Monster Hunter: World

Monster Hunter: World is a new action role playing game. The latest installment in the monster hunter series, developed by ‘Capcom’. It’s coming out the 26th of January 2018 for the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and later for PC. A bunch of large monsters need hunting down. How can this go wrong? Let’s take a look.

The story in Monster Hunter: World is pretty interesting. Once every decade, beasts called elder dragons, all head across the sea to an land which is called the ‘New world’ (One piece anyone?). Now off course humans are too curious for their own good so the guild  created a research commission. They go out in huge fleets  to the ‘New world’ to learn what’s going on. Now the elder dragon called Zorah Magdolas, who is really huge by the way, is the one that has grabbed everyones attention. The fifth fleet sent by the Commission are after that dragon.  One hunter, the player is about to have a crazy adventure. All you green horns who wanted to see elder dragon up close, this is your lucky day!

Monster Hunter: World

Players are a hunter and it’s their job to hunt down monsters across  many different habitats. Now overtime you hunt and defeat a monster you can get materials from them which you can use to build even bigger and more powerful weapons, which you will use to take down more powerful monsters. It’s all about progression. This will not be an easy hunt though as their will be surprises and not everything will go according to plan. 

Now Monster Hunter: World is suppose to be a huge game. Come on… you didn’t think a game about travelling and hunting giant monster will be some small linear game did you? There are many different locations and they are filled with wildlife. Wherever you go, you will get some suprises. We at X35 Earthwalker are glad that Monster Hunter: World issuing more creative and experimental with this instalment because a game about hunting large powerful monsters has so much potential and room to work with.

Some locations are: ‘Wildspire Waste’ which is basically a desert which conjoined with a swampland. ‘Rotten Vale’ which is a deep valley which has a layer of decomposing remains which is formed from corpses falling from above… eww. The ‘Ancient forest’ which has a big and complex ecosystem. it also has a huge ancient tree that stands over the forest. It’s actually made from a network of trees. The ‘Coral Highlands’ which is basically the ocean and sea but on land as in above water. It has corals and look like something in the seas of Australia but it’s all dry land. Now each of these locations mentioned here are connected to each other. The Wildspire Waste receives water from the Ancient Forest. The Rotten Vale is below the Coral Highlands and the Coral Highlands  spreads eggs to the rest of the world where creatures become a part of the food chain there naturally.

Monster Hunter: World

As the name suggests, Monster Hunter: world has a wide range of monsters for you to contend with and see for yourself. In the Ancient Forest there is the Anjanath which is basically a large furry-isa T-rex. A Ratholos which is basically a giant wyvern that has poisonous claws and shoot fire from it’s mouth. In the Rotten Vale you may find an Odogaron which is sort of like a red, spiky sabre tooth tiger  but really aggressive. Radobaan which is a giant wyvern but covered with bones as armour and can curl up and roll like Behemoth from Evolve. In the Coral Highlands there is the Tzitzi-Ya-Ku which is like a velociraptor but has the ability to blind enemies and it’s prey. Paolumu which is basically a large bat that can puff up like a puffer fish to fly, watch out for the tail. In Wildspire Waste there is the Jyuratodus which is basically a flexible amphibian monster that travels through mud like a sea creature. The Barroth is like a rocky dinosaur that uses mud to help hinder and trap enemies to ready up for a charge attack. This isn’t nowhere near all the monsters in the game.

In terms of weapons and equipment, the Monster Hunters aren’t short by any stretch of the imagination. They have fourteen different weapons to use to take down these monsters so forget revolvers and handguns we need something bigger. These weapons are: Insect glaive, Long sword,  Switch axe, Bow, Sword and shield, Light bowgun, Lance, Great sword, Gunlance, Dual blades, Heavy bowgun, Hunting horn, Charge blade and Hammer. Take your pick. They each have their own attacks and style. Pros and cons indeed. Do you want to learn many or be a master in a few or one. It’s up to the gamers to decide. Obviously as you go through Monster Hunter: World you will encounter different monsters who are very different in combat and movement, meaning players will benefit from picking the best weapon for the job. Possibly the Great sword for heavy melee damage and good blocking against a creature that stays on the ground and has telegraphed attacks. A bow and heavy bowgun for areal enemies that never seem to land but the damage needs to continue.

The Monster Hunters’s equipment doesn’t stop there. They also have Scoutflies which are perfect for hunting monsters. these Scoutflies remember the scent of monsters and guid you from monster tracks to tracks, eventually finding the monster. The slinger allows hunters to launch stones and nuts at whatever you feel like. Some nuts have certain effects while a big rock hits like a big rock. Hey, a weapon is a weapon. You can even use it to distract monsters or get it’s attention else where. remember that. There are specialised tools that have powerful effects. They are easy to use and you can have two at a time activated so get ready for some combinations and planning to work best with your weapons. Paliceos are basically evolved cats that stand by the hunters side and considered a equal member of a hunter team. They can support with restorative, offensive and defensive abilities and more. Treat these guys right and they will literally fight with you.

