X35 Earthwalker Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection

Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection is an action arcade game developed and published by ‘Capcom‘. Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection is an amazing game that’s also proof that reviewers and gamers are not smart and bad at judging games. We see scores of 7/10 and “dings of dat nature”. They probably scored it that low because they suck at the game and cried it’s too hard, even though there’s difficulties to pick from. We wanted to write again about Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection. Read up.

Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrectionis easily the hardest serious game ever made. Notice we said serious because there are many games out there that are just meant to be rage games. Those games don’t count. Most are not well made, no real story, just there to make people get mad and unfairly start again. Like ‘Getting over it’ and ‘Only up!’ for example. Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection is actually a serious full on game and the fans know the story. Simple but to the point. Save the kingdom, rescue the princess and defeat the demons and monsters. 

X35 Earthwalker Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection

Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection has difficulty settings: Page, Squire, Knight and Legend. Game feels completely different on each mode. Good design here. Page, Squire and Knight are for those who have no skill. Cowards who aren’t good enough and so play these difficulties to make themselves feel better. Legend is the only mode that matters. Legend is actually the default difficulty and the one intended by the developers. So play that or proceed with shame. 

Legend difficulty is what makes this super hard. For the record, X35 Earthwalker has played and beaten Celeste, Wu long fallen dynasty, Elden Ring, all Halo game campaign on Legendary difficulty, Dead Space hardcore mode, Tetris, 2v2 in a real time strategy army game and much more. So X35 knows hard games. Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection is harder than all of them without question. Even DSP (Dark style phil) who has beaten EVERY souls game stated without question that Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection is “Way harder than dark souls”. 

Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection has many factors as to why. First of all is the sheer number of enemies that can and will appear to attack players. Second is the that while some enemies have fixed spawns, more are random ones. Some enemies will spawn practically on you, punishing rushing in some parts and being still too long in other parts. Then there’s the combinations of the enemies like evil magicians who will will use temporal magic to slow you and your actions down. Enemies who launch projectiles, enemies who dive straight towards you, enemies who take more than one hit, enemies who can be invulnerable etc.

X35 Earthwalker Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection

Then there’s the levels. Where do we even start? The developers are cruel. They designed some parts to ruin players on person. Certain enemies appear in certain parts to literally block you or slow you down. There’s one infamous moment and sadly a weird streamer named “little mixer” in part 14 of his Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection run fell for the trap. X35 watched him fell to his death. X35 knew it was coming because no player who  gets there for the first time will know it’s coming. X35 on his first attempt didn’t fall for this trick though. What do you expect from the smartest person in the world and the best gamer of all time. This trap is beyond brutal. To get to that point in the level takes hours of failure and many deaths. Then to just take victory away from the player when the check point flag is literally in sight. It’s the biggest troll in gaming history. The bosses are tough but they are easy compared to the levels. 

Above is the hardest level in the whole game. X35 faced this level for the second time. First time on Nintendo Switch and second time on the Xbox. This level is brutal. So difficult and takes time as well. So no quick attempts at the place you died at. Now off course Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection isn’t no where near as difficult if you basically cheese the game with Transmogrifog or medusa. Players like ryukahr and ‘little mixer’ spammed that spell so frequently. Those spells are basically the strongest in the game. Medusa especially is broken. Fast cooldown, clears the screen, chance of items including armour and quick to unlock. X35 is better than both of them as he stuck to lightning spell way more overall, which isn’t broken. So try to play without frog and medusa spam. Even more pathetic is that ryukahr, ericvanwilderman, dsp, Maximilian dood all beat the game ONCE. That means you haven’t beaten the game. Everyone who plays ghost n’ goblin games know you have to beat the game twice. X35 beat the game twice plus more.

X35 Earthwalker Ghosts 'n Goblins Resurrection

Overall Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection is an amazing game but definitely the hardest. Wanted to just bring more attention to the game and give it that respect. Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection is fun, one of those games that you struggle in for a long time but you’re still having fun… except for that one level. Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection is available on pretty much all platforms today. Try for yourself. X35 Earthwalker had an awesome time with it. Never forget it. Ghosts ‘n Goblins Resurrection may be the hardest game in the world but it’s still too easy for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Forspoken

Forspoken is a action adventure game developed by ‘Luminous Productions’ but they aren’t around anymore so it’s developed and published by ‘Square Enix‘. Forspoken is said to be coming out this February (This month) on the Xbox Series X. X35 Earthwalker is interested in the progress of this game. Forspoken would have done much better on Xbox. Let’s take a look.

X35 Earthwalker Forspoken

Forsaken is definitely a well known game. It was blasted online by playstation and pc players for multiple reasons. Things went so poorly that the developers, at the time, Luminous Productions, got shut down. Things would have been better if it came to Xbox. From what we are hearing this is the month that it happens. For the record, X35 Earthwalker never said that Forspoken was a bad game. Never. X35 Earthwalker actually liked the magic and casting it has. Most impressive for him though was the advanced movement and mobility you have in this game. No other game has what Forspoken has. Off course some things weren’t good but hopefully things have been improved and updates have bene done, preparing out for the strongest console, Xbox Series X.

X35 Earthwalker Forspoken

We are aware of the expansion that Forspoken got called “Forspoken in Tanta we Trust”. This brings a whole lot more to the game. First of all Frey isn’t alone anymore as she teams up with Tanta Cinta. This allows for new combat options included combination attacks and team work in the heat of battle. Not only that but Frey gets access to whole new magic and abilities for this big scale battle. This means a new experience for gamers who got comfortable in the original game. This alone is a good thing that builds more interest in Forsaken as a whole. Once you beat the game, you aren’t done as there’s more.

X35 Earthwalker Forspoken

So a bit more concerning “Forspoken in Tanta we Trust”. The whole settings takes place after the main game but in the past so you get to see what happened to Athia. Read this description, “After bringing peace to Athia, Frey’s journey continues as she searches for a way to permanently rid the land from the effects of the Break. Amid her search, she follows a mysterious voice that leads her into the past. When she emerges, Frey finds herself surrounded by chaos and destruction.” Talk about direct lore answers. Players get to find out what’s the deal right out the bat. No waiting for Xbox players.

X35 Earthwalker Forspoken

We checked out some Forspoken gameplay and it’s what we expected but a bit more as we saw some mobility options that we didn’t see before. The game is looking way more smooth and visuals look better as well. There’s more than enough time to improve thew game and work on those npcs. Forspoken is an action game so we place most of the focus on the action. In terms of action, Forspoken does that very well. Regardless of what people say, there will always be players who enjoy the game.

Overall Forspoken looks like a good game. If the weak spots have been cleaned up and the good spots got better than it will easily be a great game, especially with the additional content. The developers ‘Square Enix’ have done a good job so far and better for bringing it to Xbox. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an ear open for this game. Now Forspoken may be going to new places but those places are still beneath… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker The Blood of Dawnwalker

The Blood of the Dawnwalker is a dark fantasy RPG Role Playing Game developed by ‘Rebel Wolves‘ and published by ‘Bandai Namco‘. The Blood of the Dawnwalker is said to be coming out… figure it out for yourselves, ya bums. It is coming out on the Xbox Series X/S, PC and PS5. Next Gen only by the looks of it. X35 Earthwalker off course has his thoughts on this game. The Blood of Dawnwalker looking to bring some crimson to the gaming scene. Let’s take a look.

The Blood of Dawnwalker is set in the 14th century, so already things suck. 14th century Europe, so weird times too. So expect wars, bloody conflicts, bad news and even diseases… oh and don’t forget the black death. Players take control of a dude named Coen. He’s surviving in Vale Sangora which is based in the Carpathian Mountains. 

X35 Earthwalker The Blood of Dawnwalker

It’s quite obvious but vampires are here. They were always here. But now making their move for real. They are taking down feudal lords and all about power. Apparently the whole game takes place over 30 days (No Pikmin). Completing missions is what progresses the time here. So get to it already. We can see you complaining already. Don’t worry there is no hard time limit or anything. Take your time. By the way The Blood of Dawnwalker is an open world game. Meaning there’s lots to explore, travel around and discover… hopefully. 

So The Blood of Dawnwalker has a split gameplay style. During the day your just regular bum Coen. You can chill, talk to people, gather information and resources. Night time is where the action truly is at. Time for battle. You must face other vampires, that’s right you become one too, but also creatures… dark creatures of the night. That keep men, women and children up at night. Coen can do it because he is the dawnwalker. Now let’s make this clear… a dawnwalker is way inferior to an Earthwalker. That’s a fact.

X35 Earthwalker The Blood of Dawnwalker

We checked out some more about The Blood of Dawnwalker and it’s looking good so far for real. Graphically The Blood of Dawnwalker definitely looks good. Not top 5 or anything but definitely good… unless you’re a difficult to please whining child. The Blood of Dawnwalker is developed on Unreal Engine 5. The alpha gameplay they showed in the cinematic trailer was promising. There is some problems concerning the powers of the vampires. Concerning how to beat them. Trailers like to hype up heroes or villains and make them seem so powerful but lack muster in game fight. It also leads to questions concerning why they stay in the background when they got their abilities.

Overall The Blood of Dawnwalker is looking like a very good game so far. We like that Coen isn’t just action but there’s also a choice he has to make. The dark powers or his humanity. Is any of this worth his soul? Remember what Jesus said about gaining the whole world but losing your soul. Think about it ya bum. We like what we have seen so far but still have questions. Questions concerning the gameplay by day, the combat, some of the enemies, the big boss etc. Regardless we always get our answers. The developers ‘Rebel wolves’ have done a very good so far. X35 Earthwalker will keep both ears open concerning this game. Now The Blood of Dawnwalker may have a dawnwalker but always remember that they are inferior to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker RIN: The Last Child

RIN: The Last Child is action, adventure platformer game developed and published by ‘Space Fox Games‘. RIN: The Last Child is said to be coming to Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PS5 and PS4 this quarter of 2024. It’s already out on PC though. X35 Earthwalker chose to give this game a chance. RIN: The Last Child seems to go all in with the mystical world theme. Let’s take a look.

RIN: The Last Child is definitely all about exploring a mystical world. Metroidvania style of course. Game like this pretty much always have  this aspect. RIN: The Last Child is called this maybe because of the main character RIN, described as “the last child of the creator”. RIN’s mission is to restore balance to a mystical enchanting world that’s a step away from chaos. 

X35 Earthwalker RIN: The Last Child

Now on a deeper dive you could argue that RIN: The Last Child pulls in some inspiration from the myth of cronus. That old battle and struggle between the new gods and old gods. Free will, authority and how much impact and weight does one’s decision really have. So this clearly means that RIN: The Last Child will have multiple endings. So replayability is there. How many endings will players get?

RIN: The Last Child, like Ori and the Will of the Wisps, focused a lot on visuals and the graphics. Games like these have to be beautiful and a treat to look at. It’s compulsory at this point. RIN: The Last Child isn’t lacking in this department. Definitely makes us want to see more. We trust that the spells and abilities also have top tier effects. There’s crafting of spells. So gather those runes and aspects. There’s said to be over 7000 variants of spell. That’s because spells can be upgraded or even enchanted. So get ready.

X35 Earthwalker RIN: The Last Child

Now RIN: The Last Child does believe in variety. There’s off course quite the range of enemies and even transformed siblings. Yeah, much is happening around here. Different styles and approaches are encouraged. So don’t be a one minded bum. Switch up the tactics from time to time.

We checked out some RIN: The Last Child gameplay and it’s what we expected. Lots of platforming, multiple environments, lots of combat and lots of projectiles and spells. The foes don’t see so intimidating though. The animations looks good. Not top tier but definitely good. Also we don’t like the look of RIN. Run doesn’t look cute, intimidating or powerful. Wanted a bit more life in the environments though, mainly the background.

Overall RIN: The Last Child does look like a good game. There’s definitely an adventure here. the strongest point of RIN: The Last Child is clearly the spells. The sheer variety os the spells with variants is good enough. Got to see them in action. The developers ‘Space Fox Games’ have done a good job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see what RIN: The Last Child does on them consoles.

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X35 Earthwalker Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand

Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand is fantastic! X35 Earthwalker has been really getting into this game and it’s turned up for real. Atlas Fallen at first had some stuff going on but didn’t bring in the people or have the action like that. Then the developers took the actual good feedback, and not the hate from idiots on the internet, and made a big update that changed basically everything. The developers ‘Deck 13’ have done a fantastic job and we respect y’all for it. Spread the news ‘Focus Entertainment’. Come on. Let’s take a look.

Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand is a whole new game. The update offed so much that it can be called a whole new experience. First of all learn about what’s new. Watch this trailer.

So new enemies, new intro, new voice acting, new essence stones right? There’s also new armour, new customisation options, improved VFX, UI and sounds. There’s also some other upgrades and improvements too. We can confirm the most important parts of this. The customisation is more hilarious than effective though. There’s some stuff that look silly but there’s a few so far that’s actually good. They could do more when it comes to customisation but we respect it. Dao much change has happened that the developers even said “While you can carry over progress from your old character, starting a new playthrough is highly recommended for the optimal experience.”

The action is the best. Things flow nicely in Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand. The many essence stones add so many moves and abilities. There’s multiple ways to play. You have have 3 presets, which means multiple builds and you can switch between them on the fly to fit the situation. The sand skin combined with aerial combat with the combo potential with the different weapons leads to some satisfying moments and clean battles. Some essence stones are clearly better than others but have a use still… for the most part.

Probably best of all is that Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand is available on Xbox Game Pass. So Xbox players can play and get a real feel for the game. Xbox is the best place to play Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand.

Overall Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand is definitely worth playing. It is fantastic and the lore should not be underestimated. Read, listen and collect them all to get more information. Now Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand may have the massive game changing update but it’s still not enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Starfield: Shattered Space

Starfield: Shattered Space is off course the massive expansion for the Game of the Generation, Starfield. An Xbox exclusive that passed having 14 million players, best selling game in September 2023 and was in the top 10 best selling games for the rest of that year. Won ‘Game of the year’ by Rectify Gaming, ‘Xbox game of the year’ by Golden Joystick and ‘most innovative game’ on steam. Starfield was so popular that tons of people kept playing and talking about this single player game even to this day. This Starfield is getting its biggest expansion yet. X35 Earthwalker is definitely watching this. Let’s take a look.

Starfield: Shattered Space to keep it simple brings in a whole new planet, new threat, new space suits, new unique weapons, gear and more. Of course the planet we are talking about is the home world of House Va’Ruun… Va’Ruun’kai. Andreja should be excited. X35 Earthwalker is definitely taking her along for the adventure. The location is the ‘city of Dazra’. The drama? A new cosmic threat. Players discover a distress signal. The warning is “Don’t board,” Off course we ain’t trying to hear that. So we board anyways and then… Go play and experience for yourself.

X35 Earthwalker Starfield: Shattered Space

House Va’Ruun is obviously the most secretive and hidden faction of the big three of Starfield. They stay hidden on purpose and keep to themselves. Only very few members can be found like the House Va’Ruun ambassador in UC Atlantis. This is our opportunity to learn so much more about House Va’Ruun, see their architecture, witness their planet and who knows, maybe we will encounter an avatar or child of the great serpent.

Bethesda has made numerous great moves concerning Starfield and one of those is how they handled the updates. We got performance upgrades, then 60 frames, then local area and city maps, then mods and community mods, then even land vehicles the REV-8. Ut sets Starfield up for the bigger and better. The biggest and best is now here and that’s Shattered Space. Hopefully the developers make the new expansion achievements work even with mods. Hate to have to turn off mods and then do the achievements and then turn back on. That would be frustrating. 

X35 Earthwalker Starfield: Shattered Space

We at X35 Earthwalker are definitely looking forward to Starfield: Shattered Space and exploring Va’Ruun’kai. Now since there will be some horror aspects and darkness. After all is has been described as a cosmic threat. We trust that the Shattered Space expansion carries on our current character. As in our starborn characters retain their abilities and can be used through the expansion. We are looking forward to encountering whole new fauna and flora as we know things are different for House Va’Ruun. The unique weapons need to actually be unique and not just three effects and some modifications.

X35 Earthwalker Starfield: Shattered Space

Will Starfield: Shattered Space have a boss fight? With a certain mod players can face level 100 big mechs which have all the fire power. There’s even boss mods that create actual bosses too. So it’s possible to do in this Shattered Space expansion. What’s strange though is that we will be getting involved in the politics of House Va’Ruun. It’s described as a “tense political landscape'”. We will learn the history and even “help decide the fate of the faction”. It does make House Va’Ruun look kind of weak so far. That we can just come in and basically decide everything. Maybe that’s just the reality of the situation. Things are so bad that they are desperate. A political civil war or maybe House Va’Ruun is so secretive is because their numbers are low and they are actually weakest military wise but maybe the best technology. Maybe they sacrifice people to the great serpent. Let’s find out.

Overall we at X35 Earthwalker have a lot to look forward to. Starfield: Shattered Space is a major massive expansion that does things differently. Even major sections of the planet is literally hand crafted. There’s going to be a vortex grenade that can really shake things up. We hear that there’s even going to be some monsters that stalk you. Call them stalking abominations. This is unlike anything else we have seen. The Callisto Protocol fans might want to check this out too. Starfield: Shattered Space is going to be awesome. The developers Bethesda have done a fantastic job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker are going to dive in. Now Starfield: Shattered Space may have the great serpent but even that deity is just animal compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker New World: Aeternum

New World: Aeternum is an Open World Role Play Game developed and published by ‘Amazon Games’. New World: Aeternum is said to be coming out the 15th of October 2024 on the Xbox Series X, PC and PS5. New World: Aeternum is looking like a massive adventure with a lot going on. X35 Earthwalker loves to see big creative games. Let’s take a look.

New World: Aeternum is set on the supernatural island of Aeternum. Where so much is happening, battles take place, creatures and roaming about and people be wildin out here. New World: Aeternum is one of those games where players will have to discover the story themselves. Uncover the lore themselves. Learn what’s going on themselves over the course of their journey. So much is actually happening. So take time to explore and find out what’s going on. By the way, the open beta is available right now on Xbox.

X35 Earthwalker New World: Aeternum

Read this description tell us what you think New World: Aeternum is bringing to the shelf. “New World: Aeternum’ is not just a game; it’s an expansive universe that offers players the chance to explore a vast land teeming with diverse creatures, supernatural dangers, and enigmatic secrets. The island of Aeternum is a place where history and myth intertwine, creating a unique backdrop for players to forge their destiny.” Now we normally ignore text like this as it always claim a magical adventure and so amazing. We have to look deeper.

There’s going to be a lot of creatures and fauna roaming about. There’s going to be a lot of combat. Speaking of combat, it’s described as dynamic (fancy word here). Like Fable and Flintlock: The siege of Dawn, there’s a whole melee, gun and magic system going on. We do like the variety. Ur leads to some synergies and combos. We want two see it done to the maximum potential. Other games have done it well like the ones mentioned above but none of have taken to the highest level.

X35 Earthwalker New World: Aeternum

Fighting the creatures of New World: Aeternum is going to be the norm but there’s also PvP. Including large scale battles as well. Now concerning these characters, they have been described as “classless”. Meaning players can build them and customise them how they see fit. So make sure to gather all the materials you find out there. Of course there’s going to be building and crafting as well. Crafting items is obviously a thing but structures too. 

A massive world is going to need ways of travel and traversing these places. We got mounts in New World: Aeternum. horses off course but also wolves and even lions are available. You can customise them use dye on them. There’s skills for mounts like ‘riding trade skills’ which can allow better foods for the mount and even increase their speed. 

X35 Earthwalker New World: Aeternum

Read this part carefully as it’s quite important. “Cross-platform play is a feature that many players look forward to, and ‘New World: Aeternum’ delivers on this front. It allows players from Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 5, and Steam (PC) to all play together on the same server. However, it’s important to note that characters are locked to the platform they are created on, so choose wisely where you start your adventure.” So think about it.

We checked out some New World: Aeternum gameplay and it’s what we expected. We see a variety of creatures and foes. We see animals, mystical beasts, necromancer looking creatures, humanoid threats and more. A big world with a lot to do.

Overall New World: Aeternum is looking like a good game so far. There’s still some time until the release;ease so obviously they are working on the animations and making the graphics better.The main factor for us will be the combat. If they can land that with excellence then we have something real to talk about. The developers ‘Amazon Games’ have done a good job with this game as of now. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to hear what’s up with this game. Now New World: Aeternum may have a supernatural island but it’s completely natural through the eyes of… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Selfloss

Selfloss is an action adventure game developed by ‘Goodwin Games‘ and published by ‘Merge Games‘. Selfloss is said to be coming out the 12th of September 2024 for Xbox Series X/S, Nintendo Switch and PlayStation. Will come to PC the 5th of September same year. Selfloss definitely has a uniquer factor that could make it stand out. X35 Earthwalker has respect for such creatures. Let’s take a look.

Selfloss is set in a post apocalyptic world. Players control Kazimir, who is a “seasoned volhv”. He is on a journey. Kazimir must traverse both land and sea to find a cure for his soul. Kazimir isn’t a helpless useless being. He has a magic staff which allows him to fight the “enigmatic plague” called Miasm. This plague has ravaged the world. Now this wouldn’t be an adventure unless humanity hangs in the balance or facing extinction or whatever. Yes, in Selfloss, humanity is a factor.

X35 Earthwalker Selfloss

Selfloss looks like another indie, journey, story, little guy in a big world sort of thing. These types are normally done well and we hope the same for Selfloss as well. What’s unique and we are a fan of is how significant whales are in this game. Yes whales are revered in this world. You will see different types of whales too. Blue whale, white whale, humpback whale, sperm whale etc. We hope all are included in this game. Whales are so cool and you definitely interact with them. Respect the whales.

Off curse players will encounter multiple characters. Some described as unforgettable… we will be the judges of that.  We also saw some other creatures and beings as well. Like what looks like a big eel. We can’t trust it… but we will eat it. Cleansed and seasoned. Fresh water eel when done right can go crazy. Regardless Selfloss is looking like quite the little adventure.

X35 Earthwalker Selfloss

We checked out some Selfloss gameplay and it’s what we expected. Little guy in a big world. Easy and simple to understand and get into. Going for the chunky block graphic style. Wind direction and streams and visible. The combat is very simple but there are some dangers for sure. Whales some times roll up and just do their thing. Be careful when on the seas though. A big ol whale might just pop up from under you.  Quite a mystical world. there’s rivers, forests, buildings, sea, cliffs, islands and well it’s a nice little variety that fits the theme. It is too slow though.

Overall Selfloss seems like a good game but it’s too slow for us. The best thing about Selfloss is easily the whales and the effects in some cases. hopefully the whales play a bigger role in all this. Those who want a relaxed little adventure has something to gain from this.  The developers ‘Goodwin games’ have dome a good job. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to hear what results this game brings. Now Selfloss may have revered whales but they are too simple for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand

Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand is a huge free update for the action adventure open world game developed by ‘Deck13‘ and published by ‘Focus Entertainment‘. Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand is said to be coming out the 6th of August 2025 on the Xbox Series X, PC and PS5. X35 Earthwalker always kept an eye on Atlas Fallen and it’s excellent to see the update. Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand is here to make things bigger and better. Let’s take a look.

X35 Earthwalker Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand

Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand is thew new expansion and this ain’t no small matter. This Reign of Sand expansion is massive. You might as well call it a comprehensive overhaul. We talking new enemies and enemy varieties, new quests more information concerning the atlas Fallen world and lore.

Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand even did a workover concerning the progression system. Things are going to be functioning different from here on. Even the campaign got a workover too. This includes the voice acting. Expect Ben Starr on the mic. Ben who?… 

X35 Earthwalker Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand

New difficulty mode as well. What? The game was too easy for you? Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand has got you covered. Feast your eyes on ‘Nyaal’s Nightmare’. So those who want to suffer… you’re welcome. There’s also more Essence Stones. We hear 25.

Co-op has been improved or should we say enhanced. So test that one out to see and feel the difference.   New game + mode is a thing. Get in there, team up with others and take down these monsters and gods. They probably weak anyways.

X35 Earthwalker Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand

We checked out some Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand gameplay and it’s what we expected. This update truly makes it so that it’s better for players to start fresh anew in Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand instead of carry their progress over. This update is so big and changes a lot, including revamping, that for the first time ever it’s better to do a new game+ from fresh than carry over. Give it a try. 

Overall Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand is looking fantastic. Tons of work went into this. The developers ‘Deck13’ heard the intelligent polite feedback (idiots get ignored as they should) and responded with action. Best of all this massive update is FREE. So there’s no excuse right now. We like what we see. Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand is now in our sights. The developers have done a fantastic job. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see the new things for ourselves. Now Atlas Fallen: Reign of Sand may have a massive update but it’s still small compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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X35 Earthwalker Assassin's Creed Shadows

Assassin’s Creed Shadows is a stealth/action adventure game developed and published by ‘Ubisoft’. Assassin’s Creed Shadows is said to be coming out the 15th of November 2024 on the Xbox Series X, PC and PS5. X35 Earthwalker is looking for the assassin’s creed game that brings him back into the series. Assassin’s Creed Shadows is out here trying to be that game. Let’s take a look. [This G blog will be a different style as so much information on this game is already out]

Assassin’s Creed Shadows is set in Japan. So Assassin’s Creed fans finally get what they’ve been asking for, for years. Ubisoft had a lot of thinking to do concerning this game and what type of Assassin’s Creed game they wanted to make. What do we mean? Very simple. Assassin Creed has two types. Stealth focused and action focused. The earlier Assassin’s Creed games were clearly more stealth based. Hide, blend in, watch the movement of the enemies and make your move. Then escape after assassinating target. The action Assassin’s Creed games were mainly your character straight up facing all the foes in the open and besting them in combat with some crazy abilities. There was still stealth mechanics but most just got up in there and started swinging. 

X35 Earthwalker Assassin's Creed Shadows

Here’s the problem. Most of the older Assassin’s Creed fans have been calling for a return to stealth as the the most recent Assassin’s Creed games were all action really. So bring back stealth right? Well sales and money show that the most successful Assassin’s Creed games were the action ones. More players, more fame, more attention and more money. So many fans want the original but less popular but action makes the most money… which is the aim of EVERY business… making more money. So Ubisoft said screw it, let’s do both. This is the biggest strength and factor of Assassin’s Creed Shadows.

X35 Earthwalker Assassin's Creed Shadows

Assassin’s Creed Shadows has TWO protagonists. Primary main character is Naoe and secondary main character is Yasuke. Naoe is the assassin. So all the sneaking, hiding, stealth kills and being one with the shadows is her. Yasuke is actually a real person in history. The first black samurai in Japan. He is the all action guy. As he said, kick down the front door, just face the foes and smash them. This solves the problem. So now stealth players can pick Naoe and be all stealth as much as they want while action players can just five into the action, no hiding with Yasuke. So that should shit up all the complaining. 

In Assassin’s Creed Shadows, players can switch between both characters for the missions. So you could play through the whole game as Naoe for stealth then in your second play through got all action and vice versa. Or you can mix it up and change mission by mission basis. You can even be like Larry who played a whole mission with Naoe, failed at the very end and just switched to Yasuke for the replay and tear everyone up. It’s up to you. Players love having options. So this move ticks of multiple boxes.

X35 Earthwalker Assassin's Creed Shadows

X35 Earthwalker believes that Assassin’s Creed Shadows will be the best Assassin’s Creed game yet. The combat with Yasuke is detailed. There is dodging, the heaviest attacks ever, armour and destruction of armour pieces, special attacks, blocks and even parries. It’s a full combat system. Uasuke feels incredibly powerful and smashes through his foes. Almost unstoppable. Naoe is not just stealth but the best stealth. She can can use projectiles to take out light sources, creating more shadows and darkness for he to hide and move through. She can hide up on the ceiling with plunger like tools. She can breathe underwater thanks to a reed or similar tube that pokes up to the surface granting her air. Naoe has new mechanics. Both characters are powerful in their own unique ways and clearly effective. Don’t underestimate Naoe in a fight and don’t underestimate Yasuke’s versatility as he has more than one weapon.

X35 Earthwalker Assassin's Creed Shadows

Disgusting but expected is the amount of hatred Assassin’s Creed Shadows got all because of one black person… Yasuke. Same with Angrboda in god of war ragnarok. So much racism today and it’s from the usual suspects each time. Yasuke is a real person who became a samurai in japan. Majority of historical websites including Britannica has stated that he’s a samurai as well with text and other historical evidence. Yasuke is famous in Japan and is in many Japanese media from books and stories to animations and shows. He’s even portrayed and showed as a samurai warrior in other games like Nioh. No issues with Yasuke then but the moment he’s shown in assassin’s creed shadows, all the racists suddenly became Japanese historians and posted racist memes and drawings and used hateful speech on Facebook, X and instagram. disgusting but evil is predictable. There has even been some white people exposed for pretending to be Japanese online to attack yasuke. Even the top voices of a so called Japanese petition to cancel the game were both white guys… not even Japanese. Now there’s a Japanese senator or whatever who is going against the game… for what reason besides yasuke. The hate is real. X35 Earthwalker has podcast episodes explaining and debunking these foolish things. Also a youtuber made a video where he proved with Japanese text that Yasuke is a samurai. Check those out below:

First podcast episode – https://open.spotify.com/episode/1Nm27YHAuqEg6PW22N2YjG

Second podcast episode – https://open.spotify.com/episode/2MgFNXU6SWGpDeTxlh91M4

We checked out some Assassin’s Creed Shadows gameplay and it’s what we expected. Exploring Japan, standing up for the people, marking targets and getting information on said targets. Use a horse for traversing the place. The lighting in this game is impressive. It makes the moments sneaking around with Naoe more beautiful and intense. The flames and light sources are excellently done here. As the game gets closer to release date, animations , character interactions and details will be stepped up. The gameplay Ubisoft showed is obviously not the final product. Also Assassin’s Creed Shadows is not $130. That’s a lie. The ultimate edition is $130 while the standard is $70 like many other games. So much hate towards this game. It’s sad. This is the first Assassin’s Creed game in a long time that has actually interested us. Assassin’s Creed Shadows might be the game to bring us back in.

Overall Assassin’s Creed Shadows looks like it’s going to be a fantastic game. This will be the best Assassin’s Creed game. Both Assassin’s Creed styles and even completely new mechanics. Now the biggest factor will be the huge amounts of racist who are trying so hard to lead a campaign against this game. Ignoring those fools, Assassin’s Creed Shadows is going to be successful. It has all components needed for it. The developers ‘Ubisoft’ have done a fantastic job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an eye out for this game. Now Assassin’s Creed Shadows may have two protagonists but those two aren’t enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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