The Forbidden Arts

The Forbidden Arts is a new action adventure platformer game developed by ‘Stingbot Games‘. It is coming out in the first quarter of 2019 on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch,  PS4 and PC. There was early access on PC in 2018 though. We’ve never heard about this game before but let’s take a look.

The Forbidden Arts has a story. Players control Phoenix, who’s protagonist (obviously). He  was getting visions and didn’t understand them, so he sets out to find a druid and get answers concerning the visions. This druid ended up awakening the pyromancer abilities that were within him. This journey that Phoenix will take will be all about him mastering his new hot powers while becoming something much more important and powerful.

The Forbidden Arts

Now since The Forbidden Arts is an adventure game with platforming elements, expect to do some exploring. There are areas to discover and collectibles not far away. One of the collectibles by the way is gold which literally looks like a solid cube block of gold (that’s your rent money right there). So be patient as the worlds in The Forbidden Arts are very large. The different locations look and feel different. From swamps, to fields to deserts to dungeons and more.

There are secret locations and items that will unlock abilities for Phoenix so make sure to find them. By the way, this won’t be easy as there are lots of ancient magic and arts out there. We know for a fact that the necromancer Voltair is evil and he believes in a world that’s all about death. He is bound to show up eventually. Especially since he got kicked out by the council of magic. Bad guys never stay down.

Don’t forget, that The Forbidden Arts is a platformer. All action on the world map is 3D but all action in the dungeons are 2D. So expect lots of running, jumping, pits, wall calling, vine climbing, many obstacles, pits, spikes and more. Lots of opportunities to save your game, as in you can save almost anywhere at any time, which is both a good and bad thing. Good because then less chance of gamers losing progress but bad because some gamers are cheap who save every two seconds to undo all mistakes.

The Forbidden Arts

There are 5 different worlds, 5 big boss fights and many different enemies. You have enemies with shields, enemies that charge like a bull, flying enemies, melee enemies and enemies that only use projectile and some others can even teleport basically. We do like the variety though. Wolves, goblins, tortoises, bird looking enemies all around. Once you know it’s an action adventure performer you pretty much have an idea of what to expect. 

We checked out some gameplay and it looks good. Remember, The Forbidden Arts is in the alpha development rage still so it will get better. You can  use your pyromancer powers in a variety of ways. Use fire defensively to protect from harm, hurl fire balls at enemies, charge up your flames and even manipulate the environment. The Forbidden Arts doesn’t look like a hard game though. Timing is required though when it comes to certain enemies. The game better get difficult.  ​

Overall, The Forbidden Arts look like a good game. The graphics for it’s alpha development stage looks good. The music is very good. The environments and even designs so far look very good too. The enemy variety and story are interesting. The developers ‘Stingbot Games’ are doing a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to seeing what else The Forbidden Arts has for gamers. Now the Forbidden Arts may have magic and different arts but even when working together they are no match for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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ace combat 7: skies unknown

Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown is a new flight combat simulation game developed by ‘Bandai Namco‘. It is coming out the 18th of January 2019 on the Xbox One and PS4 but the 1st of February 2019 on the PC. It’s been a while since we’ve heard of a game from this genre. Let’s take a look.

Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown is clearly trying to make things as realistic and clean as possible. Games like this are not easy to pull off and they don’t have the largest fanbase from what we have seen but when a good one arrives, it does stand out. Ace Combat 7: Skies unknown is focusing on the battles and making things intense. They are bringing powerful machines and some serious weapons.

ace combat 7: skies unknown

Not a lot of information is given concerning the planes and weapons but all we have are general descriptions of them. The vehicles were described as “most advanced war planes ever developed” and “authentic and futuristic aircraft to fly”. The weapons have been described as “ultra-modern super weapons”. This should already give players an idea of what to expect and it builds up hype. Only problem is… Will Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown live up to this hype?

Concerning the graphics everything looks very good so far. The developers described the visuals as photorealistic thanks to their improved graphics engine. They claim to have “highly detailed cityscapes” too. Players can also expect virtual reality from Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown. So players can bring themselves into the action but Play Station players have an advantage. There are exclusive missions developed specifically for the Sony PlayStation VR.

ace combat 7: skies unknown

We checked out some gameplay and it did increase out interest in Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown. We saw different plane types including a big one that releases many smaller ones that fight by themselves. Some of the technology is more futuristic but that works well as that will add mystery as to what players can get their hands on next. Off course the weather and the different environments do impact your aircraft and what it can do. So be careful of lightning.  

Overall Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown looks like a very good game. The planes look cool, the weapons look good too and destructive. The graphics are very good indeed. The sounds are good too. There seems to be quite the story going on in this game and we hope it plays well with the games setting. The developers ‘Bandai Namco’ did a very good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to seeing this game out there. Now Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown may have intense dogfights and futuristic weapons but all of that is child’s play when stacked up against… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Wargroove is a new turn based strategy game developed by ‘Chucklefish‘. It is coming out in the first quarter of 2019 on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS4 ad PC. Don’t be fooled. Wargroove may seem like another simple game but it’s said to be quite a deep one. Let’s take a look.

So far there isn’t much information at all concerning a story but we know there is a story. Players must battle through the campaign to learn about the different factions, what they are about and off course their motivations for such actions. This is like Supreme Commander 2 where the campaign allows you to learn all about the different factions in term and their fighting styles. Wargroove currently seems to be all about the action and matches.


In Wargroove players control entire armies and the commander. There are currently a minimum of 12 commanders and four factions. The current names are: Felheim Legion, Cherrystone kingdom, Floran tribes and Heavensong empire. Also like with Supreme Commander 2, the main focus is on the commanders. These commanders don’t sit behind a desk giving orders though, they are on the battlefield. Be careful as losing your commander means it’s all over. 

The commanders are very different from each other in terms of character and reasons for what they do and off course design. Each one is a powerful unit and players will be wise to keep an eye on what they are doing at all times. Each one also has their own groove. A groove is basically a special move. This can be used once their have a full meter. We have bee given two examples: Valder can create a new undead unit on the field while Mercia can heal adjacent units.


There is also an in-game editor which will allow gamers to create their own adventure. Players can create their own sub-quests, secrets, missions with story and even make adjustments to the games rules. Wargroove also allows players to create their own maps too and the events that should take place on it. Features like this are always a good idea as it allows players to use their creativity and provides more options. This reminds us of forge mode in Halowhere you can literally create entire game modes and maps.

We checked out some gameplay and we so far aren’t impressed but that doesn’t mean it’s not good. There are straight up soldiers, animals like dogs, wagons and other transportations that carry units, catapults for that good support, different terrains from sand to grass and ice, there is even rivers and trees. We like how your movement path and options are very clear. Everything is bright and looks friendly. Best of all Wargroove has multiplayer. Up to four players both local and online, co-op and competitive. That’s very good.

Overall, Wargroove does look like a good game. The unit’s animations are good. The pixel graphics are good. The sounds are good too. We even like how the weather can effect gameplay like wind in certain directions can grant increased movement. The developers ‘Checucklefish’ did a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye out to see what Wargroove truly has for gamers. Now Wargroove might have factions and commanders but even when working together they would get destroyed by… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Dead or Alive 6

Dead or Alive 6 is the latest action fighting game, in the Dead or Alive series, developed and published by ‘Koei Tecmo Games‘. Dead or Alive 6 is coming out the 15th of February 2019 on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. What will the latest Dear or Alive game offer? Let’s take a look.

Dead or Alive has been a long running series. There has been lots of discussions and forums concerning Dead or Alive 6. What we at X35 Earthwalker hope is that the developers focus on making good mechanics, balancing everything as best as possible and throwing in some new things to make everything exciting. Developers have to know when to it’s time to listen to fans for feedback and when to go ahead with what they wanted for their game. 

Dead or Alive 6

Now when it comes to the story of Dead or Alive 6 that’s quite complicated and all over the place. Not to mean that it’s a bad story, but it’s like Tekken, where every character has their own story and something going on. For example Helena who is the president of the new DOATEC is threatened by a person who has special powers. Kasumi left her clan and is now a runaway ninja who’s secretly living in a mountain village. So you’ll have to play as the characters to learn and see what’s going on, which isn’t a bad idea.

Dead or Alive 6’s fighting mechanics is based on a triangle system. Throws, strikes and holds. Holds beat strikes, strikes beat throws and throws beat holds. If you successfully land a attack on the type it is strong against then you deal more damage and is counted as a hi counter. A completely new system is the break gauge system. The break guard is a new special attack meter that gets filled up when landing or taking hits and even blocking. Players can use the break gauge to execute moves like the break blow and break hold. The break hold is the strongest hold in the game and can return lower, middle and upper attacks. The break blow can parry an strike while delivering a powerful strike. There’s the fatal rush is basically four punches or kicks stringed together as a combo.  

Dead or Alive 6

In terms of the characters, there are three new ones shown on their official website while hinting there is more. They are Kokoro, La Mariposa and Nico. La Mariposa, the ‘Immortal Butterfly’ is a luchadora wrestler excels at Aerial attacks and having tricky movements. Nico, the ‘lightning Technomancer’ is naturally skilled at martial arts and has three EMF rings that boost her speed and attacks. Kokoro, the ‘Ba Ji Dancer’ specialises in Ba Ji Quan using mid range elbow and palm thrust attacks. Watch out as she also has number of throws that could mess you up. The variety amongst characters so far look good. 

In terms of the stages, in Dead or Alive 6, there are some and they look very good. There’s ‘The Muscle’ which is a large wrestling ring which as the words muscle spirit on the walls of the building. Didn’t Zangief talk about muscle spirit in Street Fighter V. There is ‘Lost Paradise’ is basically a cool jungle setting with some unfinished wooden structures around as well. There’s even a dinosaur in the area too. ‘Forbidden Fortune’ is a old pirate ship that has bones and a lot of history. These ruins are not safe and that’s a fact. The ‘DOA’ colosseum is new, ready looks great. The roaring fans cheering for their fighters and ring ropes that have some hot consequences for whoever touches them. ‘Zero’, research facility, ‘Miyabi’, an old street in a Japanese village and ‘Hidden garden’ a secluded and calming spot are all new and ready for fighters.

Dead or Alive 6

We checked out some Dead or Alive 6 gameplay and it’s definitely a step up from the last ones. There are even danger zones in some stages. These zones are bad news for any fighters who get knocked into them as some animation takes place dealing that fighter big damage. This reminds us of Injustice 2 and their stage animations. For example, remember that Lost Paradise place we mentioned well that stage has a danger zone and it’s a large dinosaur that attacks which cause an explosion that deals bit damage. Another stage has what seems like a kraken which uses it’s tentacles to attack fighters. These are definitely worth using against your enemies.

Overall Dead or Alive 6 seems like a good game so far. The graphics are very good and how the stages look very detailed. The sounds are good too. We like how the fighters have varied fighting styles with some real martial arts like Jeet Kune Do, T’ai Chi Ch’uan and Taekwondo. The developers ‘Koei Tecmo Games’ did a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to seeing fully what Dead or Alive 6 has to offer this time. Now Dead or Alive 6 may have a fancy tournament but even that is completely lame when compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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The Sinking City

The Sinking City is a new action adventure game developed by ‘Frogwares‘ and published by ‘Bigben Interactive‘. The Sinking City is coming out the 21st of March on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. This game has something deep going on and it will come to the surface soon (se what we did there?). Let’s take a look.

The Sinking City is set in the United States in 1920s. Quite a suspicious time if you ask us. Players control an investigator named Charles W Reed. Eventually you arrive in Oakmont, Massachusetts. Before you know it, you are practically called to investigate the city. Not just any city but one that is suffering from mysterious floods. These floods will get rid of the city. It’s up to the player and Charles W Reed to figure out what’s going on.

The Sinking City

Now there has been rumours about a sort of darkness that has not only kept the city under it’s control but also effected the minds of the people who live in this city. It might just corrupt your mind as well. So be careful. By the way, The Sinking City is also an open world that was inspired by the universe of H.P. Lovecraft. So fans will have an advantage of whats going on including the lore.

So what can you expect in The Sinking City? This whole world is pretty much fully explorable. So go down the streets and in buildings on foot, travel from port to port and explore the waters with a boat, or even go under water and see what’s happening with a diving suit. Your characters mental health is a factor in the game, so possibly like Visage, some events or activities could possibly effect what you see or your performance. 

The Sinking City

Now it’s been made clear that there are monsters in this world. The Sinking City isn’t the safest place on earth (in case you haven’t realised yet). There are dangerous monsters that will destroy you if you aren’t prepared for them. Some look like spiders that move pretty fast, while others are more like medium sized kraken monsters while others are massive king king sized krakens with tentacles and everything. It’s most likely called a cthulhu as they were introduced in the H.P. Lovecraft books, specifically the ‘call of cthulhu‘. Also there are weapons. Lots of weapons and thank goodness as they are needed. The weapons are from the 1920s so don’t be expecting a M16A2 assault rifle. Expect the Thompson and it’s automatic fire. 

We checked out some gameplay and it’s a bit more than we expected actually. The whole world in this game is quite creative. The setting is good too. A number of people have an issue with water, throw in a mystery and water based monsters and you have something quite good. Also each case you faced can be  solved in different ways and there are a number of endings too so players who enjoy the game can replay The Sinking City. So as we said, this game is quite deep. Your character can also do strange things like see and hear things from the past, which is like the ultimate ability for a detective or investigator. There are more abilities too. 

Overall The Sinking City looks like a good game. The graphics adequate good, the sounds are better. The environment and world look sort of bland but we know improvements are coming. Looking forward to more information concerning the weapons in this game. The developers ‘Frogwares’ did a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker are not looking forward to this game. It looks good but we will wait until we see something real interesting. Now The Sinking City may have water and monsters but even those combined are nothing compared too… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Beyond Blue

Beyond Blue is a new adventure simulation game developed by ‘E-Line Media‘. It s coming out in the first quarter of 2019 on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. This is another one of those games where you explore, get relaxed and enjoy what you see. Let’s take a look.

Beyond Blue was inspired by Blue Planet 2 nature documentary. There is suppose to be some educational value too. So not only will you have an adventure but will hopefully learn something to. Beyond Blue is et in the near future and underwater creatures are in danger because of all large number of fishings, climate change and plastic waste. Players will lead a research team, as Mirai, who just needs to gather information on what these changes are doing to the ocean life.

Beyond Blue

Players will have to manage resources, improve their technology, track down certain animals, get some information and learn what you can. Off course players are given limited time to do all this so think about what you want to do and how to do it. You can use drones to go collect stuff for you and other tasks, or go out yourself and swim around. 

So yes, Beyond Blue isn’t just simply another relaxing exploration game but there is an objective and other objectives too. Off course thanks to the visuals, location and sounds, players can get relaxed because when you stop and see a large whale just going past and minding it’s own business, you will feel calm. Unless you are afraid of the water and whales. Come on, don’t be a wimp. It’s just a whale.

Beyond Blue

In terms of the types of creatures (obviously sea creatures) you will encounter we have seen fish and schools of fish. There are dolphins, hanging out in groups and having fun. Expect some whales and different types of whales like blue whales even. You can encounter an octopus too. They will swim away from you though so keep that in mind. What ocean sea creature game doesn’t have sharks? Not this one. There are sharks as well. There are large sea turtles which just mind their own business. There are deep sea creatures too like the angler fish which does make the game more interesting.

We checked out some Beyond Blue gameplay and it’s what we thought. It doesn’t have a huge story, there isn’t any enemies… really. If that angler fish spots you in the water, would it eat you? So probably there is enemies but they are more like natural creatures just doing their thing. Again, if you enjoyed Abzu (which we wrote about) then you should enjoy Beyond Blue. Beyond blue is just more serious.

Overall Beyond Blue seems like just another exploration relaxing game due to how calm it is and the environment. The lighting in this game is done very well. The graphics are very good The game has multiple educational factors too like video clips from the Blue Planet 2 documentary, facts and information to collect on sea creatures and more. The developers ‘E-Line Media’ did a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker are not looking forward to this game. There isn’t anything for us in this game. There is an audience for this type of game, we just aren’t a part of that group. Now Beyond Blue may have a whole ocean but even that’s too small when compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’     

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Metro Exodus

Metro Exodus is the new action adventure game developed by ‘4A Games‘ but published by ‘Deep Silver‘. It is coming out the 22nd of February 2019 on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. The Metro Exodus world is said to be very immersive and have some survival features.

In the world of Metro Exodus is a messed up one. It’s post apocalyptic, there are dangerous factions, mutants and more danger all around. Metro Exodus doesn’t have a simple story either. This game’s campaign will stretch across a whole year and so players will face the four seasons: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter. Players will once again take control of Artyom. That ranger who was hanging out in Moscow’s underground metro system. This time he is trying to get out of Moscow. He wants a better life. Sounds simple but off course it won’t be. This time something is different…

Metro Exodus

The game is more like an open sandbox. Players have more options now than the previous Metro games. Exploration is needed as there are both linear and non linear objectives. So basically side quests. Thanks to the nuclear wars in the past, players will have to survive and fight through a completely ruined country. Stealth is still a factor in this game. There are times when running and gunning may just get you killed. Especially with the type of enemies that’s running around. What’s also different is that Artyom will be leading a team this time. They are called the spartan rangers. Now from what we know, players will need to be careful as you can lose people permanently.

There are a number of characters in Metro Exodus like Anna, who is the best sniper of the spartan order. Duke, who is the youngest of the spartan rangers and most eager. Miller, who is the commander of the aurora and quite militant. Alyosha is basically the scout and survival expert. Tokarev, is basically the tech guy in terms of building weapons and maintenance. There are more characters out there so players should look forward to learning about them.

Metro Exodus

A game like Metro Exodus and it’s world needs a variety of weapons and so far there is a couple. There is the Shambler shot gun which is basically an unstable shotgun that has way more firepower. The Tikhar is basically a sniper rifle that uses ball bearings but with the right tuning can use incendiary rounds. The Helsing which stands out from other weapons is basically the stealth crossbow which can also fire explosive arrows (because why not?). There are more weapons and we hope so as big games like this with big worlds need a lot of weapons and variety.

Lastly let’s look at the enemies. There are human enemies who are divided by factions like the children of the forest who have their own lore. Basically they are a group of children who got stranded at a scout camp because of the war. Their camp teacher is their leader and they learnt how to survive and adapt in the wilderness of Moscow. It makes you wonder about the other factions that are around. Also if you though human enemies were the only thing to worry about then you are dead wrong. There are wolves too and these wolves are vicious and one by itself is said to be a threat if not careful so imagine what happens when a pack comes along. Oh there are bears by the way and they should be avoided.

Metro Exodus

But wait… there’s more! There are also mutants. You now the whole nuclear chemical make mutants thing. Metro Exodus has some. Shrimps are mutated crustaceans who hang out near water. The females hang out in groups in the water and can spit corrosive mucus while the males travel solo, have more armour on their legs, can block incoming fire and crush you in melee fashion. The Demon is basically a large flying beast who can pick up any enemy it wants with it’s great strength. It can off course fly around, attack dealing heavy damage, pick you up and ruin your whole life. The metro residents have even described The Demon as one of the deadliest creatures around. It has been advised to avoid fighting this thing. 

The Humanimal are creatures that have come from real humans. They function and act like apes (apparently) being able to use rocks and wood like weapons. They also can be found in groups and if you make noise, they get aggressive and come for you (you could have guessed that). The Nosalis are like giant rats but worse off course. They are agile and very fast. They can even run along walls and ceilings to get to you. They have nests and are aggressive. They can be found above and below the ground. The Watchman is the most common enemy you will encounter most likely. They travel in packs and have the ability to call for help and reinforcements.  We truly hope there are more enemies though. This world has potential to be creative and even scary.   

We checked out some gameplay and so far it definitely looks clean in terms of how it plays and looks. There is some hint of horror and scares depending on the player. The wolves definitely look good. The game better be difficult and not hold your hand. The graphics and sounds are very good. Hopefully leading a group of spartans doesn’t make things walk in the park. From what we have seen everything looks good so far. Just wonder how frequent enemy encounters are and how effective and essential is stealth in Metro Exodus.

Overall, Metro Exodus seems like a good game. There needs to be a lot to do and a reason for exploring besides just objectives. The developers ‘4A Games’ did a very good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to seeing what Metro Exodus has to offer. Now Metro Exodus may have a ruined world but one thing that will never be ruined is… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Dual Gear

Dual Gear is a new turn based strategy action game developed by ‘Orbital Speed Studio‘. It has been saids to be coming 2018 (year soon over) on the Xbox One, PS4, Mac and PC. This game caught out attention straight away. Hope it’s very good. Let’s take a look.

The world of Dual Gear is originally set in 2064  where powerful nations built the Gaia Belt which is the orbital energy station for receiving the newly discovered energy source. It was later attacked by terrorists after a test and the successful completion of phase one of the Gaia Belt in 2101. TEC deployed the orbital defence gear to defend and they were successful but the damage was heavy and even earth suffered from the battle. So TEC focused more on surface tactical units known as Dual Gears. Off course successful projects like that don’t stay at home but sold multiple units to clients around the world. Was that attack the last anyone will hear of the terrorists?…

Dual Gear

In Dual Gear, players get to control the Dual Gear units. The gameplay is off course turn based and you see everything in third person. You will control each unit separately, one by one. It’s a combination of real time shooting and quick performance cut scenes. This means players will need tactical thinking, good management, reflexes and awareness. Dual Gear has two elements that must be taken into account: action point (AP) and generator output (GP). All skills need action points in order for that skill to be used within that turn but they also need enough generator output to pull it off. The example given was a Dual Gear using a powerful weapon. It might require 1 or 2 action points during this turn but it will cost some Generator Output and if you don’t have enough, that attack isn’t going to work (it’s easier when you see it for yourself).

There’s more. Units also have a sort of health and shield system in place. The two elements here are: Armour power (AP) and Core power (CP). If you get hit anywhere then the armour power decreases for that part hit, like the right arm. If that hits zero then the core power will now start to decrease upon taking damage. If that part then hits zero now, then that part is destroyed. That’s right, Dual Gear allows the targeting of specific parts of Dual Gear units. Off course there are consequences for destroying parts of a Dual Gear. For example losing a right or left arm will off course mean you can’t use any weapons that arm wielded. If a leg is destroyed then that Dual Gear will not only travel at a much slower pace but will also consume more Generator Output (GP) than normal which also means using certain skills and weapons will be more restricted.

Dual Gear

So if an enemy unit spots one of your own it won’t do anything at first. If you start moving then it can and will fire at you. It stops firing when you stop moving again. This design choice was to allow players to not panic and think about what they want to do now. This means players will need to be aware of how much AP and GP they have before making any moves or strategizing. Management is key here so don’t be in a hurry or a rush.

Customisation is very detailed in Dual Gear as well. The options are of a wide variety. The Dual Gear is made up of five main parts. Cockpit, head, back pack, arms and legs. Each part can be customised. You can equip your Dual Gear with high weight legs which grant higher durability resistance to damage but this means less movement speed and more GP is consumed when moving. This makes you wonder about the different parts available. We hope there’s a range. Also you can customise the style. You can add camouflage, add patterns, change the colour to make that Dual Gear your very own. Also players can select an emblem. If you are going to fight at least look good while doing it.   

We checked out some. Gameplay and we saw different built Dual Gears with different weapons, weight, speed, attack range and more. Launch missiles, swing with blades and snipe from a distance. You can see how much Generator Output is being used and how much each skill will consume. When the enemy fires at you you can dodge attacks which is where the reflexes come into play. So far the action looks good and seems like a real detailed turn based strategy game.

Overall Dual Gear looks like a good game. The graphics looks good and the sounds are good too. The machines are very loud though so be careful with your speakers. The developers ‘Orbital Speed Studio’ did a very good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to Dual Gear coming out. Now Dual Gear might have a lot of history but it’s history is nothing compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Sundown is a new hide and seek shooter game developed by ‘Mild Beast Games‘ but published by ‘Versus Evil‘. It is coming out the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS4 and PC (currently available on Discord) but no given date. It just says 2018. This game has a very interesting concept and we hope it pulls it off well. 

Sundown is all about hide and seek, which means playing smart. Running around firing at everything may not work very well against a patient and accurate player. Basically everyone is covered in darkness. The whole map is dark. Players are only visible when you dash, shoot or slash. So do you make the first move thinking you know where your opponent is or do you play reactive and wait for your enemies to make the first move and then close in on them? There are many tactical approaches in concepts like this.


Now naturally this could make Sundown not only a tactical and strategic game but also an intense game where players might get on the edge of their seat. Think about it. You are against another skilled player who you know is moving around. If you attack and miss, they know where you are and will finish you off. We can imagine this in serious pro level matches where it sort of player like chess in a way.

Sundown is also for casual gamers who just want to have fun, and they can. This is because Sundown is also multiplayer. Both online and offline up to four players. Finally another developer with sense. Not everyone has a clan online or wants to be part of a clan or wants to play with others. The most fun X35 Earthwalker has had in gaming was playing with friends or family at home in the same room with trash talking and laughs. So gamers have some options in Sundown.


There is also a single player challenge mode which we hope does give a challenge with varying difficulty. Players can also take on offline bots to sharpen their skills or just to have a good time. Either way, the real challenge will be taking on other players online. There are currently six levels: Factory, Reactor, Mansion, Subway, Disco and Garden. Each level has a different level design layout concerning cover, obstacles etc. Each level does look like what their name says it is.

Very important are the weapons. Sundown has a variety of weapons but not a wide variety to keep things more simple and tactical. The Lobshot fires grenades that bounce around but the alt fire let’s you fire shots over walls. The Sniper is a powerful sniper rifle that can fire through walls and the alt fire drops a mine that’s remote detonated. Revolvers fire shots that bounce of walls and the alt fire shoots a flare that reveal other players. The Umbrella allows you to dash around very quickly and it’s alt fire allows you to block bullets. The Shotgun is powerful and has spread but alt fire empties the entire clip but gives that shot even more spread. There are more weapons and some are pretty cool. Good job Sundown.

We checked out some gameplay and what we mainly see is the fun casual side of the game. We see fast paced action and lots of people dying. This proves the two sides of Sundown, Casual and serious, fast paced and slow depending on who your opponents are. Melee weapons see to have a more clear advantage. We hope Sundown is carefully balanced. The graphics are alright for it’s style and the sounds are alright too.

Overall Sundown does seem like a good game. It’s concept is good and seems to have been done well. There are power ups like shields which is a good thing. There’s more we could say but we will leave it here. The developers ‘Mild Beast Games’ did a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to seeing how gamers like Sundown. Now darkness might be your friend in this game but even the darkness can’t help you against… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Resident Evil 2 has been remade and is being developed by ‘Capcom‘. It’s coming out the 25th of January 2019 on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. Now many have been saying how great Resident Evil 2, the original. We were never impressed with it but some gamers are looking out for this remake. Let’s take a look.

Now those who have played Resident Evil 1 and 2 you should know the deal about this game and how they function. It’s all about survival way more than combat. It isn’t a straight up gun fight. Many times players had to emphasise that running away from enemies is the best and smart thing to do. That reserves ammo, which is in short supply. So Resident Evil 2 should feel like how it use to… or does it?

Resident Evil 2 still revolves around Leon Kennedy and Claire Redfield. The main difference with all these reimagines and remakes is that graphics and visuals. Resident Evil 2 has improved graphics which means the zombies look more gross, more blood and splats more. The buildings and locations look very good. Fans will like what they did with the interior. 

Controls and camera is one of the main things that were considered negatives for the originals. In this reimagine of Resident Evil 2 both have been improved greatly. The controls are tighter, more responsive and better. It should be easier now to fire and kill enemies. The camera is better too. There is now immersive camera angles too. This works well especially when you are being grabbed and attacked, you get to see the damage and blood.

Resident Evil 2

Now it has been said that the Resident Evil 2 reimagined will have some new stuff like game modes which is basically mandatory for remakes like this. After all it is the same thing but improved graphics. There are also some changes to the story mode as well. Remakes need new features, new stuff and more to make it worth buying.

We checked out some gameplay and it’s what we thought it would be. The monsters do look very good though. Visuals are good too. The noises have been done very well. We haven’t seen anything to get us excited about Resident Evil 2 though. We can clearly see the improvements in control and camera from even short gameplays. 

Overall Resident Evil 2 looks good and plays better but that’s pretty much about it. It’s more for the fans who have played the originals and want that old feeling back of how they first played the game. As we thought we aren’t impressed nor do we want to play it but off course there will be many gamers who do want to play it. The developers ‘Capcom’ have done an okay job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker aren’t looking forward to Resident Evil 2 but will keep an ear out to hear how it does. Now Resident Evil 2 got remakes but one thing that doesn’t need a remake is… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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