X35 Earthwalker Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition

Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition is an open world simulation game developed by ‘Aesir Interactive‘ and published by ‘Astragon‘. Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition is said to be coming out the 18th of June 2024 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PC, PS4 and PS5. X35 Earthwalker is the only one who can make the best police force and system. Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition is bringing more. Let’s take a look.

X35 Earthwalker Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition

Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition is exactly what you think it is. Be a police officer and go about your daily duties. You are a police officer in the Brighton Police Department. If you’ve played Police Simulator: Patrol Officers before then you know the deal but to make it clear and simple. Gold edition basically adds “the brand-new Highway Patrol Expansion, and the Garage Bundle containing all previously published car DLCs”. So you get the main game plus everything else previously plus now more. Here’s a list below:

  • Police Simulator: Patrol Officers: Urban Terrain Vehicle DLC
  • Police Simulator: Patrol Officers: Interstate Police Vehicle – Pre-Order Bonus
  • Police Simulator: Patrol Officers – Guardian Police Vehicle DLC
  • Police Simulator: Patrol Officers: Highway Patrol Expansion
  • Police Simulator: Patrol Officers: Warden Police Vehicle DLC
  • Police Simulator: Patrol Officers: Multipurpose Police Vehicle DLC
  • Police Simulator: Patrol Officers: Surveillance Police Vehicle DLC
  • Police Simulator: Patrol Officers: Compact Police Vehicle DLC

X35 Earthwalker Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition

Now off course Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition has you in a fictitious city. An American one. Humble beginnings is a thing here. You will start out doing the smaller tasks like citing violations and of course giving parking tickets. As you prove yourself, you can get access to even more responsibilities. Unlike so many real life police officers who don’t do this, you can get to know your neighbourhoods and be a part of the community. Obviously there is crime to fight so be careful out there. Don’t want to get shanked on your first day.

Now do what some real life police officers don’t do and actually know the law. Too many videos of that. Do things by the law and you’ll be recognised. Eventually unlocking new districts and neighbourhoods. You get to pick the neighbourhoods you want to patrol. Word on the streets is that there are 3 districts. Each district has multiple neighbourhoods. They each have their own stand out factor and style. Brickston has those historical buildings while downtown got the real tall ones. High rise style.

X35 Earthwalker Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition

Now Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition has an active world. Things will be going on whether you are moving or not. There’s even a whole traffic system in place concerning the vehicles on the road. Heck, even car accidents can happen in this place. There will be other emergency situations too. A fight might break out and it’s up to you to deal with the matter. Who knows, you might get shot while handing out a ticket. Isn’t that fun?!

We checked out some Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition gameplay and it’s what we expected. Reminds us of games like Saints Row and Gran Theft Auto but except more calm, and you are actually the police. Events and things can be happening around you. You can chase down those pesky graffiti sprayers and teach them a lesson. Some one might be selling drugs on your streets or the local park. Go bust them. Maybe a fight breaks out or someone rams a barricade. Better hop in your car quick to drive them down.

Overall Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition looks like a great game. If things are done well enough it can even be excellent. Our concern is the level of the action and the frequency of things happening. Maybe there are settings to effect and change that. What measurements are in place to help keep the player in line for let’s say breaking the law themselves? Graphics are good and the animations are good too. The developers ‘Aesir Interactive have done a great job here so far. The gold edition updates just improve and adds more to his game, which fans will love to see. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to hear how real the action is in this game. Now Police Simulator: Patrol Officers Gold Edition easy be a police simulation but it’s not real enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Stranded: Alien Dawn

Stranded: Alien Dawn is a planet survival simulation game developed by ‘Haemimont games‘ and published ‘Frontier Foundry‘. Stranded: Alien Dawn is said to be coming out the 25th of April 2023 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PS5, PS4 and pc. An early access for pc was already out. The title does a great job of describing the game. X35 Earthwalker is the best at strategy and survival. Let’s take a look. 

Stranded: Alien Dawn is all about survival and thriving. Here’s what happened. It’s seems a group of survivors crashed on to a planet. Your goal is to learn about your new environment and adapt to what’s going on. The players are in control of this group of survivors. Stranded: Alien Dawn is a strategy game at its core. Events and clear setbacks will come your way and how you respond will decide your survival chances. So far Stranded: Alien Dawn doesn’t seem that hard or crazy.

X35 Earthwalker Stranded: Alien Dawn

Now Stranded: Alien Dawn declares each player will have a unique play through. There’s “random story events”  which is one factor to the game. There’s also going to be unpredictable and even dangerous weather blowing your way. Not just the weather and the managing. There’s also the alien wildlife. Are they really the aliens here? After all this is their planet. They are native. No one cares though. The alien wildlife just might be a problem.

X35 Earthwalker Stranded: Alien Dawn

Now survival games like this off course means resource management is required. You need to manage this small group of survivors and obviously keep them alive. Prevent or deal with disease and starvation. Get them a sandwich or something. Develop medicine, weapons and maybe some entertainment to keep spirits up. Stranded: Alien Dawn understands that people have needs. So how about a music sound system.

Now off course your bummy shelter is trash and not good protection or cover. In Stranded: Alien Dawn players can design and build their bases. Eventually becoming a fortified base with some high tech aspects. Hight tech as in maybe build your own space pad. Yeah, these games are realistic. Also available are defences for the perimeter like turrets and automated ones too. 

X35 Earthwalker Stranded: Alien Dawn

We checked out some Stranded: Alien Dawn gameplay and it’s what we expected. It’s looking kind of clean though. Each survivor is said to have their own backstory and “levels of ability in key skills”. Positive and negative traits too. Quite deep. Their skills can be improved. Stranded: Alien Dawn also have the whole your choices matter mechanic. It’s easier to implement in games like this… so no excuses. This game has to be done well.

Overall Stranded: Alien Dawn does look like a good game and that it has some depth to it. For example you can furnish your base as well. So it’s not just about being practical but also cosmetic. We hope there’s lots to this game, that it’s actually difficult, many options and makes sense from a players perspective. The developers ‘Haemimont games’ have done a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker might keep an ear open for this game. Stranded: Alien Dawn may have alien planets and survival but it’s all to easy for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker. Not for Broadcast

Not for Broadcast is a simulation game developed by ‘NotGames‘ and published by ‘tinyBuild‘. Not for Broadcast is said to be coming out the 23rd of March 2023 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, PS5 and PS4. It’s already out on pc though but the typical case applies here. X35 Earthwalker can see through the lies on the news. This game wants to control the narrative. Let’s take a look.

Not for Broadcast is all about controlling the news. Showing what you want on TV. It;’s about what you want them to see. That’s the simulation of Not for Broadcast. So there isn’t that much to say about this game as it’s cut and clear.

X35 Earthwalker. Not for Broadcast

Speaking of cut, you can cut the feed when you want. Switch to different video footage. Display a different video and even change the angle of the video to maybe make certain people look bad. That’s right, you can totally screw over certain celebrities or mess things up. Or be honest.

You get to choose which sponsors you want and what ads to throw out to the viewers. Now some of these ads can be real sus. We mean dodgy. As in hold up, wait a minute, this ain’t right type of ads but the choice is yours and there’s no refunds.  

X35 Earthwalker. Not for Broadcast

Also don’t forget that this is a business… sort of. You got to make money. So be corrupt like the actual news and paint narrative. Make some people look bad and do what it takes to keep things entertaining. You got to get those sponsors and put some ads in to make that extra money. So do what you got to do. We won’t as we have morales… unlike you. 

We checked out some Not for Broadcast gameplay and it’s what we expected. You literally are messing with the news. Controlling what the viewers see. You switch between videos, but things off and even censor. That’s right. You can bleep out certain words, censor what’s being said. IUrt can be quite funny at the time. 

Overall Not for Broadcast looks like an alright game. For a news controlling and manipulating world, they do offer you a number of tools and ways to mess with the viewers. There’s multiple ways to go about all this too. It’s standard and you get what you ask for from what it seems. The develops ‘NotGames’ have done an alright job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker wished this game came at a different angle itself. Now Not for Broadcast may have options concerning the news but those are too limited for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Hardspace: Shipbreaker


Hardspace: Shipbreaker is a space simulation game developed by ‘Blackbird Interactive‘ and published by ‘Focus Entertainment‘. Hardspace: Shipbreaker is said to be coming out the 20th of September 2022 on the Xbox Series X and PS5. It came out on pc in May 2022. Hardspace: Shipbreaker is right now looking like a serious deep space game. X35 Earthwalker knows the best at how to make good space games. Let’s take a look.

Hardspace: Shipbreaker is definitely a simulation space game. You basically live the life of a spaceship salvager… in space. So you will be moving around in space, cutting and slicing spaceships to get salvage and anything precious or of value. Why? Well for some reason you are in a huge debt to the Lynx corporation. You owe 1,252,594,441.92 Credits! Yep. So yeah. This is your new daily life. 

X35 Earthwalker Hardspace: Shipbreaker

Hardspace: Shipbreaker did a good job concerning Lynx Corporation. Already we don’t trust Lynx Corporation. Listen to what they say quite clearly. First quote: “We offer you the privilege of helping turn humanity’s past into its future by salvaging ships in zero-g.” This sentence is stupid and sounds like propaganda. Never trust corporations that say dumb stuff like this. Second quote: “Across your career, you’ll have the privilege of paying your debt to us by purchasing salvaging rights to increasingly large and valuable ships.” Paying debt isn’t a privilege. We don’t trust these Lynx guys. 

X35 Earthwalker Hardspace: Shipbreaker

This isn’t a simple happy go lucky space gig. Hardspace: Shipbreaker can actually be deadly. Players need to be cautious and have precision. This is because thanks to the next generation consoles, like Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S, there’s room for “unlimited cuts through materials at any angle”. There’s also “simulated electrical systems, atmospheric pressure, fire, fuel and coolant lines”, which makes every ship a “deadly minefield”. So study the spaceship and be careful. Decide what order you want to do things and what materials you are about to cut through.

We checked out some Hardspace: Shipbreaker gameplay and it’s what we expected. It’s deep. Requires some thinking for sure. We like cutting the wrong thing or causing a problem on this part of the ship can cause chain reactions… which could mean you die. Watch out for heat, cold, electricity, explosives and more. We aren’t impressed visually but it does look good for sure. We like that Hardspace: Shipbreaker is a realistic, precise space game. We do wonder about the difficulty though.

Overall Hardspace: Shipbreaker looks like a very good game. Many have had good things to say about it. It’s an experience for sure as not many games are like this. We definitely liking the view of earth. Oh and we need to get rid of Lynx corporation. The developers ‘Blackbird Interactive’ have done a very good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see how hard this game is. Now Hardspace: Shipbreaker may have precise and dangerous space ships but the levels of them are too low for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker The Wandering Village

The Wandering Village is a simulation strategy game developed by ‘Stray Fawn Studio‘ and published by ‘Whisper Games‘. The Wandering Village is said to be coming out in September 2022 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One and pc. Another Xbox exclusive. The Wandering Village is sounding like another chill game. X35 Earthwalker sees the games others don’t. Let’s take a look.

The Wandering Village has a simple story. Basically you and your village is living on top of a massive creature. Looking like a dinosaur but kind of friendly. It’s called Onbu by the way. This is all happening because the world is being ruined by some dangerous spores spreading all over the place. Now you must build your settlement and survive on top of this creature.

X35 Earthwalker The Wandering Village

Since you are the leader, you make all the decisions. Find and then research new technologies but know they can come with a risk. There’s hazards off course. Things can get set on fire and your villagers need to out those flames. There’s different biomes so you must adjust and be prepared for each one. You have limited space in The Wandering Village as you are on a creatures back. So plan your production chains wisely.

X35 Earthwalker The Wandering Village

We checked out some The Wandering Village gameplay and it’s what we expected, except for the graphic style. We like that you have to decide if you want to just use the massive creature, Onbu, for your villages needs or to have a metal relationship with it. You scratch it’s back, it scratches yours. Build a symbiotic relation with it. Interesting.

Overall The Wandering Village seems like another more casual chill game for players. It’s nice to see an Xbox exclusive like this. There’s many dangers but we hope it actually makes the game difficult. There’s mean weather, poisonous spores and parasites that love blood and more in The Wandering Village. These survival games need to be hard for it to be effective and impactful. The developers ‘Stray Fawn studio’ have done an alright job so far with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker hope this game does its thing. Now the Wandering Village may have a massive creature but it’s not big enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker The Bonfire: Forsaken Lands

The Bonfire: Forsaken Lands is a strategy survival game developed and published by ‘Xigma‘. The Bonfire: Forsaken Lands is said to be coming out the 19th of august on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S and Xbox One. It’s already out on pc and mac but off course never heard of it on those platforms. X35 Earthwalker will  do a quick examination. Let’s take a look.

The Bonfire: Forsaken Lands drops players in a scenario where you have a small settlement. You obviously need to build and expand. This   won’t be easy as there are dangers for sure. Things that can straight up kill you like raids from monsters. It’s about survival. Build, get resources, manage them well, make decisions or not. It’s up to you.

X35 Earthwalker The Bonfire: Forsaken Lands

Decisions off course need to be made in The Bonfire: Forsaken Lands. Each decision is said to impact the survival of your people. For example money, would you rather get more farmers or more guards? If you have more farmers then that means more food for the people but if you have more guards then there’s better security and more safety for your people. So yeah, decide.

We checked out some The Bonfire: Forsaken Lands gameplay and it’s sort of what we expected. Reminds us of another game with a somewhat similar style. Over time you can tech up as in upgrade what you have. Eventually you can get your hands on more advanced crafting options, get more advance buildings and even trade with others. It’s a simple game, with somewhat simple style.

Overall The Bonfire: Forsaken Lands just seems like a casual game where you can chill and see clear progression. We see the strengths of The Bonfire: Forsaken Lands but also its weaknesses. This game needs to be deeper and have more going on to get our attention. We hear that there’s secrets of the ancients but still… not for us. The developers ‘Sigma games’ have done an alright job. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to hear what players concerning this game. Now The Bonfire: Forsaken Lands may have a bonfire but it’s too small for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker The Sims 4: High School Years

The Sims 4: High School Years is a new expansion pack for the Sims 4 universe developed by ‘Maxis Studios‘ and published by ‘Electronic Arts‘. The Sims 4: High School Years is said to be coming out the 28th of July 2022 on Xbox Series X, PS4 and PC. Sims is a big, big game. It’s getting bigger. X35 Earthwalker knows the Sims very well. Let’s take a look.

If you don’t know what the sims are by now then you aren’t a gamer. You are an 11 year old raging while playing Fortnite. Fortnite is a great game by the way. X35 Earthwalker plays Fortnite Zero build. The Sims is one of the biggest games in terms of its content. The Sims 4 just keeps getting bigger and bigger and there’s no stopping it. There’s already a horror expansion where you can be a vampire or something. Now we are going back to prom days.

X35 Earthwalker The Sims 4: High School Years

Its high school years so you know what that means. Time for all the wild times, fights, dumb stunts, bullies, hot girls, jocks, homework and more. No musical and spontaneously bursting out in synchronised song and dance. Not sorry. So we do know that in The Sims 4: High School years you can attend classes, build sociable relationships with your teachers, chill in the cafeteria and even hang out/loitering after school. Even specific things like your locker can be decorated. 

X35 Earthwalker The Sims 4: High School Years

There’s more. The Sims 4: High School Years has prom off course. Dance all night really. You can have a crush and attempt to ask them out.  Make friends for a lifetime… maybe. After school activities are a thing. Read this whole description, “Make your bedroom your own, plan outfits with clothes designed by Depop sellers, and become a Simfluencer. Teen Sims can earn money by selling outfits and hyping up looks they design on Trendi right from their bedrooms, which are now more interactive than ever. Use a laptop, read a book in bed, or even have a pillow fight!” That’s deep for The Sims. A lot of stuff is happening here.

We checked out some The Sims 4: High School Years gameplay and it’s more than we expected. It’s deeper and more complex. There is the impression that there’s more mechanics than just click to go here and select an option. It’s like your sims will develop their own likes and dislikes as they go. Sort of like being a teen again and learning more things concerning yourself. You can even sneak out of home when it’s night time but there’s risks like how bad things can happen at night. Maybe your parents will get mad at you if caught. You can skip class too and risk being caught by the principle. 

Overall The Sims 4: High School Years is not what we expected. You can even make your Sim become a streamer. You can turn your bedroom into a streaming studio. Get a gamer chair, wireless speakers and even acquire LED panels. so yeah, there’s a lot going on for sure. The developers ‘Maxis studios’ have done a fantastic job with this expansion. X35 Earthwalker will have to see if it’s as deep as they are portraying into be. Now The Sims 4: High School Years may have wild days in store but they are too calm for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Ravenous Devils

Ravenous Devils is a horror simulation game developed and published by ‘Bad Vices Games‘. Ravenous Devils is said to be coming out April 29th 2022 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. Ravenous Devils is definitely getting real raw with the concept. This game isn’t for squeamish people. X35 Earthwalker has warned you. Let’s take a look.

Ravenous Devils is unique right of the goat. Here’s the story basically. Players control two characters: Percival and Hildred. They are business partners who set up a tailor shop and restaurant like joint. It’s in a horrible city. It’s described as “city where crime, corruption and poverty are commonplace”. So many here are scum… just like Percival and Hildred. You see this business isn’t normal.

X35 Earthwalker Ravenous Devils

The tailor shop is a front. You don’t care about the customers. They come, you get them clothes but then kill them. Then take their clothes, then dump their bodies in the shoot leading to the kitchen. From there, you use the bodies as ingredients make meals for hungry customers. Yep. That’s the business. You are killing customers to make food to feed other customers. It’s all about money. What a messed up world this game has created. Ravenous Devils is doing something different here. They are trying to stand out completely. The ones we know who surpass these evil lot are the companies and businessmen and women in Oddworld. Abe’s oddysee. Look at Rupture farms. The soul storm brewery, the bonewerks etc etc. This tailor/kitchen/restaurant business in Ravenous Devils is close. 

X35 Earthwalker Ravenous Devils

We checked out some Ravenous Devils gameplay and it’s sort of what we expected. You switch control between the two characters: Percival and Hildred. There is some tactics to this game off course. You can run out of ingredients for your meals, so players need to manage their resources. Also murdering your customers isn’t as easy as it seems. We might be wrong here but players will need to actually be strategic about it. You must choose when to kill them. Can you fail and get harmed yourself. This game isn’t trying to be family friendly. You literally throw a body into a grinder and start turning the handle to make some prepared meat. So yeah, if you are squirmish, then prepare yourself. 

