Back 4 Blood is a cooperative First Person shooter zombie game developed by ‘Turtle Rock Studios‘ and published by ‘Warner Bros Games‘. Back 4 Blood is an excellent game but got unfairly bashed by the ignorant gaming community. Another victim of this like the Callisto Protocol. X35 Earthwalker did a whole podcast episode talking about Back 4 Blood. So check that out as well. Back 4 Blood is definitely better than Left 4 Dead 2. Let’s take a look.
Let’s not make this long as there’s a whole podcast on this as well. For starters Left 4 Dead 2 was released in 2009. An old game like that is not beating a new game like Back 4 Blood. The huge gap in time means a gap in technology and software. So it’s obvious that Back 4 Blood has superior graphics and visuals. The levels look much better as well. The character designs are more detailed. That’s the obvious stuff.
Left 4 Dead 2 has 4 characters and only one of them is actually memorable. Back 4 Blood has 8 characters right off the bat but an additional 4 as additional content. So a total of 12 characters. So Back 4 Blood has 3 times more characters. More options. What’s also better is that Back 4 Blood’s characters have abilities. Each character has an effect for themselves and then a buff for their team. So for example a character might have a maximum stamina boost for themself but then grants faster stamina regeneration for the whole team. So yeah, remember that there’s 12 of them.
Next off course is the ridden… the zombies/infected. There’s more threats and ridden variety than what you have in Left 4 Dead 2. Left 4 Dead 2 has regular zombies, jockey, smoker, spitter, boomer, charger, hunter, tank and witch. Each of course do their own thing. For example the tank is the biggest, strongest and most dangerous. Witch only attacks with lethal strikes when started or disturbed by players. Jockey likes to hop on players to incapacitate players and render them useless. Smoker tries to kidnap players with its long tongue. Charger believes in charging you down to pin you and do big damage.
In Back 4 Blood you have: regular ridden, snitcher, Tallboy, Reeker, Stinger, shredder, ripper, sentinel, urchin and these have variants too and ones that have armour too, making them even more. For example there’s three types of sentinels which each have different annoying attacks like an actual swarm and the other lobs like fire bombs. The Tank is like the boss enemy of Left 4 Dead 2 but not an actual boss. Back 4 Blood actually has bosses with health bars, so another step up over Left 4 Dead 2. There’s currently 3 bosses at least that you can encounter even in a level as a surprise guest. Ogre, Hag and Berserker. Each one is a major problem. Ogre is the largest thing ever and can hurl massive boulder like projectiles. Hag is basically the superior witch as when startled it chases the player down and proper chomps down on them. Than can escape by digging into the ground. The Berserker is armoured up and leaps great distances to slam and throw players around. Basically a discount Berserker from Gears of War. So way more threats and enemies in Back 4 Blood.
Next up are weapons. There’s way more weapons in Back 4 Blood. More ranged weapons, more melee weapons, more throwable weapons. M4, M16, MP5, UMP45, Ak-47, RPK and way more rifles and guns of different types too. Shotguns, snipers and rifles like the M1. So whatever is your style you can do it. Even a sawed off shotgun. There’s bow and arrows with the arrows being infinite. Melee weapons there’s spiked baseball bats, axe, machete and even wolverine claws. There’s Molotov, pipe bombs (of course), grenades, smoke grenade, flash bang and let’s just say green glow substance to attract ridden to it. There’s also support items too like a stun gun to free yourself from being incapacitated by a special ridden that grabs you. We will say that the pipe bomb in Left 4 Dead 2 has a much better explosion than Back 4 Blood.
Another big advantage Back 4 Blood has are the weapon attachments. Both have them but Back 4 Blood has much more and deeper mechanics concerning it. Nozzle, magazine/bullets, scope and stock. The one you equip will have different parts and there’s different grades to the parts from common all the way to legendary. Even the melee weapons have attachments. Giving damage resistance, increased damage, melee speed, movement speed and more. So clearly Back 4 Blood has more mechanics and deeper than Left 4 Dead 2. Back 4 Blood even has a full weapons range for basically every weapon you can find in the game. Pick em up, try em out. Every throwable and attachment is there too. So you can get a feel for them, see the difference the attachments make and see the exact damage with the targets. There’s even a flamethrower!!! And it’s mad strong.
The last major factor that puts Back 4 Blood way above Left 4 Dead 2 is the card system. These cards completely change the game. Use these cards to create builds. Some builds increase your damage with a certain weapon. Some increase your health. Others gave increased damage resistance. Some are a trade like -5% health but gain 40% stamina. When you unlock the strongest cards you can make yourself ridiculously strong. X35 Earthwalker the one true Earthwalker, the legendary soldier himself has multiple builds and he is over powered. There’s a melee build where it’s basically impossible for him to die while fighting. He has a mighty shooting build where he never needs to reload and does massive damage with guns.
Back 4 Blood has received additional content so more things have arrived. There’s lots happening and when done on some of the hardest difficulties, things can get insane and intense. Left 4 Dead 2 is very easy. Easy game. Your melee attack is over powered. Back 4 Blood is a much harder game and requires far more strategy and good gameplay to beat, instead of spamming melee. This isn’t everything that Back 4 Blood does better than Left 4 Dead 2 but it’s already really clear which game is better. X35 Earthwalker is never wrong. Back 4 Blood may be better than Left 4 Dead 2 but neither are own the level off… the ‘Earth Walk!
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