A Walk in the Dark is a new action platformer developed by ‘Flying turtle software’ coming out May 19th for the Xbox One and Windows 10. A Walk in the Dark might remind some gamers of games like Limbo and even Outland, which was an awesome game by the way. So the style of the game has worked for others so there’s a good chance it will work for this game too.

A Walk in the Dark has a nice traditional rescue story. Basically Arielle and her cat, Bast, go for a walk through the forest. Apparently they have done this many times before but this time they encounter an ancient, evil creature that has awakened somehow it’s target is Arielle. The player takes control of Bast and you must venture out into the forest to rescue Arielle. Now like with any other journey or rescue or game for that matter, the journey will be hard. This ain’t no regular forest. This forest is dark. It’s also filled with dangerous traps and strange creatures. You will need to slide, jump and run your way through many levels in order to rescue their Arielle from that ancient, evil creature. 100 levels to be precise. So get to it.

We have checked out some gameplay of A Walk in the Dark and we are happy with it. It all looks very good. Seriously. The levels are designed very well from what we have seen. We think there may be a slight problem with the controls of the cat in terms of jumping and bouncing of the walls. Now when it comes to these types of game the only game that nails it perfectly is Outland. We aren’t over rating that game but it’s that good and the controls seem less perfected but more will be revealed over time. The enemies range from basic as in move left and right or up and down to ones that aren’t so simple. Each level also has dandelions to find and a par time to beat. So you can beat the level at your own pace or aim for perfection by getting all the dandelions and the par time in the same run. It’s worth a try.

Overall A Walk in the Dark looks real good. The graphics are very nice and the sounds are very good as well. We think the music is better though so make sure to listen. The developers ‘Flying turtle software’ did a great job. This game might be worth checking out. Whether walks in the dark is your thing or not, we know that your thing… is the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Downloadable content is pretty much popular and everywhere now. All the biggest games and even the mobile games have DLC. Gamers have something to say about this. In fact, gamers have a lot to say and some youtubers are very vocal about it. We at X35 Earthwalker have our own views concerning DLC and have seen the effect of some DLC in certain games. We will also deal with microtransactions as well, as to us we consider them the same thing pretty much but aware of the differences.

Downloadable content is basically additional content for the game that you can download and attach to your game bringing either new characters, skins, weapons, map/levels etc. Some DLC are whole new sections of the game. So straight away DLC allows us get extra, new cool stuff. Now some DLC are free while others cost money. This presents the first problem. There are some cool stuff that becomes available in the game markets but not everyone can get them due to finances. Now we don’t have a problem with that and honestly, no one should. It’s like if you see a nice new chair in the furniture shop and it costs £99, you can only get it if you have the money. If you don’t then come back another time and that’s fair. So price isn’t the issue in most cases.

Some games like Halo 5 and Gears of war 4 have a system in place where you can earn in game currency like credits which can be used to purchase packs to get new items or skins (Gears of war) etc. Now one problem with Gears of war 4 is that the amount of credits you gain per match is very low like 70-80, so if you want to get those 2000 credit packs then you will need to grind quite a bit to get those. This makes it clear that using real money is the better way to go. They need to increase the amount of credits earned. Now many gamers say no micro and DLC but we must understand that video games is also a business and developers want to make money as well. Off course they are going to release new stuff and yes that new stuff takes time and work to make, so putting a price tag on it isn’t wrong. We have to look at it from both sides: the gamers and the developers. It’s only fair. Just don’t release the games true ending in a charged DLC or release single player co-op as charged DLC or anything that should have been in the game from when it was released otherwise you won’t get a pence or dime from us at X35 Earthwalker. Release full games.

Gears of war 4 has a real problem though and we are sure it’s the same with other games as well. At times certain packs will come out with some cool new content but for a limited amount of time. These packs are completely random in their content and never guarantee a new card. You could get doubles, triples and more. So you may get 10 packs not get the legendary new character. People like X35 Earthwalker who has a business to run, other projects and things like see family don’t have time to sit in front of the T.V grinding matches for 8 hours straight. Not in a rude way but some of us are gamers but have a life. We have to be somewhere and do certain things. This isn’t a problem for youtubers as they can sit there and record all their matches and that counts as work for them because it’s what they do. So if we don’t have the time and can only get 1/3 of the pack contents then the only way to get more is to resort to real money which will turn out to be expensive. So it isn’t fair for those who don’t have extra cash at hand.

The contents of the packs make all the difference. If it is just cosmetic as in skins and designs of weapons then it’s less of a problem even though it would be nice to still get them. When the contents are powerful weapons, stats boosters, speeds up processes or new characters with new abilities then it becomes a problem. You have some gamers who have £400 at the ready to spend to get all the skins, weapons and whatever. While some use their mums credit card (do not do that. Seriously Don’t) and instantly upgrade their headquarters up to max level in Boom beach etc and rule the map destroying everyone else is a problem. Halo Wars 2, sadly,suffers from this problem in the blitz game mode. If you get multiple of a certain card they help level up that ability or unit increasing their damage, armour and health. You can get cards from packs that you can unlock but also buy. So what happens if a level 5 tank goes up against a level 2 tank? The answer is that level 2 tank gets destroyed easily. I have seen a max level tank take on and beat 3 cyclops who are anti vehicle units. Now that’s a problem. The bottom line not every gamer has cash like that ready because some pay rent and live by ourselves or whatever the reason. This however; doesn’t mean the ones with more money are in the wrong. If you have the cash and you want to spend it on games and extra packs then go ahead, there’s nothing wrong with that and no one should blame for it but developers need to take into account that certain features can cause problems. 

There isn’t really much more to say concerning this matter. If you have the cash to get certain things then why not. If you don’t have it then just forget about it and play to have fun, you will gain the in game currency over time. For DLC like extensions to the game like what Destiny had (The taken king), contain some real awesome stuff like the swords and whole new levels and missions. X35 Earthwalker at the time didn’t have the money for it so he ignored it and to this day he hasn’t bothered with it at all. Games that release as bare boned but bring out, what should have been in the game in the beginning, as DLC are in the wrong. That’s just crooks after our cash. A fully complete game with all it’s stuff brining out DLC is not a issue. Overall DLC and microtransactions (we consider them the same) are a good thing. Good but need to be used right. DLC brings in new stuff that adds more to the experience and fun (at times) and allows you to get new things but when certain items like packs grant an actual advantage to certain gamers then there is a problem. So yes, we should have DLC & micro but they must be done fairly and properly to give all gamers to some extent an equal chance.

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Shadow Warrior 2 is a first person shooter game developed by ‘Flying Wild Hog’. It is the sequel to Shadow warrior 1 (We are sure you guessed that). It’s coming out May 19th for Xbox One and PS4 but already out on PC. Now this looks like a game that we want to play and try for ourselves. 

Shadow Warrior 2 takes place 5 years after the prequel. Lo Wang’s actions has stopped one problem but created another. There is now a new order where demons and humans live side by side. Lo Wang is currently a hired sword, like an assassin. There is this one mission that goes wrong and now he has new enemies: A cult leader, a new drug called ‘Shade’ and a brilliant scientist. This forces him to do what he does best. Grab some powerful guns, wield some magic and use some swords. The battles have gotten crazier.

X35 Earthwalker instantly liked this game simply because it was action packed, fighting demons, and fast flowing. It’s brutal. For some games this works very well. There are over 70 firearms and blades for you to wield and use against the enemies. There are hand claws, katanas, crescent blades and short swords. Find your favourite and put it to work. We have seen firearms that function like rifles, shotguns and even dual wield smgs. This game so far does not lack variety. Also if you pre-order the Shadow Warrior 2 you get the ‘Razor back katana’. Basically a katana but lined with chainsaws around the edge.

Shadow warriors have a lot of features and details for gamers to use. First of all, the environments are procedural generated. Meaning that missions will always have different action and looks keeping everything fresh and new to some extent. When in combat there is a system which allows you to use blades to cut of the enemies heads, or limbs. This allows you to fight strategically and have more control over your actions. There is a upgrade system as well. You can do this by equipping them with stones which can grant your weapons elemental effects and improve their performance. So things like damage and having fire damage on blades and guns we believe. Find and equip armour and karma amulets to boost Lo Wang even more. Things are getting crazier and crazier.

The enemies aren’t short on variety either. There are advanced human enemies, humanoid demon and straight up demons all waiting for the chance to destroy you. So you must pick the right weapons to deal with the enemies that you face. Some demons are large, while some carry weapons. Some strike you with magic and power while others prefer to claw, slam and smash you to bits. Don’t let that happen.

Best of all Shadow warriors has four player co-op. All this mad action and you can share it all with your friends, family etc. Imagine four gamers just rushing around, blasting holes through demons, slicing of enemy limbs and heads while blowing everything up together.

We have checked out some gameplay and we can confirm that it is excellent. The fights are fast pace and required the gamer to think fast and keep dishing out the pain to the enemies. Switching at anytime between swords for melee slicing action, to demon shredding guns is quick and painless (for you anyway). The enemies don’t wait for their turn in Shadow warriors 2. The little ones rush to attack you. The big ones with weapons will keep up their assault while blades are coming your way. Use magic to impale, immobilise enemies or straight up harm them. Use more powers like zooming across certain distances giving you the mobility you need against your foes. The graphics are excellent, the sounds are great and the main character comes out with smart answers, cheeky comments and more. A lot of work went into this game.

Overall we at X35 Earthwalker are happy with what we have seed of Shadow Warriors 2. The developers ‘Flying Wild Hog’ did a fantastic job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker are definitely looking forward to seeing what more gamers have to say about this game. This is worth checking out. Do you like killing demons? Whether you do or not make sure… to like the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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Black & White Bushido is a new 2D arena brawler game developed by ‘Good Catch Games’. It’s was already out on PC but a better and new release of Black & White Bushido is coming out May 17th for the Xbox One, PC and PS4. We at X35 Earthwalker have never heard of this game so let’s see what it offers us gamers.

Now 2D arena brawlers are always fast pace, can be brutal but mostly fun. They are quick fun games that you can play with just about anyone. Siblings friends and anyone else. Why not challenge your school teacher. Black Bushidos are samurai of the shadows while White Bushidos are samurai of the light. It’s shadow versus light. Now naturally light should be stronger while shadow is cooler but in this game both Samurai have the ability to blend and disappear into their respective colours which allows them to move and traverse without being seen at all. This whole game must have been inspired by that episode of ‘Samurai Jack’ where Jack was camouflaged in the white light because of his all white uniform but the black ninjas could hide in the shadows in all black outfits. This is so far our favourite feature of the game. It’s quite new and adds another layer to the game play.

In Black and White Bushido you fight for control of the dark and light in multiple different arenas. Hiding from your enemies and picking your moment to strike is very important and what the whole game is about but there’s more. There’s traps and items around for you to collect and use to your advantage. There are five different arenas to duel in. There is a nice single player mode where you take on computer controlled enemies. Two game modes to master: Team deathmatch and capture the flag. Best of all is that Black & White Bushido is multiplayer. That’s right! 4 player local. Take on your friends and slice their heads of.

There isn’t much really to say about it. It’s a simple game. We do know that the game has gotten some very good reviews from different groups so this game must have something. From what we have seen the game is creative, smart and fun. That’s something I think we all look forward to. We have checked out some gameplay and it does look fun indeed, quick but crazy at times when parts of the level becomes light or shadow.

Overall this game looks real good. The graphics are simple and the sounds are very good. The action is fast paced but with some strategy. The developers ‘Good Catch Games’ did a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker must see more of this game first. It’s worth checking out. Whether you prefer the light or shadows is not as good as preferring the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Human: Fall flat is a new game classed as a open-ended physics based puzzle game. Developed by ‘No Brakes Games’ and coming out May 12th for Xbox One but already out for PC and PS4. This game is strange but in some ways interesting.

From first look in Fall flat you see a blobby, liquidy white man walking around quite wonkyly (not the best dictionary words) around and moving stuff. Sounds strange? Well that’s because it is. Basically that blobby man you control is called Bob and get this… Bob is also a builder. We aren’t making this up. Bob gets recurring dreams of him falling. So your job is to take Bob through his dreams which is full of surprises, puzzles and dangers. Physics are very important in Fall flat. In fact it is specified on their website that the physics are very real. This game should therefore have some high class physics reality. 

Fall flat aims to set its self apart from all the other with some very distinct features. There is no script and no limits. You are said to have complete control over Bob. There are 8 worlds and all are fully interactive environments so everything can be interacted with. So carry and climb whatever you want. All the worlds are full of puzzles so there’s lots to do. You can have your own custom Bob which you can paint. Take it further by importing your own face through a webcam. 

Lastly and best of all, this Fall flat is co-op. Local co-op so you can your friend can take on the puzzle filled worlds together. Games almost always are better when they have multiplayer features, especially local co-op.

We have checked out some gameplay and we have some mixed feelings but leaning more to a certain side. Fall flat just from looking at it makes you not take the game seriously. From how the character looks to how it walks makes you think “really?” but when you look at what Fall flat is about and trying to accomplish you do, if possible, want to know more. Games that offer more freedom tend to be explored more by players. So basically we would like to know more but we are leaning more towards the side where we won’t go out of our way to try the game. We probably have to see someone else play it first before being convinced.

Lastly – Human: Fall flat

Overall Fall flat is strange and not our kind of thing but it may be for another gamer. The developers ‘No Brakes Games’ are going for something new. We at X35 Earthwalker think this game still needs to prove itself to us. This game might be worth checking out. Whether you think so or not is not even half as important… as the ‘Earth Walk!’

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World of van helsing Deathtrap is an excellent example of an action tower defense game. This game focuses heavily on strategy. You get to pick from 3 characters who are very different in skills, strong points and difficulty. This time we will look at the Marksman.

The Marksman is considered the hardest to use of the 3 characters. Forget considered! He is without a doubt the hardest to use. He has been even called the worst of the 3. Again we understand completely but why? The Marksman has the second smallest amount of health. Just 100 hit points more than the Sorceress. So we know that he can’t take a hit. His main attack skill ‘Shoot’ literally tickles the enemies. Simple enemies like the ‘Kobold Wartfiend’ take too long to defeat for such a weak enemy. His other skill that does more damage is ‘Poison streak’ which also poisons the enemies and pierce through them but it’s damage is also very low and it’s focus cost is high enough to only allow two shots at a time. So not only can the Marksman not take a hit but he can’t give one either. The worst thing about him is his, let’s call it ‘ability system’. The Mercenary and the Sorceress regenerate (rage/mana respectively) when not being hit and from basic attacks. The Sorceress even has ‘Arcane retaliation’ which grants her mana whenever she is hurt but the Marksman is so different. He never regenerates Focus unless he is cloaked. He can only be cloaked when a certain distance from an enemy for a certain period of time. Even then it recharges slowly. This sucks, as you can fire two poison streaks, then run away to prevent death and wait an extra while to get some Focus back, all the while, the enemies are making their way to the gates. Most players struggle to even get 3 stars on their first few missions because there is no way of stopping the horde with a limited use of special skills, very little damage and can’t even use your body as a shield to defend the gates.

So the Marksman is garbage right? X35 Earthwalker had a theory and yes you could call it a game theory. He said that the Marksman has to be one of those characters that suck at the start but are very good later tier. It turns out that was true. Marksman is literally for the most strategic gamers and those willing to endure some tough matches. Tier 1 skills for the Marksman isn’t great and we are being nice about this. Tier 2 has two useful skills ‘Scattershot’ and ‘Trap boost’. Scatter shot is perfect for taking down giants and armoured enemies and should not be wasted on horde and normal type enemies. Trap boost is simple. Just select a trap to make it do more damage. Tier 3 is where the good stuff are at. Here you get access to the HIGH damaging skills ‘Grappler bolt’ and ‘Shock bolt’. Grappler bolt does the higher damage of the 2 and pulls nearby enemies to the original target together and slows them down. Shock bolt costs no focus at all and still does really high damage. You also get the trap skill ‘Overdrive Sphere’ which reduces the time it takes for a trap to reset for a period of time within 10 meters of your character. and world skill ‘Overdrive’ which reduces the time it takes for a trap to reset for a period of time. These can be deadly. Don’t waste time with ‘Incendiary Barrage’ as it costs far too much focus to the point where you can use it once and then need to get more Focus. We are sure it becomes immensely powerful once upgraded but when you are at the point of unlocking tier 2 skills and stuff you have to prioritise over things to survive and actually win in some levels. Right now it’s all about: Shoot, Scattershot, Grappler Bolt, Shock Bolt, Overdrive Sphere and Overdrive.

What’s the strategy then with the Marksman? Well it’s to keep firing at all times from a distance and know when to go cloaked to regenerate your Focus. Always start a wave near the gates of where the enemies come from. Always fight near a teleport pad so you can move to where you need to be quickly in case of emergencies or anything else. Whenever Shock bolt is available just use it. It’s powerful enough kill many enemies outright and therefore saving you time. It recharges in 3 seconds but if you are like X35 Earthwalker and always play in times 2 speed then it’s really 1.5 seconds. Plus it doesn’t require Focus so literally use it as soon as it is available. Sort of the same with Grappler bolt but watch your Focus as it uses a little bit of it. Use it on horde and groups as a higher priority but regardless, just use it. It’s stronger the Shock bolt. Scatter shot must be used on giant and armoured as it destroyes them quickly and doesn’t cost too much. Invest points to allow it to pierce through enemies for total destruction. Max out ‘Concentration’ and ‘Ambush stance’ so you have maximum amount of Focus to use your skills and get cloaked faster and regenerate Focus faster while cloaked. This makes a big difference. Max out the ‘Shoot’ skills ‘Splintering’ Bolt skill to make it have area of effect which makes shoot actually not bad anymore and can hold it’s own against horde enemies. Overdrive and Overdrive Sphere are best used with ‘Gun Sentry’ traps as it turns your guns into machine guns but combine both skills and your machine gun becomes a mini gun. Make sure your guns have area of effect and increased damage and they shread everything. Trust us. That’s the game plan here with the Marksman. Once you know what to do and have the tools he actually becomes very powerful.

Overall the Marksman is still the worst character in our opinion overall due to the sheer difficulty of using him initially. Sure he is actually very powerful late tier but many give up on him before even getting there. Late tier he may be the most powerful. We’ll find out. We say hold and and don’t give up. Plus his voice and look is pretty cool though, you have to admit. Imagine your school teacher sounded like him. So give the Marksman a try and master him for yourself. Watch X35 Earthwalker himself play it on his livestream. Follow us on twitter and Beam to know when he will be doing it. Let us know of any strategies you come up with. Regardless of what you come up with it can never be better… than the ‘Earth Walk!’

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The Surge is a new action RPG game developed by ‘Deck13’ and is coming out May 19th for the Xbox One, PC and PS4. There are many games that have come out and some are soon to come and yet we haven’t even gotten a lot of them. We need a game that really makes us want to play. Straight away this game has got our attention but is it what we’ve been waiting for?

We don’t know much about who we play as. Maybe that because we get to customise and create our own character. We do know that we have cybernetic implants and equipped with the ‘Exo-suit’ which isn’t the flashiest name but it works. We also have super human strength. Our enemy is the CREO complex, a mega corporation, who makes it their mission to save the world. We bet the corporation is evil and corrupt. So your character starts their first day at work but something went wrong and kcocked you out, then you wake up with the exo-suit in a section of the complex. Now everything is your enemy. There’s a rogue AI, hostile robots and your co-workers who have augmentations of their own so expect a fight. A real fight.

The Surge places heavy emphasis on combat an it’s what this game is mainly about. You shouldn’t just charge in and rush everything as even the weakest enemies can be a big threat. You need to watch them and study them to know what they are all about. Discover their attack patterns and more importantly their weaknesses. The Surge has a serious targeting system which allows you to target specific parts of their body (limbs). Even better, you can loot to craft the attachment that you cut off. Finally! A game has this feature. There are times where you kill and enemy and you want to take their weapon but you can’t. Now we can in a way. So are you going to straight up kill your enemies or do they have something that you need to become more powerful. The attacks are vertical and horizontal. Time when to step in or out and pick your moments well to attack. Then finish them of with some healthy violent style. So you could end up building loading weapons and security staffs and much more.

