Sine Mora EX is a new side scrolling shoot em up game, developed by ‘Digital Reality and Grasshopper Manufacture’. It will come out on Xbox One, PS4 and PC on the 8th of August. We decided to check it out for ourselves.
Sine Mora EX has got our attention with it’s graphics. Everything looks very nice right now. The environments, the backgrounds, enemies and more. One thing for sure this game has is some work put into the graphics.
Since it is a side scrolling shoot em up, gamers pretty much know what to expect. So it comes down to how well Sine Mora EX does it. There is a campaign mode which is said to be crazy. There is also arcade mode for lots of side scrolling shooting action and three competitive mode: Race, Tanks and Dodgeball. As you can see, there is quite a lot to do concerning this game. Challenge levels for players to push themselves and modes solely for just having fun.
Sine Mora EX has placed a bit of emphasis on time. Know the official website has stated that there are multiple ways to manipulate time. So is there time freeze power ups, slow down time, extend time of a level because we do know that you must beat the levels within a certain time limit, something like that.
There is a co-op mode which we at X35 Earthwalker are so happy about. We love co-op, especially local co-op. It’s more fun when you can play with family and friends and share food and whatever. The local co-op in Sine Mora EX is for the story mode. It has been stated for the other modes.
There are 7 levels which are very different from each other. Variety is the best. Over 50 different weapon combinations. Scoring and rank system to settle who is the best. The music is said to be composed by Akira Yamaoka who was the sound director of Silent Hill and Shadow of the Damned.
We checked out some gameplay and we must say that how the levels move, different locations like fighting under water are very cool. That mechanical flying giant squid like boss looks like a real problem. It’s basically what you would expect from these kinds of games but this one looks real cool.
Overall this game looks great. It has lots going on, the graphics are excellent, the sounds are great and the environments are also excellent. The action comes across as smooth and 4k resolutions are available. A lot of work went into Sine Mora EX. The developers ‘Digital Reality and Grasshopper Manufacture’ did an excellent job. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep a look out for this. This game is worth checking out.
For more information check out the link below: