Mega Man 11

Mega Man 11 is the latest and 11th main game, in the Mega man series and is being developed by ‘Capcom‘. It is coming out the 2nd of October 2018 on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS4 and PC. The Blue bomber is back. Let’s take a look. 

In Mega Man 11, Mega Man must fight even more robots (doesn’t he get bored). This time he is facing the robot masters to save the day. He’s the only one who can do it… but… will the bad guys let him? The robot masters are strong and very dangerous. You know the drill, each one stands out, has different abilities and patterns of attack. Once defeated Mega Man can take their weapons for himself.

Mega Man 11

Something different though. When he gets their weapons it actually changes the appearance of Mega Man. For example if players defeat Block man (lame name) and get his weapon, then Mega Man has the same shape but gets different colours, a heavy looking helmet and his cannon is replaced with a bigger rocky hand. It’s a good touch to add to the game and it makes you want to know what other looks he will have when he gets the other weapons too.

Now Mega Man fans should be happy that things like the gameplay are pretty much how you remember it. as in run, shoot, jump, shoot, evade, shoot, slide and shoot some more. Mega Man did get an upgrade though. Introducing the double gear system. With this Mega Man becomes more powerful and versatile. He can either boost the power of his mega buster to completely destroy enemies or even slow down time allowing players to dodge attacks and maneuver much more easily. Now that’s an upgrade. He still wouldn’t be able to beat Astro boy in a death battle but he’s getting there. 

Mega Man 11

There’s more. Mega Man 11 have extra modes like missions and time trials. There is also galleries containing concept art and for competitive reasons, there is also a global leaderboards. Now concerning difficulty, as we know Mega Man is also known for it’s high difficulty. Mega Man 11 has multiple difficulty modes meaning seasoned Mega Man fans can pick a high difficulty to get the classic feel while new players can get something easier. So read and pick wisely.

We checked out some gameplay and Mega Man 11 looks really good. It does seem quite classic as well. The new graphic style works well in our opinion. The back grounds and environments are very well done as well. Things look very smooth as well. It does not look that difficult though but then again, looking and playing are two different things. The robot masters are looking real cool though, especially Fuse Man. The effects are very good. 

Overall Mega Man 11 looks like a very good game. We don’t have a problem with the graphics, too many gamers are being complainers, like what they do with every new Halo game. Not everything can stay the same. The developers ‘Capcom’ did a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker are looking forward to seeing what Mega Man 11 has to offer. Now Mega Man has some strong enemies to face but none are as strong as… the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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Generation Zero


Generation Zero is the new open world action game developed by ‘Avalanche Studios‘. It is coming out in 2019 on the Xbox One, Play Station 4 and PC. There is a beta as well which players can sign up for. Generation Zero has gotten the attention of some gamers. Let’s take a look.

Generation Zero is set in Sweden in the 1980’s but obviously reimagined. Poor Sweden, because the countryside has been invaded by some very dangerous machines that will attack on sight and attack with force. Off course with games like this, there is always a big mystery to figure out and solve. Why is all of this happening? What’s with these machines etc.

The gameplay style has been described as cat and mouse. This instantly tells gamers that running out there spraying all your weapons at the enemy is a bad idea, since the players will in this case be the mouse. Players will be wise to fight by strategy and stealth. Players can lure enemies to certain spots for an ambush, distraction or to shoot a barrel or something lethal next to them. There are multiple options in Generation Zero.

Generation Zero

The enemy is the machines. There are different types of them too with their own functions. Ticks are the smallest but have got some movement going on. They will try to get close to slash you and off course blow up. Seekers who act like scouts/snitches. They will alert other machines of your location, so take them down fast or hide. Runners are a problem, they are fast and in groups. They will take you down with their automated weapons and even try to ram you over. Tanks are the big ones who have missiles and big guns. They are heavily armoured and a major threat. Come with a plan or die.

Each enemy isn’t just copy and paste or spawn and Respawn in Generation Zero. Each one has their own mission and task to complete. They roam about in certain ways. So when you encounter a specific enemy and let’s say destroyed one of its components, like weapons, armour etc, that damage stays. it is permanent and will still be there if you happen to run into that same machine enemy again. So let’s say you met a powerful enemy which you don’t have the means to beat but you can weaken it, well next time you see it, that enemy will be much easier to beat.

Generation Zero

So players in Generation Zero have to destroy the machines, stay alive, look for equipment and items that can really help, get better weapons and solve the mystery of what happened here in 1980’s Sweden. Best of all is that Generation Zero is also multiplayer. That’s right, 1-4 co-op multiplayer. So you can share loot with allies which is a feature something Destiny 2 should of had. Revive downed allies and use your skills to your advantage. 

We checked out some gameplay and Generation Zero looks good right now. The machines have some variety to them and function differently. The full day and night cycle combined with the different weather you can get is a nice touch and does impact certain aspects. There are simulated ballistics 1980’s style music and good graphics rendered with the Apex Engine. We just hope that this game doesn’t become too easy, especially when playing with friends.

Overall Generation Zero looks like a good game for sure. We like that it’s multiplayer. We like that it’s open world. Stealth and survival works well here and the enemies seem like a real problem. The game difficulty needs to be high in this game. The developers ‘Avalanche Studios’ did a very good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to seeing completely what Generation Zero has to offer. Now Sweden may be in trouble but there is no trouble for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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This is the police 2

This is the police 2 is the sequel to This is the police. It’s a new strategy adventure game developed by ‘Weappy Studio‘ but published by ‘THQ Nordic‘. It is coming out on Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PS4 the 25th of September but already out on PC.

This is the police 2 is set in a cold town called Sharpwood. This town has some issues and a half. There’s a lot of violence and everyone sort of does what they want to do (which is never a good thing).  No one in the town is completely innocent. There are gangs, smugglers and other scum, all who live in Sherwood and gladly call it their home. Players will have to deal with all of them too. Violence and despair are increasing.

This is where the players come in. The players will take control of the new sheriff, Lily Reed. Now the criminals aren’t the only problem she has to also deal with her fellow cops under her authority. They aren’t happy or use to having a young woman tell them what to do, so she’ll have to decide how she’s going to handle them and bring the discipline as she’s can’t handle this town alone. So to sum up, players will have to investigate situations, incarcerate scums, run the sheriff department, perform interrogations, manage the cops and make some tough decisions.

This is the police 2

The developers wanted things to be more tactical and strategic this time around in This is the police. Now there are new things to take into account. Your cops are more than just number resources. They now have their own fears, strengths, prejudices and weaknesses. All these must be taken into account when using them for particular tasks or missions. Personal relationships are quite important too. For example making friends or being business associates with certain people can help you out… or even save your life. Oh and don’t think the criminals here wimps as some use to be in the military.

Gamers will also have to be like Batman and use their brains as a detective because evidence need to be collected and examined. Get the right people in jail and know when to use force in interrogation and other matters. Just a hint from us. Remember that everyone in this town isn’t completely innocent… what if some judges in court have been bribed? Think about that when you play This is the police 2.

This is the police 2

Off course there is some combat in This is the police 2. Strategic combat. When a mission is real dangerous the game switches to turn based combat. Yep things just got real when that happens. So for missions like this, select and choose the best cops for the job. You can even still use any of your drunk and useless ones too. Who cares, just use them as bait or a distraction. Like with other turn based strategy game like XCOM 2: War of the Chosen, players can examine and study the area to get a better idea of how to go about the situation. As cops, witnesses and people alive are more useful so rely on stealth and weapons that don’t kill first. If it becomes a gun fight then fire away, better they die then losing your own cops. The combat can get quite intense. Just don’t put much faith in the aim of your drunk cops.

We checked out some gameplay and it’s what we expected. It’s a dark situation and things don’t look good. Tough decisions have to be made and players must take note of many things. The graphic style is almost gooey-is in a way and that’s what they wanted. We aren’t a fan of it but it’s not our decision. The sounds are good though. The trailer below doesn’t have any action but it does display what kind of work This is the police 2 is set in. There’s corruption, bullying, law breaking and scum everywhere.

Overall This is the Police 2 seems like a good game. The story is deeper and more intense. Combat is more risky with more to do and heavy consequences. The setting works well with the atmosphere of the game, cold. The developers ‘Weappy Studio’ did a good job with the game. We at X35 Earthwalker currently aren’t a fan of it and won’t be looking forward to it but we are sure others are. Now the situation in This is the police 2 looks real bad but what’s not bad is… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Neonwall is a action puzzle game developed by ‘Norain Games‘. It is already out on both Nintendo Switch and PC but coming to Xbox One on the 14th of September 2018. This game certainly knows how to stand out just by looks alone. Is it any good?

Neonwall is all about timing, concentration and focus. There are lots of obstacles and many puzzles. The aim of the game really is to get the ball through to the end but the faster you can do it, the better. Players can interact with the ball by using the two lasers, which are controlled by using the joysticks. These lasers can move blocks allowing for a clear path or path adjustments. You can also break blocks too. mostly importantly though is the ability to change the colour of the ball.


Colours in Neonwall is the most important thing. For starters the ball moves faster when it’s moving on blocks of the same colour. The ball can even open doors only if it’s the same colour as the door. Also, lasers can only interact with elements of the same colour! So colour exchanging is, as we said before, very important. So basically all Neonwall is asking players to do is manage the three colours and exchange them between the lasers and the ball to successfully get the ball to the end.

Neonwall does have VR support. so the HTC Vive, Oculus rift and Windows Mixed reality. It’s said to be more immersive with one of these. They always say that. 

We checked out some gameplay and it definitely looks like a puzzle. The ball is moving and you have to look ahead to see what needs to be done and then make sure the right colours and used. Move this platform, open that, jump across the gap etc. It looks like things can get a bit chaotic later on. This game is definitely unique and we like that. 

Overall Neonwall looks like a very cool game. The graphics are excellent for it’s neon style and we like the level designs. Players need to be prepared. The developers ‘Norain Games’ did an excellent job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will look to see how Xbox One gamers receive this. Now all the colours and puzzles may be a lot but it’s nothing compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider is the new action adventure Tomb Raider game developed by ‘Eidos-Montreal‘ and ‘Crystal Dynamic‘ but published by ‘Square Enix‘. It is coming out the 14th of September 2018 on the Xbox One, Xbox One X, PS4, PS4 Pro and PC. Lara Croft is back and she looks serious. Let’s take a look.

In Shadow of the Tomb Raider players still play Lara Croft and this time she’s in a race to save the whole world from a maya apocalypse. So this off course means more jungles that are full of danger, tombs that need raiding (fine we’ll stop) but are definitely not safe at all and last of all, some bad dudes with guns that will shoot you. Nothing she hasn’t faced before. 

This jungle won’t be some walk in the park in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. There’s more this time. You mustn’t just survive but master the jungle, this suggests that there are multiple techniques to learn like probably setting traps with logs or spike pit style, maybe swing from vines for greater mobility. There are whole tunnel systems, deep ones which need exploring. Even more dangerous but interesting are the underwater areas and gamers understand underwater levels quite well at this point.

Shadow of the Tomb Raider

From what we hear the tombs are suppose to actually be a threat this time. No simple walk around here and there looking at pretty runes on walls. In Shadow of the Tomb Raider, players can expect puzzles that are risky, deadly and punish mistakes. You will need what is called, advanced traversal techniques, to even reach them. sort of sounds like a level up system as you learn certain techniques and use those to reach a tomb you saw but couldn’t access. After all there is a large hub in shadow of the Tomb Raider with quite a bit of activity going on. 

Lara is just one person and there’s no way she can win a straight up fight as the enemy have better numbers and firepower. So players must use the jungle to their advantage in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. This means sudden strikes and then getting out of there real quick. Like Batman, Lara can instil fear in her enemies which off course can work to her advantage. Lara can even use mud as camouflage which will work well during night. There are more options than before and gamers like options.   

Shadow of the Tomb Raider

Shadow of the Tomb Raider will have some crafting. Crafting and gathering materials is a focused thing in Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Players can go around gathering insects and plants too which off course can have benefits. For example there is a plant that allows Lara to see plants and animals that can be harvested in an area. Off course you can collect materials that can be used for crafting ammunition, and even a poison grenade. A poison cloud releasing arrow can be crafted also. There’s a lot going on here.

We checked out some gameplay and so far it looks quite deep. The jungle for starters is big, looks quite lively and the different greenery works well. What’s also interesting is the abilities and upgrades players can get and invest in. For example there’s Caiman’s breathe increases breath capacity. Serpents skin allows you to use mud as camouflage and reduces chance of detection by enemies. Serpents strike grants the ability to stealth kill takedown without alerting anyone else. There’s way more for players to aim for. We even saw a plat you can collect which basically slow down time, allowing players to get the shots they want on enemies.

Overall Shadow of the tomb Raider looks like a step up from the previous Tom Raider games. The graphics are excellent. The new ideas work well in theory. The environments are very well done. The developers ‘Eidos-Montreal’ and ‘Crystal Dynamic’ did an excellent job. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye out for Shadow of the Tomb Raider. Now Lara Croft may be trying to save the world but her mission is too small when compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is a new action adventure game developed by ‘FromSoftware‘ but published by ‘Activison‘. It will be coming out the 22nd of March 2019 on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. There suppose to be a lot going on in Sekiro: Shadows die twice. Let’s take a look.

The story in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is that the prince, who is a descendant of an ancient clan that got destroyed, was kidnapped by a commander of the Ashina clan. The Ashina clan believe that this child is the major key for protecting their own lands from an invading force. Strange right? Players control the protagonist, a shinobi, known as the one-armed wolf. A disgraced and disfigured hard hearted warrior who was saved from the brink of death. Sounds interesting though.

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is set in the re-imaged time of late 1500s Sengoku Japan. A hard and dangerous time indeed. Players must expect some not natural enemies as this isn’t suppose to be a faithful historical game but some reality mixed with some fantasy elements if that’s what you want to call it. Now our character, Sekiro, has lost one arm and so he replaced it with something called an ningishu which is a prosthetic that allows the attachment of any ninja equipment. Is Sekiro trying to be Samus Aran or something? The main equipment players will use is the kaginawa which is basically a grappling hook which can be used to reach new heights and areas. Exploration. Expect many more different equipment which will help out.

Sekiro isn’t for little children as it’s made clear on the box (that 18+ on the front). This game is going to be really difficult. The developer has stated that he wants Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice to be tougher than previous games they have made. Now let’s see what games has FromSoftware made before… oh yeah, that’s right, the Dark Souls series and bloodborne. So already you know this game isn’t going to be easy. Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice has higher emphasis on being clever with your skills instead of skilful. Players will really need to think about how they will try and kill their enemies and targets. There are lots of stealth elements like hiding in corners, trapping to ceilings, shadows etc. It’s gets deeper.

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

When players have worked out how they plan to deliver the kill, they have to use moves known as the Shinobi death blows. Before that you must lower their guard, whittle down their posture until they stagger. This now reminds me of Final Fantasy XIII. So players must successfully land a parry or multiple hits to get them ready for death, in style we heard. The parrying though needs to be perfect, failure could easily mean death. Unlike the soul series though there will be no stats, levelling up, souls to collect and lose or character classes. It’s just you and the character. This is sometimes a good thing.

We checked out some gameplay and we saw a lot. The ningishu (the prosthetic arm) could use fire crackers, form a shield, become an axe, the kaginawa (grappling hook) can also be used for grappling and to close the gap towards enemies. There are enemies who are large monsters who will smash and throw you around. There is a humanoid fat, ugly sword wailing enemy who can vomit on his sword to possibly make the blade poisonous or cause some serious infections. You will face horse riders who charge in while screaming like a mad man. Pretty interesting.

Overall this game does look really cool indeed. The story isn’t obvious but it’s interesting to a certain extent (mainly the kidnapped prince). The graphics are very good, the sounds are great but the environment and visuals is excellent. The snow and buildings had work put into them. The developers ‘FromSoftware’ have done an excellent job. The expectations from fans will be very high. We at X35 Earthwalker are looking forward to this game. Now we hope the lore in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is easier to figure out and learn. Now Sekiro: Shadows die twice may have an interesting world but it doesn’t even compare to the level of interest that’s of… the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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Planet Alpha

Planet Alpha is a new Adventure Platform developed by ‘Planet Alpha aps’ but published by ‘Team17 Digital‘. It is coming out the 4th of September on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS4 and PC. This game already is looking fantastic.

The story in Planet Alpha is basically that you have awoken on a strange planet, wounded, off course stranded (otherwise we could just leave) and all alone. This planet is filled with exotic and off course mysterious plants, environments and creatures. Nothing says normal about this game or the planet. Now our character is completely defenseless. We discover that our character has the ability to manipulate the time of day. Imagine that for a moment, being able to control what time it is throughout the day. 

Planet Alpha

Staying alive is the key thing in Planet Alpha. What? You thought because everything looks colourful and beautiful that everything was going to be nice. Wrong! Yes there is some beautiful looking plants and greenery but we also mentioned creatures. there are some that are docile and harmless while others will relentlessly pursue after you to destroy you or eat you or whatever. There are giant glowing scarab better looking creatures. Giant rock pillar looking ones that walk on legs like an arachnid, another flying beast that looks  like a deep sea Liopleurodon or something. The amount of creative and cool looking creatures is awesome.   

Now let’s talk about the environments in Planet Alpha. There is quite a variety. There is a desert looking area, a rocky area, a sky broken platform area, plains area, rainforest area, mechanical lab area and more. You can tell just from looking that each of these locations had a lot of work put into them. Each of these environments look excellent. The lighting, the attention to detail, how the dust and sand gets moved etc is all working out very well. This just makes exploring this place so much more desirable, wondering what you will find and see next. 

Planet Alpha

We checked out some gameplay and so far is looks awesome. The colours, the environments, the creatures all look cool. There is suppose to be some serious mysterious regarding this planet though so exploration and finding out that secret is needed. We heard it’s apparently not a good one. Also if gamers pre-order Planet Alpha now, you will get a 10% discount, the original sound track and a digital art book. The platforming elements are clear and quite strong here, so pushing, pulling, jumping, running are all going to be frequent things.

Overall Planet Alpha looks really cool. The graphics are fantastic. The sounds are excellent. The environments look alive and exciting. The developers ‘Planet Alpha aps’ did a fantastic job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker do need to see more concerning Planet Alpha but we like what we see so far and looking forward to it. Now Planet Alpha has some large and beautiful environments with cool creatures but it’s beauty can’t compare with the beauty of… the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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DOOM: Eternal

DOOM: Eternal has off course gotten lots of attention. It is still the first person shooter game we all know and love but this time… it’s bigger. Much bigger. More demons, more areas, more kills, more style, more variety, more weapons and off course more DOOM Guy, also known as the Slayer. Let’s take a look.

DOOM: Eternal is being developed by ‘Id Software‘ but published by ‘Bethesda‘. The developers wanted to go in a bit of a different direction. It’s now more than just a game with chapters. There are worlds for players to reach and battle demons there. Their website says the words “never before seen worlds”. So DOOM: Eternal looks like it will play like Metroid and Destiny in terms of there being different locations and players can travel to them with lots to do in each one. It definitely feels like an open world but not as big. We can tell from the surroundings that Hell has been brought to earth. There are destroyed buildings, ruined roads and pavement, large chasms, lava around, fire around, bridges destroyed etc. Looks like things are getting real bad for humanity. Either Hell has been brought to earth or certain places on earth was brought to Hell. It’s more likely the former. We can say right now that if you enjoyed DOOM, then DOOM: Eternal is something for you.

DOOM: Eternal

There are some new weapons like the ballista which can spear demons with a explosive bolt. it’s almost like the Slayer had some training with the elves. it’s fires accurately and in a straight line but looks like a laser. The Slayer has his own super shotgun which has a device called the meat hook which you can fire at enemies and then zip line towards them at speed to get close for the kill or for increased mobility. Each of the weapons are suppose to be made in a way that one doesn’t outshine the other all together. Each one allows destruction of the enemy. The combat shotgun has the launch able grenades but now they can stick into enemies and then explode which will come in handy. The combat shotgun also has a feature where you can use an attachment that allows the combat shotgun to fire rapidly as the attachment rotates like a chain gun barrel. It does look awesome. The heavy assault rifle also has a second mode where if you zoom in, it becomes like a zoomed in single fire powerful rifle that is lethal with headshots. It can also pierce through enemies by the way, so get that double headshot with one bullet. 

In terms of combat mechanics, there has been a lot of upgrades. for starters DOOM: Eternal has given players far more mobility than before. Players can jump into horizontal poles and pipes and can swing of them which you can then jump once again allowing the reaching of further and higher places. Players can now do a quick dash at great speeds and can also dash in the air. You can combine these movements with the meat hook to become nearly untouchable as you can double jump there, swing of a pipe, dash and then grapple a demon at a distance to zoom across in that direction, then jump off all while firing at anything and everything. That sounds crazy. The Slayer also has a shoulder mounted cannon weapon that can fire a grenade or even spray fire at enemies for assistance or just that additional damage. The Slayer now has a wrist extendable blade, sort of like what the Predator has. The Slayer uses it to stab enemies and mainly for glory kills in brutal but clean fashion.

DOOM: Eternal

An event can take place warning the player of ‘Incoming invaders’ which again suggests that it’s still earth or mars (whatever) that we are fighting on. When the invaders show up there job is to take down the Slayer. Now a gameplay did leave us some clues concerning the invaders. The Revenant and Mancubus we say had names above their heads. The Revenants was “D00t76” and the Mancubus had “Daisy121” Sort of like a gamer tag maybe… like what alpha and beta builds of games have where players have these given names when they play. That’s right, just like with Dark Souls, players can invade other players as demons to take them down. Imagine just playing and slaying and then all of a sudden two highly skilled Doom players invade and come straight for your head. It just got real… but wait… there’s more! Players can team up and form Slayer hunting teams. This will make your campaign more unpredictable. Off course players have the options to choose whether to play alone, or set their campaign to no invasions.

DOOM: Eternal

As for the demons themselves… well… there is a lot of them. Some of the old ones are back like zombie guys, off course imps, hell knights, Pain elemental and Mancubus (this is just some of them). There are also some new ones too who are going to be a real problem. The goal of the developers was to obviously make players feel powerful but making Doom Guy (the Slayer) feel powerful by having him defeat powerful enemies. There’s one who’s known as the arch enemy of the Slayer. This enemy is large, mechanical, hovers, got a double chainsaw for one hand while the other hand holds a big cannon, which we think is for blowing us up and right next to the hover jets are what looks short of like mini chain guns. There is also what looks like mini missile launchers too. Scary. There is also the Marauda (not sure if spelt correctly) which is confirmed to have a story behind it. It looks like the Slayer and we think it’s a fallen Slayer because we know there were more than one Slayer in DOOM history. The one we saw has it’s own super shotgun, demon energy battle axe and some armour. Basically a real problem when encountered in the battle field. The enemies like before are numerous, hurling projectiles and doing everything they can to bring you down. There are demons in the air, demons on the ground, fast and slow enemies and enemies with projectiles while others are trying to run you down to get melee with you. The demons aren’t playing around this time, that’s for sure.

We checked out some gameplay and everything looks very good indeed. The graphics are excellent and they are using a powerful engine which was called the Id tech 7 engine. The sounds are great also. In terms of environments and different areas, there is the hell on earth area which looks completely destroyed but there are some new places in Hell also. There is the new UAC and it has gotten far more cult like and technology based. There is also some places that has never been seen before. Off course their is some emphasis on the environmental story telling so look around for details and clues. We saw where the Slayer ended up on Phobos and everyone was scared of him. No one got in his way and no one tried anything crazy. Even the armed guards realised who he was and just let him take his weapon. Very different to Master Chief from Halo who has everyones respects and is loved, instead of feared. So you can Cleary see the difference. Love vs fear. Master Chief vs the Slayer. Awesome.

Overall DOOM: Eternal looks like an awesome game. The developers ‘Id Software’ did an fantastic job with this game without a doubt. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to DOOM: Eternal. Killing demons is awesome for people like us. Now DOOM: Eternal may have a new and improved Slayer but even he is a joke and can’t compare to the ones who do… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Immortal: Unchained

Immortal: Unchained is a new action RPG third person shooter game developed by ‘Toadman Interactive‘. It will be ‘unchained’ and released the 7th of September on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. Apparently the world is running out of time. Let’s take a look.

The story in Immortal: Unchained is quite weird but basically players control a character who was unwillingly unchained and released by a being called the Warden. All you are told is that the world is running out of time and that your skills are needed. Wonder what those skills are… So the player must set off on their mission but with no memory of who you are or what you do. So the other task is that players must find information regarding who you etc through stuff in the game and other characters.

Immortal: Unchained

Immortal: Unchained is developed to be a serious, hardcore game, so expect lots and lots of action. Expect bullets to fly and enemies to resist with all their might. What we do know is that the character we control is a living weapon. You have be locked away for a millennia. Apparently by those who thought we were too much of a threat. This mission or should we say journey is filled with dangerous and murderous foes. There are some who aren’t trying to kill you but they will use you to fulfil their own goals. So keep that in mind. 

It’s all about guns and melee combat in Immortal: Unchained. Get up close and smash some foes in or stay back and take them out with accurate shots. There is lots of options regarding weapon builds and choices. So having creativity helps out. Create your own play style and roll with it. There are different armours to acquire and choose from to use in your battles. If you are a fan of the story and style of The Witcher, Killzone:Shadow Fall and Battlefield 1 then you might like the story of Immortal: Unchained because the story has been written by a team that includes both Anne Toole and Adrian Vershinin.  

Immortal: Unchained

We checked out some gameplay and this does seems cool but currently too slow paced. We know it’s also an RPG but it comes off as too slow. Especially if enemies come at you one at a time. There are loads of weapons, over 100 we were told, there are 6 different disciplines to pick from also. As we say, gamers like options. The undead who have been freed from the underworld seem annoying but not a major threat. We do know that there are legendary bosses that are suppose to bring epic massive clashes. we wonder how those are done though. 

Overall Immortal: Unchained looks like a cool good game but definitely cones off as too slow. We hope there are difficulty settings too because we saw a developer playing it and he had some high-is difficulty as in he died quite a few times. At least we know the game isn’t easy. The graphics are very good indeed. Excellent we do say. We do hope they make the right adjustments to the gameplay. the developers ‘Toadman Interactive’ did a great job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will need toes more action though. Now Immortal Unchained may have a living weapon but it’s lame compared to the weapons of… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Midnight Club: Los Angeles

Midnight Club: Los Angeles is a racing game developed by Rockstar Games. One of our favourite and best ones we ever played. The story is simple, you are a incredibly confident driver who shows up wanting to make a name for himself. Challenging and being challenged by others. So win races, get races and be the best. Simple to understand and makes sense.

Midnight Club: Los Angeles starts of with a trick. They give you the choice from three different cars to make your own. Kind of like with Pokemon. The car that looks the nicest isn’t the fastest. It’s actually the sirocco that’s the fastest but doesn’t look nice in the slightest. As you win races you get both more ‘rep’ which is reputation and money. The higher your rep, the more races you unlock as people start talking about you and want to see if you can really drive for themselves. The story isn’t all that strong though. It’s just simply that you meet some characters as you win races, they hook you up with some races going on, you win some more, then you meet more people and then win some more until you become the king basically.

There is a bit of variety when it comes to the races. There are the simple ones where you go from start to finish driving through all the yellow marked spots on the map. There are lap races where you must complete the lap two times. There are some people who challenge you to multiple races and it’s the first to win 2 of them or 3. There are red light races where you start at a traffic light and race to a certain landmark, the racers start as soon as the light turns green. Then there’s the motor way races where everything stays on the motor way and lives on the motorway. Some races have multiple racers like 4 others while some are 1 on 1. Motor way is definitely X35 Earthwalker’s favourite. Just pure speed.

Midnight Club: Los Angeles

To unlock faster and better cars in Midnight Club: Los Angeles, players must continue winning races and completing the main objectives. Start with group 1 cars which have D and C class vehicles. Overtime players will unlock group 2 and then 3 for powerful cars. Group 4 is where the real racing cars are at. Monster vehicles. Each vehicle you buy can be upgraded. Players can buy nine upgrades, better quality tires, extra nitrous etc to improve top speed, acceleration and handling. The car stats were kept simple which is a very good thing.

Eventually players can get their hands on special abilities for their vehicle. That’s right Midnight Club: Los Angeles didn’t leave what was in Dub Edition. The abilities: Zone, Agro, Roar and EMP are here. You can only equip one at a time. Driving cleanly will charge them up and once full can be used. Repeatedly using these abilities will eventually lead to a level up meaning you can store more of that ability in your vehicle. Now different players say different things about these abilities. Some come off as more useful than others but they do have to some extent pros and cons.

Zone allows players to drive their vehicle but in slow motion temporarily. While everything is slowed down, players also have enhanced control over their vehicle and more grip meaning handling tight turns, dodging a vehicle or slipping in between two cars becomes too easy. Agro basically turns your car into the Juggernaut from Marvel comics. You become invincible for a short period of time, meaning you take zero damage from crashes or whatever. Also you inflict like times 100 more damage to anything that touches you, sending them flying. Roar allows players to send off a powerful shockwave in front of you that forces and moves all vehicles out of your way. It’s literally a repelling force. Get all the traffic out your way. Roar also effects enemy races so you can use roar to send them going straight when all were suppose to turn right. EMP is literally what it says on the box. It short circuits all vehicles around you for a few seconds. This means they cannot accelerate. This can be used to prevent others from passing you or to allow you to zoom past them. 

Midnight Club: Los Angeles

Take this into account when playing Midnight Club: Los Angeles. Zone becomes much less useful as you get better at the game. Eventually, with enough skill, you can slip between cars while driving at high speeds and read the map well enough to know when to turn and handle those turns. So top level drivers won’t find a need for zone. is considered one of the better ones as it can be used both offensively and defensively but it’s offence is limited to you actually having to touch your opponent. They can still keep their distance from you. Also, even though you are smashing things aside, you can still get slowed down if you smash into too much in a row. Roar only effects those in front of you, also if you are about to smash into a vehicle roar may not work fast enough to get that vehicle out of the way in time, especially if you are travelling at high speeds. EMP doesn’t last long at all and doesn’t reduce the opponents speed. It just for a few seconds prevents them from increasing speed. So think about what serves you the best.

The pink slip races and wager races are the worst and make even the best and most confident racers sweat. In wagers you bet money while in pink slip… you bet your car. If you win, you get back what you betted and you get what the opponent betted too. You know how in games when you are about to lose, you just turn off the game or hit restart then you don’t lose anything… well that doesn’t work here. From the moment you accept the race the game takes away your money or car betted and saves the game. The only way you can your bet back is to win that race. So if you don’t cross that finish line first, your car or money is gone. No questions, no negotiation, no one cares. Even if you had a power cut in your area, you lose your car. Smart on the developers part but horrible for players.

What’s worse is that you race on the streets like normal anyway. This means anything can go wrong. A A.I car could suddenly turn into your path crashes into you, makes you spin out allowing your opponent to zoom cleanly ahead. Guess what?… it al counts. What matters if who crosses that line first. No restarts, no second tries. X35 Earthwalker once had a pink slip race where a random car didn’t to turn right and smashed into his vehicle, he then cleanly crashed into a wall. He just about won in the end though. Too close for comfort. Players are warned before agreeing to wager and pink slip races though so that’s fair. Doesn’t make it any less scary and intense. 

Midnight Club: Los Angeles

The customisation in Midnight Club: Los Angeles is amazing. You can customise everything from the hood, to the front and back bumpers, to the lights, the doors, the sides of the vehicle, the  license plate, the tires, brakes and rims, the car colour, the internal colour and gauge colour, neon lights both outside and inside glow, colour of the glow, the seats, the steering wheel you name it. Allowing you to practically make your own vehicle. It’s done very well. if only other racing games had this level of customisation. be warned the most expensive thing to customise is the rims and tyres. Cost more than engine upgrades. Ridiculous. You can have vinyl designs on your vehicle and symbols. It’s that good. See it for yourself.

Now Midnight Club: Los Angeles isn’t perfect at all. Let’s talk about some negatives. What’s really annoying is when you a target on your gps to know where to go but then a character pops up to talk to you. Their interaction screen replaces your gps, meaning you can’t see where you are going and have to wait until they finish or go back to the gps screen and then come back out again, wasting time. Next is the fact that the police at times are unpredictable. X35 Earthwalker once saw a police car coming and decided to slow real down. He reached the traffic lights and then when the lights turned green went of at a real slow speed around 15 miles per hour. The police got triggered and chased after him. Maybe X35 went too slow. Either way we still find it ridiculous.

Midnight Club: Los Angeles

Another problem is that some cars that are displayed as slower are somehow faster than cars displayed as faster. For example when you unlock the Camaro dub edition muscle car in a tournament it comes upgraded already. When you compare that to the lancer class B car when upgraded as well has lower stats. So the Lancer is shown as definitely faster but when you drive them both it’s obvious that the Camaro is actually faster which makes no sense. That is deceiving. If the stats show car A to be faster than car B then Car A should actually be faster, that’s common sense and a game as good as Midnight Club shouldn’t have this problem. This is linked to the next issue. There are two more stats to take note of with these cars. The torque and horse power. This must be the thing many players are missing. While the Lancer had higher speed stats shown by bar graph, it’s torque and horse power was lower than the Camaro’s according to the graph. We aren’t car people, so we don’t know about torque and horse power. The game should do something simple like explaining those two to us. Does having high horse power mean your car is faster? if so then why isn’t the speed bar higher to match it? too many questions. it’s confusing. Either make the stats accurate or explain everything concerning the cars. It’s simple developers, get it right! Oh it doesn’t help that you can’t see the torque and horse power graph until after you get or buy the car which means you may have spent good money for a vehicle that’s slower than what you already have which sucks.

Next complaint is that the A.I are too difficult in many cases. They also at times don’t make sense. For example the first time you race Karol, he’s speeding, over taking you and zooming around corners almost perfectly. When you beat him, get his vehicle and check it’s stats; you learn that he was using a very slow, weak stats vehicle. It’s a D class! How was he keeping up with my upgraded Shinka which can be considered a B class vehicle with the right upgrades. Midnight Club: Los Angeles should be realistic. If your opponent drives a slow car then they should be no match for you, don’t give them some supernatural boosts. That’s stupid. Also X35 Earthwalker had the fastest and best car you could get at that point of the game and entered a dub tournament. Two of the opponents had slower cars while the main opponent had an A class super fast car. When the race started all off the opponents were too fast. We can understand the A class guy being too fast but why all of them especially when X35 was using a B class vehicle and the other two had B and C class? Again it’s stupid and makes no sense. 

Overall Midnight Club: Los Angeles is still one of our favourite racing games of all times. Lots of high speed races, some of which can get quite intense and some moments when you hate everything. Great graphics concerning the cars and locations, very different race tracks forcing players to rely on certain vehicles and skills. The abilities makes everything more exciting and cool. The many many races and characters show that’s lots of stuff is happening for you to be a part off. Many cars to choose from, even police vehicles and the customisation is the best we have seen for cars. So much positives concerning this game and it’s worth playing. You can see some Midnight Club action on the X35 Earthwalker Mixer livestream channel from time to time so make sure to follow to know when the streams happen. It’s confirmed that you can find some serious drives in Midnight Club: Los Angeles.

For more information check out the link below:

A past livestream