X-Morph: Defense is a new top down shooter, tower defense game, developed by EXOR Studios, and coming out 30th of August for Xbox One, PS4 and PC. This game so far looks real cool.
X-Morph: Defense shakes things up with the story. This time players aliens. Players will be invading and taking on Earth. Players are… the X-Morph. The alien species that wants earth’s resources and to terraform the planets surface. Now off course earth isn’t going to roll over and let this happen. They send their units and fight back. Players must get strategic in this fight. Use the build mode to select and place various different alien towers to counter the humans. Blow up buildings to block of paths or create paths. Whatever supports your towers and style. What’s also great is that you can join the fray yourself. Use a cool range of weapons to take them on. It’s up to you how you want to play. X-Morph is said to provide “exceptional planning freedom.”
So how do you complete your objective? Well you must defend the X-Morph harvesters from waves of incoming human forces. Now use the setup phase to carefully decide how you want to set up your defense and take your time because there is no time limit. X-Morph boasts about the ability to allow players to build towers virtually anywhere. So how will you build. Normally X35 Earthwalker himself likes to create long winding paths in games like Defense Grid 2 to make things as hard for the enemies as possible. Use the environment to your advantage. Everything is almost completely destructible. So collapse bridges, buildings and more to shape the field to your advantage like block or paths and make complex mazes.
What’s really cool is how far the humans have advanced in technology. They have created large, massive mechanical units that can destroy the X-Morph. These giant war machines can also be boss fights. These bosses have the power to damage and influence the environment as well. Prepare for awesome battles full of destruction. City sized threats indeed.
What really makes us at X35 Earthwalker very happy is the fact that X-Morph: Defense is split screen co-op. That’s right. You heard us. In co-op, there are more enemies and they come from more direction which honestly is how it should be to make the challenge balanced. There are different gameplay scenarios for co-op so you will have a different experience from when you played single player. So how will you work with your partner? Will both of you attack the enemy head on or will one build while the other attacks. It’s all up to the players.
We have checked out some gameplay and it’s looking real epic right now. The graphics and sounds are excellent. The action is continuous and explosive indeed. The buildings are shattering. The attention to detail is great as well. You can easily see that a lot of work went into this game.
Overall this game is looking awesome. The gaming mechanics are great and add layers to the tower defense aspects of X-Morph: Defense. Like we said, the graphics and sounds are excellent. The environments are designed well. The developers ‘Exor Studios’ have done a magnificent job from what we can see. This game is worth checking out. stealing a planets resources is mean but one thing is never mean, and that’s… The ‘Earth Walk!’
For more information check out the link below: