets to boost Lo Wang even more. Things are getting crazier and crazier.
The enemies aren’t short on variety either. There are advanced human enemies, humanoid demon and straight up demons all waiting for the chance to destroy you. So you must pick the right weapons to deal with the enemies that you face. Some demons are large, while some carry weapons. Some strike you with magic and power while others prefer to claw, slam and smash you to bits. Don’t let that happen.
Best of all Shadow warriors has four player co-op. All this mad action and you can share it all with your friends, family etc. Imagine four gamers just rushing around, blasting holes through demons, slicing of enemy limbs and heads while blowing everything up together.
We have checked out some gameplay and we can confirm that it is excellent. The fights are fast pace and required the gamer to think fast and keep dishing out the pain to the enemies. Switching at anytime between swords for melee slicing action, to demon shredding guns is quick and painless (for you anyway). The enemies don’t wait for their turn in Shadow warriors 2. The little ones rush to attack you. The big ones with weapons will keep up their assault while blades are coming your way. Use magic to impale, immobilise enemies or straight up harm them. Use more powers like zooming across certain distances giving you the mobility you need against your foes. The graphics are excellent, the sounds are great and the main character comes out with smart answers, cheeky comments and more. A lot of work went into this game.
Overall we at X35 Earthwalker are happy with what we have seed of Shadow Warriors 2. The developers ‘Flying Wild Hog’ did a fantastic job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker are definitely looking forward to seeing what more gamers have to say about this game. This is worth checking out. Do you like killing demons? Whether you do or not make sure… to like the ‘Earth Walk!’
For more information check out the link below: