X35 Earthwalker Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection

Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection is an action arcade game developed and published by ‘Capcom‘. Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection is an amazing game that’s also proof that reviewers and gamers are not smart and bad at judging games. We see scores of 7/10 and “dings of dat nature”. They probably scored it that low because they suck at the game and cried it’s too hard, even though there’s difficulties to pick from. We wanted to write again about Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection. Read up.

Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrectionis easily the hardest serious game ever made. Notice we said serious because there are many games out there that are just meant to be rage games. Those games don’t count. Most are not well made, no real story, just there to make people get mad and unfairly start again. Like ‘Getting over it’ and ‘Only up!’ for example. Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection is actually a serious full on game and the fans know the story. Simple but to the point. Save the kingdom, rescue the princess and defeat the demons and monsters. 

X35 Earthwalker Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection

Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection has difficulty settings: Page, Squire, Knight and Legend. Game feels completely different on each mode. Good design here. Page, Squire and Knight are for those who have no skill. Cowards who aren’t good enough and so play these difficulties to make themselves feel better. Legend is the only mode that matters. Legend is actually the default difficulty and the one intended by the developers. So play that or proceed with shame. 

Legend difficulty is what makes this super hard. For the record, X35 Earthwalker has played and beaten Celeste, Wu long fallen dynasty, Elden Ring, all Halo game campaign on Legendary difficulty, Dead Space hardcore mode, Tetris, 2v2 in a real time strategy army game and much more. So X35 knows hard games. Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection is harder than all of them without question. Even DSP (Dark style phil) who has beaten EVERY souls game stated without question that Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection is “Way harder than dark souls”. 

Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection has many factors as to why. First of all is the sheer number of enemies that can and will appear to attack players. Second is the that while some enemies have fixed spawns, more are random ones. Some enemies will spawn practically on you, punishing rushing in some parts and being still too long in other parts. Then there’s the combinations of the enemies like evil magicians who will will use temporal magic to slow you and your actions down. Enemies who launch projectiles, enemies who dive straight towards you, enemies who take more than one hit, enemies who can be invulnerable etc.

X35 Earthwalker Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection

Then there’s the levels. Where do we even start? The developers are cruel. They designed some parts to ruin players on person. Certain enemies appear in certain parts to literally block you or slow you down. There’s one infamous moment and sadly a weird streamer named “little mixer” in part 14 of his Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection run fell for the trap. X35 watched him fell to his death. X35 knew it was coming because no player who  gets there for the first time will know it’s coming. X35 on his first attempt didn’t fall for this trick though. What do you expect from the smartest person in the world and the best gamer of all time. This trap is beyond brutal. To get to that point in the level takes hours of failure and many deaths. Then to just take victory away from the player when the check point flag is literally in sight. It’s the biggest troll in gaming history. The bosses are tough but they are easy compared to the levels. 

Above is the hardest level in the whole game. X35 faced this level for the second time. First time on Nintendo Switch and second time on the Xbox. This level is brutal. So difficult and takes time as well. So no quick attempts at the place you died at. Now off course Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection isn’t no where near as difficult if you basically cheese the game with Transmogrifog or medusa. Players like ryukahr and ‘little mixer’ spammed that spell so frequently. Those spells are basically the strongest in the game. Medusa especially is broken. Fast cooldown, clears the screen, chance of items including armour and quick to unlock. X35 is better than both of them as he stuck to lightning spell way more overall, which isn’t broken. So try to play without frog and medusa spam. Even more pathetic is that ryukahr, ericvanwilderman, dsp, Maximilian dood all beat the game ONCE. That means you haven’t beaten the game. Everyone who plays ghost n’ goblin games know you have to beat the game twice. X35 beat the game twice plus more.

X35 Earthwalker Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection

Overall Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection is an amazing game but definitely the hardest. Wanted to just bring more attention to the game and give it that respect. Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection is fun, one of those games that you struggle in for a long time but you’re still having fun… except for that one level. Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection is available on pretty much all platforms today. Try for yourself. X35 Earthwalker had an awesome time with it. Never forget it. Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection may be the hardest game in the world but it’s still too easy for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Forspoken

Forspoken is a action adventure game developed by ‘Luminous Productions’ but they aren’t around anymore so it’s developed and published by ‘Square Enix‘. Forspoken is said to be coming out this February (This month) on the Xbox Series X. X35 Earthwalker is interested in the progress of this game. Forspoken would have done much better on Xbox. Let’s take a look.

X35 Earthwalker Forspoken

Forsaken is definitely a well known game. It was blasted online by playstation and pc players for multiple reasons. Things went so poorly that the developers, at the time, Luminous Productions, got shut down. Things would have been better if it came to Xbox. From what we are hearing this is the month that it happens. For the record, X35 Earthwalker never said that Forspoken was a bad game. Never. X35 Earthwalker actually liked the magic and casting it has. Most impressive for him though was the advanced movement and mobility you have in this game. No other game has what Forspoken has. Off course some things weren’t good but hopefully things have been improved and updates have bene done, preparing out for the strongest console, Xbox Series X.

X35 Earthwalker Forspoken

We are aware of the expansion that Forspoken got called “Forspoken in Tanta we Trust”. This brings a whole lot more to the game. First of all Frey isn’t alone anymore as she teams up with Tanta Cinta. This allows for new combat options included combination attacks and team work in the heat of battle. Not only that but Frey gets access to whole new magic and abilities for this big scale battle. This means a new experience for gamers who got comfortable in the original game. This alone is a good thing that builds more interest in Forsaken as a whole. Once you beat the game, you aren’t done as there’s more.

X35 Earthwalker Forspoken

So a bit more concerning “Forspoken in Tanta we Trust”. The whole settings takes place after the main game but in the past so you get to see what happened to Athia. Read this description, “After bringing peace to Athia, Frey’s journey continues as she searches for a way to permanently rid the land from the effects of the Break. Amid her search, she follows a mysterious voice that leads her into the past. When she emerges, Frey finds herself surrounded by chaos and destruction.” Talk about direct lore answers. Players get to find out what’s the deal right out the bat. No waiting for Xbox players.

X35 Earthwalker Forspoken

We checked out some Forspoken gameplay and it’s what we expected but a bit more as we saw some mobility options that we didn’t see before. The game is looking way more smooth and visuals look better as well. There’s more than enough time to improve thew game and work on those npcs. Forspoken is an action game so we place most of the focus on the action. In terms of action, Forspoken does that very well. Regardless of what people say, there will always be players who enjoy the game.

Overall Forspoken looks like a good game. If the weak spots have been cleaned up and the good spots got better than it will easily be a great game, especially with the additional content. The developers ‘Square Enix’ have done a good job so far and better for bringing it to Xbox. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an ear open for this game. Now Forspoken may be going to new places but those places are still beneath… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker The Relic: First Guardian

The Relic: The First Guardian is an action role playing game developed by ‘Project Cloud games’ and published by ‘Perp games‘. The Relic: The First Guardian is said to be coming out in 2025 on the Xbox Series X/S, PC and PS5. X35 Earthwalker looks forward to seeing what this game has to offer. The Relic: The First Guardian needs to have a stand out factor. Let’s take a look.

The Relic: The First Guardian is set in Arsiltus. Players control what’s called the ‘last guardian’. Basically Arsiltus got swallowed up by the “void created by the destruction of the great relic” which turned it into the land of death. So yeah, a nice place to live and hang out in. So yeah the mission is simple. Get to work as the guardian, collect the pieces of the great relic and then close the void.

X35 Earthwalker The Relic: First Guardian

Already The Relic: The First Guardian has some factors that make it different. For starters there are no levels for your character. Instead what determines your strength will be your items, crafting and even runes. It’s how you built and equip your character. So no level grinding here. The Relic: The First Guardian is also described as semi-open world. So exploration is still a factor.

X35 Earthwalker The Relic: First Guardian

Action is a big factor here. The amount of emphasis on the action is real. The Relic: The First Guardian even describes players having “action-packed experiences”. Ruined damaged worlds like this are off course going to be loaded with threats, dangers and things that just want to kill you. This is further supported by the movement speed of the guardians. The speed is there. Definitely like to see it.

X35 Earthwalker The Relic: First Guardian

We checked out some The Relic: The First Guardian gameplay and it’s what we expected. It’s all action and it does it very well. There are 5 different types of weapon options and they definitely change how you fight. From big heavy swings that crush through bodies and armour. To high mobility even jumping attacks and using items. To even a powerful shield and bash to disrupt and set things up. It’s quite satisfying to watch. A lot of effort went into the effects. For example if a big foe smashes the ground with an attack, expect debris, grass or whatever to be launch and fly off with each strike. Very well done. Looking intense.

Overall The Relic: The First Guardian is looking like an excellent game. The graphics are excellent. Very very good for todays standards. The animations are top tier by the looks of it. Good work went into that. The effects of attacks and the environment is excellent too. This already showing that The Relic: The First Guardian is a good game based on design standard. There is off course more things to see. Especially concerning the story and bosses. The developers ‘Project Cloud games’  have done an excellent job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye open for this game. Now The Relic: The First Guardian may have excellent design standard but it’s way below the standard when compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist

ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist is a 2D Metroidvania RPG (Role Playing Game) developed by ‘Adglobe‘ and ‘Live Wire’ but published by ‘Binary Haze Interactive‘. ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist is said to be coming out the 23rd of January 2025 on the Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, PC, PS5 and PS4. X35 Earthwalker has a long history with Metroidvania style games. ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist is here with something to show.

ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist is set in what’s called the ‘Land of Fumes’. This place is special. It’s called a superpower. Like a powerful leading nation. Tons of magical resources are available here. Now to increase progression and advancement concerning the kingdom, the homunculi are here. They are “artificial life forms”. Of course something has to go wrong. Toxic fumes from underground has messed with the homunculi causing them to go mad. Now they are basically monsters. Watch out.

X35 Earthwalker ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist

Players control Lilac in ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist. Lilac is a Attuner. She has the power to save the homunculi. You wake up in what looks like a storage in a lab. You aren’t alone for long but encounter a homunculi who definitely has something to do with the ruin of the kingdom. Time to work together and recover lost memories… your memories and even find your friends. Assuming you have friends. Yes These events take place decades after the “Rain of Death”.

X35 Earthwalker ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist

Now certain fans who have been paying attention will recognise the style of this game. Remember Ender Lilies? Yeah. That’s right. The combat in ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist is said to be a step up from Ender Lilies in terms of both “gameplay and exploration”. Players will be fighting with the help of their companions… so make sure to get them. There’s also additional difficulty levels. This means more options for the players. The babies can play on easy difficulty while the real players play for real. Shots fired.

X35 Earthwalker ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist

We checked out some ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist gameplay and it’s what we expected. It;’s definitely a step up from Ender Lilies. There’s said to be 30 different skills that you can receive from your companions. So you already know there’s variety in the combat styles. There’s also lots of relics, items and equipment. Get them and also upgrade them as well. The combat is looking good too. The big boss enemies are bringing some intimidation. Also looking like a high risk fight too. Hopefully things match up… if you know what we mean.

Overall ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist is looking like an excellent game. You can acquire a mount which can just push its way through foes. Defeat powerful enemies and get companions. Time your dodges and rolls for evasion. Truly get into some serious scraps. A nice looking map but not great. The animations are nice as well. There’s quite the story here and they clearly want to make it deep and sort of dark too. The squad who worked on the music for Ender Lilies, Mili, is here as well to compose more music. The developers ‘Adglobe and Live Wire’ have done an excellent job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to hear what this game truly brings to the console. ENDER MAGNOLIA: Bloom in the Mist may be trying to bring an upgraded experience but it’s still too low for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker The Blood of Dawnwalker

The Blood of the Dawnwalker is a dark fantasy RPG Role Playing Game developed by ‘Rebel Wolves‘ and published by ‘Bandai Namco‘. The Blood of the Dawnwalker is said to be coming out… figure it out for yourselves, ya bums. It is coming out on the Xbox Series X/S, PC and PS5. Next Gen only by the looks of it. X35 Earthwalker off course has his thoughts on this game. The Blood of Dawnwalker looking to bring some crimson to the gaming scene. Let’s take a look.

The Blood of Dawnwalker is set in the 14th century, so already things suck. 14th century Europe, so weird times too. So expect wars, bloody conflicts, bad news and even diseases… oh and don’t forget the black death. Players take control of a dude named Coen. He’s surviving in Vale Sangora which is based in the Carpathian Mountains. 

X35 Earthwalker The Blood of Dawnwalker

It’s quite obvious but vampires are here. They were always here. But now making their move for real. They are taking down feudal lords and all about power. Apparently the whole game takes place over 30 days (No Pikmin). Completing missions is what progresses the time here. So get to it already. We can see you complaining already. Don’t worry there is no hard time limit or anything. Take your time. By the way The Blood of Dawnwalker is an open world game. Meaning there’s lots to explore, travel around and discover… hopefully. 

So The Blood of Dawnwalker has a split gameplay style. During the day your just regular bum Coen. You can chill, talk to people, gather information and resources. Night time is where the action truly is at. Time for battle. You must face other vampires, that’s right you become one too, but also creatures… dark creatures of the night. That keep men, women and children up at night. Coen can do it because he is the dawnwalker. Now let’s make this clear… a dawnwalker is way inferior to an Earthwalker. That’s a fact.

X35 Earthwalker The Blood of Dawnwalker

We checked out some more about The Blood of Dawnwalker and it’s looking good so far for real. Graphically The Blood of Dawnwalker definitely looks good. Not top 5 or anything but definitely good… unless you’re a difficult to please whining child. The Blood of Dawnwalker is developed on Unreal Engine 5. The alpha gameplay they showed in the cinematic trailer was promising. There is some problems concerning the powers of the vampires. Concerning how to beat them. Trailers like to hype up heroes or villains and make them seem so powerful but lack muster in game fight. It also leads to questions concerning why they stay in the background when they got their abilities.

Overall The Blood of Dawnwalker is looking like a very good game so far. We like that Coen isn’t just action but there’s also a choice he has to make. The dark powers or his humanity. Is any of this worth his soul? Remember what Jesus said about gaining the whole world but losing your soul. Think about it ya bum. We like what we have seen so far but still have questions. Questions concerning the gameplay by day, the combat, some of the enemies, the big boss etc. Regardless we always get our answers. The developers ‘Rebel wolves’ have done a very good so far. X35 Earthwalker will keep both ears open concerning this game. Now The Blood of Dawnwalker may have a dawnwalker but always remember that they are inferior to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Dragon Age: The Veilguard

Dragon Age: The Veilguard is without a doubt an excellent game. We dare say an amazing game. Dragon Age: The Veilguard was developed by BioWare and published by Electronic Arts (EA). Dragon Age: The Veilguard is another target of the hate movement and they truly mobilised to attack this game. X35 Earthwalker, the smartest person in the world, tried Dragon Age: The Veilguard got himself. He will handle this one himself. Let’s talk a look.

X35 Earthwalker Dragon Age: The Veilguard

As usual you have a game that gets targeted for hate for whatever ignorant reasons and their goal is to try and ruin the game. Negatively impact their sales, discourage others from playing the game, review bomb and more. Literally haters. Dragon Age: The Veilguard is another one. Seen some gameplay and it didn’t look bad like people were saying. Then the 5 hour trial for the game was announced. This was the perfect chance to try the game. Started with the character customisation which is top tier. The options and details are very deep and better than most games. We already gave the negative about the character customisation in my podcast episode on Spotify and video version of it youtube and bitchute. So go listen/watch that to know what I think about the negatives too. Didn’t want to waste any time so I made a good looking female character and jumped straight into the action. 

Right off the bat the game looks excellent. My character, Savahlaira, looking beautiful and the animations for the cutscene and action is excellent too. So clearly some good work for modern gaming standards is there. The opening with demons running around and grabbing people amongst the chaos was quite intense. The light show from Solas’ ritual was a great display of the visuals in this game. When solas turned to face Varric and they looked at each other, it was clear there was history. Long time friends. Near 5 hours I made a video talking about my experience with the game. As expected ignorant and low IQ haters and trolls came to the comment section and down voted the video. Remember that Dragon Age: The Veilguard was review bombed too. So of course this was expected. Funny though and also expected was that none of the trolls could refute my points or debunk. 

X35 Earthwalker Dragon Age: The Veilguard

The combat is my favourite thing so far. The action is excellent and allowed loads of freedom. Fight at range, get up close, block, parry (perfect defence), primary attack, secondary attack, second stance, dodge, full evade (roll, dash), runes, abilities, blast, focused, companion abilities, prime and detonate and ultimate. That’s loaded. There’s many ways to play and do combat. People like cohhcarnage who say the combat is one trick pony or button mashing are just straight up wrong. We checked cohhcarnage playing and he just spammed one stance and hardly engaged with the other mechanics from what I saw. I literally last night played Dragon Age: The Veilguard and had a buff battle against a literal dragon. Not the blighted dragons that attacked Tevinter and Minrathous. The dragon that mythal changed into. An epic boss battle. She was level 45 while I was level 28. Dragon will kill in three hits. Intense battle of dodging, blasting, waves, abilities, detonating status effects and more. Literally stacked staggered to disable dragon leaving it immobile against my ultimate. Only the ignorant will say the combat is bad.

Now 30 hours in and discovered new areas. The game has opened up even more. Each area having their own missions, companions, lore and battles. Found legendary runes, can literally become invulnerable temporarily. Found unique gear like helmet, ring and even weapon which brig its own abilities. Thanks to my exploration of Dragon Age: The Veilguard, I found the wolf statues which allows me to uncover and see Solas’ memories and regrets. These were awesome moments and quite deep. You learn the truth about solas, the elves, mythal, the titans, the dagger and more. Then the team get together to discuss what they saw and pose questions and theories. Excellent stuff here as it felt like actual team meetings. Something I can relate to. These team discussion were done so well as each companions character shined in these meetings from Taash having non serious quick words. Emmirich who was excited about development like a scientist. Darvin was serious and wanted to focus on a clear point. Harding was sympathetic, had many questions and tried to understand angles. It was so good.

There is a lot I can say about this game and I’m currently 30 hours in and completing some things ahead of my level and time. There’s much more to see. Just reached Hossberg wetlands and it’s a whole new area for me. Have to see what the rest of the game has to offer. We will leave it here. Dragon Age: The Veilguard may be amazing but it’s not on the level of… the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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X35 Earthwalker Avowed

Avowed is an Action Role Playing Game developed by ‘Obsidian’ and published by ‘Xbox Game Studios’.  Avowed is another big Xbox exclusive banger. More updates about Avowed are known and it builds more excitement. X35 Earthwalker is definitely keeping his eyes on this game. Hour long gameplay near the end. Let’s take a look.

Avowed of course is said to be coming out the 18th of February 2025 on the Xbox Series X/S and PC. Remember that Avowed was delayed to give it more space and more time for improvements and refining. We agreed with that move and glad it was done. Quick fact about Avowed is that it’s set in the same universe as ‘Pillars of eternity’. Look it up for yourself.

X35 Earthwalker Avowed

Now Avowed has been described as a first person game but, like Starfield, you can toggle to third person. So the choice is yours. Right away we believe first person would be better. The living land is said to be a dangerous place. The level of danger isn’t clear though. Of course Avowed is using Unreal Engine 5, which explains why some say its graphics and visuals are better than even Elden Ring. The game does look good. Vibrant especially with the flora.

Players are an envoy of the emperor os the Aedyr Empire. Your mission is to check out and investigate the Dream Scourge, which is basically a spreading plague. Freedom and play style is of good variety as there’s suppose to have be a “intricate dialogue systems”. Even the character background and traits have an effect on the story, characters and dialogue. This again reminds us of Starfield where certain traits and even skills unlocked dialogue options and change certain things. We hope Avowed takes it to a higher level though. Players should also take full advantage of camps. Set up a camp and build that party. Build the bond and socialise. RPGs like this like to have parties and Avowed is no different.

Now the biggest factor for us concerning Avowed right now is definitely the combat. We hearing that Avowed has a flexible combat system. Players won’t be restricted and can change it up quite easily. There is the famous dual wield weapons system. Halo 2 players should be happy about this. For example you can be casting spells while swinging at foes with a melee weapon or some form of ranged combat. Now that’s innovative. Imagine dual wielding spell casters. Now that’s some magical stuff. Even Harry Potter not doing that. Heck, even bow and arrows got an upgrade. Fully taut strings for strongest shots or release earlier for less damage but quicker fire rate. Now jumping and exploring is a big thing in Avowed. Players are quite nimble so make sure to use it. Keep an eye on your waypoints and Xbox players make use of those D-pad short cuts.

X35 Earthwalker Avowed

Now on top of all that Avowed has that variety. There is some “light stealth elements”. This is good as it gives players other ways to play. Sometimes stealth is good. For example players can lie prone in grass or similar vegetation and you become hidden. This allows for easy shots with the bow and arrow or more. We also know that even though there’s magic and spell casting, that magic system can be very physical too. This makes sense. Powerful magic users will also learn how to do combat with magic in close range. Naturally the weakness of magic users is that they are so vulnerable when you get close. Glad to see that Avowed aims to deal with that problem. We hope to see magical ramming attacks or maybe a loaded explosive punch just like in Immortals of Aveum. 

Quickly, if you’re wondering about X35’s views on avowed and that drama then listen to our podcast episode on the matter and more right here

X35 Earthwalker Avowed

We checked out even more avowed gameplay and it’s mostly what we expected. There’s so much about Avowed that we like. We like the spell variety from straight up attacks to elemental ones to ones that buff you to ones that debut your foes. We hope for true variety though. Can they get it right? The “Leaden Key” is a biog factor here and the influence it has on the world. Those who played the Pillar games (we mentioned this earlier) will see connections here. We definitely are fans of open world games. Avowed is aiming to be the most amazing one yet. They claiming to have more immersive world building than Pillars of eternity, powered by Unreal engine 5 and “highly detailed interiors”. There’s also a variety of biomes and locations. We hear each region will have its own “unique aesthetic and challenges”. Exciting.

Overall Avowed is looking like a fantastic game. It’s our most anticipated one in the near future. We have some concerns with some gameplay elements and off course the true range and scale of the magic system but from what we have seen it’s looking real good. We know that the lore is there and it’s going to be deep. We like reading over here. Best off course is the Bible (FACTS!!!). The developers ‘Obsidian’ have done a fantastic job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker are keeping our eyes on Avowed. Now Avowed may have dual spell casting but dual isn’t enough to match… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Pragmata

Pragmata is an action adventure game developed and published by ‘Capcom‘. Pragmata is said to be coming out 2024 on the Xbox Series X/S, PC and PS5. X35 Earthwalker enjoyed seeing all new IPs being made and released out there. Pragmata is out here trying to make big boom in the gaming world. With Pragmata, expect space, and hopefully a deep story. Let’s take a look.

Pragmata is set in “near-future dystopian world”… on the moon. Already Pragmata sounds unique. There’s two main characters here. A grown man in the chunkiest space suit armour. Gamers who like the chunky boy build will be happy. The other character is this little girl?… Is she human? What’s going on here. Her name is Diana. Space dude is protecting her and at times literally carrying her. These two make quite a strange combo. Make no mistake though. Diana isn’t some helpless useless ally. More on that later.

X35 Earthwalker Pragmata

Remember that Pragmata is an action game. Sprint, run, thrust, clash and off course shoot your foes who are mechs and sci-fi threats. We have seen large foes try to crush you but speed and mobility is used to evade. Explosions are going off and dodging is required. so the action is definitely here and we want to see more.

X35 Earthwalker Pragmata

We are glad to see that there is already some capitalisation concerning the setting. The whole being set on the moon also allows for some lovely environmental views. As you progress you also have opportunities to see the earth in the distance from where you are. Like a constant reminder. It’s a lovely view and effective. 

X35 Earthwalker Pragmata

The other main part of Pragmata is the story. We keep hearing that Pragmata has a “deeply profound story and setting”. So clearly it’s a story for deeper thinking, mystery and of course the big reveal/twist. There should also be some emotional elements as well. Maybe some players will shed a tear at what will happen. We definitely have a good idea of what the story and direction is going to be. X35 Earthwalker is the smartest person in the world after all.

X35 Earthwalker Pragmata

Remember Diana? What we said about her? Well she’s clearly special. It’s like she’s interacting with data and controls out of thin air. This alone should tell you about her. She is also capable in combat as the space dude asks for some help during combat. she can make some things happen and make you wonder what she is truly capable off. There’s mysteries here and Diana is the biggest visible one. 

We checked out some Pragmata gameplay and it’s pretty much what we expected. Multiple things reminds us of Vanquish. We wonder if Pragmata will match that level of speed and action. The thrust remind son that thrust ability in Halo 5 Guardians. We are seeing some good elements and mechanics here. We like the setting, we like the weapons, we like Diana even. We like the earth in the distance, we like the duo combo and more. We don’t like some of the robots as they look weak, not intimidating. We do like the weaponry though. We looking forward to more.

Overall Pragmata is looking like an excellent game. The whole moon setting and seeing earth in the distance alone is such a cool touch and impact to the game. Expect flashy moments, good combat and somewhat of a tag team system. This allows quite a lot of opportunities. Hopefully Capcom knows how to capitalise on it and take the game to a higher level. The game got delayed but sometimes that’s needed. Do what you got to do to make the game awesome. The developers Capcom have done an excellent job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye open for the game. Now Pragmata may have a deep story but it’s not impactful enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Beyond Hanwell

Beyond Hanwell is an Action Adventure Horror game developed and published by ‘Steelarts Software‘. Beyond Hanwell is said to be coming out the 18th of November 2024 on the Xbox Series X/S, PC and PS5. The early access was earlier this year. X35 Earthwalker knows a thing or two about Westminster in London. Those brits are strange. Beyond Hanwell wants to bring some horror to these crazy streets. Let’s take a look.

Beyond Hanwell is off course the sequel to ‘Welcome to Hanwell’. Now it’s time for the players to go deeper into Hanwell. More mysteries here than last time. So yes Beyond Hanwell is set after the events of Welcome to Hanwell. Now  not only do players get to go back to Hanwell but ho beyond that. The surrounding areas but best of all Westminster in Tokyo- we mean London. There’s even a significant “enigmatic” character here known as “The Director”. What’s their stake in all this? 

X35 Earthwalker Beyond Hanwell

Now this series needs got make sure to take things to the next level. To this day we haven’t even heard of welcome to Hanwell. So this is another opportunity. We want Beyond Hanwell to bring the heat… well it’s London so maybe bring the cold. Combat for sure has got an upgrade as there’s now an all new system for it. Dual control melee. After landing a strike then combo up. Of course the survival aspects of games like this. Scarce amounts ammo and weapons. Make them work, make them last.

Creativity is needed though as environments can at times have the means to defeat anomolies. They can be crushed, set on fire off course and even electrocuted. Use everything to your advantage. Melee, shooting and environmental hazards. Oh and don’t forget the Minimal HUD design. Beyond Hanwell is out here trying to do things different and one of them is the whole immersion factor. 

X35 Earthwalker Beyond Hanwell

We checked out some Beyond Hanwell gameplay and it’s what we expected. We like the variety of areas and that they have different enemies and also boss fights. Now if you like Resident Evil then you should be fine in Beyond Hanwell. Already this is way more interesting than silent hill. Much better combat than Silent Hill 2 remake. We definitely how fast things can get and the action intensity. There’s times of slow and survival and then times of fast action. Block melee, double up, shoot etc. 

Overall Beyond Hanwell looks like a great game so far. Its fast paced moments does remind us more of Doom 3 and Doom 3: Resurrection evil. A pace for sure. We do wonder about the difficulty of the overall game but fun factor is more important. Graphics look good for the current times. Animations are good too. Impact in melee is a hard thing to master but it does look good here too. The developers ‘Steelart software’ have done a great job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye open for this game. Now Beyond Hanwell may have dark mysteries in London but it’s not mysterious enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker VED

VED is a Turn based Role Playing Game developed by ‘Karaclan Studio’ but published by ‘Fulqrum Publishing‘. VED came out the 14th of November 2024 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PC, Nintendo Switch, PS4 and PS5. VED arrived strong with a unique and demanding attention graphic style. X35 Earthwalker truly enjoys unique things in gaming. Let’s take a look.

VED is all about a young dude named Cyrus. Cyrus is a hero who showed up in Micropolis, an active city. Reason? A new line basically. Wouldn’t be a video game unless something wacky happens. Cyrus learns that he can teleport between two interconnected worlds. One is the regular human world while the other is a magical world full of floating islands (always cool), dangerous monsters and some strange creatures. This is already sounding like an adventure. Cyrus is the X factor here as both worlds destiny can be shaped by Cyrus. 

X35 Earthwalker VED

How can Cyrus shaped the destiny of the two world? Basically you must master very interesting and strong magic called VED (the name of the game!!!). Ancient magic and forces… and tings of dat nature (In my X35 voice). Now if it isn’t obvious already let’s talk about the graphic style here. This is the most unique aspect of the game but not the only. Hand drawn art and animation. It’s low key captivating. This alone is more than enough to build interesting in VED. Don’t forget that VED was in game development for 12 years. Talk about work put in to something.

VED does have the whole your choices shapes the story and stuff. Most games fail at that aspect but it can be done right. Hopefully VED learnt from other games. There are multiple endings. So the replayability is definitely there. What will the final decision be at the end of the adventure. The game VED claims that each decision has consequences which should make “the narrative deeply engaging and personal.” It’s not just combat and reading but there’s also the political landscape of both worlds. So how you interactive with and deal with certain key characters matter.

X35 Earthwalker VED

Now the combat is cool. It’s turn based combat. The combat “emphasises strategic positioning”. Now deep will the tactical might and opportunities be in VED. That’s the real question. Will it be an easy mode anyone can jump through or will the higher IQ players be the ones who ascend to greater glory? There’s going to be potential for set ups and big blows. This must be investigated.

We checked out some VED gameplay and it’s what we expected mostly. What’s cool is that there’s a whole build village system. Players can construct a village for themselves and their allies. This provides the means to unlock new abilities and skills. There’s also some unpredictability  in VED due to events which can either gift you with blessings for curses. So be ready for that. Lastly the music isn’t lacking. We hear there’s folk, hip hop and blends with symphonic. 

Overall VED looks like a great game. Of course the characters, the political landscapes, abilities, difficulties will need to be known more. So right now we can call it great. The developers ‘Karaclan Studio’ have done an excellent job. 12 years has to count for something. We hope VED gets the love it deserves. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye on this game. Now VED may have been developed for 12 years but it’s still way too short in the eyes of… the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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