
Hellraid is a new first person fantasy action game developed by ‘Techland’. It’s said to be coming out this year but that’s weird as the year is soon over but we will have to wait and find out. it will be coming out on Xbox One, PS4 nd PC. Let’s take a look.

In Hellraid, you play a demon slayer who well… slays demons. This is a great career to have as the world has been invaded by the forces of hell. That’s how you know it’s serious. You have to close all the gates so no more demons can show up on earth through them. 

Hellraid does have character customisation and it’s said to be quite deep. not hugely deep like sims or but deep enough for it to matter. So select your armour, accessories and clothes. Then choose and combine active and pass abilities from a vast class-free skill tree divided into interwined branches of combat, magic and agility. So magic, melee and ranged combat is involved in Hellraid.

Hellraid sounds so simple and easy to predict already but sometime simple is what gamers need to make a game great but more importantly fun. Now the combat is the deepest and most interesting part. In terms of melee, you can counter, dash, parry, use shields and more. In terms of magic, you can cast lightning bolts, dangerous area of effect spells and off course shoot fire balls. In terms of ranged combat, there is throwing knives, explosives and even a crossbow. 

Now Hellraid has quite a bit to offer gamers. The enemies are said to be adaptive kind of like with the neighbour from the game Hello Neighbor. An advanced weapon crafting system. As long as they keep it simple it can’t go wrong. Three game modes… Arena, mission and story. They are making sure that we spend time in this game. Best of all the game is co-op. That’s right. slash and hack up demons, causing serious damage with up to three of your friends in all three game modes. No limits so far with Hellraid.

We checked out some gameplay and it so far looks really good. The action is what you would expect. Many enemies all wanting a piece of you. You can slash enemies in two with an axe, or smash skeletons in with a mighty hammer or burn things alive or freeze enemies solid with magic. You can switch between range, melee and magic at will and keep the pace of the fight going. The action is smooth and runs nicely.

Overall Hellraid looks like a very good game. Again, it is a simple game as in get out there and smash some monsters but it’s why it is fun. it’s a simple mission with a simple point but deeper game mechanics and systems. Some enemies adapt like learning to block certain strikes you like to do. The graphics are very good. The sounds and music are very good. The developers ‘Techland’   did a great job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker want to see more of Hellraid. Now portals that open, can be closed but one thing that never closes down is… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Aztez is a beat em up game developed by ‘Team Colorblind’. It’s coming to Xbox One, PS4 and Vita next year but it’s already out on PC, Mac and Linux. Aztez isn’t an ordinary beat em up game as it has something interesting mixed in. Let’s take a look.

Aztez is set in the Aztec empire (in case you haven’t guessed already). Now according to history, the Aztec times were not a joke… let’s just leave it at that but in Aztez things are far more serious. Aztez is all about expanding and maintaining the Aztec empire. This isn’t easy as there are different events happening like violent outbreaks. This stuff is handled through turn based action. That’s right. Aztez is a hybrid. Turn based and beat em up. Sort of like Hand of Fate 2 but definitely not the same.

In Aztez, the Aztez are your elite close combat warriors who you can deploy on certain missions which players are going have to think carefully about this though as you have limited deployments. When it comes to combat and settling things like reasonable adults, Aztez then becomes a beat em up game. The beat em up side of this is said to be very deep. Lots of mechanics. and there are consequences concerning the empire. This is all because of a large and powerful enemy. this enemy is approaching the valley of Mexico. Do everything you can to win.

Aztez - X35 Earthwalker

Aztez is supposed to be one of those games, you can replay multiple times. Everytime you play, players will encounter different events, different rewards, spoils and challenges. Now the cities in the empire are all large. This is an empire that grows at the expense of others, what do you expect. Not only that, you can even enter the underworld. It gets crazier. You will face mythological enemies and historical foes. So historical as in other famous groups of people in history maybe. not sure but mythological creature basically means anything. The best thing though is that you can summon the Aztec gods who have immense power to completely stomp anyone who foolish enough to defy you.

We checked out some gameplay and it does look very cool. On the strategy turn based part of the game, the scrolling around is smooth, the details and how it looks are great. Information that players need are clear and displayed nicely. When it comes to combat again, information is clear. You can see and select what cosmetics you want your Aztez to have and decide what weapons to equip. There is lots of action players can do. There are light and heavy hits, you can dash like in Cuphead, you can grab enemies and knee them to the head, you can block, dodge, hover in the air as you attack, a combo counter and more. the combat is also very smooth and active and you can tell that things will get way more complex. Aztez looks good so far.

The combat is done very well. it isn’t simple the enemies walk up to you and take a scripted swing. these enemies move forwards and back, take attacks and have wide range of them. Enemies with spears can do long range attacks and multiple stabs. Those with swords can do heavy ground slashes. Others that have magic abilities strike in unrealistic ways. They have their own special attacks and it forces players to remember what certain types of enemies can do and how to handle or avoid each one. Some leap in the air and crash down, overs go in the air and bird dive down while others stay on the ground with a shield. The A.I combat has been done better than most games definitely.

Overall we at X35 Earthwalker think Aztez is a cool game. Graphics and sounds are very good. The combat is easily the greatest things about Aztez. There are some heavy consequences for failing missions and bad decisions in Aztez so keep that in ming gamers. The developers, ‘Team Colorblind’ did a very good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker believe Aztez is worth checking out thanks to it’s different approach and very active combat mechanics. Now the Aztez may be elite warriors but even they are no match for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Circuits is a  musical based puzzle game which was developed by ‘Digital Tentacle’. It’s already out on PC but will be coming to the Xbox One the 16th of December. Now Circuits has a simple concept but it’s sort of deep. Let’s take a look.

Circuits looks so simple, that’s because it is. It’s concept is truly simple but Circuits is a challenging game. Now in Circuits you have to reconstruct a song that has been messed up and sliced up. Now how will we go about doing this. the answer is ‘music’. The music is the key. Players will have to listen carefully to the song to be able to reconstruct the whole song. So those who love music should like this game.

There are currently 25 songs which means 25 levels which is a good amount by the way for what circuits is. Now don’t start asking us what kind of music there is because we do know. There is some orchestra,  which was composed by David Garcia by the way, some electronic ambient and even some dubstep. We believe there will be a bit more.

We checked out some Circuits gameplay and we can confirm that it is a unique game. The concept here and how it’s done is definitely different from any other game. Circuits definitely requires players to have a good ear and the ability to focus. Off course there isn’t much emphasis on graphics and looks because the developers wanted all the focus to be on the music and ears. For what it is, the graphics are good and things do look nice. the music has been said to be awesome. It’s definitely a puzzle game and takes some time to progress in.

Circuits - X35 Earthwalker

Overall, circuits is very unique. It’s new. It’s different. It’s musical and it works. Many have had things to say about this so far most say that the game is good. we at X35 Earthwalker agree. The graphics are good but the music is excellent. The developers ‘Digital Tentacle’ did an very good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will wonder how this game will impact the gamers of the Xbox community. Now Circuits may be musically unique but it still ain’t as unique as… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Let Them Come - X35 Earthwalker

Let Them Come was on of those games that got very little attention from the gaming community. We at X35 Earthwalker enjoyed Let Them Come. It’s one of those casual games that you just play and don’t take too seriously at all. X35 Earthwalker has completed the game completely.

Now Let Them Come was causal but that doesn’t mean it didn’t have some difficulty to it. Matter of fact as you get past the first few levels, the game throws players into some brutal stuff. Already you are dealing with a mixture of spiderlings, grunts, danglers and shielders which in the right combination becomes impossible for new players to defeat. The game let’s you know that it’s hard but it recognises that and puts systems in place to help. For example if you fail a wave too many times you get the option to shuffle the kinds of enemies you will encounter hopefully to get a more simple combination or get a free power up from the start.

Now since Let Them Come is a game where you stay in one place and fire your heavy machine gun down a hall way of mercilessly approaching aliens this means that everything depends on your load out and the aliens. The skill required to play is very low, making it for everyone but the skill required to beat the game and master is high because of how simple it is. Some waves literally require certain bullets and items to support you. Now you have four equipment to focus on. Gun or character upgrades, items, grenades and ammo. there are loads of stuff to choose from. Some combinations and items are better than others. The waves will get brutal, especially the bosses.

The type of ammo that you use is crucial in the waves. some ammo are way more useful than others. You do not get unlimited supply for special ammo. Only standard is unlimited. Everything else you pay per bullet. No, really, you got to pay for each bullet. Best to buy in bundles of fifty. Now the only ammo we think is useless is the cluster. Simply because it doesn’t do enough damage and others do a better job. Piercing ammo will be your best friend simple because it allows you to damage everything regardless of which alien is in front. It also easily kills the shielders who can be a big problem when protecting critical aliens behind them. The most powerful ammo is dark matter which disintegrate enemies on contact but after piecing, explosive is just awesome as it destroys everything in with satisfying results. Other ammo like shock, frost and incendiary depends on how you play and feel.

Grenades can be the thing that saves your life in critical moments. Like with the ammo, there is a variety of grenades but similar to ammo like shock, molotov, freeze and black hole. Now mines are very different and useful. Throw them down and then decide when to detonate. There is one boss in particular where the mines come in handy. Now items or secondary weapons are essential. They are what protects you from spiderlings and crabs jumping on you or for that extra damage. You start off with the knife which get rid of enemies about to pounce on your head. Immediately you will upgrade to more powerful items like the baton or throwing knives. Throwing knives are very good as it’s extra damage and can throw it out there and keep shooting. The best item according to X35 Earthwalker is the Tomahawk which is basically a stronger and bigger throwing knife but at  slower rate of fire.

The bosses are the absolute worse. They are large powerful aliens that will force players to concentrate. There is nothing casual about these guys. Aliens like the Smasher sort of prepare you for how a missed opportunity can ruin everything fast. Bosses like the Blob will have multiple enemies coming after you while you must block projectiles while waiting for opportunities. The last boss called experiment 7 is one that forces players to use the riot shield otherwise there is no way of winning. Basically, the bosses are a big deal.

Now the negatives with to Let Them Come is that they they shouldn’t have had the cluster ammo as it basically is garbage. We can’t see a reason for using it. It feels like the developers ran out of ideas. Also the cluster mod is a let down completely, we tried it once and then never again. The charge mod is great only for some of the ammo like the pierce. Explosive is not worth it. The story isn’t satisfying at all. it’s so simple and sort of cliche-ish. The ending cinematic is also not good enough either in terms of quality now we are aware that maybe this game didn’t have a large team obviously. They aren’t Bungie and 343 industries. it could be a few people so we aren’t going to hang them for it but we do think that the ending cinematic isn’t good enough. The walking animation for the host alien is exactly the same as the walking for the main character when moving from stage to stage. Not a bad thing but we did notice. Lastly the power up frenzy is too weak. X35 Earthwalker himself got a perfect rating for Frenzy and it didn’t kill things as fast as as double barrell did in some cases. We aren’t exaggerating. When we have double barrel or double damage we feel like it’s slaying much faster than anything else. Except unlimited ammo explosive ammo. that’s destructive.

Overall Let Them Come is just a great game. it’s simple, it’s fun, it’s difficult. When you complete the game and can do another campaign but a plus campaign, the mix up of aliens are more dangerous, the bosses are stronger and more difficult. Anyone can play this game but not everyone will complete the game. it’s about getting your resources and buy-in or upgrading the stuff that will make a difference and get you through the wave. Change your items to suit the situation. Which ammo do you use? Should you be spamming grenades? Stuff like that. Also the idea of buying your items is just a good idea. This game is still worth checking out and playing. Now Let Them Come may be a good game but it’s no where near as good as the… ‘Earth Walk!’

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space hulk: Deathwing

Space hulk: Deathwing is a new first person shooter game developed by ‘Streum On Studio’. It’s coming out later this year for the Xbox One and PS4 but it’s already out on PC. Now Space hulk: Deathwing is the latest from the Warhammer 40000 universe. This game looks serious already. Let’s take a look.

Now the Warhammer 40000 universe doesn’t play around. Brutal bloody battles with mythological creatures like orcs. Death everywhere etc. The last Warhammer 40000 game that we played was ‘Space marines’. Space hulk: Deathwing is no exception, instead it is better and more powerful. Basically players control a member of the Deathwing, which is the 1st company of the Dark Angel Space Chapter. Who is known as one of the best fighting forces of the imperium. so basically we control a guy who most do not want to mess with. The fight takes place in a space hulk which is basically a many debris, ships and whatever all forced together by warp storms to form a large area. Some space hulks can be larger than moons. 