Overall Ravenous Devils seems like an alright game. It’s like it’s set in The Sims universe but a bad part of the world where it’s basically lawless and crime is the hobby. Ravenous Devils has a nice, but evil, atmosphere and you don’t feel too bad as many people in that city is bad anyways. The voice acting is excellent. There is an upgrade system for your shop. There’s quite a mission here. The developers ‘Bad Vices Games’ have done an alright job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to listen out for news concerning this game. If you want to support X35 Earthwalker then just head to our ‘support us‘ page. Now Ravenous Devils may have ruthless evil business but it’s something easily cleansed by… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Endzone: A World Apart Survivor Edition

Endzone: A World Apart Survivor Edition is survival simulation game developed by ‘Gentleman studios‘ and published by ‘Assemble Entertainment‘. Endzone: A World Apart Survivor Edition is said to be coming out the 19th of March 2022 on the Xbox Series X and PS5. X35 Earthwalker gives all types of games a chance. He speaks once more. Let’s take a look.

Endzone: A World Apart Survivor Edition has a simple situation going on in world. Basically some terrorists messed up big time. They blew up nuclear power plants all around the world which as you can imagine ruined the world. Majority of people died and the ones who survived did so thanks to these underground facilities called Endzones. Endzone: A World Apart Survivor Edition is all about survival. This is the manage a whole city or town simulation and keep everyone alive.

X35 Earthwalker Endzone: A World Apart Survivor Edition

So yeah, Endzone: A World Apart Survivor Edition is a survival simulation but what’s the main action here? There’s no mutated monsters our aliens coming to destroy. Your main enemy is… the environment. There are “violent weather events”. Examples would be drought off course and even a sandstorm. The environment is hostile and there’s loads off radioactivity, “extreme climate change” and even the rain has been contaminated. Do not go singing in the rain. Ye have been warned.

X35 Earthwalker Endzone: A World Apart Survivor Edition

We checked out some Endzone: A World Apart Survivor Edition gameplay and it’s what we thought it would be. Use your tools to build structures for housing. Eventually acquire a stable means for handling water and food. and even produce a working electrical system. Now there is another threat besides the weather. There’s raiders. These violent scum are all about the destruction of your settlement. So make sure you have the right structures and forms of defence in place. 

Overall Endzone: A World Apart Survivor Edition seems like Ana right game.We do like the large amount of details in this game. Look at the trees and the designs of the buildings. Situations will pop up concerning the people and as the leader, you choose how to respond and handle it. Equip your people and workers for the job. This game goes deeper but that’s for you to find out and discover. The developers ‘Gentleman studios’ have done a nice job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker hopes this game does well. Now Endzone: A World Apart Survivor Edition may have a ruined radioactive world but it would all be cleansed in an instant with… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Imagine Earth

Imagine Earth is a space simulation strategy game developed and published by ‘serious bros’. Imagine Earth is said to be coming out the 9th of July 2021 on the Xbox Series X and Xbox One. It’s already out on PC. This is managing civilisation on distant planets… in space. What could go wrong? Let’s take a look.

Time for another smaller G-Blog. Imagine Earth is all about building up global civilisations on far away planets. This off course means managing them, handling resources and keeping everyone alive. You should know the routine by now. Strategy simulation. Build, expand and manage… but you’re in space and you’ve got some competition, sort off.

X35 Earthwalker Imagine Earth

In Imagine Earth you can form alliances with competing corporations… or you can go against them. Wage an economic war and see who crushed whom. So make sure to harvest all those goodies to make more goodies. It’s all about the resources. So it’s all about business and good decision making. Something most people lack.

We checked out some Imagine Earth gameplay and it’s what we thought it would be. Scroll around, be observant, set tasks, decide what to do and manage a kingdom basically. We do like the visuals though. We definitely like the visuals and graphics in Imagine Earth. It looks very good. We like the little details on the globes too. We like how you can manipulate the planets and make big changes to it. We like the planets flora and how alien some look. There’s research options too which can shake things up and unlock new options. 

Overall Imagine Earth is another space planet simulation build and conquer game. There’s no combat really. Sure these are disasters to prepare for and defend against and even problems caused by the climate but those threats aren’t interesting at all. Image Earth is good but needs more going on for our taste. The developers ‘Serious Bros’ have done a nice job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will just have to hear if this game make a splash or not. Now Imagine Earth may have space colonisation but even their technology and methods are pathetic when compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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