We checked out some gameplay and it is what we expected. Large worlds that have many monsters around. Keep going until you find the monster that you’ve been looking for and then engage it in combat. Off course there are many things to interact with in Monster Hunter: World like bee nests, fruits, plants and more. Use everything to your advantage and even plan ahead for fights. Don’t just run in, even thought that’s fun too. Lay some traps, have an area to retreat to in case of an emergency. A spot for your team to gather and where to head to for the advantage, high or low ground, rock or mud etc. None of these fights should be easy and we hope they keep it that way. Nothing ruins a massive powerful looking boss fight more, than a simple win, with bosses have predictable easy patterns. There needs to be a clear threat. We should be on our guard and concentrating at all times.

Overall Monster Hunter: World so far has a lot of hype going on and for good reason. The graphics from what we have seen recently look amazing. The sounds are very good especially when the weapons collide with monsters. The combat is smooth and to some extent reminds us of Dark Souls. The rag doll effects are great too. More realistic than other games. The boss fights do look epic. The developers ‘Capcom’ did an amazing job so far. We at X35 Earthwalker are actually excited for Monster Hunter: World. We never cared for the other Monster Hunter games but this one has got our attention. Now Monster may be giving the hunters problems but one thing even the monsters can’t handle is… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Celeste is a new Platformer game developed by ‘Matt Makes Games inc’. It’s coming out in January 2018 for the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. Apparently this isn’t some ordinary mountain. Let’s take a look.

Celeste is simply about climbing a mountain. The mountain is said to a power, which is pretty much the main mystery of the game. Everything else is what you would expect from a platform game. Celeste has over 600 levels! That’s huge!This won’t be some game that you complete in a day by the looks of it, which is a good thing. The 600 levels are split into 8 chapters and for those completionists out there, there is said to be a lot of secrets in across these levels.

The graphic style off celeste course should remind most gamers of Terraria. Now players control Madeline. She has simple controls. She is a great climber as she can climb any surface and cover distance using her air-dash. If we know games (and we do), simple controls means a bigger skill gap and potential. We are off course correct. Celeste is meant to be a very difficult game. Like with some rage games you are expected to die a lot. 

The most interesting obstacle in Celeste is the fact that you can get chased by your own reflection. This is a very awesome but scary mechanic. X35 Earthwalker when he was much younger played one of the early Rayman games and had a level where a dark version of Rayman will follow you and do everything you do at the moment in time when you did it. This meant if you ran at point A and the shadow spawned at point B further behind it will walk to point A and then start to run like you did. If you collide with your reflection then you die. 

We checked out some gameplay and we at X35 Earthwalker like what we see. It’s pure platforming. nothing but jumping, moving, dashing and evading. There are traps around the levels sort of with a similar style to Spelunky. Blocks falling down to crush you, spikes around to impair you and off course drops to your death. Lots to keep up with. Mastering the air-dash will save players a lot of deaths and pain. 

Overall Celeste is an awesome looking game. It’s pure platforming. Serious platforming at that. The graphic look good for it’s styler. The sounds are good also but the music is excellent. The difficulty is suitable for a platform like this where dying is frequent. Off course we are sure there is more to Celeste and the secrets of the mountain. The developers ‘Matt Makes Games inc’  did a fantastic job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to seeing what else Celeste has to offer gamers. Now mountain climbing can be too much for some but guess what’s too much for everyone… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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infinium strike

Infinium Strike is a Tactical Tower Defence game developed by ‘Codex Worlds’. It’s hard to know when it’s coming out on Xbox One and PS4 as the developers initially said 2016 but that didn’t happen for consoles and now some say 2017 but the year is soon over so who truly knows. It is however out on PC though. Let’s take a look.

So basically the story is set in the year 2170. Humanity has developed explored and went far in tehcnology and colonised many planets. Lately though many of the colonies one by one have been have been falling because of a seemingly limitless invasion force of the Wrogs. They use enigmatic organic ships. Sounds so weird. The humans obviously fought back with entire armadas but all got destroyed. 

Infinium Strike - X35 Earthwalker

Humanities last hope is a massive super-tech battlecarrier called the Freedom Strike. It is fitted with turrets that can easily be changed and swapped, and a whole army of specialised drones. It’s one objective is to destroy the Wrog. That’s it. The story is very simple and we all can understand it. Names are silly though and that’s okay in the world of fiction. Now there is a living metal which a clever person could guess… It’s called ‘Infinium’.

Infinium Strike has quite a few things to offer. There are 3 TSF fleet units: Star void, Star ace and Star avenger. Players must use the TSF Super tech to their advantage like a Sentry satellite which fires at target within 1 sector, a Super shield which immediately repairs shields to 100% which sounds so OP (Over powered), a Decoy Satalite which can lure all enemies to it for a certain period of time and more super tech.

We checked out some Infinium Strike gameplay and it seems like a lot of management skills is required. Instead of just watching a screen and seeing waves of enemies apporaching, players have to watch four sides! Literally. Wrogs can come from the north, east, south and west. You have to switch between each side and set the right turrets to handle the incoming wave and deploy whatever fleet units you need, then back out to see the entire battlefield and see where your attention is needed next. This all looks real cool and we don’t know why the Freedom strike stays in one place in the middle of all the danger and not keep all enemies on one side. Whatever we aren’t piloting the thing.

Overall Infinium Strike does seem like a really cool game though. it has a number of options within to keep players thinking and entertained. Honestly we do hope they have more though. The graphics loo very nice and the sounds are okay. Definitely looks like a game that wants to put gamers under pressure. The developers ‘Codex Worlds’, did a fantastic job here. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to seeing more of Infinium Strike for the consoles like Xbox One.

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Skyforge is a huge MMORPG game. We at X35 Earthwalker have been playing Skyforge for a while now and have a number of different thoughts about the game. Skyforge is all about the immortals and gods. In Skyforge players start of as an immortal. Well not really a true immortal because you can still die but you come back. That sounds more like regeneration and resurrecting but whatever… you are an immortal. You must begin your journey from immortal to a full fledge god. To do this, players must gain followers. The more followers you have, the more powerful you become because of them believing in you. An interesting concept. 

Off course there is way more to the game that just that. The planet is in danger and the lives of mortals are on the line. Invasions are happening and evil or dangerous creatures and forces are at work and behind it. Most of the events and situations taking place are simply to big and powerful for mere mortals (useless beings) to handle. So it’s left for the gods and immortals to handle. You can gain followers by finding and rescuing people during missions. You could gain them through having big rituals being performed at your temple to attract more people. Also gain more followers as rewards for other stuff that you do.  

Skyforge invasion - X35 Earthwalker

Now you start as what appears to be a ordinary human working with his military team to protect innocent people from a vicious attack and crush the danger. the battle was worse than you thought. You and the team put up a great fight but ultimately was defeated and battered to death. No really, it was quite brutal.You wake up again on a pile of bodies and soon learn that you are an immortal. The same can’t be said about your comrades. Too soon? You are taken to the divine observatory where you meet and will be guided by a true god. Then introduced to another god for training and lessons and then you are let loose in the world. The gods in Skyforge are very different from each other and quite cool. Off course they are nothing compared to the one true God, Jesus Christ but in a video game these gods will have to do. 

It’s then you get to select your class. Now don’t worry. you don’t have to have just one and stick with it (you would know this if you read my previous blog on this game). You can right from the start actually have three classes to use and master. Paladin, Cryomancer and Lightbinder. These three are the perfect starting classes for any player to begin with. The Paladin is the sword and shield wielding tanker who attracts all the attention from enemies, takes all the damage but give out quite a lot as well. The Cryomancer is the hit hard but bruise like a peach attacker who destroys enemies with dangerous ice abilities from a distance. The Lightbinder is the light flashing support who always buffs up their team mates by enhances their power, shielding them from harm and looking good in the process. This means new players can fulfil any needed role. Off course there are many more classes out there. Much more…

Skyforge berserker - X35 Earthwalker

The full list so far is: Cryomancer, Beserker, Lightbinder, Monk, Slayer, Archer, Kinetic, Gunner, Alchemist, Knight, Warlock/Witch, Paladin and Necromancer. These classes are mostly very different to each other. Each class as their own leader god, abilities, play style and style as in looks. Now the classes can be purchased through in game currency or you can just dip into your real life wallet and get them straight away. Same goes for cosmetic stuff as well. So it’s really up to you. The option is there so don’t get mad.We love how unique the Necromancer and Gunner are. Others like Monks and Archers don’t seem as interesting but that’s for the gamers to decide.

There is literally a ton of things to do. There are invasions to counter and defend against, the campaign which takes you through the many provinces of Aelion and each area has their own challenges and objectives. Stories to discover and explore. Events to take part in and get a prize for progress, anomalies to set straight, guilds to join or form and off course climb the ladder to becoming a full super powered god and rule the battle field and maybe the world too. So like any MMORPG there is a lot of stuff to do and get started on. Leveling up each of your classes can be long that’s why players need to decide which classes they want as one of their mains for the many things ahead. 

Skyforge paladin vs cryomancer - X35 Earthwalker

Lastly there is the PvP battles. That;’s right. You are certainly not a god if you haven’t proven your might and power against gods how immortal are you really if you haven’t go the guts to clash with other immortals? Exactly! There are straight up team battles, you can challenge someone to a 1v1 duel  and even have battles that include golems who fight alongside you. Now in these matches there may be one or two moves you have for that class that cannot be used in PvP. Skyforge warns you of this in the description and hints concerning your moves and abilities so you will know which ones aren’t available. Some moves are only for PvE and some for PvP. You must use your skills and timing effectively to win as it can get heavily strategic in a second. That annoying Cryomancer hiding in the back with long range attacks and that sneaky Paladin who suddenly drops in next to you carving their name in your back as you try to run away. Beware the battles are tough.

Now Skyforge is definitely not perfect. For starters the levels and strength of players in battle aren’t equal. Meaning you can have a player who has been playing the game non stop go up against you in a battle making things much harder and in some cases unfair. Also Skyforge can be very confusing for first timers. Seriously when X35 Earthwalker himself first played the game, there was so much things to do and could try from the start that it got a bit confusing. Like what does this mean, what are those, why is this not available, what’s the difference between ‘Story’ and ‘Campaign’? Etc. Some classes actually don’t seem that useful or as epic as the others. Everyone thinks the Gunner class is awesome and who doesn’t love a good necromancer… but who chose the Archer? We haven’t seen a single Monk. Obviously they serve their own purpose and we do like that they are there but it’s clear some sound more awesome than others. Some players due to connection are just sliding around, teleporting and it does make battles annoying at some times. The mouth syncing bad in this game… Just saying. Some dialogue you ere isn’t in the text box or at times different words. Minor stuff but still stuff. Skyforge tells us to select our first mount but yet nothing is unlocked and available. It’s frustrating. It also takes a long time to unlock your first class outside of the starting three, unless you use your real money. We just think it shouldn’t take that long to get your first actual choice of a class.

Overall Skyforge is a great game. It does what a game should do which is provide entertainment for a long time. Off course this isn’t a real proper in depth review but it’s just our views and some  opinions on different things. The graphics in Skyforge are great. The music is very good, no doubt. Some of the music is just feels perfect for the large environment. World of warcraft and some others did not make X35 Earthwalker want to play them but Skyforge is the only MMORPG which we actually want to play. Skyforge is worth giving a try. It’s easy for new players to get into the MMORPG. Skyforge just might be worth checking out.

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Hellraid is a new first person fantasy action game developed by ‘Techland’. It’s said to be coming out this year but that’s weird as the year is soon over but we will have to wait and find out. it will be coming out on Xbox One, PS4 nd PC. Let’s take a look.

In Hellraid, you play a demon slayer who well… slays demons. This is a great career to have as the world has been invaded by the forces of hell. That’s how you know it’s serious. You have to close all the gates so no more demons can show up on earth through them. 

Hellraid does have character customisation and it’s said to be quite deep. not hugely deep like sims or but deep enough for it to matter. So select your armour, accessories and clothes. Then choose and combine active and pass abilities from a vast class-free skill tree divided into interwined branches of combat, magic and agility. So magic, melee and ranged combat is involved in Hellraid.

Hellraid sounds so simple and easy to predict already but sometime simple is what gamers need to make a game great but more importantly fun. Now the combat is the deepest and most interesting part. In terms of melee, you can counter, dash, parry, use shields and more. In terms of magic, you can cast lightning bolts, dangerous area of effect spells and off course shoot fire balls. In terms of ranged combat, there is throwing knives, explosives and even a crossbow. 

Now Hellraid has quite a bit to offer gamers. The enemies are said to be adaptive kind of like with the neighbour from the game Hello Neighbor. An advanced weapon crafting system. As long as they keep it simple it can’t go wrong. Three game modes… Arena, mission and story. They are making sure that we spend time in this game. Best of all the game is co-op. That’s right. slash and hack up demons, causing serious damage with up to three of your friends in all three game modes. No limits so far with Hellraid.

We checked out some gameplay and it so far looks really good. The action is what you would expect. Many enemies all wanting a piece of you. You can slash enemies in two with an axe, or smash skeletons in with a mighty hammer or burn things alive or freeze enemies solid with magic. You can switch between range, melee and magic at will and keep the pace of the fight going. The action is smooth and runs nicely.

Overall Hellraid looks like a very good game. Again, it is a simple game as in get out there and smash some monsters but it’s why it is fun. it’s a simple mission with a simple point but deeper game mechanics and systems. Some enemies adapt like learning to block certain strikes you like to do. The graphics are very good. The sounds and music are very good. The developers ‘Techland’   did a great job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker want to see more of Hellraid. Now portals that open, can be closed but one thing that never closes down is… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Aztez is a beat em up game developed by ‘Team Colorblind’. It’s coming to Xbox One, PS4 and Vita next year but it’s already out on PC, Mac and Linux. Aztez isn’t an ordinary beat em up game as it has something interesting mixed in. Let’s take a look.

