X35 Earthwalker Eldrador Creatures Shadowfall

Eldrador Creatures Shadowfall is a tactical turn based game developed and published by ‘Wild River games’. Eldrador Creatures Shadowfall is said to be coming out the 5th of March 2025 on Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch, PS5 and PC. X35 Earthwalker believes family friendly fun games are needed. Eldrador Creatures Shadowfall needs to impress or hook right here. Let’s take a look.

X35 Earthwalker Eldrador Creatures Shadowfall

The story in Eldrador Creatures Shadowfall is very simple. This creature filled world is in danger. Some unknown and quite shadowy threat is behind it all. so off course it’s up to the player to lead a group of combat ready creatures monsters to take own this danger and save the world.

Eldrador Creatures Shadowfall straight up just looks like a fun and colourful creatures battles. turn based off course and judging by the grids and options, a tactical one too. We hear that there’s over 100 levels. so there’s quite a lot for players to do and lots of opportunities to try out and adjust tactics.

X35 Earthwalker Eldrador Creatures Shadowfall

Over 100 levels but 4 different locations. Eldrador Creatures Shadowfall has open locations for players to actually explore. There’s off course a jungle… an overgrown one (Groundskeepers aren’t doing their jobs). A lava world with all the heat you can or cannot handle. A stone world that’s been described as “indestructible”… we will see about that. Last is the Ice world which to no ones surprise is cold. Bring a jumper. 

X35 Earthwalker Eldrador Creatures Shadowfall

We checked out some Eldrador Creatures Shadowfall gameplay and it’s what we expected. Build your team of 20 creatures. Each creature off course has their own skills. They can off course get stronger and more effective as they battle. attacks to attack a row, clear a lane, attack while moving etc. There’s definitely room for tactics here. A cool rock golem creature stands out. Just looks like some fun stuff.

Overall Eldrador Creatures Shadowfall just looks like a good game. Simple honest fun with a straight forward story. Nothing crazy. Most importantly is that it’s family friendly from what we can see. Graphics are good and the details are alright. The animations are good too. The developers ‘Wild River games’ have done a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will just have to hear what happens with this game. Now Eldrador Creatures Shadowfall may have numerous battle ready creatures but none of them stand a chance against… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Mech Armada

Mech Armada is a tactical turn based rougelite game developed and published by ‘Lioncode Games‘. Mech Armada came out in 2022 on the Xbox Series X/S, XboxOne, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and pc. X35 Earthwalker likes deep tactical games with options. Mech Armada looks to have a lot going on. Haven’t heard anyone talk about this. Let’s take a look.

Mech Armada is far more deep than you would initially see. We wrote about this game before. X35 Earthwalker definitely loves strategy games where things get seriously tactical. Mech Armada definitely brings the strategy. Players will learn from experience on the heavy. Energy, credits and meta energy. Energy is for building mechs and transforming them. Credits is for buying new mech parts and upgrading parts. Marta energy is for permanent upgrades. So each one matters.

X35 Earthwalker Mech Armada

Now let’s focus on the main factors here. With Mech Armada you can build your own mechs and decide the transport, the body and the weapons. You decide the entire combination as long as you have the amount of energy. Each part has a different cost and function off course. For example you can get a mini walker which has legs meaning you can go over rough terrain. A actual walker is more expensive travels the same distance but can still move after taking an action. The mini tracks and tank can’t go over rough terrain but they move extra further on roads. Some bodies allow a mech to hold 2 weapons while others allow 1. There is a body though that allows mechs to hold 3 weapons though. 

The weapons are the main meat though. There’s machine guns, heavy double gun called double double, missile launchers, sniper rifle, satellite air strike and other weapons that buff your allies instead. The double double fires twice, sniper has a longer range, missile launcher has area of effect etc. The sniper is crazy as it has a range of 3 which is the highest standard range. The satellite air strike also has a range of 3 but it has a one turn delay to deliver a mad powerful attack. This sets up some little traps for those nasty enemies.

X35 Earthwalker Mech Armada

Each mech part can be upgraded with credits. For example a tank can be upgrade to a mega tank which has an additional armour and gains the ability to push a unit adjacent to it. The walker when upgraded gains more health points and the passive ability of gaining an extra movement after taking an action. That’s very powerful. There’s a body called bodyguard part that grants adjacent allies extra armour. When upgraded the amount of armour given is increased. So do not underestimate those upgrades.

The game in a way plays like chess. Some enemies can move 1 space, some 2 and some 3. Some can move diagonally. Some enemies have melee attacks whole some have range attacks. Some have special abilities like firing a laser the entire row or stunning mechs. The rhino enemy for example moves 1 space but has a charge ability which has a range of 3 spaces. So almost like a knight piece in chess, it can move in an L shape pattern.

X35 Earthwalker Mech Armada

The enemies in this game are very annoying. Annoying as in they are smart. the rhino enemy actively tries to get a position where you are trapped and someone is getting hit. The slug looking one with the long piecer also tries to restrict your movement with the eye laser.  The enemy always prioritise a kill over everything else, including its survival. This could also be exploited though. Get tactical players.

You basically need a mech for every occasion. Getting the weapon that lets you release drones. There’s a combat drone and a healing drone. Does what it says on the box. These drones can help out and can even take the fall or a be bait for your main team. enemies always prioritise the kill. So they won’t resist an easy to kill drone. You can even use the satellite air strike to get easy damage on an enemy. Learn their movements and predict where they will go.   

There’s bosses at the end of every path you take and they are a big problem. They so slow though and move one space. The bosses come with allies and that makes things a problem. A boss with two rhinos is just unfair but doable. Mech Armada allows players to create and fight their own way. You can even play cheap and spawn in a super cheap mech to take a hit for a main one. You can even stall in a level just so you can absorb more energy. Energy makes all the difference here. There’s lots of strategy. Using your mechs carefully, single or diagonal movements, using multiple weapons in a turn, upgrading certain parts.

Mech Armada is underrated. It’s so far excellent. There’s so much to say about this game and we still have more to discover. Mech Armada is so far excellent. X35 Earthwalker is the smartest man in the world and so this game is good for him. X35 is playing this without cheap tactics though. Now Mech Armada may have deep strategy but it’s far too shallow for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Crown Wars: The Black Prince.

Crown Wars: The Black Prince is a tactical turn based game developed by ‘Artefacts Studio‘ and published by ‘Nacon‘. Crown Wars: The Black Prince is said to be coming out the 7th of March 2024 on the Xbox Series X/S, PS5 and PC. Some words are talking about it also coming to Nintendo Switch too but no specifics when. X35 Earthwalker is the best at tactical games and welcomes new additions. Crown Wars: The Black Prince is bringing some medieval brutal action. Let’s take a look.

X35 Earthwalker Crown Wars: The Black Prince.

Crown Wars: The Black Prince is set in the medieval times. Players are the lord of their “fiefdom”. Things aren’t peaceful and well as the “war of crowns rages on”. Sop definitely not peaceful times. Not just brigands but knights as well are running wild and rampant across the land. They are all about destruction and killing. Word on the streets though is that there’s something more evil and dangerous going on. Something chilling in the shadows, manipulating and being annoying. Conspiracies are here. As the lord of your fiefdom, it’s up to you to lead your forces in this battle against evil.

X35 Earthwalker Crown Wars: The Black Prince.

Crown Wars: The Black Prince is all about the take your time, think it through and then make your move. Gamers who know about these types of games should know what they are getting themselves into. Recruit and get your troops ready. Each have their class and abilities. Decide who’s best for the mission or task at hand and get them in there. Make sure you have a variety of skills at hand to meet the different needs as players will need to also search and hunt down where this evil is coming from and then deal with it.

X35 Earthwalker Crown Wars: The Black Prince.

We checked out some Crown Wars: The Black Prince gameplay and it’s what we expected. The castle is where base is and is where you plan things out. As expected there will be room for diplomacy. You must also manage the land and people. Improve your keep and keep things well for the people. Keep an eye on your resources and use them wisely. We truly hope there’s a cool wide range of abilities and options regarding attacks, strategies and the classes. This is tougher to do as it’s medieval themed. Even so we need more than swords, arrows and a chemical flask. Crown Wars: The Black Prince will have to prove itself. 

Overall Crown Wars: The Black Prince looks like a good game. Set in brutal times with brutal behaviour. Slay them all and destroy the evil… or it will destroy you. The graphics are good. The amount of blood needed to step up a bit. Tactical turn based games like these normally have lots of thought gone into it and depth. We want to see how deep things can go. The developers ‘Artefacts Studio’ have done a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to hear how well this game does. Currently X35 isn’t interested in Crown Wars: The Black Prince. Now Crown Wars: The Black Prince may have a conspiratorial hiding evil but this evil would be exposed instantly by… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Mech Armada

Mech Armada is a tactical turn based game developed and published by ‘Lioncode games‘. Mech Armada is said to be coming out the 8th of December 2022 on the Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5 and PS4. It’s already out on pc though. X35 Earthwalker is the best turn based strategy gamer in the world. Hopefully Mech Armada is good enough. Let’s take a look.

Mech Armada is all about putting players in control of mechs made for battle. These mechs are custom built and players are involved in them being built. There’s a whole roster of these mechs for you to build and off course upgrade. There’s said to be over 80 different parts. No mechs are the same as they have their own weaknesses and strengths. 

X35 Earthwalker Mech Armada

Weapons? Let’s talk about it. The arsenal of weapons is what you’d expect from a variety of mechs. There’s guns, big guns, missile launchers, ray guns, flamethrowers and even fighter drones. Makes you wonder what else is available. Don’t forget that Mech Armada is turned based. So you know the function of these weapons will play around that. Costs, cool down, range, drawbacks etc. The campaign is described as rougelike. When you die, it’s final. You have to start again. It’s randomly generated. This means you’ll get new random encounters and mech parts. So yeah, make sure you have the ability to work with what you got.

X35 Earthwalker Mech Armada

There’s going to be battles for sure but your’re going up against the swarm. At the end of each area, you will face the major bosses of the swarm. They have been described as “massive, ugly and ridiculously tough.” Resource management is key in games like this. Either get good at this or fail every time. Now concerning the enemies we do wonder about a number of things. How difficult will the battles be. Will they be better balanced and controlled than Phoenix Point? We hope so. Here’s what the official website said “Understanding your enemy and anticipating their actions… observing the terrain ahead of you will determine your success.” Interesting.

We checked out some Mech Armada gameplay and it’s what we expected. We hear you can create thousands of unique combinations when it comes to the mechs. Every run will be different. They said “All the gameplay elements (monsters, maps, resources and rewards) are randomly combined and balanced ensuring no two battles are the same.” The areas will be different. The areas do look sort of after apocalypse type event. desert wastelands, busted up places and the areas just outside ruined cities. What’s also really nice is the auto save. Just makes things easier for gamers and puts our minds more at ease.

Overall Mech Armada looks like a nice game. We like the colours and the look of the game. The animations of the mechs are weak though. We also wanted more impact of the weapons when it hits enemies. There’s lots of options and the random generated factor adds to replayability and layers. We like to see it. We hope the enemies have certain behaviours but hope certain combinations raise the difficulty naturally. The developers ‘Lioncode games’ have done a nice job from what we can see. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an ear open for this game. Now Mech Armada may have mechs vs swarms but that war is little league compare to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Fuga: Melodies of Steel

Fuga: Melodies of Steel is a tactical role playing game that was developed by CyberConnect2. Fuga: Melodies of Steel was released on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PS5, PS4 and PC. This game is excellent. X35 Earthwalker is playing it now and it’s been a good treat so far. There’s a lot to say and talk about but we will try to keep it short. Let’s take a look.

Fuga: Melodies of Steel is all about a group of children, a dozen at most, who are controlling a tank. Why? Their village got raided by an invading military force and their families were taken captive. So They ended up finding a powerful tank called the Taranis. It’s massive and bigger than any other tank. It’s a super tank. They will use this to chase after the Berman army. Sounds like a plan. Right? It’s children after all.

X35 Earthwalker Fuga: Melodies of Steel

We like the graphic style of Fuga: Melodies of Steel. It sort of reminds us of Astria Ascending. The game looks good. The characters look good and are distinct. The character designs alone give you a lot of information about the characters. That kind of designs top level and many people can’t do that. The story telling is effective. The voice of the lady communicating with the children sounds almost perfect. Sounds like a guardian… their guardian but who is this person? The illustrations + voice and the events work very well together. We already have characters we care about… a lot. X35 Earthwalker will not allow harm to come to these children. 

X35 Earthwalker Fuga: Melodies of Steel

The main thing about this game is the strategies. Fuga: Melodies of Steel has many mechanics that allow for deep strategies. It’s not just fire cannons at enemy tanks. Each tank has weaknesses that when exploited with a specific type of tank cannon, can cause the enemy vehicle to be delayed. Making them act later. The weapons have different damage and accuracy. Some enemies are harder to hit and so it’s wiser to use certain weapons against them. There’s status effects that can be inflicted like stun, burn and smoke (here’s more). Smoke reduces their accuracy and burn inflicts damage after each action. Special abilities and attacks require SP to use. Another resource to manage. Some enemies have armour which reduce the damage they take but there are special ammo and abilites that can get rid of the armour. There’s buffs you can give to individual characters or there whole team like increasing luck, speed or damage. We can explain more but lets’ keep it short.

The strategies don’t end on the battlefield. There’s more thinking required during the intermissions. During the intermission you have 20 AP (action points). Having the children talk to each other, to build their relationships, costs AP. Planting seeds to grow crops cost AP. So does, fishing for scrap and cooking a meal. Why are you doing any of this? They all yield great benefits. Building relationships allows for link attacks and stronger support effects. Growing crops produce ingredients for cooking. Cooking meals gives buffs to your characters. Scrap fishing creates a chance to obtain materials. Materials are needed to upgrade the Taranis. Upgrades include more health, damage and maximum SP. You never have enough AP to do everything you want or need. You have to decide what to do, prioritise and conclude what’s most important. You’ll understand easily when you play it. Bottom line, you’ll redoing heavy thinking both in and out of combat. Nothing must be wasted. Every decision and move counts. Even the paths you take on your journey, safe, normal and dangerous matters. Tactical gamers and players with some intelligence will thrive here. Off course no gamer is even close to X35’s intelligence.

Overall Fuga: Melodies of Steel is a fantastic game. Graphics, sounds, story, emotions, investment, decisions and deepness of strategies are all very good. The animations of the Taranis are weak though. There’s seriously more to the strategies. There’s the link attacks which are powerful and must be unlocked through a bond between characters and then charged up. Then there’s ‘Hero mode’. This is where things get real crazy. Maybe we will go over more of this stuff another time. Fuga: Melodies of Steel is available on the Xbox Game Pass right now. Fuga: Melodies of Steel isn’t normally our type of game but this game has been a real treat for sure. X35 Earthwalker is invested. There you go. We tried to keep this short. Fuga: Melodies of Steel is worth checking out if you have the brains for it.

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King Arthur: Knight’s Tale is a new Tactical role playing game developed and published by ‘NeocoreGames‘. King Arthur: Knight’s Tale is said to be coming out on the Xbox Series X, PS5 and PC. Concerning release date, there has been no information given. This game its looking cool though. So we decided to check it out. Let’s take a look.

The world of King Arthur: Knight’s Tale is set in what’s called arthurian mythology. So expect stuff surrounding the legends of King Arthur. Except there’s a dark fantasy twist to it (thank goodness for that). The story though is quite simple but cool. You are sir Mordred who is an enemy of King Arthur. You killed him in combat but he in his last moment landed a killing blow on you too. You both died. Yet, someone called the ‘The lady of the lake’ who is the ruler of the mystical island of avalon brings you back… somehow. Guess what? Arthur is back too… somehow. You have to defeat Arthur again but he’s demonic or corrupted or something. Expect darkness.

Now remember that King Arthur: Knight’s Tale is tactical. It’s been described as a hybrid of turn based tactical game and rpg. So have your team vs an enemy team facing off against each other. We at X35 Earthwalker enjoy tactical turn based games as there is so much to take into account, requires lots of thinking and being strategic with each move. Each position matters, where you move matters, what unit classes you have on your team matters, what abilities you have available matters. Pretty much everything matters in a good tactical turn based. This game got a ton of support ops kick starter too so there’s high hopes for this game and expectations.

This isn’t just a straight up turn based like XCOM 2: War of the Chosen. You will have to take in your environments, move around and even scout ahead to see where your enemies are. They could be hidden or hiding waiting for an ambush. There are mechanics to help with this. There are lures to lead enemies away and even traps you can set up to get that advantage. There’s also a variety of enemies and mythological creatures that will come against you, so make sure to learn about them, gain experience and be better prepared for the next time. Planning is key in this game.

There are more than 30 different heroes. There are also 5 different classes too. The heroes are the game changers. The different knights aren’t just mindless strong units they actually have their own personalities. Some of your knights will even clash with each other. The knights will pay attention to what you do. So it’s not just their strengths and abilities but if they are with you and your goals. You have to pay attention to their loyalty as it’s possible for them to turn against you. Settle their disputes and don’t anymore enemies than you already have. The heroes also have skill trees so character development is here but we hope there is clear variety, clear strengths and a clear reason as to why to use this hero over another. It’s a role playing game after all.

We have checked out some King Arthur: Knight’s Tale gameplay and it’s what we expected. There is choice dialogue when speaking with certain characters in the story so we get choice, again not sure how important it really is. Your heroes can die and get serious injuries that if not handled right, will die from them, losing big firepower. The game ma for selecting, viewing missions etc looks very nice and we like how the sea looks. The spaces and movement in combat is clearly highlighted and shown to help prevent mistakes. The mini map looks very good and clearly shows useful information. From what we can see so far, King Arthur: Knight’s Tale. One big concern is that we hope they present Christianity correctly. Out of respect to the Christians make sure you present Christianity correctly.   

Overall King Arthur: Knight’s Tale seems like a really cool game. We like new or creative creatures and monsters. We want to see the developers take full advantage and go creative with the mythology. We hope to see more moves and abilities be available for the unites and heroes. We still need to see more but this game has our attention… for now. The developers ‘Neocoregames’ have done a great job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye open for King Arthur: Knight’s Tale. Now King Arthur: Knight’s Tale may have knights but those knights will lose their life if they face… the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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Rainbow Six: Quarantine is new tactical first person shooter game developed and published by ‘Ubisoft’. Rainbow Six: Quarantine is said to be coming out in 2021 on the Xbox One, Xbox Series X, PS4, PS5 and PC. Rainbow Six Quarantine sounds very interesting and it seems like the enemies here are… how should we say… ‘out of this world’. Let’s take a look.

There isn’t that much to say about Rainbow Six: Quarantine. There is some stuff we do know about this game though. Rainbow Six: Quarantine is going to be completely different from Rainbow Six Siege. There is no two teams, defence and attack. It’s just a team of three going up against a whole horde of ‘out of this world’ enemies. There will be an actual story. There will be levels and survival is top priority. We also know that Rainbow Six: Quarantine is being developed by the Montreal branch of Ubisoft. 

Enough with the secrecy. The enemies in Rainbow Six: Quarantine are aliens basically. Mutated alien parasite. They roll by infecting not just humans to be hosts but also the very environment itself. The enemy has been described as very dangerous and difficult. We can’t see how this enemy would be challenging because the Rainbow Six operators have certain set abilities, use guns and there are three of them to watch each others backs. Rainbow Six is set in a realistic world. So unless the alien parasites can do some real crazy then this game will be easy. Those disappointing. We don’t want easy games. We will have to see more to be sure though.

Off course there is no gameplay to view but here’s how they described the Rainbow Six: Quarantine  experience. They said “Prepare to launch into tense, chaotic and totally unpredictable missions as you and your squad risk everything, every time you step into Quarantine.” No offensive to the developers but  normally when they write like this, it hardly is like how they said. We might get something that’s predictable. A number of games have failed in this area. We hope the developers actually pull it off.

Overall. Rainbow Six: Quarantine sounds like it will be a fun game but we don’t have high hopes for this. There’s a medium amount of room here for creativity and what they can do but will they do it? If only they had X35 Earthwalker to help them and instruct them. Come one devs, do your best and make this great. We at X35 Earthwalker hope this game does well. Now Rainbow Six: Quarantine may have alien enemies and a whole new game but none of this means anything to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Element Space is a turn based strategy role playing game (RPG) developed by ‘Sixth Vowel‘ and produced by ‘Inca Games‘. Element Space is said to be coming out the 24th of March 2020 on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. It’s already out on PC. This game is suppose to be a futuristic battle, so let’s see what it’s got. Let’s take a look.

In the universe of Element Space, the year is 2199. That’s not as far future as Halo but still far. So basically earth somehow was close to being destroyed, so humanity had to expand into space. An organisation called the sixth vowel, the movement of light, made space travel and their missions possible. Suddenly though this same organisation turned on humanity. There was a big war which lasted years. Now the factions that worked together are now having tension amongst each other. There will be another war. The players job, is to bring the starship inspiration which is the symbol of the galactic war to the city of Truce so that the first galactic congress can be held to unite all the factions. 

Element Space all turn based combat so players need to take their time and think about what to do next with what options they have. An excellent example of turn based combat is XCOM 2: War of the Chosen. Information tells us that there is a variety of strategies and approaches because there are 32 ranged and melee weapons and character skills that can help mx things up. Games like this need vary and options in abundance. 

Another factor that’s important is the enemies. Element Space is said to have a range of enemies. Some have blasters, others have rifles, some have a great sword, others have two short blades, some have multi hits and fast, basically there’s stuff to be concerned about in this game. The factions have different uniforms and we hope that there co meat style and strategies are different and distinguishable too. So expect to see these guys across 24 different levels.

For more variety and flavour you can unlock and acquire new weapons and perks as you make a name for yourself with the galaxy’s factions. Get the best equipment for your squad. Speaking of squad, throughout the world of Element Space you will encounter and recruit new allies who will aid you in your mission and off course combat. Each companion has their own unique skills. The developers have also given them their own story and past so you can know it if you want.

This is tough but Element Space is trying the whole, your choices and actions effect the story or characters mechanic. Most games don’t pull this off well and fail at it. We hope this isn’t the case. Aid factions will make their leaders support you and unlock you those perks and weapons we talked about but if you fail them, they may turn against you when you need help.

Your companions have upgrade trees where you will decide what they would be best at. Also decide what roles to take with you into combat like: Duelist, flanker, tank, support, gunslinger or assault. The cover system is here too in Element Space. Full and half cover. Full is obviously better better but both are destructible. All cover is destructible so keep this in mind when on both the offence and defence.

We checked out some Element Space gameplay and it’s not exactly what we expected. It’s definitely more action packed than we thought. There’s some awesome hand to hand combat animations for moves, we mean proper fighting. It looks good. You can use grenades, rockets and abilities to really do damage and we like that. The bullet trajectory and hit detection is better than XCOM 2’s but the overall flow and quality isn’t on the same level but it’s still very good. We are only comparing it to XCOM as it’s the best and Element Space is doing very well. We hope it’s even better for the console releases.

Overall Element Space looks like a really good game. We actually like what we see. The graphics are good, the sounds are nice we wanted more but it’s nice. The environments make sense and a good amount of cover for options. We hope there are even more dramatic enemy designs so it isn’t just all people in armour. The developers Sixth Vowel have done a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an ear open for this game. Now Element Space may be a battle in the future but it’s still miles behind… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden

Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden is a new tactical adventure game developed by ‘The Bearded Ladies’ (we are not making this up) but published by ‘Funcom‘. It is coming out the 4th of December on the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. This game will capture the interest of gamers just from sight alone. Let’s take a look.

Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden is a strange game set pretty much in a strange world. Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden has been described as a tactical adventure, turn based with real time stealth. Straight away  you sort of get how this game will play like. Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden does remind us of XCOM 2 in a way. Basically the story is that the world has ended (strange since the world is still there). There has been global economic issues, old and new superpowers are against each other, off course extreme climate change  and nuclear weapons which form mushroom clouds and other issues.   

Now nature has taken over… Well nature and some mutants (where did they come through). There are n humans left, they are all gone and the only things in the zone now are the mutants, animals and deformed humanoid. Players control a group who must venture of the zone in order to survive. Your destination is the Eden which suppose to be a haven and where the truth is according to legend. This sounds like quite the adventure. 

Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden

Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden is suppose to be a deep tactical strategy game. They have said it has been inspired by XCOM which means it should be good. Players can explore ruined destroyed looking areas like damaged highways, clearly abandoned cities. Off course each mission needs a plan and supplies which is why you will return frequently to a place called the Ark where you can get body armour like police vests, powerful rifles and even something like a top hat for style.

The members of your team are strange. There is a four foot duck (Dux) who has an attitude problem, a boar (Borwin) who clearly has anger issues and Selma who seems like a deformed humanoid and leader. There are multiple other characters in this world and they have their own distinct personalities and behaviour also. 

Even though Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden is definitely a lot of combat and fire fights, stealth has been emphasised and encouraged. You have shadows to use to your advantage, floodlights will expose you, line of sight is a mechanic here too, fully destructible environment like walls to get the drop on enemies and much more. This is real time stealth so players have full control on their approach and how you want to do it.

Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden

There are upgrades and new abilities called mutations. For example that duck (Dix) can learn an ability to sneak into a base full of enemies completely undetected and unnoticed even though he is a walking duck who is armed with weapons. Don’t ask questions, just go with it. The boar (Borwin) can learn to charge enemies which makes sense. Selma can learn a mutation called stone skin which literally makes her skin stone, we guess that means she takes reduced damage or maybe temporary immunity to damage. Off course there are more mutations to unlock.

There isn’t a lot of information on the kind of enemies you will face. We do know there are monsters called ghouls and that enemies will have levels, like a level 7 ghoul for example. We also know they will be other mutants like weird creatures with swollen mushroom bumpy heads. Hopefully more information will be given as the enemies do add or take away from a game.

We checked out some gameplay and we like the full control stealthy parts of the game where you can decide where to go to and how you plan to do something. The duck can get a mutation that allows him to fly granting elevation advantage and more mobility. There are ladders to climb, hit percentage, critical hits, weaknesses, advantages and even sniping capabilities. Just make sure to scavenge and find all sorts of useful supplies, parts and things that can really help out.

Overall Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden looks like it’s going to be a serious game. It’s unique, got some good mechanics, inspired by an excellent game, graphics look good and the levels look very good. There is some mystery like the elder who knows a lot and his story will be unfolded. we just hope that the enemies are awesome and off a side variety since it’s suppose to be mutants which means anything can be formed. We expect creativity from this. The developers ‘The Bearded Ladies’ (we hate this name) did a very good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker are looking forward to seeing what Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden has for gamers. Now Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden may be a ruined world but one thing that’s not ruined is… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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XCOM 2 is just an excellent strategy game. There isn’t another like it. We at X35 Earthwalker were a big fan of the first XCOM but XCOM 2 really did improve the game and took it to a higher level. It isn’t perfect though as we have found a few faults with the game but overall it is amazing. We will be talking about the soldier classes and how tactical things can get. There are four classes in XCOM 2. Ranger, sniper, specialist and grenadier. Each one are not to be ignored.

The Ranger is probably the hardest to master and use properly. Many will get excited about the fact that they have swords and will want to slash everything in sight but it’s risky. Slash lets you run up to an enemy and then almost kill them straight up but normally leaves you in the open or run towards another group of aliens which usually results in death. Instead use the sword only when you know it’s safe and when you really need to kill a certain target. Once the Ranger has the phantom ability it will stayed concealed even after the team got exposed. Allowing you to move around the map and level by themselves to complete and objective single handedly or get a perfect flank on the enemy. Shadow step is another powerful ability which allows the Ranger to not trigger any overwatchs or reaction fires. This means your Ranger can move freely and even ignore suppression. Once X35’s Ranger was pinned down by suppression and straight away he made his Ranger leave the area with no consequences. Rangers are the best when it comes to mobility. Use them to complete objective, go solo from the group and kill enemies in close range style.

Snipers is probably the most favourite class amongst XCOM gamers from the first game because they can dish out high damage from far away and attack more than once. In XCOM 2 they are more versatile than before. The pistol can no longer be underestimated. Upgrade your pistols when you can. The sniper gets abilities like lightning hands which allows them to fire the pistol and it won’t cost an action. This means you always get to attack more than once. Shoot with pistol at a near enemy and then snipe that other one that’s far away. Always place your snipers in elevated positions as ‘Death from above’ ability allows you to have another action after killing an enemy who is at a lower elevation. Snipers are no longer weak in closer range combat as the gunslinger abilities for the pistol make them lethal like faceoff which allows your sniper to fire his pistol at every target in range once. The best ability and the thing that makes snipers great is squadsight which means, if your team mates can see it, then your sniper can see it (as long as there is a line of sight).

Grenadiers are lethal in XCOM 2 and probably more lethal than before. Their ability to launch grenades is essential. Use them to damage groups of enemies at once and even destroy enemy cover to expose them for your sniper and other units. The shredder ability makes this class the best at dealing with armoured enemies getting rid of their armour. Suppression will keep those melee enemies, like the stun lance using soldiers, in their place, preventing them from moving or more likely killing them as they attempt to come near. X35’s favourite grenadier ability is holo targeting which means whenever your grenadier takes a shot at an enemy, your whole team gets increased accuracy against that enemy. Chain shot is just for dealing immense damage as it allows you to shoot at an enemy twice as long as the first hit connects. This makes you think about what to do. Normally you will have the grenadiers make the first moves as they really set things up for the other classes. Maybe use the grenadier to blow away a part of a wall or building to reveal enemies for your snipers, or do you fire at a essential target first allowing your team to have better chances of hitting that target or do you have them move up right next to an enemy just to use chain shot for the real damage? The choice is yours.

Specialists are very interesting indeed. They are equipped with gremlin units which provide all their abilities. Firstly a specialist can hack advent security towers to gain certain perks like disorientating all enemies for 2 turns or grant extra intel. Specialists can also interact with objectives like the computers or alarm system from a distance making them essential to get there in time or hack from safety. It gets crazier. They can send the gremlin to increase the defense of themselves or any ally making them harder to hit for the duration of the alien turn. As the specialist is promoted he will gain the ability to Heal allies from anywhere, remove status problems like panic, poison and even stop bleeding out. Then inflict guaranteed damage against any enemy and then the best of all be able to hack mechanical units. X35 loves this. You can hack to disable or even better take control of those advent mecs which he then sends directly towards the enemies to reveal their location and fight to the death. Make sure to hack sentry guns to have them fire at enemies and then overwatch to keep bringing the pain. Specialists can do anything and once used correctly, will make your team officially OP (over powered). Lastly don’t underestimate the ability to deliver 2 points of guaranteed damage as there have been many moments when that has come in handy to finish of a certain enemy.

Off course there are many more abilities for the classes and each is useful in their own way but pick them according to your style. XCOM 2 is very strategic and makes you think for a bit before making any actions. Place your snipers in high places and combined with ‘Death from above’ you have potential double kills lined up. Have your specialists always using their gremlins to buff, heal or even grant soldiers an overwatch as these actions only cost one action, meaning you can still fire afterwards. Hack those mechanical units when you can to get the best possible advantage. Be masterfully strategic with your Rangers. Literally X35 once had his ranger with concealment go alone to the objective and complete it by themselves and got that Ranger back to the rest of the team alive. Rangers are also best at killing on the go thanks to ‘Run & Gun’ and their swords. Be careful though. Grenadiers must use what they have to control the battle field their abilities create new pathways with grenades, pin enemies and lay down the damage if need be. They can even get armour of their own with ‘Blast padding’ meaning you can have them at the front knowing that they are harder to kill.

We are really loving what XCOM 2 have done with the game and will continue to play it. What do you think of the classes in XCOM 2? Maybe you have strategies of your own. Whether you do or not make sure you know… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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