Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun – Forges of Corruption is an action First Person Shooter game developed by ‘Auroch Digital‘ and published by ‘Digital Foundry‘. Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun – Forges of Corruption is said to be coming out the 18th of June 2024 on the Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC, PS5 and PS4. X35 Earthwalker likes to see good games get expanded and supported. Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun – Forges of Corruption is out here bringing more action to the gamers.
Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun is back and now there’s more bang for your boltgun… or was it buck? Whatever that saying is. Now coming up is the Forges of Corruption expansion. This means players will need to grab the boltgun they stashed under the kitchen sink and pick up the chainsword they left in the garage. It’s time to destroy more heresy and chew bubble gum… and most of us is all out gum.
Word on the streets of the emperor is that Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun – Forges of Corruption has a whole brand new campaign. No not a Halo campaign… a Warhammer one. There’s going to be 5 levels and are suppose to be environments of a varied kind. So expect variety. The level designs are off course based on the grimdark lore of Warhammer 40000. For example, there’s a demon forge and you know those places be active. There’s Graia battlefields and a manufactorum. Additionally we should mention that there’s even a horde mode now. So fighting endless waves of enemies and filth is a thing. Fight and blast for as long as you want. Great unclean ones and lord of changes are waiting for you as well.
Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun – Forges of Corruption wouldn’t be a real expansion if there wasn’t new enemies and weapons. Thank the emperor there is. Or is he the false emperor?.. Why is that inquisitor looking at me all of a sudden? Anyways. Players can expect to face the Black Havoc Legion who will be launching missiles at you. There’s even helbrutes and we know those boys are big body! Don’t let them baby shake you. There’s even terminators who have lighting claws. But fear not for you can fight back with the famous Multi-Melta and even a missile launcher. Fight back space marine.
We checked out some Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun – Forges of Corruption gam play and it’s what we expected and should be what gamers expected as well. If you like Doom then you will like this. It’s as simple as that. Run around or zoom around while blowing up enemies, cutting them down, shooting them up, blasting them apart, big body some enemies or take your time and line up that shot. It’s just pure first person shooter action… but now with more stuff than before. Bring death to the heretics. There’s no shame, their souls are already lost!
Overall Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun – Forges of Corruption looks like it’s going to be excellent. It’s just more of what we liked. That’s good. Keep it simple. They gave more levels, more enemies, more guns. Tick all the boxes. There’s no need to comment on the graphics and sounds as it’s an expansion so you are getting the same basically. The developers Auroch Digital have done an excellent job with this expansion. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye open concerning this game. Now Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun – Forges of Corruption may have some new things but they don’t make a difference when it comes too… the ‘Earth Walk!’
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