Sinner: Sacrifice for Redemption is a new action RPG developed by ‘Dark Star‘. It’s coming out the 18th of October 2018 on Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PS4 but later on the PC. Now this game has caught our attention and that means we just have to take a look.
The story in Sinner: Sacrifice for redemption is actually quite interesting. Basically players control Adam who has to face the incarnation of his greatest sins, all while making sacrifices to atone. Even worse Adam has lost his memories. It’s all about Adam trying to remember, understand and off course deal with his past. Now off course there is a bit more going on than just that as it’s only the central struggle…
Adam must also face 8 powerful bosses. Each demonic boss is off course stronger and more dangerous than the last but there is also a catch. Before each boss, players must decide which stat to decrease and level down! That’s right! You have to power down before each major boss clash. This alone raises some problems for players. What happens if you decide to reduce speed but the boss you are going to face requires speed and movement to beat him? We have a problem. Or what if a boss is about being hit real fast for that quick damage but you reduced strength? Oh Dear…
Sinner: Sacrifice for redemption has had quite a number of inspirations. It’s said to be inspired by the Soul series, shadow of the colossus and some anime. Anything related to dark souls can only have one thing in common… being difficult. The soul games are about timing, knowing when to attack and then dodging those vicious attacks from enemies as just a few is all that’s needed to kill you. This should already cause some gamers to feel a bit uncomfortable.
Now what we do know about Sinner: Sacrifice for redemption. There are various weapons for players to get the hang of and master. Like with Monster Hunter: World these weapons have different ad antes which players must recognise and use whats best for each boss. There are some repayable features although we don’t know what they are. You can unlock new game modes, probably like boss rush or a amped up difficulty mode. Last of all we know that there are multiple endings which means, multiple play throughs and most likely decisions that players have to make. Almost like Dante’s inferno in a way.
We checked out some gameplay and this does remind us of Dark souls quite a lot. There are levels where you have to fight regular enemies, dodge powerful attacks and deal with crowds at some points as well. Then when you get to a boss things get much harder. The bosses are so different from each other and will force players to watch, learn, probably die and then hopefully triumph. We do know there is: Rose Paladin Rhodes, Healer Faiz Tilus and Countess Levin Undock. That’s only three of them though and all of them do look like a real problem.
Overall this game has interested us because for us it’s a combination of Dante’s Inferno and Dark souls. It’s going around the topic of sin but we can tell it’s not biblical so we won’t take it seriously. Combine that with the style of dark souls with some new concepts or the whole down grading thing just create quite a cool result. The graphics are nice, not excellent. The designs and environments are good indeed. The developers ‘Dark Star’ did a very good job with this. We at X35 Earthwalker are actually interested in this and will keep an eye out for this. Now some are fighting for redemption while we already have our sins paid for by Jesus. This game still ain’t on the level off… the ‘Earth Walk!’
For more information check out the link below: