Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap is a new action adventure game developed by ‘Lizardcube’ is coming out April 18th for the Xbox One, PC Nintendo switch and PS4. The Wonder boy series continues. We personally have never heard of Wonder boy but this game ‘The Dragon’s trap’ has one game feature that instantly gets our attention.

In this game the main character (Hu-man) has been cursed by the Meka-Dragon. The curse made him into a half human, half lizard person-thing. Off course he isn’t happy like this so sets off to find a cure. You learn that the only way to turn back normal human is to find the ‘Salamander Cross’. The strange thing in Dragon’s trap is that this curse gets worse with every dragon the main character kills. He transforms into different animals each time.  

The locations in this game are said to be large and interconnected. Each location is filled filled with many monsters and dragons. If you don’t want Hu-man then you can play as Hu-girl. Eventually your character will transform into a: Mouse-man, Lion-man, Hawk-man, Lizard-man and Piranha-man. Each form has their own unique abilities which are needed to traverse and explore. So far we like Lizard-man the most.

The most interesting and coolest thing about this game is the feature allowing the player to switch between modern graphics and sound to 8-but graphics and sound whenever you want, this includes gameplay. This isn’t the first game to do this. Halo CE anniversary did this and it’s a awesome feature to have. With one click of the button you can see you could see how halo looked back then and then click again to see it with the modern high graphics. Same with this game. Check out Dragon’s trap trailers to see this for yourself. It’s very good and this alone makes Dragon’s trap stand out from other games.

We have checked out some gameplay and from what we have seen, it looks fun. The Mouse-man can cling to surfaces ad fun along them as if it was the ground. This game even has an cloud enemy. A cloud that wears sunglasses! It even tries to act cool. We are liking it the game already. There is a cyclops, skeletons and other weird looking enemies. The game works and flows very well. The graphics are good for it’s style and looks real friendly. The music is very well done and the sounds are good as well. The developers ‘Lizardcube’ have done well with this game. This might be worth checking out.

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Shiness: The lightning kingdom is a new RPG game developed by ‘Enigami’ coming out April 18th for the Xbox One, PC and PS4.  This game has already gotten awards concerning the ‘Games connection Europe 2014’ and more. You can see those and more on the steam page.

In shiness: the lightning kingdom you play as Chado and his crew in a universe that is said to be ‘doomed to destruction ever since the fragmentation of the planet Mahera’. So a dying world. There appears to be a war between different kingdoms where Chado and his companions (Poky, Kayenne, Askel and Rosalya) have landed. The first aim is to solve the problem. Possibly create peace between the kingdoms or maybe right the wrongs that one kingdom has done to another. Each of the five characters have different powers and you must know when to use each one to traverse the large world in this game. One character will have immense strength, another has telekenetic abilities. Yep ill be some magic and some straight up physical combat in Shiness the lightning kingdom.

The developers have said that Shiness the lighting kingdom offers players a great amount of freedom. Freedom in both combat and exploring. That is something that developers must take into consideration when making large games, RPG and also open world games. Some gamers like to just follow the story all the way through while others want to do things their ow way. Making sure their is a way to do both will always gain way more approval than disappointments. The elements that we all know: earth, fire, air, water etc are called ‘Shi elements’. So the fire Shi element character will use fire in some attacks but also will use it in more subtle ways like light a torch. The lightning kingdom being large also has objects and equipment for the player to find and use to increase your character stats. There are also parchments that contain new skills and abilities. This means that exploration should be included in your schedule while gaming. If we know RPG’s, and we think we do, there will be some large and powerful bosses that will be a real problem without a good amount of stat increases and abilities. Apparently some of the Shi elements can be combined for example air plus fire equals thunder. How interesting.

The developers have made it so that you can complete quests in more than one way. This is interesting as that has to mean that the different ways produce different outcomes which we at X35 Earthwalker believer will effect the story. We were correct as it has been confirmed that the decisions you make and the characters in your group will impact the rewards you will get and the main storyline. Remember this when you go out to take on the quests. There are a number of different locations in this game that needs to be explored. There is ‘Gendys’ which has plains, ‘Gromiz has caves, ‘Mantara’ has a flying city and more locations which are very different from each other. When we think of a flying city we think of that planet from Metroid prime 3 corruption. 

The fight system is like final fantasy  13 lightning returns except no paradigm shifts. It’s similar as in you can attack whenever but so can your enemy. It’s up to reflexes and timing. Know when to attack and knowing when to be defensive. You can call on your team mates to replace the lead fighter at anytime. We hope this means that there are Shi element match ups. For example a water user would have the advantage over fire users. So the player would have to switch it up against certain enemies. Well we hope that system is also included as it adds another layer to combat. There are abilities which will heal you and while there are others which will temporarily boost your stats during the battle. All the more reasons to find those parchments as those attacks, physical and magical, come from them. The more you find, the more powerful you potentially can become. There is also special parchments called hyper parchments which allow you to learn ultimate attacks. Very cool indeed.

What’s probably most interesting is that this game was originally a manga. The little secret is that within the manga contains some hidden quests that you must read to find. So get reading if you want to get everything out of the game. Also just in case it wasn’t obvious to you the manga also contains extra information about the story, the characters, the Shiness universe and more. Shiness: the lightning kingdom is quite the world indeed.

The graphics are nice and the environments are well designed and the music was excellently composed (of what we have heard). Overall It’s clear that a lot of work has gone into this game and it does look like a very large one at that. Fun? We believe so. The developers ‘Enigami’ have done a excellent job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye on this game and see what becomes of it with the gaming community. Whether you think about this game or not is not as important as thinking about whether… you have done the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Halo Wars 2 is home to some big and powerful wars. Players meet on the battlefield and explosions take are happening everywhere. If you plan to get in a match you must come with strategies. Don’t just build anything and everything. Like we said before, pretty much one of the big things that makes all the difference in a match is the character leaders. Character leaders have leader powers. The leader powers can flip the match in your favour. Leader powers can also just seal your opponents fate in that match.

X35 Earthwalker has played and defeated many with all the leaders. He has his favourite and least favourite leaders but knows how to use them all. He will share some of what he knows so take a look and enjoy.

“Atriox at first I wasn’t sure how to use him. His strength does lie in expansion but his bigger strength is in his leader powers to make his armies invulnerable. This is a game changer for sure. As you build your armies you must have ‘Atriox’s bulwark’ and ‘Unbreakable’. These two will guarantee you victory any battle and possibly the match. When your army collides with the enemies fight them for a while and stay as close as possible. Then when some units are weak or about to lose some, activate Unbreakable. Your opponent will normally retreat, so chase them and keep up the damage with no fear as you can’t take damage. After they have lost many units get ready for them to use a leader power to counter. If it’s anything but Forge’s scatter bomb, then activate Atriox’s bulwark to heal your weak units and negate all damage from that leader ability. I have made opponents resign after seeing this knowing that my army is still strong, blocked everything they sent at me while still dishing out damage. Give this a try.”

“Captain Cutter should be straight forward that his strength lies in his orbital leader powers. No infantry is stronger that Odsts. This means you have to get as much as possible. Do this by using ‘ODST drop’ which gives you 3 squads of ODSTs. The ‘Cyclops Drop’ is powerful as it drops in a high veterancy Cyclops meaning it’s health and damage is off the charts. Keep dropping those guys in. The last orbital leader power and the strongest is ‘ODST Assault group’. This calls in a wolverine, some ODSTs and even a scorpion tank. Before you battle the enemy make sure to have these leader powers ready for use. This way you can replace all destroyed units making it like you never lost anything in the first place and better, you replace them with stronger units of high veterancy. This discourages the enemy. Lastly notice that any enemy unit that has a ODST droped on them, get stunned. Use that to your advantage.”

“Decimus is terrifying when used correctly. With Decimus your units will always have the advantage. ‘Vortex lightning’ should be used at the start of a battle. This way your enemies units will be taking damage, have reduced defense making them easier to kill and get stunned, making them a sitting duck. So now you have the initial advantage. Also use ‘Siphon’ (upgrade it) on the units at the front of the battle so that they become harder to kill and last longer. Now they gain health as they damage the enemy. Combine this with the two passive leader powers: ‘Boundless Siphon’ and ‘Boundless Rage’ and the match is pretty much yours. They grant your units permanent siphon and increased damage and speed. It’s like super siphoning. My armies like this have taken down a army, then a scarab, then the base in one match before. In another match I have taken on two armies at the same time with my own. It was a hard battle though. Decimus is not to be messed with. Weaken your enemies then buff your own.”

“Isabel is at first what I considered very weak. After some training I learnt a few things. She ain’t so weak after all. Her MAC Blast is amazing. What sets it apart from the others is that her’s is almost instant. They shouldn’t bother show the cross-hair on the ground for the enemy as you can never evade it in time. It’s that fast. It’s fast and yet so strong. A upgraded Mac Blast will destroy everything. I once got hit by a max level MAC Blast and had to do a 180 and retreat… Then later came back and destroyed them (well they started it). Spend some time in the match countering your opponents infantry. They will then give up infantry and go vehicles and air, which is what you want. Wait until they are quite near their base. Push up and fight. Wait for their army to group up and then hit them with ‘Ghost in a machine’, which grants you temporary control over their mechanical units. Use their units to directly attack the base and leave the turrets alive to damage units you have controlled. Your army supports the controlled army and that base will go boom. With Isabel, timing is everything.”

“Anders probably one of, if not, the most difficult to handle because her leader powers make things at times unfair. We won’t talk about the ‘Protector Sentinels’ as i’m sure we all know about them. Get some kodiaks and have them spread out a bit around the map on your side for defense. Combine this with ‘Sentinel beacon’ which means every shot from the kodiaks and siege turret produces aggressor sentinels which attack everything. This makes infantry useless against you. Literally a few kodiaks on guard duty with this leader power can be unfair. Drop ‘Sentinel Network’ right at their base to keep causing damage to everything they build and their base as well. It stays for a very long time making it pretty much the best harass tool. The ‘Retriever Sentinel’ is best used to throw your enemy of. Force your enemy to focus on countering your infantry and vehicle, then when they have many things that don’t do so well against air just drop your Retriever Sentinel in and let it have it’s way with the enemy troops. It’s too strong for them to start effectively counter. With Anders you can make your enemies afraid to do certain things.

“Ship Master is almost a troll with his leader powers. Basically you can control the map and mess with your enemy. Plant as many scout mines as you can throughout the match. Scout mines provide you with sight where that bomb is. It’s like many eyes around the map. Also Scout mines do a ton of damage, so no one will want to stand on them. Plant them near power nodes. Use ‘Spirit Support’rt’ to fill your army with high veterancy hunters, elite rangers and engineers. You should also call it in during a battle to replace your dead units and get extra damage as the spirit stays around to fire at the enemy for a while. Once you have a large army use ‘Tactical gateway’. Tactical gateway is one of those leader powers that is pure strategy. Create one gate right behind an enemy base and lead your army through the other to get there and when you need to leave hop right through. Be aware though that your enemy can go through your gate. Use Displacement properly. Many don’t know how to use this leader power. Most use it to send enemy units away just for them to soon come back. Use it instead to send enemy units to you. More than once I have sent a large group of enemy air units straight to my group of reavers who tore them apart. When you are destroying the enemies army and tries to escape, use Displacement to bring them back, so you can finish them of. Ship master requires a lot of skill to use as he has very little direct damage abilities.”

“Forge is all about the vehicles. He can’t do much with infantry so air and vehicles is how he rolls. You need to have grizzlies. Very strong tanks that do great damage. When in a battle wait for when you know you will lose some units. Then use ‘Combat salvage’ to easily get back the units you lose (the first 8). This allows him to keep the vehicles coming. Vehicles, even against their counters still are pretty strong so just because they have some cyclops doesn’t mean they will get destroyed just like that, especially not grizzlies. Use ‘Grizzly Battalion’ to replace fallen units with more grizzlies. Do not rely on ‘Scatter Bomb’ as how you would rely on eradication. It does low damage and is so easy to evade. Only use it to scare away your enemies to create breathing space or if the enemy is trapped behind a base and you have them cornered as that’s when the full might of Scatter Bomb takes place.”

“Kinsano is who I know least about as I don’t have her. From what I have seen though her leader powers come back really quickly and ‘Inferno’ is incredibly dangerous. Just launch that on a base and everything get real weak. Launch that on a enemy army and watch them melt away really fast. Her inferno is her trump card. ‘Hell Charge’ should be used after you mingled your army with the enemies so that when yours die they explode damaging as many of theirs as possible. Have multiple bases and mini bases around to make ‘Red line’ effective. All newly spawned units of yours will be boosted. So have units come out from all of them to overwhelm your opponents with boosted units constantly. That’s all I will say concerning her.”

That’s a lot to take in. Go into skirmish and try out some of these strategies or tune them to your style. Either make sure to do the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

Guardian of the galaxy is the latest game in the telltale series. It’s an adventure game developed by ‘Telltale Games’ coming out the 18th of April for the Xbox One, PC and PS4. Those who already know about telltale and their games would know what to expect from this game. Our personal favourite was the batman telltale series so we wonder how Guardian of the galaxy will compare.

In Telltale games you play the story of that game like batman, walking dead etc but a mixed up version. For example in Batman some of the characters get different origin stories and some nice characters become bad guys. So you can’t predict from the start what’s going on making it very interesting as we love new things. You get to watch the story unfold but take part by deciding what your characters actions, reactions and dialogue will be. The story is heavily effected by what you decide. So will you be a nice guy, cowardly, a liar or a scum bag. It’s literally up to you. When the action starts though you have quick time events which if you fail may result in death.

Now Guardian of the galaxy focuses on the main characters of the movie and it looks like one of main bad guy of this tale is Thanos. Which incase you didn’t know is a major league bad guy considered to be too powerful by many. So you may be wondering what can those guys from guardians of the galaxy do against him. Well, we just have to wait and see. Will he lose due to something ridiculous or plot armour of protagonists? We will have to wait and find out.

There will be 5 episodes for this game and the first one comes out on the 18th of April. The games description also lets us know that a female character called the last of her kind is also involved and is the main bad guy. This has to make you wonder who this could be. What we also know is that the guardians have discovered a artifact of ‘unspeakable power’. Each one the guardians: Rocket, Gamora, Star-Lord, Groot and Drax all have their reasons for why they want the artifact. So how will this story go. Will they all initially be enemies and then team up after discovering the more worse enemies out their? 

The graphics look good in comparison to the others. From what we have seen this game aims to keep the humour that was in the movie. Overall it seems like it potentially has a lot to offer seeing as how they have a futuristic setting, aliens and different worlds at their disposal to make this a exciting game. From what we can see, it looks good but we still find batman more interesting but let’s see. Telltale fans will be ready for this one. The developers ‘Telltale’ did a good job with this game. This may be worth checking out. Whether you are a fan or not… You have to be a fan of the ‘Earth Walk!’

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The big update for the Xbox One is here. There have been been some big changes and straight up we can say that we are happy with it. If you are an Xbox gamer then you just have to check this out.

The first thing you’ll notice with this big update is your Xbox will let you know that the ‘Xbox button’ now functions differently. Remember when you wanted to snap an app to your screen so you could do two things at once but then sometimes your double tap doesn’t go through and is counted as a single tap? Well that won’t happen anymore. This big update fixed all that. Now just by pressing the button once you bring up the newly enhanced Guide as an overlay on the left hand side of your screen. Then with one more button you can bring up Game DVR in an instant to record your best moments. This makes things so much easier. X35 Earthwalker has had moments when during a match something happened and he needs to quickly record the last 30 seconds but double taps and instead gets taken to the home page and then has to go back in and maybe get killed trying to record that. That will never happen again thanks to this. Also Game DVR no longer snaps to the right hand side of your  screen reducing the screen of your game. It records in the back ground like it should. Great decision Xbox. We love it! 

Next obvious change you’ll notice, because of the big update, is how the home page and UI looks. It’s a different design. It first of all allows you to see your background much better. It looks more neat we would say and there are additional features to the guide on the left handside like an achievement tracker to make getting those achievements easier since you’ll know how much more you have to do or how many enemies you got left or a reminder of what the achievement was while gaming. There is also an easier access to the achievement leaderboard for those who are in competition with their friends over who can get the gain the most gamer score points and who reigns over their friends. It’s a nice feature as at the end of the day you should always aim to make things easier to do. Nothing is more annoying than knowing you can do something cool but it’s complex or requires too many steps. Make it simple which is what Xbox has done. 

If you checked everything in the guide then you would have noticed another large change thanks to the big update. That’s right. It’s Beam. Have you ever wanted to stream? Wanted your friends and others to watch you live in action kicking butt and making your opponents rage quit? Well now you can and best of all, it’s simple and easy to do. Just select Beam and then if you agree you can do the simple settings for your stream like where your camera (if you have one) would go, where your chat feed would go whether you want microphone enabled etc. Select your name for that stream or keep the default one and then select ‘Start broadcast’ to begin. It’s that simple. Straight away this is an excellent feature to have. Even if you don’t want to use it, you at least have the option which is almost always a good thing. Now there are some more stuff like ‘Screen time limits’ which would allow yourself or parents to set how long you or your child can be on the Xbox for. It’s about responsibility. Don’t be one of those people who sit in front of the Xbox for 12 hours and do nothing else. That’s sad. There’s ‘blue-ray bitstream passthrough’ which basically allows your receiver to decode audio natively. All the formats for bitstream are supported, including newer ones like DTS:X and Dolby Atmos. These are the main changes in the big update.

Overall we at X35 Earthwalker are happy with this big update. It adds some cool new stuff to the Xbox making it a more powerful and useful console for sure. The best part is that quite a lot of things have been made more simple now like streaming and using game DVR. The team at Xbox did a fantastic job and it must be said. Thank you for all your hard work Xbox. This is worth checking out but whether you are happy with the big update or not… be happy with the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Spelunky is just one of those game that you have to know about and try for yourself. It’s that unique and interesting. It’s an amazing game. Spelunky is a open source platform game developed by ‘Derek Yu, Mossmouth, LLC’, that was originally on the PC in 2008 but moved to consoles in 2012. In the world of spelunky you control a spelunker (character) who discovers a mine which holds great treasure but man secrets and mystical properties. The question is can you survive and come out with riches or die in the many different ways available in this game. This game has so much that we may have to do another post on it.

When you start up on the game you are greeted with a cutscene of the min spelunker character walking towards the entrance of the mines with three changing dialogue texts. Everytime you watch the cutscene the text changes. Pick the character that you want and hop straight in. You find a journal which belongs to Yang who found this place before you and has ventured of to make it to the end and discover the great riches and treasures. Through the journal you learn that there are many strange things about this place. Firstly, deeper in the mines you will come to a lush jungle like area. Secondly, that everytime you die in this place you wake up at the main entrance to this mines. Thirdly that everytime you do die and re-enter, the layout of the mines and every further area changes. It’s never the same. The tutorial does a great job of showing the basics and what you need to know to at least make it somewhere in this game. It introduces you to attacking, avoiding big dangers, using bombs, using ropes, collecting treasure and purchasing items from the shop. This amazing game has a great tutorial. Now you should be ready to play the main part of the game. 

An amazing game needs items right? Thank goodness Spelunky has a lot of them. Permanent items like climbing gloves, compass, spring shoes, Kapala, paste and much more. Not permanent items like bombs, ropes, machete, shotgun and much more all depends on when you choose to use them. Climbing gloves lets you cling to any surface meaning you can climb anything. Compass always show you the direction of the exit to the level. spring shoes let’s you jump higher. Kapala is a special item that will grant you health if enough blood from enemies hit you. Paste turns your bombs into sticky bombs. Bombs are… well… bombs and you use them blow up destructible things like walls, floor and even enemies. Ropes get thrown up allowing you to reach higher places. machete is a weapon that you hold in your hands and does twice the damage of the standard whip. The shotgun is basically real fire power. That allows the take down of many enemies. There are lots more items out there. Some are destructively powerful. There is even a item that can kill any enemy in one hit and it permanently replaces your whip. 

There are naturally four areas in Spelunky: Mines, Jungle, Ice caves and temple. Each area is dangerous and capable of killing you in different ways. All have enemies and traps. Now the mines are first but that doesn’t mean it’s easy, because it isn’t. The enemies here spiders which wait on ceilings and if you pass under, they drop down to attack you. Bats which wait for you to be move to a lower level than them and then fly to attack. Giant spiders which are just a more powerful and dangerous version of regular spiders and more enemies. There are traps like spikes which grant instant death if you land on it. Explosive powder box which is very sensitive. Arrow traps which fire an arrow at whatever crosses it’s line of sight once. The jungle has Tiki men who wield and throw boomerangs at you once you cross their line of sight. Mantraps which grant instant death if you land on top of them. Piranhas which make swimming a bit risky. The unique traps here are tiki trap waits for anything to come near it so that it can stab it. The ice caves has yetis which if you get too close will throw you away. Mammoths which have an icy cold breath that will freeze anything it hits. Yeti king which can roar to cause ice blocks to break and fall down harming things below. UFO which slowly flies around and fires at whatever is directly below them. The unique traps here are mines so don’t step on them. The temple has hawk man who runs and jumps when he sees you. Croc man who teleports when harmed. Mummies who release locusts from his mouth in your direction. The unique traps are crush traps which zoom in your direction upon site to crush you. Ceiling trap is just like indian jones. The ceiling comes down with spikes once triggered. As you can see there are lots of stuff to watch out for. The best part is that We haven’t mentioned everything. Not even half of it.

The game is known for being very difficult. For some people, getting to the end to the end of the game is a rare event. Some haven’t completed it at all. This is sort of what makes Spelunky an amazing game. You just want to keep trying and trying and trying. It doesn’t help that there is a quick restart button to get you right back into the action. The difficulty comes from firstly being forced to know what’s going on around you. You have to decide what you do carefully but also quickly. The other bigger factor that makes this hard is that you are never safe. You can have all the items in the world and still die in one move. You can have 20 health and still get one shotted. Each level is filled with monsters and traps. They don’t go easy on you. You might come to the jungle and have to cross a spike pit layered with spikes at the bottom with monkeys chilling on the vines and a tiki man waiting on the other side with his boomerang ready. The damsel that you go to rescue may be unfortunate enough to spawn in between powder keg boxes so you can’t reach the damsel without them dying. You might get a level where there’s hardly any money at all. What’s even worse is that everything is random all the time. You never get the same levels twice. Never!  Trust us, we have played a lot. So you may get frustrated but it’s the good type of gaming frustration where you want to try again and still have a good time.

What’s even better about the game is that it’s multiplayer so not only can you play with your friends, your friends can get you killed or be the one to save your life. It’s co-op for the main adventure. You would think that having 3 more spelunkers would make things easier but most of the time it makes things harder. You all must share a screen and work together. Your whips and attacks can also hit each other. When playing with Diamondz L45 and N63 Prodigy, X35 Earthwalker got hit by a rock that a team mate threw, which knocked him of the edge and landed straight onto the spikes at the bottom. Was it an accident or a betrayal? If team work isn’t your thing then you can go into death match where it’s a battle to the death. You can start of with bombs or just your whip. Break open crates that drop in to get weapons to help you win. It’s pure mayhem and lots of fun. Trust us on that as well. 

X35 Earthwalker said, “I remember a certain Spelunky player who had the jet packs, paste, spring and shoes and spike shoes, 7 health and a good amount of bombs. He got to the Ice waves and attacked a UFO which then exploded, which sent a mine flying at him which exploded and killed him. I once had all the items you could possibly need: jet pack, climbing gloves, spring and spike shoes, paste, compass, spectacles etc and even was on my way to a special location when I was checking an area to see whether I should go in but a lava ball came out from the tub of lava and knocked me into it and when your’re hit, you are stunned for a while so I couldn’t use the jetpack. I had one salty moment but able to laugh at myself and still have a great time.” This just shows how crazy and unpredictable Spelunky is. An amazing game indeed. We will probably do another post on this game.

Overall this is one game that’s very difficult, constantly changing so it’s new all the time, lots to discover and do in each run so you aren’t done just because you got to the end and multiplayer action makes this game something else. Spelunky is in X35’s top 3 best platform games ever. The developers ‘Derek Yu, Mossmouth, LLC’ did an outstanding job on this game. This game is worth checking out. It doesn’t matter if you have beat this game or not. What does matter though… is that you do the ‘Earth Walk!’ 

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Playerunknown’s battlegrounds is a battle royale last-man-standing shooter game, developed by ‘Bluehole, Inc’ and is currently on PC. They have said that it will be released on console later. We will have to wait and see if that happens.

Battle royale games are at times the most intense games simply because your death could happen at almost anytime. Made your way up to higher ground and then get shot because you are easier to see. Found a nice spot in a building taking shots but then someone sneaks up behind you with a shotgun. In a nice position behind a large rock where no one can see you, except that guy in the distance with a sniper. This stuff can all happen to you and more in battle royale games. This battle royale game takes place on a massive 8×8 km island. The whole island looks good though. Some good level of attention to detail.

In Playerunknown’s battlegrounds the action starts with everyone in a plane which flies around the island. You can eject out at anytime. This means you can sort of decide where you start. So remembering the map and knowing good locations will give you an advantage. As you fall pull your parachute for a soft landing. Then find some weapons and equipment. Then survive to the end while everyone else is doing the same thing. You might find a police body vest, you might find a good rifle, or even a shotgun. Other items like bandages are important. The main thing about this battle royale is survival. Do you grab a vehicle and keep zooming around looking for easy prey? Do you get nice items and hide it out in a building? Do you play aggressive and actively hunt down other players? Honestly they are all correct answers. It’s about survival. Do what you have to do.

The developers have made some big improvements to the game ever since the testing and closed beta. Now you can set mouse sensitivities for all views, and added hotkeys for healing items and boost. They have also increased the number of graphic and sound settings you can change. There are new locations like a swamp, shooting range river, underground bunker, lake, logging area, a flooded town, power plant, quarry and ruined castle. If you get shot down into a revive state then you can crawl (like the dog you are), hopefully towards a team mate. Also wooden doors can be destroyed, which is a very good decision if you ask us. No longer will hiding behind a simple wooden fence protect you from a shotgun blast. Same goes for some of the fences as well. The max number of players in a match now is 96 which is a large number. Imagine being in a battle royale and you are fighting for survival while 95 other players are doing the same thing. 

Players must pay attention to the map as overtime, to make sure the match does eventually end and to keep the action from getting stale, the area where players can play in the match gets smaller by a electricity field which no one can survive in. So grab items, kill whoever crosses your path and stay with the safe circle of the map. We were wondering if there will be any additional factors that pose a threat to the players in the match. For example random selected air strikes which will be marked on the map or a group of well armed mercenaries on a vehicle that passes into the map and then leaves but attacks anyone they come across. That would be cool if that happened. There is an air drop though. During the match at times a plane will fly over and drop of some stuff that falls by parachute. So the decision that needs to be made is whether to go for the drop or not. What if someone gets there before? Why not stay by the landing of the dropped goods and wait for other players to come by and get easy kills. In a battle royale you have to use your head gamers. 

For how big and everything that’s going on. Playerunknown’s battlegrounds has great graphics. Sounds are okay but the visuals are definitely the better here. The improved lighting helps out a lot with what you can see. We do think there needs to be some more tall grass in some areas for cover and hiding spots. 

Overall this looks like a fun game. We do believe that it will be the newest go to game for battle royale action. King of the kill will be replaced. This looks fun, it is fun and will create some tense moments. especially for those who are among the last standing players left. The developers ‘Bluehole, Inc’ did a great job with this game. This game is worth checking out. Now some will survive but whether you survive or not… make sure you do the ‘Earth Walk!’.

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Flinthook is a new action adventure game, developed by ‘Tribute Games Inc’, coming out on the 18th of April for Xbox One, PC and PS4. Straight up we just have to say that this game does look cool. When we saw the name of the game… well… we weren’t impressed but we always give games a chance. We are glad again that we did.

In the world of Flinthook, you play a pirate called ‘Flinthook’ who loves treasure (who doesn’t?) and he zips into action because a certain treasure hunter “hatches a sinister plan to unleash an ancient evil to threaten the cosmos itself” according to their website. This character Flinthook is armed with his hookshot to zip around rooms and for that mobility advantage, his blasma pistol by the way that’s not a typo it’s actually Blasma pistol, is for blasting and taking the enemies out and his Chrono-belt once charged can slow down time making combat and evading projectiles much easier. This is a nice set of equipment. Offensive, mobility and atmospheric. Nice.

Now how the game looks and especially, how you travel from room to room, reminds us of Metroid. That’s a good thing as Metroid is an excellent game. This does have it’s own style though and does well by it. The levels which are pirate ships are randomly generated which is always nice to have in these types of games. The rooms contain different treasures and thanks to the randomness, you won’t know what you will get. The skills required for this game is once again reflexes and the ability to watch the whole screen. You will be zipping around to move and dodge attacks while shooting in any direction you want as it’s 360 degrees. 

Flinthook seems to be going after and hunting down the ‘Cluster clan’, which by the way have tough bosses. We don’t know much about the bosses but we heard that they aren’t supposed to be easy. Let’s hope that they do in fact pose a threat. There are also powerful perk cards and rare relics. You can unlock new equippable perks as you level up, get lore pages (lore about what though?) and buy permanent upgrades in the Black Market. There seems to be quite a few things to do in this game. 

We have checked out some gameplay of Flinthook and we like what we see. It’s fast paced, requires reflexes and flows nicely. It looks nice. The graphics for it’s style, looks good. The music is nice for what is going on. 

Overall Flinthook looks like a good fun game. It seems simple enough even though it will require some gamers to get practice. The developers ‘Tribute Games Inc’ did a good job with this game and we at X35 Earthwalker are looking forward to what this game brings. This game is worth checking out. Whether Flinthook is your thing or not… what is your thing is though is the the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Trove is a sandbox multiplayer online role-playing game developed, by ‘Trion Worlds’, and is on Xbox One, PS4 and PC. This game is very large and has numerous players all roaming the lands and having their own adventures. 

Straight away when you look at Trove, Minecraft comes into your head. Both are blocky everywhere. Blocky worlds come off as very welcoming. That’s until you travel a little bit into Trove and meet all the dangerous creatures in that world. X35 Earthwalker and some of his gaming buddies have dived into this game to try it out. When you start Trove you can pick your class. There are many options here like mage types, fairy types, soldier types, an archer, a staff wielder, a class that’s just like link having a boomerang, bombs, sword and more classes. So take your time, read each one and jump right in. There are multiple worlds to explore. Their is the hub world where every starts. You can chill and talk here. The others where the real action is are: Novice, Adept, Elite, Master, and Uber 1-9. You will pass through Novice, adept and elite pretty quickly as they are more like introduction worlds with weak monsters and easy bosses which is good for beginners. From master and upwards things can get more interesting. Each world has a power rank recommendation so you can’t say you weren’t warned when you get killed in a dangerous world.

X35 Earthwalker selected the Dracolyte class. Dracolyte is a short-ranged Magic user from the Prime volcanic lands of Trove. He has a flame thrower, can drop bombs, command his little dragon friend (familiar) to shoot a fire blast and the Dracolyte can even turn into a dragon and rule the battle field. X35 Earthwalker says that he is difficult to use as the fireball (spit fire) that the little dragon shoots can only be used after it is charged by attacking enemies with your flamethrower. The bomb ability (burnt offering) can only explode after you hit it with your attacks, so basically you only have one real attack which is short range which is exactly where most enemies like it. Other classes have long range attacks. So mastering the Dracolyte is only for the best. 

The worlds are split into certain areas. There are: Peaceful hills, Medieval highlands, the lost isles, sea of deep regret, permafrost, cursed vale, desert frontier, fae wilds, candoria, neon city, jurassic jungle and dragonfire peaks. Each one mostly looks different from the others and have different enemies. For example Candoria is a big candy land where everything is made from cakes, jelly, candy canes and some of the enemies are lolly pop men who chase you to punch your face in, a floating cake who opens up to hit you with a boxing glove, jelly worms who can split into two smaller worms and more enemies. We hate them all as they come after you as soon as you come in range. Dragonfire peak is a giant fiery land with lava, dark skies and molten caves. Each biome has dungeons and lairs. Lairs are small builds or areas that appear on the map. Inside is a boss to defeat or quest to complete plus loot to earn. These are nice places to challenge yourself and gain experience points, working your way up through the worlds. Dungeons are much bigger versions of lairs. They are far more dangerous and harder to conquer. They have many cool forms like caverns, giant pirate ships, castles and palaces. The strongest bosses are found in Dungeons and so are the rarest equipment and gear. X35 Earthwalker discovered the hard way that dungeons are filled with minions, traps, and bosses all there to ruin your day.

Since there are many things to craft, that means there are many ingredients to find. That means, lots of mining. There is a standard mode and there is a mining mode where you shoot a laser to mine blocks and materials that you find. The rarest and best materials are found in harder worlds. For example the Formicite ore will rarely and in some can’t be found in novice and adept world but can be found in uber and master worlds. So it’s about progression. The stronger you get, the harder worlds you can enter and explore. The harder the world then the better chances of finding rarer and better ingredients and ores for crafting the better and more stronger equipment. So make sure to balance your time in this game. Exploring and running wild through the world is good meaning more Lairs and Dungeons which means more loot and experience points but also make sure to spend time mining and collecting the good stuff. Some people have crafted mounts which are different transports for your character. We all start of with a simple mule which runs slightly faster than your character but X35 Earthwalker has seen players with race cars, hover cars and iron plated horses which are all superior. That’s right, there is lots of stuff in this game. There are gems that power up your character, there are rings, there are familiars (pets) that follow you around and help you out, there are banners for you to equip. Literally there is so much items and things to equip, upgrade (using a forge) and more. You have to explore it all for your self. 

The multiplayer experience is great. You can invite many of your friends and we mean many! The whole of you can storm dungeons and Lairs together destroying everything in your path. You can go mining in swarms and strip the land bare (you monsters!). X35 Earthwalker once was adventuring with Diamondz L45 and met two other players. They saw that we were just conquering places and they joined us. One was an archer while the other was something (we don’t remember). The four of us really destroyed bosses and even turned the tables on a surprise attack from a giant purple knight monster that came out of no where and laid down the damage. It was so much fun and it’s moments like that in Trove that makes it so cool.

What’s great is that each player gets to have their own home which they can make appear in different areas with them. These homes, or bases are called ‘Cornerstones’ once again another thing inspired by the bible. These cornerstones once first placed start of as little not fully built houses. Seriously who ever was the builder ripped us off as there are holes in the roof. You can break it all down and build it how you see fight. You can make it a large tower that keeps going up and up or make it a two floor apartment, it’s up to you. This is where you will store your work benches for crafting, rejuvenation stations to refill your potions, trophies that you can hang on your wall. It’s literally your base. You do everything there. We love the fact that all you have to do is find a sign post, approach it and with the click of a button, your cornerstone appears on that patch of land. So it sort of travels with you. Sort of. X35 Earthwalker built portals in his cornerstone to the novice, adept, elite, master and uber worlds. It looks really nice as X35 Earthwalker has multiple colours like red, green, blue, purple, orange and yellow. We hope your eyes can handle it.

Here is the big problem though. X35 Earthwalker is currently in the uber world and spent a long time travelling away from the spawn point, conquering Lairs and dungeons and searching for rare ores to mine. He keeps finding the same ores which are very limited in terms of what you can build. He has built all the needed stuff already. The next world recommends a power rank of 400. It gets kind of boring after a while, sort of quickly actually. The dungeons lose their excitement after a while, except the giant pirate ship boss and the how the dungeons look. Some of the designs are wonderful and amazing to look at, we must admit. It’s like 90% of all the cool stuff are a real distance away to craft and find. The loot are called legendary but majority of them are all weaker than what X35 Earthwalker has already. Diamondz L45 and N63 prodigy are continuing there adventure through the world. Don’t get us wrong. The game is a lot of fun. It’s just the gap towards the better stuff and real progress needs something in there to make it not feel like grinding. Also making a club world is too difficult. It requires like 25,000 Flux and 200 Golden Souls. Why?! All we want to do is create a club for the friends of X35 Eartwalker but can’t unless you spend many hours grinding in this game. Why can’t everyone  justcreate a world simply. A small cost at least. This really made us not happy about the game. As how the game stands right now, we find Terraria to be more fun than this game.

Overall Trove is great. It’s a big adventure filled with many things to do but takes a while to do them. Some stuff needs to be worked out we would definitely say. The sounds are nice and the graphics are good blocky style. The developers ‘Trion Worlds’ did a very good job with this game and you can see the effort. This game is worth checking out. Whether it’s for you or not… just do the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Halo wars 2 has received a big update that contains many changes and some new content. This big update is so big that it’s worth checking out. We mean it. Every Halo wars 2 gamer needs to check it out before playing anymore matches.

First of all the fact that this update is here shows that the developers ‘343 industries’ and ‘Creative assembly’ do listen to their fans and gamers who play their game. That’s a good sign. There is lots to say so lets just jump right in.

Leader powers have been effected. Now Shipmaster’s Scout mines can no longer be dropped on buildings to do big damage. This is fair as it can be used to destroy buildings straight out.
The Banished Cleansing Beam speed has been slightly reduced to make escaping it easier. We agree with the speed being reduced and so don’t have a problem with it.
ODSTs cost increased from 600 to 800 and their HP has been slightly decreased. This is fine. Nothing too big here. 

Concerning Economy they have adjusted the Supply income curve to give less of a bonus income on the first few Supply Pads/Warehouses, but less limiting as player’s build additional pads. So now players who have multiple bases have a bigger advantage over those with one base.

Now concerning Sergeant Forge they have removed the discount on Supply Pads and Reactors in the “Rolling Economy” leader power. Thank goodness. We are so glad. Rolling economy made Forge the strongest leader in the game. We are so glad it’s gone. Also Accelerated Assembly has switched places with Lotus Mines. We also think that’s fair. Stronger abilities should be available later, not early.

Concerning rush and counter-infantry units
Jump Pack Brutes
have Increased HP
Increased basic DPS
Slight increase to move speed

Significant increase to HP
Significant increase to fire damage dealt to basic infantry units
Slight move speed increase
Cost reduced from 80/50 to 80/40
Reduced pre-attack and post-attack cooldown to improve responsivenes
We disagree with this. Hell bringers have enough health already. We do agree with damage against infantry and movement speed but everything else not so much.

Suicide Grunts (Not Blitz Suicide Grunts)
Increased HP
Base damage decreased
Base AOE range increased
Move speed slightly increased
Charge distance increased
Charge speed decreased
Cost reduced from 100/25 to 100/20
Suicide grunts if anything should be boosted in every sense after all their job is to run at the army and make things go boom. We have never seen anyone use them in a standard match but will this update to them be enough to convince players?

Elite Rangers
Significantly increased HP
Armor type changed to be more resistant to small arms fire from Marine & Grunt squads
Faster projecticles that don’t miss as often
Cost reworked from 80/110 to 125/90
DPS increased
Finally! The Elite Rangers were absolutely useless. They lost to marines, Hellbringers… They lost to everything and did very little damage but now they should actually be worth using.

Scout units
Reduced ram reflect damage, so will now take less damage when ramming
Reduced damage versus buildings

Cost reduced from 220/15 to 200/12
Cost reduced from 265/20 to 230/15
Cost reduced from 280/20 to 245/15

Counter vehicle units
Cost reduced from 150/200 to 160/160
DPS reduced
We don’t agree with this change. I mean have you not seen the hunters in every other Halo game? They blow everything up in one shot. They should be strong anti vehicles but let’s see how this turns out.

Cost changed from 120/150 to 120/120
DPS reduced

HP significantly increased
Shields significantly increased
Build time reduced
Cost changed from 550/40 to 525/70
Plasma Cannon DPS increased
Plasma Mortar DPS increased
Plasma Mortar Fire rate increased
Y ability initial damage increased significantly
Incoming healing reduced
We are saying this for both the wraith and scorpion tanks. This is one of the best changes. The tanks need to be powerful. We felt that wraiths before got destroyed more easily and didn’t stand out much. This should now encourage players to use them a bit more. What a big update indeed.

HP increased
Cost changed from 650/50 to 600/90
Machinegun DPS increased
Cannon DPS increased
Cannon AOE size decreased
Canister shell DPS increased
Canister shell AOE size increased
Incoming healing reduced

HP increased
Machinegun DPS increased
Missile pod DPS increased
Cannon DPS increased
Missile Barrage ability damage increased
Well if the regular scorpion gets stronger then it makes sense to boost the Grizzly as well.

Core infantry
Grunt squad build time reduced
Overall DPS increased for basic and mine-upgrade squads
Overall DPS increased for pack brother-upgrade squads
This is a good change. Grunts were laughable even when upgraded but now it looks like they should be quite equal to marines as it should be. Grunts or marines shouldn’t be clearly stronger than the other.

Grenade DPS decreased
Grenade large AOE size reduced
Marine Assault rifle DPS slightly decreased

Protector Sentinels
Move speed decreased
No longer has a huge damage bonus vs. buildings
General DPS decreased
Lockdown Bolt damage decreased significantly
We know that almost everyone has been waiting for this. It’s pretty much everything we at X35 Earthwalker asked for. Now they don’t melt bases within seconds and aren’t as fast meaning your armies can actually catch them to fight them. Finally!

Banshee Plasma Torpedo damage significantly reduced
We never cared but do agree with this. The plasma torpedo should be an assist to fight air not count as a proper anti-air unit level of damage. So yeah, good job with this one.

Basic DPS slightly reduced
Line of sight range reduced
Weapon range reduced
We agree with the weapon range and damage reduction. Locusts annoyed us. They should be for destroying buildings and that’s their main purpose only.

Base turrets
UNSC and Banished upgraded turrets DPS increased
Banished turrets HP increased
UNSC turrets build time reduced
Banished turret build time reduced
We also agree with this. Turrets should be able to hold their ground against enemies that come but not against armies. When you fall back to your base, you should feel safe to some extent knowing that you can make a stand there.

UNSC and Banished HQ HP increased to a constant, high HP amount across all tech tiers

The big update also brought some new content as well. Basically ranked matches.

Halo Wars 2 Xbox One Playlists:

Ranked 1v1 War
Ranked 2v2 War
Ranked 3v3 War
(Blitz) Standard
(Blitz) Brawl
(Blitz) Ranked Standard
(Blitz) Ranked Brawl
We agree that their should be ranked for those who want to do that. Honestly they should have had this before but whatever, we aren’t in their studios knowing what’s going on.

Halo Wars 2 Windows 10 Playlists:

Ranked 1v1 War
Ranked 2v2 War
Ranked 3v3 War
(Blitz) Standard
(Blitz) Brawl
(Blitz) Ranked Brawl 

Overall we are very happy with this big update as it addresses many big issues but also helps make things more balanced. Adjustments to Forge, sentinels and tanks were our favourites though. X35 Earthwalker himself is excited to get back on the battle field and give these changes a try. Whether you are happy with the big update or not… You must be happy about the ‘Earth Walk!’

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