X35 Earthwalker Warhammer 40000: Darktide

Warhammer 40000: Darktide is the big co-op action game developed and published by ‘Fat Shark‘. Warhammer 40000: Darktide is said to be coming out the 4th of October 2023 on the Xbox Series X… finally! We out here waiting for years! Warhammer 40000: Darktide was already out on pc for the pc scumbags. X35 Earthwalker had his eye on this game and avoided all gameplay of it except the initial trailers. Warhammer 40000: Darktide better bring the heat. Here are some quick thoughts. Let’s take a look. [This was suppose to come out earlier]

X35 Earthwalker already has a G Blog on Warhammer 40000: Darktide. Read it here. Warhammer 40000: Darktide is a game we were waiting for. We are excited to play it. Very disappointed to hear that it only came out on pc. Lot of good that did. didn’t hear anyone talking about the game and it has mixed reviews on steam. Now the real platform… Xbox is getting it. We have taken a good interest in Warhammer 40000 games more recently and have been happy with them. Space Marines, Space Hulk Tactics, Inquisitor and Tacticus. Now Warhammer 40000: Darktide will be our next chapter.

X35 Earthwalker Warhammer 40000: Darktide

Warhammer 40000: Darktide being in the universe that it has. Grimdark and all… we are expecting some brutal stuff. We want to see tyrannids in swarms chewing at our faces. We want to see blood and corpses. We want a variety of powerful weapons and feel in danger. We want it obvious that we are facing powerful foes and fearsome hordes. Warhammer 40000: Darktide better not get wimpy on us and make these battles cheap. We have many thoughts and some questions. A game like this is so easy to get right. So yeah, expectations are high for this game.

X35 Earthwalker Warhammer 40000: Darktide

Warhammer 40000: Darktide is a 4 player co-op action game. This description alone reminds us of Aliens: Fireteam Elite. A squad who must work together to survive and defeat the hordes of foes. Warhammer 40000: Darktide has been described similarly. The pressure and dangers were certainly on in Aliens: Fireteam Elite. We need that here in Warhammer 40000: Darktide. So yeah, excited. More gamers need to learn to ignore the online critics and groups like ign for their takes on games. Terrible in the past and terrible today. We found and had good fun on many games they all judged incorrectly.

X35 Earthwalker Warhammer 40000: Darktide

We checked out some Warhammer 40000: Darktide gameplay and it’s what we mostly expected. We know about the four character classes: Psykinetic, Sharpshooter, Skullbreaker and Preacher. Each doing their thing but hopefully the preacher stands out more from the obvious role of the skullbreaker. How many Warhammer 40000 weapons will we actually get our hands on? Will we see the astra military in action? How balanced will things be? We gon find out.

Overall Warhammer 40000: Darktide looks like a very good game. We still have some concerns but it’s something we will see when playing. We already know what character class we will try first. Another big game for Xbox players to dive into and it’s going to be a good time. Yes we are excited. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see all the bloody and ruthless action for ourselves. Now Warhammer 40000: Darktide may have a grim dark universe but it’s all cute stuff in the eyes of… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Trapeng2

Trepang2 is an action First Person Shooter game developed by ‘Trepang Studios’ and published by ‘Team17’. Trepang2 is said to be coming out  the 2nd of October 2023 on the Xbox Series X and PS5. Trpang2 already came out on pc. X35 Earthwalker never heard of this game before. Time to see. Trepang2 is going for the fast and serious approach. Let’s take a look.

X35 Earthwalker Trapeng2

Trepang2 has a simple story here for players. You are an escaped soldier who has no memories of his past life. This soldier also somehow has supernatural abilities. Your mission? Revenge! You gon roll up in there and kill everything and everyone. Why? Revenge! Trepang2 is also set in the distant future. Why? Revenge! Alright we’ll stop.

X35 Earthwalker Trapeng2

Trepang2 is all about the action. The story doesn’t matter much at all. It’s about the fast pace movement, the action, the shooting, the guns, the explosions and the kills. There’s lots of blood and some say gore. Enemies will explode in a glorious fountain of red… Well maybe not that but you get the picture. 

X35 Earthwalker Trapeng2

You fight not just for… Revenge! You also fighting to learn the truth. A group helped you escape so maybe be grateful to them. As you fight to learn more and more… you might just come face to face with a foe or problem that’s a bigger deal than you.

In Trepang2, players have supernatural abilities. We mentioned that. For example superhuman strength and speed. So smashing and charging through armed dudes is easy for you. you can slow down time so that dodging bullets is just a Tuesday for you. Your guy can even cloak. Halo active camouflage type stuff. So yeah become invisible and then grab foes for meat shields, Gears of war style, or straight up execute them… like a good ol fashion neck break.

X35 Earthwalker Trapeng2

We checked out some Trepang2 gameplay and it’s not exactly what we expected. Things are quick and definitely bloody. Many guns, grenade launchers, corpses around you, stained walls, numerous enemies but off course all action. Make your way up stairs, kick enemies, throw people, stealth around and charge in. You get what it says on the front of the box.

Overall Trepang2 looks like a very good game. Of course some things need to be cleaned up like the environments and walls especially but you don’t really care too much about that. It’s about the action and this game delivers that. the developers ‘Trepang Studios’ have done a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep and eye open for this game. hopefully it brings the real heat now that it will be on console. Trepang2 may have some bloody action but it’s too family friendly for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Starfield

Starfield is the massive action Role Playing Game that had so many talking about it. Developed by Bethesda and it’s an Xbox exclusive. X35 Earthwalker started his adventure in Starfield and there’s lots happening. There’s lots to say but as usual we gon try keep it on the shorter side. Let’s take a look.

Starfield is more than a good game. It’s an excellent game. Once again we don’t want to hear anything about glitches and bugs as once again that an issue of the pc inferior race. On the Xbox Series X, I haven’t experienced those issues. The most X35 Earthwalker has experienced is two crashes on the same moon when running across the moon surface but never anywhere else. That’s all. Starfield has been a mighty adventure so far. Explored a number of planets, multiple moons, facilities, outposts and more. Know that we are no where near halfway exploration or anything.

X35 Earthwalker Starfield

Some say that the planets are mostly not interesting which is false as most of the planets we have visited have had flora and fauna and different ones too. Some planets of course aren’t designed to have life. just like in real life. A deep freeze planet isn’t going to have dinosaurs as it’s a frozen gas planet. Sure being a fictional universe it would be nice to see ice creatures and monsters. That would make Starfield better. Those barren planets do have resources to harvest and natural formations to scan and discover and yes, it’s interesting for us. Also some of the planets they claim are empty aren’t planets… they are moons. Know the difference.

X35 Earthwalker Starfield

The missions are plentiful and some go deeper than initially thought. We get activities that lead to things from something as simple as hearing an npc talk. Then there’s side missions in areas for full on talking to people which can open up more. There’s then quests you find as you jump around space and near planets. You might receive a transmission which you can either respond… either directly or through your actions like landing on the planet. We was near a planet and found a farming family that had a spacers problem and then leads to repairing satellites and some spaceship battles and then a gathering of families and disputes etc. That’s not a main mission by the way. There’s missions you get for joining factions like a free star ranger or the uc vanguard. They have their own missions and they are cool and go way deeper than the initial task. Being a whole quest in themselves. There’s also missions you can get from these stations either for bounties, or tasks for the Constellation. We even got a quest for being observant and found a item that tipped us off about an activity happening in a far away place. There’s so much happening. It’s crazy.

The most annoying thing about star field though has been the weight management. We hated that in Fallout 76 and we hate it here. It’s easier to manage here but we hate all this limited weight. Spent upgrades on max weight carry for this reason and aimed for a bigger ship also for the same reason. We need something infinite or more options for storing stuff as we must collect all these resources as they are all useful for outpost building, crafting and mods. We need them and lots of them. Building the storages at the outposts costs resources too and they aren’t cheap. Those storages need to hold more to be more viable. Such a shame that the weight management is the worse thing about the game so far.

X35 Earthwalker Starfield

The weapons and gunplay is excellent. There’s many weapons to find and choose from. Submachine guns, single shot rifles, automatic rifles, pistols both heavy single shot and semi automatic. There’s laser weapons, ballistic weapons, particle beam weapons and electromagnetic pulses. Ballistic is basically guns as we know them. Bullets basically. Laser is energy and maybe electrical. Partical beam is a combination of physical and energy damage. Electromagnetic pulse is all about disabling your opponents. Hot them enough times and they will be incapacitated. So pick pocket away. The weapons feels and sound good. The Grendel is definitely ruthless at close range with certain mods. Let’s not forget about melee weapons. We found two awesome blade weapons and they tear the enemies up! There’s skills that upgrades melee giving more damage, damage resistance and even heal as you kill. Crazy huh.

X35 Earthwalker Starfield

Space ship combat has one big problem though. You turn far too slow in Starfield. It’s hard to track and keep up with certain ships when they turn around and fly off faster than you do. Hopefully the change the turn speed, especially if it’s linked to the type of ship that you have. Another thing we don’t like is how the game gives you a bounty for doing things when there’s no witnesses. There was a rude stranger in this abandoned little outpost and we had our partner wait outside some distance away. X35 Earthwalker went in, close the air lock doors and then killed him quickly. We still got a bounty somehow. There were no cameras. so how does that work. How is it recorded as a crime when no one knows… yet somehow they all know. Maybe it’s just video game logic. Similar thing with contraband. How would the scanner know what contraband is. How do they scan it through my ship and cargo. We are aware of shielded cargo but that’s not the point. We will assume this is just “how it works” in Starfield.

X35 Earthwalker Starfield

We truly appreciate and enjoy that you can steal ships. That’s how we got our best ship right now. We saw it just sitting there and there was no caption or pilot around or anything. Hacked through the main door. Then explored around and couldn’t take anything as it would be marked as stealing. So went to the cockpit and was surprised that I could sit down. The option to take off was available. Was thinking the game won’t allow this. X35 Earthwalker took off into the space and just like that, the ship was mine. The ability to steal ships is a great option. didn’t spend a pence or dime.

X35 Earthwalker Starfield

The starting traits do affect some aspects of the game. You can have your parents living in an apartment that you can visit them and sleep in your own bed. You can get a nice house but be in debt. The adoring fan is a real thing and he does have some uses. You can literally start with a bounty and have people after you. You can play as a villain that needs to be stopped or you a good guy with a clean slate. It effects your relationships, persuasion and just the story to some extent.

We even get to see the fauna fight each other. Starfield has a whole food chain system going on. at least amongst the predators and prey. We have seen the corpses of flying fauna and see land predators by the bodies. We have see then actively chase some herding creatures down to kill them. We have seen the prey fight back. It’s good design for these things to happen. We put a video down below to see for yourself. Battles.

Overall we are having a great time in Starfield and it’s what we expected mostly from the game. There’s so much more to explore and discover. Much more missions to complete. More ships to get our hands on. More fauna to scan, fight and loot from. Weapons to get our hands on and improve. Space ship fights to awkwardly win. This game definitely ain’t boring or creatively bankrupted. This game is massive, has lots to offer and different play styles. X35 Earthwalker has many hours in Starfield and plans to spend more hours in on this big space adventure.

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X35 Earthwalker Shuyan Saga

Shuyan Saga is a action adventure game developed by ‘Lofty Sky Entertainment’ and published by ‘ESDigital Games‘. Shuyan Saga is said to be coming out on the 22nd of September 2023 on Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, PS5 and PS4. Shuyan Saga was already out on iOS, Android and pc back in like 2017 or something. X35 Earthwalker like to see what games got and give them a chance. Shuyan Saga trying to wow with the graphics. Let’s take a look.

X35 Earthwalker Shuyan Saga

Shuyan Saga is set in the world of ancient Chinese culture. Shuyan is a princess, of the Chinese imperial family, who wants to be a true kung fu warrior and stop the Guer horde. The Guer horde have made it their goal to destroy the five kingdoms. This is also a personal matter as Shuyan lost everything to the goer invasion. She got to get good and get good real quick. The invasion is only beginning.

X35 Earthwalker Shuyan Saga

We got one question for the wise reader of this G Blog. Who is the real enemy? Hmmmmmm. “Success is not what Shuyan perceived it to be.” This alone should get players thinking concerning the story and the world of Shuyan Saga. The story and adventure revolves around the five kingdoms. Each kingdom was built on the foundations of kung fu. so pay attention to each one’s culture and values. Also take note that the player can make some choices in Shuyan Saga. Your choices just might matter.

X35 Earthwalker Shuyan Saga

The main factor on the table with Shuyan Saga is the martial arts itself. How good is the fighting? The battles have been described as “skill-based”. There’s different fighting styles and each one has their own moves and functions. There are light and heavy attacks, combos of course and special abilities which are said to be powerful. There’s over 300 combat animations and motion capture is involved. X35 Earthwalker is the best at motion capture. Expect unique fights.

X35 Earthwalker Shuyan Saga

We checked out some Shuyan Saga gameplay and it’s not exactly what we expected. It seems like more story book and less gameplay. Yes we are aware it’s a graphical novel but a game must have a good amount of gameplay with more fullness to it and more mobility especially for chinese martial arts.. So that’s the main negative we can see with Shuyan Saga right now. Regardless it’s still an experience. The animations of the combat could look better but there’s clear-ish distinction between the moves. After all X35 Earthwalker himself is a martial artist.

Overall Shuyan Saga looks like a very good game. Lots of work went into this game clearly. From the graphic style and details to the animations and cinematic. This is quite the adventure and the princess, Shuyan herself, has an excellent design. She look good. The story in the chapters and the book style is different fun. Colourful and detailed. The developers ‘Lofty Sky Entertainment’ have done a very good job. Tings should be better since Shuyan Saga is coming to consoles. X35 Earthwalker will keep an ear open for this game when it comes to console. Shuyan Saga may have loads of kung fu but their king fu is too weak for… the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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X35 Earthwalker Halo 5 Guardians.

There’s so many good games. More than people know about and give credit to. Some good games though get judged badly. So here is just a quick list of a few games that are good or very good but judged badly by popular individuals, the internet etc. Since X35 Earthwalker is the smartest person in the world and greatest gamer, He will talk a bit on this. Let’s take a look.

Wether by biased people due to console wars or even just foolish people. This has been done to a number of games. It’s unfair and wrong. People worked on these games. Groups of people worked hard… even worked on it for years. Attacking and slamming these games, which lead to a reduction of player base, ruining their success chances. Horrible. 


Redfall is one game that needs to explanation. It’s like the main go to for a game that didn’t do well. People say it’s a fail and so bad etc etc. Actually Redfall according to many many players. Mainly Xbox players. X35 Earthwalker is one of them. The main issues came from performance problems. First of all performance issues aren’t the problem with the game itself. That’s programming errors or optimisation/porting issues. Those can be easily fixed and patched. So judging and giving a score based on bugs and issues at launch is very stupid and foolish. Secondly, It’s mainly pc players who had performance issues. The other complaint is that Redfall is 30 frames per second. That is such a weak argument. We enjoyed many games some years ago that were 30 fps. This just shows are stupid and spoilt gamers have become. Redfall is actually a very good game. We have a podcast episode and G blog on this too. We got to speak to Xbox players and they didn’t get those issues. Redfall has actually one of, if not the best details in all of gaming. We made a video showing of a part this and podcast episodes. A lot of work went into this game. Lots of it. Multiple vampires to face, factions that fight each other, vampire bosses, many side missions, skill tree with powerful abilities, especially Devinder. It’s an adventure and there’s lots of lore and reading is needed. We had fun with Redfall and so did many players.

The Callisto Protocol

The Callisto Protocol has the same complaints by the same people as Redfall. Performance issues. Again, X35 Earthwalker and others did not experience these problems on the Xbox. pc inferior race strikes again. Console just seems to be better. Others like angry joe complained about the melee system and apparently the camera too. Claims that it’s repetitive and whatever. We did a whole podcast episode on this right here. The combat is great, a plus over Dead Space and it feels good. Each strike feels so heavy and impactful. There’s good variety in the combat, interesting story for a first game and some hype and dreadful situations which you never want to find yourself in. Strongest of all is that The Callisto Protocol has the best graphics and visual details in all of gaming right now. Even that idiot angry Joe had to give massive credit to The Callisto Protocol for its graphics. the lighting in this game be crazy too. Don’t sleep on The Callisto Protocol. It’s better than the Resident evil 4 remaster and Dead Space remake. Facts. Also did a G Blog on it too. A good game judged badly.

Back 4 Blood

Back 4 Blood got some bad treatment too and it’s mainly all because of another game… an inferior game. Another good game judged badly. The Left 4 Dead 2 community caused the most trouble for Back 4 Blood. X35 Earthwalker did a whole G Blog and podcast episode explaining the situation and proving easily why Back 4 Blood is much better than Left 4 Dead 2. Back 4 Blood might just be the most fun co-op shooter game right now zombie game right now. Again they say performance issues and the retarded claim that Left 4 Dead 2 is better. People said the game wasn’t good because they didn’t play it right. They go straight to the hardest difficulty and get destroyed on the first level. The game even tells them to do an easier difficulty so they can get cards to have amazing abilities to fight against the horde like more damage, survivability, faster reload etc. It’s just gamers once again being stupid. Nothing new. Back 4 Blood is tons of fun and also the legend Diamondz L45 loves this game. We have fought many hordes. Check this game out, especially since it got a bunch of new content including characters.

There are other games we can talk about but we will leave it here with these few. We made a whole G Blog some time ago about underrated games. So go search up for that one. It’s real sad to damage people’s hard work for bad reasons. You can always rely on X35 Earthwalker, the smartest man in the world and greatest gamer, to being the facts. Now these game have been badly judged but a more powerful judgement comes from… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Ak-Xolotl

AK-xolotl is a top down rougelite shooter developed by ‘2Awesome studio‘ and published by ‘Playstack‘. AK-xolotl is said to be coming out the 14th of September 2023 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and pc. X35 Earthwalker does like Xolotls. AK-xolotl is out here not joking around, except they are joking around. Grab your AK-47. Let’s take a look.

AK-xolotl is a funny game. Literally. AK-xolotl has players control a Xolotl who is cute but turns out is very dangerous. This Xolotl is armed with weapons. Its main is the AK-47. That why we mentioned it earlier. Now the story… well it’s more like you just go on a rampage through the different biomes facing all kinds of foes and dangerous beings. It’s an adventure for sure. 

X35 Earthwalker Ak-Xolotl

This game is actually funny. AK-xolotl is all about that action. The bosses are crazy. There’s even a hello kitty… oh sorry, we meant hell’o kitty. We are sure you see the reference here. Giant knife wielding Enemy Crabs and even sock snakes There’s many enemies who are natural predators and if you give them the chance, they will destroy you… unless… you destroy them first. You can even go full akuma from street fighter on these foes with the raging demon.

X35 Earthwalker Ak-Xolotl

Now during your adventure in AK-xolotl you will come across different baby Xolotls. Find them and help them. Bring them back home with you and nurture and raise them. When they grow up, they become Xolotl characters for you to control and play. Treat it like the binding of Isaac. Different characters, different effects, maybe some abilities. So yeah there’s some variety for sure.

X35 Earthwalker Ak-Xolotl

Now of course, AK-xolotl as a rougelite crazy shooter, there’s random generated rooms, random layouts and getting jumped by foes. So make sure to grab the food you find. Feed your xolotl children and hopefully get a bite for yourself. Besides that you are going to need some help. That’s why you can purchase things like at ‘Small Paws Dealer’. There are other friendly beings out there who are willing to help… for a price etc. 

X35 Earthwalker Ak-Xolotl

So yeah, you should know what to expect by now with AK-xolotl. You can either choose to play with a melee style or ranged shooter. There’s many enemies, many weapons, upgrades are off course available. Don’t forget to cook ‘permanent, stat-improving recipes” for the xolotls. Eat everything you can find. We hear even mjolnir is in the game.

X35 Earthwalker Ak-Xolotl

We checked out some Ak-Xolotl gameplay and it’s what we expected. Run, around, keep moving and fight your way through it all. It’s a rougelite for sure. Just straight up fun but additional elements like the whole rescuing and raising babies thing to become fighters. Ak-Xolotl is not playing around. 

Overall Ak-Xolotl looks like an excellent game. There’s lots to like here. It’s silly, fun, straight action, references, lots to do and multiple mechanics going on. More things need to be examined. Cute shooter. Sigh. The developers ‘2Awesome studios’ have done an excellent job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye open for this game. Ak-Xolotl may have cute dangerous creatures but they aren’t on the level high enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Super Bomberman R 2

Super Bomberman R 2 is an action adventure game developed and published by ‘Konami’. Super Bomberman R 2 is said to be coming out the 13th of September 2023 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and pc. X35 Earthwalker‘s crew truly enjoyed the first game. Super Bomberman R 2 is clearly trying to make a blast… make a boom… explode on to the scene… we have more of these and can go on. Let’s take a look.

Super Bomberman R 2 is bringing back what we know. The Bomberman family is back. They are still silly, dysfunctional, funny and getting the job done. There’s another threat in the universe. The Bomberman brothers and their new friends, the ellons, have to save the universe… again. So that’s the story basically. It’s a Bomberman game after all. 

X35 Earthwalker Super Bomberman R 2

Super Bomberman R 2 is something that’s on our screens for sure. There’s lots to do in the previous game and now there’s even more. There’s even a whole new game mode too, that’s going to make players get tactical and think more. The story unlocks as you explore the planets which is a cool change. Makes exploration impactful and necessary. You go to do it. Use your bombs to blow things up, progress and defeat your foes. We hear there’s even a secret puzzle. Players may need to find hints for it.

Multiplayer in Super Bomberman R 2 is pretty much how we remember it. Use your bombs to blow up your enemies, outplay, outwit, or trap them. Whatever. It’s freaking Bomberman. You should know what to do. This also includes the 64 player mode. So yeah… the more the merrier… maybe. X35 Earthwalker won his very first 64 player battle Royale match… in his first match. That’s how good he is. Maybe he will do it again.

X35 Earthwalker Super Bomberman R 2

Now concerning the new mode, it’s called ‘Castle’. Here’s how it works. It’s a battle mode with a maximum of 16 players. Two teams. There’s an attack side and the castle side. Castle side is the defence side. It’s a battle over treasure chests and their keys off course. The castle side must defend the treasure chests and keys. There’s gimmicks available and even the Ellons. Use them well. Even better are these weapons the castle players can use. There’s three weapon types to take into battle but you must pick one. Each have conditions for players to meet, to charge the weapon. Use weapon when fully charged. Super Bomberman R 2 keeping it simple.

X35 Earthwalker Super Bomberman R 2

On top of this there’s an editor so you can custom build your own stages. Put in your gimmicks, set in some walls and finally test your stage yourself. Once it’s complete and works, then you can upload it. Add tags to it so it’s easier to find. You can easily find other players designed stages too and give them a run through.

We checked out some Super Bomberman R 2 gameplay and it’s what we expected. The animations, especially when it comes to the celebrations, seem to be a step up. The explosions are better too overall when it comes to details. After the flash of yellow/orange and red you then get the black smoke. Now hopefully this signifies whether it’s safe to proceed through their path or not is yet to be explored.  The new mode is welcome for sure as it’s just more options and more ways to play. There’s quite a bit more they can actually do here.

Overall Super Bomberman R 2 looks like it’s going to be a blast just like the previous game. The matter of how smooth the gameplay will be, especially when compared to the previous one, matters. It’s colourful and looks fun as always. There are few questions concerning the multiplayer modes but these things can be found. The developers ‘Konami’ have done a fantastic job so far. X35 Earthwalker is looking forward to using bombs. Super Bomberman R 2 may have more explosions and a castle but those two get nothing down in the presence of… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Back 4 Blood

Back 4 Blood is a cooperative First Person shooter zombie game developed by ‘Turtle Rock Studios‘ and published by ‘Warner Bros Games‘. Back 4 Blood is an excellent game but got unfairly bashed by the ignorant gaming community. Another victim of this like the Callisto Protocol. X35 Earthwalker did a whole podcast episode talking about Back 4 Blood. So check that out as well. Back 4 Blood is definitely better than Left 4 Dead 2. Let’s take a look.

Let’s not make this long as there’s a whole podcast on this as well. For starters Left 4 Dead 2 was released in 2009. An old game like that is not beating a new game like Back 4 Blood. The huge gap in time means a gap in technology and software. So it’s obvious that Back 4 Blood has superior graphics and visuals. The levels look much better as well. The character designs are more detailed. That’s the obvious stuff.

X35 Earthwalker Back 4 Blood

Left 4 Dead 2 has 4 characters and only one of them is actually memorable. Back 4 Blood has 8 characters right off the bat but an additional 4 as additional content. So a total of 12 characters. So Back 4 Blood has 3 times more characters. More options. What’s also better is that Back 4 Blood’s characters have abilities. Each character has an effect for themselves and then a buff for their team. So for example a character might have a maximum stamina boost for themself but then grants faster stamina regeneration for the whole team. So yeah, remember that there’s 12 of them.

Next off course is the ridden… the zombies/infected. There’s more threats and ridden variety than what you have in Left 4 Dead 2. Left 4 Dead 2 has regular zombies, jockey, smoker, spitter, boomer, charger, hunter, tank and witch. Each of course do their own thing. For example the tank is the biggest, strongest and most dangerous. Witch only attacks with lethal strikes when started or disturbed by players. Jockey likes to hop on players to incapacitate players and render them useless. Smoker tries to kidnap players with its long tongue. Charger believes in charging you down to pin you and do big damage.

X35 Earthwalker Back 4 Blood

In Back 4 Blood you have: regular ridden, snitcher, Tallboy, Reeker, Stinger, shredder, ripper, sentinel, urchin and these have variants too and ones that have armour too, making them even more. For example there’s three types of sentinels which each have different annoying attacks like an actual swarm and the other lobs like fire bombs. The Tank is like the boss enemy of Left 4 Dead 2 but not an actual boss. Back 4 Blood actually has bosses with health bars, so another step up over Left 4 Dead 2. There’s currently 3 bosses at least that you can encounter even in a level as a surprise guest. Ogre, Hag and Berserker. Each one is a major problem. Ogre is the largest thing ever and can hurl massive boulder like projectiles. Hag is basically the superior witch as when startled it chases the player down and proper chomps down on them. Than can escape by digging into the ground. The Berserker is armoured up and leaps great distances to slam and throw players around. Basically a discount Berserker from Gears of War. So way more threats and enemies in Back 4 Blood.

Next up are weapons. There’s way more weapons in Back 4 Blood. More ranged weapons, more melee weapons, more throwable weapons. M4, M16, MP5, UMP45, Ak-47, RPK and way more rifles and guns of different types too. Shotguns, snipers and rifles like the M1. So whatever is your style you can do it. Even a sawed off shotgun. There’s bow and arrows with the arrows being infinite. Melee weapons there’s spiked baseball bats, axe, machete and even wolverine claws. There’s Molotov, pipe bombs (of course), grenades, smoke grenade, flash bang and let’s just say green glow substance to attract ridden to it. There’s also support items too like a stun gun to free yourself from being incapacitated by a special ridden that grabs you. We will say that the pipe bomb in Left 4 Dead 2 has a much better explosion than Back 4 Blood.

X35 Earthwalker Back 4 Blood

Another big advantage Back 4 Blood has are the weapon attachments. Both have them but Back 4 Blood has much more and deeper mechanics concerning it. Nozzle, magazine/bullets, scope and stock. The one you equip will have different parts and there’s different grades to the parts from common all the way to legendary. Even the melee weapons have attachments. Giving damage resistance, increased damage, melee speed, movement speed and more. So clearly Back 4 Blood has more mechanics and deeper than Left 4 Dead 2. Back 4 Blood even has a full weapons range for basically every weapon you can find in the game. Pick em up, try em out. Every throwable and attachment is there too. So you can get a feel for them, see the difference the attachments make and see the exact damage with the targets. There’s even a flamethrower!!! And it’s mad strong. 

X35 Earthwalker Back 4 Blood

The last major factor that puts Back 4 Blood way above Left 4 Dead 2 is the card system. These cards completely change the game. Use these cards to create builds. Some builds increase your damage with a certain weapon. Some increase your health. Others gave increased damage resistance. Some are a trade like -5% health but gain 40% stamina. When you unlock the strongest cards you can make yourself ridiculously strong. X35 Earthwalker the one true Earthwalker, the legendary soldier himself has multiple builds and he is over powered. There’s a melee build where it’s basically impossible for him to die while fighting. He has a mighty shooting build where he never needs to reload and does massive damage with guns.  

Back 4 Blood has received additional content so more things have arrived. There’s lots happening and when done on some of the hardest difficulties, things can get insane and intense. Left 4 Dead 2 is very easy. Easy game. Your melee attack is over powered. Back 4 Blood is a much harder game and requires far more strategy and good gameplay to beat, instead of spamming melee. This isn’t everything that Back 4 Blood does better than Left 4 Dead 2 but it’s already really clear which game is better. X35 Earthwalker is never wrong. Back 4 Blood may be better than Left 4 Dead 2 but neither are own the level off… the ‘Earth Walk!

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X35 Earthwalker Starfield

Starfield is the Open Universe Role Playing Game developed by ‘Bethesda Game Studios‘ and published by ‘Bethesda Softworks‘. Starfield is said to be coming out the 6th of September 2023 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S and pc. X35 Earthwalker is the number one gamer in the world and he has some thoughts on Starfield. Starfield out here trying to be the game of the decade. Let’s take a look.

Starfield is being talked about the most. For a good reason. Bethesda has the biggest job right now with lots of pressure. Everyone is watching this game. Xbox players want this game to be the best thing ever while playstation fans want it to fail so hard. There’s literally a countdown for the release of Starfield on twitter. There’s so much attention and eyes and hype that it has to be good. Starfield needs to be more than Good. It needs to be the best game currently. X35 Earthwalker wants Starfield to be excellent and we are confident it will be.

X35 Earthwalker Starfield

Starfield can best be described as No Man’s Sky’ but more adventure focused, actual combat and less building… really. No Man’s Sky started off good and through patches and updates became a fantastic game and certainly one of a kind. Starfield is now the second like this. Many planets, open universe, space travel, future set, weapons and more. Games like this are easy to get right and make into fantastic adventures. Starfield is set in the year 2330 AD. So much has happened from going to mars, colonisation, space agencies, artifact, united colonies, constellation, wars and more. Quite a lot of lore already and the game isn’t out yet.

We definitely hope that Starfield has actual good combat. Relaxation exploration games do very well the atmosphere and their purpose of a chill time. Those games don’t have enemies and combat. Starfield has combat and threats. So the combat and actual good enemies matter here. That was something No Man’s Sky lacked at first. We need actual weapons and options. We need to see a variety of enemies. We need tons of aliens and in huge variety. If there’s going to be many planets then there needs to be many environments and therefore different ecosystems and therefore different enemies.s Not just reused threats. 

X35 Earthwalker Starfield

The only two games we see as close to Starfield either in scale or type of game are No Man’s Sky off course and Elden Ring. Elden Ring impressed people with not only with the gameplay but the sheer size of the game and deep lore. There’s so much to do that you could argue there’s too much (we don’t argue that). Starfield has the room to be as big as No Man’s Sky and lore deep like Elden Ring. Massive space games have all the room and potential in the world. Do not mess this up. Get creative. 

We wonder how many vehicles there will be. We wonder what the forms of travel and transportations will be available in the world. A game of this size does need fast travel at least on a planetary level. Whether it’s through built or activated transporters, they need to have something. The ability to get around quick. We do like the mobility in the game thanks to the jet pack. So vertical travel and exploration is a big deal.

The gameplay definitely reminds us of Outriders with No Man’s Sky. You can sprint up and melee enemies, different weapon types and descend upon your foes. There’s nice amount of details presented about the planets. The graphical details are looking real good too. We have many thoughts about Starfield and noticed some things that the developers need to take a look at. Starfield already looks good but we are expecting more. Bethesda needs to go all out here. They would do way better if they had X35 Earthwalker on board or leading them. Now Starfield may have over 1000 planets but that universe is so small compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Hello Engineer

Hello Engineer: Scrap Machines Constructor is a multiplayer construction game developed and published by ‘tinyBuild‘. Hello Engineer is said to be coming out the 17th of August 2023 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and pc. It’s already on Stadia. Hello Engineer is out here trying to build something big. X35 Earthwalker is greatest inventor ever. Let’s take a look.

Hello Engineer: Scrap Machines Constructor is all about players doing lots of construction and building of vehicles and other machinery. All this to overcome obstacles and challenges in an amusement park. Your neighbor, who is described as “creepy” is the antagonist. He also has evil bots. So even the neighbour wants to be Doctor Eggman. That’s the story basically.

X35 Earthwalker Hello Engineer

So this is what Hello Engineer: Scrap Machines Constructor brings to the table. You still have the neighbour, he’s still being creepy and there’s aspects of puzzles. You got to understand what’s going on, come up with a solution and it has to be done through your construction. We do like the change of genre and direction as it’s good to try new things and add more flavours to the meal.

X35 Earthwalker Hello Engineer

We checked out some Hello Engineer: Scrap Machines Constructor gameplay and it’s what we expected. Hello Neighbor style for sure and graphics. There’s gaps and jumps to make. There’s ramps and even what looks like a full race course section. You can build a lot of things. The size, the Fram, the shape, the tire types and size of course. You can even construct things that fly. Yeah, as in you got flames coming out to propel something into the air sort of like a rocket.

Overall Hello Engineer: Scrap Machines Constructor looks like a good game. If you like the Hello neighbor universe or maybe the neighbor himself then you shouldn’t have much of a problem. If you are creative and like Minecraft then you should be good too. The graphics are good for the style. Seems to be a good amount of creativity. The developers ‘tinyBuild’ have done a good job by the looks of it. We at X35 Earthwalker are not interested in this game but will have to hear what happens. Now Hello Engineer: Scrap Machines Constructor may have rocket vehicles but those can’t reach the heights of… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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