Typoman: Revised is a 2D puzzle platformer word game that came out last year on PC and Wii U but came out coming out (or came out) today for Xbox One and PS4. In this game you play a character made of letters who has to survive and get through a dangerous and dark world.
Straight away this game has captured our attention. We like the whole idea of creatures and the main character being made of letters. We like the emphasis that this game places on words. The main character starts of as an the letter ‘O’ rolling around, then finds other letters until eventually having an humanoid shape as in head, arms, body and legs. Allowing him to run, jump and climb ladders. The main character is one of those that doesn’t say anything.
This world is hostile and different creatures are around that are a bigger than the player and will attack him. Our character doesn’t have any means to defend himself and out running some of them, doesn’t seem possible; however our little guy has a power that those creatures don’t have: The power of words. He can use words to change and alter his surroundings. So by creating a new word using a ‘wordscrambler’ like ‘Down’ he can make doors, for example, that are up to come down. There are other words like ‘rain’, ‘trust’, ‘cover’ and much more with their own effects for the main character to use once he has spelled them. Words are literally your defense and weapon in this game and we so love the idea of that at X35 Earthwalker.
Throughout the world there are speech marks that once collected displays some text containing interesting information. It could be about the story or could be some advice or something for the player to think about. Either way, those speech marks are worth getting. One of them did say, “She taught me to seek truth over lies, justice over injustice, righteousness over the rewards of evil doers.” This is very interesting as not only this a good message for everyone to hear and should follow but it’s linked to something X35 Earthwalker himself has noticed concerning this game. We will tell you what he said later.
The graphics of the game are very nice and the art style was enough to make it the winner of the ‘Gaming trends best of E3 2015 best art style’. The music in this game was composed nicely and you can listen to some on the Typoman official website. The sounds are good and go well with the interactions and whatever is going on. The environments all look nice. The background we felt good have been done a bit better but still nice. We felt that there is opportunity to put something more in there but we aren’t the creators of this game and so it’s up to them. A lot of effort and work went into this game and it definitely shows.
X35 Earthwalker said, “I believe that this game, like with others and even some anime, was inspired by the bible but off course with it’s own twists. The biggest evidence of this is that the only real weapon and power that this little character has in this game is the power of words. Yet what the bible and Jesus explained to people was that words have power. That words change things. Words effect the physical and the spiritual. Words change lives and can even produce life or death which is mentioned in Proverbs 18:21. On the Typoman website the description, under the section ‘about this game’ in the last sentence even said “But choose your words wisely. They can either be a blessing… or a curse!”. Not only does God tell us to control our tongues and what we say but in Matthew 12:37 Jesus even explained that by our words we are justified or condemned. Our words either lift us up or will work against you. The text that the speech mark revealed talked of seeking truth and rewards of the wicked. Things that Jesus and the bible definitely talks about. So many links and evidence and this is what also interested me about the game.” So all readers and viewers, let us know what you think.
Overall this is an interesting game and we hope that many gamers give this game a chance as it also seems like one of those games that has a lesson behind it for the gamers to get and learn from or something like that. The developers, ‘Brainseed Factory’ did a very good job with this game. We at X35 Earthwalker look forward to seeing what becomes of this game in this year. Do the ‘Earth Walk’!
For more information check out the link below: