Fury Unleashed is a new rough lite action platform game developed and published by ‘Awesome Games Studio‘. Fury Unleashed is said to be coming out the 8th of May 2020 on the Xbox One,  Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and PC. We never heard about this game but we know there’s a whole lot of shooting and battling to be done here. Let’s take a look.

What’s the story? We don’t know. What we do know is that there’s a number of things going on in the game mechanics. This is what their official site said, “each kill you score increases your combo. Hit certain thresholds and your damage resistance and healing powers will kick in!” Fury Unleashed promotes destroying your enemies fast and using your rage. It’s all action, action and action.  

Since they strongly encourage you to beat the game in one go, you can expect permadeath. Yes, Fury Unleashed has permadeath and the random generated levels means you will have your typical rouge lite game. So don’t die. The positive is that you get natural replayability. Whenever we think of permadeath and random generated levels, Spelunky comes into our heads.  

Fury Unleashed has differently difficulties. Hard mode is said to truly put the players to the test. Easy mode gives players the options to adjust things like the difficulty parameters to their liking.  We always say it but giving gamers options and variety are good things. 

Now there’s quite a lot to the customisation. There are design options in Fury Unleashed. Wear weird armour, funky helmets, change face, change hair and even “replace their face graphic with your own.” Not many games allow stuff like that but this allows payers to truly make their character their own. You can even set your characters skills. Like with set-able skills and abilities in all games, best to go for what suits your style first. 

Even though it is random generated, some levels are hand designed. This means there’s something significant about those levels so be on the lookout and pay attention to details in the levels themselves. There are some permanent  upgrades you can unlock. These upgrades stay with you even after you die. So there is a form of progression to increase your odds overtime.

The developers said this, “Fury Unleashed was created by combining inspiration from modern roguelite platformers, like Dead Cells and Rogue Legacy, with nostalgic memories of old-school platformer shooters, like Contra and Metal Slug. We have spent five years polishing our creation to make sure that your experience with the game will be as memorable as the aforementioned titles and we wholeheartedly believe that you won’t be disappointed.”

We checked out some Fury Unleashed gameplay and it’s what we expected bu the action is higher though. You are definitely fighting through a comic book which is a cool style. Each level comic book has their own enemies and environment design. Distinction is important and the level are distinct from each other. We’ve got jungles, buildings, bases etc. Worse of all is that there are 40 bosses! They are big and are definitely distinct from each other. Spelunky had one boss. We’ve seen a giant attack helicopter, organic plant monster, a viper warrior beast and more. They look cool… most of them.

Overall Fury Unleashed looks like a good game. Lots of time and work has gone into it’s development and you will understand when you research the development history of Fury Unleashed. We definitely love that there’s co-op. Playing with friends or family always makes a difference. We like the variety in the bosses and that they clearly stand out for this style. The developers ‘Awesome Games Studio’ have done a good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see what happens with Fury Unleashed. Now Fury Unleashed may have serious action but it’s all baby stuff compared to the adventures off… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Book of Demons is a hack and slash deck building game developed and published by ‘Thing Trunk‘. Book of Demons is said to come out the 30th of April on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PS4. It’s already out on PC. Games like this tend to gain the attention of less gamers. So it’s already tough for them. Let’s take a look.

Book of Demons is a strange world but understandable. It takes place in, Paperverse, a world that exists entirely inside a pop-up book. So if we destroy the book, does that world permanently die? 
It’s your popular good vs evil. About saving the world from the “ultimate devilry”. Book of Demons wants to stand out completely and you can tel with this game mechanic. Players can decide how long they want their quest to be. It’s called a flexiscope. This basically allows players to “divide the game into sessions of any size”. It goes further though as they claim “It even learns your pace of gaming and predicts the time to complete the next session.” Now that’s something different for sure.

Book of Demons is a hack and slash game so expect to move around and attack the enemies that come across your path or stand in your way. Instead pf regular weapons players must use magic cards to attack and do actions. This is where the deck building part comes into play. There are many cards and you need to make sure you have the right ones at your disposal. There are cards which are straight up attacks and some will strength your character and others have effects that help out. So in Book of Demons players will need: good understanding of the cards and what cards is in your deck, timing and execution for combos.

There are three classes: Warrior, Rouge and Mage. The typical line up if you ask us, which you did. The warrior is all about using his sword, strength and charging in. The rouge is all about the set up, poison and many arrows. The mage is clearly about magic, long range attacks and summoning. Wow, we wonder who sounds the best?  Each class obviously has their own fighting style and own cards. Matter of fact they each have signature cards. For example the Warrior has stink bomb and shadow sword. The Rouge has Viper cloak and epic arrows. The Mage has Glory Golem and hourglass. What they do is… actually find out for yourself.

We checked out some gameplay and it’s not exactly what we thought it would be. This clearly based on our gaming taste but we don’t like how the characters move. We know it fits the theme of story characters in a pop up book, so they hop and shuffle like pieces of a board game. Not our thing though. The gameplay is straightforward and players should get use to it real fast. The levels are randomly generated so don’t expect the same journey twice. What’s good is variety and Book of Demons has over 70 different enemies like: goatmen, scorpions, succubi, snakes, skeletons and much much more. It’s a game that looks small and simple but there’s quite a bit going on around here. Sort of deep and a good number of in game mechanics. We also like the combo potential with the cards.

Overall Book of Demons seems like an alright game with some good stand put points. It’s clear work has gone into this one. The developers ‘Thing Trunk’ have done an alright job here. We at X35 Earthwalker aren’t interested in Book of Demons at all but some gamers will be and that counts. Now Book of Demons may have a whole world that needs saving but it would have been saved already if it did… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Stranded Deep is a new open world survival crafting game developed and published by ‘Beam Team Games‘. Stranded Deep is said to have came out the 21st of April 2020 on consoles. It came out on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4. It’s also out on PC. The really question is “how deep are we stranded here?” That’s what matters. Let’s take a look.

The story in Stranded Deep is your typical standard stranded story. You control a man who was on a plane. Something goes wrong and you end up stranded somewhere in the vast pacific ocean. You are alone. Yes, you are the lone survivor. Like the movie ‘Cast Away’. You start right from there. You get to a nearby emergency raft. The game then gives you control after some time has clearly passed due to it now being day. Then you can either raft away (if you think that’s wise) or head to the nearby island. Then the real game begins. Time to survive.

Yes, players have some options. You can set your difficulty, gender so male or female, whether to use the existing world of generate a new one, whether to have permadeath or not and even decide whether your world has sharks and snakes or just make them passive (which is for babies and gaming wusses). Like why would you not have the enemies in the game. This isn’t Minecraft. Or is it? It’s good that you got options and can make some changes to the game. Options is always good.

This game literally reminds us of Raft. If you think about it like that, then you know what to expect and what to do. You run around, explore the place, find supplies, gather resources, fend off against threats and off course crafting and building. At this point you know what to expect. Not much to say. Gather your wood build a hammer, build the foundation for your base of operations.

There are threats in this game though and so they should be. Players, if they aren’t complete wusses and babies, will have sharks and snakes in their game. These two are threats and can end your life. Sharks have aways been a famous enemies concerning island and water survival games. If you fall in the water or didn’t see a shark but went into the water then you will get a nasty surprise. Survival games like this need an actual threat. What numerous island and other survival games fail at is not creating fear. When you are stranded with no help, surrounded by danger and all alone, the average person would be scared. Pikmin created fear and did it well for it’s colourful friendly style. Players made sure to get all their pikmin back to the onions or stay close before it turns night. These survival games don’t have that feeling. You see something you easily know how to handle it and then you quickly reach a point where nothing can stand up to you and there’s nothing to be afraid of. We believe that Stranded Deep will have the same issue.

We checked out some Stranded Deep gameplay and it’s what we thought it would be. It’s a like Raft but more graphically realistic, deeper and has more going on. There’s krakens or giant squid creature in the sea which is cool. We need more threats like that. You can build machines that can fly, collect trophies like in Terraria. We feel like there’s more emphasis on survival in Stranded deep though. It definitely has more detail too. Raft is still a fun game but Stranded Deep wants to be the biggest most serious island, water survival game. We like that you have to go underwater to explore and even search sunken ships and find goods. There’s a day and night cycle. You can hunt animals for food and even use spears or a spear gun.

Overall Stranded Deep looks like a very good game. We just really hope the threat level is turned up. It needs to feel like a survival game. The water has to be scary. It should make you never want to go in. The crafting looks cool with what you can eventually make. It looks good too. Like Sea of Thieves, the water looks amazing. The developers ‘Beam Team Games’ have done a great job with this game from what we can see so far. We at X35 Earthwalker will have to see more of what Stranded Deep has got. Now Stranded Deep may have creatures in the water but even those things know to obey… the ‘Earth Walk!’   

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Streets of Rage 4 is the new action beat em up game developed by ‘Lizardcube, Guard Crush Games, Dotemu‘ and published by ‘Dotemu and Yooreka Studios’. Streets of Rage 4 is said to be coming out the 30th April 2020 on the Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and PC. We are definitely looking forward to this game. Let’s take a look.

Streets of Rage is one of, if not the best beat em up game and now we are getting Streets of Rage 4. We knew about this game along time ago but didn’t write on it. There’s a lot to say but we keeping this one short. 

Firstly we have no information concerning the story. Mr X’s brain was destroyed in Streets of Rage 3 so you can assume he’s actually dead dead this time. So maybe a new face has taken over the area. You know how it is, when the boss it down, other gangs want to take their shot or maybe a relative or child of Mr X. Who knows? What we do know is that there’s lots of bad guy faces to punch in, combo and swing at with a pipe… just like the good ol days.

Firstly we like the Streets of Rage 4 art style as it’s clearly going for a more flowing modern look. The animations are definitely good. Each attack and move looks smoother and clearly than before. Unlike that one move Max had in Streets of Rage 3 where he’s suppose to be punching the head of a barbed enemy but looks and sounds like he’s breaking their necks. The special attacks and abilities have more special effects and flare making all the moves look powerful but off course we have no idea how strong or weak yet. The game is definitely colourful and we like colours. Who doesn’t like colours?… you grandpa.

We got straight into the visuals this time because it’s Streets of Rage, you know what to expect by now. It’s straight up beat em up. Move through the level and trash the enemies that come your way, find, pick up and use weapons to defeat your enemies and off course, work with a friend as it’s always been 2 player co-op. There’s even new characters, as there should be. Yes the main characters Axel, Adam and Blaze are all here (they better be) but we know have two new characters: Floyd Iraia (the big dude with mechanical arms) and Cherry Hunter (the cool black girl with an electric guitar). Both definitely stand out and got their own style and tricks. Something is different though.

There is now a Battlemode. It’s in the name but it’s against each other. Take on your friends and see who is the best fighter or who has the most rage in the streets. It’s four player co-op! Not only can you play as the main characters of Streets of Rage 4 but you can also play as past characters from previous Streets of Rage games and even better the past versions of them. For example you can take control of Axel from Streets of Rage 1 and fight with his moves from that game. You can play as an from Streets of Rage 3 or as Max or Skate from Streets of Rage 2, or Adam from the first game etc. So in a battle mode you can have four friends or family fight against each other but each player is a Blaze from each Streets of Rage game: 1,2,3 and 4 to see which Blaze is the queen of fighting. Now that’s an excellent idea. Smart move by the developers as they knew fans would want to see the past too.

There’s more! The developers of Streets of Rage 4 have not just brought the characters and designs from the past but also the music. Players can play levels and stages to the old music. Remember those banging tunes from Streets of Rage 1 and 2? You can hear them while you play now. We are sure there’s some cool ones from Streets of Rage 3 but we weren’t a big fan of the music from that one. This shows the developers are aware and paid attention to what has been said about the past games and applying that information to this new design. If they play it smart like this all the way through then Streets of Rage 4 will be one of the best games so far easily. 

We are so glad they brought Adam Hunter back into the battle. When he wasn’t there for Streets of Rage 2 we were annoyed but we understood as he was captured but there was no excuse for Streets of Rage 3. We missed that character and so did fans. Now he’s back and has real power. There are counters, explosive moves, ultimate like attacks, flashy acrobatic movement and more. Also in case you couldn’t tell from the names Adam Hunter is Cherry Hunter’s dad. Father and daughter fighting side by side and kicking butt. Nothing can make a dad more proud than seeing his little girl drop kick big dudes. That’s better than a graduation any day. 

We checked out some gameplay and it’s not what we thought it would be initially but it’s better this way for sure. The combat is looking real good, the levels have variety, the battle mode brings another layer of gameplay and fun, the variety of music including the music from past will get shoulders moving while fighting. The many many chapters you can unlock allowing you to play as the past game versions of these characters is an excellent idea. We haven’t seen anything concerning bosses but we know with all these moves, abilities, characters, help and combos with co-op partners we know the bosses have to be a big threat. They must match the hype. Lastly we aren’t a huge fan of Axel’s design. Why does he look so much older than the others and so out of shape. He’s really broad and looks like he sort of has a tummy. Does he still have his mobility? Wished he looked more in shape like the others. Blaze is looking beautiful and dangerous and she made the smart move to wear a jacket this time as she will need the extra protection from these dangerous thugs.

Overall Streets of Rage 4 is looking like an awesome game so far. We like the visuals, the gameplay, the characters and even the designs. Looks like there is content to last for a good time too. We hope there is no health bar or number of uses for pipes and bats like there was in Streets of Rage 3 (bad mechanic). The developers ‘Lizardcube, Guard Crush Games, Dotemu’ have done an amazing job so far. 

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Master Chief and Doom guy are if not the most two iconic and famous armoured super soldiers in video game history. They both had huge impacts on the first person shooter genre and the games they are in has influenced and impacted other parts of gaming too like how Halo revolutionised multiplayer etc. Doom Guy is in DOOM while Master Chief is in Halo. Now one of the biggest questions being asked is who would beat who in a fight. It’s a good question and a fair one. We want to settle this once and for all. Let’s take a look.

Let’s get this out of the way. We have heard multiple people’s opinions on the matter, we’ve seen videos on this of people explaining why one would win over the other. We ignore fan boys who say one will stomp the other or one shot because whatever whatever even though their reasons proves nothing. Let’s give examples of three people who did their best to decide who would win but ultimately their videos were terrible. HiddenXperia, Midnight and Roanoke Gaming all were very good at gathering information and finding feats but were absolutely terrible at applying that information to a fight. Maybe this is because the owners of the channels have never been in a fight before or they were the kid who use to get beat up all the time and stuffed in school lockers so they can’t imagine or have little knowledge concerning fighting. X35 Earthwalker has over 12 years of official martial arts combat training and more so we have a better idea of how fights go and what matters when it’s humans fighting. We’ve done many debates. We have to explain this because sadly the average person doesn’t understand this. Some feats make a character cool or shows their strength or something but doesn’t mean anything in a fight against certain opponents. Match ups matter.

Let’s explain a big one that voters for Doom Slayer use. They always say that Doom slayer beat a titan without his armour. Is that impressive by regular human levels, yes but does it mean doom slayer would beat master chief in a fight, no. It honestly doesn’t prove anything. Hear us out. Titans are these huge demons that move quite slowly and have giant strength. Meaning you need a way up to reach them and enough strength to maybe bust through the head to reach the brain or a vital organ. Nothing has shown that Doom slayer punched the titan in the chest and it fell over or that both locked hands and in a battle of strength doom slayer was stronger and pushed it over. It’s clear he beat the thing by moving faster, maybe running up it’s arm and struck something vital. If that’s the case then Master Chief can do that, better and faster than Doom slayer. Master Chief is a spartan 2 and in the lore they can run up to 80mph and jump incredibly high, we mean ridiculously high. We know that the icon of sin was bigger than the titan doom slayer ‘slayed’ back then. We saw in doom eternal how he needed to make his way through buildings and climb walls in order to get up high enough to fight it, which took him a long time. Master Chief could jump onto a building then jump to a higher one, wall jump or whatever, get high enough and then sprint and jump with that speed and strength smash through the head or whatever to kill it. So this feat proves master chief can do the same thing. Besides none of that matters in a 1v1 fight with human sized enemies like each other. No one is running up anyones arm here.

Doom slayer also has a not explained history. They say he’s human yet his strength and speed and unlimited stamina isn’t human at all. We get that the makyr technology machine thing gave him real power and boosted him but that was after his original fighting in hell… but he’s suppose to be human so where did this strength come from? Also some say he was fighting in hell for thousands of years. This can’t be true as the events of Doom eternal and Doom 2016 are said to take place in the 22nd century while ultimate doom and doom 2 are in the 21st century. Even the serious fans don’t agree on these dates. 22nd and 21st is separated by 100 years. So how can doom slayer be fighting in hell for thousands of years if the events are 100 years part. We searched online and there was no answer. Maybe time is different in hell. After all if doom slayer is human then how did he live for thousands of years. Maybe nothing ages in hell. If that’s the case then master chief if in hell wouldn’t age either and could perform similar feats except for the stamina part as spartans can keep it going for hours but their stamina isn’t unlimited. That’s a clear advantage for Doom slayer, he has what seems like unlimited stamina. People have said that the enemies of Doom slayer would destroy master chief… not true as the demons doom slayer faces aren’t real world demons which are spiritual, immaterial meaning you can’t physically touch them. The demons in DOOM are physical and even a earthly shotgun can kill them. This means that advanced technology and the shotgun that Master Chief uses from the 26th century would work just as fine or better against them. This means Master Chief who has regenerating energy shields, greater agility and reflexes can beat hell too. Master chiefs motion detector (that radar) will let him know what’s moving around him and in hidden compartments and walls at all times while Doom slayer can only see what he’s looking at (if he has enhanced senses then let me know). Simply put Master chief can match doom slayers feats and do them better and the history and stats of doom slayer aren’t clear. No one can agree on how much tons doom slayer can lift or give a real feat that shows doom slayer has amazing reflexes. We haven’t seen anything.

As we mentioned in our DOOM Eternal review we noticed and theorised that the developers watched a Death Battle video of master chief vs doom guy and decided to gear Doom slayer up for a rematch. What? You don’t believe us? Hear us out. Think about this:

Master chief from Halo 5 could spartan dash, now Doom guy can dash too. 

Master chief is incredibly athletic, now doom guy is swinging of poles

Master chief had spartan charge which he used to get through cracked walls. Doom guy dashes through cracked walls now

Master chief survives a fall from orbit to a planet, doom guy now got shot out of a big weapon and smashes through a wall at high speed and survives

Master chief is a legend and leader amongst spartans, now doom guy is a legend and leader amongst the sentinels

Master chief has cortana who stays in his head in a chip like form, doom guy near the end of the game has Vega (an A.I) go into a capsule button like form and attaches it to him (for a short time)

Master Chief has the energy beam sword, doom guy now has the argent energy sword

See what we mean? Anyway.

Now the actual combat concerning weapons. Doom slayer has the clear advantages here. For example his rocket launcher can hold 50 rockets and almost rapid fire them. While Master chief’s rocket launcher is stronger, it carries two shots and he needs to reload. He needs to reload all UNSC weapons. Off course being a master of every weapon he can reload super fast and evade and use cover to his advantage but never needing to reload is better than fast reload. This means Doom slayer can keep up the pressure. Remember that Doom slayer doesn’t have unlimited ammo though so he can’t fire too crazy now. Yes Doom slayer gets ammo from chainsawing enemies, which doesn’t make sense. Are the demons a piñata stuffed with ammo and armour shards… but whatever? The problem is that Master Chief while called the demon isn’t an actual demon so he’s not getting armour shards or ammo from Master Chief with his flame belch and chainsaw; however the flame belch still does damage. This is a 1v1 so there’s no demons for doom slayer to use as fodder for health, armour or ammo. Master Chief has the advantage here since he also has rechargeable defence but his is a full body shield which recharges ON ITS OWN. So if Master Chief takes some damage he can run away and stay away until shields recharge. “Hold on X35 Earthwalker, the smartest person alive”. Woah, calm down guys, that’s too much of a compliment. “Doom slayer is faster than Master chief and will catch him if he runs.” Good point but not true. According to Doom lore, in game movement from Ultimate Doom and fans, the main number everyone seems to agree on is 57mph. Which is really fast. According to Halo lore and Midnight who at 0:50, even brought this up in his video that spartan 2’s can run up to 80mph. This means not just Master Chief but also his spartans and friends are all much faster than Doom slayer. So if he ran away to get back his shields, Doom slayer can’t catch him. If they ran for a day then yes doom slayer will eventually catch him because of unlimited stamina but this 1v1 fight won’t last a day. We think minutes.

Master chief’s armour does take damage and so does his suit from plasma shots when NOT shielded. Doom slayer has a plasma rifle so that’s a good weapon to use. Lore revealed that Master chief survived a tactical nuke to the face and we know from the games also that he survived a fall from space. These two big feats are consistent with each other in terms of how big they are so they do count. So if a rocket hits him, he will be fine. If a ballista shot or guass cannon round hits him, again he’s fine… takes damage but it will take much more. Yet we see a single plasma grenade kill him. This is one of those lore, game clashes. If he can survive a tactical nuke to the face then he should survive a plasma grenade to the face but if master chief was invincible in the games then it wouldn’t be challenging at all. Doom slayer’s armour according to lore is indestructible. Yet we’ve seen revenants rip off his arms. Again this can be just one those game things as a death animation but unlike master chief who has consistent feats to show he’s ridiculously tough we haven’t seen that for doom slayer. Having indestructible armour is one claim from Dr Samuel Hayden. We aren’t convinced it is, if it can be ripped apart. So since this is another lore, game clash we will assume it can’t be ripped apart for arguments sake. We do know like with master chief and plasma rounds, doom slayer takes damage underneath the armour as he can be burned, slashed up, crushed, ripped apart, shot, explosions etc.  Some fans go as far as to say he is invincible or indestructible. Sorry but no. We just listed things that harm him. For crying out loud an exploding barrel kills doom slayer unless he has the extra shields. Yes an explosive crate kills master chief in the game but that contradicts the consistency evidence of master chief in the comics, shows and lore like surviving a fall from space and taking a tactical nuke to the face. Doom slayer hasn’t got consistent feats that cleary show he takes more than exploding barrels (That we now off. Please tell us if you know any). After all Doom slayer doesn’t survive by tanking through all the hits, no. He evades fire balls and attacks. He runs around. He avoids explosive barrels or shoots them at a distance (a wise player does anyway). They are a threat in every game. Now you can say it’s a lore, game clash thing which is fine but need to see something that shows him surviving massive explosions and falls. 

Let’s quickly address one big problem. Games, movies, anime and comics aren’t consistent a lot of time especially against each other. For example Doom Slayer survived getting shot out of the cannon and smashed through the solid wall and was fine… yet zombie dudes can kick and smack him to death. Doesn’t make sense. We doubt those zombies hit with the strength of a high speed launching cannon. Same with Master Chief. He survives falling from space but an elite can slap him enough times to kill him in game. Doom Slayer has not shown to punch harder than the force of falling from space. Neither does Master Chief look like he punches harder than that launching cannon. The game changer is that Master Chief has shown more consistent feats of durability and toughness. 

hiddenxperia even said at around 10:08 that Doom slayer because he carries all his weapons on him and still moves fast that his “strength seems almost infinite”. What?! Not even close. This guy is the last person I want to hear about battle match ups from. First carrying all those weapons is no where near infinite. Second him carrying all those weapons is just an in game feature. Marcus Fenix from Gears of war carries multiple weapons but you see them on his body. Where does Doom Slayer carry his weapons? It’s just a game design feature. If you accept that, then MMRPG characters like from Black Desert can one shot both master Chief and Doom Slayer as they have huge expandable bags carrying over 99 units of certain items and numerous big weapons which is huge amounts of weight. It’s just an in game feature, nothing more. He doesn’t have an infinite space technology bag. roanoke gaming is pretty much just as bad. In his video he said that Doom Slayer strength doesn’t seem to have a limit. That’s nonsense. It clearly does. He struggles a bit to pry open doors. He doesn’t face demons head up with his brute strength. He either grabs them first and rips or when a big boss is knocked down and can’t move, he then tears them apart. He has never wrestled the demons in the game. He said that bullets and plasma work on Master Chief, he says that like they don’t work on Doom slayer also. They also work on Doom Slayer too. So he was being one sided biased there. He even stated that Doom Slayer has amazing intelligence where he understands weapons and use them instantly giving him great tactics or whatever. That’s very old and we didn’t know that but Cortana is smarter still. WAY smarter. Cortana and Master Chief are in the future so the UNSC may have information on the events of earth around Doom Slayer’s time, meaning they might have information on the Doom Slayer himself (if in same universe). So Master Chief would know all about him too through Cortana. So their videos as we mentioned earlier were terrible. If they had better evidence, they should have used them. So there videos didn’t convince us.

Also let’s clear this up. When it comes to lore like the comics vs games. It’s mostly better to go with the lore as they normally better represent the character. Remember we said game, lore clash? Look at superman. There are games of him being damaged and killed by certain things that make him look weak or give him a limit but when you check his comics and those feats you see that even exploding suns don’t kill him. What’s more likely, regular thug bullets killing Super man in a video game or him surviving black holes, super novas and planet busting attacks. Exactly. Master Chief survives a tactical nuke to the face and falling from space. If the game was consistent then it wouldn’t be a very challenging game as the covenant troopers and even the tanks wouldn’t be able to kill him. A game has set principles to allow your character to die and off course have challenge to it. The lore represents master chief better than the games. While with Doom Slayer most we know about him IS in the games. We know there are some outside sources but from what we have seen and heard, there isn’t much clear feats that show him matching what Master Chief can do. So lore over games in most cases.

When it comes down to weapon combat, Doom slayer has the advantages like no reloads, many guns and more firepower but that doesn’t matter against Master Chief. It’s great against hordes of enemies like the demons and even the covenant and flood but against master chief, no. All his guns work the same, it fires a projectile that travels in a straight line. Master Chief has dodged machine gun fire and hand gun fire at point blank range. So whether shotgun, super shotgun, plasma rifle, rockets, master chief can and will dodge them all. Even the BFG 9000 doesn’t do it. Youtubers like Midnight even believes that a BFG 9000 shot’s heat wouldn’t penetrate master chief’s armour due to him surviving the hot atmosphere of falling from space. Besides the BFG moves slower than master chief and he can outrun it if he needs to. The opposite isn’t true for Doom slayer. Not only has he not shown to be faster than bullets or have reflexes near that level but bullets work on him. Think about DOOM Eternal and DOOM (2016). The zombie guys with the shields use a shotgun to attack Doom slayer. The marauder uses a super shotgun to harm Doom slayer. Those are guns with bullets and Doom slayer can die too it if hits enough times. If 22nd century guns work then 26th century weapons do work. We haven’t seen anything that states that bullets the enemies use are argent bullets for example or anything like that. You might say that’s just in the game but majority of all most know about Doom guy is from the games. Bullets will hurt master chief too it’s just that he’s shown to be able to dodge it with extreme reflexes, even fire at point blank range. Also even though Master chief injured himself running extremely fast that was near the start of his training with the armour, he’s stronger, more experienced and has better technology so it’s safe to assume he shouldn’t have that same problem now. Also the unmakyr only works on demons so that won’t work Master Chief. So Doom slayers chances of killing master chief through weapons is very low while Master chief’s chances of killing doom slayer by weapons is is a good possibility. We repeat, Master chief isn’t immune to gun fire. It can and will kill him like Doom slayer, it’s just that he is way better and has evidence of being able to dodge it all completely.

So let’s give an example of weapons combat. Let’s say they both start shooting at each other while running both will miss at the start but soon master chief will start to hit doom guy. You say how can master chief hit a full speed running doom slayer. That’s easy. For starters Master chief is more than a master sharp shooter. Spartans are masters of every weapon and they have hit targets faster than 57mph and smaller too so they can easily hit a sprinting doom slayer and it’s laughable to hit a non sprinting doom slayer. Also the spartan laser is hit scan, meaning it hits instantly where master chief is aiming. Master chief as a spartan can track objects way faster than that and land a perfect shot. The spartan laser does supreme damage. Master chief is said to be the best shooter in the UNSC military, only second to Linda. If doom slayer gets some good shots on master chief then chief can then run away being faster (80 mph) giving him time to recharge those shields, undoing any damage doom slayer did. There’s one more thing about master chiefs armour that we will reveal later. Doom guy uses the rockets and master chief dodges, he has caught rockets and thrown them back before and with his reflexes can probably grab and throw as fast as doom slayer shoots them out. Plasma gun would probably make master chief evade and dodge the most. When all else fails, the BFG gets it done. Doom slayer would get the BFG ready but then one of two things will happen. Master chief being smart sees danger and will choose evasion. He will run from it and get to safety out of the way but due to his armour if hit by one of the BFG trails, he would still be alive, able too withstand the heat. The second outcome is that Master chief will hear a voice telling him to dodge and be giving him clear information and alerting him to all danger around him. That voice is cortana. Oh you forgot about cortana? The most advance and powerful A.I. She’s basically his spider sense. She can look at doom slayer and give intel to master chief about doom slayer. She can warn him about the BFG and more. Cortana is with Master chief since the first halo game and stayed with him throughout all those games. So she does count. So BFG, ballista, guass cannon and rockets all aren’t strong enough while the weaker weapons will lower the shield IF it hits enough but then Master Chief can just run to get shields back or use the covenant beam sword which can block bullets and projectiles. Master chief uses this sword too. Master chief will eventually kill doom slayer if he hits him with enough bullets. Doom slayer isn’t an idiot and will try to close the gap as he always does. 

This means it’s now down to what real matters. Close range combat. Doom slayer has been fighting for a very long time against the demons but his fighting style is still the same. He’s best described as a brawler. He rushes you and wants to punch your face in. He grabs to rip and tear. Nothing technical there at all. We haven’t seen anything that states he knows boxing or martial arts or anything. While Master Chief is an expert hand to hand combatant. Spartans are better trained in combat than soldiers and ODSTs. They know martial arts too. So master chief is a much better fighter than Doom slayer. Combine his fighting skills with the fact that he has much greater agility and reflexes and Doom slayer can’t touch master chief. Want proof. Think about it. In the first spider man movie, when Peter Parker was fighting the bully Flash, we got to see from spider mans perspective. We saw how slow the bully was moving to him. He had lots of time to dodge and land attacks of his own. That’s what reflexes basically allow you to do combined with speed. Now master chief isn’t spider man level but he dodges gun fire and dodged point blank pistol fire. That’s crazy fast already. The armour that master chief wears also boosts his abilities by a factor of 5 according to some. Midnight again stated this in his video as well. This means master chief who already, thanks to his argumentations from experiments, are boosted even more. He’s stronger, faster, more agile, more reflexes and sees way better too. Also the suit is basically connected to his mind. So what movements master chief thinks, the armour does for him INSTANTLY. This is better than the best reflexes. Not only that but master chief is much taller too, this means more reach with punches and kicks which does make a difference in a fight. Doom slayers strength has been widely debated. We know he can punch and dent steel but some even calculate he can lift 18 tons.

Master chief has been calculated by some to be able to lift 80 tons:

No there wasn’t any provided evidence from this source nor do we believe he can lift 80 tons. Many  factor in that he can flip over a scorpion tank. It’s an official game so that’s cannon. You might say that in ODST those humans flipped a tank too. Yes that’s clearly just in game mechanics as ODSTs don’t have super enhanced strength so it’s clearly not official for them. Master chief has ripped apart metal and the top of tanks, punched tanks to death (explode) and flipped them. Some estimations with the x5 suit boost have put master chief’s lifting strength at 7 tons. So let’s minimise master chief and say his strength is 7 tons. Guess what that changes?… very little. 7 and 13 isn’t big enough of a difference to make the weaker one’s strength negligible. This means master chief would have to avoid getting hit as much as possible but we already established that’s too easy for him. Doom slayer can’t get a good chance to hit him. Master chief has insane reflexes and instant movement linked to thought with enhanced agility, recharging energy shields to protect from blows and if you want to factor cortana would provide more assistance. So doom slayer can’t use his strength. You might say so what’s master chief going to do? Punch him to death? Well, yes. Look at Doom Eternal. zombies if they slap doom slayer enough times can kill him. Zombie soldiers can punch and front stamp kick doom slayer to death. So off course a stronger master chief can beat doom slayer to death, easier and faster. An imp can slash doom slayer to death, so off course master chief who is stronger and faster and more tactical aiming for specific spots of the body with a combat knife can do way worse than an imp. If an exploding barrel can kill doom slayer and bullets harm him, then a plasma sticky grenade can kill him and his guns can harm him. Off course he will need more than one plasma grenade though.

Also let’s explain agility more. When you drop a cat, they swing round and land on their feet even at low distances with little time. If you throw a cat, they turn fast and grab onto your hand in mid air. That’s agility. Doom slayer has no agility that we can see. In the level Urdak of Doom eternal when the icon of sin smashed the platform where the heart was and doom slayer slid off. He couldn’t grab anything, fell like a brick and bounced like a ball. He didn’t land on his feet, roll and get up. No. He just dropped and laid there for like 2 seconds. Not just master chief but all spartans have shown to flip, spin, rotate, cartwheel, summersault and more and land on platforms, their feet and more. They have agility, so even dodging in midair is no problem. Now concerning their swords. Argent sword versus beam sword. Both are easily capable of killing the other. The simple rule is like with regular sword fighting… don’t get hit. Sure the plasma sword is made by advanced aliens with their 26th century technology putting it ahead of UAC technology which is 22nd century but that changes little from what we have seen. The argent blade cuts through pretty much anything smoothly plus with doom slayers strength it would be easy to slice master chief in two. This also applies to master though with his sword. Plus the beam sword can block projectiles and bullets. The argent sword has three hits only while beam sword lasts longer but all you need to do is catch them good just once. So the outcome is the user, even if they swapped swords the outcome would be the same. The reflexes and instant thought movement off the master chief would make most likely that he can dodge and exploit  openings through parrying or whatever. So if they both whip out their swords, it will come down to the better fighter, the speed, reflexes etc. This means a much much greater chance of Master Chief winning.

The grenade launcher would be useful to create space or get some damage in but again it pops up, fires, the grenade needs to land and then explode, which is more than enough time for Master Chief to dodge, also if Master Chief survived a tactical nuke to the face then a grenade from Doom slayer is too weak to d significant damage. The flame belch would do minimum damage and more like put pressure on Master Chief, not harm or kill him as he’s survived the hot temperature of space, falling from orbit. Doom slayer did get a dash ability, or double dash which actually helps in this fight but can be countered by the huge agility and reflexes of Master chief who can dash to the sides and backwards and forwards with his own reactions. Plus Master chief since Halo 5 naturally and halo 4 as an armour ability can also dash. So both would be dashing about but that dash is Doom slayers best mobility option while Master chief can not only keep up with it and keep track of it but with his insane jumping still has more mobility and yes, Master chief can swing of poles too. Lastly is the new blood punch which is powerful and something master chief has to dodge or will take a nasty hit. Sadly though it’s still a punch and like with a regular punch, can be dodged. 

So when these forum pages and you tubers say well doom slayer fought for thousands of years and beat a titan without his suit so they conclude that doom guy wins, is completely stupid and low intelligence. There’s more to a fight than that. Strength, reaction speed, fighting style, techniques, reflexes, agility etc are the big factors. Not, Master chief has beaten the flood and covenant so he beats doom slayer, no, that’s equally dumb. That means nothing. It’s what would happen 1v1. When we take it all into side points this is what you get.

Doom Slayer: strength, stamina, firepower.

Master chief: agility, durability, full body energy shields (defence), reflexes, fighting skill and technique, speed, jumping (mobility) 

Yes. It’s that one sided. The clear winner is Master Chief. We will explain now in detail with an example of how the physical fight would go.

DS (doom slayer) MC (master chief). They both close the gap and get ready. DS being the more aggressive throws the first punch in a back punch style, MC seeing this and can react as fast as thought will parry it or dodge and with his speed strike the ribs. There’s other options but yep. DS will with anger throw another swinging punch. MC could easily do an iron broom sweeping kick, which sweeps the opponent of their feet. So DS has hit the ground like a brick since he hasn’t got great agility. Now on the floor DS is opened up. He could surprise MC by using his gauntlet wrist blades to swipe at the ankles. Either MC sees and reacts in time with a summersault, or simply move his feet but cortana could also warn him too. So it most likely wouldn’t hit. For arguments sake, if it did hit, it would most likely trip MC as his armour is thick and strong and that blade shouldn’t be able to cut him especially with the full body energy shield. Chief could then strike again now being aware of the wrist blades or back off to let his shields regenerate. Chief could also take out his combat knife knowing that blades are involved. DS gets back up. Since it’s short blades now, both would close the gap and like with their fists, MC is still faster, greater reflexes and with instant mind thinking reactions could dodge all swings and swipes and slash at DS when opened. Remember MC is a better fighter and knows martial arts. mince slashes from imps can kill DS then stronger clean swipes from MC will get the job done. If DS managed to grab MC and now trying to rip his arm off, MC can resist or twist out or whatever to get out. From actual experience X35 has done take down training before with twists and grips. When someone stronger grabs and tries to twist your arm or bend it, the weaker can stiffen and tense that part of the body and actually resist against stronger foes. Besides the biggest issue with grabbing someone if that you are using both your arms while the one grabbed has one free arm. If the strength is too much and MC realises that then he can just use his free arm to repeatedly strike DS until he lets go. This is all free damage. DS seeing he doesn’t have the upper hand here will have to push MC away or let go. Remember MC has dodged gun fire and even point blank pistol fire meaning he can easily dodge punches, kicks and grabs from DS which are way slower. So if DS has the strength advantage it doesn’t do anything if DS can’t hit MC. So eventually MC will punch and beat DS to death or slash him to death with his combat knife in hand to hand combat. 

Now lets answer some questions we have heard or gotten.

Q: If Doom Slayer is that much stronger then wouldn’t his strength overwhelm Master Chief?

A: If the gap in strength was bigger yes, but even being half as strong you still stand a chance and can work around it. For example while Master chief can’t match doom slayers fist, he can still with his reflexes (remember spider man and the bully flash) can move to the side and deflect the punch, then throw his own punch into doom slayers ribs. His much better agility and reflexes means he can either dodge, deflect, move with and counter smoothly.

Q: Wouldn’t Doom slayers argent sword work?

A: Yes it would. One slice through should do it. We have’t seen master chief block swords with his hands or anything… but… master chief can do the same with his energy beam sword. So the same facts of hand to hand combat applies to sword fighting. The reflexes, instant mind reactions of Master Chief gives him the advantage here.

Q: Wouldn’t master chief get hit by the blood punch has it has a blast wave, like an area of effect?

A: Yes but that only happens when Doom slayer actually hits his target. If you swing normally it is a normal punch but when it connects with an enemy, then it does that area of effect. Also the blood punch doesn’t kill tyrants or cyber mancubus in one punch and those two would die to a tactical nuke or a fall from space so it’s reasonable to assume Master chief would survive that punch, especially with his full body energy shields.

So yeah, Master Chief wins weapons, fire and hand to hand combat. If you disagree then let us know. Please let us know of any confirmed feats from Doom Slayer that could make a difference here. Don’t get mad at us if we  missed something as the videos of the youtubers we mentioned above haven’t included any big game changing feats of Doom Slayer so I’m also working with what they presented too.

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Bless Unleashed is an Xbox exclusive MMORPG developed by ‘NEOWIZ Round 8 Studios‘ and published by ‘Bandai Namco‘. We have played Bless Unleashed for a good while now and it’s definitely a good game and even has something that other games failed to do; however we have encountered some designs and features that have ruined things for us. Let’s take a look.

The first thing layers will notice about Bless Unleashed is the combat. It’s slow, sort of unresponsive and stiff. For example you swing at the enemy after knocking them down and sometimes you go over them or through them slightly. All you have to do is readjust but it can cost you a free strike on the downed enemy as the crusader class. Also you can’t use your shield fast enough after attacking, there’s such a delay that you have to wait a whole 2 second or slightly less until you can raise your shield. So you about to finish your combo, see the enemy about to hit you, you try to raise your shield as soon as the combo finishes (well in time) then get no shield, smacked across the head… and then your shield comes up which is too late. Also the Crusader class it punished as the full combo can never be finished before the boss attacks you. aYou aren’t really allowed to use your power, especially when fighting the dungeon enemies. You have to rely on others to do the damage while you hold block forever which isn’t fun. A delay with the shield isn’t fun either. Combat needs to be improved, smoother, faster reaction slowed also.

Now let’s mention some good stuff about Bless Unleashed. Bless Unleashed has shown that the developers really thought some elements out. For example we like that there are two in game currencies in the game that are very easy to get your hands on. You can even convert regular gold into star seeds.  With both gold and star seeds players can use the fast travel teleporters. Not only that, you can activate those teleporters even when you aren’t physically at one of them which is good design. Another great thing is that you get lots of upgrade and fortification stones. They are real easy to get and even some defeated enemies drop them. You need these stones to upgrade your weapons and equipment. So you don’t have a problem getting the chance to upgrade. Now this is a negative also but a bigger positive in some ways. Other players are always present in your world except for strict moments concerning the story where it has to be you alone. Now this is annoying as other players can kill the enemies you are hunting but the major benefit is that you get all the help you normally get all the help you need with powerful bosses found in the open world. For example you almost always find players waiting for a big boss to spawn so when he finally spawn there’s like 17 players all attacking it. So you will get help.

Next thing that makes Bless Unleashed not fun is the amount of bag space you have. To be fair, there is a way to upgrade the amount of bag space. You have to collect 4 bag pieces and take them to the bag specialist guy who increases bag space by 1. Yes, it’s that small. You always run out of space. Maybe they need to increase the stack numbers for the fortification and upgrade stones and the ingredients like leather, thin branches etc. That would certainly help. Increase the bag that you start with and increase the stack size. It’s absolutely annoying when you want to open up a chest award or get new items but you have to decide what to get rid of since every single item counts as a space except for stacks which off course count as one. Not fun at all.

Another thing that’s not fun about Bless Unleashed is the upgrade of weapons and equipment. We will focus on weapons as that’s our experience with this issue. So firstly you need the right amount of in game currency which is fine. You need enough fortification and upgrade stones which is fine. Now when you upgrade a weapon when it’s a rare there is a chance that your weapon upgrade can fail. This for starters is stupid. If we have the goods, and the materials then give us the upgrade. This isn’t Raid: shadow legend where you can fail the upgrade. Not only can you fail but your weapon can break too. When your weapon breaks during a fail, you can’t upgrade that weapon again until you repair it which requires a repair kit item which isn’t cheap by the way or easy to obtain. Not only that when your weapon breaks it goes down one level. So your level 4 sword you tried to upgrade, breaks and is now back to being a level 3! THAT’S STUPID! You can be severely punished for attempting to upgrade.  So let’s give a very accurate example. You have a level 3 rare sword and you got the right amount of stuff to attempt an upgrade. It fails. You sword is broken and it’s now. level 2 and you need a repair kit to repair which you get at the limited time store. Now that it’s repaired you have to repair again just to get back to your original level of level 3 just so you can attempt again which you could also fail again. That’s NOT fun at all. Also bad like Raid: Shadow legends you don’t get told your odds of success. You don’t know the risk when you want to upgrade.  So it’s unfair.

Now the one thing Bless Unleashed did that others didn’t do is the more realistic female model designs for NPCs. We have mentioned this before but in the first area in the festival. There was some women who had on high heels which off course effects the figure. We noticed that the calf muscles and Gastrocnemius looked exactly like how a real life women’s lower leg would look. This is a big deal to us because other games don’t do that. They all have very similar model designs. Some developers have lazy moments. We wish more games have diversity in their character designs, especially for NPCs.

Now another problem that Bless Unleashed have is the attack combos for the Crusaders. You have round about 4 actual combos but the problem is you will only really be using 1. The main one where you tap RB, RB, RB, RB, B does the most damage. So why would you use the other combos? Well you can use the RB, RB, RT, B combo which has an area effect so it’s good for a group but there’s no reason to use the others as it’s less damage. The shield one that knocks the enemy in the air isn’t needed as your strongest combo has big knock back so you get the distance anyway. So there’s no point in having them. They are pointless. If there’s a hidden actual purpose for those other combos then it’s not clear and we don’t know. Give the player combos that actually matter. Why can’t one have a poison effect maybe, while another combo may lower defence or boost your attack damage or whatever.  See? We are better at game design than all these designers. 

The last and biggest failure of Bless Unleashed and the single main reason why we don’t even feel like playing the game anymore… the levelling up. Simple put, it takes forever. There’s only two ways to really progress in this game. Level up, which grants more health and strength, and upgrading your weapon for more damage. We already discussed that many are too scared to upgrade and the fails prevent you from doing that, so all you are left with is levelling up. Never has levelling up felt so slow in a game. We have done all the side quests that we can find. We have fought and killed many enemies and that doesn’t even take you halfway to levelling up. We aren’t joking. Rewatch the clip above. We got 1659 experience points which is 0.134%. This is from an enemy which is 4 levees higher than us by the way. This would mean in order to get 100% so we can level up, we have kill that goat 746 times!!!!!! Nope! Sorry! Not doing that! It gets worse. The next story mission we need to complete to progress is to defeat a dungeon boss. We can’t fight it because you have to be level 19 to enter the dungeon. We just turned level 18 by finishing the last mission and as you can see in the clip above, we are nowhere near being level 19. We  did all the side quests we could find. No we aren’t going to ride around the whole big map in order to try and find more. They should be available from the map or whatever. We learnt that fighting stronger monsters only grant pathetic amounts of experience like 0.134% worth. We are stuck. No! We aren’t going to sit there and slay a goat 746 times! We have lives to live, we got a business to run, friends to socialise with, family to spend time with, online church services and more. WE’VE GOT A LIFE! We heard some player go back to find the global Map bosses that spawn into the world. One, those bosses spawn like every 20mins. They literally take forever to spawn in. Two, they don’t give as much exp as you would expect.  This is the biggest killer for us concerning Bless Unleashed. So no, we aren’t playing it. We rather go back to playing Tera and Skyforge.

We didn’t want to completely bash the game in as it’s a good game truly and well made. That’s why we threw in some positives about the game in this blog post. It’s just there are some stuff that makes the game not fun at all. Players shouldn’t be afraid to upgrade their weapons. Players always want upgrades. We have a purple epic upgrade stone but we don’t want to rick using it, then grind back the resources needed to upgrade again because your last upgrade failed. It is completely stupid to lock the story behind compulsory level u missions. Side quests, fine but not the main story. We literally can’t progress until we are level 19 which takes forever to get there.  The whole point of videos games is entertainment. You are suppose to have fun. Since we aren’t having fun, we can conclude that Bless Unleashed failed to complete its purpose. We will wait to see if there are any changes but until then, we will be playing other games. Bless Unleashed may be a good game but without the fun it’s not good enough for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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‘Deliver Us the Moon’ is a sci-fi thriller game developed by ‘KeokeN Interactive‘ and published by ‘Wired Productions‘. Deliver us the moon is said to be coming out on the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on the 24th of April 2020. It’s said to be coming to the Nintendo Switch also in 2020 but no exact date. It’s already on PC but we don’t count that. So for us, this game is new. So we are in space and there’s a moon that needs saving? What? Let’s take a look.

So Deliver us the moon is set in the future. Not too far but the “near future”. It’s an apocalyptic time. Earth’s natural resources are gone. They are depleted. So off course mankind decides to take their search to space to find the good stuff – we mean resources. They get to the moon. Things are going well. The “global powers” have worked together to make the ‘World Space Agency’. They also discovered and got their hands on a new energy source. Everything is literally going well… for once…. until (it never goes well forever) one day earth loses all contact and communication with the moon. Years later is when the player comes into play.

So, in Deliver us the moon, players take control of the so called Earth’s last astronaut. Your mission is simple, get up there and find out what happened. This kind of sounds like another regular person who gets called up into space to find out what happened and repair stuff… Isaac Clarke from Dead Space. Well it gets a bit different from here as you are not alone for this journey. In Deliver us the moon you have a small robot called ASE. So with ASE you will explore the moon, hopefully gathering information, get some clues as to what happened and off course solve the mystery of what happened here. 

So yes, it’s a space exploration game really. You along with your ASE robot will traverse the moon and even get to explore abandoned facilities. There is stuff, buildings and things left behind from previous “lunar missions”. This means you can hopefully learn from their mistakes and see what’s going on. Surely there is no danger out here on the moon… right? Rely on your robot to learn what took place in the lunar colonies. 

Off course being a sci-fi game, players will need to make full use of the technology available to them. There are useful tools like cutting lasers, robotic arms, some awesome space suits which come with their own effects. There’s even rockets! We know we will put those to good use. If we something we don’t like, we blow it up. Simple rule. We at X35 Earthwalker do not condone blowing things up in real life.

Now if you are a gamer that doesn’t like using their head for some reason then you’ll, have a tough time here as Deliver us the moon has a number of puzzles. It’s described as “intricate puzzles”. So make sure to use your head. There will be numerous obstacles and danger is confirmed. We don’t know if there’s an actual enemy around or whether it’s environmental danger etc. Judging from the overall design of the game, we believe it’s definitely environmental. 

We checked out some Deliver us the Moon gameplay and it’s what we expected except for the additional stuff. We liked that you get launch a rocket from space that you get to experience that. We like the level of freedom for exploration and that there is multiple means of exploration. You can drift through space with zero gravity and just chill really. You can explore the WSA space station on foot,

zoom across the surface of the moon in a rover. There’s even a monorail for you to get to the real far distance places much easier and faster. 

Overall Deliver us the Moon seems like a cool game. It’s definitely has emphasis on the atmosphere. We wonder if this game will have actual enemies as it’s not clear. The graphics are excellent and what you can see is very well done. The environment is definitely what you would expect and it looks great. It’s the moon, what else do you expect besides the same colour and rocks. The developers KeokeN Interactive’ have done a very good job from what we see so far. We at X35 Earthwalker are quite glad to see another space game. Now Deliver us the Moon may have an adventure and mystery in space but it’s very bland and obvious when compared to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Project Witchstone is a new adventure role playing game developed and published by ‘Spearhead Games‘. Project Witchstone is said to be coming out in the second quarter of 2020 on the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. We never heard about this game to anyone talk about this so we are interested. Let’s take a look.

In the world of Project Witchstone everything is defined and effected by your “every action”. We actually don’t know anything about the story. We have to actually say this but the official website for Project Witcher isn’t good. It’s so hard to actually get the information they are presenting. Yes we know the game is in Kickstarter 2020 so it’s limited on information. 

Project Witcher is literally all centred around your decisions and how you do things. For example you can choose whether to be truthful and straight up or deceitful. You can even plant evidence on others to incriminate them which is bad off course. You could be the good guy and instead free people by killing their oppressors. So yeah, what you do matters. We have heard many games try the whole your actions have consequences thing but most don’t do it well at all. 

Now when it comes to combat it’s all turn based. So we got strategy up in this game and we like strategy games. There isn’t much information on it. What we do know is that it has the general RPG style. So expect combat, spells. There also isn’t much of a story either as the whole game is supposed to be centred around you and that you can shape the worlds you see fit. Get entire factions mad, causing others to get into fights with each other. So basically in Project Witchstone you can do whatever you want.

Project Witchstone also wants their world to be alive. As in the inhabitants are doing stuff and things are happening around you. For example, some inhabitants have their own likes and dislikes, you can become friends with them, make them enemies and they can even own properties. 

We checked out some Project Witchstone and it’s better than we thought. Our advice, look at the gameplay first before you read about it or go to the official website. It has great graphics and great attention to details. It definitely looks great. Animations need to be better though and a better flow of action. There is stealth elements to the game as in you can assassinate enemies to take them out instantly. So there is a good number of stuff going on in the game. 

Overall, Project Witchstone seems like another game with loads of ambitions and trying risking difficult but unique stuff to stand out from other games. We respect that and hope that Project Witchstone does well at what it wants. We hope the decision and consequences have actual effect and mean something. The developers ‘Spearhead Games’ are doing something interesting here. We at X35 Earthwalker just have to see what becomes of this. Now Project Witchstone may have consequences from decision but those are irrelevant when it comes to… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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DOOM Eternal  is the new DOOM game and developed by ‘Id Software‘ and published by ‘Bethesd‘. This game has already gotten the attention of many gamers and critics already. with different things being said. None of what they say matters though because after all… A game isn’t reviewed until X35 Earthwalker reviews it. That’s why you are here. You’re welcome. Time for what we think about DOOM Eternal. How good is it really? Let’s take a look.

DOOM Eternal continues from where we remember… killing demons. You start off on the Fortress of Doom… not the fortress of solitude, you’re thinking of Superman. Can you focus please?! This fortress is basically Doom guy’s head quarters. Through his computer system ally, Vega, he can have portals set up for him to travel to where he needs to go. It’s a big upgrade over the last game. We don’t know how he got to this fortress of Doom and we never learn. Last we remember he was sent away by Dr Samuel Hayden. Somehow he has a base now. This needs to be answered and maybe updates and DLC will explain this. After this though the story is basically straight forward, which is a step over the last DOOM game which wasn’t so straight forward. You quickly kill a hell priest by cutting off his head and nicely straightening his crown.

After slaying many demons, you set out to kill the remaining two hell priests. Doom guy let’s them run away, for some reason. You meet the main problem, who is the Khan Makyr. She’s a higher being who basically rules a messed up, discount, wannabe, technology made heaven. If you want to know more… then buy and play the game yourself (you cheapskate). Doom guy heads of for the next hell priest. Finds him, kills him, then goes to get Samuel Hayden because he needs his help to find the last hell priest because the Khan makyr moved him and hid him. With Samuel’s help, you find him, kill him and then set your eyes on stopping the khan makyr herself. So you go to hell, and find a means to get to her domain, prevent her from controlling the icon of sin, beat her and then set off to destroy the icon  of sin. That’s the story basically. 

Now straight away we can say it’s an improvement over the last DOOM game. Combat is more fast paced. It’s more ruthless, there’s more demons and they definitely swarm you a whole lot more.They do feel way easier to beat though because some demons like the cacodemon have weaknesses that players can exploit. If you fire a grenade or sticky bomb into the mouth of the cacodemon, then it get staggered instantly which makes them really easy but adds to the strategy of the game. We definitely enjoyed playing the game and it was a blast for sure. We weren’t over the moon like some others were but definitely had fun. You certainly felt like a powerful character and DOOM Eternal succeeds in demonstrating what the Doom slayer is all about. He’s direct, got fire power, violent and relentless.

Now let’s get into the main part. What’s good about DOOM Eternal. You have a new weapon called the ballista which is a powerful and very useful. Great for defeating flying enemies. Some of the weapon mods are very useful like the one where you can detonate the rockets you fire when you want. You have powerful weapons and they make a difference when facing a horde of demons. All of these new abilities that Doom guy has makes you feel powerful. The flame belch, shoulder grenade launcher, dash ability, frost grenade, blood punch and more makes you feel ready for everything. There’s lots of lore that you can find and then read. The lore are collectibles but when you have a lot of them you get a lot of information. Which is better than the previous DOOM game as now we can know a lot about the game, the past, characters and more. There are new enemies too which off course shakes things up. For example the Carcass is an annoying monster who likes to set up barriers which block your movement and fire. Can be busted by plasma rounds though resulting in an explosion. There’s even a Dread knight which like the hell knight, chases you down and plans to beat you up. There’s loads of collectibles and they are definitely worth finding as they actually do something. Also majority of them aren’t cryptic  so getting all of them isn’t impossible at all. The Marauder is a cool new enemy that brings a sense of rivalry. They use to be the sentinels who doom guy joined and fought alongside in the past. They have similar skills in terms of the ability to dash, a super shotgun, good speed and even argent based equipment. Every time  a marauder shows up, it becomes a duel. The journey through the campaign isn’t confusing. The levels have good design. There’s an artic level, hell level, destroyed earth level, ancient ruins level and more. More variety than the previous DOOM. We definitely liked how the game shows you the weaknesses of certain enemies and how you ca exploit them. They do this quickly with a video showing exactly what to do and with what weapon. That’s excellent and really came in handy. Excellent graphics, sounds are great, not a big fan of the music much but it suited the game though. The environments and the details in them are excellent and can at times tell a story. The level design for most of the levels are great and we enjoyed making our way through them and seeing what’s going on. Good variety in the levels. Lastly it’s been made sure that you always have a chance to get ammo and armour as during big combat, weak fodder enemies always spawn so you can chainsaw, glory kill or flame belch them, which is good game design. 

Time for the negatives about DOOM Eternal. Yes there are negatives. First things first is that there is a lack of multiplayer. We really enjoyed the game modes of the last doom game and they were chaotic. They could have kept those with this new game mode. The multiplayer in DOOM Eternal is very intense but too hard for the player who is the slayer. We have seen people including Ohmwrecker play as the slayer and not win any matches, even after getting some experienced and knowing what to do. X35 Earthwalker played as the slayer and lost his first three matches and hated it because of how unfair it was but then practiced some more and now has won four in a row as the slayer against different skilled demon p[layers. Bottom line… winning as the slayer takes 100% of you and your focus to at times just barely win. We will talk more on the multiplayer later. Another negative about DOOM Eternal is that there’s one level called Nekravol part 2 which has an annoying challenge which you only have one chance to compete. It’s the one where you have to glory kill a tyrant demon from behind. This is simple but there is only one tyrant demon in the whole level and it’s at the very end of the level. If you accidentally did too much damage or miss the first stagger then you can easily miss your chance, which means you need to do the whole level over again (yes we know you can restart checkpoint). It’s annoying. Another thing that was annoying and could get you killed is that enemies who are touching you just slightly, even if they don’t look like they are touching you will completely block your dash which is stupid. It doesn’t make sense. Also some of the weapon masteries are unnecessary. Some like the microwave beam require too much of a set up to complete. You need to microwave beam blow up a master and need another monster to be near enough die from the explosion… 15 times. Not as simple as it sounds. Another problem is that cacodemons do too much damage with their shots especially. On Nightmare difficulty their burst can actually kill you straight out. Also Doom guys character doesn’t make sense here. Doom guy is impatient and will destroy demons on sight like with the first hell priest. Yet when the second and third hell priest is right there and didn’t even know he was there at the time, he walked around them, let them talk and  even let them teleport away. This is a contradiction. He should have just killed them straight away. So not true to the character.

Another negative is that the ending of the game was honestly lame. We wanted to see some sort of result of what has now taken place after your victory. Does Doom guy go back into isolation, or stay under the radar while the arc broad cast continue to see if they can find doom guy and conspiracy theory over his action etc. Does humanity rebuild or what? What happens to Samuel Hayden? Also the enemies track you too well. Even if you continue moving they can hit you very well with good accuracy. You have to keep jumping and dashing all the time as well. Their accuracy and tracking makes fights not hard but plain annoying. The buff totems make the enemies too fast in our opinion, they should be shown down just a little. What we seriously hated and know is complete bullcrap is that one moment where you are introduced to the Arch-Vile demon. You see red glowing enemies and you think, because it’s always been the case in the past, that there’s a buff item powering these enemies up as they are faster and respawn. So you run around the place searching for a long time looking for this totem while they chase and bombard you. We saw the Arch-Vile and shot him nicely but being chased and knowing that if we kill him, he will revive, we moved on to look for the totem. We couldn’t find it. We even found a secret by accident while looking for the totem. We then learnt that there is no Totem! For some reason the Arch-Vile is the tome now. Wow! Thanks game, thanks for telling us. Yes we know the prompt that says there’s a buff them didn’t show up but we didn’t notice that but went by what the game trained us to think. They suddenly changed the rules and that wasted our time and annoyed us. The game normally explains new things like with the demons weaknesses. We hated that. Lastly is that the unmakyr was a huge disappointment. After all we went through to get it, we expected way more destruction and firepower. We ended up never using it because it shared the same ammo as the BFG 9000 and is weaker than it. The BFG 9000 is the better choice.

Now let’s talk more about the multiplayer. We mentioned that it’s very hard to win as the slayer and how the matches are always intense. Most likely the most intense multiplayer we have ever played, when as the slayer. For example, as the slayer you to keep track and think about at least 10 things at the same time. You have to keep track of your ammo, health and armour, decide when to go for each one of them. Keep an eye on your equipment cool down, know the locations of the enemy demons, be prepared for the loot block, avoid being trapped by summoned enemies, remember all your controls, know and use the environment lifts, teleports and poles, while remembering to dash and keep moving, while aiming at your enemies while moving. Now that messes up your head, especially since you have the added problem of the pressure you feel knowing two of your enemies are human controlled and therefore have intelligence. That’s all going on in the mind of the slayer. Also don’t listen to those so called no it all who say dumb things like “it’s just like the campaign”. It isn’t. It’s different. The campaign will prepare you but it’s not the same.

Things are different for the demons. The demons work together as it’s 2 demons against 1 slayer. The player demons can summon demons to fight alongside them. They can also create a damaging green field zone which is overpowered by the way, it does so much damage real fast. Worst of all is that they can loot block which means everything that the slayer gets from glory killing, flame belching and chainsawing disappears. It prevents the slayer from getting resources. Both demons get one so they can easily deny loot if they pay attention and activate at the right time. Also, the demons can come back after they die if their partner is still alive, within 20 seconds (we think… It could be 15). Plus with the demons having their own skills and attacks too. When X35 Earthwalker did play as the demon, it was easy. He won his first ever match as a demon even when he didn’t know how to summon anything. It was funny, he literally tried to figure out how to summon through the whole match and still won. That says it all. So multiplayer is fun but unreasonably hard for the slayer.

We enjoyed finding all the collectibles like the toys in DOOM Eternal. Each one rewarded you by having an impact in same shape or form. For example the toys look cute but when you head back to the fortress of doom, when selected they become the 3D model feature so you can see the demon or slayer as they are in the game. The records become music you can play while on in the fortress of doom. You see the record cover hanging up on the walls. The cheat codes are there for you to use and completely change how you play (like the skulls from Halo, including the confetti effect). The lore pages gives you… lore. The sentinel batteries grant access to other power ups, weapon mods and more. They were all fun to find and they weren’t cryptic level difficult to find. With some effort and using your head you can easily get them all. So they made collecting fun. Nice one. Our favourite toy has to be Arachnotron toy. So cool.

Quickly let’s just saw something we have noticed and was obvious to us. Have you noticed how the doom guy’s upgrades in DOOM Eternal  over the last game makes him more like and closer to a certain more famous armoured super soldier? The Master Chief. We think the developers of DOOM Eternal saw that old episode of Death Battle and decided that they wanted to gear Doom guy up, ready for a future rematch. What? You don’t believe us huh? Alright hear us out.

Think about this:

Master chief from Halo 5 could spartan dash, now Doom guy can dash too. 

Master chief is incredibly athletic, now doom guy is swinging of poles

Master chief had spartan charge which he used to get through cracked walls. Doom guy dashes through cracked walls now

Master chief survives a fall from orbit to a planet, doom guy now got shot out of a big weapon and smashes through a wall at high speed and survives

Master chief is a legend and leader amongst spartans, now doom guy is a legend and leader amongst the sentinels

Master chief has cortana who stays in his head in a chip like form, doom guy near the end of the game has Vega (an A.I) go into a capsule button like form and attaches it to him

Master Chief has the energy beam sword, doom guy now has the argent energy sword

Do we need to say more! Like come on. The developers are making him more like master chief and ready for a fight. We saw some you tubers talking about who would win in a fight and they were good at getting the feats and information but terrible at applying them to a fight. By the way we do believe that if they both fought that Master Chief would win quite comfortably but that’s a blog post for another time.  

Overall DOOM Eternal is an excellent game with loads of strength and small weaknesses. It’s worth playing and worth buying. Excellent graphics, environments and liked the level design. There’s more we can say but let’s leave it here. We would say a high 9/10! The developers Id Software have done an excellent job with this game. Now DOOM Eternal may have a relentless deadly Doom slayer but he’s a complete wuss and joke if he faces… the ‘Earth Walk!’

For more information check out the link below:

DOOM Eternal action

Brutal Rage is a new scrolling beat em up game developed and published by ‘2BAD GAMES‘. Brutal Rage is said to be coming out the 22nd of April 2020 on the Xbox One. This game gets straight to the point. Use all that rage bottled up inside you and fight through the streets. Let’s take a look.

Brutal Rage is another game that gets straight to the point. It’s a side scrolling beast em up game. In the world of Brutal Rage you follow the “brutal path of blood for retribution”. It’s about police officers who were wrongly accused for a crime they DIDN’T do. So instead of sitting there and serving your sentence, you instead escape from prison, going to find out who did this to you and  prove your innocence.

So expect moving around and fighting  everything that comes your way. Just watch some gameplay of Brutal Rage and already a certain game will pop into your head. Say it with us… Streets of Rage. Even the name reminds you of it. Streets of Rage and Brutal Rage. This means if Brutal Rage has a similar style then we can expect a good style. You one up  and down the screen, line up with enemies, do simple combos and use weapons to beat up your enemies as you make your way through the level. There is a rage mechanic where as you are playing and fighting you build up rage. There’s a rage meter

Best of all, Brutal Rage has co-op. This means you can face the enemies, the streets and all danger with a friend. You can expect some new things though that weren’t in Streets of Rage though (well originally). There is even a level where you can ride motorcycles. So the creativity is definitely there. Straight up we have to say that this game doesn’t look good. We have yet to see something that makes it stand out. The good stuff is that it’s simple, does what it says on the box, it’s co-op and has a mechanic which is the rage. The bad stuff is that there’s better games of this style, the graphics aren’t great, the animations aren’t good and it lacks something to make it stand out. From what we have seen, it isn’t a bad game, just not an interesting one for us.

We checked out some brutal Rage gameplay and it’s what we thought it would be. It does look fun though. Just grab a friend and have some fun together as that’s the most you will get out of this.. For starters there is a lot of variety when it comes to levels as there are more than 18 different locations in 6 episodes. There are three playable characters and each one has they own fighting style. Weapons are available. So expect knives, bats and even guns!  There are three game modes too: Story (off course), brutal club and training. All three of these modes are playable in co-op mode. Now that’s a good thing.

Overall. Brutal Rage is a simple side scrolling beat em up game. It does what it says. You move through the level, beat up the enemies, hit someone with a bat and have a good time doing it. Call over a friend and do it all together. It has it’s clear weaknesses but you see what it brings to the table. Definitely not our thing but we will have to see what it’s got for gamers. The developers ‘2BAD GAMES’ have done their best. We will have to see what happens. Now Brutal Rage may have rage in them but their rage fails again… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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