Space hulk: Deathwing has the Daethwing face off against the Genestealer. These monsters are terrifying as they are numerous. They are feared across the galaxy. and for good reason. Off all the Tyranids, the Genestealer is the most ferocious of all the alien specifies. They are highly intelligent, have powerful claws, lightning reflexes. it gets worse. They also have telepathy and so can function independently of the hive mind. Just one is said to be able to put a whole inhabited planet’s population in deep danger. Now this sounds like a major league battle but will the gamers be ready for this.

Now players don’t just control any old Deathwing space marine. We are a librarian who can master and use the destructive power of the psykers. Even better players are the leader of the squad. Can give orders to your drops which does straight away remind us of the command Gears of War 1 where and how we could give orders to our team. In Space hulk: Deathwing we can make our soldiers: heal teammates, target and destroy an enemy, create and hold choke points, get cover fire and even hack doors. I though this was Warhammer 40000 but the door hacking reminds me of XCOM 2. This all sounds very interesting.

As you go through missions, you gain experience which allows you to get new abilities, new items and new skills. This is important as there are different classes for players to choose from. All are different, have different abilities and play different from one another. There are: assault speciality, apothecary, tactical speciality, heavy weapon speciality and librarian.  Many cool new additions to the gameMaster and use some crazy abilities.

Space hulk: Deathwing - X35

Space hulk: Deathwing is a co-op game. That’s right. you heard us. You and three of your friends or family can join you in your desperate fight against the Genestealers. More explosions and more death. So imagine having multiple friends and then all of you use a different class and master the abilities to completely own everything.

We checked out out some gameplay and we can say that Space hulk: Deathwing is a success. The graphics are definitely the best it has ever been for Warhammer 40000. We loved how smooth the combat was flowing nicely. The enemies are more alert and do respond when they find a body. There are many weapons like the thunder hammer, fore sword, vengeance and redemption. Pretty interesting.

Overall pace hulk: Deathwing has excellent graphics, awesome musicians, tunes,  etc. It’s a new graphic style that no one has seen from another Warhammer game. Everything seems real good eight now. The developers ‘Streum On Studio’ did a fantastic job with this game. This game might be worth checking out. Now the death wing might be in a vicious war with the Genestealder but nothing can steal…. ‘The Earth walk!’

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Visage is a new psychological horror game developed by ‘SadSquare Studios’. Visage is coming out later in the year 2018 for Xbox One, PS4 and PC. Visage got supported on Kickstarter and many people seem to be behind it. We at X35 Earthwalker got interested. let’s take a look.

The world of Visage is set in the 1980’s. You are in s secluded town (like that ever ends well), in a house which is really old. it’s been around for centuries. Yet, it doesn’t look like it’s been effected by time at all. It’s still in good condition. It’s confirmed that many families have lived in that house. Now any fan of horror movies can guess what’s going to happen next to some extent. Many of those families. Some of them died horribly. Now it’s up to the players to discover the truth. But is there something more going on.

visage - X35 Earthwalker

Now how the game works is that you will encounter moments in history. These will reveal to you bit by bit what is going on around here. Each one is there to also terrify players. You will witness how some people died. See twisted things. Unreal things. Stuff that will make curl up in a corner telling your friends that you have seen some stuff. Remember Visage is a psychological horror so it will try to mess with your head. Now each death has it’s visage. This should be for the hardened gamers but we all know you tubers and streamers will do it for the scares and the views so be prepared for that also.

Now the style of visage will require players to really explore and check everything and we mean everything. Examine, pointing and clicking on certain objects is required. Leave no stone unturned. A real life horror simulator. Very little emphasis on jump scares and more emphasis and focus on atmosphere. Basically making players not want to go down that hall way because you just feel that something is waiting for you. after all, you ain’t alone in that house.

Now the developers, ‘SadSquare Studios’ made it clear that atmosphere is their focus so that means they must have high quality music and sounds. They do. They have a lot of different ambiences and music to set the mood, control the pace and trigger certain reaction in players. They have a lot from plaintive and wandering to menacing and dissonant. We grew that music is crucial to making a good game that also stands out and makes impact. So we will be listening out for them and making our own judgement.

We can just imagine it already though. It will have all the old tricks that got people in movies. Players would go to the bathroom and see a mirror but because of their knowledge of how horror games work, they wouldn’t want to look in the mirror because something is always there, but when they finally get the courage they don’t see anything in the mirror, but when they turn around, that’s when something is there but it doesn’t attack, it just approaches and then disappears and everything goes back to normal. We at X35 Earthwalker hope they implement stuff like this into their game as that is good psychological horror right there.

visage - X35 Earthwalker

We checked out some gameplay and it is pretty much what we thought it would be. It was predictable but obviously playing the game would be a different matter to some extent. We do hope for at least a few jump scares as then the players will never see it coming and have maximum effect. This isn’t the case for everyone but horror from just the atmosphere and music does not have any effect on X35 Earthwalker himself. Once he knows nothing will happen then he’s calm all the way. Sort of with roller coasters, once you know you are safe, what’s there to be afraid of. The game played out smoothly and everything looks well done. This game will haunt some players for sure.

Overall Visage seems like a really cool game. In terms of graphics and sounds, visage has got those set on high quality. The visuals are done very well, especially that area that can be reached by a bridge and their a giant tree. Like who wouldn’t be interested in that. The developers, ‘SadSqaure Studios’ did a fantastic job. We at X35 Earthwalker are looking forward to seeing the impact Visage has on the gaming community. Now visage may mess with your head but one thing can never leave your head and that’s… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Episode Ignis

Final Fantasy XV is getting a new DLC called ‘Episode Ignis’, developed by ‘Square Enix’. Episode Ignis will be available on the 13th of December for Xbox One, PS4 and PC. We at X35 Earthwalker certainly love the amount of effort and work that goes into the Final Fantasy DLC’s. A lot of content is on the way but now it’s Ignis’s turn. Let’s take a look.

All Final Fantasy gamers will currently know Ignis. He is the composed and serious one but stays cool. he is the tactical and brains of the group. We couldn’t play as him in Final Fantasy XV but worked with the players but now… It’s his turn to shine. In Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ignis. Players control… well… Ignis (who else?). This DLC takes place as Noctis is still unconscious after the trial of Leviathan. Ignis has an adventure of his own. He puts his tactical mastery to use in Altissia to protect the city.

Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ignis - X35 Earthwalker

Now we love Ignis at X35 Earthwalker because of his personality and because strategy and getting tactical is definitely our thing. Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ignis is suppose to be not only breath taking but emotional. The developers want to really get the players into what’s happening here. Ignis will protect his comrades, especially Noctis at any cost… even if it means sacrificing himself. Now this kind of friendship and duty they have for each other is beautiful. Friendship can be the strongest bond there is and the Bible teaches this as well.

From what we have seen of the DLC gamers can expect some huge battles, towering enemies, being out numbered and facing familiar foes once again. Everything looks smooth and the combat looks awesome. At times it looks like Ignis is more dangerous than Noctis. The tactical ones are normally the ones who win. The Zoom around the battlefield, travel from roof top to roof top and use elemental attacks and even work with allies to defeat your enemies, defend the city and off course Noctis. The action certainly hasn’t turned down here.

Already a number of Final Fantasy fans are excited and have good things to say about what they have seen already. We know Episode Ignis means serious business because Ignis means business. Seriously look at his face. Look at him straight in the eyes… now that’s serious.

Final Fantasy XV: Episode Ignis - X35 Earthwalker

Overall from what we know and have seen, this DLC might just bring some feelings to gamers. The graphics look great as always, the attention to detail is excellent as well. The sounds still sound relevant and nicely done. As you go through the game some of the stuff happening in your surroundings are just worth taking a look at like when that air ship got punched by that large humanoid being. The developers ‘Square Enix’ did an excellent job with this DLC so far. This is worth checking out. Now Ignis may have an episode now but one thing always had an episode and that’s… the Earth Walk!’

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Resident Evil 7 Not a hero

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard is getting a brand new free DLC called, ‘Not a hero’. it’s coming out the 12th of December for Xbox One, PS4 and PC. Many fans are quite hyped abut this one but also cautious. Let’s take a look.

Many gamers agreed that Resident Evil 7: biohazard was a great game. Many liked that fact that you weren’t a heavy weapons power house where you blow everything away. You had very limited ammo, items and had to really use your head to handle some areas. The sexting of being in the Bakers house and being hunted by the bakers themselves. We at X35 Earthwalker do agree that Resident evil 7: Biohazard worked well. Great news. Now the DLC, ‘Not a hero’ is actually very different.

Not a hero takes place immediately after the main story line of Resident Evil 7:Biohazard. Instead of playing a regular dude like Ethan, instead you play as a professionally trained, ready for combat, Chris Redfield. As you can see already, it’s a different style of gameplay, sounds more like Resident Evil 6 as you will have a range of tactical weaponry. Honestly, you are going to need those weapons when it comes to dealing with the enemy here.

Resident Evil 7: Biohazard - Not a hero

Now Chris Redfield is after Lucas Baker. That name should haunt some players as he is considered the worse of them all overall in terms of how sadistic and smart he is. Sort of like Jigsaw (but not at that level. Now Chris Redfield has been instructed to bring lucas in alive which makes things more difficult. Lucas has already shown that he is more than a match for Chris as several umbrella operatives have gone in and tried but have lost contact with them over the radio. Are they dead or in one of Lucas’s twisted games? It sounds like a capture and rescue mission.

We checked out some gameplay and we certainly like what we saw. The HUD looks cool but also simple which is how things should be. The melded are back and more mean than before. They are here in numbers as one folded certainly doesn’t stand a chance against the weapons you have. There are more dangers though. The environment is also an enemy. You are in an abandoned mine which has a deadly biohazard present. As high tech as your gas mask is… it won’t protect you forever in the cave network of the mine. So time seems like another factor in ‘Not a hero’. Also what we heard was true. In Resident Evil 7: biohazard you can finish of molded who you have knocked off balance with your fists. think of it like a glory kill from DOOM. Pretty cool and why not have that mechanic?

Overall Resident Evil 7: Biohazard’s DLC, ‘Not a hero’ seems really interesting right now. It’s a different and familiar style from the main game. This allows fans of both styles to be pleased to do what they love best, Survival or shooter. The graphics are looking very good right now. The sounds are great and the noise of getting a headshot on the molded sounds real good and crunchy. The design of the mines look nice, nothing special though. The molded do seem a bit like they are fodder for the players in this DLC but we will have to see. The developers, ‘Capcom’ did a great job with this game. This game is worth checking out. Now Chris Refield may be well equipped to handle this mission but not even he is ready… for the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Battlestar Galactica Deadlock

Battlestar Galactica Deadlock is a new 3D turn based strategy game developed by ‘Black Lab Games’. It’s coming out on Xbox One and PS4 the 8th of December. It’s already out on PC though. Being a turn based space game sounds really interesting. We at X35 Earthwalker hope they pulled it off. let’s take a look.

In Battlestar Galactica Deadlock, the Cylons and the humans were in a deadlock. The Cylons however: launched a brutal surprise attack which allowed them to eliminate the colonial fleet high command. This off course is very bad for the humans. Now it all falls down to the rear-admiral Lucinda Cain. Here is where the players step in. Battlestar Galactica Deadlock requires players to get real strategic from what we know. Every decision is important and literally one move could make or break everything.

You get to control the whole colonial fleet from the shipyard called ‘Daidalos’. Make sure to build a big and powerful fleet because the task ahead is big. There are twelve colonies that are in danger because of the Cylon. Decide what ships you should have in your fleet. Build and design it how you want it. There are many ships with some serious firepower like the Jupiter class battleship and the Manticore Corvette. Others like the Raptor scouts and viper squadrons all await your orders. Already we are liking the sound of this.

Now Battlestar Galactica Deadlock is completely 3D. This means you can rotate the camera and see from any angle. Make your units fly anywhere and everywhere to flank enemy ships, attack from behind, retreat etc. After deciding your moves and actions you can watch it all play out in real time. You can also pause the real time as well. Maybe you want a better angle and to careful see what took place. Pretty cool if you ask us. If that wasn’t detailed enough, you can rewatch your whole battle with the auto cam replay. So you can see where things went well or went wrong. What’s very useful is that there is an in game too which allows players to easily export their battles straight to YouTube.  

Now the Cylon are a serious enemy. They do not only have a charge head first strategy. this enemy actually comes at you in more than one way forcing players to stay fully alert and ready to handle multiple tasks at once. For example the Cylon may board a ship or colony meaning it’s up to your marines to defend, hold off and defeat the Centurion boarding parties. Wardriver electronic fighters may try to hack what systems you have, meaning firewalls are required to defend against them. Or the classical let’s bomb them out of the sky approach with Basestars launching missile salvos and Cylon raiders attacking. so not a simple enemy indeed.

Battlestar Galactica Deadlock

We checked out some gameplay and honestly it didn’t seem as fluent or as fun as XCOM 2: War of the Chosen. yes it is a different style but it seems like there is far to much planning instead of action. It’s great that there are many ways to go about it and that there is lots to look at but it makes it come off as slightly more boring. Off course, seeing gameplay is different from playing it and we haven’t played Battlestar Galactica Deadlock so we cannot confirmed this but who knows, it may give a different feeling when actually played. We do like the level of layers to this games strategy aspects.

Overall we think Battlestar Galactica Deadlock is a very good game. The graphics and environments look very nice. The music and sounds are very good as well. The story we hear goes quite deep and it’s more than a simple destroy the aliens story. The amount of emphasis that the game puts on decision making is how strategic games should be in most cases. As in it only takes one move to change everything. The developers, ‘Black Lab Games’ did a very good job with this. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an ear open for Battlestar Galactica Deadlock. This game might be worth checking out. The Cylon may be a serious threat but they ain’t nothing once compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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DOOM or what some call DOOM 4 had a lot of hype and for good reason. DOOM delivered and brought a game which follows the ways of Ultimate DOOM. It was about constantly moving to avoid numerous projectiles and attacks coming your way. DOOM did get an update and we at X35 Earthwalker believe that stepped the game up to another level. Let’s take a look.

The DOOM campaign story was a bit weak but DOOM never really had much of a story. Basically it was demons show up, so let’s kill them, then we got to hell to kill them, they come to earth, we kill them again, then they kill your rabbit and so you kill then once again but the action was done right. 

DOOM Heavy Assault rifle

The main thing about the update was the changes to multiplayer and Snapmap. Multiplayer was how DOOM should be. it was fast, matches didn’t last forever, nowhere is safe, players dying everywhere and demons at times get involved wrecking havoc and striking fear. Now the weapons actually have graphs to show the stats of each weapon and their weapon mod. For example we can now see that the heavy assault rifle has low damage, medium range and high rate of fire but when you use the Heavy assault rifles weapon mod the range is increased. This makes things easier and makes more sense. A problem that DOOM had in multiplayer was the fact that the weapon balancing. Some weapons are clearly out classed by others and therefore no reason to use them. The Heavy assault rifle was one for example and so no one pretty much used it. The balancing though has been improved and now the heavy assault rifle is actually useful as long as you get the headshots.

DOOM’s Multiplayer also got a new weapon which fits right into the roster. The grenade launcher straight up is a great weapon. X35 Earthwalker tried it himself in his first few matches and it brought him kills. The grenade launcher isn’t as strong as the rocket launcher but has that advantage of being capable of being shot around corners or to block of certain areas. The grenade launcher seems to do more damage in terms of area of effect than the rocket launcher though. The new weapon balancing has caused players to see different weapons being used like the plasma rifle and chain gun.

DOOM demons

Now there are some new demons in DOOM as well which is always exciting to see. The demons can only come when there is a demon rune and the first player to grab it gets to become a demon. It’s actually kind of scary as the type of demon can change everything. For example if a mancubus shows up then every wise player will exit the area and stay away. if a Revenant shows up then the best thing to do is deal as much damage as fast as possible because it is faster than you and will kill you first. Now the new ones are: Harvester, spectre and Cacodemon. The harvester fires a beam which damage anything it hits and that charges up detonation which once full you can release a large energy blast. The Spectre is basically an invisible pinky demon so just simply run around the map and destroy unsuspecting players at great speed. The cacodemon just flies around, crushing players with it’s huge jaws and firing a blast at enemies for longer range combat. These new ones are great additions to the demon crew. Off course they it room for more in DOOM.

Now Snapmap is exactly as you remember it except that there are more levels in there and more spotlight  maps which are maps that are normally designed very well. They have story lines it’s clear that pretty much everything was done intentionally and planned. So if you liked Snapmap then off course you will love it more now as it basically has more of everything. X35 Earthwalker himself believes that Snapmap is the best thing about DOOM. It is so worth playing as there is content for days.

Overall the update just brought good stuff to DOOM. The game has gotten better and it’s even more worth checking out if you haven’t already. We will be playing DOOM more often now. Now an update is always great to have but there’s one thing that doesn’t need an update and that’s… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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