Yooka-Laylee is a new open world platformer game, developed by ‘Playtonic Games’ that’s coming out on the 11th of April for Xbox One, PC and PS4. Straight away we had to check Yooka-Laylee out. The protagonist Yooka looks real cool and cute at the same time. That’s a good start as the main character is very important. It at times decides whether someone will even look at the game or not.
In the world of Yooka-Laylee you control Yooka the chameleon and Laylee who are on a mission to stop and defeat “corporate creep Capital B” who basically wants to absorb all the books in the world and “convert them into pure profit”. This reminds us of another game where it’s two animal protagonists who are on an adventure to save the world from that one enemy who has an army behind them. Nothing wrong with that as it’s a good set up for a story.
3D Platformers have all the opportunities to make the game awesome. You can have large worlds, crazy environments and just straight up mysteries all around with puzzles. Flood the world with collectibles and more. We hope Yooka-Laylee has some of that at least. In Yooka-Laylee there is said to be a lot of puzzles with variety and platform challenges. The game has a large cast of characters which you will discover and meet in the different worlds including the legendary ‘Shovel knight’ who recently lost to scrooge mcduck in a death battle. There are powerful bosses for the gamers to overcome.
Yooka and Laylee work very well together. Yooka can hold onto Laylee allowing them to hover for a while. Yooka can roll along the ground while Laylee runs on top making them move like a wheel at greater speeds. There are multiple actions these two can perform. Yooka can swim (thank goodness) and defend himself by spinning with his tail. We saw Yooka create an air bubble around the two underwater while Laylee assists with sharp movements.
There is supposed to be alot of things that you can do in this game. There are minecart challenges, quiz shows, multiplayer games and arcade games. This is what we like to see. Developers putting in many things to do like extras. It means gamers will spend time on the game and there will be more options for the different types of gamers. This brings us to the next cool things about the game. You can play co-op with a friend in Yooka-Laylee. This means your brother, sister or friend can in the adventure with you. We at X35 Earthwalker respect games that allow local co-op or multiplayer play.
The environments are large and look great. We have seen a ice mountain like area, floating island like area, a jungle looking area and a place with buildings that look like ancient ruins. Once again variety always scores points. The graphics are wonderful and the sounds are nice. We can see that work went into the game.
Overall Yooka-Laylee looks like a very cool and fun game. It’s multiplayer, got extras like arcade and multiplayer games so there is more to do. The developers ‘Playtonic Games’ did a very good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker will definitely want to see more of this game and see what becomes of it. Many will love it we know that for sure but let’s see what happens. Whether something happens or not… it’s all about doing the ‘Earth Walk!’
For more information check out the link below: