Halo wars 2 has received a big update that contains many changes and some new content. This big update is so big that it’s worth checking out. We mean it. Every Halo wars 2 gamer needs to check it out before playing anymore matches.

First of all the fact that this update is here shows that the developers ‘343 industries’ and ‘Creative assembly’ do listen to their fans and gamers who play their game. That’s a good sign. There is lots to say so lets just jump right in.

Leader powers have been effected. Now Shipmaster’s Scout mines can no longer be dropped on buildings to do big damage. This is fair as it can be used to destroy buildings straight out.
The Banished Cleansing Beam speed has been slightly reduced to make escaping it easier. We agree with the speed being reduced and so don’t have a problem with it.
ODSTs cost increased from 600 to 800 and their HP has been slightly decreased. This is fine. Nothing too big here. 

Concerning Economy they have adjusted the Supply income curve to give less of a bonus income on the first few Supply Pads/Warehouses, but less limiting as player’s build additional pads. So now players who have multiple bases have a bigger advantage over those with one base.

Now concerning Sergeant Forge they have removed the discount on Supply Pads and Reactors in the “Rolling Economy” leader power. Thank goodness. We are so glad. Rolling economy made Forge the strongest leader in the game. We are so glad it’s gone. Also Accelerated Assembly has switched places with Lotus Mines. We also think that’s fair. Stronger abilities should be available later, not early.

Concerning rush and counter-infantry units
Jump Pack Brutes
have Increased HP
Increased basic DPS
Slight increase to move speed

Significant increase to HP
Significant increase to fire damage dealt to basic infantry units
Slight move speed increase
Cost reduced from 80/50 to 80/40
Reduced pre-attack and post-attack cooldown to improve responsivenes
We disagree with this. Hell bringers have enough health already. We do agree with damage against infantry and movement speed but everything else not so much.

Suicide Grunts (Not Blitz Suicide Grunts)
Increased HP
Base damage decreased
Base AOE range increased
Move speed slightly increased
Charge distance increased
Charge speed decreased
Cost reduced from 100/25 to 100/20
Suicide grunts if anything should be boosted in every sense after all their job is to run at the army and make things go boom. We have never seen anyone use them in a standard match but will this update to them be enough to convince players?

Elite Rangers
Significantly increased HP
Armor type changed to be more resistant to small arms fire from Marine & Grunt squads
Faster projecticles that don’t miss as often
Cost reworked from 80/110 to 125/90
DPS increased
Finally! The Elite Rangers were absolutely useless. They lost to marines, Hellbringers… They lost to everything and did very little damage but now they should actually be worth using.

Scout units
Reduced ram reflect damage, so will now take less damage when ramming
Reduced damage versus buildings

Cost reduced from 220/15 to 200/12
Cost reduced from 265/20 to 230/15
Cost reduced from 280/20 to 245/15

Counter vehicle units
Cost reduced from 150/200 to 160/160
DPS reduced
We don’t agree with this change. I mean have you not seen the hunters in every other Halo game? They blow everything up in one shot. They should be strong anti vehicles but let’s see how this turns out.

Cost changed from 120/150 to 120/120
DPS reduced

HP significantly increased
Shields significantly increased
Build time reduced
Cost changed from 550/40 to 525/70
Plasma Cannon DPS increased
Plasma Mortar DPS increased
Plasma Mortar Fire rate increased
Y ability initial damage increased significantly
Incoming healing reduced
We are saying this for both the wraith and scorpion tanks. This is one of the best changes. The tanks need to be powerful. We felt that wraiths before got destroyed more easily and didn’t stand out much. This should now encourage players to use them a bit more. What a big update indeed.

HP increased
Cost changed from 650/50 to 600/90
Machinegun DPS increased
Cannon DPS increased
Cannon AOE size decreased
Canister shell DPS increased
Canister shell AOE size increased
Incoming healing reduced

HP increased
Machinegun DPS increased
Missile pod DPS increased
Cannon DPS increased
Missile Barrage ability damage increased
Well if the regular scorpion gets stronger then it makes sense to boost the Grizzly as well.

Core infantry
Grunt squad build time reduced
Overall DPS increased for basic and mine-upgrade squads
Overall DPS increased for pack brother-upgrade squads
This is a good change. Grunts were laughable even when upgraded but now it looks like they should be quite equal to marines as it should be. Grunts or marines shouldn’t be clearly stronger than the other.

Grenade DPS decreased
Grenade large AOE size reduced
Marine Assault rifle DPS slightly decreased

Protector Sentinels
Move speed decreased
No longer has a huge damage bonus vs. buildings
General DPS decreased
Lockdown Bolt damage decreased significantly
We know that almost everyone has been waiting for this. It’s pretty much everything we at X35 Earthwalker asked for. Now they don’t melt bases within seconds and aren’t as fast meaning your armies can actually catch them to fight them. Finally!

Banshee Plasma Torpedo damage significantly reduced
We never cared but do agree with this. The plasma torpedo should be an assist to fight air not count as a proper anti-air unit level of damage. So yeah, good job with this one.

Basic DPS slightly reduced
Line of sight range reduced
Weapon range reduced
We agree with the weapon range and damage reduction. Locusts annoyed us. They should be for destroying buildings and that’s their main purpose only.

Base turrets
UNSC and Banished upgraded turrets DPS increased
Banished turrets HP increased
UNSC turrets build time reduced
Banished turret build time reduced
We also agree with this. Turrets should be able to hold their ground against enemies that come but not against armies. When you fall back to your base, you should feel safe to some extent knowing that you can make a stand there.

UNSC and Banished HQ HP increased to a constant, high HP amount across all tech tiers

The big update also brought some new content as well. Basically ranked matches.

Halo Wars 2 Xbox One Playlists:

Ranked 1v1 War
Ranked 2v2 War
Ranked 3v3 War
(Blitz) Standard
(Blitz) Brawl
(Blitz) Ranked Standard
(Blitz) Ranked Brawl
We agree that their should be ranked for those who want to do that. Honestly they should have had this before but whatever, we aren’t in their studios knowing what’s going on.

Halo Wars 2 Windows 10 Playlists:

Ranked 1v1 War
Ranked 2v2 War
Ranked 3v3 War
(Blitz) Standard
(Blitz) Brawl
(Blitz) Ranked Brawl 

Overall we are very happy with this big update as it addresses many big issues but also helps make things more balanced. Adjustments to Forge, sentinels and tanks were our favourites though. X35 Earthwalker himself is excited to get back on the battle field and give these changes a try. Whether you are happy with the big update or not… You must be happy about the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker has been playing World of Van Helsing: Deathtrap  for a good while now and has been using all three character classes which are: Mercenary, Sorceress and Marksman. For now we are going to focus on the Mercenary and Sorceress only. Both classes are powerful in their own way and have different combat styles to consider.

The Mercenary is a the big strong, durable guy. He is simple to understand and simple to use. He has lots of health, able to stand up to the hordes and brawl it out by himself. No player has any excuse for dying as a Mercenary. With that much health, there is no excuse. In terms of armour, accessories and weapons the best thing to do is aim for increasing his resistance to damages and how much physical damage he can give as much as possible. Don’t worry too much about traps as the real monster in the game is the Mercenary. Traps are there just to slow down and soften the horde up for you. X35 Earthwalkers Mercenary has such high health and resistance that some enemies are just incapable of killing him. There was this Quag devourer champion which kept hitting X35 but it did so little damage that his regeneration kept healing him faster. X35 ended up just standing there for a while laughing at the fact that this creature would never kill him, even in an hours time. Having extremely high physical damage + the Bash ability = the strongest move in the game. X35 Earthwalkers Bash ability currently does 15563 damage per hit, which is absurd. Champions and even bosses die quick in his presence. The mercenary isn’t weak against horde enemies at all. Hordes are countered mainly by two abilities: Frost ring and Fire strike. Frost ring is the ultimate ability that every Mercenary player should have. It creates a powerful ice ring around you that hits everything around you rapidly at a generous range and even a chance of freezing them. Fire strike sends a trail of fire that passes through anything in it’s path dealing heavy fire damage. Both abilities can wipe out hordes with one use. The mercenary isn’t a joke.

The Sorceress is the soft, gentle but seriously powerful lady. She is sort of difficult to use but still easy to understand. She has little health. So there is no reason why your Sorceress should be receiving hugs from the horde. She has to stay at mid to long range obliterating everything. Her ice bolt is your main means of annoying the horde. It does nice damage but also freezes horde and normal enemies but slows down horde and giant enemies. Spam the ice out of that move! Lightning is your horde control. It deals heavy damage to everything it hits as it passes through enemies and stuns them for a very short time. The best type of armour and accessories for her are health and damage. Extra health will at least help her survive longer in the field, especially when dealing with ranged enemies while the damage is pretty obvious. She hits hard already but when you increase that (like lightning damage) her attacks can end up one shot-ing lots of enemies. She is the best map controller as she has abilities that stay active on the field for a while such as: Spectral serpent and Spool of fire. Spectral serpent creates a snake that sits there and fires poison damage at enemies that come by. Spool of fire creates a fire pillar from above that tracks enemies and deals continuous fire damage. Plant a spectral serpent and spool of fire on one lane while you go and focus down another lane. Both abilities combined will give the horde lots of trouble. One of her most versatile abilities is Teleport. This can be used to make her travel much faster around the map as it’s faster than running. It can also allow you to jump from lane to lane instead of following the path, saving you travel time. Also once upgraded you can travel seriously far, heal per teleport and inflict damage on the enemy. The Sorceress is pretty… pretty dangerous if you ask us!

So who is better at what? The Mercenary has much higher health and has the highest damaging move in the game. The Sorceress is faster and has greater mobility thanks to Teleport. The Sorceress can freeze enemies with Ice bolt but so can the Mercenary with Frost ring. The Sorceress can  jump between lanes and cross big gaps in an instant thanks to Teleport once again while the Mercenary must always take the long way. The Mercenary has more versatile skills. For example he has Bash for heavy damage, Frost ring for hordes, Chain snare to pull enemies away from the gate and straight into your fist and Battle roar to make all allied creatures crazily powerful. There isn’t a situation that a Mercenary is bad at. He can even use himself to block enemies from reaching the gate due to his high health. Lastly he has two great passive abilities that increase the health and damage of all allied creatures. The Sorceress has better map control thanks to Spool of fire and Spectral serpent allowing her to be handling multiple lanes at once. Her long range attacks also means she can attack across lanes and her Teleport means she can be anywhere very fast while healing herself. Lastly she has many passive abilities for increasing the damage that traps deal meaning she brings high pain from everywhere and once combined with a high level Icy wind, can attack every enemy everywhere.

Overall X35 Earthwalker himself prefers the Mercenary as he is the more obviously powerful one who can stand up to any monster with tools to handle any situation making him the better class but that doesn’t mean the Sorceress is inferior as she has more amazing and cool looking abilities making her exciting to use. A sorceress backing up a Mercenary is just scary. Whether you agree or not… just know that it’s all about the ‘Earth Walk!’

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The Locust are finally here in Gears of war 4. Earlier today the Locust Drones pack was released. We at X35 Earthwalker have been waiting all this time for the return of the Locust as they were awesome enemies and part of what made Gears of war what it is. We had nothing against the Swarm but the Locusts were much cooler and scary. Finally they brought them to us.

So whats in the Locust Drones pack? The contents that you can get from these packs are 2 locust characters and 2 enemy themed weapon skin sets. That’s it. Only 2 Locust characters. Just 2. No queen Myrrah or theron guard. That’s disappointing to be very honest. We know their strategy. It’s to bring things out bit by bit to keep gamers waiting and gaming to help keep the game alive for as long as possible. We understand it from a business point of view but it’s suppose to be about the gears of war gamers firstly.

Fine then. At least we get 2. What’s the price for 1 of the Locust Drones pack? What!!! 2000 gold coins! Now they have really crossed the line. Is it just like with the UIR pack which charged really high for a bunch of random items which didn’t guarantee anything. You could get doubles. Surely no but it is. X35 Earthwalker had enough to get two Locust Drones packs and after opening them both he got none of the Locust characters when he could have used all those coins to get well over 11 horde packs. It’s disappointing. At least each pack gives you 5 items but gamers like X35 Earthwalker have been excited and waiting for the Locusts for time now and got nothing. Now they expect players to grind their game until they get 2000, 4000, 6000 etc to open the packs. We actually don’t have the time. Once again, like with the UIR pack, we are greatly disappointed.

What’s also annoying is that the packs also gave out skins from different packs like the chillin lancer. Why is it here? Why can’t they just keep it Locust Drones stuff only? It’s not that hard to do. The other skins like the Juvie for the snub pistol and the boomer skin for the markza do have locust theme colours which is nice and how it should be. We have nothing against the contents as we were looking forward to them. It’s just how they are doing this is horrible. 

Overall we say that if you have the gold coins then get some packs and get your locusts. If you have little gold coins then wait and hope they lower the cost. If you have real money to use on games then buy some and give us half (don’t be cheap now). Otherwise we aren’t too bothered to miss this at all. We are sorry Locusts as we love you guys (even though you kill humans) but you aren’t worth that much time. So whether you buy it or not… don’t forget to do the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Bulletstorm:Full clip edition is the remastered version of Bulletstorm which came out in 2011. Full clip edition was developed by ‘People Can Fly’, the ones who worked on gears of war Judgment. It’s coming out April the 7th for Xbox One, PC and PS4.

We believe the fans of bulletstorm are excited for this one but is full clip edition a remaster worth getting? The main difference about this game is the improvements to the sounds and graphics. The game is said to have increased polygon counts, smoother frame rates, sterling audio and hi-res textures all running in up to 4K resolution. To the average person that doesn’t mean anything but to gamers that’s a sweet thing to know about this game. From what we have seen, the graphics are definitely improved and the whole flow of the game is smooth and flows nicely.

In terms of what is actually new there isn’t much to be honest. Full clip does include all the previously released add-ons for Bulletstorm. There is a new campaign mode called ‘Overkill campaign’ where you get to play a “cranked-up version of the campaign with an unrestricted arsenal of weapons and Skillshots”. What else? Well there are 6 new echo maps for echo mode. What else? There are some new challenges for gamers to take on. That’s pretty much it. The big boost to graphics is all good but we aren’t sure that this is worth the huge price. They could have done a whole lot more.

The biggest surprise about full clip is that if you preorder you get the Duke Nukem’s Bulletstorm Tour content free, which allows you to play through the whole campaign as Duke with a fully rerecorded script and brand new lines with dukes original voice. Now that’s the coolest thing for this game but the main issue is that you can only get it through pre-ordering, which means the full price. Why couldn’t it just be included with the full clip edition? 

With all this stuff included we can say that fans of the game will like full clip edition for sure, mainly because of the heavily improved graphics and sounds that it has and most likely also to play as Duke Nukem; however we at X35 Earthwalker feel that it isn’t enough and we ourselves wouldn’t get full clip edition. What is it with developers and companies that either just want to save money or don’t know how to make a great deal. There is much more they could do with this game. Throw in some goodies and some big new stuff. We understand that there is a budget but you only make cash from the gamers so give them something big if available.

Overall bulletstorm: full clip edition is nice great, truly. It looks excellent and the sounds are a higher level. Playing as Duke is very good indeed but other from the little ‘new’ stuff, we don’t get much. The developers ‘People Can Fly’ have done a good job with the game. This may be worth checking out.

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Halo wars 2 is one awesome game with lots of action and things to do. Gamers love having options so thing this game has a lot of it. If you don’t know about Halo wars 2 yet, then once again, shame on you. Go check it out. There are even none RTS (real time strategy) gamers playing the game and liking it.

Pretty much one of the main things about any multiplayer match are the leader characters. What leader character you and your opponent or opponents have makes a big difference from strategies, units to abilities. There are some leader characters that are currently considered a bigger threat than others. Leader characters are leaders based on main characters from the game, who are the head of your army. They are like the face of the army. There are currently 3 UNSC and 3 Banished leader characters. They are: Captain Cutter, Professor Anders, Isabel, Atriox, Ship master and Decimus. All three are powerful once used correctly. X35 Earthwalker himself will also be giving his words on this topic.

Captain Cutter: His leader powers are mainly orbital based and infantry seems to be his strong point. Captain Cutter has strong offensive and defensive capabilities. One of his significant abilities is ‘Battle hardened’ which is quite difficult to make effective as it should change how you handle combat. With this your aim is to keep your units alive so that the increased veterancy rate can take effort. While fighting, the unit that’s low on health you must call to the back of the army, don’t leave them there to die. This combined with ‘unsc raid’ which increases your infantry movement speed allows for easy hit and run tactics, meaning it’s also easier to keep units alive to gain veterancy. ‘Archer missiles’ and ‘close air support’ are high damaging powers that must be timed properly. Many times do people launch this as a game changer but the enemy just simply leaves the area. Be strategic with them. Maybe save it for finishing of a base as bases don’t move. You could also use them to force an enemy to get away from you, buying you some time or saving certain units alive. We will say that nothing compares to his powers that drop in units. It’s a great way of calling in reinforcements, flanking the enemy and replacing destroyed units with stronger ones. If you unlock all three drop powers and you wait for your army to get reduced a bit and then drop in odsts, a veteran cyclops, a tank, wolverine and more with high levels. This has made some enemies panic before. It’s just that good. Cutter is best to use with infantry but always be ready to mix it up when the situation calls for it.

Atriox: His leader powers are definitely more mystical. Atriox is definitely more defensive with his leader powers. His most significant ability is ‘unbreakable’ which makes all your units invincible for a period of time. This power once used correctly can easily turn the tide of a battle. We like to use it as a counter to enemies active leader powers like archer missiles if our army is grouped up. There have been times when one enemy used a glassing beam while the other used a scatter bomb and X35 Earthwalker’s units just stood in the middle of it all because they were invincible and still kept destroying the base. You do feel like a boss with that power. ‘Atriox’s bulwark’ is basically a superior ‘restoration drones’ as it not only heals your units but also grants invulnerability. Again it must be used with perfect timing like taking on another army or to survive a powerful active leader ability. This isn’t to be ignored. You can’t beat what’s invincible so keep your units in the circle or move your wounded there. ‘Dying breath’ gets ignored by some but this allows you to make some units still able to fight as normal even after losing all health for a period of time. Think about it. If you had 4 grunt squads you could still keep dishing out four grunt squads worth of damage which can give you the edge in a fight. You could even use the dead unit to hold of the enemy units while yours can get away alive. Atriox’s fortification power is essential, providing discounts on building and upgrading buildings and turrets. This will save you money, to some extent, especially near the start of a match.

Isabel: Her leader powers are very technology based. Initially we never liked her due to her powers have less use but after we dug into her a bit more we saw the use of her powers and what kind of bang they can produce. For example ‘Holographic decoy’ is actually so good. X35 Earthwalker has used these to scout enemy bases and activities and since they are decoys, you lose no units. He also use them to attract all turret fire first and then have his real units move in. It’s straight tactical here! It never hurts to have a ‘MAC Blast’ around. MAC Blasts should only be used to take out a specific enemy unit that is causing trouble, like a shroud or group of wolverines. Halo wars 2 is very strategic and so you must make strategic moves only (duh!). ‘Accelerated assembly’ is a must have for vehicle lovers. There isn’t a reason why you shouldn’t have it. It reduces build cost and time for your vehicles. This power should be combined with ‘The best offense’ which grants your scorpion tanks shields and improved canister shells. We have never lost a match with these two powers combined. After all, tanks with shields sounds scary. In the later stages of a match you must have combat salvage on standby. Throw all your vehicles at the enemy and wait for when they are near death, then activate your power to bring 8 of them back at your base when they die. Timing is key with this ability. ‘Ghost in the machine’ is only to use for extreme conditions. It allows you to take control of any enemy mechanical units you target. Send your decoys to charge an enemy army then use Ghost in the machine to take over at least half of all their machines (don’t take everything), this way you can make their army fight each other to reduce their numbers and if you have time send the last remaining straight at their base then follow with your own units. Isabel is only for the strategic.

Decimus: His powers are all about buffing his army. Straight of the bat you have access to ‘Killing frenzy’ which grants your units a damage boost when they kill. Straight away this is an advantage over your opponents. Combine this power with ‘Siphon’ which allows your units to gain health in proportion to damage to have dealth, which make things really nasty. A few grunts and other units with siphon and killing frenzy makes them too hard to kill if played right. They can just stand there healing themselves and killing. This can even allow early attacks. ‘Boundless Siphon’ is a must as it grants permanent small siphon to all your units, don’t need to say more here. Then get ‘Boundless rage’ which increases your units speed and damage permanently as well. Now let’s do some maths: Killing frenzy + siphon + boundless siphon + boundless fury = unstoppable army. Bring that to school with you. The last major power that we think you should invest in is the ‘Decimus drop’ which calls in Decimus who has a lot of health, can draw in enemies and give them the best slap ever. Decimus is that simple. Scary aggressive army which allows rushes and quick attacks. 

Professor Anders: Her powers are all forunner technology. This lady is all about the sentinels. ‘R & D’ which Reduces costs and build times for global infantry, vehicle, and aircraft upgrades. The best thing is that the turrets gain shields. which is a real boost to defense. It’s up to you how much points you invest in R & D. Get the ‘Protector sentinel’ as soon as possible so that you can start building them. These things are fast and melt structures. They should not be used for combat just yet. So run away (ya wuss). We never bother with ‘ark defense’ as it isn’t all that powerful and easy to avoid but once combined with other powers have it’s uses. ‘Sentinel beacon’ on the other hand is very good. Have some siege turrets at the back of your base and it will make defending so much easier as every shot releases aggressor sentinels which take no scope shots at enemy units. ‘Sentinel synergy’ makes your protector sentinels combat worthy as they now have more health and damage plus a bonus of shields. It also adds more aggressor sentinels to ark defense and sentinel beacon. The retriever sentinel power lets you summon a retriever sentinel. This unit gets treated like the other ultimate units which is a mistake. The retriever sentinel is much weaker than the scarab and condor. It can’t stand up to them nor can you send the retriever into an army and think it will win. Use it as a big support only. Anders is all about the sentinels but everyone knows this so don’t be predictable as some will see you as Anders and go straight for anti air so please mix it up.

Shipmaster: His powers are teleporters mainly. Shipmaster is X35 Earthwalkers favourite leader. At first look, shipmaster seems like he has the weakest powers. His powers directly are weak. They are heavy strategic. ‘Teleport’ has many uses from quick travel even to dodging enemy leader powers like close air support and eradication. ‘Extraction which allows you to instant transmission your slected units back to base and heals them is essential as you can attack the enemy and then when taking too much damage come straight back to base, healed and ready for another attack. We don’t bother with ‘Glassing beam’ anymore as their are other powers that are more handy than direct damage. Advanced cloaking should only be used if you will have lots of marauders and a shroud or two as it grants marauders the cloak ability and shrouds special ability gets improved. This means a cloaked army and marauders can be used for scouting. ‘Displacement’ allows you to move enemy units to another location. Many use this wrongly, they just send parts of an army away while they are getting attacked. This is bad the army will just come straight back. Timing and situation is so important. X35 Earthwalker once used it to send all the engineers who were healing a scarab far away making the scarab easy to kill. Mass cloaking is powerful as your whole army gets cloaked. It’s powerful but easy to counter as all the enemy needs is one detect unit, so knowing what your enemy has is essential before using. Tactical gateway is maybe the scariest power as you can use it to transport entire armies all the way across a map, even behind the enemy base. Beware as your enemies can use the portal too. Almost all of shipmasters abilities can be used for different strategies. That’s why scouting is important with him. Most likely the hardest leader to use.

Sergeant Forge: His powers are vehicle based. He was  the strongest leader by far because of one power, ‘Rolling economy’. This reduces costs and build times for Supply Pads, Generators, and their upgrades. The worst part is that you can access this from the start making a normal supply pad which costs 150 instead cost 100. This doesn’t sound bad but when you build 3 supply pads you save 150 supplies which is enough to buy another supply pad or 1 marine squad. So basically Forge players can build faster and have more resources than anyone else. In a RTS game, speed is everything. X35 Earthwalker tested this. If you could get to citadel base and 10 marines in 5 mins then with Forge he had way more marines in a faster time which is too big of an advantage. We are glad that it’s getting fixed. Grizzly Battalion is not needed as you can just build the grizzlies yourself. Only get when you have no other good powers left to unlock. Other from that he almost functions like Isabel. If you are going vehicles the accelerated assembly is a most. Scatter bomb isn’t that great at all either. It’s so easy to dodge. We end up escaping with all out units alive most of the time. We wonder how Forge will be affected after the patch on his rolling economy power.

All the leaders are fun to use but we definitely believe that some are better than others. If you take away Forges rolling economy then he is the weakest. If you counter Anders sentinels then she becomes quite useless as well. Cutter, shipmaster and atriox is harder to counter as they are more diverse in their powers but less obvious on how to use them. Some are more support based than solo fighters. Overall we have had victories with all of them and they are quite diverse from each other. Interested to see what the new character leader will be like. Try them out… also remember to try the ‘Earth Walk’!

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NeuroVoider is a new stick shooter RPG game developed by ‘Flying Oak Games’ which is already out for PC but coming out on Xbox One and PS4 on the 17th of March. The story of the game is simple. The game is set in the future where robots have wiped out humanity and you play a brain that’s had enough of what’s going on and wants to do something about it about those robots that do nothing but party all the time. So you take control of robot parts and go to destroy them all and their leader the master NeuroVoider. 

This straight away looks like another simple shooter game where it’s just grab a controller, blow stuff up and have some fun. It’s good to have games like this from time to time. Games that don’t require too much and any can give it a go. The rooms, content and items are all randomly generated so there should be higher replay value and makes each play of the game quite different. A random generated always seem to have permadeath as well. Which is what this game has, so some care must be taken when advancing through the levels and robots. 

There are numerous robot parts for you to find, collect and scavenge. The amount in this game allows for a lot of weird to cool combinations. Some parts have insect like legs while others hover above the ground. For a simple game, a lot of work has gone into as there is said to be 8736 unique enemies to combat. That’s a big number. Many they each are a mix of the different robot parts available. Maybe that’s how many different parts there are, we don’t think so but it’s a possibility. There are multiple weapons to use. Some fire what looks like small bars of energy while another weapon fires electricity. You can boost yourself to dogde enemies and incoming fire too. You can have more than one weapon at a time from what we have seen. There is said to be gigantic bosses to take on like the v2.0 rampager who has multiple sections to it and fires from different angles. We don’t know much about other bosses though.

The graphics are nice for the style of the game and the sounds are also nice but the music is much better. One of things the developers seem point out is the sound track, which is said to be amazing. It was made by ‘Dan Terminus’. From what we have seen and heard from others gamers, many seem to like this game already. After all it does look fun with it’s many explosions especially with the fact that this games allows 4 player co-op. Just imagine four brains with their weapons blowing things up, looks like real chaos. We always respect games that have local co-op. It reminds us of moments when you would just play with people right next to you. The developers, ‘Flying Oak Games’ did a nice job with this game. Overall it is good and this should appeal to multiple gamers. Let’s see what happens with this game in time. Regardless of what happens… always remember to do the ‘Earth Walk’!

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Brawlout is a competitive platform fighter game developed by, ‘Angry Mob Games’, coming early 2017 for the Xbox One, PC and PS4. Let’s admit it. What’s the first thing that comes to your head when you look at this game for a few moments? Super smash bros brawl. Off course! What else could it be. Now that’s definitely not a bad thing as that was a excellent game. Meaning this game has a great foundation to build there game on.

Games like this are competitive. So it’s the same rules. You have to knock your opponents out of the arena. So you must fight your opponents and beat them up, raising their damage percentage number. The higher the number, the further you can knock them away. We are sure there must be items to use and extra modes like stock, health and more. Well there should be, especially if this game wants to make a name for its self knowing which game it is like. From what we can see, there are currently 8 characters to choose from. Each is said to be very different in their move-set and combat style. For example Paco the frog is all about using his tongue to draw enemies in to grapple and give them a close range beat down. Chief feathers looks like he is more of an aerial fighter, having wings and all. Olaf Tyson uses ice based attacks. We saw him create ice pillars and shoots a projectile that freezes enemies. We bet there is a projectile ranged fighter and an armoured heavy fighter as well. Who knows?

You have special attacks and normal attacks. Using special attacks consume your rage meter but when the meter is full your character is stronger. This just adds a layer of strategy to the game in terms of timing and opportunities. You must decide when to use a special attack not spam too much as then your character is weaker. Nice idea we believe. Also there are other attacks that you have to ‘grow’ out. Basically you can unlock new attacks for each character as you play. We aren’t sure whether they are unlocked through meeting certain conditions like perform 30 combos on your enemies or whether it’s just from a level up system like experience points.

The real competitive stuff seems to come in the online tournaments that players can join to take on others. If the developers play their cards right and get many gamers attention. This game could be played professionally. We can literally see this game being played in real tournaments. Well smash bros did and this game is made in 2017 so we assume this game would be better in most ways, then why not. Apparently there is a story campaign. In the world of Brawlout wars and conflict is constant. The character you pick is the representative of it’s race A figure known as ‘The Hood’ approaches you and there may be a way to stop all wars.

The animations and graphics of the game are excellent. It all flows so well indeed. The sound effects go well with the action. This game looks extremely good right now. We at X35 Earthwalker really like the look of this game. The developers, ‘Angry Mob Games’ did a excellent job with this game. We truly want to see how well it is received by the gaming community. This game is definitely worth checking out.

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Sublevel Zero Redux is a new 1st person rogue like shooter game, developed by ‘Sigtrap Games’, which came out in 2015 for PC but will be released on Xbox One and Play station 4 on the 8th of March. Sublevel Zero Redux is the improved and updated version of Sublevel Zero. Sublevel Zero Redux was also made for console but all those who were on PC will take part in the update so no one is being left out.

In this game you control a gunship pilot who collects and builds alien technology. He doesn’t have a team and is all alone in this. It’s set in a future where humans has been scattered across the universe by something called ‘The Event’. You explore through rooms of an abandoned research base to find out what happened. We aren’t sure why or if there is more to the story so we assume it’s simple. There are This game is like Spelunky only in the sense that the rooms you explore are random generated. So you can’t really know what’s coming up next… all the more to be prepared with your hands on the trigger. 

What’s cool about Sublevel Zero Redux game is the fact that it is also a 6 degrees of freedom shooter meaning you can freely rotate and fly in any direction you want. Your enemies are also meaning they can attack you from any angle or direction they want. This is one of those things that make this game a bit of a challenge. The enemies are simple but have different attack styles. For example some will rush towards you, while others will stay back and fire from a distance while some seem to be crazy trigger happy releasing a barrage of rockets. This means that you can recognise and them and adapt quite quickly but there is still some variety. Also watch out for automated turrets and sentries. 

Your gunship was built for combat and starts of with 2 guns and also 2 missile launchers but, as you probably guessed from the looting and crafting side of the game, you can replace them with other weapons. Find new weapons in chests around the map or from enemies you destroy. There are weapons that act like a flamethrower, another that shoots electricity while another bounces the shots around corners like the scatter shot from Halo 5 Guardians. There are also better hulls and engines out there for you to find and equip to make surviving much easier. You can use nanites, which you collect, to combine weapons together to create new ones. Now there are 6 stages in this game. The first level is the basement. In order to get to the next level, you must first locate a reactor and then destroy it which will cause a portal to open up. Use this to get to the next level.

The toughest thing about Sublevel Zero Redux is the fact that there is permadeath. You get no lives and you get no saves. Just like Spelunky, it’s about how far you can go with your one life. If you do die, then all we can say is, “Start again”. When you combine 6 degrees of freedom, random generated rooms and permadeath you have a difficult game. Games like this need a map. Thank goodness Sublevel Zero Redux has one. We love the look of the map. It’s a nice looking map that provides basic but useful information. Make sure to check this frequently to know where you are and where you have left to explore. Lastly this game is Oculus rift supported so why not put yourself into the game and see how well you can survive. 

From what we have seen of the game it looks flows nicely and looks like fun. The graphics are good for the style of the game. The environments have quite a bit of variation which is always nice. The sounds sound basic but nice. This game is said to have 8-bit inspired music for you to jam to while blasting away your enemies.

Overall this game is alright to us. Not what we would call amazing or great but we can see where the fun comes in meaning that some gamers will really enjoy this. The graphics could have been much better but we don’t know the developers situation. This game may be worth checking out for some but the developers, ‘Sigtrap Games’ worked hard to bring this game back into action. Let’s see if it works… but regardless of whether it works or not you must never forget to do the ‘Earth Walk’!

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World of Van helsing: Deathtrap is an excellent strategy game and a lot of fun but near towards the end of the game it starts to become less fun and more frustrating. This is due to how difficult some of the levels are in tier 4. Especially the last 3 levels: Necropolis, Wonded Crag and Inkheart. X35 Earthwalker himself has beaten every level in tier 4 and he will give his views and some advice and tips concerning the levels and what to do.

“The last 3 tier 4 levels defeated me at my first try. They all seemed overwhelming as the enemies literally end up swarming you. Almost any enemy you have faced already will be present and back for revenge. For them, revenge is a dish best served in numbers. By the time you unlock tier 4 levels, you should be at least level 50 by then. The higher your level, the more skill points you can spend on your skills. The skills you bring into these levels are essential. Skills that make your character a man/woman army are needed as you have to be able to handle the battlefield yourself or at least one section on the level by yourself. For example, as the Mercenary having the bash and frost ring abilities are essential and will save your life. I will talk about this as a mercenary character. So make sure to have trap boost, touch of death, frost ring and bash. As other character leaders you must have at least one trap enhancing skill and a heavy hitting skill for serious damage.”

“The first tier 4 level that we will talk about is Necropolis, which looks like a giant cemetery (how fitting). This level is so hard simply because they through many different types of enemies your way. You will have to deal with horde, giant and armoured enemies. This means that splash, concentrated and piercing traps are needed. In the you should handle the giants that come from the top right gate by using ONLY concentrated traps. I used the gun sentry and frost pillar. This slows down the giants while dealing heavy concentrated damage. Make sure to max out the damage and slow for the gun sentry and frost pillars. Activate the top right and left enhancer beacons. Then built two razor launchers next to the top left gate as preparation for later waves. Lastly if you have some essence left, head to the top square section of the level and on the left hand side build a phoenix tower and blast furnace to handle horde enemies that come from the gate at the top gate. You must stay and handle the enemies from the top gate yourself. The next wave just upgrade your razor launchers on the top left path and along that path build lightning pillars build a razor launcher right in front of the enhancer beacon at the bottom left gate location. Handle the monsters from the top gate and only leave when you absolutely have have to. Keep an eye on the map so you can go and deal with the quag devourer champions that come at the end of the wave. Build concentrated traps along the path of the bottom right path for giants that come later. Wave 4 is the worst. The biggest threat are the glacier golem who will freeze you when they die if you are near. That’s why we built pure piercing traps on the left hand side as lots of armoured enemies will show up. Here you must know when to leave the top gate and assist in other places, primarily the glacier golems. It’s up to you now. If you can pass this wave then you can pass the final one. Just don’t panic and make sure to check your map often. I left a quick game play clip below to check out.”

“Wounded Crag is just simply a ridiculous tier 4 level as they it throws more enemies than your traps could ever handle. There is no fixed build for this level as the monsters change which gate they come from each wave pretty much. Good thing is that there are only two types of enemies here: Shredders and Drigiblusa (I hate those things). This means only build concentrated and piercing traps like the frost pillar and lightning pillar. Funny enough, this map only has tower traps slots anyway. You could use Enthropic tower but the giant enemies normally have quite the distance between them making the jump ability of the beam not effective. So that’s the main of it. You must build as much as possible and make sure to have slow and damage upgraded to max on all frost pillars. The lightning pillars need max extra charge and multi-jolt. Any slots that are too out of range for those two towers should be used for a olympus tower as has magnificent range. The strategy is to literally use as many trap slots as you can, building lighting and frost pillars, to damage as much as you can, weakening the enemy for when they encounter your character. Build as best as you can but in the end, it all comes down to your character and the skills you use. You have to manage this map and head everywhere to assist your traps literally. You could in the later waves sell to swap the locations of your piercing and concentrated traps but if you decide to do that then I recommend that you only do that once as towers sell for less of their original value after being used. Check that map frequently for sneaky monsters and always fight near teleporters so you can get to places quick to save the day. I failed to get three stars on this level at least twice, so don’t get discouraged even if you fail the level. See where you went wrong and then do what needs to be done. Hey, I never said that tier 4 levels are easy. So stop moaning and get good!”

“Inkheart is the true monster of this game. This level went over the scale in every way. You must deal with pretty much ever enemy you have faced already. Fast horde monsters, multiple armoured enemies including those glacier golems, giants in abundance, high damaging enemies, many inkwraiths (just in case you missed them) and multiple bosses all want to have a swing at your face. To beat this level, you have to use every trap slot and special trap available. This is non-negotiable. If you didn’t use one then you are dead. The scary part is that even if you use them all, you most likely will still be dead. It’s that hard. Even worse is that they don’t give you nearly enough essence to prepare for death. Your only hope is to use all the salvage recyclers which grants essences during attack waves. For the first wave build at least two salvage recyclers at the start. It’s up to your character to hold of the horde and build up essence. Then as the first wave continues build the other salvage recyclers. The trick for this level is to stall for time as long as possible so that you can get as much essence as possible. So let a lone monster walk as far as it can go. The last monster should be a quag devourer which are slow. So troll this monster as much as possible by running around it to dodge attacks and even take a few because while it attacks it stays still. Use your body if you have to, to buy time. Get hit to low health then run away to quickly heal and then go back and keep dodging attacks for as long as you can. Eventually the amount of essence you have will be well over a thousand! Then when you can no longer stall the creature, kill it.”

“Always get the service station special traps first then get the summoning traps. I suggest maxed out archer posts at the very most front to deal crazy damage then monster cages at the next line of traps, then right behind them more archers. Use the monster cages to shield and protect the archers. Monster cages once maxed out have extremely high health making them the best at stalling for time and holding back the horde. The archers must have maxed area damage and creature limit. On the floor with the line of summon trap slots just in front of the three paths to the gates we must protect, build a monster cage in front of archers. Again, you must use every slot and every special trap. EVERY SINGLE ONE! Off course having all monster cages might work for you or all archer posts. It comes down to your character and style. You may have to reset your leader and trap skills so that you can put as many stats as possible into your summon traps. As for leader skills I had maxed out sigil of inspiration, touch of death and battle roar as once combined with archers make the most powerful combination ever. Sigil grants bonus damage of over 500%, touch of death increases physical vulnerability to 112% while battle roar increases damage by 380%. That’s crazy damage. Crazy damage for a crazy level. I will run by groups of archers that many enemies are coming by and use sigl of inspiration and then head to my area to fight the horde. When a whole army is approaching you and the archers then use touch of death and battle roar and watch your enemies literally melt away. The last wave requires good timing and multi tasking skills. This last wave literally swarms you with numerous enemies all at once. Bosses, giants, hordes and more. It all comes down to you at that point. I trust that my advice has been useful.”

“Some of you might be wondering about my tower stats so I included a picture below”

Overall this will be one serious challenge for any gamer. The last three tier 4 levels are literally a step up from the others. You just have try. We at X35 Earthwalker personally think that the last level especially is too hard and ridiculous in what it throws at you but it can be done as others including X35 Earthwalker himself has done it so give it a try… also go try to do the ‘Earth Walk’!

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WRC 6 is a racing simulation game developed by ‘Kylotonn Racing Games’ coming out the 3rd of March for the Xbox One, PC and PS4. It’s suppose to be the official game of the 2016 FIA World Rally Championship season. So straight away the game has set the expectation bar for themselves. This game needs the tracks, the racers and the conditions at the very least otherwise it will fail in bringing gamers the WRC experience.

This game looks promising as you can race through the 14 official events, key locations in the WRC and take part in the special stages. What’s really cool about this game is that they even tried to replicate the conditions that the drivers had to deal with in the 2016 WFC. You will have to tackle fog, snow, mud, night driving, engine breakdowns, punctures and possibly more. This should make gameplay more intense and in some cases annoying. We hope that there will be a mode where you can control what conditions will be in certain races.

WRC 6 is definitely a step up from the previous release in pretty much every way. There are two new game modes, world wide leader boards, weekly challenges for gamers to take on, play as the best drivers in the championship and free access to the full 2017 esports WRC.

We like the information the game gives you as you race. For example in some gameplay that we checked out, we saw at the top of the screen an arrow will appear before any turns and corners come. The arrows show you not only what direction you will go next but also what kind of turn it is. So if a arrow going right but bends at almost 90 degrees shows up, that means very soon you will have to do a sharp turn right. We like this very much and it will help gamers who have a hard time keeping an eye on the road while checking out mini maps to know where they are going, like with other racing games.

There are multiple ways to enjoy this game. You can hone your skills and take on the game in single player. You can get competitive with other racers from around the world and we all know that racing games have always been very competitive. Best of all you can take on your family and friends as WRC 6 has split screen multiplayer. What’s interesting though is that when in split screen, your opponent is intangible so you can’t knock each other around or get in the way. This is a great idea but we hope it’s a option when starting up matches as being able to block your rival behind you is also a strategy.   

Overall this game looks good and does a great job at creating the WFC experience. The graphics look nice, the environments are well done. The sounds of the cars and friction with the road are all very good. The developers ‘Kylotonn Racing Games’ did a very good job with this game. We wonder what other gamers will say about this game… but regardless of what they you must never forget to the ‘Earth Walk’!

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