Your exo-suit does have a limit though so you need to make a decisions concerning your power requirements. As you progress through the game and slay enemies you will collect tech scrap. Basically experience points. You use these points to upgrade your exo-suit which increases it’s power output which allows you to use stronger implants and more implants in total making you a incredibly powerful. On top of that, the more you use your weapons the greater your efficiency with them. Eventually you will deal increased damage. More damage means easier fights.

The CREO complex is massive and their are many areas for you to explore.  That sounds like fun but there is one problem. Each area has people who use to work in those places. They with their exo-suits and industrial equipment will pose a massive threat. You have been warned. Make sure to search the executive levels, mechanical areas and toxic underground passages to fight enemies, collect parts, find loot and learn what happened at the CREO complex. So watch out for audio messages, dialogues from survivors and any other clues that you find through the game.

The most interesting part of the game is definitely the combat. It’s brutal and can go either way for both you and the enemies. Some say that this game is basically dark souls but sci-fi. Not exactly. We have checked out some gameplay and whatever and agreed that this game is a higher level than dark souls from what we can see and from some of the game features that we learnt about. The Surge is said to be very difficult and the battles can be very punishing so your mistakes will cost you a lot. To make things worst, remember the tech scrap we mentioned? Well if you die it all drops where you died. If you want it back then you have to go back there and collect it or you will lose it all forever. So what if you got completely owned by a way more powerful enemy and your tech scrap is left there? Well either get it back or it’s gone. So think carefully and know what you are getting yourself into.

Overall the game looks very good indeed. The graphics are excellent. The environments are excellent as well. We can tell some gamers will spend a bit of time just looking around and taking in the sights when on the outside of the complex. Sounds work very well. You can see that a lot of work went into this game. The developers ‘Deck13’ did an excellent job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker know that many gamers are going to love this game as long as the developers don’t screw it up. This game is definitely worth checking out. Now you may or may not have what it takes to play this game, whether you do is not as important as… doing the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Colony is the newest leader in Halo Wars 2. First of all Colony looks cool. He is a hunter but a hunter in charge. His voice is like one of the coolest voices ever. He speaks simple short sentences but that voice just make us wish we could have it as the new default voice for announcements, answer machines etc. It’s so cool. Now as usual when a new character comes out everyone does nothing but just play that character. X35 Earthwalker yesterday did a livestream where he only uses Colony and in every match there was a Colony. Colony on Colony violence.

Colony stands out greatly from other Banished leaders, not just from how he’s designed but from his units and leader powers. He actually brings some new units into the battlefield. Now when Kinsano came out, We never cared to get her at all. She seemed not that fun to use still seemed similar to the other leaders is many ways. Can’t really blame her since the UNSC are humans meaning they will be similar in units but Colony takes things to the next level.

Colony seems to excel most at being at the front of the battle. Colony has the Goliath infantry units which are giant sized hunters that behave like gorillas. They are all about melee. Goliaths are strong against buildings, alright against infantry, weak against vehicles (for some reason) and can’t hurt air. I know they need to balance out the units in the game but how comes a big strong creature (twice the size of a hunter who are 12 feet tall) are weak against vehicles. Those things could smash them apart but whatever… balancing and all that. Goliaths are no joke. They are literally the best units against buildings. Just two of them do some serious damage against enemy bases. Goliaths also have the ability to ram which is great for dealing with annoying vehicles as it is fast and travels quite the distance.

Colony also brings skitterers which are small little mech bots that scuttle along the ground and fire lasers. These mechs are easy to build and come with the ability we have been waiting for. They can attach themselves to another unit becoming invincible and attacking enemies that come near the attached unit. So you could attach skitterers to Goliaths meaning Goliaths can now defend themselves against air units. You could attach them to hunters so they can defend against air as well. It’s up to you gamers to figure out some crazy combinations. You can attach two skitterers to units by the way.

Colony’s leader powers are very different cool. They really have the ability to mix things up. You immediately have access to living barrier and skitterers. We all know about skitterers but living barrier is something X35 Earthwalker underestimated at first but later saw how good it is. Living barrier let’s you drop down Lekgolo caltrops in a line that completely blocks infantry and vehicles. The enemy has to fight and destroy these barriers to get through. So while they are fighting the barrier you can target the enemy. It’s good for distractions, cutting of the enemy while fleeing, blocking movements, extra eyes around the map and more. It’s only for the strategic.

Engineer swarms calls in many engineers to start healing any units or buildings in range. They stay for quite a while and can really help turn the tide of a battle. Upgrade this ability to make killing your army near impossible. Combat repair makes all your units and buildings slowly heal over time, even in battle. This encourages strikes and retreats, keeping your units alive and building their veterancy since they heal by themselves. Colony drop calls in two level 2 veterancy Goliaths meaning they hit harder and themselves are harder to kill. Vehicle symbiotes allows you to buff selected vehicles and buildings with increased range and armour. So good for turrets on defense and off course your vehicles like locusts. Hunters brand allows you to fire 3 glassing beams that quickly converges in the middle. It’s actually very strong and doesn’t take too long to recharge but when it’s level 2 or 3 it is devastating. Lastly Devastating host lets you drop in multiple different vehicles like wraiths, locusts etc but get a instant buff from a vehicle symbiotes. This is powerful indeed. As you can see Colony is something powerful.

His leader unit, The hunter captain, is a very useful leader. It is a giant hunter, pretty much the same size as the goliath units. This hunter instead comes with shields and can actually fire his cannon at air units (wow). As he does damage he siphon some health back. He’s great against vehicles and infantry, alright against air and buildings. Once upgraded his cannon beam has area of effect so he can damage groups and does more damage overall. He can be upgraded to get the taunt ability which forces nearby enemy units to target the hunter captain instead. This is good since he can take lots of hits and siphon health meaning he won’t die easy. Combine him with Combat repair and Engineer swarm and he’ll never die. His main weakness is that he is so slow. Completely slow. The slowest thing ever and because of this he slows down the whole speed of your army so it takes you forever to cross the map and attack or help out an team mate. That’s the only negative thing.

During the livestream X35 Earthwalker won all his matches with Colony except the match where he was teamed up with a rank 7 and he had to go against level 32 and 41 (round about) and the level 7 team mate left the match. Through practise we have seen just how useful Colony is. He is very powerful and when used correctly can be devastating against everything. He is a lot of fun to use and it’s so satisfying when you beat another player who is using Colony as well. He is worth getting. Whether you try out Colony or not… you can always try the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Valkyria Revolution is part of the Valkyria series but considered a spin off. Valkyria Revolution was developed by ‘Media.Vision’ and is coming out June 27th (America) and June 30th (Europe) for the Xbox One, PS4 and PS Vita.

Now honestly we don’t know much about this game. We haven’t even heard of it but we have checked it out and so far it looks real good and interesting. In the trailer you see a big battle going on, people in armour with guns, then a giant mech like machine shows up and stands laying down some serious fire. Then a confident looking lady with a giant scythe stands there. She looks confident, bit cocky and had a serious entrance to the battle which means she’s powerful (in the fictional world). The two leaders on the other armies side prepares to take her on. From that trailer alone, you can pick up many things about Valkyria Revolution.

Valkyria Revolution is an RPG game with some focus on action (off course) and strategy. It won’t be turn based so stay on your guard. Amleth is the commanding officer of Jutland’s elite anti-Valkyria unit and is the character players control in Valkyria Revolution. There are more main characters like Brynhildr who is a Valkyria and is on the side of the Ruzhien Empire and Jutland’s princess Ophelia. Sorry guys but when we see the name ‘Brynhildr’ we think of the Eidolon from Final Fantasy 13, who was awesome by the way.

The action seems flow very well in Valkyria Revolution. You can switch between your characters with a click of the button to mix things up. Select and use side-arms and Ragnites during combat to dominate the field. In the trailer saw a smoke grenade like side arm which really smokes the place out. The graphics are very good in this game. The sounds are good. From what we have seen this looks very cool indeed. We hope to learn more about this game. Check it out for yourself to learn more.

Overall Valkyria Revolution has got our attention. The developers ‘Media.Vision’ did a great job. This game might be worth checking out. Whether you do or not just make sure… to do the ‘Earth Walk!’

For more information check out the link below:

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Radian games ‘Crossfire 2’ is one of those games that are awesome and made excellently but never got the love it deserved. I believe the name of the game got changed to ‘Super Crossfire 2’. X35 Earthwalker played this game way back on his Xbox 360. It’s such a shame that not as many gamers as you think had this game.

Straight from the title screen, you just know that this game has got some tunes. The beat is there and it gives the impression that the game has got some action to it. Thankfully it does. Seriously, you have to listen to that music. This game isn’t that deep and complex. It’s actually quite simple with a few game modes: Conquest, Conquest plus and Score attack. Conquest is the main story where you take on 60 waves across 3 different planets. There is a check point every 10 waves but you can heal and upgrade every two waves. Score attack is where you take on 30 repeated levels but they get increasingly harder and you can heal and upgrade every ten levels. Conquest plus is where things get real crazy. Here you will go through the same as Conquest except harder. Much harder.

Crossfire 2 is all about watching everything that’s happening on the screen and those reflexes. If you can’t do both then you will have a hard and time and forget about Conquest plus. You control a small ship and you must blast away the aliens, space invaders style, and stay alive. The game takes things to the next level with your special ability to jump between the top and bottom of the screen. This should be done to avoid bullets or get behind aliens to shoot them in a weak spot or other to force some aliens to direct their attention. The aliens are pretty much always firing and the different types of aliens being there all at once is where all the difficulty comes from. The orange/red pointed alien can fire in the direction it faces. The purple ones that have three segments poking out of it don’t need to face a direction as they can fire both up and down. Also if you jump then they reappear in a different spot. The almost square alien with a large central eye shows his targeting laser and then like a second later fires a dangerous beam exactly where that laser is. There are aliens that makes surrounding aliens invulnerable, others project a filed that if you are in, you can’t jump. There are aliens that explode upon death and release many dangerous projectiles which can be hard to dodge. The worse part is that there are also bigger versions of some aliens who have more health and more dangerous.

When you get to the upgrades screen you instantly get your health replenished. Here you can also spend upgrade points to improve your ship which is something that you need to do. There are upgrades that affect your: ship, shots and superfire. It’s up to you to decide what you need to focus on as you get 3 points every 2 waves so you have to decide what you need now. Prioritise. For example you may decide to increase your ships health, speed and power of your shots making you a powerful solid ship. Or you may focus on increasing fire rate, speed of bullets and spread angle to make hitting the aliens easier than ever. It’s up to you. X35 Earthwalker himself always prioritised spread angle and number of shots first over everything else. He bothers with ship health much later as he believes, if you are good then you won’t get hit that much therefore not requiring increased health yet. See what works best for you though.

There are three difficulties in Crossfire 2: Trainee, hotshot and ace. We seriously don’t believe playing the first two modes are worth it. It’s too easy. Play through Conquest on Ace as it will prepare you for Conquest plus. Conquest plus is so hard that on one play through of it. We almost lost as we had one life left and just about beat it but that’s the thing about Crossfire 2 it can easily get intense. You will sit there watching the entire screen and trying to stay alive and dodge everything while knowing when to jump and use your superfire. By the way ‘Superfire’ is a special weapon which fires like a machine gun but with the power of a minigun. No alien can stay alive for long against it. You get ammunition for it by collecting the purple mini gem like objects that comes from dead aliens. Fill the meter up and let loose when you need it. The power ups in this game are game changers. There are 3. The purple one fully filles up your superfire meter. The yellow one grants temporary invincibility. The green literally slows down time considerably for you. All the aliens move sooooooo slow. So grab these when you can.

Co-op mode is available here. X35 Earthwalker has played with others before and it’s hilarious. The friend would die quite frequently because they struggle to watch everything that’s happening and dodge in time so X35 has to always bring them back at the upgrade screen. It’s so much fun. We will be jumping around, fire non stop and that’s what’s also difficult about this game. There are projectiles pretty much everywhere so some lose track of what’s going on and even lose where their ship is and finds it but only a few moments before it dies. 

Overall Crossfire 2 is an amazing game. The graphics are great. The music is great. The sounds are very good. The game could have been bigger but it originally was like an ios game for phones and tablets so it’s acceptable by those standards. It’s a great amount of fun, even to this day. The developers ‘Radian games’ did a fantastic job with this game. Just wished more people had it. This game is still worth checking out. Whether you think this game is great or not is not as important as thinking about… doing the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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