Aztez is set in the Aztec empire (in case you haven’t guessed already). Now according to history, the Aztec times were not a joke… let’s just leave it at that but in Aztez things are far more serious. Aztez is all about expanding and maintaining the Aztec empire. This isn’t easy as there are different events happening like violent outbreaks. This stuff is handled through turn based action. That’s right. Aztez is a hybrid. Turn based and beat em up. Sort of like Hand of Fate 2 but definitely not the same.

In Aztez, the Aztez are your elite close combat warriors who you can deploy on certain missions which players are going have to think carefully about this though as you have limited deployments. When it comes to combat and settling things like reasonable adults, Aztez then becomes a beat em up game. The beat em up side of this is said to be very deep. Lots of mechanics. and there are consequences concerning the empire. This is all because of a large and powerful enemy. this enemy is approaching the valley of Mexico. Do everything you can to win.

Aztez - X35 Earthwalker

Aztez is supposed to be one of those games, you can replay multiple times. Everytime you play, players will encounter different events, different rewards, spoils and challenges. Now the cities in the empire are all large. This is an empire that grows at the expense of others, what do you expect. Not only that, you can even enter the underworld. It gets crazier. You will face mythological enemies and historical foes. So historical as in other famous groups of people in history maybe. not sure but mythological creature basically means anything. The best thing though is that you can summon the Aztec gods who have immense power to completely stomp anyone who foolish enough to defy you.

We checked out some gameplay and it does look very cool. On the strategy turn based part of the game, the scrolling around is smooth, the details and how it looks are great. Information that players need are clear and displayed nicely. When it comes to combat again, information is clear. You can see and select what cosmetics you want your Aztez to have and decide what weapons to equip. There is lots of action players can do. There are light and heavy hits, you can dash like in Cuphead, you can grab enemies and knee them to the head, you can block, dodge, hover in the air as you attack, a combo counter and more. the combat is also very smooth and active and you can tell that things will get way more complex. Aztez looks good so far.

The combat is done very well. it isn’t simple the enemies walk up to you and take a scripted swing. these enemies move forwards and back, take attacks and have wide range of them. Enemies with spears can do long range attacks and multiple stabs. Those with swords can do heavy ground slashes. Others that have magic abilities strike in unrealistic ways. They have their own special attacks and it forces players to remember what certain types of enemies can do and how to handle or avoid each one. Some leap in the air and crash down, overs go in the air and bird dive down while others stay on the ground with a shield. The A.I combat has been done better than most games definitely.

Overall we at X35 Earthwalker think Aztez is a cool game. Graphics and sounds are very good. The combat is easily the greatest things about Aztez. There are some heavy consequences for failing missions and bad decisions in Aztez so keep that in ming gamers. The developers, ‘Team Colorblind’ did a very good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker believe Aztez is worth checking out thanks to it’s different approach and very active combat mechanics. Now the Aztez may be elite warriors but even they are no match for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Warhammer Vermintide 2

Warhammer Vermintide 2 is the sequel to Warhammer: End Time – Vermintide. It is a first person co-op action game developed by ‘Fatshark’. I’s coming out early 2018 for the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. The rats are back but wait… there’s more! Let’s take a look.

Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide was a vicious first person co-op that many gamers jumped into and slaughtered some rats. Like seriously, who likes rats? We don’t. In Warhammer Vermintide 2, those rats are back but wait… There’s more! The warriors of chaos are here! Even worse they have teamed up with the relentless Skaven ratmen. They have a dark pact and one goal in mind… to destroy humanity and do what they want with the realms of man. Clan Fester of the ratmen is really vexed with man for what happened at Ubersreik. This time they ain’t about to let a couple of humans ruin everything. They got friends who will make a difference.

The warriors of chaos are is made up of dangerous norsemen who’s clan goes by the name ‘Rotblood’. They are crazy and serve Nurgle, the god of pestilence. He sounds like a pleasant god doesn’t he. Who doesn’t want pestilence? Now they have one goal in mind and that’s to completely destroy the empire. They literally want to leave nothing behind. Now the warriors of chaos are quite a variety as some look humanoid and weird dangerous weapons like axes while others just look like deformed monsters with tentacles, horns and worse. Now imagine this force but teamed up with the ratmen. That sounds like a problem.

Warhammer Vermintide 2 - X35 Earthwalker

The heroes are back! The five from Ubersreik: Bardin Goreksson, Kerillian, Victor Saltzpyre, Sienna Fuegonasus and Markus Kruber are here but things are better than before. There are 15 unique careers  with their own play styles, own talent tree, active and passive abilities, access to unique weapons and equipment and adds depth to character progression. So be prepared to get in deep with your characters as there is much more experimentation to be done.

Now Warhammer Vermintide 2 has added some new things and really mixed some stuff up. This time the fight will be focused on Helmgart. There is also a new Spawn Director which makes sure that overtime you play through the game, it is different. The enemy spawning and formations are always changed up and pretty much unpredictable. There is a new and improved loot system. The rewards you get are completely connected to your hero and your the career you are currently playing. There is much more weapons and accessories in Warhammer Vermintide 2. Much more. So now character build will be more deeper, more to think about and off course more important.

It has been said though that matchmaking has been completely improved with a support for dedicated servers. this should make all the difference. Another new feature is something called ‘The Keep’. The Keep is the new head quarters for the heroes. The new base of operations. This is where all the tactical stuff happen. This is where all the planning is done as well. Here you decide what missions to go on. There is also a practice room where players can test and try out abilities, weapons and talents. We hope it’s like that special room in Dead Space 3 where you could construct and build weapons to test on Necromorphs with unlimited ammo. For those who are about showing off and war glory, you can also hang up and display your battle trophies.

There is also the ‘Heroic Deeds System’. this is new and will shake things up for even veteran players. The best way to explain this to use the exact words from the Warhammer Vermintide 2 official website, which says “Experience special scenarios and unique trials through the Heroic Deeds System. These consumerable quests will place you in strange new settings, dramatically change the mix of enemies you face, limit the use of weapons and abilities, or give you unusual mission objectives.” This sort of reminds us of the spartan ops from Halo 4 where there were full missions but nothing like the campaign and anything could sort of go in there. Let’s see how Warhammer Vermintide 2 handles this.

Warhammer Vermintide 2 - X35 Earthwalker

We checked out some gameplay and can confirm that things do look better. The combat still looks as stiff and not much mobility as before but the combat it’s self is different. The enemies seem to have slower heavy attacks and light fast attacks. Their amour seems to play more of a role as well. The heroes movements during battle seem more complex than before which will make fights more engaging and interesting. The graphics are definitely improved as the surroundings look great and the sounds of strikes and clashing with amour is also very good.

Overall Warhammer Vermintide 2 looks like a complete improvement over the prequel Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide. Graphics, sounds, combat, features, loot system, enemies are all taken to a higher level; however it hasn’t won us over at X35 Earthwalker. The first game didn’t impress us at all and we actually didn’t end up enjoying it. The combat felt so stiff. off course many enjoyed it and we are sure many will enjoy the sequel as well but we will need to see and know more to find out if it is our thing or not. The developers ‘Fatshark’ did a great job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will keep an ear open for Warhammer Vermintide 2. Now Warhammer Vermintide 2 may have new enemies but that still isn’t enough to defeat… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Circuits is a  musical based puzzle game which was developed by ‘Digital Tentacle’. It’s already out on PC but will be coming to the Xbox One the 16th of December. Now Circuits has a simple concept but it’s sort of deep. Let’s take a look.

Circuits looks so simple, that’s because it is. It’s concept is truly simple but Circuits is a challenging game. Now in Circuits you have to reconstruct a song that has been messed up and sliced up. Now how will we go about doing this. the answer is ‘music’. The music is the key. Players will have to listen carefully to the song to be able to reconstruct the whole song. So those who love music should like this game.

There are currently 25 songs which means 25 levels which is a good amount by the way for what circuits is. Now don’t start asking us what kind of music there is because we do know. There is some orchestra,  which was composed by David Garcia by the way, some electronic ambient and even some dubstep. We believe there will be a bit more.

We checked out some Circuits gameplay and we can confirm that it is a unique game. The concept here and how it’s done is definitely different from any other game. Circuits definitely requires players to have a good ear and the ability to focus. Off course there isn’t much emphasis on graphics and looks because the developers wanted all the focus to be on the music and ears. For what it is, the graphics are good and things do look nice. the music has been said to be awesome. It’s definitely a puzzle game and takes some time to progress in.

Circuits - X35 Earthwalker

Overall, circuits is very unique. It’s new. It’s different. It’s musical and it works. Many have had things to say about this so far most say that the game is good. we at X35 Earthwalker agree. The graphics are good but the music is excellent. The developers ‘Digital Tentacle’ did an very good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will wonder how this game will impact the gamers of the Xbox community. Now Circuits may be musically unique but it still ain’t as unique as… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Hello Neighbor

Hello Neighbor is a first person puzzle game developed by ‘Dynamic Pixels’. It’s coming out the 8th of December for the Xbox One, PS4 and PC. Gamers are are all getting ready to move into their new house and face their cunning neighbor. Let’s take a look.

Hello Neighbor is a game that needs no introduction really. It was all over youtube and played by many of the biggest you tubers around. Millions of views and lots of videos. Gamers play a man who moves into a new neighbourhood. Things seem normal but then we become fixated on our neighbour who lives opposite us and make it our duty to break into his house, sneak around and get into his basement. I know it sounds like a game for creeps but you know you are going to play it… so what does that make you (think about it).

Hello Neighbor’s story really got the interest of gamers. Games with good mysteries have a good chance of standing out. The neighbour isn’t a normal guy. Some theories suggest that he is working with the devil. some say that he kidnaps children for rituals. Some say his mannequins contain the souls of past neighbours who got in his way. It’s so mysterious that even YouTube channel ‘Game Theory’ got involved. Either way it’s clear that something is up with the neighbor. For starters he is always wearing those black gloves like he’s messing with chemicals twenty four seven or very hygienic. Look at him!

Hello Neighbor - X35 Earthwalker

Now sneaking into the Neighbouo’s house is one thing but getting around and solving the many puzzles is a totally different situation. Go through the door, climb through a window or drop in from the roof. There are many padlocks requiring different colour keys, many items like magnets, key cards, crow bars, flash light etc which all have their own purpose. There are normal doors and then there are doors that look like they were designed by a drunk cowboy builder. Now why is this so hard? The answer is the Neighbor. He is an advanced A.I. He is constantly moving around the house minding his own business. He can hear for sounds and will investigate any unusual noises. He will at times sleep, other times work out and do stretches or even pee in the toilet. If he sees you then you have a problem.

The Neighbor in some of the beta is faster than the players but in the latest alpha you are equal speed. Either way he is fast. Meaning if you take those corners too wide, he will catch you. If you hide in a obvious place, he might check that place out, discover you and catch you. If you lock doors thinking you are safe in the storage room well he will break it down and then catch you. What happens when he catches you? No one knows but just promise us that you won’t cry. The neighbour adapts to your tactics and approaches always. So after you respawn you may find bear traps set up around doors that you like to use. You may find some doors locked. You may find some security cameras in certain hall ways which will snitch on you if they see you. He may stay by certain areas more if you are normally seen there. It gets worse.

Hello Neighbor - X35 Earthwalker

Being chased is the worse as you are blasted with loud dramatic music for the chase which also doubles as your cue for when he stops chasing you because the music then stops. He can throw glue to slow you down or at one point bear traps. We aren’t sure of other abilities and skills that the Neighbor will have as now it’s the complete and final game which must have received lots of feedback and comments. The neighbour may get a weapon as the game progresses. He may set up decoys or net traps. he may use that mechanical shark which we saw in the second beta. What we do know is that his movement and parkour skills are getting stepped up making him a bigger threat than before and harder to get away which makes sense as this is supposed to be an advanced A.I.

After finally unlocking the basement, the game is over… actually that’s not true. That’s just the start. The basement in itself is a whole new thing. Later builds revealed that the basement is pretty much a maze. Winding paths, contraptions set up, fences, gates, keys and even a dangerous presence… friendly? We think not. So Hello Neighbor isn’t going to be a simple game. it’s obviously clear that it’s large, very deep and a mysterious story. X35 Earthwalker himself and even Diamondz L45 are excited for this game and to see what is happening. What’s the real deal with the neighbor? Why does his house look like that? What’s up with the mannequins. Below is some Hello Neighbor alpha 2 gameplay by CoryxKenshin.

The final build will have a bunch of new stuff and after so many betas and alphas the gaming community just couldn’t wait for this one. Now there are some concerns from us at X35 Earthwalker about Hello Neighbor. In the latest alpha build the player can learn certain abilities to deal with the neighbor like being invisible when crouching and even knocking the neighbor of you when he grabs you. These were cool but they defeat the whole purpose of the neighbor making him less of a threat, and less scary as it’s incredibly hard to lose with those powers. Last point. Why is everyone saying that the neighbor has issues and that he’s the problem when it’s the players who have nothing better to do than spend their day breaking into their neighbor house constantly. Matter of fact, the neighbor is a nice guy for not calling the police! We know we would!

Overall Hello Neighbor is going to be a great game. we just hope the developers don’t get too carried away or mislead and end up ruining it. The graphics good for the style that it has. Surreal. Hopefully the sounds are on point. The developers ‘Dynamic Pixels’ did an amazing job. Please keep it up. We at X35 Earthwalker are definitely looking forward to Hello Neighbor. Without a doubt. Now the neighbor may be up to something but he he certainly ain’t up for… the ‘Earth Walk!’

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Let Them Come - X35 Earthwalker

Let Them Come was on of those games that got very little attention from the gaming community. We at X35 Earthwalker enjoyed Let Them Come. It’s one of those casual games that you just play and don’t take too seriously at all. X35 Earthwalker has completed the game completely.

Now Let Them Come was causal but that doesn’t mean it didn’t have some difficulty to it. Matter of fact as you get past the first few levels, the game throws players into some brutal stuff. Already you are dealing with a mixture of spiderlings, grunts, danglers and shielders which in the right combination becomes impossible for new players to defeat. The game let’s you know that it’s hard but it recognises that and puts systems in place to help. For example if you fail a wave too many times you get the option to shuffle the kinds of enemies you will encounter hopefully to get a more simple combination or get a free power up from the start.

Now since Let Them Come is a game where you stay in one place and fire your heavy machine gun down a hall way of mercilessly approaching aliens this means that everything depends on your load out and the aliens. The skill required to play is very low, making it for everyone but the skill required to beat the game and master is high because of how simple it is. Some waves literally require certain bullets and items to support you. Now you have four equipment to focus on. Gun or character upgrades, items, grenades and ammo. there are loads of stuff to choose from. Some combinations and items are better than others. The waves will get brutal, especially the bosses.

The type of ammo that you use is crucial in the waves. some ammo are way more useful than others. You do not get unlimited supply for special ammo. Only standard is unlimited. Everything else you pay per bullet. No, really, you got to pay for each bullet. Best to buy in bundles of fifty. Now the only ammo we think is useless is the cluster. Simply because it doesn’t do enough damage and others do a better job. Piercing ammo will be your best friend simple because it allows you to damage everything regardless of which alien is in front. It also easily kills the shielders who can be a big problem when protecting critical aliens behind them. The most powerful ammo is dark matter which disintegrate enemies on contact but after piecing, explosive is just awesome as it destroys everything in with satisfying results. Other ammo like shock, frost and incendiary depends on how you play and feel.

Grenades can be the thing that saves your life in critical moments. Like with the ammo, there is a variety of grenades but similar to ammo like shock, molotov, freeze and black hole. Now mines are very different and useful. Throw them down and then decide when to detonate. There is one boss in particular where the mines come in handy. Now items or secondary weapons are essential. They are what protects you from spiderlings and crabs jumping on you or for that extra damage. You start off with the knife which get rid of enemies about to pounce on your head. Immediately you will upgrade to more powerful items like the baton or throwing knives. Throwing knives are very good as it’s extra damage and can throw it out there and keep shooting. The best item according to X35 Earthwalker is the Tomahawk which is basically a stronger and bigger throwing knife but at  slower rate of fire.

The bosses are the absolute worse. They are large powerful aliens that will force players to concentrate. There is nothing casual about these guys. Aliens like the Smasher sort of prepare you for how a missed opportunity can ruin everything fast. Bosses like the Blob will have multiple enemies coming after you while you must block projectiles while waiting for opportunities. The last boss called experiment 7 is one that forces players to use the riot shield otherwise there is no way of winning. Basically, the bosses are a big deal.

Now the negatives with to Let Them Come is that they they shouldn’t have had the cluster ammo as it basically is garbage. We can’t see a reason for using it. It feels like the developers ran out of ideas. Also the cluster mod is a let down completely, we tried it once and then never again. The charge mod is great only for some of the ammo like the pierce. Explosive is not worth it. The story isn’t satisfying at all. it’s so simple and sort of cliche-ish. The ending cinematic is also not good enough either in terms of quality now we are aware that maybe this game didn’t have a large team obviously. They aren’t Bungie and 343 industries. it could be a few people so we aren’t going to hang them for it but we do think that the ending cinematic isn’t good enough. The walking animation for the host alien is exactly the same as the walking for the main character when moving from stage to stage. Not a bad thing but we did notice. Lastly the power up frenzy is too weak. X35 Earthwalker himself got a perfect rating for Frenzy and it didn’t kill things as fast as as double barrell did in some cases. We aren’t exaggerating. When we have double barrel or double damage we feel like it’s slaying much faster than anything else. Except unlimited ammo explosive ammo. that’s destructive.

Overall Let Them Come is just a great game. it’s simple, it’s fun, it’s difficult. When you complete the game and can do another campaign but a plus campaign, the mix up of aliens are more dangerous, the bosses are stronger and more difficult. Anyone can play this game but not everyone will complete the game. it’s about getting your resources and buy-in or upgrading the stuff that will make a difference and get you through the wave. Change your items to suit the situation. Which ammo do you use? Should you be spamming grenades? Stuff like that. Also the idea of buying your items is just a good idea. This game is still worth checking out and playing. Now Let Them Come may be a good game but it’s no where near as good as the… ‘Earth Walk!’

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