Season 2 for Batman Tell tales series, Batman: The Enemy Within, developed by ‘Telltale Games’, is coming out 8th of August for Xbox One, PS4, PC and Mac.
Lots of people really enjoyed the Batman Telltale series. We have to admit, it was a lot of fun and the switched up story line worked well. Tell Tale always seem to make good games but our favourite is definitely Batman.
From what we know, the Riddler is back in town. The Riddler has returned to Gotham city and he as always has his puzzles with him. There’s more… A ruthless federal agent is on the scene and the Joker himself has begun to make some moves. This just opens up a lot of ideas in the heads of players. We all know the Joker. We all know what he is capable of. How will he fit into all this? What exact role will he take?
In terms of how this telltale will come out, the official website says, “The Telltale Series is a five-part episodic series. This Season Pass contains episode one and access to download the four remaining episodes as they become available.” Off course you can just wait for the game to release and just buy it. As always, we at X35 Earthwalker always encourage gamers to do their research first before buying any ‘Season passes’. So many people buy it without fully understanding what will be included in the season like does it provide early access, does it give free cosmetic skins or free downloadable maps etc. So please find out first and don’t be a complainer.
The main themes that seem to be repeated here in Batman: The Enemy Within seems to be based around trust and allies. It goes on about who you will ally yourself with, who will you trust and how far will players allow Bruce to descend into darkness. This makes us believe that this is probably how the Joker fits in. It may be one of those can you trust Joker or not kind of thing (we don’t). We do know that this is supposed to be superior to the previous season.
Overall this game looks promising and real good. The graphics are the same style as the prequel but slightly improved from what we have seen. If you are a fan of telltale games or batman then this game should entertain you indeed. The developers ‘Telltale Games’ did a great job with this game. This is definitely worth checking out. Batman may be Batman but the ‘Earth walk’ is… the ‘Earth Walk!’
For more information check out the link below: