We know a lot about XCOM 2: War of the Chosen. What’s really interesting is the whole new units coming to the action on both the enemies side and our side. So lets check them out because they really are something to be excited about.
On the side of the Chosen:
The Assassin is a stealth based unit who is a master of the katana and prefers close range combat. The assassin is prideful and see humanity as below her. It is said that she has unmatched skills in combat. She can kidnap your soldiers which if any has played XCOM 2 knows that is a huge problem. She can get stronger over the campaign and if you aren’t careful sabotage the Avenger (your ship). She can even taunt you. She’s got character hasn’t she. She can vanish from sight and stun/disorientate groups of soldiers with ‘Harbor wave from a distance. The Assassin will gain your instant attention. Remember that she will pretty much rush you down and put her trusty Katana to work.
The Warlock has been described as the most arrogant and said to have gotten too much from the psionic well of power also making him mentally unstable. This doesn’t sound good at all. He even goes so far to believe that he is a god and greater than the elders that made him. He is normally armed with an assault rifle but he uses a wide range of psionic powers on the battlefield. He can afllict enemy soldiers with madness which leads to a variety of status effects. He can summon back up who can use strong melee attacks, while these guys are out he is invulnerable to harm (OP much?). Can teleport his troops around the field and can even rise up zombies who can explode. I already hate the Warlock.
The Hunter has a very different style. The Hunter is a unit who fights from a distance and stalks it’s prey, even from across the map. The Hunter just loves to disable and wound enemy soldiers then when the time is right, deliver the final blow. The more XCOM soldiers dies, the more cocky and confident the Hunter gets, which can lead to it making mistakes. The Hunter has a grappling hook to get to certain places. A tracking shot which let’s it know where that tracked enemy is at all times. They have concussion grenades and tranquilizer shots. He can also like the others, capture your soldiers to interrogate them and get sensitive information out of them like the location of your ship. Just remember that when you see the laser sighting beam, get out of the way.
On the side of the resistance
The Reapers normally kept to themselves and live on the fringes of socity, sort of like outcasts. They have battling the ADVENT for years. They are now willing to work with XCOM to take on the alien enemies. Reapers troops are more stealth and infiltration units, mainly because of their ‘shadow’ mode ability. This mode grants them concealment and has greater mobility options that a normal XCOM troop. Each action you take like moving, throwing something or firing has a chance of keeping the concealment but you get to see the chances of your action keeping concealment before making them. The reapers have a Vektor rifle and incendiary claymore explosive which can be attached to even a live enemy.
The Templars are a monastic lot of soldiers who are all about pushing their minds and bodies with psionic energy to the maximum limit. Sounds exciting but dangerous. The Templars are lead by one of the original psionic soldiers, “Geist”. They hid away after the fall of the XCOM project. They experimented on themselves and even developed weapons that use their psionic powers. They have psionic blades, their abilities are triggered through the use of Focus which builds up over the course of combat. They can boost their own damage and mobility. So what will you use your Focus for? Unleash power psionic abilities or boost combat effectiveness.
The skirmishers are all former ADVENT soldiers who have decided to go against their former leaders. The Skirmisher is all about offense. They can kill anything regardless of what’s going on. They have grapple hooks that not only allow for greater mobility but can use it to fly towards enemies or pull them towards him. Once close Skirmishers can use their wrist-mounted ripjack to deliver a real stab. They certainly love their bullpup SMG which when trained with can attack twice with it. They are capable of learning how to take extra actions without ending their turn like ‘Reflex’ which grants extra actions for each enemy that fired at the Skirmisher. Skirmisher is all about the damage.
As you can see, XCOM 2 is bringing a bunch of new things. The units of the chosen and the units of the resistance are very exciting. We at X35 Earthwalker are looking forward to the release of XCOM 2: War of the Chosen.
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