Straight up, we at X35 Earthwalker have to declare that XCOM 2: War of the Chosen is awesome. It is without a doubt a successful DLC which is worth buying and trying for yourself. It just has to be said from the start. Let’s see why.
Don’t let the introduction fool you as the tutorial and opening story line is pretty much the same except for a cutscene which shows, a person dressed very differently, sneak into an Advent facility and locate the location of the commander. Other from that it iOS all the same but afterwards you will encounter new cutscenes which reveal a lot. You will be introduced to two new factions: Reapers and Skirmishers. Both are very different in appearance, back story, abilities and combat styles. Read our previous blog on XCOM 2: War of the Chosen for more information. Make sure to master using these two factions as they are a real force beside your regular XCOM soldiers.
Players will notice a small green meter below the health of their soldiers. This bar represents your soldiers level of tiredness. If a soldier is used in missions in a row, they will start to get tired and will require rest eventually before getting used again. So take tiredness into account. The next thing is soldier bonding. Now soldiers who work well together can eventually build a bond which starts at level 1 and can be increased through going on missions together and special facilities which you can build. The bond grants the soldiers with special abilities to use on the field. Lastly there is a intelligence level. Now this is random for each soldier. Some have average intelligence, above average, and genius. The higher the intelligence the more options of abilities they have the opportunity to learn through using action points (AP). Abilities that are not normally for that class.
The new enemy faction, ‘The Lost’, are an excellent addition to the game.You can’t fight them the same way you fight Advent. You forget about cover and instead just get as many of them in sight as possible and create as much safe distance as possible. The Lost are so weak that they normally have 2 or 3 health (few have 4) meaning you can one shot them. if you do one shot one of them, then you get a free action, which is awesome. Thank goodness they have that mechanic in place. This is because they apple in swarms. You might even get 8 coming after you at one time. Worse (or at times better) the Lost might show up while you are fighting Advent which means they could swarm you and make life hard but on the good side they may come for advent instead making your fight easier.
The worst and probably best addition of XCOM 2: War of the Chosen has to be the Chosen themselves. The three powerful aliens that just don’t stay dead and relentlessly chase and hunt you down. The sniper one, the slashing one and the psionic one are all very powerful, got good health and command fear and attention on the battlefield. They can hang out in certain (identified) parts of the globe and if you do a mission in that area, there is a chance that they can show up and believe us when we say, you do not want that. When X35 Earthwalker himself encountered the assassin it was a problem. The assassin (Day-Mai Dessurik) came out of no where and slashed one soldier knocking them into a daze and then ran of safely into cover. X35 had to corner her and deliver the final blow. It wasn’t easy.
As you play, you will notice all the new things like knew enemy units, new maps, new interface screens for talking characters and more. There is even special missions for your soldiers and your ally factions to two together. Your soldiers will be unavailable for the period of the mission but it can be worth it. Seriously though, this DLC is excellent. Check it out for yourself before buying to see if you would be interested. Now what we can guarantee is interesting is… the ‘Earth Walk!’
For more information check out the link below: