The Surge is a new action RPG game developed by ‘Deck13’ and is coming out May 19th for the Xbox One, PC and PS4. There are many games that have come out and some are soon to come and yet we haven’t even gotten a lot of them. We need a game that really makes us want to play. Straight away this game has got our attention but is it what we’ve been waiting for?
We don’t know much about who we play as. Maybe that because we get to customise and create our own character. We do know that we have cybernetic implants and equipped with the ‘Exo-suit’ which isn’t the flashiest name but it works. We also have super human strength. Our enemy is the CREO complex, a mega corporation, who makes it their mission to save the world. We bet the corporation is evil and corrupt. So your character starts their first day at work but something went wrong and kcocked you out, then you wake up with the exo-suit in a section of the complex. Now everything is your enemy. There’s a rogue AI, hostile robots and your co-workers who have augmentations of their own so expect a fight. A real fight.
The Surge places heavy emphasis on combat an it’s what this game is mainly about. You shouldn’t just charge in and rush everything as even the weakest enemies can be a big threat. You need to watch them and study them to know what they are all about. Discover their attack patterns and more importantly their weaknesses. The Surge has a serious targeting system which allows you to target specific parts of their body (limbs). Even better, you can loot to craft the attachment that you cut off. Finally! A game has this feature. There are times where you kill and enemy and you want to take their weapon but you can’t. Now we can in a way. So are you going to straight up kill your enemies or do they have something that you need to become more powerful. The attacks are vertical and horizontal. Time when to step in or out and pick your moments well to attack. Then finish them of with some healthy violent style. So you could end up building loading weapons and security staffs and much more.
Your exo-suit does have a limit though so you need to make a decisions concerning your power requirements. As you progress through the game and slay enemies you will collect tech scrap. Basically experience points. You use these points to upgrade your exo-suit which increases it’s power output which allows you to use stronger implants and more implants in total making you a incredibly powerful. On top of that, the more you use your weapons the greater your efficiency with them. Eventually you will deal increased damage. More damage means easier fights.
The CREO complex is massive and their are many areas for you to explore. That sounds like fun but there is one problem. Each area has people who use to work in those places. They with their exo-suits and industrial equipment will pose a massive threat. You have been warned. Make sure to search the executive levels, mechanical areas and toxic underground passages to fight enemies, collect parts, find loot and learn what happened at the CREO complex. So watch out for audio messages, dialogues from survivors and any other clues that you find through the game.
The most interesting part of the game is definitely the combat. It’s brutal and can go either way for both you and the enemies. Some say that this game is basically dark souls but sci-fi. Not exactly. We have checked out some gameplay and whatever and agreed that this game is a higher level than dark souls from what we can see and from some of the game features that we learnt about. The Surge is said to be very difficult and the battles can be very punishing so your mistakes will cost you a lot. To make things worst, remember the tech scrap we mentioned? Well if you die it all drops where you died. If you want it back then you have to go back there and collect it or you will lose it all forever. So what if you got completely owned by a way more powerful enemy and your tech scrap is left there? Well either get it back or it’s gone. So think carefully and know what you are getting yourself into.
Overall the game looks very good indeed. The graphics are excellent. The environments are excellent as well. We can tell some gamers will spend a bit of time just looking around and taking in the sights when on the outside of the complex. Sounds work very well. You can see that a lot of work went into this game. The developers ‘Deck13’ did an excellent job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker know that many gamers are going to love this game as long as the developers don’t screw it up. This game is definitely worth checking out. Now you may or may not have what it takes to play this game, whether you do is not as important as… doing the ‘Earth Walk!’
For more information check out the link below: