Dark Souls: Remastered is the improved version of Dark souls (what else could it be?) and is being developed by ‘Bandai Namco’. It’s coming out the 25th of May on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS4, PC. Let’s take a look.
Dark souls is one of those games that some gamers may have some bad memories off. Let’s take a look.That’s right. Dark Souls is back but completely remastered. Graphics, sounds, designs everything. 60 frames per second and all. Now this remastered not only contains the main game but also the Artorias of the Abyss DLC. So do players have what it takes to return to Lordran?
Honestly there isn’t that much to say about this as it’s pretty much self explanatory. We can confirm though that players need to complete the game more than once as each play through will bring new challenges.
We checked out some gameplay and there are lots of different weapons, armour, magic and crafting options allowing for many different combinations. Graphics, monsters, environment, everything is drastically improved.
Overall it’s like we said earlier, it’s a remastered version of a game. That’s pretty much it. Not even the official website has that much information on it and the trailer really keeps things limited. The developers ‘Bandai Namco’ did a nice job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker are not looking forward to this game. Now fighting monsters is one thing but it can’t compare to… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 was developed by Konami is one of those games that we at X35 Earthwalker love. After all it is Pac-Man and that’s almost about as classic as it gets. A simple game where you eat dots and avoid ghosts. So what has Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 done? Let’s take a look.
Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 is fun and something for the family and friends to enjoy but that doesn’t mean this game is a joke. In fact this game can actually be very difficult. It’s the truth. If you are playing to just beat the levels and get a nice score then that’s all good. If you want a real challenge then… well we will get to that later. From the start you have to complete the tutorial. This is important as Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 is quite different in terms of gameplay. Through the tutorial you will learn that there is a path formed by the dots to follow instead of just random eating which when followed will most of the time minimise the amount of encounters you have with the ghosts and complete each level faster. You will also learn that there are ghost minions, ghost trains and even moving fruits and power pellets. It truly does prepare you for what you will face but the only negative here is that you are forced to play the tutorial in order to unlock the rest of the game which is annoying. Gamers should be given the choice to skip tutorial if we want.
Score attack comes next and it’s all about getting the best score you can possibly get. The scores are ranked from ‘E’ to ‘S’. By the way if you get an ‘E’ rank then put down the controller and never pick it back up again. There are multiple levels with different structure designs and focuses. Each level has four modes to get a high score on: Single Train, Regular, Extreme and practice. In Single train you only have to deal with one coloured in ghost who’s ghost train alone grows when you wake up minions. It’s the only train you can score on and the other main character ghosts move around and their only threat is that they get in the way because they can’t be knocked completely out of the way like the minions. Players could end up being slowed down considerably because they had to continuously bump a ghost all the way out of their path in a straight line which is the most frustrating thing in the whole game. In regular it’s all the same except that you have to deal with all four ghosts coloured in and have their own trains which means four trains for players to chase down after getting the power pellet. Extreme mode is deadly. Ghosts get angered after one touch and act just like in the original Pac-Man as in Blinky (red) will chase you down, Pinky (pink) tries to cut you off and trap you, Inky (blue) at times chases, other times cuts you off and Clyde (orange) does whatever he wants. Also Extreme always have moving fruits and dots and grants no extra lives. Practice is the easiest and just there for casual fun really.
In Pac-Man Championship Edition 2, Score attack is also where the difficulty really shows. If you are one of those crazy gamers who want to prove that you are above other Pac-Man players then the only way is to get the ‘S’ rank. S rank forces players to make very little to no mistakes in order to get it. If you die once, chances are you won’t get the S. If you miss an extra life, chances are you won’t get the S. If you take too long with the ghost trains, chances are you won’\t get the S either. So to get the S, make sure to find and follow the path that the dots make, wake up all the minions keep bomb jumping to a minimum catch ghost train really fast by predicting where they are going, and know when to get the fruit early or not. Some levels will never give you the S if you follow the whole path of dots then get the fruit. There are times when you have to leave the level early to save yourself some time. One of our best tips from X35 Earthwalker is that when attempting the S rank finish the level and take a good look at the graphs and numbers displayed at the end as it can help you realise what you need to focus on more. For example maybe you have enough time but need more dots to be eaten or maybe you need more time and just need to get one more ghost train. Find out. X35 Earthwalker himself has already gotten S ranks for all single train levels and even ranked within the top 50 of Pac-man players for some levels. Getting the S rank can be so brutal at times attempting multiple times and each time seeing that you are off by a couple of thousand points. Frustration.
We believe it is easier to get the S rank in Regular mode but it’s not that much easier. It still takes a lot out of gamers. The next game type to unlock is Adventure. Here players will take on a series of challenges like eat 6 fruits. Sounds easy but everything has to be done within a time limit. Now if you play in the hardest difficulty like we did then the time you have is really cutting it close at times. It gets worse as some levels in between end with a power pellet meaning you must chase and eat ghost trains and then reach the fruit within those short times and if you have played Score attack then you know how dodgy things can get with them. Depending on how well you complete a level you get stars with full completion giving you three stars, kind of like Gears of war Judgement with how you can only get four stars by completing the Onyx missions which are considerably harder. If you have enough stars then you can challenge the boss. Boss battles feels like the easiest part of the game which is a shame. The boss just stays in the background and only chomps down on stages if you move on to the next one or you run out of time. The boss can chomp in the back ground to make all ghosts present, very angry meaning they can take you out. After getting all the fruits to move forwards you will eventually reach the even more super, super pellet which allows you to take a bit out of the huge ghost boss and defeat it once and for all (hopefully). The boss fights should be more exciting if you ask us and more things thrown in their instead of the usual chase fruits and avoid ghost but hey it’s still fun.
Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 has a lot of features and options. Before the start of each level players can choose what character design they want the ghosts and Pac-Man to be. They can choose what stage style they want as in how the walls and colours and design looks. We do like the design that the spiral level had. You can choose what background you want, whether it’s strobe lights, a hexagon. rings or even pitch black it’s up to us. Lastly we can pick the music and we must say that the music is one of the best things about this game. Lots of music and all have quite the beat. Have a party while playing Pac-Man, especially when you use the ‘Jump Pac-Man’ song.The graphics and design are excellent. it makes Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 look ahead off it’s time. Beautiful game with awesome music. There are times when the beat will help you stay in rhythm and the path of the dots. This is something you have to try for yourself.
Our only real complaint about Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 is that especially on Regular Score attack levels the ghost trains at times come off the paths that they are suppose to follow. We remember completely cutting a ghost off and was guaranteed to eat it when all of a sudden it just came completely off track and doubled back on it’s self which completely threw us off and ruined our time. X35 Earthwalker would have ranked much higher if it weren’t for that. The game even says that they follow the paths so then why is it coming of the path? That’s just cheating! It actually gets to us. So the top three most annoying, frustrating things in Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 are:
Having a ghost get in your way and refuses to move, blocking and slowing you down running your chances of getting the S rank
When the ghost trains come of the paths making you miss and waste time
Taking so long to get the ghost trains that they actually slow down for you to get them
So the game isn’t perfect but definitely near it though.
So overall Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 is an awesome game that’s for everyone. Casual modes for fun Pac-Man action but tougher harder modes for those who want a real challenge. This game is worth getting even now and having a go. you won’t be disappointed.
Sinner: Sacrifice for Redemption is a new action RPG developed by ‘Dark Star‘. It’s coming out the 18th of October 2018 on Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PS4 but later on the PC. Now this game has caught our attention and that means we just have to take a look.
The story in Sinner: Sacrifice for redemption is actually quite interesting. Basically players control Adam who has to face the incarnation of his greatest sins, all while making sacrifices to atone. Even worse Adam has lost his memories. It’s all about Adam trying to remember, understand and off course deal with his past. Now off course there is a bit more going on than just that as it’s only the central struggle…
Adam must also face 8 powerful bosses. Each demonic boss is off course stronger and more dangerous than the last but there is also a catch. Before each boss, players must decide which stat to decrease and level down! That’s right! You have to power down before each major boss clash. This alone raises some problems for players. What happens if you decide to reduce speed but the boss you are going to face requires speed and movement to beat him? We have a problem. Or what if a boss is about being hit real fast for that quick damage but you reduced strength? Oh Dear…
Sinner: Sacrifice for redemption has had quite a number of inspirations. It’s said to be inspired by the Soul series, shadow of the colossus and some anime. Anything related to dark souls can only have one thing in common… being difficult. The soul games are about timing, knowing when to attack and then dodging those vicious attacks from enemies as just a few is all that’s needed to kill you. This should already cause some gamers to feel a bit uncomfortable.
Now what we do know about Sinner: Sacrifice for redemption. There are various weapons for players to get the hang of and master. Like with Monster Hunter: World these weapons have different ad antes which players must recognise and use whats best for each boss. There are some repayable features although we don’t know what they are. You can unlock new game modes, probably like boss rush or a amped up difficulty mode. Last of all we know that there are multiple endings which means, multiple play throughs and most likely decisions that players have to make. Almost like Dante’s inferno in a way.
We checked out some gameplay and this does remind us of Dark souls quite a lot. There are levels where you have to fight regular enemies, dodge powerful attacks and deal with crowds at some points as well. Then when you get to a boss things get much harder. The bosses are so different from each other and will force players to watch, learn, probably die and then hopefully triumph. We do know there is: Rose Paladin Rhodes, Healer Faiz Tilus and Countess Levin Undock. That’s only three of them though and all of them do look like a real problem.
Overall this game has interested us because for us it’s a combination of Dante’s Inferno and Dark souls. It’s going around the topic of sin but we can tell it’s not biblical so we won’t take it seriously. Combine that with the style of dark souls with some new concepts or the whole down grading thing just create quite a cool result. The graphics are nice, not excellent. The designs and environments are good indeed. The developers ‘Dark Star’ did a very good job with this. We at X35 Earthwalker are actually interested in this and will keep an eye out for this. Now some are fighting for redemption while we already have our sins paid for by Jesus. This game still ain’t on the level off… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Far Cry 5 is a action adventure open world first person shooter game and is the fifth main title in the Far Cry series developed by Ubisoft Montreal and published by ‘Ubisoft‘. It’s coming out the 27th of March on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. Now apparently there’s a new prophet in town and already we can declare that he’s a false one. Let’s take a look.
The story here in Far Cry 5 is very simple. Basically a false leader called Joseph seed rose to prominence. He’s believes he’s a divine leader of some sort but the truth is, that he’s a radical preacher who uses gun, intimidation, violence and more to control and keep the people in line. He established a congregation which he named ‘Eden’s gate’ which is a militaristic doomsday cult. The residents of Hop county have had enough and formed a resistance and here is where the players get involved. Players control the sheriff’s deputy who is going to arrest Joseph Seed. Joseph isn’t alone though. He has the ‘Herald’, sounds fancy but they are just literally his family.
Now Far Cry 5 is said to be the biggest Far Cry game yet. The game put a lot of focus in making sure players get as much freedom as possible. Players do not have to take on Joseph alone because the campaign is for two player co-op as well. So grab a friend and a rifle and cause some mayhem. What? You thought it was just guns? Nope. You can hire people to fight with you (guns for hire and even hire animals apparently. We heard that you can get more than a dog to help you out. Some have even got a bear to help them out in combat. Can you imagine firing at some resistance members when all of a sudden a bear comes out of no where and starts mauling your friend on the right? So what do you do?
Far Cry 5 A.I’s isn’t as straight forward as other games like Saints row and Grand theft auto. If you strike the enemy real hard then the enemy will strike back just as hard. If you become recognised as a real threat then the cult will seriously amp up their defences and efforts to take you down. Now that sounds scary but we at X35 Earthwalker have yet to see a open world action game like this where the enemies are not a joke. The cult should have the advantage with better and more weapons and people to fight so it should be done in a way that taking on the enemy head on is just suicide. Maybe have a mission where stealth is strongly advised and if they do get caught reinforcements will show up and when they do it’s pretty much game over because of how overwhelming they are. At least make it clear that Eden’s gate is a true threat.
Now when it comes to weapons you certainly ain’t short of them in Far Cry 5. Expect weapons like the: MBP .50, MP40, Compound Bow (that’s ours), AR-C, Grenades, dynamites, melee weapons like a baseball bat, pistols and much more. It doesn’t stop there. You will find vehicles in this world too, like: Coupe, Tractor (why not?), pin up trucks, hydro planes, helicopters and even a 18 wheeler widow maker. Off course there is much more in a game as big as this so exploration should be your thing. Make sure to take time out to go and find these weapons, conquer side missions, build the resistance, hire some guns and off course have a good time taking down a false prophet who is blinding and hurting people.
We checked out some gameplay and we saw the stealth side and the action side of Far Cry 5. When it’s action the game feels sort of like Saints row with enemies coming after you and just firing. You can with some cover mow them down. While when it comes to stealth things like deciding who to eliminate first and when to move and hide the bodies add extra layers to the mechanics. Overall the combat is sort of what we expected but we hope to see how the whole the harder you strike the harder the enemy strikes mechanic come into play. Over from that, there isn’t really anything special about the gameplay. Sure there is much to do when you actually start playing but we will see when it come out.
Overall Far Cry 5 looks like a really cool game but it hasn’t gotten out interest. The story, the gameplay (mainly combat) is just good. The graphics are very good though and we love the idea of marching into battle with a bear or cougar to maul your foes but other from that it’s like we said before feels sort of like a Saint row. It needs something real interesting for us to get into it. Maybe that will change in the future. We will see. The developers ‘Ubisoft’ did a very good job with this game and you can see that a lot of work went into it. We at X35 Earthwalker are not looking forward to this but will keep an ear open for it. Not false prophets are a complete joke and make up lies and therefore will be crushed by… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Metal Gear Survive has really stirred the pot if you know what we mean. It was developed by konami. Metal Gear Survive has gotten so much hate from some players and especially the critics and some YouTubers. We at X35 Earthwalker don’t believe in following the train for views like those YouTube channels do. We have our own mind and here we will give our views and opinions about Metal Gear Survive.
Metal Gear Survive is obviously nothing really like the previous Metal Gear games. There is no solid snake, all about survival and… there are zombies (well sort off). The best way to describe this is to think of a combination of Sims, 3rd person zombie survival and Metal Gear. Don’t listen to gamers who say that it’s nothing like the others. The sound effect you hear when an enemy spots you is there, the cardboard boxes are there and walkers and other things are all included. This game forces players to take risks, make many plans and manage many things at once. Every trip and mission you go on can easily go wrong but what you can gain is so worth it. You might get swarmed and die, you might get lost in the dust and run out of oxygen, you might even die due to infections, injuries and more. This game doesn’t go easy on players. You better be prepared.
The biggest enemy in the game is the Dust which is basically a toxic gas which covers the majority of the world of Dite. there is no way around it, you have to go into the dust only after you have acquired an oxygen tank. You have limited oxygen while in the dust so you have to be quick when you enter it. You can’t really go quick because while in the dust your stamina consumption is increased drastically so be careful of that as that also means running away from swarms of enemies is much harder to do. In the dust your visibility is greatly reduced as you can’t see that far at all ahead of you so getting your bearings is harder. It gets worse, your map most of the time doesn’t display your location in the dust, your marked spots and can’t place markers either meaning getting lost in the dust is very easy to do, So plan before you enter. What’s worse is that enemies practically run the places in the dust so stopping to fight can put you at serious risk. The good thing though is that while in the dust you can see green and blue lights. green lights represent the location of where your nearest transporter or base is so look for those. Blue lights normally represent containers. The dust is a great enemy indeed. So why doesn’t the rain clear up the dust? hopefully the game will give us answers.
In terms of survival, players need food and drinks. You can die of thirst and hunger and we advise to let it get anywhere near zero anyway as the lower your hunger and thirst gets, the lower your max health and stamina gets. That’s right they are linked. Thirst to stamina and food to health which makes sense. No complaints here. Also your character may get infections or injuries that need attending to. For example if an enemy gets a clean dirty hit on you there is a chance your character may be bleeding which will prevent your health from regeneration until cured. This as you can imagine is a horrible condition in a fight. If you fall from too high you will get a sprain which represents your character from sprinting and your normal walk speed is decreased because you are limbing. There are far more negative conditions like getting an infection for drinking dirty water or food poisoning for eating raw meat or milk that’s gone bad (why would you drink bad milk anyway?). That’s part of where the game starts to feel like sims in terms of looking after your character. So make sure to craft medical equipment to handle any conditions that come your way. We like the whole survival thing going on. From the start players have to sort of scramble for supplies which we will get into more later.
Yes crafting is a vital part of the game and we at X35 Earthwalker love good crafting systems and Metal Gear Survive has one. Everything requires a decent amount of stuff craft like circuits, alcohol, chemicals, bottles, steel, iron, springs, nails, wood and much more. The game is generous in letting you find so many materials very easily in the world of Dite. Damaged freights have some stuff inside, you could find stacks of items that need to be searched, some materials are just in some small buildings, some fall from small worm hole like things in the sky and many can be obtained through completing missions like where you must defend for a certain period of time while the worm hole digger mines. Materials are plentiful and if there is one material that is more rare and harder to find but you really need then you can use the material converter to change what you already have into what you want. The material converter is an excellent system for a game like this. X35 Earthwalker has only used it twice and it was only because he had so much iron that he decided to give it a try. Materials are so plentiful that you don’t really need the converter but it’s always nice to have options. Aim to build stronger weapons than a rusty machete and pipe spear. before you know it, players will have hand guns, strong spears, bats and even sledge hammers for destroying your foes. Everything is about management and even bullets need crafting so don’t go firing of your loads on enemies any how you want, decide carefully when to use ammo.
There are stealth elements in the game. Walking creates noise, sprinting makes the most noise, crouching makes less than walking and king prone causes no noise. Sneaking up behind your enemies and stealth killing them is the best way to handle enemies. What’s great is that you can lure groups and even hordes of Wanderers to certain locations or directions by using ‘lures’ or kuban crystal fragments (which you always have supplies off) then pick them off one by one or light them all up with a molotov. So stealth and knowing when to strike is very big in this game because a swarm can easily kill you. There are parts in Metal Gears Survive where players must traverse underground dark areas which are full of monsters. Stealth is crucial here as making lots of noise could alert many and we mean many enemies your way and in tighter spaces, that could very well be the end of you. It’s also very easy to die in Metal Gear Survive. Wanderers can kill you in a couple of probably three connected sets of swings. Which is why a star is a bad idea. You might get grabbed by one and then caught in the middle of others and they knock you around like a ball in a pin ball machine. Negative conditions may cause you to die as in getting lots of infection due to drinking dirty water but clean water is hard to find and most of the time you have no choice but to drink the dirty thing.
Which brings our attention to some of the things we hate about this game or doesn’t make sense. Firstly is the drinking dirty water. Players have no choice but to at the beginning parts of the game. You can find some clean water but it will never be enough. You go to the camp fire and you see the option to make clean water from dirty water but you need a ‘hanging pot’ which you see but can’t craft yet. The game is teasing you. you have no choice put to risk infecting your character. Second what we hate is how long it takes to collect materials, crystals whatever from dead enemies and animals. It takes forever. too long. Sure there is an upgrade to speed this up but it’s not by that much, should be faster as it really slows down the pace of the game we once had a large pile of enemy bodies but left so many of them behind because we knew how long it was taking, making things boring. Third that we hate is why does going prone cost me stamina but our characters regular jogging doesn’t? We have gone prone to test this and it doesn’t get us tired. Going prone shouldn’t cost us stamina. It doesn’t make sense. Fourth is that it takes too long in our opinion to bring in new enemies. It took a while but we finally found some more that we wish weren’t in the game because of how horrible they are as in bad for our life expectancy. Fifth is that the iron watch towers are obviously stronger and better than the wooden ones but it look no where near as cool. The wooden one has a roof as shelter so at least you are dry up there. the iron one s just a flat platform. It gets worse, it look perfect for a machine gun to be placed up there for that elevated advantage but no, the game won’t let you place machine guns up on your platforms which we think is completely stupid.
In terms of enemies there are some. Wanderers are the basic common zombie like ones which are dumb, at times slow but dangerous in groups and can even play dead. Bombers are humanoid but have a really large swollen looking sack for a head which they use to hit you with but after enough damage their heads explode. There are some flying mechanical birds that fire projectiles at you, they are heard to fight because they fly around so guns, bow and arrows are the best counters but ammo is limited. Worse are Crawlers. Large spider creatures that stay in really big groups and look scary. They can curl up and stay on ceilings and walls and if you make too much noise, you will wake them up. When we encountered them in the dark underground all of a sudden Metal Gear survive turned into a horror game. trackers have enhanced legs which they use for speedy travel, jumping high and chasing you down. Last that we know off is a colossus monster know as the lord of the dust. This thing terrifies players. Where it shows up, you have to run. It’s far to large and powerful to fight. It’s colours may camouflage it in the dust so don’t accidentally walk towards it. We ain’t messing with that thing.
Eventually when you get further you will get the chance to find and rescue survivors. this will require players to manage their people and base to keep everyone fed, and alive. So that means stocking up on medical supplies, food and drinks. The people will obviously use up your stuff so that means being aware of this and preparing in advance. Also your people can also get sick and negative conditions which we hate. These people have a flu side they can help you get materials, manage the base and supplies (or more like help themselves) and even improve certain things like healing and food quality. So finding survivors is overall a beneficial thing.
The last thing we will talk about which is the other system that makes reminds us of Sims is the base builder. You can construct, place, move and organise your base how you see fit. Maybe have all the benches to the east side. Maybe have a line of fences behind them to protect them in case of an attack. Will you have short wooden fences to protect your base so you can strike over or just tall iron fences? Where will your water supply go? What about your farms? Which farms do you actually need? Eventually you will unlock watch towers, more spaces and even better stations for cooking. What’s awesome is that some of the meals you make in the game actually give you a buff like faster sprint speed, faster melee speed, reduce hunger consumption and even increase damage. Mum was right… never skip dinner!
Metal Gear Survive truly is a survival game. Large places and many areas to explore. Constant risk from multiple sides. Giant and even some scary monsters (we ain’t going underground ever again… until the next time). Many many items to craft and use. Lots of options in weaponry. Excellent graphics and it has so much in it. We even found Zebras! Like seriously Zebras are in this game. We also almost got killed by a bear. Can make and eat roasted gerbil. the counter ability is so awesome to watch and man is it brutal. Those wanderers got the hands! Notice we haven’t commented on the story because we have completed it yet (no rush) so we will withhold judgement for now; however we are excited to get our co-op going with our good gaming friends as that was what made us like the game from the start was the team work survival.
So once again we must make it clear that whatever these critics are saying, we don’t see it. they don’t know what they are talking about and those YouTubers are even worse all just copying each other just for views because many are hating the game so they want to pitch in. Metal Gear Survive didn’t destroy the franchise, the developers got experimental and tried out another direction and we believe they did a excellent job. Now w perfect game but a very good one indeed. To be honest it doesn’t matter how fortified your base is as it still won’t be able to keep out… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Extinction is a new action game developed by ‘Iron Galaxy‘. It’s coming out the 10th of April 2018 on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. This game stands out straight away for the fact that there are giant ogres swinging massive sized spiked clubs at us. let’s take a look.
Extinction has caught the eyes of many and for good reason. The first thing that came to our heads when we saw this was ‘Attack on Titan‘. Giant creatures, that easily over power humans and off course is a major threat to them. Pushing humanity to extinction and only certain people can has the skills or ability to kill them. Pretty cool.
The story is quite simple. Basically humanity is continuing to fight and kill each other in wars while the real threat, the real enemy were watching from the shadows, out of sight. Now they strike. Monsters who make it their goal to destroy humans. Now that we think about it, the story is also like Gears of war, with the locusts always being there. The most significant monsters are ogres that stand at 150ft tall. Those large ones also have much smaller minions that are around human size but still bigger. No one can stand up to these creatures, especially the big ones, except for a few who have been trained in the ways of the ancient order. Only with that kind of power can you hope to beat these things.
Players control a character called ‘Avil’ who is one of the last of Earth’s defenders. Off course this won’t be an easy task. Now Extinction claims to have a deep story campaign. We at X35 Earthwalker are actually interested and will certainly like to know more about this story. Will humans rely on a certain device or artefact to destroy all the ogres or will humanity literally have to kill them one by one? Players must save as many civilians as possible. There are many side missions also up for completion and doing so will reward players with upgrades.
To beat such powerful creatures who have overwhelming strength will require speed and mobility, which is what we have in Extinction. Enjoy free movement as you can like Indian Jones use your whip to grapple and reach locations, run along walls, travel up vertically or horizontally and more to manuever around these creatures to find their weak spots. The environment is fully destructible. This again changes things as walls you could have used could get destroyed and being behind a wall may not be as safe as you think. There are different game modes like ‘Extinction mode’ which is basically defending against wave after wave of monsters and there is ‘Skirmish mode’ where gamers can create battlegrounds of their own with different objectives which other players online can take on with a scoring system.
We checked out some gameplay of Extinction and we can say that it’s got quite a deep combat system. Mastering your grapple while is key. The ogres aren’t all same, there are different types which have different armour like gold, iron, bronze and more crazier ones. For example the gold armour is easy to grab onto with your whip, the iron armour can’t be destroyed but they have locks on them which can be destroyed so aim for that, the bone armour is mystical and can only be destroyed at specific times so timing is important, spiked armour is basically a no touch zone, as in if you land on those parts, you take damage and worst of all armour is the bright steel armour which can’t be destroyed regardless, as in nothing you can do. Scary right? The fights look smooth and real does make players focus on precision. We just hope the ogres don’t turn out to be a big joke as in slow movements and easy to beat. They better be fast, deadly and nothing to play around with.
Overall Extinction does look awesome. the graphics are great. The concept is really cool. the enemies are really cool. The story is interesting. The fighting system is great and the upgrades do shake things up and does make things easier for the main character Avil. Yes there isn’t a multiplayer but the online high score system is suitable for a game like this for now. The developers ‘Iron Galaxy’ did a fantastic job. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to seeing what this game has got for us. Now 150ft tall orgs with clubs could crush anything but it still can’t crush… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Robocraft Infinity is a new action game developed by ‘Freejam‘. It’s coming out early 2018 on the Xbox One and PC. This game is all about getting creative and then letting your creativity wreck things in areas like style battles. Let’s take a look.
In Robocraft Infinity everything has been taken to a higher level. Even some reviewers have made it clear that Robocraft Infinity is better than Robocraft. So that’s a good sign. Basically in case you have never heard of this game, players construct robots and then you use them in arena like style combat against other robots and machines. Some robots are aerial, taking to the skies in dog fights, or bombarding anything below while others are land based destroying anything that enters it’s range. It’s up to the players to decide.
The robots are fully customisable. They can walk, hover, fly or drive. Robocraft Infinity also has new controls, new progression system, new achievements and physics as well as being remastered. Since many gamers will be designing different robots there is features that allow players to share what they created with others in the factory. This also means you can download other designs as well. It has been stated on the website that a “All cubes can be used infinitely on your robots when unlocked”.
We checked out some gameplay and this does look awesome. Constructing robots looks straight forward and works pretty much how you imagine it. Place the cubes and build up on them. Add the tires and other parts and before you know it, you have a powerful machine fit for combat, hopefully. Many robots are going at it. This forces players to be completely aware of what’s going on, what machines others are using, what types they are whether they stay in the air, or on the ground trying to ram you. So decide your order of priority and following it out. Lasers, blasts, ramming and more are happening everywhere. This does look exciting. What game modes? Any power ups? Stuff we don’t know yet. There are some objectives though.
Overall Robocraft Infinity seems like an awesome game and we at X35 Earthwalker are glad that it is coming to Xbox One this time. The graphics are excellent for it’s style. The environment and surroundings were design very well. The developers ‘Freejam’ did a excellent job with this game. They basically took a simple concept and made it awesome. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to this game. Now you can build all the robots you want but they aren’t enough to stop… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Far: Lone Sails is a new vehicle led adventure game developed by ‘Okomotive‘. It’s coming out somewhere later this quarter of the year on the PC but even later for the Xbox One and PS4. This game looks very different but how good is it. Let’s take a look.
Far: Lone Sails sounds quite simple. Basically you control and travel across an ocean but their a plot twist… the ocean has turned into a desert. Players are following tracks of a once flourishing civilisation. Who they are, where they went and what happened is not known. It won’t be a simple journey as there will off course be obstacles and worse hazardous weather. This means players will have to recognise what weather is happening and what must be done to the ship in response. This game sounds a whole lot more like a vehicle simulator than an adventure.
If you haven’t guessed by now, players can upgrade their vehicle to match and overcome the obstacles and natural hazards in Far: Lone Sails. As you continue this journey and get further along you will come across buildings and relics that provide information concerning the people or civilisation that the players are currently tracking. So basically creating a sense of progress and reward.
Now Far: Lone Sails is taking a different direction from everyone else. The scenery and surroundings look perfect for certain dried monsters to rise up and attack but this will not be the case here. Far: Lone Sails will have no monsters, no zombies, no rebels etc. Instead it’s just the player, their vehicle and probably the weather or ocean or whatever you want to call it. We at X35 Earthwalker appreciate this direction the developer are taking but so far we haven’t heard anything that gets us interested. We don’t need monsters and blood but so far nothing has caught us.
Vehicle maintenance is key here. You will have to put out any fires, repair any damages received. and operate the whole thing yourself like raising and lowering sails, adjusting vehicle settings and more. The whole game looks very nice too. the details to the vehicle are excellent. You can see everything. Very cool. The background and visuals have a very nice art style. Giving some clouds that smoky effect. There is no doubt that a lot of work and effort went into Far: Lone Sails.
We checked out some gameplay and it’s a bit more than what we thought at the start but not that much more. You re a little person with a big vehicle which you control. Going from left to right. Slow movement, stopping to make adjustments and then moving on. Yes you can leave the vehicle to do stuff but your main key is the vehicle, never forget that. Again we have not been grabbed by this game. Is it interesting… yes. Is it exciting… no.
Overall Far: Lone Sails is a good game. It’s good when you look at it for what it is. No it doesn’t compare to Gears of war, Outland or Super Mario. It’s a totally different game and must be seen that way. We conclude that it is good. Only some gamers will like this type. The graphics and music are very good. The developers ‘Okomotive’ did a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker aren’t looking forward to this game but we know others are. No matter how much you upgrade a vehicle it can’t keep up with… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Unruly Heroes is a new 2D action adventure game developed by ‘Magic Design Studios‘. It’s coming out later this quarter of the year on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS4 and PC. This game has quite the story to tell. Let’s take a look.
Let’s start from the very beginning. Unruly Heroes was inspired by a famous Chinese legend which we are sure many have heard of. It’s called ‘A journey to the West’. The Monkey king legend. So straight away there are some expectations in terms of the story, it’s depth, music and messages for the gamers. Already we at X35 Earthwalker are interested.
The developers claim that Unruly Heroes will be an epic adventure and that it will be an unforgettable experience. We can see this being true. The concept behind the game and inspiration should make that easier to accomplish. There are four characters and straight away the creativity is shown. there is a human who seems to be spiritual based and is surrounded by light, maybe to symbolise a moral or holy nature. The next is a fat pig (KiHong) who appears to laugh a lot, suggesting that he’s the most laid back and relaxed one. The next is a large blue monster but humanoid, having knowledge and uses martial arts. The last is a monkey (WuKong) who has a staff and looks a bit too cool to be a regular staff wielding monkey.
Not much information is given concerning game but we have checked out some gameplay and it reminds us of ‘Rayman Origins‘. The gameplay looks awesome. Dash, run, jump, and off course lots of combat. Their are bosses to defeat and each of the four characters have different fighting styles. KiHong is very agile and relies a lot on strength tactics as well. The monkey is heavily reliant on his weapon which can change size and he can even turn into a bird. The large blue monster is martial arts hand to hand combat heavy with mighty strikes. The human who acts too graceful has mystical powers and uses light to strike enemies whether in balls of light or worse. So yep it’s quite clear who our favourite character is already.
From what we have already seen Unruly heroes looks awesome. KiHong has some awesome looking aerial moves and serious combos. There is a giant monster who looks like it’s going to become a problem. This game off course supports four player co-op which sounds awesome by the way. There is also a PvP mode which sounds even cooler. Hopefully none of the characters are OP. The bosses seem to have their own characteristics and styles which we certainly appreciate. The graphics and style are excellent indeed. Hand drawn art work and it looks amazing so far. Maybe if we saw more it might make our top 5 list.
Overall Unruly Heroes looks awesome. The concept is there, the graphics are amazing and the music is what we wanted. When you hear it, you think of Chinese legends which is what it should have. The developers ‘Magic Games Studios’ did an awesome job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker are looking forward to Unruly Heroes and what this game has to offer. Now the Unruly Heroes may been skilled fighters but even them combined aren’t a match for… the ‘Earth Walk!’
Super Weekend Mode is a new 2D Action shooter game developed by ‘Pixelteriyaki’. This game came out the 14th of February on valentines day. Released on Windows and Mac. This game is considered crazy. Let’s take a look.
Super Weekend Mode is one of those games that clearly from the concept wants to wow people with how different it is. The developers said that Super Weekend Mode is a mashup of Tetris, Space Invaders and Gradius. Now that sounds crazy and must make you wonder sort of how that works. Now we at X35 Earthwalker must make it clear that this game requires gamers to have reflexes, don’t panic, focus and persistence. if you lack any of those four things, then you will not get anywhere.
The story is incredibly basic. You are a princess and someone called ‘that guy’ took some of your stuff, so it’s only natural that you would want your stuff back. The gameplay is very basic as well meaning anyone can try Super Weekend Mode. Only three buttons. One to move one pad, another to move the other pad and one to shoot. That’s it. The story and controls are simple but the game its self is not simple in the slightest.
In order to pass the level you must either grab hearts that fall continuously or shoot the boss. Hearts aren’t the only things that falls. There are also skulls which you must not touch. If you touch one, you instantly lose a life. Dust bunnies also fall and you mustn’t let them touch the floor, so defeat them by bashing them with the side of your pad. If you miss, you lose a life. Now shot on the boss and heart collected gets you ten points. They also are worth a chain and the higher your chain, the more points you earn. Even this sounds easy, just push start and see for yourself.
The rate and speed that these items drop is something gamers will not be ready for. Especially in the second level where everything is faster and more aggressive. Gamers will panic. Gamers will lose and have to try again. It’s one where you will lose and lose and continually lose and only then you will get better and get the hang of it. It’s very difficult but lots of fun. You will want to try and try again just to get past the first level and see the wrath of the second level.
X35 Earthwalker Himself got to try the game and he can confirm that everything works and plays well. It’s definitely difficult but he didn’t get much time to play but made good progress in it and gave his feedback. The graphics are pixel style and look very cool. The music is fitting and works well with the game.
Overall Super Weekend Mode is a cool game. Very cool indeed. The developers ‘Pixelteriyaki’ did a very good job with this. We at X35 Earthwalker are going to see how the gaming community reacts to this game. Now Super Weekend Mode may be crazy but it still doesn’t come close to… the ‘Earth Walk!’